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The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
Le concept de nation chez M. Mauss comparé à la question actuelle des identités nationales et culturelles en Europe. À partir d'études de cas de l'histoire politique contemporaine, aussi différents l'un de l'autre que la formation des... more
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      Albanian StudiesNationalismNational IdentityNationalism And State Building
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: http://chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6329. The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
This essay looks at post 2005 restitution exhibitions of art believed or known to be owned by Jews stolen during National Socialist times in order to examine complex questions and layered relationships involving private property, public... more
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      ArtIdentity (Culture)Art Theory and CriticismJewish Museums
This is my positive review of David Mayall's book
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      Romani StudiesPeripateticsCharles Sanders PeirceGypsies & Travellers
Представленные в книге очерки посвящены выяснению истории постижения человеческого разнообразия СССР, в ходе которого оно анализировалось, формулировались идеи, формировались на их основе представления и политические символы,... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory of Social SciencesRace and Ethnicity
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
The goal of the current study is to examine the impact of students’ social economic status, ethnicity, and discipline infractions on their standardized test scores in Indiana, the USA. Data from this study extracted from Indiana... more
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      EducationStudent Achievement MotivationRace and EthnicityEthnicity
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryRacial and Ethnic Politics
This paper examines the degree to which work is becoming de-ethnicised in the Malaysian tourism industry sector. This so-called de-ethnicisation of work is formulated in the Malaysian Government’s 10th Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) as an... more
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      Sociology of WorkHospitality ManagementWorkplace StudiesEthnicity
FULL-TEXT VERSION AVAILABLE AT: https://doi.org/10.12797/9788381382069 Współczesne Włochy to przykład państwa, w którym zróżnicowanie – etniczne, narodowościowe, językowe, religijne – przybiera odmienne formy i przejawia się na wielu... more
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      ImmigrationEthnicityItalyMigration Policy
What are we choosing when we pick a racial category in America?
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      Social IdentityCritical Race StudiesRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more
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      SociologySociology of CultureEuropean integrationSocial Identity
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEthnohistorySociology
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Based on eight in-depth interviews, this article analyses the quandary faced by liberal mainland Chinese student migrants in Hong Kong. On the one hand, the liberal pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong are deeply intertwined with the rise... more
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      LiberalismEast Asian StudiesChinese PoliticsHong Kong
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      Indian studiesRace and EthnicityChina studiesEthnicity
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Race and RacismHebrew BibleHistory of AnthropologySlavery
Mixing facts and fiction, Hollywood screen biographies have told the lives of popular music icons at least since The Jazz Singer (1927). However, biopics construct narratives that deal problematically with issues of race. This article... more
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsRussian NationalismNationalismRussian Politics
Is it possible to construct unity in a prefabricated state? What is the best way to bring together people of different cultures under one flag? In 2010, Kenya decided to take a 180-degree turn in its path to achieve unity. Until then, it... more
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      Ethnic StudiesPoliticsKenyaDecentralization
The apparitions in Medjugorje are an extremely complex phenomenon that produces different interpretations and evaluations. In this paper I will focus solely on the perspective of those who recognize the apparitions of Mary as a symbol of... more
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      ReligionAnthropologySocial AnthropologyReligion and Politics
This book explores the causes and dynamics of ethnic conflict and civil war, distinguishing between onset-based and process-based theories. He introduces a scheme of periodization which links the phase of low-scale inter-ethnic violence... more
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      Armenian StudiesCivil WarCaucasusEthnic Conflict
While much of the existing academic scholarship on Japan-Korea relations has focused on the ongoing political and historical disputes related to World War II, this paper analyzes the experience of ethnic Koreans living in Japan on a... more
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      Korean StudiesPolitical ScienceIdentity (Culture)Japanese History
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      Karen peopleSoutheast Asian Studies/ MyanmarEthnicity and Identity Politics
Would you describe the Chinese government’s policy towards its minorities since 1949 as assimilative, integrative, pluralistic, a mixture of these or something else altogether? Why?
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      HistoryAsian StudiesRace and EthnicityPolitics
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesSelf and Identity
Este texto debió haberse publicado dentro de una antología que conmemoraría los 10 años de existencia de la compañía teatral Seña y Verbo. Tal fue su propósito original, por lo que agradezco la generosidad de Seña y Verbo, pues se me ha... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial IdentityIdentity (Culture)Culture
In Ernest Gellner's words, nationalism is understood as an ideology requiring that the state and national borders must be identical. However, if nationalism can boost in the era of new media, including internet, which creates mostly... more
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      Ethnic StudiesGlocalizationRace and EthnicityIdentity politics
With the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994, the struggle of indigenous Griqua for land has gained new momentum. Having lost most of their ancestral land in the 19th century due to colonialism, Griqua people are now using new legal... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsPolitical and Legal AnthropologyLand reformSouth Africa
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      Gender StudiesSelf and IdentitySexualityGender and Sexuality
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEthnohistory
The latest Bond flick No Time To Die was certainly a rollercoaster ride of exciting action scenes and great special effects, yet contained more than a quantum of longueurs. With a running time of 163 minutes it certainly tries the... more
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      Comics StudiesMilitarismIdentity (Culture)Comics
Politics in Ghana's fourth republic is an interesting phenomenon. The intricacies in Ghanaian politics is one that requires constant analysis. In this paper, we examine some of these intricacies-the question and role of identity in... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPolitical SciencePolitics and ReligionDemocracy
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      NationalismPakistanNational IdentityEthnicity
Kwame Anthony Appiah (London, 1954) is one of the most renowned philosophers of contemporary thought. His work in the field of ethics and moral reach diverse subjects as sexual orientation, nationalism, social discrimination on ethnic or... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesPhilosophy
Durch das Jüdische Jahr" führt Monat für Monat durch den jüdischen Jahreskreis. Rabbinerin Dalia Marx stellt den Charakter, die Feste und Gedenktage jedes Monats vor, beschreibt wenig bekannte religiöse Traditionen, Gebete und häusliche... more
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      TheologyHebrew LanguageJewish HistoryInterfaith Discourse
This paper presents a comparative approach to the study of majority (community of Palaichori) and minority (community of Cypriot Maronites) cemeteries and their ‘death-related’ practices in Cyprus. This study challenges the arguments of... more
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      Sociology of CultureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEthnic minority groupsReligious Minorities
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsIdentity (Culture)
Academic discussions of nationalism have been flourishing to such an extent that after 1980 some scholars began to publish important analyses of its various aspects from new perspectives. Still, topics such as culture, politics, ethnicity... more
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      HistoryRace and EthnicityNationalismModernism
"The death, destruction and sacrilege caused during Operation Bluestar pierced the heart not only of the Sikhs but also of many Punjabi Hindus. The devastation it caused in the personal lives of so many millions has still not been fully... more
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      Indian studiesIndiaPunjabPunjab Studies
Local baskets play an important role in the Bontok's identity, particularly for women who are married. They must possess sets of baskets that are valued by their community to establish themselves as married women. These have resonance in... more
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      History of CollectionsBambooBasketryIndigenous basketry
Публикувано в: И. пр. 2010 г., № 5-6, в рубрика дискусии, 151 – 162.
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      Nationalism And State BuildingEthnicity and Identity PoliticsHistorical memory and its use
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Psychology
Two Open-fronted structures associated with minor numbers of Chichén Slatewares have been found at the minor site of Nohcacab in Quintana Roo. These could potentially be interpreted as either conquest by Chichén Itzá, the spread of a... more
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      HistorySocial TheoryEthnic StudiesArchaeology
What factors drive people to choose nonviolent civil resistance to achieve human rights, peace, and justice? This Special Report offers ground-breaking knowledge about the link of colonialism, the Cold War, and the War on Terror with... more
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      Peace MovementsNew social movementsPolitical and security situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Middle EastWest Asian Studies
In unserem Beitrag möchten wir uns mit einigen Problemen auseinandersetzen, welche mit dem Thema der kulturellen Identität der Individuen verbunden sind. Eine Interpretation der kulturellen Identität, welche die Identität als etwas... more
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      Social IdentityIdentity (Culture)National IdentityCitizenship and Identity