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      Heritage ConservationPreventive conservationDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology
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    • Geodetic Deformation Analysis
The use of GPS for the estimation of orthometric heights in a given region, with the help of existing levelling data requires the determination of a local geoid and the bias between the local levelling and the one implicitly defined when... more
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      EvaluationGlobal Positioning SystemPhysical GeodesyGravimetry
Težište primjene inženjerske geodezije preseljava se sve više s niskogradnje na visokogradnju s naglaskom na sve kompleksnijim projektnim zadaćama koje pred sebe postavlja graditeljstvo. Inženjerska geodezija u graditeljstvu konfrontirana... more
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    • Geodetic Deformation Analysis
SUMMARY This paper presents some first results of a project aimed to access the feasibility of monitoring deformations of large concrete dams by terrestrial laser scanning. Case study of Studena Dam in Bulgaria is described. A large... more
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      Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)Geodetic Deformation Analysis
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      Geodetic EngineeringGeometrical GeodesyGeodetic ScienceAdjustment Computations
Οι γεωδαιτικές μέθοδοι προσδιορισμού μετακινήσεων και/ή παραμορφώσεων στηρίζονται: α. Στη δημιουργία και τη μέτρηση σε διάφορες εποχές ενός δικτύου ελέγχου και β. Στην ανάλυση των διαχρονικών μετρήσεων του δικτύου. Η εν λόγω ανάλυση... more
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      GeodesyGeomaticsDeformation and strainGeodetic Networks
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      GeophysicsVolcanologyStructural GeologyVolcanic Geology
Abstrak. Indonesia terletak di pertemuan empat lempeng besar dunia: Lempeng Eurasia, Lempeng Pasifik, Lempeng Filipina, dan Lempeng Indo-Australia. Oleh karenanya, banyak wilayah Indonesia memiliki potensi besar akan bencana gempa bumi.... more
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      GeodesyIndonesiaTectonicsDeformation and strain
Analiza kvaliteta geodetskih merenja često se u praksi zasniva na proveri ispunjenosti određenih matematičkih uslova. Ovaj način kontrole zasniva se na pretpostavci da su odstupanja rezultata merenja od matematičkih uslova posledica... more
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    • Geodetic Deformation Analysis
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      Geometry And TopologyGeodesyGeomaticsRemote Sensing
This monograph defines the place, role, and importance of engineering surveying in the field of deformation monitoring, deformation surveys, and geotechnical monitoring. Тhe monograph represents the author’s experience in this field-the... more
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      GeodesyGeomaticsEngineering SurveyingSurveying
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      Physical GeodesyGeometrical GeodesyGeodetic ScienceAdjustment Computations
The use of GPS for the estimation of orthometric heights in a given region, with the help of existing levelling data requires the determination of a local geoid and the bias between the local levelling and the one implicitly defined when... more
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      GeographyEvaluationGlobal Positioning SystemPhysical Geodesy
After building underground constructions, spatial parameters monitoring is essential due to safety and statuary reasons. Therefore after completion of work in tunnels oftensupervision projects follow which include cross sections... more
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      Surveying3D Laser scanningTunnel Engineering3D modelling, laser scanner, surveying
Landslide area occurs on steep-slope and forestry. Generally, investigations are pursuing on the difficult topographical area for monitoring a landslide. GNSS measurements and analysis are providing very accurate, large content, scope and... more
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      LandslidesGNSSChange detectionDisplacement
The Province of Yogyakarta is an area with high level of seismic activity in Indonesia. One of the active faults in this provice is Opak Fault, which was regarded as responsible for Yogyakarta earthquake of May 27, 2006. It is necessary... more
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      TectonicsActive TectonicsGeodetic EngineeringStructural Geology and Tectonics
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      Land SubsidenceGeodetic Deformation Analysis
ABSRACT The classic prediction methods take the system behavior as a stochastic process, using probability and statistics, searching the laws of massive historical data. However, since the statistical approaches are efficient with large... more
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      Grey System TheoryGeodesy and Surveying EngineeringGeodetic Deformation Analysis
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      GeodesyGeometrical GeodesyGeodetic ScienceAdjustment Computations
Although, there are various software that perform least squares adjustment of horizontal geodetic network so as to determine the precision and accuracy of the network. But the theories and equations that were used to develop the programs... more
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      SurveyingGeoid DeterminationGeodetic TransformationGNSS and GPS
The research project SIMULTAN applies an advanced combination of geophysical, geodetic, and modelling techniques to gain a better understanding of the evolution and characteristics of sinkholes. Sinkholes are inherently related to surface... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsVolcanologyStructural Geology
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      Structural Health MonitoringRobust estimationGeometrical GeodesyGeodetic Science
Die Geographie des Klaudios Ptolemaios (um 100 bis 178 n.Chr.) beschreibt die damals bekannte Welt (Europa, Asien und Nordafrika) mit 6347 antiken Ortsnamen einschließlich ihrer geographischen Koordinaten. Davon sind ca. 3600 Ortsangaben... more
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      GeographyClaudius PtolemaeusCarthographyCoordinate Transformations
H έννοια της αξιοπιστίας σε ένα πρόβληµα εκτίµησης σχετίζεται µε τις αρχικές υποθέσεις που αφορούν στις µετρήσεις, στις µαθηµατικές σχέσεις που συνδέουν τις µετρήσεις µε τις επιλεγµέ-νες άγνωστες παραµέτρους και στη διαδικασία υπολογισµού... more
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      GeodesyStatisticsGeomaticsEngineering Surveying
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      Geometrical GeodesyGeodetic ScienceAdjustment ComputationsGeodetic Deformation Analysis
It is a summary of the 4 notes written by Engineer A. Fontaine, from the French National Geographic Institute, about the analysis of the Tunisian Primordial Terrestrial Geodetic Network concerning its orientation and scale. This... more
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      Geodetic NetworksGeodetic Deformation Analysis
One of the most crucial issues in engineering of structure and investigating ground deformation is deformation monitoring. The only thing which is strongly required is to create microgeodesy networks. An essential issue in microgeodesy... more
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      GeodesyDeformation and strainGeodetic NetworksDisplacement
Jeodezik izleme ağlarında duyarlılık analizi genellikle, ilgili ağda beklenen yerdeğiştirmeleri öngörülmüş hata olasılıklarıyla saptamaya uygunsa, belirlenebilecek en küçük yerdeğiştirmelerin belirlenmesi veya ortaya çıkarılmasını sağlar.... more
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      Geodetic Deformation AnalysisDuyarlılık
Rapid developments in engineering structures, the growing interest in studying the earth crust movements, the analysis of deformation measurements, measurement methods and precision have revealed new demands. The purpose of this study is... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeodesy and Surveying EngineeringGeodesy and Global Positioning System (GPS) and Their Applications In Earth SciencesGeodetic Deformation Analysis
Continuous and campaign-style Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements provide new constraints on the first-order current deformation pattern of the northern Cordillera of NW Canada and eastern Alaska. The Yakutat block is currently... more
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      CanadaActive TectonicsCrustal Deformation studies using GPSGeodetic Deformation Analysis
Abstract: Although, there are various software that perform least squares adjustment of horizontal geodetic network so as to determine the precision and accuracy of the network. But the theories and equations that were used to develop the... more
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      GeodesySurveyingGeoid DeterminationGeodetic Transformation
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      GeologyLand SubsidenceGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Geodetic Deformation Analysis
En este trabajo se presenta un método no invasivo para la medición de microdeformaciones en estructuras de concreto usando sensores de redes de Bragg en fibras ópticas adheridos a su superficie. Se realizan mediciones en losas viales de... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringOptical EngineeringMathematics
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      GeodesyGPS ApplicationsEngineering SurveyingGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
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      GeodesySurveyingGeoid DeterminationGeodetic Transformation
Dams are important engineering structures, therefore dams should be constructed with the rigors of safety in mind. In this paper, the vertical displacement of the crest of Keban Dam in Turkey, is determined using a grey prediction method.... more
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      GeodesyStatisticsBuilding SurveyingGPS Applications
Correct interpretation of surface stresses and deformation or displacement during volcanotectonic episodes is of fundamental importance for hazard assessment and dyke-path forecasting. Here we present new general numerical models on the... more
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      VolcanologyStructural GeologyVolcanic GeologyNatural Hazards
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      Big Damsstatistics with SPSS and ExcelVERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SHIFTS IN CONTROL STATIONSGeodetic Deformation Analysis
After the 1999 Izmit and Düzce earthquakes, the earth science studies increase on the NAF to better understand mechanism and to monitor the motion of it. Monitoring such motion can be achieved by the instrumental tools or techniques like... more
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    • Geodetic Deformation Analysis
Normal faulting earthquakes play an important role in the deformation of continents, and pose significant seismic hazard, yet important questions remain about their mechanics. We use InSAR and bodywave seismology to compute dislocation... more
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      SeismologyInSAR (Earth Sciences)EarthquakeNormal faulting
The Puli Basin, located between the Western Foothills and the Hsüehshan Range is the largest basin in the active orogeny in central Taiwan. South to the Puli Basin, a series of small basins spread along the NNE direction. Various tectonic... more
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    • Geodetic Deformation Analysis
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      MathematicsPhysicsGPSGeodetic Deformation Analysis
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      GeomaticsPhotogrammetryGPS ApplicationsRemote sensing and GIS
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      GeomaticsGeomatics EngineeringGeodetic Deformation Analysis
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      GeodesyBuilding SurveyingGPS ApplicationsDeformation and strain
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      GPS ApplicationsSubsidenceGNSS applicationsGeodetic Deformation Analysis
Trilateration networks in 2D and 3D space, ranging from a local to a global scale, are continuously designed and established with a wide variety of objectives such as: cartographic, geodynamics, civil engineering, cadastral among others,... more
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      GeodesyComputational GeodynamicsTheory of ErrorsREFERENCE SYSTEMS IN ASTRONOMY AND GEODESY
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      GeodesyImage ProcessingConstruction MaterialsDigital Photography