Ludwik Fleck
Recent papers in Ludwik Fleck
ADHD - to pojęcie jeszcze dwadzieścia lat temu funkcjonowało w społeczeństwie w szczątkowej formie. Jeżeli dziecko wierciło się w krześle, nie potrafiło usiedzieć w jednym miejscu i miało problem z dłuższym skupieniem uwagi, to... more
Das Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Kategorien des Denkstils und des Denkkollektivs von Ludwik Fleck für das Konzept der medialen Profilierung des kollektiven Gedächtnisses zu erarbeiten. Damit sollen die denkstil- und denkkollektivbedingte... more
This article is a critique of the neologism “Daoist medicine” (daojiao yixue 道教醫學) that has recently entered scholarly discourse in China. It provides evidence that this expression is an anachronism which found its way into scholarly... more
Abstract: Fleck’s Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact foregrounds claims traditionally excluded from reception, often regarded as opposed to fact, scientific claims that are increasingly seldom discussed in connection with... more
Os ensaios aqui reunidos pretendem servir de introdução ao tema da mudança conceitual. Partindo de uma perspectiva que busca vincular aspectos epistemológicos e hermenêuticos da mudança conceitual, são apresentadas e discutidas questões... more
An introduction to some current (and chronic) epistemological controversies: notably, the development of pragmatist, historicist, and constructivist conceptions of knowledge and science in the 20th century and the scandalized responses to... more
Desde el principio mismo de la ciencia, existió la pregunta acerca de la naturaleza de la ciencia, y si había medios para obtener este conocimiento que parecía casi mágico, aunque no lo era. ¿Cómo podían predecirse los eclipses, y... more
Dieser Sammelband geht auf eine Konferenz zurück, die vom Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin und dem MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte veranstaltet wurde. Uwe Wirth Dilettantische Konjekturen . . . . Stefan Willer... more
The term 'pseudo-science' is embroiled in the politically fraught rhetoric of science and science discounting, presupposing a tradition of science and science theory scandals (Babich, 2003, 2015, 2021). Philosophically, a critical... more
W ostatniej dekadzie rośnie w Polsce liczba publikacji inspirowanych myślą społeczną Brunona Latoura. Są to nie tylko analizy teoretyczne, ale również programy badawcze, a nawet projekty inżynierii społecznej. Stanowi to ważny... more
This essay raises the question of material hermeneutics in Heelan's philosophy of techno-science. For Heelan, a continental philosophy of technoscience, referring to Husserl and Heidegger and especially to Merleau-Ponty, features... more
The dynamic processes of knowledge production in archaeology and elsewhere in the humanities and social sciences are increasingly viewed within the context of negotiation, cooperation and exchange, as the collaborative effort of groups,... more
An account of relativistic ideas in Modernist thought and an analysis of the intellectual contexts and rhetorical operations of common charges of “relativism”and “postmodernism" in contemporary academic and journalistic discourse.... more
This PhD dissertation argues that the practical applications of Religionswissenschaft (Scientific Study of Religions) must be seen as the third branch of this discipline. This is based on the classic taxonomy of Joachim Wach of 1924 which... more
In dieser Arbeit versuche ich Max Horkheimers erkenntnistheoretisches Modell der Wissenschaft zu erarbeiten. Dabei dienen drei Texte: Bemerkungen über Wissenschaft und Krise (1932), Zum Problem der Wahrheit (1935) und Traditionelle und... more
Amateur astronomers and Networked Science call into question a series of binary distinctions traditionally found in books of epistemology and science studies (e.g., centre of calculation or periphery of calculation? exoteric or esoteric... more
Fleck’s *Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact* examined as a significant challenge to rationalist-realist epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science and as a continuing source of insight into the psychological... more
The paper indicates how an original Fleckian core of Wojciech Sady's methodology significantly weakens some popular presentations of the history of empirical sciences (especially the so-called scientific revolutions), which are founded on... more
Oleh Shepetyak. Die Entwicklung der Philosophie von Ludwik Fleck. Im Artikel werden vier Artikel vom Lemberger Philosophen, einem der ersten Vertreter des Postpositivismus Ludwik Fleck analysiert. Diese Artikel wurden vor dem Zweiten... more
O termo estilo de pensamento foi empregado por precursores tanto da “sociologia do conhecimento”, como Mannheim, quanto da “sociologia das ciências”, como Ludwik Fleck. Porém, também é empregado por autores que praticam a assim chamada... more
Bilingual Ludwik Fleck formulated a scientific theory simultaneously in two languages. He did not self-translate. Others did, after his death. Translating Fleck, especially between two “source” languages was and still is an underestimated... more
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, a partir da obra de Ludwik Fleck, o papel da biologia e das ciências da vida como matriz modelar na constituição de uma teoria e uma metodologia de escrita da história da ciência; o que aqui é chamado... more
Ludwik Fleck is a pioneer of the contemporary social constructionist trend in scientific theory, where his central concept of thinking style has become standard fare. Yet the concept is too often misunderstood and simplified with serious... more
O objetivo desta tese é analisar as transformações que aconteceram na educação em saúde, entre 1940-1971. Tais mutações são entendidas, hipoteticamente, como resultado de dois processos correlatos. O primeiro é uma inflexão epistemológica... more
Oleh Shepetyak Ludwik Fleck and main ideas of his philosophy. The article deals with the main ideas of Ludwick Fleck in the sphere of philosophy of science. As Ludwik Fleck was unknown for philosophical scientists for a long period of... more
Abstract The analytical notions of ‘thought style’, ‘paradigm’, ‘episteme’ and ‘style of reasoning’ are some of the most popular frameworks in the history and philosophy of science. Although their proponents, Ludwik Fleck, Thomas Kuhn,... more
Artykuł pochodzi z tomu "Ludwik Fleck, Tradycje - inspiracje - interpretacje" red. B. Płonka-Syroka, P. Jarnicki, B. Balicki, Wrocław 2015 [w druku]
This paper aims to demonstrate that a qualitative change in the use of language to codify social practices and technological developments was an essential point in the construction of the so-called scientific revolution. In other words,... more
Slides de apresentação de comunicação na mesa sobre Filosofia Chinesa da V Jornada de Filosofia Oriental e Intercultural da USP e I Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Intercultural da ALAFI, que ocorreu na USP (São Paulo) em outubro de... more
This contribution seeks to approach the history of sociology at the university and in the town of Göttingen beyond remembering merely local anecdotes. The development of sociology in Göttingen is analysed in the context of the... more
Ludwik Flecks clandestine Wirkung.
La vida en el laboratorio. La construcción social de los hechos científicos (Latour y Woolgar, 1979) sostiene que los hechos y las entidades cuya existencia ha sido establecida por la ciencia no son descubrimientos sino “construcciones... more