Recent papers in Nudging
Der hier vorliegende ethnographische Text untersucht negative soziale Dynamiken, die durch die Nutzung sozialer Medien entstehen können. Das empirische Material basiert auf Feldforschungen, die zwischen 2013 und 2015 sowohl online als... more
Default options have been successfully utilized in influencing behavior across multiple domains. Recent empirical evidence advocated the induction of transparency to default interventions as an effective tool for increasing policy... more
Perhaps two of the most commonly asked questions about Covid-19 hysteria and the formulation and implementation of the disastrous policies across the globe in response to the Chinese virus are: why are we so willing to give up our... more
Previous research shows that taste is one of the most important factors in determining food choices, and that food choices may be affected by ”nudging”. We analyze how taste, as determined by meal attributes, and nudging affects... more
Behavioral Economics is defined as a method of economic analysis that applies psychological insights into human behavior to explain economic decision-making. It mainly focuses on the effect of emotions, opinions, norms and habits on the... more
So-called nudge policies utilize insights from behavioral science to achieve policy outcomes. Nudge policies try to improve people's decisions by changing the ways options are presented to them, rather than changing the options... more
In this article, I examine how nudging powered by Big Data relates to both negative and positive liberty. I focus in particular on how liberty is affected by appeals to irrational mechanisms. I conclude that it is problematic to use... more
Nudging is a form of soft paternalism whereby governments manipulate the choice architectures of citizens to steer them toward desired outcomes (including eating better, voting more often, being less aggressive and violent, being more... more
Justice systems around the world are launching online courts and tribunals in order to improve access to justice, especially for self-represented litigants (SRLs). Online courts are designed to handhold SRLs throughout the process and... more
Consensus building – the mediation of a conflict involving various stakeholders before the implementation of a policy – is a major challenge for policy makers since it can determine the success or failure of a policy. In view of the fact... more
Nudging is simply guiding people behaviors by the use of user-interface and design elements in digital environments. Today, many decisions are made in online environments. Gaining insights about digital nudging can greatly help... more
Papier invité rédigé suite à la conférence-atelier « Communiquer le développement durable et inciter au changement du comportement : quelques outils de l'approche nudge », aux Journées d'échanges Fertiles Rencontres pour l'EEDD, Séminaire... more
Ideally, the goals a society pursues are predicated on a voluntary consensus of the citenzenry who through their actions in the private and public spheres develop an approximation of the good or just society. However, just like... more
publiziert in: Rubikon, 5.4.2020 Mit massiver Angstmache durch Schock und Furcht soll die Bevölkerung in der Bundesrepublik auf den Regierungskurs in der Corona-Krise... more
In seinem Werk Überwachen und Strafen beschreibt Michel Foucault 1975 das von Jeremy Bentham erdachte Panopticon und visualisiert metaphorisch anhand dieses Konzepts die Funktionsweise einer Disziplinargesellschaft. Wer das Gefühl hat... more
In this paper, I analyzed the idea of conditioning as the process by which an individual is prepared for his or her role in society.
Davranışsal İçgörü, başta psikoloji, bilişsel bilimler, ekonomi, iletişim, davranış bilimleri olmak üzere pek çok sosyal bilim dalından beslenen ve bu alanlardan elde ettiği veriler doğrultusunda kişilerin ve/veya toplumun refahını... more
While the ethics and politics of nudging have received a great deal of attention, the legality of non-coercive interventions aimed at changing human behavior has received less attention. In this contribution, I examine firstly which... more
This paper tries to assess to what extent libertarian paternalism lives up to its libertarian credentials, and whether this “softer” version of paternalism is more or less desirable than the traditional, more coercive (but also more... more
Data protection is nowadays of immense importance considering the fact that more than 250 million people in the European Union alone make use of the internet daily, such as using it to deal with online transaction whilst shopping, online... more
Current food consumption and production cannot be considered sustainable due to extensive ecological, social and economic issues along the supply chain. Reducing food waste is a major instrument in increasing food security and alleviating... more
Nudging policies rely on behavioral science to improve people's decisions through small changes in the environments within which people make choices. This article first seeks to rebut a prominent objection to this approach: furnishing... more
This chapter examines what role new behaviour-modification policies – commonly known as “nudges” – might play in cultivating virtues. At first sight, they would appear to be ruled out as a candidate means; but, by offering a more nuanced... more
Die Soziologie der Menschenregierungskünste beobachtet Gesellschaft als Arrangement von Selbst- und Fremdführungsstrategien. In seinem neuen Buch analysiert Ulrich Bröckling übergreifende Handlungsorientierungen wie Planung, Prävention... more
To nudge is to design choice contexts in order to improve choice outcomes. Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein emphatically endorse nudging but reject more restrictive means. In contrast, I argue that the behavioral psychology that motivates... more
Physical inactivity leads to a high risk of medical complications and triggering substantial health care expenses. The goal of the project within which the research is conducted is to explore the effect of the use of nudges to dissuade... more
Environmental regulations have failed to significantly modify the habits and behaviors of the population towards sustainable lifestyles. This paper makes the hypothesis that this failure partly stems from the reliance of modern... more
Nudges are proving to be particularly useful for guiding citizen’s behaviour towards certain desirable objectives without resorting to coercion or economic incentives. However, nudges have their limitations: they need to be carefully... more
Background: Nudging refers to interventions that organize the choice architecture in order to alter people's behaviour in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. As a strategy... more
Este trabajo estudia la relevancia del ahorro en el caso aplicado de Argentina y en el marco de la economía del comportamiento. Específicamente, analiza la literatura sobre los nudges orientados al ahorro e identifica empíricamente la... more
This workshop is intended to support practitioners in the application of digital nudging and digital persuasion strategies to increase individual’s competency and self-efficacy beliefs for goal attainment. The workshop allows them to... more
Andreas Schmidt and Neil Levy have recently defended nudging against the objection that nudges fail to treat nudgees as rational agents. Schmidt rejects two theses that have been taken to support the objection: that nudges harness... more
My task in this chapter is a discussion of the issue of automaticity in Kotarbiński aided by some analysis of his stance concerning the know-how question. I shall also try to investigate the impact of this discussion on the philosophical... more
Individual preferences for environmental policies can be influenced by the frame in which choices and decisions are presented. In this paper we present results of a field experiment on the contributions to carbon offsetting programs under... more
Nudges have been criticized for working ‘in the dark, ’ influencing people without their full awareness. To assess whether this property renders nudging an illegitimate policy tool in liberal democracies, we argue that in scrutinizing... more
Das Problem ist bekannt: Man weiß, dass es besser wäre, das Auto stehen zu lassen, Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau zu kaufen oder beim Kauf eines neuen Elektrogeräts eher auf den Stromverbrauch als auf das Design zu achten. Dennoch... more
This chapter sets out two main insights gleaned from examining how empirical research enriches our understanding of the nature of autonomy. The first insight adds to existing externalist concerns by considering the degree to which people... more
Öz Davranışsal içgörü, dünyada özellikle son birkaç yıldır hükümetler tarafından gittikçe artan şekilde kullanılan bir araç haline gelmiştir. Son on sene içerisinde yayınlanan pek çok yayın araştırma, rapor ve benzeri çalışmalar... more
À la fin des années 1970, Gibson élabora le concept d’« affordance » pour désigner des objets qui apparaissent comme immédiatement signifiants dans le champ perceptif (voir The Theory of Affordances en 1977, puis The Ecological Approach... more
Nudging is a tool of libertarian paternalism. It involves making use of certain psychological tendencies in order to help people make better decisions without restricting their freedom. However, some have argued that nudging is... more