Papacy and Cardinals
Recent papers in Papacy and Cardinals
The Chapters from the life of Leo Skrbenský von Hříště in the view of the Holy See. Cardinal Leo Skrbenský von Hříště (1863-1938), archbishop of Prague (1899-1916, translated) and archbishop of Olomouc (1916-1920, resigned), was the last... more
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
Late Medieval Papal Legation is a result of long term study of papal legates in the late medieval period. Even though this crucial institution of the reform papacy of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries kept its standards as... more
Between 2001 and 2010, the REQUIEM research project explored the Roman papal and cardinal tombs in the context of the history of art and persons. The introductory essay of the anthology summarises the results of the art historical and... more
Enrico di Castiglia è un caso emblematico di cavaliere e principe alla ricerca di una signoria. Dopo aver guidato senza successo una ribellione nobiliare contro il celebre fratello Alfonso X el Sabio (1252-1284) re di Castiglia, prese la... more
One fact that both proponents and skeptics of the Shroud’s authenticity can agree on is that it there is a reasonably-clear historical documentation of the cloth from the 1350s onward, when it first exhibited publicly in the French... more
Il contributo prende in esame la presenza di parati e baldacchini descritti nell'inventario topografico del cardinale cremonese Pietro Vidoni (1610-1681), residente per il biennio 1680-1681 nel palazzetto di San Marcello a Roma in qualità... more
Neste trabalho apresentamos uma tradução bilíngue, latim-português, de um importante documento medieval, a bula Ad extirpanda (1252). Usualmente qualificada como um dos “textos fundadores da Inquisição”, essa bula é um documento valioso... more
il contributo si pone a complemento dello studio dell’arredo tessile presente nell’appartamento del cardinale: cfr. R. Pagliarani, Dall’inventario del cardinale Pietro Vidoni: parati e baldacchini nel palazzetto di San Marcello in via del... more
Quand il est à Rome, le pape François déjeune chaque jour au milieu de bonnes soeurs dont il partage le modeste repas. Signe de la vie simple qu’il s’est choisie en référence à François d’Assise, dont il fut le premier pape à adopter le... more
Ottobre 2024 - Aggiornamento mensile delle segnature, reperite nell'Archivio di Stato di Roma e nell'Archivio Storico Capitolino, relative ai testamenti dei cardinali la cui trascrizione è pubblicata dall'autrice al link... more
Per acquisto:
La ville de Rome, redevenue la capitale de l'Eglise à la fin du Moyen Age, accueille à cette période une communauté française relativement importante. Cette pré-sence se manifeste naturellement par un fort contingent de prélats, de clercs... more
Riassunto: Viene offerta l'edizione critica della Regola che Urbano IV promulgò per le Clarisse il 18 ottobre 1263. Vengono pubblicati anche altri testi giuridici, emanati dal cardinale protettore dell'Ordine e dal ministro generale (san... more
Carlo Borromeo (b. 1538–d. 1584), who was a cardinal archbishop of Milan (1564–1584), represented a model bishop in the post-Tridentine Catholic Church and was a leading figure of early modern Catholicism. Born in Arona (Novara), he was... more
The episcopal consecration of Francesco Ravizza is important in the study of the apostolic succession of the Catholic Church, because 429 Latin bishops, including 4 living, derive their consecration from him. The identity of the... more
From the end of the 12th century until the Great Schism, the papacy prosecuted hundreds of prelates charged with ‘crimes’ (crimina), ‘excesses’ (excessus), or ‘enormities’ (enormia, enormitates), these words being used interchangeably in... more
Part One of the "Catalogue". Space limitations and production schedule limitations at the PSR have required that the already very extensive "Catalogue" be split into two parts. This is the Project Stage I version of the first modern... more
ABSTRACT On the night of the 13th of February 1308, exactly four months after the general arrest of the Knights Templars in France on the order of King Philip IV the Fair, Giacomo da Montecucco, the master of the Templar province of... more
El presente artículo reconstruye la trayectoria de Jaime Serra (c. 1427-1517), eclesiástico valenciano que sirvió a la familia Borja, alcanzando los más altos puestos en la Curia como cardenal y gobernador bajo cuatro papas sucesivos. A... more
Relations of King Matthias Corvinus and the papacy have been studied by many historians since the nineteenth century. Uncovering and publishing sources that would elucidate this part of papal and central-European history was of prime... more
Highly Commended in the British Records Association Janette Harley Prize 2018. The pontificate of Honorius III (1216–27) ranks among the most important papal reigns of the thirteenth century: the pope organised two large-scale crusades... more
Cardinal Giovanni Morone was one of the great diplomatists of the Holy See in 16th century, but he had no real biography, at the time of the paper. Theese pages tried to create a chronology and bibliograpy about him.
Built on the former southern perimeter of the Bath of Diocletian – because of the location, but also because of their layout – the Horti Bellaiani are an example of the relationship between antiquarian scholarship and the artistic... more
The chapter deals with papal legates in relation to Wladislas (Vladislav, Ulászló) and Louis (Ludvík, Lajos) in the end of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.
This paper explores the ability of Sr. Lúcia of the Immaculate Heart to be circumspect about her mystical experiences as they relate to the message of Our Lady at Fátima.
«Due to the absence of His Eminence». The government of the diocese of Naples during the exile of cardinal Giuseppe Maria Capece Zurlo (1799-1801)... more
Negli ultimi anni del Cinquecento, una sottile linea rossa attraversava il cuore dell'Italia postridentina, annodando a una poetica espressiva dai tratti fortemente connotati e dalle comprovate capacità didattiche, le politiche di riforma... more