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(from the chapter) Begins by providing an overview of techniques employed in the cognitive task analysis of a novel expertise, and known obstacles to these techniques. These obstacles are then discussed in the context of a specific... more
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      ExpertiseMilitary PsychologyProfessions and expertiseTask analysis
In a large room, on the third floor of an old woollen mill in the South West of England, nine architects spend most of their working lives, designing buildings and overseeing their construction. Asked where these come from, architects... more
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      DesignCreativityDesign practiceSociology of Expertise
In 1963, the first issue of the journal Psychotherapy appeared. Responding to findings reported in a previous publication by Eysenck (1952), Strupp wrote of the “staggering research problems” (p. 2) confronting the field and the necessity... more
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      Behavioral SciencesExpertisePsychotherapyPsychotherapy and Counseling
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      EducationProject ManagementRegulation And GovernanceProfessions and expertise
THIS paper considers recent claims that education is being deprofession~ alised. It argues that judgements about the deprofessionalisation, or repro- fessionalisation, of education are made relative to different theories of pro-... more
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      EducationInstitutional ChangeProfessions and expertise
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
The purpose of present study was to investigate monitoring pressure on decision making and relate it to decision specific reinvestment. Subjects were 25 expert Ping-Pong players in which they performed a Ping-Pong simulated decision... more
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      Decision MakingHigh PressureProfessions and expertisePing Pong
Little empirical research exists about highly effective psychotherapists, and none about the factors that mediate the acquisition and maintenance of superior performance (e.g., Ericsson, 1996; Ericsson, 2006; Ericsson, Krampe, &... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyExpertise
Clinical psychology outcomes research, and studies of high performance in other fields, indicate that the critical factors separating high-performing psychotherapists from average therapists have little to do with experience or the use... more
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      ExpertiseCounseling PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingMental Health Counseling
At the beginning of the XXI century, human societies are entering a period of "late modernity" characterized by new forms of trust and risk, untransparent social situations and economic, political and cultural globalization. These... more
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      Expert SystemsExpertiseTrustSocial Capital
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      Professions and expertiseHandicapProfessionnalisation
This thesis is a critically-oriented study of how knowledge and authority are legitimated in the discursive structure of popular management books. Some key textual and contextual properties of these texts are investigated in a corpus of... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisNarrative and IdentityExamplesTitles
This paper argues that, in order to take place, space and scale more seriously in the study of our discipline, we have to complement the pervasive understanding of geography as a tradition of thought or an extended conversation with an... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
Critical pragmatism must face the unsolved problem of grounding ethical practice. Contemporary conceptions of ethics such as discourse ethics and neo-contractarian ethics do not appear to be grounded in a sufficiently pragmatic notion of... more
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      Business EthicsReflective PracticeExpertiseProfessional Ethics
Adaptive expertise allows individuals to perform at a high level in the face of changing job tasks and work methods, setting it apart from routine expertise. Given the increased need for flexibility in the workplace, adaptive expertise is... more
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      Professions and expertiseExpertise DevelopmentAdaptive Expertise
How can we develop competence in research and professional practice? This essay tries to answer the question from the perspective of critical systems thinking, that is, through an approach that aims to promote reflective research and... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyParticipatory ResearchReflective PracticeScience Education
Systemic triangulation is an extension of the conventional concept of triangulation in science, that is, of the use of multiple methods and data sources. It draws on the author's work on critical systems heuristics and its methodological... more
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      Social ChangeEnvironmental EducationParticipatory ResearchReflective Practice
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      History of Professions- Architecture historyHistory of ConstructionProfessions and expertise
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtCollecting (Art)Professions and expertise
Abstract: In recent years, a dominant discourse has emerged asserting that humanitarian work has become a dangerous profession. In response to growing insecurity in the field, humanitarian organizations have come to develop new security... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsSociology of WorkHumanitarianism
This article discusses the impact of Pierre Bourdieu's social theorising on two related fields of debate, namely research about the evaluative practices of cultural critics, and research about the artistic legitimation of popular culture.... more
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      Literary JournalismCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Can systems thinking remedy the difficulties of ecological thinking? A discussion of the need for a new, critically normative concept of ecology, and at the same time an introduction to critical systems heuristics (CSH) as a framework for... more
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      Environmental ScienceGreen EconomicsPhilosophy of ScienceEnvironmental Education
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      Sociology of ExpertiseProfessions and expertise
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      Cultural StudiesDigital CultureManagement of InnovationMarket Research
What does it mean to be an expert? What sort of authority do experts really have? And what role should they play in today's society? Addressing why ever larger segments of society are skeptical of what experts say, Expertise: A... more
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      Expert SystemsEpistemologyTestimonyLegitimacy and Authority
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryExpertiseMultispectral Imaging
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      ExpertiseUser Experience (UX)Knowledge sharingSocial Software
This thesis is centred around the analysis of how the different groups of specialist experts that make up theoretical physics at large communicate and transmit knowledge between themselves. The analysis is carried out using two... more
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      SociologyPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Drawing on research on decision-making, expertise, and cognitive psychology, we make a case for cognitive, relational reflection to improve mediators’ decision-making and mediation outcomes. We propose that automatic, intuitive decisions... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesReflective PracticeExpertiseConflict
Current comprehension models recognize the role of prior topic-specific knowledge in the processing of general and specialized discourse (e.g. Gernsbacher 1990; Johnson-Laird 1983; Kintsch 1988). In interpreting, there is widespread... more
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      LinguisticsInterpretingProfessions and expertiseLanguage Studies
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesGeography
Current comprehension models recognize the role of prior topic-specific knowledge in the processing of general and specialized discourse (e.g. Gernsbacher 1990; Johnson-Laird 1983; Kintsch 1988). In interpreting, there is widespread... more
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      LinguisticsInterpretingProfessions and expertiseLanguage Studies
Current comprehension models recognize the role of prior topic-specific knowledge in the processing of general and specialized discourse (e.g. Gernsbacher 1990; Johnson-Laird 1983; Kintsch 1988). In interpreting, there is widespread... more
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      LinguisticsInterpretingProfessions and expertiseLanguage Studies
Canada, as one of the three Allied nations collaborating on atomic energy development during the Second World War, had an early start in applying its new knowledge and defining a new profession. Owing to postwar secrecy and distinct... more
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      EngineeringNuclear EngineeringHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
"This article explores the cultural contexts in which three-dimensional imaging has been developed, disseminated and used. It surveys the diverse technologies and intellectual domains that have contributed to spatial imaging, and argues... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryOpticsMedia Studies
This article develops a classificatory framework for analyzing advocacy group strategy in S&T policy domains — an area of increasing citizen activism since the 1960s. In such domains, activists may be locked out by what I call the... more
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      Computer NetworksSociology of ExpertiseScience and Technology PolicyScience, technology and Innovation Policy
Expertise is a key currency in today’s knowledge economy. Yet as experts increasingly move across work contexts, how expertise translates across contexts is less well understood. Here, we examine how a shift in context—which reorders the... more
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      Sociology of WorkExpertisePuppetrySociology of Expertise
A widely held view of science assumes that theory is fundamental not only to basic or "pure" research, in which the aim is theory, but also to applied science and expertise, in which the aim is practice. In this second part of my... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceReflective PracticeExpertiseCharles S. Peirce
The contemporary notion of professional competence is not grounded in an adequate notion of civil society. Professional practice tends to put citizens in a situation of incompetence, even when it is supposed to serve them. In a civil... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ParticipationDemocratic EducationParticipatory Research
Where does the term "critical pragmatism" come from and what meanings have been associated with it? A brief history of the term reveals its emergence from the confluence of different strands of pragmatic thinking
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      Philosophy of ScienceExpertisePractical ReasoningJohn Dewey
This paper outlines a theoretical and conceptual account for the analysis of contemporary ethical or ‘bioethical’ expertise. The substantive focus is on the academic discipline of bioethics - understood as a ‘practical’ or ‘applied’... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsMeta-EthicsApplied Ethics
We live in a culture controlled by experts. However, the most important thing for any expert is to maintain his or her expert status. Authorities must defend their position or they are no longer authorities. They do this by keeping the... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
This paper is prompted by the call for submissions to the Rudd government's 2020 Summit in April 2008. It analyses the impacts of vocational education and training (VET) reform on the VET workforce in order to identify strategies that... more
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      EducationGlobalizationProfessions and expertiseVocational education and training
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      EducationGlobalizationProfessions and expertise
Based on the inaugural Suzanne McConnell Memorial Lecture, this article focuses on the theme of action in complex contexts. The following topics are covered: the author's approach to this theme and the steps needed to progress from... more
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      EducationGlobalizationProfessions and expertiseContexts and global change
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      Philosophy of ScienceExpertisePractical ReasoningJohn Dewey
From the point of view of the theory of predicate logic, it is not possible to decide for any text whether it describes a function of a given program or not. For this reason, expert systems are not transparent. Their function has to be... more
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      Expert SystemsExpertiseProfessions and expertiseexpert System
The importance of theory makes it understandable why mainstream science theory tends to assume that knowledge is either theoretical or is no knowledge at all. There is, it appears, virtually no meaningful research without and beyond... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceExpertisePractical ReasoningVienna Circle
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      Criminal Justice HistoryWound HealingSocial History of MedicineMedieval Crown of Aragon