Recent papers in Renegades
Ruth Fischer (1895-1961), born in Leipzig and raised in Vienna, was a prominent leader of the Communist Party of Germany in the mid-twenties. After being ousted by the party, she became a strong and vocal critic of Stalinism. Especially... more
There is only very limited evidence for the life of the sixteenth century English renegade and eunuch slave, Hassan Agha, whose birth name was Samson Rowlie. Until now, he has been known from a single letter written in 1586, supplemented... more
Negli ultimi decenni, grazie ad una maggiore accessibilità alle fonti archivistiche ottomane presenti a Istanbul, Ankara, Il Cairo e Gerusalemme, la conoscenza della storia dell’Impero turco dal suo interno ha favorito un nuovo approccio... more
Topography and General History of Algiers is a fascinating chronicle written by the Portuguese cleric Antonio de Sosa, who describes, from the perspective of his captivity in the late 16th century, the Algerian society under the splendor... more
RESUMEN: Este artículo trata de los esfuerzos de los Habsburgo para eliminar la amenaza naval otomana a través de medios clandestinos y emprendiendo operaciones secretas. Dándose cuenta del peligro que creaban la flota otomana y los... more
His Bailo’s Kapudan: Conversion, Tangled Loyalties and Hasan Veneziano between Istanbul and Venice (1588-1591) Abstract: This article concentrates on the relationship between the Ottoman Grand Admiral Uluc Hasan Pasha (Hasan Veneziano),... more
Even though in recent years renegades have been the object of many rigorous studies, the effects and meanings that religious images incite in the hands of these frontier figures have not yet been taken into full consideration. The... more
Référence électronique Giovanna Fiume, « Lettres de Barbarie : esclavage et rachat de captifs siciliens (xvie-xviiie siècle) », Cahiers de la Méditerranée [En ligne], 87 | 2013, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2014, consulté le 30 septembre 2016.... more
Nel Cinquecento, lo spionaggio acquisisce formule e metodi diversi rispetto al passato e, grazie allo sviluppo della diplomazia e delle poste, che agevolano la trasmissione delle informazioni dimezzandone i tempi, i sovrani europei... more
Este artículo estudia a los renegados en la Guerra de Chile o de Arauco entre fines del siglo XVI y las primeras décadas del siglo XVII. Se trataba de aquellos hombres que desertaron de las fuerzas militares españolas para unirse a los... more
In response to Bill Maher's 'New Rules' on his version of "masculinity". Other than the "hormonal male" or the resentful 'in-cel'. There's the cultural anarchist-renegade,... more
Please note, I have withdrawn this research paper from the MENACS conference at the University of Sussex on 27th - 28th April 2017.
La guerra di corsa crea tra l’Europa e il Maghreb un sistema economico integrato e l’economia delle città barbaresche diventa sempre più dipendente dalla corsa e dal lavoro schiavile, così come la stessa corsa dipende... more
Nel 1624 viene catturato dalle galere di Sicilia il corsaro Aly raìs. Condotto a Palermo, l’Inquisizione sospetta si tratti di un cristiano rinnegato e, avendo raccolto numerose testimonianze e rintracciato la fede di battesimo, lo accusa... more
A growing number of studies deal with the historical figures with “trans-imperial life trajectories” in early modern Mediterranean. While Istanbul itself should be the locus classicus for such figures, Ottoman historiography has long... more
Abstract: The Renegades Between the First and the Second Stage of the Inquisición de la Mar: Variants and Constants (1571-1624) This essay focuses on a peculiar category of convicts, numerically and qualitatively relevant in archival... more
Bamford, D.; Eric R. Dursteler, Renegade Women. Gender, Identity, and Boundaries in the Early Modern Mediterranean. Baltimore (MD), Johns Hopkins University Press 2011. E. Natalie Rothman, Brokering Empire. Trans-Imperial Subjects... more
Il volume raccoglie una serie di studi realizzati nell'ambito di numerosi progetti di ricerca internazionali, i cui componenti appartengono a diversi enti di ricerca e università italiane e spagnole. La prolungata e consolidata... more
A Renegade's Testament Here’s sumptin for those of you who know your so far on the cultural margins that OTHERS are misanthropic to YOU! You have at first incidentally and now reached the point of disaffection... more
In the sixteenth century, the Ottoman capital gradually became a centre of diplomacy as European nations set up permanent diplomatic missions, paving the way for regular contact and active social relations between European diplomats,... more
Madrid, 6 June 2018.
Por ser «hombre muy platico e inteligente». Culturas y prácticas de la diplomacia mediterránea en el siglo XVI. Seminario de investigación organizado por Francesco CAPRIOLI (UAM-UNIMI).
Por ser «hombre muy platico e inteligente». Culturas y prácticas de la diplomacia mediterránea en el siglo XVI. Seminario de investigación organizado por Francesco CAPRIOLI (UAM-UNIMI).
Transcripción y breve introducción histórica de una de las fuentes sobre la leyenda del Renegado en Ceuta, que da nombre a un monte y pantano.
On his third pilgrimage trip, in 1072/1661-1662, al-‘Ayyāšī (1090/1679) made a stop at Bugbug, about 30 km east of Sollum. The sight of the wreckage of a ship reminds him of a "strange story" (ġarība) that occurred there, during his... more
PROFANE MEN: IDENTITY FLUIDITY AMONG "PORTUGUESE" RENEGADES IN INDIA (C. 1540-1612) Eduardo Borges de Carvalho Nogueira RESUMO O presente artigo oferece análise a respeito de trajetórias de três homens categorizados como apóstatas... more
The confessional dynamics during the 17th century shaped complex scenarios within the western Mediterranean borders. In the limits of catholic Europe, the urban communities were deeply sacralised, so their government required a mystic... more