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La frontiera regionale tra Emilia-Romagna e Toscana, grosso modo articolata lungo lo spartiacque appenninico, è al tempo stesso geografica, storica e linguistica, al punto che secondo vari autori la linea La Spezia-Rimini o La... more
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I would like to comment on Prifti’s general conclusion (pp. 377 -382), in which the author attempts to explain what Italian-American is not. It is not what the following authors saw: Menarini (a hybrid language), Bernardy and Durante (a... more
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      Italian (Languages And Linguistics)Italian LinguisticsLinguistica italianaRomanistik
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      Romance philologyRomanistikRomanistic Linguistics
Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die These, dass in Südtirol mit Inkrafttreten des Zweiten Autonomiestatuts 1972 und der Einführung der Zweisprachigkeitsprüfung der bis dahin marginale Einfluss der deutschen Sprache an... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSociolinguisticsRomanistic LinguisticsGermanistische Sprachwissenschaft
Analisi critica del dibattito dagli albori ad oggi
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      CreolisticsCreolization TheoryRomanistic Linguistics
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      German StudiesBalkan StudiesBosniaYugoslavia
Introucion. Aora qince añô, un puñao ilusô empezamô un camino qe paece abè-se terminao sin salia ninguna. Abiamô esarroyao una propuehta pa nusotrô ehcribir en andalú con dô variantê ortográfcâ qe tuvieron un éssito relativo, puê namà qe... more
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      Pidgin and Creole LanguagesLanguage VariationRomanistic LinguisticsGraphematics
Abstract Over the last few years, researchers have discussed the prime importance of semantic factors when it comes to defining the possibilities of combination and selection between derivational bases and affixes with respect to... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologySpanish
Onomastic analysis of the french Pokémon names
Analyse onomastique des noms français des Pokémon

in: Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart 21.2 (2015), 111-152.
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsRomance philologyOnomastics
Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or originating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously has... more
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      African StudiesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPortuguese Studies
It is difficult to express a comprehensive evaluation of a volume such as this, which is the result of a series of papers presented during the course of a conference. Volumes of this type are better suited to an assessment of the... more
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      Italian (Languages And Linguistics)Italian LinguisticsLinguistica italianaRomanistik
This research delves into the origin and the meaning of many geo-food names (food denominations with geographical marks) [1.0]. In fact, most of their marks indicate a geographical origin, but what do we mean by 'origin' [1.3]? Then,... more
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      HistoryGastronomyEtymologyAnthropology of Food
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      Romance LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Romance LanguagesRomanistik
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      Storia Della Lingua ItalianaFilologia romanzaRomanistic LinguisticsLetteratura Dialettale Milanese
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      Romance philologyRomance LinguisticsRomance LanguagesRomanistik
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsGeolinguisticsRomance Linguistics
In gegenwärtigen Debatten rückt das Thema der Grenze-als geographische Begrenzung, als Frage des Mauerbaus oder Ausweitung der Grenze dessen, was gesagt werden kann-immer mehr in den Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses. Zwischen der... more
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      DidacticsRomanistic LinguisticsCompared RomanisticsRomanistic Literature
"Cette méthode d’occitan donne à voir toutes les variétés (ou dialectes) d’occitan. La première partie de l’ouvrage présente le languedocien standard – une variété qui permet de comprendre assez aisément la plupart des autres dialectes... more
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      Jewish StudiesDialectologyLanguage Variation and ChangeRomance philology
Miután Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke 1925-ben megjelent munkája nyomán a tudományos közvélemény a katalánt önálló nyelvként ismerte el, meglehetősen komoly, némiképp politikai színezetű tudományos vita bontakozott ki az e nyelv úgynevezett... more
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      Catalan LanguageRomanistic LinguisticsKatalan
Nel 1593 viene stampato a Francoforte, a cura di Hieronymus Megiserus (ca. 1554-1619) e per i tipi di Johann Spieß, lo "Specimen quadraginta diversarum atque inter se differentium linguarum et dialectorum, videlicet Oratio dominica... more
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      RomanistikRomanistic LinguisticsFriulian languageDolomitic Ladin Language
En este trabajo se lleva a cabo la exposición de la historia, el contenido y el aprovechamiento del CD-ROM de la obra de Germà Colón (ISBN: 84-490-2388-2). Esta herramienta informática (47.000 registros) constituye la representación del... more
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      LexicologyRomanistic Linguistics
Distributore esclusivo del libro è la libreria Tiedekirja di Helsinki: https://www.tiedekirja.fi/default/finland-apos-s-door-to-europe.html Finland’s door to Europe. Proceedings of the Seminar in Honour of the 120th anniversary of the... more
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      History of LinguisticsGerman StudiesFrench StudiesItalian Studies
O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar como se constituiu funcional e formalmente o pretérito perfecto (PP), do latim até as línguas românicas, com atenção à língua espanhola e variedades. Para isso, recuperamos pressupostos dos estudos... more
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      Lingüística HistóricaRomanistic LinguisticsPretérito Perfecto CompuestoGramaticalização
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      Historical LinguisticsRomanistikRomanistic LinguisticsCompared Romanistics