Recent papers in Saracens
Sonograms are images produced by sound; more specifically, they are produced by ultrasound—sound waves vibrating at frequencies well above the range of what humans can hear, but suitable for producing maps below surfaces such as skin or... more
“Mirror of Chivalry: Salâh al-Dîn in the Medieval European Imagination,” in Images of the Other: Europe and the Muslim World before 1700. Cairo Papers on Social Science 19:2 (Summer, 1996), 7-38. Republished in J. Tolan, Sons of Ishmael:... more
This paper is concerned with finding evidence of Arab military development in defence of their territory and against the superstates on the periphery of desert-lands. This examination concerns the growth of cultural/political groups as a... more
Tussen de 8ste en 20ste eeuw zijn miljoenen Europeanen als slaaf weggevoerd naar islamitisch gebied. Daaronder waren ook veel Nederlanders. De slavenjachten door Moren, Saracenen, Turken, Tataren en Barbarijse zeerovers hebben grote... more
“Sons of Ishmael”: this is the epithet that many Christian writers of the Middle Ages gave to Muslims. Bible and Koran both agree, after all, that the Arabs were the descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar. Genesis describes... more
The transfer of Saracen arms into Frankish ownership is a leitmotif of many chansons de geste, but one whose significance for inter-imperial translation or translatio imperii has yet to be elucidated. In this essay, I focus on the Chanson... more
“The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages”—a two-part article—questions the widely-held belief in critical race theory that “race” is a category without purchase before the modern era. Surveying a variety of cultural documents... more
The paper will examine illuminated scenes and sculpted iconographic devices whose protagonists are anthropomorphic animals or beasts. It will be highlighted the influence which ideas concerning Jews' and Muslims' alleged faults and flaws... more
“The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages”—a two-part article—questions the widely-held belief in critical race theory that “race” is a category without purchase before the modern era. Surveying a variety of cultural documents... more
Storia medievale dal testo di Giovanni Vitolo: "Medioevo. I caratteri generali di un'età di transizione".
Dal corso: Storia Medievale di Amalia Galdi - Università di Salerno (DISPAC).
Dal corso: Storia Medievale di Amalia Galdi - Università di Salerno (DISPAC).
The fall of the crusader-controlled city of Acre to the Muslims in 1291 inspired many schemes for crusades to recover Jerusalem and its environs. One of these proposals is How to Defeat the Saracens, written around 1317 by William of... more
Throughout most of the Latin middle ages, “Saracen” (Saracenus, Sarracenus, Sarrasin, etc.) is the standard term used by most Latin authors to refer to Muslims. By the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, it has clearly religious overtones:... more
La vita della città di Lucera nel XIII secolo, periodo in cui divenne la residenza dei siciliani di fede islamica esiliati da Federico II, è stata oggetto di diversi studi, a partire dai lavori di Pietro Egidi La colonia saracena di... more
The Ottoman Empire was a geographically, economically, religiously and politically powerful empire that lasted from the late thirteenth century to the early twentieth century, expanding its influence not only to Europe but also to the... more
Quaderno n. 10 –– Conferenze del 2007, stampato per conto del Circolo da Legatoria Manna, Rende (CS), marzo 2008 –– Sommario: (1) GUSSO Massimo, Il “Pio” Enea e le mitiche origini di Roma pp. 1-25; (2) TOMASI Giovanni, Camerone pp. 26-35;... more
In Charlemagne’s Survey of the Holy Land, Michael McCormick rehabilitates and reinterprets one of the most neglected and extraordinary sources from Charlemagne’s revival of the Roman empire: the report of a fact-finding mission to the... more
In the first century of Islam, most of the former Christian Roman Empire, from Syria to Spain, was brought under Muslim control in a conquest of unprecedented proportions. Confronted by the world of Islam, countless medieval Christians... more
In Interfaith Relationships and Perceptions of the Other in the Medieval Mediterranean. Essays in Memory of Olivia Remie Constable. Edited by Sarah Davis-Secord, Belen Vicens, Robin Vose (Cham: Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan, 2021),... more
LA MONTAGNA DI CERCEMAGGIORE (CB) Studio documentato con materiale archivistico fino ad oggi inedito dedicato alla “Montagna” di Cercemaggiore (centro molisano dell’appennino centro-meridionale), denominata “Monte Saraceno” solo a... more
The paper aims at showing the peculiarities of the Martorana's dome, with special regard to the Arabic inscription which is displayed below the enthroned Christ and the surrounding Archangels. The inscription's surviving portions reveal... more
This is the typescript of the introductory chapter of THE INVENTION OF RACE IN THE EUROPEAN MIDDLE AGES, published by Cambridge University Press on February 28, 2018.... more
A look into medieval concepts of race during an age of cultural anxiety and how it influenced courtly romance and heroism.
Miracles are found in abundance in Medieval English Literature across a range of literary and non-literary genres: popular romances, hagiographies, mystery and morality plays and even in travel writing. That they appear with such... more
Clemens Gantner, New Visions of Community in Ninth-Century Rome: The Impact of the Saracen Threat on the Papal World View, in: Visions of Community in the Post-Roman World: The West, Byzantium and the Islamic World, 300-1000, ed. Walter... more
La Corse proto-médiévale est mal connue, peu de sources la traitant entre le Ve et le XIe siècle. Une approche synthétique de ces références permet cependant de dégager une évolution chronologique. À la fin de l’Antiquité, c’est un espace... more
A partir del examen del documento Remissió general a l’insult e robo de la morería de 1455, el artículo propone el análisis de la lógica y rasgos históricos que propiciaron este hecho. El asalto de 1455 muestra cómo tras la apariencia de... more