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El proyecto eunómico de Solón, plasmado en sus reformas normativas, pero ya expresado en líneas generales en su poesía, responde a un cuestionamiento “teórico” de la estructura de la pólis griega que, enredada en un planteamiento... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyArchaic GreeceSolónSolon, Athenian Census Classes
Solon in his poetry -mostly elegies- blames the Athenian demos and its leaders for the political and economic crisis of his days as well as the aristocrats. In my paper I underline the specific responsibilities of the former found in... more
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      Athenian DemocracyElegySolónPeisistratos
Collected and translated from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices, an anthology of Archaic Greek Poetry to exemplify the archaic aesthetic, including Homeric Hymns, Archilochus, Callinus,... more
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      Pindar and BacchylidesHomeric HymnsArchaic GreeceSimonides
Prueba de Evaluación Continua de la asignatura de Historia Antigua del Grado en Historia del Arte de la UNED. La prueba está dedicada a las figuras de Solón y de los hermanos Graco en la Grecia y Roma antiguas.
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      Roman HistoryHistoriaSolónHistoria De Grecia Antigua
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      AugustinePhilo of AlexandriaCiceroAugustine of Hippo
Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miembro de una de las familias más distinguidas de Atenas, dedicó buena parte de su vida a limitar los excesos de los aristócratas, a introducir... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PoliticsSolón
In the 1960s and early 1970s it was fashionable among academics to identify Atlantis with Minoan Crete or Thera (Santorini) in the Aegean Sea. This Minoan hypothesis or Thera-Cretan theory was proposed in 1909 but did not attract much... more
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      PlatoPlato's TimaeusTheran EruptionSolón
Al nome di Teognide di Megara è legata l’unica ampia raccolta di poesia monodica arcaica e classica a noi giunta per tradizione diretta: un insieme di elegie per un totale di poco più di 1400 versi, ai quali si devono aggiungere, per... more
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      ClassicsOrality-Literacy StudiesGreek Lyric PoetryOrality
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      Archaic PoetryAthenian DemocracyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its... more
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      PhoeniciansLutherLutheranismMetaphysics of Time
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      Ancient HistoryAristotleAncient Greek HistorySolón
"Rethinking the Presocratics" / "Ripensare i presocratici" is a book of mine, published by MIMESIS, Milano in July 2023.. A considerable discontinuity from the current image of most Presocratics marks it. To begin with: it is still... more
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The election of Solon as Archon in Athens at the beginning of the 6th century BC brought about significant revisions to both the sacrificial calendar and the code of civil laws. Dr Valdés Guía’s work represents a detailed analysis of the... more
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      Archaic Greek historyAncient Greek PoliticsAthenian AgoraSolón
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryGreek HistoryRural History
At a first sight, reading Plutarch’s Life of Solon, the confl uence of three kinds of ‘Solon’ raises among its pages, namely, the poet, the legislator, and the imaginary. It seems that the passages of his travels, thorough which Solon met... more
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      Greek LiteraturePlutarchAncient Greek PhilosophyHerodotus
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      FilosofíaSolónÉtica y Política - Democracia y Ciudadanía
A discussion of the trial scene in Homer, Iliad 18.497-508, within the context of the conceptualizations of 'justice' in Archaic Greece (Hesiod, Solon, Theognis etc.)
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerAristotle
Si bien en el presente trabajo nos centraremos en una serie de problemáticas que se desenvuelven durante el arcaísmo ateniense, sin embargo, el objetivo general de la indagación se relaciona con la búsqueda de comprender aquello que hemos... more
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      Ancient HistoryPeasant StudiesAthenian DemocracyArchaic Greek history
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      Archaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryArchaic GreeceSolón
The aim of the article is to identify the tradition to which the Herodotean version of Solonian’s apodemia (latency) can be traced. While scholars recognised the dependence of the later sources (Aristotle and Plutarch) on Herodotus and... more
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      AristotleAthenian DemocracyPlutarchAncient Greek History
Mostramos cómo el pensamiento logotectónico (H. Boeder) vincula las posiciones de Homero, Hesíodo y Solón en la unidad de una "figura sapiencial" (una "sophía") en relación con la cual se despliega luego la obra íntegra de la filo-sofía... more
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      HomerHesiodic PoetryAncient Greek PhilosophySolón
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Introductory background for a first-year literature course. In addition to major figures and events in the history of Athens, topics include: the rise of the polis and attendant political stresses, Alcaeus, Theognis, colonization, Solon... more
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      Athenian DemocracySolónAthenian political history
En el presente artículo voy a abordar los análisis de Aristóteles sobre la democracia ateniense de sus días; para comprender en profundidad su alcance, me será necesario reconstruir antes el suelo en el que se apoyan sus reflexiones. La... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
This paper aims to analyze the way the statesmen of classical Athens make use of their money and wealth according to Plutarch’s view in Parallel Lives, to determine the consequences of this approach in the general characterization of the... more
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      Greek LiteraturePlutarchAncient Greek HistoryAncient Biography
El tema general de la "Las «paradojas» de la democracia..." hace justamente referencia al desarrollo conjunto de la igualdad política y el desigual acceso a la riqueza, especialmente en relación a la distribución de la tierra, entre los... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyAnthropologyClassics
This paper analyzes some of Solon’s verses (frgs. 9,1-2 and 12 West) transmitted by Plutarch, in the Vita Solonis, as well as the comments made by the biographer on the structural meaning of these compositions in what respects the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPoliticsNatural philosophyPlutarch
The aim of this thesis is the study of the “democratic Solon”, whose genesis has been reconstructed through the ancients’ accounts and the works of modern scholars. To test the Aristotelian statement that traces the origin of democracy to... more
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      AristotleAncient Greek LawSolónSolon of Athens
"Resumen: El rasgo distintivo de las sociedades precapitaslistas está dado por el hecho de que en ellas las relaciones de explotación se vehiculizan a partir de mecanismos coactivos (extraeconómicos) que aseguran la transferencia de los... more
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      Athenian DemocracyAncient Greek HistoryAncient SlaveryDemocracia
Plutarch’s works — and especially the Life of Solon — are a major source for recovering of Solon’s laws. However, the biographer does not limit himself to be a simple transmitter of Solon’s legal activity: on the contrary, he comments as... more
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      Ancient Greek LawSolónSolon
O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a memória cultural de Sólon de Atenas no texto “A Constituição dos Atenienses”, atribuído a Aristóteles. Esta obra realiza uma interpretação da poesia de Sólon e do seu contexto histórico através de uma... more
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      AristotelesSolónHistoriografia antiga
A peculiar variety of non-verbal communication, widely attested in ancient sources, is the codified transmission of cryptic messages through live images of metaphorical or symbolic value. Historians and theorists of intellectual games... more
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      PlutarchWisdom LiteratureHerodotusRiddles
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryPericlesSolón
Solon’s fr. 19 W is a farewell elegy to the king of the Cyprian city of Soloi. in the discourse, a xénos is leaving to his homeland after being with the king as his guest, we may suppose. Setting a tone of praise and gratefulness to his... more
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      Greek ElegyAphroditeancient Greek elegiac, iambic and melic poetrySolón
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      AristotleSocial IdentityAthenian DemocracyCitizenship and Identity
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      ElegySolónTextual VariantsIambics
Departing from the idea of díkē [justice], present in Homeric poetry and the different perspectives developed in the poems attributed to Hesiod, I highlight some of the significant adjustments of that concept made by Solon in his... more
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      Archaic PoetryJusticeArchaic Greek historySolón
Contribution to the history of the state institutions and the monumental topography of the ancient Greek cities." Informative article.
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek Literature
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      Anthropology of the BodyAthenian DemocracyBody in PerformanceDemosthenes
Upper-level history course with a special focus on the background, historical context and methodologies of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon. Plutarch’s Greek biographies are also considered. Critical analysis of, and writing about,... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryClassicsAristophanes
Solon’ s so-called “law against neutrality” has been the subject of much debate. Its study has given rise to a vast body of literature, begging many questions such as its authenticity and purpose which, to authors of the ancient world,... more
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      Archaic Greek historyAncient Greek PoliticsAncient Greek LawAthens and Attica (Neolithic to Archaic)
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      Ancient HistoryAristotlePlutarchAncient Greek History
The meaning and the purposes of Solon's reforms have been broadly disputed by contemporary authors, mainly regarding to his conception and application of justice. In this article we analyse the coincidence between which is known about his... more
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      Ancient Greek PoliticsArchaic GreeceSolónAncient Athens
The paper outlines several forms of ethical attitude to good life and good death in the Socratic literature of the fourth century BCE. A model for the Socratic discussions could be found in Herodotus' story about the meeting between... more
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      DeathSoul (Humanities)Minor SocraticsSolón
The aim of this paper is to provide an almost exhaustive study about the Solon's citations throughout the Plutarch work. Actually Plutarch, author of a biography ofSolon included between the Parallelae Vitae, pays also his attention to... more
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      Greek LiteratureBiographyPlutarchAncient Greek Literature
Stasis and the Subject/ Citizen
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocracyCitizenship
The difficult with democracy is always how to define the demos—the people. Can we think of democracy in a different way? My starting point is to ask what it would mean to take kratos (power) rather than demos as the starting point of the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocracySolón
The group of the Seven Sages in the Septem Sapientium Convivium includes a number of figures whose presence is problematic due to their association with autocratic power. Although the invitation to the meeting was sent out by the tyrant... more
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      PlutarchPlutarch, Greek LiteratureSolónGreek symposion