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In their pleadings Against Timarchos and On the false embassy, Aeschines and Demosthenes both evoke a statue of Solon erected on the agora of Salamis which would show the legislator with his hand inside his cloak, a gesture indicating his... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityAncient Greek Law
El proyecto eunómico de Solón, plasmado en sus reformas normativas, pero ya expresado en líneas generales en su poesía, responde a un cuestionamiento “teórico” de la estructura de la pólis griega que, enredada en un planteamiento... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyArchaic GreeceSolónSolon, Athenian Census Classes
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      Athenian DemocracyGreek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek PoliticsDraconian Laws
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      AristotleInternational TradeEgalitarianismDemocracy
The paper (accessible here too: http://hdl.handle.net/10889/14833) offers an interpretation of Solon's citizenship law (Plu. Sol. 24.4), focusing on its importance (the first of its kind) and its (occasionally misunderstood) meaning.... more
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      Athenian DemocracyPlutarchCitizenship and IdentityCitizenship (Law)
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient ReligionAncient Greek Religion
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      State FormationEgalitarianismRoman RepublicDemocracy
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
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      Sports HistoryElites (Political Science)Political ElitesAncient Sports/Athletics
A comparative perspective on the economic and debt crisis of c. 600 BC, and on Solon's reforms and other responses
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryExploitationMafia
Plutarch is universally acknowledged as an acclaimed biographer and philosopher; yet, one can also describe him as a historian, in the sense that he preserves considerable information and unique testimonia of both historical nature and... more
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      Athenian DemocracyPlutarchDemosthenesPericles
Article in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Wiley)
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      Greek LiteratureOral TraditionsWisdom TraditionsAncient Greek History
Collected and translated from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices, an anthology of Archaic Greek Poetry to exemplify the archaic aesthetic, including Homeric Hymns, Archilochus, Callinus,... more
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      Pindar and BacchylidesHomeric HymnsArchaic GreeceSimonides
Summary and Conclusions (German, English, Greek)

Sales: https://www.vml.de/d/cover.php?ISBN=978-3-89646-864-2
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      Archaic Greek historyBurial Practices (Archaeology)Archaic GreeceGeometric and archaic Greece
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      Crisis communication and managementArchaic Greek historyArchaic GreeceArchaic Period
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      Greek HistoryHomerGreek Lyric PoetryPlutarch
Nessuno più di Aristotele ha studiato la democrazia ateniese. Di quella che è stata la forma storica più rilevante dell’idea democratica Aristotele ha voluto comprendere l’evoluzione, la storia: perciò ha pensato il confronto, in... more
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      Constitutional LawAristotlePolitical SciencePhilosophy Of Law
Una de las figuras históricas más atractivas de la Grecia Arcaica es, sin duda, la de Solón. Miembro de una de las familias más distinguidas de Atenas, dedicó buena parte de su vida a limitar los excesos de los aristócratas, a introducir... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek PoliticsSolón
Herodotus put forth in his work, the Histories, an explanation of the root causes of the conflict between the Greeks and the Persians. However, this war is only recorded in the last third of the book. The first two-thirds of the work is... more
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The law of hybris cited in classical Athenian texts and attributed to the lawgiver Solon was indeed a genuine Solonian law, rather than a classical enactment, and it was this law which introduced the system of third-party/volunteer... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryArchaic GreeceHistory of Law
The scholarship about specific ritual phrases of Oath, Curse and Invocation, has focused on their general structure. The aim of this paper is to examine specifically – in Archaic Age, but even in later texts – the centrality and the... more
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      EarthOaths in Ancient GreeceCursesSwearing
Wealth and indigence are variable and essentially subjective ideas, characterized by the historical, economic, social and cultural contexts in which they are employed. The examples drawn from the literary texts of ancient Greece confirm... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerHesiodic PoetryGreek Lyric Poetry
Al nome di Teognide di Megara è legata l’unica ampia raccolta di poesia monodica arcaica e classica a noi giunta per tradizione diretta: un insieme di elegie per un totale di poco più di 1400 versi, ai quali si devono aggiungere, per... more
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      ClassicsOrality-Literacy StudiesGreek Lyric PoetryOrality
Lisans Bitirme Tezi
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythologyAthenian Democracy
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      Archaic PoetryEarly Greek poetryAncient Greek LiteratureArchaic greek poetry
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      Archaic PoetryAthenian DemocracyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
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      Ancient HistoryPlutarchSpartaSpartan history & modern reception
Este libro explora la capacidad decisoria del pueblo (dêmos) en la asamblea ateniense y el modo en que esta subjetivación política des-inviste de autoridad a todo poder que no sea el de la propia reunión de la multitud ciudadana... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek Tragedy
Herodotus’ work is best understood in connection with his contemporary philosophical movements and overall intellectual activity, especially in classical Athens. With his encyclopaedism and broad research interests, his anthropocentric... more
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      Philosophy of HistorySophistsHerodotusHistorical Narration
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      MythologyHomerGreek Lyric PoetryClassical Mythology
abstract – The aim of this paper is to ascertain what is worthy of mention (axiologon) in Aristotle's account of Solon of Athens in his Athenaion Politeia (5-13, 1). The section on Solon in the treaty is remarkably useful due to the... more
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      Ancient HistoryAristotleAncient Greek HistoryAristotle's Politics
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      Roman LawLaw of ObligationsAthenian LawDroit Romain
As politician and poet, Solon embodies a combination of societal roles that was not without parallel in the 7th and 6th centuries BCE (and existed still in some traditional societies of the 20th century AD).¹ But the hybrid was rare by... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Philosophy
Resumen: El propósito del presente texto es subrayar que Solón es el cimiento de la filosofía arcaica ateniense y el abuelo de la filosofía moral clásica. El núcleo de mi argumento se apoya en el hecho de que pensamientos de Aristóteles... more
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      AristótelesAtenasAncient AthensSolon of Athens
A discussion of the trial scene in Homer, Iliad 18.497-508, within the context of the conceptualizations of 'justice' in Archaic Greece (Hesiod, Solon, Theognis etc.)
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerAristotle
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      AristotleAncient Greek HistoryUtopiaAncient Sparta
in: Il mar nero 9, 2012-2018 (2019), 7-47 Thales of Miletos should be regarded, like his fellow 'Seven Sages' of Greece, first as a politician-statesman and only second as the founder of the Milesian school of philosophy. Around 600... more
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      Political TheoryGreek ColonisationGreek ArchaeologyParticipatory Democracy
Diese Arbeit versucht einen Zusammenhang zwischen der gesetzlich unterbundenen Totenklage in Athen von Solon, der Totenklage in der "Antigone" von Sophokles und der Theorie der Tragödie von Friedrich Hölderlin herzustellen.
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      LawLaments (Anthropology)SophoclesFriedrich Hölderlin
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryEvolutionary Biology
In questa voce bio-bliografica viene descritto l’aspetto filosofico-politico di Solone. Noto come uno dei Sette Sapienti, nel legislatore si riscontra una concezione obiettiva della legge, cioè scopre la legge naturale della vita in... more
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      NomosDikePhysis/ NomosSolon of Athens
The focus of this paper is on Solon's attitude towards wealth as can be extracted by his legislation and poems. The argument is that part of the rationale of Solon's legislation aimed at the regulation and check of the influence of wealth... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek LawSolon of Athens
From Solon of Athens (edit. Blok & Lardinois). Brill, 2006
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      Comparative LawGreek LiteratureAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Literature
In Comm. Bern. on Lucan 1, 97 the institution of the Athenian asylum is curiously attributed to Solon, while the mythographic and literary tradition on which the Bern scholium relies attributes it to the Heraclidae. It is therefore... more
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      LucanScholiaLatin Glossaries, Scholia, History of ScholarshipSolon of Athens
Scholars have assumed for a long time that Plutarch, writing from the mid first century to early second century AD, held a wholly negative view of democracy, and especially the radical Athenian variant. These scholars have not looked,... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyAthenian DemocracyPlutarch
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      Archaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryArchaic GreeceSolón
An interpretation of the political, social and military aspects of Solon's property classes
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      Archaic Greek historyAncient Greece (History)Ancient social structureSolon of Athens
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      Ancient myth and religionMinoan CivilisationMyth of atlantisAtlantis
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      Cultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyTourism ManagementCultural Heritage
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      Archaic Greek historyGreek LawDemosthenesArchaic Greece