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Шумило С. В. Розвиток українсько-афонських духовно-культурних зв’язків у XVІI – першій третині ХІХ ст. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» за напрямом –... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesMount Athos StudiesOrthodox ChristianityUkrainian History
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      Arabic LiteratureArab Christian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchModern Greek History
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Russian OrthodoxyRussian orthodoxy (History)Russian-Ukrainian RelationsUkrainian, Russian and Polish Historiy
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchUkrainian Church HistoryUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Greek Orthodox Church
Стаття про історію міжконфесійних стосунків у Правобережній Україні в середині XVIII століття
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      Ukrainian Church HistoryUkrainian HistoryUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Ukrainian local history
На межі Сходу і Заходу: Україна в італійських текстах XV-XVII ст. Вступ Образ (чи гетерообраз, тобто «образ Чужого») певної країни та народу в текстах іноземних є цікавою проблемою, яка виходить далеко за межі... more
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      Cultural HistoryUkrainian StudiesTravel LiteratureItalian Renaissance literature
What was the reaction of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) high officials and priests to the Ukrainian tomos? What arguments has the ROC used to deny a right of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) to be independent from Moscow?
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      ReligionUkrainian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsRussian Orthodox Church
Kievan Rus was converted to Christianity by the Byzantines in the year 988. They inherited from Constantinople a third gender, eunuchs. If eunuchs were often celebrated for their voluntarily celibacy in early medieval Constantinople, in... more
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      HagiographyGender HistoryAsceticismGender and Sexuality
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      Eastern European StudiesIconographyByzantine IconographyOrthodox Christianity
Every year on July 28, citizens in contemporary Russia turn on the television news and hear extensive reports about a federal holiday known as “The Day of the Baptism of Rus.” Viewers watch as Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill of... more
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      Cultural HistoryRussian StudiesMedia StudiesHistory of Religion
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      Travel WritingEastern European historyRussian Orthodox ChurchEarly Modern Church History
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      Ukrainian Church HistoryRussian-Ukrainian RelationsEcumenismUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      Jewish HistoryRussian HistoryRussian OrthodoxyUkraine (History)
This article explores a church rite of spiritual brotherhood known in Russian as bratotvorenie. This rite, which has not been studied in any depth before, united two unrelated men as ‘brothers’. It appeared in Muscovite and Ruthenian... more
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      Liturgical StudiesHagiographyHistory of SexualityRussian Orthodox Church
The paper discusses the jurisdictional quarrels between the Russian and Romanian Orthodox Churches in the former Soviet-Republic of Moldavia, in ecclesiastic, geopolitic and historical context.
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      Religion and PoliticsNationalismEastern ChristianityRomanian Studies
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Greek Catholic ChurchesByzantine tradition in the territory of Slovakia
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      RegionalismHistory of the ClergyRussian HistoryRussian Orthodoxy
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian StudiesCultural History of RussiaBorderlands Studies
Israel Science Foundation
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsGnosticismNew Religious Movements
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Greek Catholic ChurchesByzantine tradition in the territory of Slovakia
Religion will remain an important factor in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and divide world-wide Orthodoxy as long as Moscow does not recognize Ukrainian autocephaly. The emergence of the OCU and its growing recognition... more
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismRussian Orthodox Church
Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky (1865–1944) was imprisoned no fewer than three times because of his defence of the faith of his Ukrainian people. Based on correspondence found in the Vatican Archives, this article reveals hitherto unknown... more
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      Greek-Catholic ChurchesUkrainian Church HistoryUkrainian Church ArchivesUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
Religion will remain an important factor in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and divide world-wide Orthodoxy as long as Moscow does not recognize Ukrainian autocephaly. The emergence of the OCU and its growing recognition... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismRussian Orthodox ChurchUkrainian Politics
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      Eastern ChristianityOrthodox ChristianityChristianity in CanadaUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
In this chapter of my book on the history of conciliarity in 1917-2017, I equally and systematically examine the historical significance of events in the life of the Russian Church both in the homeland and in the diaspora.
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian History
MA Thesis Submitted to Central European University (2012)
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      Polish HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesUkrainian Studies
The unity of Russian and Ukrainian Orthodoxy, to be sure, might have been possible to preserve, had the Moscow Patriarchate’s hierarchs taken a clearly and officially critical approach towards Russia’s covert military invasion into... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsPolitics of UkraineGeorgia
The dissertation discussed the religious revival program carried out in the Metropolitanate of Kiev, whose important, if not the most important, part was the renewal of the priesthood, and the main tool became the book (primarily printed).
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      Ukrainian StudiesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
Стаття присвячена аналізу тлумачення ролі національного чинника у житті церкви в соціальних вченнях УПЦ (МП), УПЦ КП та УГКЦ.
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern ChristianityNational IdentityPost-Soviet Studies
The article gives a brief overview of the origin and distribution of St. Josaphat Kuntsevich’s (1580-1623) iconography. The article also presents icons of St. Josaphat Kuntsevich from 18th to 20th centuries, which are in the collection... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryUkrainian StudiesCult of Saints
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      Medieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyPolitics of UkraineUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
A reflection on traditional Orthodox method of reconciliation of schismatics in comparison with the modern secular approach.
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      EcclesiologyUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.History of Christianity, peace and reconciliation, integrated mission of the church
Темчин СЮ., Кушито-химьяритская параллель (первая половина VI в.) к поставлению киевских митрополитов в обход Константинополя (1051 и 1147 гг.), in Мельникова Е.А. (ред.), Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье, вып. 30: XХX... more
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesHilarion of KievRussian History
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Ukrainian Orthodox ChurchThe Ukrainian revolution 1917-1921
Темчин С.Ю., „Виленский православный церковный собор 1546 года и сообщение Симона Будного о конфликте супрасльского монаха Арсения с архимандритом Сергием Кимбаром“, in Senoji Lietuvos literatūra, kn. 39, Vilnius, 2015, p. 13–29.
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      Belarusian StudiesUkrainian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Orthodoxy
The History of Church Music Seen Through the Activities of Ukrainian-Belorussian Metropolitans and Bishops in the Seventeenth Century There are topics and questions that continue to intrigue researchers of Ukrainian and Belorussian music.... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkraine (History)Ukrainian Church HistoryUkrainian History
Presented at the 21st Annual ACMRS Conference, Scottsdale AZ Abstract Communal organizations of tradesman in renaissance and early modern Europe were not only limited to guilds and the production of material goods. The same principles... more
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      Craft Guilds in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      Hilarion of KievSermon on Law and GraceRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Orthodoxy
Євген Букет. Анексія парафій Браїльської митрополії Константинопольського патріархату Православною російською церквою у 60–70-х рр. ХVІІІ ст. (до історії міжконфесійних стосунків) // Східні традиції державотворення. Наукова серія: Світові... more
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      Polish HistoryUkraine (History)Ottoman-Russian relationsUkrainian Church History
Originally published for Orthodoxy in Dialogue
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    • Ukrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
Как на украинский томос отреагировали высшие иерархи и священники Русской православной церкви (РПЦ)? Какие аргументы использовала РПЦ для отрицания права Православной церкви Украины (ПЦУ) на независимость от Москвы? После пяти лет... more
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Orthodoxy
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchMount Athos and Romanian PrincesUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
Russia’s plans of occupying Istanbul, Pan-Slavism policy and its protectorate on the Balkan nations struggling against the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century had significant ideological features. Roots of these features, that... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Nomocanons prefaces printed in the Metropolitanate of Kiev in the 17th century because of their content should be considered as an important part of this dedicated to clergy positions. The authors – clergymen, mostly representatives of... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      Ukraine (History)Ukrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.Church history in UkraineEarly Modern History of Ukraine
Євген Букет. Діяльність Гервасія (Линцевського) та Мельхіседека (Значко-Яворського) щодо перепідпорядкування православних парафій Правобережної України // Особистість у локальному історичному просторі: Переяславщина: матеріали круг. ст.... more
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      Ukraine (History)Ukrainian HistoryRussian-Ukrainian RelationsUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      Medieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryUkrainian & East European History, Eastern Orthodox Church History.
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      European HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEastern European Studies