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This research is a response to the regional regulations high intensity violations phenomenon in governing the green open space in Denpasar City. The emergence of this phenomenon as a consequence of a regional regulation core, which is... more
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      EngineeringPolitical ScienceUniversitas Udayana
Total Management System or Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management system that focuses on the Customer by involving all levels of employees in upgrading or continuous improvement. Total Quality Management used data and effective... more
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      BusinessTQMTotal Quality Management (TQM)TQM and Business Excellence
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      MahasiswaImpellerPertanianMekanika Fluida
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    • Universitas Udayana
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang implementasi penerapan pro tokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19 di Restoran Naughty Nuri's dalam perspektif hukum perlindungan konsumen dan hambatan-hambatan yang ada dalam... more
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      Civil LawIlmu HukumHukumHotel and Restaurant Management
Rekristalisasi adalah teknik pemurnian suatu zat padan dan campuran atau pengotornyayang dilakukan dengan cara mengkristalkan kembali zat tersebut setelah dilarutkan dalam pelarut (sovlen) yang sesuai atau cocok. Ada beberapa syarat agar... more
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      AspirinEtanolUniversitas UdayanaPemisahan Zat dan Pemurnian zat
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      AminaLaporan Praktikum KimiaAlkoholFenol
Gugus fungsi merupakan bagian molekul yang mempunyai kereaktivan kimia. Senyawa yang mempunyai gugus fungsi sama akan mengalami reaksi kimia yang sama. Dalam kimia organik, gugus fungsi adalah gugus atom tertentu dalam molekul yang... more
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Rekristalisasi adalah teknik pemurnian suatu zat padat campuran atau pengotornya yang dilakukan dengan cara mengkristalisasi kembali zat tersebut setelah dilarutkan dengan pelarut yang sesuai. Prinsip dasar dari proses rekristalisasi... more
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      Laporan Praktikum Kimia OrganikUniversitas UdayanaREKRISTALISASILaporan Praktikum Pemurnian Senyawa Organik (Rekristalisasi)
Belajar dari lirik kidung pupuh Ginada: Eda NgadenAwak Bisa, generasi muda atau remaja sepatutnya mampu mengembangkan dan memaknai bait per bait tersebut untuk dijadikan motivasi dan penguatan karakter berperilaku di kehidupan sosial dan... more
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      BaliMakalah Bahasa IndonesiaEsai SastraKidung
WTO dalam kebijakannya sering kali lebih mementingkan negara maju dibandingkan dengan negara berkembang entah itu di mulai dengan praktik tariff barrier atau dengan penerapan standar yang memberatkan negara berkembang.
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      WTO lawEkonomi Politik InternasionalSkripsi Ssosial politik hubungan internasionalUniversitas Udayana
Every one of us uses carbon dioxide emitting energy source in our daily activities. The purposes of this research were to obtain information on the level of household activities of carbon footprint and to obtain information on the most... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeEnvironmental SustainabilityCarbon Footprint
Earning managements is a management action in the process of preparing financial statements to influence the level of earnings that is displayed. Earnings management is one factor that can reduce the credibility of financial statements.... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationMathematicsAccounting
PT. Y is a company that produce various kinds of products which are made from natural ingredient or plants simplicia. One of it is product X which is often found defects on the packaging. The purpose of this research is to analyze the... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
The study is entitled Verbal and Non-Verbal Signs of “Moana” Movie Posters. This study focused on the analysis of verbal and non-verbal signs of “Moana” movie poster and the meaning of those signs. It was aimed at identifying the verbal... more
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      PsychologyHumanisUniversitas Udayana
This study was intended to find out the extrinsic elements that were exposed in the novel entitled “The Hate U Give”, and to analyze how the story reflected the racism in America. The data of this study was taken from Angie Thomas’s debut... more
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      HumanisUniversitas Udayana
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the tourism sector. Tourism industries have ceased operations in line with travel restrictions imposed by most countries. With various considerations, the tourism sector must be reopened. Kemenparekraf... more
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      EcotourismTourism GeographyRural TourismSustainable Tourism
This study analyzes a company’s financial condition on firm value. We also evaluated the difference in firm value between corporate sectors affected and unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The regression analysis model used is the random... more
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      EconomicsFinancial AccountingUniversitas Udayana
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    • Universitas Udayana
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Raising financial literation and inclusion of financial can developing small micro entrepreneurship (UMKM) because the agent of UMKM can undesrtand the basic concept of financial product, planning and good management financial, also... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
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    • Universitas Udayana
Abstrak Menikah pada umumnya dilakukan pada usia dewasa awal yaitu sekitar usia 18 sampai dengan 40 tahun, namun di sisi lain ditemukan fakta bahwa terdapat beberapa orang yang tetap berstatus lajang bahkan di usia dewasa madya. Menurut... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
Teknologi informasi merupakan hasil olah pikir manusia untuk mengembangkan tata cara atau sistem tertentu dan menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan persoalan dalam hidupnya(Angga & Eko Budi, 2017), salah satu permasalahan yang muncul adalah... more
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      System AdministrationBanjarDesa AdatBANK SAMPAH
The paper aims to examine how the growth impact of government spending in Indonesia, with a focus on several expenditure sectors, namely defense, education, health, agriculture, transport and communications, and manufacturing sectors.... more
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      EconomicsWelfareJurnal Ekonomi PembangunanUniversitas Islam Indonesia
This research was conducted to determine the influence of personality, motivation consisting of career and economic motivation, family support, accounting education and entrepreneurship education on the interest in entrepreneurship in... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of web-based academic information system in FEB Unud and its impacts to users’ satisfaction. The users of this system are students, lectures, and academic staffs of FEB Unud. This study... more
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      PsychologyUniversitas Udayana
Literature is something that always accompanied our life, they may be fiction or non-fiction. However, both have the same intrinsic and extrinsic elements. One of the intrinsic elements is character. The characters in a story are an... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
Phycoerytrin is a red pigment found in red algae. Red algae Gracilaria sp. potential to be a source of natural dye because it contains phycoerythrin. Phycoerythrin is unstable to light, pH, and temperature. The purpose of this study was... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
The title of this research is “Method and Procedure of Translation used in Anime Quotes from Japanese to Indonesia at Official Account LINE Bahasa Jepang Bersama”. The purpose of the research is to identify the types of technique,... more
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      ArtHumanisUniversitas Udayana
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    • Universitas Udayana
Serverless menjadi semakin populer waktu demi waktu, semakin banyak perusahaan telah mengadopsi paradigma yang memberikan tim berfokus pada projeknya dibanding memikirkan bagaimana infrastruktur sebuah web server bekerja (Taibi et al.).... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
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      GeographyAlgorithmsUniversitas Udayana
Frogs and toads commonly found by human. Frogs and toads could become a bio-indicator of anenvironment. Paliyan Wildlife Sanctuary is a forest area which posses several animal to protect and it’slocated in Gunungkidul Regency, Province of... more
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Organizational commitment is one of the important issues in the world of work. The purpose is to explain the effect of transformational leadership, organizational justice, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. This research... more
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      PhysicsOrganizational CommitmentUniversitas Udayana
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsFinanceCorporate Social Responsibility
This study traces the works of the great folk painter Theophilos Hadjimichael of Lesvos, guided by the lights of history, literature, tradition, art and culture, especially in those paintings which place their source of inspiration in the... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesEducationArt Theory
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    • Universitas Udayana
  Repurchase intention is the behavior of consumers to repurchase products or services from the same company based on their previous purchase experience. The factors that influence the occurrence of repurchase intention include perceived... more
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      PsychologyUniversitas Udayana
This paper intends to explain the development of Coastal Video Monitoring System (CoViMoS) with the main characteristics including low-cost and easy implementation. CoViMoS characteristics have been realized using the device IP camera for... more
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      Image ProcessingData MiningSignal ProcessingCoastal Monitoring
This paper, as part of the study of Landscape Liguistics, aims to reveal how the multilingualism is represented in the public space in this area. In addition, to find out how the structure of writing and language patterns used in public... more
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      TourismHumanisUniversitas Udayana
Dermatitis ulseratif adalah penyakit yang paling sering menjangkiti penyu dan/atau tukik yang dipelihara di kolam-kolam penampungan, termasuk di Turtle Conservation and Education Centre (TCEC), Serangan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk... more
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      BiologyUniversitas Udayana
The title of this paper is The Characters and Conflicts in Marvel Studios “Doctor Strange” Movie. This study focuses on categorization and function of the characters in the movie and conflicts in the main character (external and internal... more
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      HumanisUniversitas Udayana
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dampak pembangunan ekonomi dan proses industrialisasi terhadap Degradasi lingkungan di Indonesia baik dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. Untuk melihat pengaruh pembangunan ekonomi dan... more
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      EconomicsUniversitas Udayana
This undergraduate thesis discusses the usage of women’s language features in the television series Emily in Paris. The study analyzes the features of women’s language and its functions in the television series. This study uses... more
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      HumanisUniversitas Udayana
Phycoerytrin is a red pigment found in red algae. Red algae Gracilaria sp. potential to be a source of natural dye because it contains phycoerythrin. Phycoerythrin is unstable to light, pH, and temperature. The purpose of this study was... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
AbstrakNegara Hukum Modern yang dikenal sebagai Welfare State menitikberatkan pada upaya pemerintahnya dalam usaha mensejahterakan masyarakat.Konsekuensi utama dalam pelaksanaan Welfare State ialah intervensi Pemerintah yang cukup luas... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
Although thematic museums centered around food culture and culinary heritage have beenaround for decades, the concept of food museum is still fairly new in Southeast Asia. Only in2015, the first food-oriented museum – “Wonder Food Museum”... more
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      ArtUniversitas Udayana
Seagrass beds and their associate biota are very important in maintaining the balance of coastal ecosystems. Samuh Beach is one of seagrass ecosystem area in Bali Island. One of the biota that exists in the seagrass ecosystem in Samuh... more
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    • Universitas Udayana