Narrative Report of The SBFP
Narrative Report of The SBFP
Narrative Report of The SBFP
The Feeding Program of New Taligue Elementary School which was done during lunch time
started last March 1, 2016 to December 20, 2016 for the school year 2015-2016. Said program was
participated by the parents, they were the ones who prepared and served the food for the children.
Some of the original recipients for the feeding were already normal and some migrated to other place
thats why they were substituted with other pupils who we think are worthy to undergo the said
At the start the parents of recipients were selected to be the ones to prepare food for their
children. A schedule was prepared so that they will automatically come to school for their duty.
Different sets of teacher and parents were formed as committees to manage and check for the
marketing of food items bought per week.
Liquidation of funds was done by the disbursing officer, the school head, the BAC members,
inspectorate team and the other teachers.
Most if not all food items were bought in the local barangay because of the distance of the
school to the poblacion market, thats why most of the receipts are only acknowledgement receipts by
the local vendors in the barangay.
Said program was very effective because most if not all severely wasted children became normal.
It also enhanced the bonding of the school to the community and the parents.