Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/73
round trip
[edit]- round trip, ambit, beat, campaign, circle, circuit, course, cycle, excursion, expedition, full circle, grand tour, jaunt, journey, junket, lap, loop, orbit, outing, package tour, peregrination, pilgrimage, pleasure trip, progress, revolution, round, roundabout, rounds, rubberneck tour, run, safari, sally, shoot, stalk, tour, trek, trip, turn, voyage, walk
round up
[edit]- round up, accumulate, agglomerate, aggregate, aggroup, amass, assemble, batch, bring together, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, cage, clump, cluster, collect, colligate, collocate, combine, compare, compile, conglomerate, corral, cull, cumulate, dig up, draw together, dredge up, drive, drive together, drove, gather, gather in, gather together, get in, get together, glean, goad, group, grub, grub up, herd, join, juxtapose, lash, lump together, make up, mass, match, mobilize, muster, pair, partner, pick, pick up, pluck, prick, punch cattle, put together, raise, rake up, rally, ride herd on, scare up, scrape together, scrape up, shepherd, spur, take up, whip, whip in, wrangle
[edit]- round, Attic, Charybdis, Chateaubriand, Ciceronian, Indian file, O, O-shaped, SRO, about, absolute, ace, admitting no exception, again, air lane, all but, all over, all-out, almost, ambagious, ambit, amount, annular, annular muscle, annulate, annulose, annulus, anticlockwise, approximate, approximately, arc, arch, arched, area, arena, areola, around, array, arsis, articulation, artless, as good as, aside, assemble, aureole, back, backhanded, backward, bailiwick, ball, bank, bead, beat, beaten path, begird, bellied, bellylike, bend, bend back, beside, best bower, blade roast, bluff, blunt, border, borderland, bout, bow, bower, breast, brimful, brimming, brisket, broad, brusque, bulging, bullet, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, burst, bursting, buzz, by, caliber, candid, canon, capacity, cards, cartridge, catch, categorical, catena, catenation, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chance, chaplet, charge, chaste, chinoiserie, chock-full, chuck, chuck roast, chuck-full, circinate, circle, circuit, circuiteer, circuitous, circuitously, circular, circulate, circulation, circumambulate, circumference, circummigrate, circumnavigate, circumrotate, circumvent, circumvolute, circumvolution, circus, classic, clear, clockwise, clod, close, close about, close the circle, closed circle, clubs, cold cuts, collect, come about, come full circle, compass, complete, concatenation, conclusive, cone, congested, connection, consecution, continuum, convex, corner, corona, coronary, coronet, counterclockwise, course, cram-full, crammed, crank, crook, crown, crownlike, curl, curvation, curve, curved, curvilinear, cut, cycle, cyclic, cycloid, daily grind, decided, decisive, deck, decurve, definite, definitive, deflect, degree, demesne, department, descent, describe a circle, determinate, deuce, deviating, deviative, devious, diadem, diamonds, diastole, digressive, direct, disc, discipline, discoid, discursive, discus, disk, disklike, dizzy round, domain, dome, dominion, doorstep, double a point, downbeat, downright, draft, dram, drench, drink, drone, drop, dummy, easy, eddy, elegant, embow, encircle, encircling, enclosing, encompass, end, endless belt, endless round, ensphere, entire, eternal return, exact, excursive, explicit, express, extent, face cards, fairy ring, farci, fetch about, field, file, filet mignon, filiation, fill out, filled, final, finish, finished, fixed, flank, flat, flat-out, flex, flight path, flush, footrest, footstep, forthright, frank, frankhearted, free, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, fugato, fugue, full, full circle, full house, full to bursting, gamut, gargle, garland, gather, genuine, gird, girdle, girdle the globe, global, globate, globe, globe-shaped, globelike, globular, glory, go, go about, go around, go round, go the round, graceful, gracile, gradation, grade, grind, groove, gurge, guzzle, gyrate, gyration, gyre, halo, hand, head over heels, heart-to-heart, hearts, heat, heel, heels over head, height, helical, hem, hemisphere, herd, honest, hook, hoop, hum, hump, hunch, implicit, in a circle, in a spin, in a whirl, in circles, in reverse, in the neighborhood, in the vicinity, inappealable, incurvate, incurve, indirect, indisputable, inflect, ingenuous, inning, innings, interval, itinerary, jack, jam-packed, jigger, jog trot, joker, jolt, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, just about, king, knave, knuckle, lap, lasso, leap, left bower, level, libation, limpid, line, lineage, logical circle, loin, loop, looplet, lucid, maelstrom, magic circle, make a circuit, march, mark, marshal, meandering, measure, mellifluous, mellow, monotone, most, muster, natural, near, nearby, neat, nexus, nigh, nip, noose, notch, nuance, oblique, on all sides, open, openhearted, opportunity, orb, orbicular, orbit, orbital, orbiting, orotund, out-and-out, out-of-the-way, outburst, outright, outspoken, over, overfull, overstuffed, pack, packed, packed like sardines, pair, pale, pas, path, peg, pellucid, pendulum, peremptory, perfect, period, periodicity, perspicuous, picture cards, pirouette, pitch, pivot, pivot about, place, plain, plain-spoken, plane, plate, plate piece, plateau, playing cards, plenary, plenum, point, polished, positive, pot roast, potation, potion, powder train, practically, precinct, precise, primrose path, progression, proportion, province, pull, pulse, pure, put about, queen, queue, rack, radius, range, rank, rat race, ratio, reach, ready to burst, realm, recurrence, recurve, red tape, red-tapeism, reel, refine, refined, reflect, reflex, relief, remove, replete, rest, restrained, reticulation, retroflex, return, reverberant, reverberating, revolution, revolve, rib roast, ribs, rich, ring, ring-shaped, ringlike, riser, road, roast, rolled roast, rondeau, rondelet, rondelle, rondino, rondo, rondoletto, rondure, rotary, rotate, rotation, rotund, rough, round a bend, round a corner, round a point, round about, round and round, round of drinks, round out, round trip, round up, roundabout, rounded, rounded out, roundel, roundelay, rounds, route, routine, row, royal flush, rubber, ruff, rump, rump roast, run, rundle, rung, rut, saddle, sag, satiated, saturated, saucer, say, scale, scope, screw, sea lane, sequence, series, shade, shadow, shank, shell, short ribs, shortcut, shot, shoulder, shoulder clod, simple, sincere, single file, singleton, sip, sirloin, skirt, sleek, slick, smooth, snifter, snort, soaked, sonorous, space, spades, spate, spectrum, spell, sphere, spherical, spheroid, spheroidal, sphincter, spin, spiral, spoke, spot, squirrel cage, stage, stair, standard, standing room only, stave, step, step stool, stepping-stone, stint, straight, straight-out, straightforward, string, stuffed, subdiscipline, succession, suck, sup, surfeited, surge, surround, swag, swath, sweep, swig, swill, swing, swing round, swirl, swivel, swollen, systole, tasteful, tenderloin, terse, thesis, thread, through, throughout, tier, time, time at bat, topful, total, tour, track, trade route, train, traject, trajectory, trajet, transparent, tread, treadmill, trey, trick, trim, troll, trump, truthful, turn, turn a corner, turn a pirouette, turn about, turn around, turn round, turn tail, twirl, twist, unaffected, unchecked, uncircumscribed, unconditional, unconditioned, unconstrained, undoubting, unembellished, unequivocal, unguarded, unhampered, unhesitating, unlabored, unlimited, unmistakable, unmitigated, unqualified, unquestioning, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestricted, unvarnished, unwaivable, upbeat, utter, vault, veer, veer around, vibrant, vicious circle, volley, vortex, walk, wamble, well-nigh, well-worn groove, wet, whack, wheel, wheel about, whirl, whirlpool, whirlwind, whole, widdershins, wind, windrow, without exception, without reserve, wrangle, wreath
[edit]- roundabout, Byzantine, Ferris wheel, O-shaped, ambages, ambagious, ambient, anfractuous, apparent, backhanded, balled up, bypass, carousel, chubby, chute-the-chutes, chutes, circling, circuit, circuitous, circular, circumambages, circumambient, circumbendibus, circumferential, circumflex, circumfluent, circumfluous, circumjacent, circumlocution, circumlocutional, circumlocutory, collateral, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, convoluted, convolutional, cortical, crabbed, daedal, detour, deviating, deviation, deviative, devious, digression, digressive, discursive, disk, elaborate, embracing, embrangled, encircling, enclosing, encompassing, enfolding, entangled, enveloping, environing, epidermic, evasive, excursion, excursive, exomorphic, exterior, external, extrinsic, flexuose, flexuous, flying horses, fouled up, fringe, helical, implicated, indirect, intricate, involute, involuted, involutional, involved, jaunt, junket, knotted, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, long, loused up, many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, meandrous, merry-go-round, messed up, mixed up, mucked up, multifarious, neighboring, oblique, open, orbital, out, out-of-the-way, outer, outermost, outing, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward, outward-facing, peripheral, periphrase, periphrasis, periphrastic, perplexed, pleonasm, plump, podgy, public, pudgy, ramified, redundancy, rivose, rivulose, roller, roller coaster, rolling stone, roly-poly, rotary, rotator, rotor, round, round trip, roundabout way, ruffled, runaround, rundle, sally, screwed up, seeming, seesaw, serpentine, sinuate, sinuose, sinuous, snaky, snarled, spiral, subtle, suburban, superficial, surface, surrounding, swing, tangled, tangly, tautology, teeter-totter, top, torsional, tortile, tortuous, traffic circle, tubby, turning, twisted, twisting, twisty, verbality, wheel, whip, whirlabout, whirler, whirligig, whorled, winding, wrapping, wreathlike, wreathy
[edit]- rounded, Junoesque, abrupt, accented, alveolar, annular, annulate, annulose, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arched, arciform, articulated, assimilated, back, bagging, baggy, ballooning, barytone, bellied, bellying, bellylike, bent, bilabial, billowing, billowy, bloated, bluff, blunt, blunt-edged, blunt-ended, blunt-pointed, blunted, bluntish, bosomy, bowed, broad, built, bulbose, bulbous, bulging, bumped, bumpy, bunched, bunchy, cacuminal, central, cerebral, checked, circinate, circular, close, consonant, consonantal, continuant, convex, coronary, crownlike, curvesome, curvilinear, curvy, cyclic, cycloid, dental, discoid, disklike, dissimilated, distended, dorsal, dull, dull-edged, dull-pointed, dulled, dullish, edgeless, faired, flat, front, glide, glossal, glottal, guttural, hard, heavy, high, hillocky, hummocky, intonated, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lateral, lax, light, lingual, liquid, low, mid, monophthongal, moutonnee, muted, narrow, nasal, nasalized, obtuse, occlusive, open, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, pneumatic, pointless, posttonic, potbellied, pouching, retroflex, ring-shaped, ringlike, rotund, round, rounded out, semivowel, smoothed, soft, sonant, stacked, stopped, stressed, strong, surd, swelling, syllabic, tense, thick, throaty, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, unedged, unpointed, unrounded, unsharp, unsharpened, unstressed, velar, verrucated, verrucose, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, warty, weak, well-developed, wide
[edit]- roundel, English sonnet, Horatian ode, Italian sonnet, O, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, alba, anacreontic, annular muscle, annulus, areola, aureole, balada, ballad, ballade, bucolic, canso, chanson, chaplet, circle, circuit, circumference, circus, clerihew, closed circle, corona, coronet, crown, cycle, diadem, dirge, discus, disk, dithyramb, eclogue, elegy, epic, epigram, epithalamium, epode, epopee, epopoeia, epos, eternal return, fairy ring, garland, georgic, ghazel, glory, haiku, halo, idyll, jingle, lasso, limerick, logical circle, loop, looplet, lyric, madrigal, magic circle, monody, narrative poem, noose, nursery rhyme, ode, orbit, palinode, pastoral, pastoral elegy, pastorela, pastourelle, poem, prothalamium, radius, rhyme, ring, rondeau, rondel, rondelle, round, roundelay, satire, saucer, sestina, sloka, song, sonnet, sonnet sequence, sphincter, tanka, tenso, tenzone, threnody, triolet, troubadour poem, verse, verselet, versicle, vicious circle, villanelle, virelay, wheel, wreath
[edit]- roundelay, English sonnet, Horatian ode, Italian sonnet, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, alba, anacreontic, balada, ballad, ballade, bucolic, canon, canso, catch, chanson, clerihew, dirge, dithyramb, eclogue, elegy, epic, epigram, epithalamium, epode, epopee, epopoeia, epos, fugato, fugue, georgic, ghazel, haiku, idyll, jingle, limerick, lyric, madrigal, monody, narrative poem, nursery rhyme, ode, palinode, pastoral, pastoral elegy, pastorela, pastourelle, poem, prothalamium, rhyme, rondeau, rondel, rondino, rondo, rondoletto, round, roundel, satire, sestina, sloka, song, sonnet, sonnet sequence, tanka, tenso, tenzone, threnody, triolet, troll, troubadour poem, verse, verselet, versicle, villanelle, virelay
[edit]- rounder, Arab, Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, bad lot, beach bum, beachcomber, beggar, bo, bum, bummer, debauchee, dissipater, dogie, free liver, gallant, gamin, gamine, gay deceiver, gay dog, good-for-nothing, guttersnipe, high liver, hobo, homeless waif, idler, lady-killer, landloper, lazzarone, libertine, loafer, losel, lover-boy, mudlark, night owl, nighthawk, no-good, philanderer, piker, profligate, ragamuffin, ragman, ragpicker, rake, rakehell, rip, roue, scapegrace, ski bum, skirt chaser, stiff, stray, street Arab, street urchin, sundowner, surf bum, swagman, swagsman, swinger, tatterdemalion, tennis bum, tramp, turnpiker, urchin, vag, vagabond, vagrant, waif, waifs and strays, walking phallus, wanton, waster, wastrel, wolf, woman chaser, womanizer
[edit]- roundhouse, Long Melford, backhand, backhander, backstroke, boathouse, bolo punch, carbarn, carport, carriage house, fix-it shop, garage, hangar, haymaker, hook, one-two, repair shop, round-arm blow, short-arm blow, sidewinder, swing, uppercut
[edit]- roundly, about, all but, all joking aside, almost, altogether, approximately, approximatively, as good as, bluffly, bluntly, broadly, brusquely, candidly, completely, comprehensively, directly, entirely, exhaustively, for practical purposes, frankly, fully, generally, generally speaking, genuinely, globally, hundred per cent, in all conscience, in all seriousness, in full, in full measure, in plain English, in plain words, in round numbers, inclusively, inside out, integrally, just about, largely, more or less, most, one and all, openheartedly, openly, outright, outspokenly, perfectly, plain-spokenly, plainly, practically, quite, roughly, roughly speaking, say, sincerely, straightforwardly, thoroughly, to the hilt, totally, tout a fait, unconditionally, unconstrainedly, unreservedly, unrestrainedly, utterly, well-nigh, wholly, with no nonsense
[edit]- roundness, annularity, annulation, artlessness, belly, bluffness, bluntness, broadness, brusqueness, candidness, candor, circularity, convexity, cylindricality, directness, forthrightness, frankness, freedom, freeness, genuineness, globosity, globularity, ingenuousness, openheartedness, openness, orbicularity, outspokenness, plain dealing, plain speaking, plainness, plainspokenness, rotundity, rotundness, sincerity, sphericality, sphericalness, sphericity, spheroidicity, spheroidity, straightforwardness, unconstraint, unreserve, unrestraint
[edit]- roundsman, Argus, Charley, G-man, MP, airplane spotter, bailiff, beadle, beagle, bound bailiff, captain, catchpole, chief of police, commissioner, constable, deputy, deputy sheriff, detective, fed, federal, fire patrolman, fire warden, fireguard, flic, forward observer, gendarme, government man, inspector, lictor, lieutenant, lookout, lookout man, mace-bearer, marshal, mounted policeman, narc, night watchman, officer, patrol, patroller, patrolman, peace officer, picket, police captain, police commissioner, police constable, police inspector, police matron, police officer, police sergeant, policeman, policewoman, portreeve, reeve, scout, sentinel, sentry, sergeant, sergeant at arms, sheriff, spotter, superintendent, tipstaff, tipstaves, trooper, vedette, watch, watcher, watchkeeper, watchman
[edit]- roundup, assemblage, assembly, call-up, canvass, census, collection, colligation, collocation, combination, comparison, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congregation, convergence, corralling, data-gathering, gathering, ingathering, inventory, junction, juxtaposition, mobilization, muster, rodeo, survey
[edit]- rouse, aggravate, animate, annoy, arise, arouse, awake, awaken, bestir, blow the coals, blow up, bring forth, bring out, bring to light, call, call forth, call out, call up, challenge, come alive, deduce, deepen, derive, drag out, draw forth, draw out, dynamize, educe, electrify, elicit, energize, enhance, enkindle, enliven, enrage, evoke, excite, exhilarate, fan, fan the fire, fan the flame, feed the fire, fire, fire up, flame, foment, frenzy, galvanize, get from, get out of, get up, goad, hearten, heat, heighten, impassion, incense, incite, induce, inflame, infuriate, inspirit, instigate, invigorate, jazz up, key up, kindle, knock up, lather up, light the fuse, light up, liven, madden, magnify, motivate, mount, move, obtain, overexcite, pep up, perk up, pique, procure, prod, prompt, provoke, quicken, raise, raise up, rally, redouble, rise, secure, set astir, set fire to, set on fire, shake up, snap up, steam up, stimulate, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir up, summon forth, summon up, turn on, vitalize, vivify, wake, wake up, waken, wangle, wangle out of, warm, warm the blood, whet, whip up, winkle out, work into, work up, worm out, worm out of, zip up
[edit]- rousing, activating, alert, alluring, animate, animated, animating, animative, arousal, awakening, awful, bracing, bright, brisk, challenging, cheering, cordial, crisp, crispy, dashing, deadly, dreadful, electrifying, encouraging, energetic, energizing, enlivening, enthusiastic, exciting, exhilarating, exhilarative, fearful, fervent, fresh, frightful, galvanic, galvanizing, gay, horrible, howling, inspiring, inspiriting, intoxicating, invigorating, invigorative, inviting, keen, lively, peppy, piquant, prompting, provocative, provoking, quickening, refreshful, refreshing, regaling, reveille, rude awakening, spirited, sprightly, stimulant, stimulating, stimulative, stirring, terrible, terrific, thumping, tonic, viable, vigorous, vitalizing, whacking, zestful, zesty
[edit]- roustabout, bakehead, black gang, blue-collar worker, boilerman, breadwinner, bungs, cabin boy, casual, casual laborer, chips, commissary steward, common laborer, complement, day laborer, deckhand, deckie, docker, dockhand, employee, factory worker, fireman, flunky, free lance, free-lancer, full-time worker, gun loader, gunner, hand, hospital steward, industrial worker, jobber, jobholder, laborer, laboring man, landing signalman, loader, longshoreman, mail orderly, menial, migrant, moiler, navigator, navvy, office temporary, oiler, operative, proletarian, purser, radio operator, salaried worker, self-employed person, servant, snip, snips, sparks, stevedore, steward, stewardess, stiff, stoker, temporary, toiler, torpedoman, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, watch, wharf hand, worker, workgirl, workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman, yeoman
[edit]- rout, a mass of, a world of, agitation, and bobtail, annihilate, army, attendance, attendant, bafflement, balk, batter, bawl, beat, beating, bellow, best, bevy, bluster, bobbery, body of retainers, boil, boiling, bring down, brouhaha, bunch, bustle, cakewalk, canaille, chase, chase out, check, checkmate, churn, clamor, clobber, cloud, cluster, clutter, cohort, cohue, collapse, common ruck, commotion, confound, confusion, conquer, conquest, conturbation, cortege, court, covey, cream, crowd, crush, debacle, defeasance, defeat, deluge, demolish, destroy, devastate, dig out, discomfit, discomfiture, discomposure, disorder, dispel, dispersal, disquiet, disquietude, disturbance, do away with, do in, dregs, drive, drive out, drub, drubbing, drum out, dust, ebullition, eliminate, embroilment, entourage, eradicate, excitement, expel, exterminate, ferment, fermentation, fever, feverishness, fidgets, flap, flatten, flight, flock, flocks, flood, flurry, fluster, flutteration, foil, follower, following, foment, force out, freeze out, frustration, fume, fuss, galaxy, hail, harry out, heap, hiding, hive, hoi polloi, horde, host, hubbub, hunt down, hunt out, hurly-burly, inquietude, jam, jitters, jumpiness, knock off, lambaste, large amount, lay waste, legion, lick, licking, liquidate, lots, maelstrom, make mincemeat of, malaise, mangle, many, mass, massacre, masses, masses of, mob, moil, muchness, multitude, murder, mutilate, nerviness, nervosity, nervousness, nest, numbers, obliterate, other half, overpower, overrun, overthrow, overwhelm, pack, panic, panoply, parasite, perturbation, plurality, polish off, press, proletariat, pulverize, push out, put down, put to flight, put to rout, quantities, quite a few, rabble, rabblement, rag, ragtag, ragtag and bobtail, ravage, rebuff, repulse, restlessness, retinue, retreat, reversal, reverse, ride roughshod over, riffraff, roar, roil, romp, rout out, row, ruck, ruin, run out, satellite, scatter, scores, seethe, seething, setback, shatter, shellac, shellacking, shoal, skunk, smash, smoke out, smother, spate, squash, stampede, stifle, stir, subdue, subjugate, subjugation, suite, suppress, swarm, swirl, tag, thrash, thrashing, throng, tidy sum, to-do, topple, train, trample, trash, trepidation, trepidity, trim, trounce, trouncing, tumult, tumultuation, turbidity, turbulence, turmoil, twitter, unease, unrest, upset, vanquish, vanquishment, walkaway, walkover, wallop, warming, whip, wipe out, worlds of, worst
[edit]- route, address, air lane, avenue, beat, carry, circuit, conduct, consign, convey, course, direct, direction, dispatch, escort, flight path, forward, itinerary, lead, line, orbit, passage, path, pilot, primrose path, remit, road, round, run, sea lane, see, shepherd, ship, shortcut, show, steer, tour, track, trade route, traject, trajectory, trajet, transmit, walk, way
[edit]- routine, Indian file, MO, accustomed, act, afterpiece, algorithm, approach, arranged, arrangement, array, articulation, assigned, attack, automatic, average, banal, bank, beat, beaten, beaten path, besetting, bit, boring, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, businesslike, buzz, catena, catenation, central, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chaser, chinoiserie, cliched, common, concatenation, concord, connection, consecution, constant, continuum, conventional, course, current, curtain, curtain call, curtain raiser, custom, customary, cycle, daily grind, deployment, descent, designated, disposal, disposition, divertimento, divertissement, dominant, drill, drone, endless belt, endless round, epidemic, epilogue, everyday, exode, exodus, expository scene, familiar, fashion, file, filiation, finale, form, formal, formation, formula, frequent, frequentative, gamut, gradation, grind, groove, guise, habit, habitual, hackneyed, harmonious, harmony, hoke act, hum, in hand, interlude, intermediary, intermediate, intermezzo, intermission, introduction, jog trot, layout, line, line of action, lineage, lines, lineup, manner, manner of working, many, many times, marshaling, mean, means, mechanical, medial, median, mediocre, medium, method, methodical, methodology, middle-of-the-road, middling, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, moderate, modus operandi, monotone, monotonous, nexus, normal, not rare, number, of common occurrence, oft-repeated, oftentime, order, ordered, orderly, ordinary, organization, pandemic, part, pattern, peace, pendulum, performance, perfunctory, periodicity, persistent, piece, plain, plan, plenum, popular, powder train, practice, predominant, predominating, prevailing, prevalent, procedure, proceeding, process, programmed, progression, prologue, proportion, queue, quiet, quietude, rampant, range, rank, recurrence, recurrent, recurring, red tape, red-tapeism, regnant, regular, regularity, reigning, repetitive, reticulation, rife, rotation, rote, round, row, ruling, run, run-of-the-mill, running, rut, scale, scene, schedule, scheduled, sequence, series, setup, shtick, single file, sketch, skit, song and dance, spectrum, squirrel cage, stand-up comedy act, standard, steady, stereotyped, string, striptease, structure, style, succession, swath, symmetrical, symmetry, system, systematic, tack, technique, tedious, the drill, the how, the way of, thick-coming, thing, thread, tier, tiresome, tone, track, train, tranquillity, treadmill, trite, turn, unchanging, uneventful, uniform, uniformity, unimaginative, uninteresting, unvaried, unvarying, usage, usual, way, well-ordered, well-regulated, well-trodden, well-worn, well-worn groove, windrow, wise, wont, wonted
[edit]- routinely, again and again, all in all, all things considered, altogether, as a rule, as a whole, as an approximation, at large, broadly, broadly speaking, by and large, chiefly, chronically, commonly, dully, equably, evenly, frequently, generally, generally speaking, habitually, in a rut, in general, in many instances, inveterately, mainly, many a time, many times, monotonously, most often, mostly, normally, not infrequently, not seldom, oft, often, often enough, oftentimes, ofttimes, on balance, on the whole, ordinarily, overall, persistently, predominantly, prevailingly, recurringly, regularly, repeatedly, repetitively, roughly, roughly speaking, speaking generally, tediously, uniformly, unrelievedly, unseldom, usually, whenever you wish
[edit]- routinize, adjust, arrange, array, chart, codify, cool off, coordinate, deploy, dispose, fix, form, grade, harmonize, hierarchize, lay out, line up, marshal, methodize, normalize, order, organize, pacify, plan, quiet, rank, rationalize, regularize, regulate, set up, settle, standardize, structure, synchronize, systematize, tranquilize, tune, tune up
[edit]- rove, Wanderjahr, afoot and lighthearted, bat around, bum, bumming, count ties, discursion, divagate, divagation, drift, drifting, err, errantry, excurse, flit, flitting, gad, gad about, gadding, gallivant, go about, go adrift, go astray, go the rounds, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, hoboism, itineracy, itinerancy, jaunt, knock about, knock around, meander, mooch, nomadism, nomadize, peregrinate, peregrination, pererrate, pererration, prowl, ramble, rambling, range, roam, roaming, roving, run about, saunter, snake, straggle, stray, straying, stroll, traipse, traipsing, tramp, twist, twist and turn, vagabond, vagabondage, vagabondia, vagabondism, vagabondize, vagrancy, walk the tracks, wander, wandering, wanderlust, wayfare, wayfaring, wind
[edit]- rover, Ahasuerus, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Blackbeard, Captain Hook, Captain Kidd, Flying Dutchman, Goliard, Henry Morgan, Jean Lafitte, Odysseus, Oisin, Ossian, Ulysses, air pirate, airplane hijacker, bird of passage, buccaneer, bum, corsair, drifter, floater, freebooter, gad, gadabout, go-about, gypsy, hobo, itinerant, mover, nomad, peregrinator, peregrine, peripatetic, picaroon, pirate, privateer, rambler, roamer, rolling stone, runabout, sea dog, sea king, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf, skyjacker, sojourner, straggler, stroller, strolling player, tourist, tramp, traveller, troubadour, vagabond, vagrant, viking, visitant, wanderer, wandering minstrel, wandering scholar, wayfarer
[edit]- roving, Wanderjahr, aberrant, aberrative, adrift, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, aimless, aimlessness, alternating, amorphous, bumming, by the way, capricious, changeable, changeful, circuitous, circumforaneous, departing, desultoriness, desultory, deviable, deviant, deviating, deviative, deviatory, devious, digressive, digressiveness, discursion, discursive, discursiveness, divagation, divagatory, dizzy, drifting, eccentric, episodic, errant, errantry, erratic, excursive, fast and loose, fickle, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, floating, fluctuating, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, freakish, fugitive, gadding, giddy, gypsy-like, gypsyish, hoboism, impetuous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, indirect, infirm, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, itineracy, itinerancy, labyrinthine, landloping, loose, maundering, mazy, meandering, mercurial, migrational, migratory, moody, nomad, nomadic, nomadism, out-of-the-way, perambulatory, peregrination, pererration, peripatetic, planetary, ramble, rambling, ranging, restless, roam, roaming, rove, scatterbrained, serpentine, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, snaky, spasmodic, spineless, straggling, stray, straying, strolling, swerving, traipsing, transient, transitory, transmigratory, turning, twisting, unaccountable, uncertain, uncontrolled, undependable, undirected, undisciplined, unfixed, unpredictable, unreliable, unrestrained, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, vacillating, vagabond, vagabondage, vagabondia, vagabondism, vagrancy, vagrant, variable, veering, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanderlust, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayfaring, wayward, whimsical, winding, wishy-washy, zigzag
[edit]- row, Autobahn, Bedlam let loose, Indian file, US highway, ado, advance, affray, agitation, align, alley, alleyway, altercation, array, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, articulation, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, bank, barney, bawl out, be noisy, bedlam, beef, belt highway, berate, bicker, bickering, blast, blind alley, bluster, boat, bobbery, boil, boiling, bother, boulevard, bowl, brawl, broil, brouhaha, bump heads, bunt, bustle, butt, buzz, bypass, byway, cacophony, camino real, canoe, carpet, carriageway, carry sail, catch a crab, catena, catenation, caterwaul, causeway, causey, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chaos, charivari, chaussee, chew out, chirm, churn, circumferential, circumnavigate, clamor, clangor, clap, clatter, close, coast, commotion, concatenation, connection, consecution, continuum, conturbation, corduroy road, county road, course, court, crescent, cross, cruise, cul-de-sac, cut a crab, cycle, dead-end street, descent, dike, din, dirt road, discomposure, discord, disorder, dispute, disquiet, disquietude, disturbance, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, drive, driveway, drone, drunken brawl, dustup, ebullition, echelon, embroilment, endless belt, endless round, excitement, expressway, fall out, falling-out, fanaticism, feather, feather an oar, ferment, fermentation, fever, feverishness, fidgets, fight, file, filiation, flap, flurry, fluster, flutteration, foment, fomentation, foofaraw, forward, fracas, fray, free-for-all, freeway, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, gamut, give way, go by ship, go on shipboard, go to sea, gob, gradation, gravel road, hassle, hell broke loose, helter-skelter, highroad, highway, highways and byways, howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, hum, hurly-burly, impel, inquietude, interstate highway, jangle, jaw, jitters, jumpiness, knock-down-and-drag-out, lane, line, line up, lineage, local road, lock horns, loud noise, maelstrom, maffick, main drag, main road, make a noise, make a passage, make a racket, make a row, make an uproar, malaise, melee, mews, moil, monotone, motorboat, motorway, move, mush, navigate, nerviness, nervosity, nervousness, nexus, noise, noise and shouting, oar, order, outcry, pace, paddle, pandemonium, parkway, passion, pave, paved road, pedal, pell-mell, pendulum, periodicity, perturbation, pike, place, plank road, plenum, ply, ply the oar, pole, pother, powder train, primary highway, private road, progression, propel, pull, punt, push, queue, racket, rage, raise Cain, raise a clamor, raise hell, raise the devil, raise the roof, rampage, range, rank, rattle, ream out, recurrence, restlessness, reticulation, rhubarb, right-of-way, ring road, riot, road, roadbed, roadway, roar, roil, roll, rotation, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, round, rout, route nationale, routine, row away, row dry, royal road, ruckus, ruction, rumble, rumpus, run, run-in, sail, sail round, sail the sea, scale, scramble, scrap, scrimmage, scud, scull, seafare, secondary road, seethe, seething, sequel, sequence, series, set-to, shindy, ship oars, shivaree, shoot, shove, shunt, single file, sky an oar, spat, spectrum, speedway, squabble, state highway, steam, steamboat, stir, storminess, street, string, string out, succession, superhighway, swath, sweep, sweep along, swirl, take a voyage, tempestuousness, terrace, thoroughfare, thread, through street, thrust, thruway, thunder, thunderclap, tier, tiff, tintamarre, to-do, toll road, tongue-lash, township road, train, trap, traverse, treadle, trepidation, trepidity, troll, trouble, trundle, tumult, tumultuation, tumultuousness, turbidity, turbulence, turmoil, turnpike, twitter, unease, unrest, uproar, upset, voyage, whoop it up, wildness, windrow, wrangle, wynd, yacht, yap, zeal, zealousness
[edit]- rowdy, Babbitt, Philistine, arriviste, bad, bad boy, battler, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, blade, blaring, blatant, blatting, blustering, boisterous, booger, boor, boorish, bounder, bourgeois, brassy, bravo, brawler, brawling, brazen, bucko, buffoon, bugger, bully, bullyboy, cad, carlish, churl, churlish, clamant, clamorous, clamoursome, clanging, clangorous, clattery, cloddish, clown, clownish, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, cutthroat, cutup, desperado, devil, disorderly, disputant, disruptive, duelist, elf, enfant terrible, enforcer, epicier, fencer, feuder, fighter, fighting cock, foilsman, funmaker, gamecock, gladiator, goon, gorilla, groundling, gunman, guttersnipe, harum-scarum, hatchet man, hell-raiser, hellcat, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hooliganish, ill-bred fellow, imp, improper, joker, jokester, jouster, killer, knave, knight, knock-down-and-drag-out, knockabout, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, looby, loobyish, loud, lout, loutish, low fellow, lubberly, lumpish, mad dog, mafficking, militant, minx, misbehaving, mischief, mischief-maker, mucker, naughty, noiseful, noisy, not respectable, nouveau riche, obstreperous, off-base, out-of-line, parvenu, peasant, pixie, plug-ugly, practical joker, prankster, puck, punk, quarreler, rackety, raffish, rambunctious, rampageous, rapscallion, rascal, raucous, ribald, rioter, rip-roaring, rival, rogue, roisterous, rollicking, rough, rough-and-tumble, roughneck, rowdyish, ruffian, ruffianly, rumbustious, sabreur, scamp, scapegrace, scrapper, scuffler, skinhead, squabbler, strepitant, strepitous, strong arm, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, termagant, thug, tilter, tough, tumultuous, turbulent, tussler, unbehaving, unruly, uproarious, upstart, vociferous, vulgarian, vulgarist, wag, wild, wrangler, yahoo, yokel, yokelish
[edit]- rowing, boating, canoeing, circumnavigation, coasting, cruising, gunkholing, motorboating, navigability, navigating, navigation, passage-making, periplus, sailing, sculling, sea travel, seafaring, steaming, travel by water, voyaging, water travel, yachting
[edit]- royal, advantageous, anointed king, aristocratic, august, auspicious, baron, baroness, baronial, beneficial, benevolent, bon, bonny, braw, bueno, capital, champion, chief, chieftain, classical, cogent, commendable, courtly, crown, crowned head, dignified, duchess, duke, duodecimo, dynast, dynastic, earl, effortless, eighteenmo, elegant, emperor, estimable, excellent, expedient, facile, fair, famous, favorable, fine, folio, front, glorious, good, goodly, grand, grand duke, grandiose, grave, healthy, helpful, high chief, imperator, imperatorial, imperatorious, imperial, imperious, imposing, impressive, kind, king, king-emperor, kinglet, kinglike, kingly, laudable, light, lord paramount, lordly, magisterial, magnificent, majestic, majesty, medium, monarch, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monarchical, nice, nobility, noble, nobleman, noblewoman, number one, octavo, octodecimo, overlord, paramount, peer, peerage, petty king, pleasant, potentate, prime, prince, prince consort, princelike, princely, princess, profitable, purple, quarto, queen, queenlike, queenly, rank, regal, resplendent, royal personage, royalty, ruler, sedate, sextodecimo, simple, sixteenmo, skillful, smooth, sober, solemn, sound, sovereign, splendid, stately, statuesque, super, superb, superior, suzerain, tetrarch, top, twelvemo, untroublesome, useful, valid, venerable, very good, virtuous, viscount, viscountess, worthy
[edit]- royalism, Bourbonism, Nazism, Toryism, backwardness, centralism, collectivism, communism, conservatism, conservativeness, constitutionalism, democratism, die-hardism, extreme right, extreme right wing, extreme rightism, fascism, federalism, feudalism, feudality, governmentalism, imperialism, know-nothingism, laissez-faireism, monarchism, national socialism, neofascism, old school tie, parliamentarianism, parliamentarism, pluralism, political principles, radical rightism, reaction, reactionariness, reactionaryism, republicanism, rightism, social Darwinism, socialism, standpattism, statism, ultraconservatism, unprogressiveness
[edit]- royalist, Bircher, Bourbon, Tory, conservatist, conservative, diehard, extreme right-winger, hard hat, imperialist, monarchist, radical right, reactionarist, reactionary, reactionist, right, right wing, right-winger, rightist, social Darwinist, standpat, standpatter, ultraconservative
[edit]- royalty, FFVs, ancestry, ancienne noblesse, anointed king, aristocracy, aristocraticalness, avails, baronage, baronetage, birth, blood, blue blood, box office, caliphate, chief, chieftain, chivalry, commission, commissions, compensation, credit, credits, crowned head, cut, czardom, disposable income, distinction, dividend, dividends, dynast, earned income, earnings, elect, elite, emperor, emperorship, empery, empire, gains, gate, gate receipts, genteelness, gentility, get, grand duke, gross, gross income, gross receipts, haut monde, high chief, high life, high society, honorable descent, imperator, imperialism, income, intake, kaiserdom, kaisership, king, king-emperor, kinghood, kinglet, kingship, knightage, lord paramount, majesty, make, monarch, net, net income, net receipts, nobility, noble birth, nobleness, noblesse, noblesse de robe, old nobility, output, overlord, paramount, payment, peerage, percentage, petty king, potentate, prince, prince consort, proceeds, produce, profits, quality, queenhood, queenship, rajaship, rake-off, rank, receipt, receipts, receivables, regnancy, returns, revenue, royal, royal personage, royalties, ruler, share, sovereign, sovereignty, sultanate, sultanship, suzerain, take, take-in, takings, tetrarch, the Four Hundred, the classes, the crown, the throne, unearned income, upper classes, upper crust, upper ten, upper ten thousand, uppercut, yield
[edit]- rpm, air speed, celerity, dispatch, expedition, fastness, flight, flit, flurry, ground speed, haste, hurry, instantaneousness, knots, lightning speed, miles per hour, precipitation, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rapidity, revolutions, revs, round pace, rush, snappiness, speed, speediness, swift rate, swiftness, velocity
rub down
[edit]- rub down, bed, bed down, break, bridle, brush, caress, curry, currycomb, drench, feed, fodder, frictionize, gentle, groom, handle, harness, hitch, knead, litter, manage, massage, milk, pet, rub, saddle, stroke, tame, tend, train, water, yoke
rub in
[edit]- rub in, accent, accentuate, belabor, dwell on, emphasize, give emphasis to, harp on, highlight, italicize, overaccentuate, overemphasize, overstress, place emphasis on, point up, punctuate, spotlight, star, stress, underline, underscore
rub off
[edit]- rub off, ablate, abrade, abrase, bark, chafe, erase, erode, file, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gnaw, gnaw away, grate, graze, grind, rasp, raze, rub away, rub out, scour, scrape, scrub, scuff, skin, tatter, wear, wear away, wear down, wear off, wear out, wear ragged, weather
rub out
[edit]- rub out, abbreviate, ablate, abrade, abrase, abridge, annihilate, assassinate, bark, blast, blot, blot out, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, bump off, cancel, censor, chafe, cool, croak, cross out, cut, decimate, dele, delete, demolish, do in, dust off, edit, edit out, efface, erase, erode, expunge, expurgate, file, finish, fix, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, get, give the business, gnaw, gnaw away, grate, graze, grind, gun down, hit, ice, kill, knock off, lay out, liquidate, obliterate, off, omit, polish off, put away, rasp, raze, rescind, rub away, rub off, ruin, rule out, scour, scrape, scratch, scratch out, scrub, scuff, settle, shatter, skin, smash, sponge, sponge out, strike, strike off, strike out, take care of, void, waste, wear, wear away, wipe out, wreck, zap
rub the wrong way
[edit]- rub the wrong way, bristle, chafe, corrugate, crinkle, crumple, exacerbate, fret, gall, grate, grate on, gravel, grit, irritate, provoke, rasp, ruffle, rumple, set on edge, wrinkle
[edit]- rub, Discordia, Eris, ablate, abrade, abrase, afflict, aggravate, agonize, ail, air-dry, anhydrate, annoy, apple of discord, attouchement, bake, bandage, bar, bark, bathe, bite, block, blockade, blot, bone of contention, bone to pick, bother, bottleneck, breath, brush, brush by, buff, burn, burnish, care for, caress, casus belli, catch, catch a likeness, chafe, character, characterize, chart, clash, clashing, climacteric, clutch, come in contact, conflict, confrication, contact, contention, contingence, convergence of events, convulse, cordon, crimp, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crossroads, crow to pick, crow to pluck, crucial period, crucify, crunch, crux, cure, curtain, cut, cutaneous sense, dehumidify, dehydrate, delineate, depict, desiccate, determent, deterrent, diagnose, diagram, difficulty, disaccord, disaffinity, discord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, distress, doctor, drain, draw, drawback, dry, emergency, enmity, erase, erode, evaporate, exasperate, excoriate, excruciate, exigency, exsiccate, extremity, feel, feel up, feeling, fester, file, fingertip caress, finish, fire, flick, flux, fondle, fray, frazzle, fret, frication, friction, frictionize, frottage, furbish, gall, give care to, give pain, glance, glaze, gloss, gnaw, gnaw away, grate, graze, grind, gripe, grounds for war, hamper, hand-mindedness, hang-up, harrow, hazard, heal, hinge, hit, hit off, hitch, hurdle, hurt, impediment, impinge, impingement, impingence, incompatibility, incompatibleness, inflame, inflict pain, inharmoniousness, inharmony, insolate, irk, irritate, jangle, jar, joker, kill by inches, kiln, kiss, knead, lacerate, lambency, lap, lick, light touch, limn, luster, map, martyr, martyrize, massage, minister to, mischief, mummify, nettle, nip, noncooperation, nose, notate, nudge, nurse, nuzzle, objection, obstacle, obstruction, obstructive, one small difficulty, open conflict, operate on, osculate, osculation, pain, paint, parch, pass, peeve, perfrication, pet, physic, picture, picturize, pierce, pinch, plaster, polish, portray, poultice, prick, print, prolong the agony, provoke, purge, push, put to torture, rack, rankle, rasp, raze, register, remedy, render, represent, rile, rub against, rub away, rub down, rub noses, rub off, rub out, rubbing, ruffle, schematize, scorch, scour, scrape, scrub, scuff, sear, sense of touch, shave, shine, shrivel, sideswipe, skim, skin, skirt, sleek, slick, slick down, smoke, snag, soak up, sore point, splint, sponge, squeak by, stab, sting, strained relations, strait, strap, stroke, stumbling block, stumbling stone, sun, sun-dry, swab, symbolize, tactile sense, taction, take a rubbing, tangency, tap, tender spot, tension, tentative contact, tentative poke, ticklish issue, torment, torrefy, torture, touch, touching, towel, trace, trace out, trace over, traverse, treat, turn, turning point, tweak, twist, unharmoniousness, unpleasantness, varnish, vex, wax, wear, wear away, weazen, whisper, wipe, wither, wizen, wound, wring, write
rubber band
[edit]- rubber band, Lastex, baleen, battledore, chewing gum, elastic, elastomer, gum, gum elastic, handball, jumping jack, racket, rubber, rubber ball, spandex, spring, springboard, stretch fabric, trampoline, whalebone
rubber stamp
[edit]- rubber stamp, John Hancock, OK, accept, acceptance, accredit, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, amen, approbation, approval, approve, authenticate, authentication, authorization, authorize, autograph, certification, certify, confirm, confirmation, cosign, countersign, countersignature, endorse, endorsement, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, go-ahead, green light, imprimatur, initial, nod, notarization, notarize, okay, pass, pass on, pass upon, permission, permit, ratification, ratify, sanction, say amen to, seal, second, sigil, sign, sign and seal, signature, signet, stamp, stamp of approval, subscribe to, subscription, support, swear and affirm, swear to, the nod, undersign, underwrite, validate, validation, visa, vise, warrant
[edit]- rubber, Buna, Butyl rubber, IUD, India rubber, Lastex, Paul Pry, ace, bag, baleen, battledore, best bower, birth control device, blubber, bower, breeze, butt-in, butter, caoutchouc, cards, caucho, chewing gum, clay, clubs, cold rubber, condom, contraceptive, contraceptive foam, crepe, crepe rubber, crude rubber, cushion, deck, deuce, diamonds, diaphragm, dough, down, dummy, ebonite, eiderdown, elastic, elastomer, eradicator, eraser, expunger, face cards, feather bed, feathers, fleece, floss, flue, fluff, flush, foam, full house, gum, gum elastic, hand, handball, hearts, intermeddler, intrauterine device, jack, joker, jumping jack, kapok, king, knave, latex, left bower, nose, oral contraceptive, pack, pair, pessary, picture cards, pillow, playing cards, plush, polyurethane rubber, prophylactic, pudding, puff, putty, queen, quidnunc, racket, round, royal flush, rubber ball, rubber band, rubberized, rubberlike, rubberneck, rubbery, ruff, satin, silicone rubber, silk, singleton, skin, snoop, spades, spandex, spermicidal jelly, spermicide, sponge, spring, springboard, straight, stretch fabric, swansdown, synthetic rubber, the pill, thistledown, trampoline, trey, trick, trump, velvet, wax, whalebone, wool, zephyr
[edit]- rubberneck, Paul Pry, Peeping Tom, adventurer, alpinist, astronaut, be curious, burn with curiosity, busybody, butt-in, buttinsky, campaign, camper, climber, comers and goers, commuter, cosmopolite, cruise, cruiser, dig around for, dig up, eavesdropper, excursionist, explorer, eye, fare, gape, gaup, gawk, gaze, globe-girdler, globe-trot, globe-trotter, go abroad, go on safari, go overseas, go slumming, goer, goggle, gossip, hajji, hit the trail, inquire, inquirer, inquisitive, inquisitor, intermeddler, interrogate, jaunt, jet set, jet-setter, journey, journeyer, kibitzer, lionize, make a journey, make a pilgrimage, make a trip, mariner, meddler, mountaineer, nose around for, nose out, nosy Parker, ogle, onlooking, palmer, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, peer, peregrinate, pilgrim, pilgrimage, pioneer, pragmatist, prier, pry, querier, querist, query, question, questioner, quidnunc, quiz, range the world, rubber, rubbernecker, sailor, scopophiliac, see the lions, see the sights, seek, sight-see, sight-seeing, sightseer, slummer, snoop, snooper, spectating, spectatorial, stare, straphanger, take a trip, take the road, tour, tourer, tourist, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, traveler, trek, trekker, tripper, viator, visiting fireman, voortrekker, voyage, voyager, voyageur, voyeur, want to know, wayfare, wayfarer, world-traveler, yenta
[edit]- rubbery, able to adapt, adaptable, adjustable, alterable, alterative, anemic, asthenic, bloodless, changeable, checkered, chicken, cowardly, debilitated, drooping, droopy, dull, effete, etiolated, ever-changing, faint, faintish, feeble, flabby, flaccid, flexible, flimsy, floppy, fluid, gone, gutless, imbecile, impermanent, impotent, kaleidoscopic, languid, languorous, lax, limber, limp, listless, loose, lustless, malleable, many-sided, marrowless, metamorphic, mobile, modifiable, movable, mutable, nerveless, nonuniform, permutable, pithless, plastic, pooped, powerless, protean, proteiform, relaxed, resilient, rubber, rubberized, rubberlike, sapless, sinewless, slack, soft, spineless, strengthless, supple, transient, transitory, unhardened, unnerved, unstrung, variable, weak, weakly
[edit]- rubbing, apograph, brushing, carbon, carbon copy, caressing, companion, confrication, contacting, contingent, copy, dead ringer, double, duplicate, duplication, effigy, exact likeness, feeling, fellow, fiche, fingering, frication, fricative, friction, frictional, frottage, glancing, grazing, handling, hectography, icon, idol, image, impingent, impinging, in contact, likeness, living image, living picture, manifold, manipulation, match, mate, meeting, microcopy, microfiche, microform, mimeography, miniature, mirroring, model, nudging, osculatory, palpation, perfrication, petting, photograph, picture, portrait, pressure, recording, reduplication, reflection, reproduction, reprography, resemblance, rub, semblance, shadow, similitude, simulacrum, spit and image, spitting image, stroking, tangent, tangential, tenor, touching, trace, tracing, transcript, transcription, transfer, twin, very image, very picture, xerography
[edit]- rubbish, absurdity, afterglow, afterimage, amphigory, attack, babble, babblement, bad-mouth, balance, balderdash, baloney, bibble-babble, bilge, blabber, blather, bombast, bosh, bric-a-brac, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, butt, butt end, candle ends, castaway, castoff, cattle, chaff, chicken feed, chickenshit, clamjamfry, claptrap, clobber, crap, criticize, debris, derelict, destroy, details, detritus, discard, dogie, double-talk, dregs, dregs of society, drivel, drool, dross, dust, end, eyewash, fag end, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, filings, flapdoodle, flotsam, flotsam and jetsam, flummery, folderol, fossil, foundling, fragments, froth, fudge, fustian, gabble, galimatias, gammon, garbage, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, gimcrackery, gobbledygook, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hokum, holdover, hooey, humbug, husks, jabber, jargon, jetsam, jump all over, jump on, junk, kelter, knickknackery, lagan, leavings, lees, leftovers, litter, lumber, malarkey, minutiae, moonshine, mumbo jumbo, narrishkeit, niaiserie, nonsense, odds and ends, offal, offscourings, offscum, orphan, orts, pack of nonsense, palaver, pan, pap, parings, peanuts, piffle, poppycock, prate, prattle, raff, rags, rant, refuse, reject, rejects, relics, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, riffraff, rigamarole, rigmarole, roach, rodomontade, rot, rubble, ruins, rump, sawdust, scourings, scrap, scraps, scum, shadow, shavings, shoddy, skimble-skamble, slop, small beer, small change, sordes, straw, stubble, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, stump, survival, sweepings, swinish multitude, tommyrot, trace, trash, trifles, trivia, truck, trumpery, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, vaporing, vermin, vestige, waffling, waif, waifs and strays, waste, wastrel
[edit]- rubbishy, Pickwickian, absurd, base, beggarly, beneath contempt, cheap, cheesy, common, contemptible, crummy, despicable, foolish, gaudy, gimcracky, mean, meretricious, miserable, nonsensical, paltry, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, poor, poppycockish, sad, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, shabby, shoddy, silly, skimble-skamble, sleazy, sorry, tatty, trashy, trumpery, twaddling, twaddly, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, valueless, vile, worthless, wretched
[edit]- rubble, aa, abyssal rock, basalt, bedrock, block lava, brash, breccia, clamjamfry, conglomerate, crag, debris, druid stone, dust, festooned pahoehoe, gneiss, granite, igneous rock, junk, lava, limestone, litter, living rock, lumber, magma, mantlerock, metamorphic rock, monolith, pahoehoe, pillow lava, porphyry, pudding stone, raff, regolith, riffraff, rock, ropy lava, rubbish, rubblestone, sandstone, sarsen, schist, scoria, scrap, scree, sedimentary rock, shelly pahoehoe, shoddy, stone, talus, trash, truck, tufa, tuff
[edit]- rube, babe, backwoodsman, boor, boorish, bucolic, bumpkin, butterfingers, child, child of nature, churlish, clod, cloddish, clodhopper, clodhopping, clown, clownish, clumsy, countrified, country bumpkin, country-born, country-bred, dove, dub, duffer, dupe, farmer, farmerish, foozler, foul-up, from the sticks, fumble-fist, gawk, gawky, goof, goofball, goofer, hayseed, hick, hicky, hillbilly, hobnailed, infant, ingenue, innocent, inurbane, lamb, looby, lout, loutish, lubber, lummox, lump, lumpen, lumpish, mere child, muff, muffer, noble savage, oaf, provincial, redneck, rustic, simple soul, slob, stumblebum, stumblebunny, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticate, up-country, yokel, yokelish
[edit]- rubella, African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, acute articular rheumatism, ague, alkali disease, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, bacillary dysentery, bastard measles, black death, black fever, blackwater fever, breakbone fever, brucellosis, bubonic plague, cachectic fever, cerebral rheumatism, chicken pox, cholera, cowpox, dandy fever, deer fly fever, dengue, dengue fever, diphtheria, dumdum fever, dysentery, elephantiasis, encephalitis lethargica, enteric fever, erysipelas, famine fever, five-day fever, flu, frambesia, glandular fever, grippe, hansenosis, hepatitis, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, hookworm, hydrophobia, infantile paralysis, infectious mononucleosis, inflammatory rheumatism, influenza, jail fever, jungle rot, kala azar, kissing disease, lepra, leprosy, leptospirosis, loa loa, loaiasis, lockjaw, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever, measles, meningitis, milzbrand, mumps, ornithosis, osteomyelitis, paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pertussis, pneumonia, polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis rheumatism, ponos, psittacosis, rabbit fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, relapsing fever, rheumatic fever, rickettsialpox, ringworm, rubeola, scarlatina, scarlet fever, schistosomiasis, septic sore throat, shingles, sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, smallpox, snail fever, splenic fever, spotted fever, strep throat, swamp fever, tetanus, thrush, tinea, trench fever, trench mouth, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid, typhoid fever, typhus, typhus fever, undulant fever, vaccinia, varicella, variola, venereal disease, viral dysentery, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever, yellow jack, zona, zoster
[edit]- rubicund, Titian, Titian-red, blooming, blowzed, blowzy, bricky, burnt, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, crimson, damask, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, florid, flush, flushed, full-blooded, glowing, gules, hectic, hot, incarmined, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, lobster-red, lurid, maroon, port-wine, puce, red, red-complexioned, red-dyed, red-faced, red-fleshed, red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddy, ruddy-complexioned, ruddy-faced, rufescent, rufous, rust, rust-red, rusty, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, sunburned, tile-red, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, wine, wine-colored, wine-red
[edit]- ruble, Deutschmark, Mark, Reichsmark, afghani, anna, baht, cent, centavo, centime, conto, dollar, dong, florin, franc, guilder, gulden, kip, kopeck, krona, krone, lira, milreis, peseta, pie, piece of eight, pistareen, pound, rand, rial, rupee, shekel, shilling, sol, sou, stiver, won, yen
[edit]- rubric, Sefer Torah, Torah, Torah scroll, Virginal, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, act, appellation, appellative, banner, banner head, basis, bill, blood, bracket, branch, breviary, brief, burden, bylaw, canon, capsule, caption, case, caste, category, chapter, church book, clan, class, code, cognomen, commandment, compend, concern, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, convention, decree, denomination, designation, dictate, dictation, dictum, digest, division, draft, drop head, dropline, edict, enactment, epigraph, epitome, essence, estate, euchologion, euchology, farse, focus of attention, focus of interest, form, formality, formula, formulary, general principle, gist, golden rule, grade, group, grouping, guideline, guiding principle, hanger, head, heading, headline, imperative, incarnadine, institution, issue, jump head, jus, kin, label, law, lectionary, legend, legislation, level, lex, litany, living issue, machzor, main point, manual, matter, matter in hand, maxim, measure, meat, memorable, missal, mitzvah, moral, motif, motive, motto, nomen, norm, notable, observable, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordonnance, outline, overline, overview, pandect, pigeonhole, point, point at issue, point in question, pontifical, position, prayer book, precis, predicament, prescript, prescription, principium, principle, problem, question, race, rank, rating, red-letter, regulation, review, ritual, rituale, rubify, ruby, ruddle, ruddy, rule, ruling, running head, running title, scarehead, screamer, section, sept, service book, set, settled principle, shortened version, siddur, skeleton, sketch, spread, spreadhead, standard, standing order, station, status, statute, strain, stratum, streamer, style, subdivision, subgroup, subhead, subheading, subject, subject matter, subject of thought, suborder, substance, subtitle, superscription, survey, syllabus, synopsis, tenet, text, theme, thumbnail sketch, title, title page, topic, topical outline, working principle, working rule
[edit]- ruby, Titian, Titian-red, adamant, agate, alexandrite, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, bloodstone, bricky, brilliant, carbuncle, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, chalcedony, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, chrysoberyl, chrysolite, citrine, coral, crimson, damask, demantoid, diamond, emerald, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, garnet, girasol, glowing, gules, harlequin opal, heliotrope, hot, hyacinth, incarmined, incarnadine, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, jade, jadestone, jargoon, jasper, lake-colored, laky, lapis lazuli, lateritious, lobster-red, lurid, maroon, moonstone, morganite, onyx, opal, peridot, plasma, port-wine, puce, red, red-dyed, red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rose quartz, rubicund, rubify, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddle, ruddy, rufescent, rufous, rust, rust-red, rusty, sapphire, sard, sardonyx, scarlet, spinel, spinel ruby, stammel, tile-red, topaz, turquoise, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, wine, wine-colored, wine-red
[edit]- ruche, crease, creasing, crimp, dog-ear, double, doubling, duplicature, flection, flexure, flounce, fold, frill, gather, lapel, lappet, plica, plication, plicature, ply, ruching, ruffle, tuck
[edit]- ruck, Everyman, Public, a mass of, a world of, aggregation, and bobtail, army, assemblage, average, average man, bank, bevy, bezel, bunch, canaille, chamfer, chase, chink, cloud, cluster, clutter, cock, cocker, cockle, cohue, collection, common man, common ruck, common run, company, congeries, congregation, corrugate, corrugation, covey, crack, crankle, cranny, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crowd, crumple, crush, cut, dado, deluge, drift, engraving, everyman, everywoman, flight, flock, flocks, flood, flute, fluting, fold, furrow, galaxy, gash, generality, girl next door, gouge, groove, group, hail, heap, hive, homme moyen sensuel, horde, host, incision, jam, knit, knot, large amount, legion, lots, many, mass, masses of, microgroove, mob, mound, muchness, multitude, muster, nest, numbers, ordinary Joe, ordinary run, pack, panoply, plica, plurality, press, pucker, purse, quantities, quite a few, rabbet, rabble, rabblement, rag, ragtag, ragtag and bobtail, rick, ridge, rifling, rimple, ripple, rivel, rout, ruckle, rumple, run, rut, score, scores, scratch, shirr, shoal, slit, spate, stack, streak, stria, striation, sulcation, sulcus, swarm, tag, throng, tidy sum, well-worn groove, wimple, worlds of, wrinkle
[edit]- ruckus, Bedlam let loose, ado, agitation, altercation, barney, bedlam, bickering, blast, bluster, bobbery, bother, brawl, broil, brouhaha, cacophony, chaos, charivari, chirm, clamor, clangor, clap, clatter, coil, commotion, controversy, din, discord, dispute, disturbance, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, drunken brawl, dustup, ebullition, embroilment, falling-out, fanaticism, ferment, flap, fomentation, foofaraw, fracas, free-for-all, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, hassle, hell broke loose, helter-skelter, howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, jangle, knock-down-and-drag-out, loud noise, melee, noise, noise and shouting, outcry, pandemonium, passion, pell-mell, pother, racket, rage, rampage, rattle, rhubarb, riot, roar, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, row, ruction, rumble, rumpus, run-in, scramble, scrap, scrimmage, set-to, shindig, shindy, shivaree, squabble, stir, storminess, tempestuousness, thunder, thunderclap, tintamarre, to-do, trouble, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, turmoil, uproar, upset, wildness, wrangle, zeal, zealousness
[edit]- ruction, affray, broil, bustle, clamor, clatter, donnybrook, fight, fracas, fray, free-for-all, hassle, hubbub, hurly-burly, melee, out, pother, storm, to-do
[edit]- ruddy, Titian, Titian-red, absolute, blamed, blankety-blank, blasted, bleeding, blessed, blinking, bloody, blooming, blowsy, blowzed, blowzy, blushful, blushing, bricky, burnt, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, complete, confounded, crimson, dadburned, damask, damnable, danged, darned, dashed, deuced, doggone, doggoned, embarrassed, execrable, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, florid, flush, flushed, fresh, fresh as April, full-blooded, glowing, goldanged, goldarned, goshdarn, green, gross, gules, hectic, hot, incarmined, incarnadine, infernal, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, lobster-red, lurid, maroon, out-and-out, perfect, pink, port-wine, puce, rank, red, red-complexioned, red-dyed, red-faced, red-fleshed, red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rubicund, rubify, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddle, ruddy-complexioned, ruddy-faced, rufescent, rufous, rust, rust-red, rusty, sanguine, scarlet, sheepish, stammel, sunburned, thoroughgoing, tile-red, unmitigated, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, wine, wine-colored, wine-red, youthful
[edit]- rude, Doric, Gothic, Philistine, angular, approximate, arrested, artless, awkward, backward, barbaric, barbarous, bare, baseborn, basic, bawdy, below the salt, benighted, biggety, bluff, bold, bookless, boorish, bouncing, brash, brassy, brazen, brusque, bumbling, cacophonic, cacophonous, callow, cheeky, choked, churlish, chutzpadik, clownish, clumsy, coarse, cockney, cocky, common, commonplace, contemptuous, crabbed, cracked, crass, croaking, croaky, crude, crusty, curt, deceived, derisive, dirty, discordant, discourteous, disharmonic, disharmonious, disrespectful, doggerel, dry, dysphemistic, earthy, embryonic, empty-headed, facy, filthy, flip, flippant, flush, fresh, functionally illiterate, gally, gauche, gaudy, graceless, grammarless, gratuitous, green, gross, gruff, guttural, hale, hale and hearty, hardy, harsh, harsh-sounding, hearty, heathen, hoarse, homely, homespun, hoodwinked, humble, husky, ill, ill-bred, ill-educated, ill-mannered, illiterate, imperfect, impertinent, impolite, imprecise, improper, impudent, impure, in bad taste, in embryo, in ovo, in the rough, inaccurate, inaffable, inartistic, inconcinnate, inconcinnous, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, inelegant, inexact, inexpert, infelicitous, inharmonic, inharmonious, insolent, insulting, intrusive, inurbane, know-nothing, led astray, lewd, loud, loutish, low, lowborn, lowbred, lowbrow, lowly, lubricious, lubricous, lumpy, lusty, makeshift, malapert, mannerless, mean, meddlesome, meretricious, metallic, misinformed, misinstructed, misshapen, mistaught, naughty, nervy, nonclerical, nonintellectual, oafish, obscene, offensive, ordinary, outlandish, outrageous, oversimple, pagan, pert, plain, plebeian, pornographic, primitive, proximate, ragged, raucid, raucous, raw, reductionistic, reductive, ribald, robust, robustious, robustuous, rough, rough-hewn, roughcast, roughhewn, roupy, rudimental, rudimentary, rugged, sassy, saucy, savage, shabby-genteel, simple, simplistic, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass, smutty, squawking, squawky, stalwart, stertorous, stout, strangled, strong, stunted, sturdy, surly, taboo, tactless, tasteless, thick, third-estate, throaty, tinny, unaccommodating, unblown, unbooked, unbookish, unbooklearned, unbriefed, uncalled-for, unceremonious, uncivil, uncivilized, uncomplaisant, unconversant, uncourteous, uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, underdeveloped, undeveloped, undignified, undressed, unedified, uneducated, unerudite, uneuphonious, unfashioned, unfelicitous, unfinished, unformed, ungallant, ungenteel, ungentlemanly, ungraceful, ungracious, unguided, unhandsome, unharmonious, unhewn, uninstructed, unintellectual, unlabored, unladylike, unlearned, unlettered, unlicked, unliterary, unmannered, unmannerly, unpolished, unpolite, unpracticed, unprocessed, unread, unrefined, unscholarly, unschooled, unseemly, unskilled, unstudious, untaught, untreated, untutored, unversed, unworked, unwrought, vigorous, vital, vulgar, wild, wise-ass
[edit]- rudeness, Gothicism, bad manners, bad taste, barbarism, barbarousness, bombasticness, brashness, brassiness, brazenfacedness, brazenness, cacology, cacophony, caddishness, callowness, cheekiness, clumsiness, coarseness, cockiness, contempt, cracked voice, crassness, crudeness, crudity, cumbrousness, derision, discord, discourteousness, discourtesy, disrespectfulness, dryness, dysphemism, earthiness, face of brass, flippancy, freshness, gaudiness, gracelessness, greenness, gross behavior, grossness, gruffness, gutturalism, gutturality, gutturalness, harshness, heaviness, hoarseness, huskiness, ill breeding, ill manners, ill-balanced sentences, immatureness, immaturity, impertinence, impoliteness, impropriety, impudence, impurity, incivility, inconcinnity, inconsiderateness, incorrectness, indecorousness, inelegance, inelegancy, infelicity, insensitivity, inurbanity, lack of finish, lack of polish, leadenness, loudness, loutishness, mannerlessness, meretriciousness, nondevelopment, obscenity, offensiveness, oversimplicity, oversimplification, pompousness, ponderousness, poor diction, raspiness, raucity, rawness, reductionism, ribaldry, ridicule, roughness, scrapiness, scratchiness, sesquipedalianism, sesquipedality, simplism, slipshod construction, stertorousness, stiltedness, tactlessness, tastelessness, the rough, thickness, throatiness, turgidity, ugliness, uncourtliness, uncouthness, uncultivation, undevelopment, uneuphoniousness, unfinish, unfinishedness, unfledgedness, ungallantness, ungentlemanliness, ungracefulness, ungraciousness, unmannerliness, unpoliteness, unrefinement, unripeness, unseemliness, unsolicitousness, unwieldiness, vulgarism, vulgarity
[edit]- rudiment, Anlage, base, basement, basic, basis, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, blastula, bud, egg, element, elements, embryo, fetus, floor, flooring, fond, footing, foundation, fundament, fundamental, fundamentals, germ, germen, grammar, ground, grounds, groundwork, hardpan, larva, loins, nucleus, nymph, ovum, part and parcel, pavement, principle, principles, radical, riprap, rock bottom, seat, seed, sill, solid ground, solid rock, spermatozoon, stereobate, stylobate, substratum, terra firma, underbuilding, undercarriage, undergirding, underpinning, understruction, understructure, zygote
[edit]- rudimentary, Lilliputian, Tom Thumb, abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, arrested, autochthonous, backward, basal, basic, basilar, beginning, budding, central, coarse, creative, crucial, crude, dumpy, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, elemental, elementary, elfin, embryonic, essential, fetal, first, formative, foundational, fundamental, generative, genetic, germinal, gestatory, immature, imperfect, in embryo, in its infancy, in ovo, in the bud, in the rough, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, initial, initiative, initiatory, introductory, inventive, meager, midget, nanoid, nascent, natal, original, oversimple, parturient, postnatal, pregnant, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primordial, pristine, procreative, protogenic, pygmy, radical, reductionistic, reductive, rough, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, runty, scraggy, scrubby, seminal, shriveled, shrunk, shrunken, simplistic, squat, stunted, unblown, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, underdeveloped, underlying, undersize, undersized, undeveloped, unfashioned, unfinished, unformed, unhewn, unlabored, unlicked, unpolished, unprocessed, unrefined, unshaped, untreated, unworked, unwrought, ur, vestigial, wizened
[edit]- rudiments, abecedarium, abecedary, alphabet, and arithmetic, basics, elementary education, elements, essentials, first principles, first steps, fundamentals, grammar, hornbook, induction, initiation, introduction, outlines, primer, principia, principles, propaedeutic, reading, writing
[edit]- rue, affliction, anguish, be sorry for, bemoan, bewail, care, commiseration, compassion, compunction, contriteness, contrition, deplore, dole, grief, heartache, heartbreak, penance, penitently, regret, remorse, remorsefulness, repent, repentance, repine, rue the day, ruth, sympathy, woe
[edit]- rueful, addicted, affecting, afflictive, aggrieved, anguished, ashamed, bitter, bleak, careworn, cheerless, comfortless, conscience-smitten, conscience-stricken, deplorable, depressed, depressing, depressive, despairing, despondent, discomforting, dismal, dismaying, distressful, distressing, doleful, dolorific, dolorogenic, dolorous, dreary, dumb with grief, full of remorse, grief-stricken, griefful, grieved, grievous, hopeless, in grief, joyless, lamentable, lugubrious, miserable, mournful, moving, oppressed, painful, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, plaintive, plangent, plunged in grief, poignant, poor, regretful, regrettable, remorseful, repining, ruthful, sad, saddening, self-accusing, self-condemning, self-convicting, self-debasing, self-flagellating, self-humiliating, self-punishing, self-reproaching, shamefaced, shamefast, shameful, sharp, sore, sorrowed, sorrowful, sorrowing, sorry, tearful, touching, uncomfortable, unhappy about, wistful, woebegone, woeful, wretched
[edit]- ruff, ace, barrage, beat, beating, best bower, bower, cards, clubs, crease, crimp, crisp, deck, deuce, diamonds, dog-ear, double, double over, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, dummy, enfold, face cards, flounce, flush, flute, flutter, fold, fold over, frill, full house, gather, hand, hearts, infold, interfold, jack, joker, king, knave, lap over, left bower, pack, pair, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, picture cards, pitapat, pitter-patter, plait, plat, playing cards, pleat, plicate, ply, pound, pounding, pulsation, queen, quill, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, roll, round, royal flush, rub-a-dub, rubber, ruffle, singleton, spades, spatter, splutter, sputter, staccato, straight, tat-tat, tattoo, throb, throbbing, thrum, thumping, tom-tom, trey, trick, trump, tuck, turn over, twill
[edit]- ruffian, Babbitt, Philistine, arriviste, bad boy, battler, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, blade, booger, boor, bounder, bourgeois, bravo, brawler, bucko, buffoon, bugger, bully, bullyboy, cad, churl, clown, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, cutthroat, cutup, desperado, devil, disputant, duelist, elf, enfant terrible, enforcer, epicier, fencer, feuder, fighter, fighting cock, foilsman, funmaker, gamecock, gladiator, goon, gorilla, groundling, gunman, guttersnipe, hatchet man, hell-raiser, hellcat, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, ill-bred fellow, imp, joker, jokester, jouster, killer, knave, knight, little devil, little monkey, little rascal, looby, lout, low fellow, mad dog, militant, minx, mischief, mischief-maker, mucker, nouveau riche, parvenu, peasant, pixie, plug-ugly, practical joker, prankster, puck, punk, quarreler, rapscallion, rascal, ribald, rioter, rival, rogue, rough, roughneck, rowdy, sabreur, scamp, scapegrace, scrapper, scuffler, squabbler, strong arm, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, thug, tilter, tough, tussler, upstart, vulgarian, vulgarist, wag, wrangler, yahoo, yokel
[edit]- ruffianly, bad, boorish, carlish, churlish, cloddish, clownish, disorderly, disruptive, hooliganish, improper, loobyish, loutish, lubberly, lumpish, misbehaving, naughty, not respectable, off-base, out-of-line, raffish, roughneck, rowdy, rowdyish, unbehaving, yokelish
[edit]- ruffle, abrade, addle, addle the wits, ado, affect, aggravate, agitate, agitation, annoy, arouse, badger, bait, ball up, barrage, be at, beading, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beat the drum, beat time, beat up, beating, becloud, bedazzle, bedevil, befuddle, befuddlement, beset, bewilder, bewilderment, binding, bludgeon, bluster, bordering, bordure, bother, botheration, bristle, brouhaha, browbeat, brown off, bug, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, burn up, bustle, chafe, chaos, chivy, churn, churn up, cloud, clutter, commotion, confuse, confusion, convulse, corrugate, count, count the beats, cow, crease, creasing, crimp, crinkle, crisp, crumple, daze, dazzle, derange, devil, disarrange, disarray, discombobulate, discombobulation, discomfit, discomfiture, discompose, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertion, dishevel, dislocate, disorder, disorganization, disorganize, disorient, disorientation, disquiet, distemper, disturb, disturbance, dog, dog-ear, double, double over, doubling, dragoon, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, duplicature, ebullience, ebullition, eddy, edging, effervescence, electrify, embarrass, embarrassment, embitter, embroilment, enfold, entangle, erode, exasperate, excite, exercise, fan, fash, feery-fary, ferment, fermentation, fimbria, fimbriation, flare, flection, flexure, flounce, flummox, flurry, fluster, flute, flutter, fog, fold, fold over, frenzy, fret, frill, frilling, fringe, fuddle, fuddlement, fume, furbelow, fuss, gall, galloon, gather, gathering, get, go pitapat, graze, gripe, harass, harry, haze, heckle, hector, hem, hex, hound, huff, hurly-burly, hurry, hurry-scurry, incense, inflame, infold, interfold, intimidate, irk, irritate, jar, jolt, jumble, keep time, lap over, lapel, lappet, list, litter, maze, mess, mess up, miff, misarrange, mist, mix up, moider, molest, motif, muddle, muddlement, muss, muss up, nag, needle, nettle, nudzh, paddle, palpitate, palpitation, paradiddle, patter, peeve, pell-mell, peplum, perplex, perplexity, persecute, perturb, perturbate, perturbation, pester, pick on, pique, pitapat, pitter-patter, plague, plait, plat, play drum, pleat, plica, plicate, plication, plicature, pluck the beard, ply, pother, pound, pounding, provoke, psych out, pucker, pulsate, pulsation, put out, quill, raise hell, rankle, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, rattle, ride, rile, ripple, rock, roil, roll, roughen, rub, rub-a-dub, ruche, ruching, ruff, rumple, scatter, selvage, set on edge, set up, shake, shake up, shock, shuffle, skirting, sound a tattoo, spatter, splatter, splutter, spook, sputter, staccato, stagger, stew, stir, stir the blood, stir up, strong-arm, sweat, swirl, swirling, swivet, tangle, tap, tat-tat, tattoo, tease, throb, throbbing, throw, throw into confusion, thrum, thump, thumping, tizzy, to-do, tom-tom, torment, tousle, trimming, trouble, try the patience, tuck, tumult, turbulence, turmoil, turn over, tweak the nose, twill, unnerve, unsettle, unsettlement, unstring, uproar, upset, valance, vex, voodoo, vortex, wavelet, wear, welt, whip, whip up, whirl, whisk, wind, winnow, work up, worry, wrinkle, yeastiness
[edit]- rug, Axminster, Brussels carpet, Caucasian rug, Chinese rug, East Indian rug, Indian rug, Oriental rug, Persian rug, Savonnerie, Turkish rug, Wilton, afghan, air mattress, bed linen, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, blanket, body Brussels, bolster, broadloom, buffalo robe, carpet, carpeting, case, clothes, comfort, comforter, contour sheet, counterpane, cover, coverlet, coverlid, cushion, doormat, drop cloth, drugget, duckboards, eiderdown, fitted sheet, floorboards, flooring, ground cloth, ground-sheet, ingrain, innerspring mattress, lap robe, linen, litter, mat, mattress, moquette, namda, nammad, pad, pallet, patchwork quilt, pave, pavement, pillow, pillow slip, pillowcase, quilt, robe, rugs, sheet, sheeting, sleeping bag, slip, spread, springs, throw rug, tiling, underbed, underbedding, welcome mat
rugged individualist
[edit]- rugged individualist, capitalist, free lance, free spirit, free trader, freethinker, independent, individualist, isolationist, latitudinarian, liberal, libertarian, libertine, mugwump, neutral, nonpartisan, rich man, third force, third world
[edit]- rugged, Herculean, Spartan, Spartanic, abstruse, adamantine, arduous, asperous, astringent, austere, authoritarian, beefy, bitter, bold, bouncing, brawny, broken, brutal, bulky, bumpy, burdensome, burly, churlish, clownish, cockled, cockly, complex, corrugate, corrugated, cragged, craggy, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, critical, crude, crumpled, delicate, demanding, dense, difficile, difficult, doughty, dour, dry, durable, enduring, exacting, exigent, firm, flush, forceful, forcible, forcy, formidable, full-blooded, full-strength, furrowed, grating, gravelly, grim, gutsy, gutty, hairy, hale, hale and hearty, hard, hard as nails, hard-earned, hard-fought, hardy, harsh, hearty, heavy, hefty, hoarse, husky, ill-bred, inclement, independent, individualistic, intemperate, intricate, iron-hard, ironbound, irregular, jagged, jaggy, jarring, jawbreaking, knitted, knotted, knotty, laborious, lasting, loutish, lubberly, lumpish, lusty, massive, mean, meticulous, mighty, muscular, nervy, no picnic, not easy, obstinate, onerous, operose, pitted, potent, powerful, puckered, puckery, puissant, pursed, pursy, ragged, rasping, raucous, red-blooded, ridged, rigorous, rimpled, rippled, robust, robustious, robustuous, rockbound, rocky, rough, rough-and-ready, rucked, rude, rugose, rugous, rumpled, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scabrous, scragged, scraggly, scraggy, self-confident, self-reliant, self-sufficient, serrate, serrated, set with thorns, severe, snagged, snaggled, snaggy, solid, sound, spiny, stable, stalwart, steady, steely, steep, stern, stony, stout, strapping, strenuous, strict, stridulous, stringent, strong, strong as brandy, strong as strong, strong-willed, sturdy, thorny, ticklish, toilsome, tough, tricky, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultured, uneven, ungentle, ungraceful, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, unsparing, unyielding, uphill, vigorous, vital, well-built, well-constructed, well-founded, well-grounded, well-made, wicked, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- rugous, cockled, cockly, corrugate, corrugated, cragged, craggy, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, crumpled, furrowed, gravelly, harsh, ironbound, jagged, jaggy, knitted, knotted, puckered, puckery, pursed, pursy, ragged, ridged, rimpled, rippled, rockbound, rocky, rucked, rugged, rugose, rumpled, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scragged, scraggly, scraggy, serrate, serrated, snagged, snaggled, snaggy, stony, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- ruin, Waterloo, abuse, afterglow, afterimage, ancient manuscript, annihilate, antique, antiquity, archaism, artifact, assault, atrophy, attack, baffle, balance, balk, bane, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barbarize, batter, beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, beating, beggar, beldam, bereavement, best, betray, blast, blight, bloodbath, blue ruin, bollix up, botch, brave, break, break up, breakdown, breakup, bring to ruin, brutalize, burn, bust, butcher, butt, butt end, candle ends, carcass, carnage, carry on, cave painting, chaff, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, clean out, collapse, condemn, confound, confront, confusion, conquering, conquest, consume, consumption, contravene, corrupt, corrupting, corruption, cost, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, crash, crone, cross, crumbling, crush, curse, damage, damn, damnation, dash, dead loss, deal destruction, deathblow, debacle, debase, debasement, debasing, debauch, debit, debris, decadence, decay, deceive, decimate, decimation, declension, decline, deface, defeat, defile, defilement, defiling, defloration, deflower, deflowering, defy, degeneracy, degenerate, degeneration, degradation, degrading, demolish, denial, denudation, deplete, depredate, depredation, deprivation, desecrate, desolate, desolation, despoil, despoilment, despoliation, destroy, destroyer, destruction, detriment, detritus, devastate, devastation, devolution, devour, dilapidate, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, disfigure, dish, dishonor, dishonoring, disintegration, disorganization, dispossession, disrepair, disrupt, disruption, dissolution, dissolve, divestment, do in, dodo, dotard, downfall, downgrade, drain, draw, drub, drubbing, elude, end, engorge, eolith, expense, fag end, failure, fall, filings, fix, flatten, flummox, foil, fold up, force, forfeit, forfeiture, fossil, fragments, frustrate, fuddy-duddy, gin, go on, gobble, gobble up, gut, gut with fire, hag, hammer, harm, havoc, hecatomb, hide, hiding, holdover, holocaust, hors de combat, hulk, hurt, husks, impair, impoverish, incinerate, injury, knock the chocks, lambaste, lambasting, lather, lathering, lay in ruins, lay waste, lead astray, leavings, leftovers, lick, licking, liquidation, loot, loser, losing, losing streak, loss, louse up, maim, mangle, mar, mastery, maul, mere wreck, mess up, mezzolith, microlith, mischief, mislead, mug, mutilate, nemesis, neolith, nervous wreck, nonplus, nullify, odds and ends, offscourings, old fogy, old geezer, orts, outclass, outdo, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrage, outrun, outsail, outshine, overcoming, overthrow, overturn, paleolith, parings, pauper, pauperize, perdition, perplex, petrification, petrified forest, petrified wood, petroglyph, pillage, plateaulith, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, privation, pulverize, put, quietus, rage, rags, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rattletrap, ravage, rave, ravish, raze, refuse, relic, relics, reliquiae, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, riot, roach, roar, robbery, rubbish, rubble, ruinate, ruination, ruins, rump, sabotage, sack, sacrifice, savage, sawdust, scotch, scourings, scraps, screw up, scuttle, seduce, seducing, seduction, settle, shadow, shambles, shatter, shavings, shipwreck, sink, skeleton, skin, skin alive, slaughter, smash, soil, sow chaos, spike, spoil, spoliate, spoliation, stonewall, storm, straw, stripping, stubble, stump, subdual, subduing, subjugation, sully, survival, swallow up, sweepings, taking away, tear, tear around, terrorize, thrash, thrashing, throw into disorder, thwart, total loss, trace, trim, trimming, triumph over, trounce, trouncing, uglify, unbuild, undo, undoing, unleash destruction, unleash the hurricane, unmake, upheave, upset, vandalism, vandalize, vanquishment, vaporize, vestige, violate, vitiate, vitiating, vitiation, waste, whip, whipping, wipe out, wiping out, witch, worst, wrack, wrack and ruin, wreak havoc, wreck, wreckage
[edit]- ruination, bane, bankruptcy, bloodbath, blue ruin, breakage, breakdown, breakup, carnage, collapse, confusion, consumption, crack-up, crippling, damage, damnation, decimation, depredation, desolation, despoilment, despoliation, destroyer, destruction, detriment, devastation, dilapidation, disablement, disintegration, disorganization, disrepair, disruption, dissolution, encroachment, harm, havoc, hecatomb, hobbling, holocaust, hurt, hurting, impairment, incapacitation, infringement, injury, inroad, loss, maiming, mayhem, mischief, mutilation, perdition, ravage, ruin, ruinousness, sabotage, scathe, shambles, sickening, slaughter, spoiling, spoliation, undoing, vandalism, waste, weakening, wrack, wrack and ruin, wreck
[edit]- ruined, all up with, ausgespielt, bankrupt, battered, beat, beat-up, beaten, beaten up, bested, beyond recall, beyond remedy, blasted, blighted, botched, broke, broken, broken-down, busted, confounded, crumbling, cureless, decrepit, defeated, derelict, desolated, destitute, destroyed, devastated, dilapidated, discomfited, done for, done in, down, down-and-out, dusty, failed, fallen, finished, fixed, floored, fusty, gone, gone to pot, gone to seed, hors de combat, immedicable, in receivership, in ruins, incorrigible, incurable, inoperable, insolvent, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreformable, irremediable, irreparable, irretrievable, irreversible, irrevocable, kaput, lambasted, lathered, licked, lost, marred, mildewed, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, moth-eaten, musty, on the rocks, on the skids, outdone, overborne, overcome, overmastered, overmatched, overpowered, overridden, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, panicked, past hope, past praying for, put to rout, ramshackle, ravaged, remediless, routed, ruinous, run-down, rusty, scattered, settled, silenced, skinned, skinned alive, slummy, spoiled, spoilt, stale, stampeded, terminal, time-scarred, timeworn, tottery, trimmed, trounced, tumbledown, undone, unmitigable, unrelievable, unsalvable, unsalvageable, upset, wasted, whelmed, whipped, worn, worsted, wrecked
[edit]- ruinous, ablative, annihilative, ausgespielt, baleful, baneful, bankrupt, battered, beat-up, beaten up, bedraggled, biodegradable, black, blasted, blighted, blowzy, broken, broken-down, calamitous, careless, cataclysmal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, chintzy, consuming, consumptive, corrosive, crippling, crumbling, deadly, decomposable, decomposing, decrepit, degradable, deleterious, demolishing, demolitionary, depredatory, derelict, desolated, desolating, destroyed, destroying, destructive, devastated, devastating, dilapidated, dire, disastrous, disintegrable, disintegrated, disintegrating, disintegrative, disjunctive, disruptive, done for, done in, doomful, down-and-out, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, dusty, erosive, fallen, fatal, fateful, finished, fratricidal, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, fusty, gone to pot, gone to seed, grievous, grubby, harmful, in rags, in ruins, informal, injurious, internecine, irremediable, kaput, loose, lumpen, messy, mildewed, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, moth-eaten, mussy, musty, nasty, negligent, nihilist, nihilistic, noxious, overthrown, pernicious, poisonous, poky, ragged, raggedy, ramshackle, ravaged, ravaging, resolvent, ruined, ruining, run-down, rusty, scraggly, seedy, self-destructive, separative, shabby, shattering, shoddy, slack, slatternly, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, slummy, sluttish, solvent, sordid, spoiled, squalid, stale, subversionary, subversive, suicidal, tacky, tattered, time-scarred, timeworn, tottery, toxic, tragic, tumbledown, undone, unkempt, unneat, unsightly, untidy, vandalic, vandalish, vandalistic, wasted, wasteful, wasting, withering, worn, wrecked, wreckful
rule of thumb
[edit]- rule of thumb, R and D, control, control experiment, controlled experiment, cut and try, empiricism, experiment, experimental design, experimental method, experimental proof, experimentalism, experimentation, hit and miss, noble experiment, pragmatism, research and development, tentative method, tentativeness, testing, trial, trial and error, trying
rule out
[edit]- rule out, abscind, amputate, annihilate, anticipate, avert, ban, bar, bate, blot, blot out, bob, cancel, clip, close out, count out, crop, cross out, cull, cut, cut away, cut off, cut out, debar, deflect, dele, delete, deny, deter, disallow, discourage, disenable, dishearten, disqualify, dock, efface, eliminate, embargo, enjoin, enucleate, eradicate, erase, estop, except, excise, exclude, exclude from, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, fend, fend off, forbid, foreclose, forestall, help, inhibit, interdict, isolate, keep from, keep off, knock off, lop, make impossible, mutilate, nip, obliterate, obviate, outlaw, pare, peel, pick out, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, prune, raze, refuse, reject, repel, repress, root out, rub out, save, say no to, scratch, scratch out, set apart, set aside, shave, shear, shut out, sponge, sponge out, stamp out, stave off, strike off, strike out, strip, strip off, suppress, suspend, taboo, take off, take out, truncate, turn aside, ward, ward off, wipe out
[edit]- rule, Aristotelian sorites, Goclenian sorites, Procrustean law, SOP, T square, a priori truth, acme, act, act on, administration, antetype, antitype, apothegm, appointment, apriorism, archetype, as a rule, ascendancy, assize, authority, authorization, average, axiom, balance, ban, bar, barometer, be in, be in force, be the rage, be the rule, be the thing, be-all and end-all, bear reign, bid, bill, biotype, blue ribbon, brevet, brocard, bull, bylaw, bypass, call on, call the shots, call the signals, call upon, canon, carry authority, categorical syllogism, center, championship, charge, charisma, charm, check, chiefly, civil government, classic example, claws, clout, clutches, code, command, commandment, commission, common practice, commonly, conclude, condemn, consequence, control, convention, crack the whip, credit, criterion, customarily, customs, decide, declaration, declare, decorum, decree, decree-law, decreement, decretal, decretum, deduce, deem, degree, determine, dictate, dictation, dictum, diktat, dilemma, direct, direction, directive, directorship, discipline, dismiss, dispensation, dispose, disposition, disregard, dominance, dominate, domination, domineer, dominion, doom, drill, edict, edictum, effect, effectiveness, eliminate, eminence, empery, empire, enactment, enchantment, enjoin, enthymeme, epitome, esteem, etiquette, exclude, fact, favor, fiat, figure, find, find against, find for, first place, first prize, forbid, force, form, form of government, formality, formula, formulary, fugleman, fugler, fundamental, gather, gauge, general orders, general principle, generality, generally, genotype, give an order, give the word, gnome, golden mean, golden rule, good feeling, govern, governance, government, graduated scale, grip, guide, guideline, guiding principle, hand, hands, happy medium, have clout, have power, have the power, have the right, have the say, head up, headship, hegemony, height, highest, hold, ignore, imitatee, imperative, imperium, importance, in the main, incidental power, infer, influence, influentiality, insinuation, institution, instruct, instruction, ipse dixit, iron hand, issue a command, issue a writ, judge, jurisdiction, jus, juste-milieu, kingship, law, law of nature, lay off, lay out, lead, leadership, legislation, leverage, lex, lordship, magnetism, mainly, manage, management, mandate, mark off, mark out, mastership, mastery, matter of course, maxim, maximum, mean, measure, measure off, measure out, median, mediocrity, medium, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle point, middle position, middle state, middle-of-the-road, midpoint, mirror, mitzvah, mode, model, modus tollens, moment, mood, moral, most, mostly, ne plus ultra, negate, new high, norm, norma, normal, normally, obtain, on the whole, ordain, order, order about, order of nature, ordinance, ordinarily, ordonnance, original, overlook, overrule, oversee, oversight, pace off, palms, par, paradigm, paralogism, parameter, paramountcy, pass judgment, pass sentence, pattern, personality, persuasion, policy, political organization, polity, possess authority, postulate, potency, power, practice, precedent, precept, preclude, predominance, predominate, preponderance, preponderate, prescribed form, prescript, prescription, preside, preside over, presidency, pressure, prestige, prevail, primacy, principium, principle, procedure, proclaim, proclamation, prohibit, promulgate, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronouncement, pronunciamento, proposition, propriety, proscribe, prosyllogism, prototype, pseudosyllogism, purchase, quantity, raj, reading, readout, record, regime, regimen, regnancy, regulate, regulation, reign, report, representative, repute, rescript, resolve, return a verdict, routine, rubric, rule of deduction, rule off, rule out, rule over, ruler, ruling, run, say, say the word, scale, self-evident truth, senatus consult, senatus consultum, sentence, set form, set off, settle, settled principle, sorites, sovereignty, square, standard, standard operating procedure, standing order, standing orders, statute, step off, straightedge, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, superintend, supervise, supervision, supremacy, sway, syllogism, system of government, talons, tenet, test, theorem, top spot, touchstone, triangle, truism, truth, type, type species, type specimen, ukase, universal law, universal truth, upper hand, urtext, usually, utter a judgment, value, via media, wear the crown, wear the pants, weight, whip hand, wield authority, wield the scepter, working principle, working rule, yardstick, zenith
[edit]- ruler, A per se, T square, ace, anointed king, birch, boss, cane, captain, castellan, champion, chatelain, chatelaine, chief, chieftain, club, commandant, commander, crowned head, dean, director, dynast, emperor, executive, ferule, fugleman, genius, governor, grand duke, head, high chief, higher-up, imperator, intendant, king, king-emperor, kinglet, laureate, leader, lord paramount, majesty, manager, master, monarch, nonpareil, overlord, paddle, pandybat, paragon, paramount, petty king, potentate, prince, prince consort, principal, prodigy, rattan, rod, royal, royal personage, royalty, rule, senior, sovereign, square, star, stick, straightedge, superior, superman, superstar, suzerain, switch, tetrarch, the greatest, the most, top dog, triangle, virtuoso
ruling class
[edit]- ruling class, aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, barons, bishopric, bureaucracy, chairmanship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, consulate, consulship, cream, deanery, dictatorship, dictature, directorate, directorship, elite, emirate, episcopacy, establishment, governorship, headship, hegemony, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher-ups, leadership, lords of creation, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, management, masterdom, mastership, mastery, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, ministry, nobility, officialdom, overlapping, papacy, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, power elite, power structure, prefectship, prefecture, prelacy, premiership, presidency, presidentship, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, rectorate, rectorship, regency, regentship, ruling circles, ruling classes, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shrievalty, supervisorship, suzerainship, suzerainty, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the best, the best people, the brass, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, top brass, top people, tribunate, upper class, upper crust, vizierate, viziership
[edit]- ruling, absolute, act, action, appointment, arch, armipotent, ascendant, at the head, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, average, award, banner, besetting, bill, boss, brevet, bull, bylaw, canon, capital, cardinal, central, champion, chief, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, common, competent, condemnation, consequential, considerable, consideration, controlling, crowning, current, decision, declaration, decree, decree-law, decreement, decretal, decretum, deliverance, determination, diagnosis, dictate, dictation, dictum, diktat, directive, dominant, doom, duly constituted, dynamic, edict, edictum, effective, eminent, empowered, enactment, energetic, epidemic, ex officio, fiat, finding, first, focal, forceful, forcible, foremost, form, formality, formula, formulary, general, governing, great, head, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, imperative, important, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in force, in power, in the ascendant, influential, institution, ipse dixit, irresistible, jus, law, leading, legislation, lex, magisterial, main, master, measure, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, normal, official, on the throne, operative, order, ordinance, ordinary, ordonnance, overriding, overruling, pandemic, paramount, pivotal, popular, potent, powerful, precedent, predominant, predominate, predominating, preeminent, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prescript, prescription, prestigious, prevailing, prevalent, primal, primary, prime, principal, proclamation, prognosis, prominent, pronouncement, pronunciamento, puissant, rampant, ranking, regnant, regulating, regulation, regulative, regulatory, reigning, rescript, resolution, rife, routine, rubric, rule, running, senatus consult, senatus consultum, senior, sentence, sovereign, standard, standing order, star, statute, stellar, stereotyped, striking, strong, substantial, supereminent, superior, supreme, swaying, telling, topflight, totalitarian, ukase, usual, valid, verdict, vigorous, vital, weighty, widespread
[edit]- rum, John Barleycorn, OK, absurd, ace-high, alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, aqua vitae, ardent spirits, bad, bang-up, beverage, bizarre, bonzer, booze, boss, brew, bully, but good, cool, corking, crackerjack, curious, dandy, delicious, drink, ducky, eccentric, fab, fine and dandy, freaked out, freaky, funny, gear, great, grog, groovy, hard liquor, heavy, hot, hunky-dory, idiosyncratic, inebriant, intoxicant, intoxicating liquor, jam-up, just dandy, keen, kooky, liquor, little brown jug, marvy, mean, neat, nifty, nobby, odd, oddball, off, off the wall, okay, out, out of sight, outlandish, passing strange, peachy, peachy-keen, peculiar, potable, potation, punch bowl, quaint, queer, ripping, schnapps, scrumptious, singular, slap-up, smashing, social lubricant, solid, something else, spiffing, spiffy, spirits, strange, strong drink, strong waters, stunning, swell, the Demon Rum, the bottle, the cup, the flowing bowl, the luscious liquor, the ruddy cup, tough, toxicant, unearthly, water of life, weird, wizard, wondrous strange
[edit]- rumble, Bedlam let loose, action, aerial combat, affray, armored combat, bark, battle, battle royal, bawl, be reflected, be sent back, bedlam, bellow, birdies, blare, blast, blat, blooping, blubber, blurping, bobbery, boom, booming, bounce back, brawl, bray, breathe, brouhaha, bruit, brush, bullfight, burst, buzz, cackle, canard, cannonade, chant, charivari, chirm, chirp, clamor, clangor, clap, clash, clash of arms, clatter, cockfight, combat, common talk, commotion, conflict, coo, crack, crash, crow, cry, din, discord, distortion, dogfight, donnybrook, drawl, drunken brawl, dustup, echo, echo back, embroilment, exchange of blows, exclaim, feedback, fight, fire fight, flap, flute, flutter, fluttering, flying rumor, fracas, fray, free-for-all, gasp, gossip, grapevine, ground combat, growl, growling, grumble, grumbling, grunt, hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand fight, hearsay, hell broke loose, hiss, hissing, house-to-house combat, howl, howling, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, hum, idea afloat, jangle, keen, latrine rumor, lilt, loud noise, motorboating, mumble, murmur, mutter, naval combat, news stirring, noise, noise and shouting, on-dit, outcry, pandemonium, pant, passage of arms, peal, pipe, pitched battle, quarrel, racket, rattle, reboation, rebound, reecho, report, resound, resounding, return, reverberate, reverberation, rhubarb, roar, roll, roorback, row, ruckus, ruction, rumbling, rumor, rumpus, running fight, scramble, scratching, scream, screech, scrimmage, scuffle, scuttlebutt, send back, shindy, shivaree, shoving match, shredding, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sing, skirmish, snap, snarl, snort, sob, sound, squall, squawk, squeal, squeals, stand-up fight, static, street fight, struggle, talk, tauromachy, thunder, thunderclap, thundering, tintamarre, town talk, trumpet, tug-of-war, tumult, tussle, twang, unconfirmed report, uproar, wail, warble, whine, whisper, whistles, woomping, wow, wowwows, yap, yawp, yell, yelp
[edit]- rumbling, boom, booming, cannonading, echo, echoic, echoing, fulminating, growl, growling, grumble, grumbling, lingering, pealing, persistent, reboant, reboation, rebound, rebounding, reecho, reechoing, repercussive, resound, resounding, reverberant, reverberating, reverberation, reverberatory, roaring, rolling, rumble, sounding, thunder, thundering, thunderlike, thunderous, thundery, tonitruant, tonitruous, undamped, volleying
[edit]- rumen, abdomen, abomasum, bay window, beerbelly, belly, breadbasket, craw, crop, diaphragm, embonpoint, first stomach, gizzard, gullet, gut, honeycomb stomach, kishkes, manyplies, maw, midriff, omasum, paunch, pot, potbelly, potgut, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, second stomach, spare tire, stomach, swagbelly, third stomach, tum-tum, tummy, underbelly, ventripotence
[edit]- ruminant, amphibian, aquatic, asinine, biped, bovid, bovine, canine, cannibal, caprid, caprine, carnivore, chewing, cogitative, cognitive, concentrating, concentrative, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, contemplating, contemplative, cosmopolite, cowish, cowlike, cud-chewing, deerlike, deliberating, deliberative, equestrian, equine, excogitating, feline, gnawer, goatish, goatlike, herbivore, hircine, hoggish, hoofed, horsy, ideative, insectivore, introspective, invertebrate, mammal, mammalian, manducatory, marsupial, marsupialian, masticatory, meditating, meditative, mental, mulish, museful, musing, noetic, omnivore, ovine, pensive, piggish, pondering, prehensive, primate, quadruped, reflecting, reflective, reptile, rodent, ruminating, ruminative, scavenger, serious, sheepish, sheeplike, sober, speculative, swinish, thinking, thought, thoughtful, ungulate, varmint, vermin, vertebrate, wistful
[edit]- ruminate, be abstracted, bite, brood, brood over, champ, chaw, chew, chew over, chew the cud, chew up, chomp, chump, con over, consider, contemplate, crunch, debate, deliberate, deliberate over, deliberate upon, digest, excogitate, gnash, gnaw, grind, gum, introspect, masticate, meditate, meditate upon, mouth, mull over, mumble, munch, muse, muse on, muse over, nibble, perpend, play around with, play with, ponder, ponder over, reflect, reflect over, revolve, roll, ruminate over, run over, scrunch, speculate, study, think over, toy with, turn over, weigh
[edit]- rummage, beat, comb, conglomeration, disarrange, disarray, discompose, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, domiciliary visit, dragnet, examine, exploration, forage, frisk, hash, hotchpotch, house-search, hunt, hunting, jumble, jungle, litter, look all over, look everywhere, look through, mash, mess up, miscellanea, miscellany, mishmash, mix up, muddle, odds and ends, patchwork, perquisition, poke, posse, potpourri, probe, quest, rake, ransack, ransacking, rifle, scour, scrabble, scramble, scrounge, search, search high heaven, search party, search warrant, search-and-destroy operation, searching, shake, shake down, stalk, stalking, still hunt, toss, tumble, turn inside out, turn upside down, turning over
[edit]- rummy, bizarre, boozehound, boozer, bottle sucker, bum, curious, drunk, eccentric, elbow bender, ginhound, guzzler, hooch hound, inebriate, lush, lusher, odd, oddball, peculiar, queer, rum, rum hound, singular, soak, souse, sponge, stew, swillbelly, swillbowl, swiller, swillpot, tippler, wino
[edit]- rumor, announce, blab, break the news, breathe, bring word, bruit, bruit about, buzz, canard, chat, circulate, common talk, cry, flying rumor, give a report, give tidings of, gossip, grapevine, hearsay, idea afloat, info, inform, information, intimate, latrine rumor, leak, low-down, make known, mumble, mutter, news, news stirring, noise abroad, on dit, on-dit, pass around, poop, put about, rehearse, relate, report, reveal, roorback, rumble, rumor, say, scoop, scuttlebutt, suggest, susurration, talk, tattle, tell, tidings, tittle-tattle, town talk, unconfirmed report, undertone, whisper, write up
[edit]- rumormonger, a tale-bearing animal, busybody, gossip, gossip columnist, gossiper, gossipmonger, newsmonger, newspaperman, quidnunc, reporter, scandalmonger, tabby, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale, tittle-tattler, yenta
[edit]- rump, Chateaubriand, afterglow, afterimage, backside, balance, beam, behind, blade roast, bottom, breast, brisket, butt, butt end, buttocks, candle ends, chaff, chuck, chuck roast, clod, cold cuts, croup, crupper, debris, derriere, detritus, end, fag end, fanny, filet mignon, filings, flank, fossil, haunches, hind end, holdover, husks, knuckle, leavings, leftovers, loin, nates, odds and ends, offscourings, orts, parings, plate, plate piece, posterior, pot roast, rack, rags, rear, rear end, refuse, relics, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, rib roast, ribs, roach, roast, rolled roast, round, rubbish, ruins, rump roast, saddle, sawdust, scourings, scraps, shadow, shank, shavings, short ribs, shoulder, shoulder clod, sirloin, straw, stubble, stump, survival, sweepings, tenderloin, trace, vestige, waste
[edit]- rumple, agitate, beat, beat up, bristle, churn, churn up, clutter, cocker, cockle, convulse, corrugate, corrugation, crankle, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crumple, crush, derange, disarrange, disarray, discompose, dishevel, dislocate, disorder, disorganize, disquiet, disturb, excite, ferment, flurry, fold, fret, furrow, knit, knot, litter, mess, mess up, misarrange, muss, muss up, paddle, perturb, perturbate, pucker, purse, ridge, rile, rimple, ripple, rivel, roil, roughen, ruck, ruckle, ruffle, scatter, screw, scrunch, set on edge, shake, shake up, shirr, stir, stir up, swirl, tousle, trouble, upset, whip, whip up, whisk, wimple, work up, wrinkle
[edit]- rumpled, cockled, cockly, corrugate, corrugated, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, crumpled, disheveled, furrowed, knitted, knotted, matted, messed up, mussed up, puckered, puckery, pursed, pursy, ridged, rimpled, rippled, rucked, ruffled, rugged, rugose, rugous, shaggy, snaggy, snarled, tousled, tously, tumbled, uncombed, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- rumpus, Bedlam let loose, ado, affray, agitation, barney, bedlam, blast, bluster, bobbery, bother, brawl, broil, brouhaha, cacophony, chaos, charivari, chirm, clamor, clangor, clap, clatter, coil, commotion, confusion, contention, controversy, din, discord, dispute, disturbance, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, drunken brawl, dustup, ebullition, embroilment, fanaticism, ferment, flap, fomentation, foofaraw, fracas, free-for-all, frenzy, fume, furor, furore, fury, fuss, hassle, hell broke loose, helter-skelter, howl, hubbub, hue and cry, hullabaloo, hurrah, jangle, knock-down-and-drag-out, loud noise, mayhem, melee, noise, noise and shouting, outcry, pandemonium, passion, pell-mell, pother, racket, rage, rampage, rattle, rhubarb, riot, roar, rough-and-tumble, roughhouse, row, ruckus, ruction, rumble, run-in, scramble, scrap, scrimmage, set-to, shindig, shindy, shivaree, stir, storminess, tempestuousness, thunder, thunderclap, tintamarre, to-do, trouble, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, turmoil, uproar, upset, wildness, zeal, zealousness
run across
[edit]- run across, alight upon, blunder upon, bump into, chance upon, come across, come among, come on, come up against, come upon, confront, discover serendipitously, encounter, fall across, fall among, fall foul of, fall in with, fall upon, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, meet head-on, meet up with, meet with, pitch upon, run into, run smack into, run up against, run upon, stumble on, stumble upon, tumble on
run after
[edit]- run after, act up to, agree to anything, approach, break the ice, bring, bring back, brown-nose, call for, chase, chase after, chivy, court, cultivate, curry favor, dance attendance on, dog, fall all over, fall over, fawn upon, fetch, fetch and carry, follow, follow up, get, give chase, go after, go and get, go fetch, go for, go get, go to get, handshake, hollo after, hound, hunt, make advances, make after, make court to, make up to, obtain, pay addresses to, pay court to, pick up, play up to, polish the apple, procure, prosecute, pursue, quest, quest after, raise the hunt, retrieve, search, secure, seek, seek out, shag, shine up to, suck up to, take out after
run against
[edit]- run against, aggravated assault, aggression, amphibious attack, antagonize, armed assault, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, banzai attack, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be inimical, bear, bear upon, beat against, blitz, blitzkrieg, boost, breakthrough, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against, charge, clash, collide, conflict, conflict with, confute, contradict, contrapose, contravene, counter, counteract, counterattack, counteroffensive, counterpose, countervail, counterwork, coup de main, cram, crippling attack, cross, crowd, dead set at, descent on, dig, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, elbow, flank attack, force, frontal attack, gas attack, go against, go counter to, goad, head-on attack, hurtle, hustle, infiltration, interfere with, jab, jam, jog, joggle, join the opposition, jolt, jostle, lightning attack, lightning war, lock horns, mass attack, meet head-on, megadeath, militate against, mugging, not abide, nudge, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, oppose, oppugn, overkill, panzer warfare, pile drive, play at cross-purposes, poke, press, prod, protest, punch, push, ram, ram down, rattle, resist, run, run at, run counter to, rush, sally, shake, shock tactics, shoulder, shove, sortie, stress, strike, swim upstream, take issue with, tamp, thrust, traverse, unprovoked assault, vote against, withstand, work against
run aground
[edit]- run aground, be clobbered, be felled, be poleaxed, be staggered, be stricken, beach, cast away, come to grief, drown, founder, ground, have a mishap, pile up, shipwreck, sink, strand, suffer a misfortune, take the ground, wreck
run along
[edit]- run along, blow, cut and run, cut out, depart, exit, flee, fly, get off, go, hightail, leave, make tracks, pull out, quit, run away, run away from, run off, shove off, take off, take to flight
run amok
[edit]- run amok, babble, be insane, carouse, create a disturbance, create a riot, cut loose, dote, drivel, drool, go berserk, have a demon, make a commotion, make an ado, make trouble, rage, raise a ruckus, raise a rumpus, raise a storm, ramble, rant, rave, riot, roil, roister, run mad, run riot, run wild, slaver, slobber, wander
run at
[edit]- run at, aggravated assault, aggression, amphibious attack, armed assault, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, banzai attack, blitz, blitzkrieg, breakthrough, charge, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, crippling attack, dash at, dead set at, descent on, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, flank attack, fly at, frontal attack, gas attack, head-on attack, infiltration, jump off, lightning attack, lightning war, mass attack, megadeath, mugging, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, overkill, panzer warfare, push, run against, rush, rush at, sally, shock tactics, sortie, strike, tilt at, unprovoked assault
run away
[edit]- run away, abscond, absquatulate, beat a retreat, bolt, clear out, cut and run, cut out, decamp, depart, desert, elope, flee, fly, fugitate, go AWOL, hightail, jump, jump bail, levant, make off, make tracks, run, run along, run away from, run away with, run for it, run off, show the heels, skedaddle, skip, skip out, slip the cable, take French leave, take flight, take to flight, take wing, turn tail
run down
[edit]- run down, abandoned, ausgespielt, battered, beat-up, beaten up, belittle, blow, break down, bring down, bring into discredit, bring low, broken-down, burn out, burned-out, cachectic, calm, calm down, cease, collapse, collide, crack up, cry down, debase, debilitated, decline, decrepit, decry, degrade, depreciate, derelict, derogate, derogate from, deserted, desolate, determine, detract from, devitalized, die, die down, dilapidated, diminish, dingy, disabled, disapprove of, discover, discredit, disgrace, disparage, dispraise, done, done up, down-at-heel, drained, droop, drooping, droopy, drop, dwindle, ebb, effete, emptied, enervated, enfeebled, eviscerated, exhausted, fade, fagged, fail, failing, faint, fainting, fall, fall aboard, fall away, fall off, far-gone, fatigue, fatigued, feeble, feeling faint, find, find out, flag, flagging, follow, follow a clue, follow up, footsore, forsaken, frail, frazzled, gasp, get, get tired, give out, go down, go downhill, go off, good and tired, grow weary, halt, head into, healthless, hit, hit a slump, hit and run, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, hold in contempt, hunt down, in poor health, in ruins, incapacitated, infirm, inundate, invalid, invent, jade, jaded, knock, laid low, languid, languish, languishing, lapse, locate, lose strength, lull, make little of, minimize, molder, moribund, nose, nose out, overflow, override, overrun, pacify, pale, pant, peak, peaked, peaky, peter out, pine, play out, played out, poop out, pooped, puff, puff and blow, put down, quiesce, quiet, quieten, ram, ramshackle, reach the depths, ready to drop, rediscover, reduced, reduced in health, reflect discredit upon, ride down, ride over, ride roughshod over, ruined, ruinous, run broadside on, run in, run into, run out, run over, run ragged, run to earth, sagging, sail into, sapped, seedy, shabby, shadow, shotten, sickly, sink, slide, slight, slip, slummy, slump, smell out, sniff out, soothe, speak ill of, spent, stalk, stop, strike, submit to indignity, subside, succumb, tacky, tail, tattered, tire, tired, tired-winged, toilworn, tottery, touch bottom, trace, trace down, track, track down, trail, trample, trample on, trample underfoot, trample upon, tranquilize, tread upon, tumbledown, uncared-for, unhealthy, unrefreshed, unrestored, unsound, untended, used up, valetudinarian, valetudinary, wane, waste, waste away, wasted, way-weary, wayworn, weak, weaken, weakened, weakly, wearied, weariful, weary, weary-footed, weary-laden, weary-winged, weary-worn, wheeze, wilt, wilting, with low resistance, wither, wither away, worn, worn-down, worn-out
run for
[edit]- run for, approach anchorage, bear down on, bear down upon, bear for, bear up for, bear up to, break for, close with, dash for, fetch, go aboard, go alongside, go for, hit for, lay aboard, lay for, lay in, lie in, make, make at, make for, make up to, put away for, put in, put into port, reach, sail for, set out for, stand for, steer for, steer toward
run in
[edit]- run in, acclimated, acclimatized, accommodated, accustomed, adapted, adjusted, apprehend, arrest, barney, bust, call on, call upon, capture, case-hardened, collar, collide, come by, come over, conditioned, cram in, crowd in, detain, drag in, drive in, drop in, dustup, edge in, experienced, fall aboard, familiarized, foist in, force in, fudge in, grab, hardened, hassle, head into, impact, implant in, inject in, insert in, insinuate in, intercalate, interjaculate, interject, interpolate, interpose, intervene, introduce in, intrude, inured, jam in, knock in, knock-down-and-drag-out, look in, look up, lug in, make a pinch, nab, naturalized, orientated, oriented, pack in, pay a visit, pick up, pinch, plunge in, poke in, pop in, pound in, press in, pull in, push in, put between, put under arrest, ram, ram in, rhubarb, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, run broadside on, run down, run into, sail into, sandwich, scrap, seasoned, see, set-to, shindy, smuggle in, squeeze in, step in, stop by, stop off, stop over, stuff in, take in, take into custody, take prisoner, tamp in, throw in, thrust in, trained, used to, visit, wedge in, wont, wonted, work in, worm in
run into
[edit]- run into, add up to, afford, aggregate, aggregate to, alight upon, alter into, amount to, bang, bang into, be converted into, become, blunder upon, bring, bring in, bump, bump into, cannon, carom, carom into, chance upon, change into, clash, collide, come across, come among, come into collision, come on, come round to, come to, come up against, come up to, come upon, comprise, concuss, confront, confront each other, contain, cost, crack up, crash, crash into, crump, crunch, dash into, discover serendipitously, encounter, evolve into, fall aboard, fall across, fall among, fall foul of, fall in with, fall into, fall upon, fetch, foul, happen upon, head into, hit, hit against, hit upon, hurt, hurtle, impinge, knock, knock against, lapse into, light upon, meet, meet head-on, meet up with, meet with, melt into, mount up to, number, open into, pass into, percuss, pitch upon, ram, reckon up to, ripen into, run across, run broadside on, run down, run in, run smack into, run to, run up against, run upon, sail into, sell for, set one back, settle into, shift into, sideswipe, slam into, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, strike, strike against, stumble on, stumble upon, tot up to, total, total up to, tote up to, tumble on, turn into, turn to, unitize, whomp
run off
[edit]- run off, abscond, absquatulate, beat a retreat, bolt, bring out, clear out, cut and run, cut out, decamp, depart, desert, elope, engrave, flee, fly, fugitate, get out, go AWOL, hectograph, hightail, impress, imprint, issue, jump, jump bail, levant, make off, make tracks, mimeograph, multigraph, overprint, print, proof, prove, publish, pull, pull a proof, put out, put to bed, put to press, reissue, reprint, run, run along, run away, run away from, run away with, run for it, show the heels, skedaddle, skip, skip out, slip the cable, stamp, strike, take French leave, take flight, take to flight, take wing, turn tail
run on
[edit]- run on, abide, advance, babble, be continuous, bide, blab, blabber, blather, blether, carry on, catenate, cease not, chain, chat, chatter, clack, clatter, concatenate, connect, connect up, continuate, continue, continue to be, defeat time, defy time, dither, drag on, drift along, dwell, elapse, endure, exist, expire, extend, flit, flow, flow on, fly, form a series, gab, gabble, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, glide, go along, go by, go on, gossip, gush, haver, hold, hold on, hold out, hold steady, jabber, jaw, jog on, join, keep, keep going, keep on, lapse, last, last long, last out, linger, link, live, live on, live through, maintain, maintain continuity, march on, natter, never cease, palaver, pass, pass by, patter, perdure, perennate, persist, pour forth, prate, prattle, press on, prevail, proceed, ramble on, rattle, rattle on, reel off, remain, roll on, rub on, run, run its course, run out, slide, slip, slog on, spout, spout off, stagger on, stand, stay, stay on, string, string together, subsist, survive, sustain, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, tarry, thread, tide over, tittle-tattle, twaddle, twattle, waffle, wear, wear well, yak, yakkety-yak
run out
[edit]- run out, advance, ago, antiquated, antique, apostatize, be all over, be consumed, be done for, be no more, be used up, become extinct, become void, betray, blow, blow out, blow over, blown over, bolt, bow out, break away, break down, break out, break through, burn out, by, bygone, bypast, cast out, cease, chase out, chatter, collapse, come forth, come out, come to naught, come to nothing, conk out, continue, crack up, dated, dead, dead and buried, debouch, deceased, defect, defunct, depart, departed, deport, desert, die, die away, disappear, displace, disused, drag out, drain, drain out, draw out, drive out, droop, drop, drum out, dry up, egress, elapse, elapsed, emerge, empty, end, endure, erupt, exhaust, exile, exit, expatriate, expel, expire, expired, extend, extinct, fade away, faint, fatigue, fill out, find vent, finished, flag, flit, flow, flow on, flow out, fly, force out, forgotten, freeze out, gasp, get out, get tired, give out, glide, go, go by, go on, go out, gone, gone glimmering, gone out, gone-by, grow weary, gush, gush out, harry out, has-been, have it, have its time, hunt out, irrecoverable, issue, issue forth, jade, jet, lapse, lapsed, last, leak out, let down, make an exit, march out, never finish, no more, obsolete, ooze out, ostracize, oust, out, out of style, out of use, outflow, outpour, outworn, over, pad, pant, pass, pass away, pass by, pass out, passe, passed, passed away, past, peg out, perish, perorate, peter out, play out, poop out, pour, pour out, press on, proceed, protract, puff, puff and blow, pull out, push out, rat, roll on, rout out, run, run down, run dry, run its course, run on, run out on, secede, sell out, sink, slide, slip, sluice out, smoke out, speak at length, spew out, spin out, spout, spout out, spurt, stretch out, string out, succumb, surge, tire, transport, vanish, vanished, vomit forth, walk out, waste, wear away, wear off, weary, well, well out, wheeze, wilt, wound up
run over
[edit]- run over, abound, autopsy, battologize, bristle with, brood over, browse, call off, call over, call the roll, canvass, cascade, cataract, census, check, check out, check over, check up on, chew over, con over, count, crawl with, creep with, deliberate over, deliberate upon, deluge, digest, dip into, engulf, enumerate, examine, exuberate, fill, flood, flow, foliate, give an encore, give an examination, glance over, glance through, go over, go through, gush, hit and run, inspect, inundate, iterate, look at, look over, measure, meditate upon, monitor, mull over, muse on, muse over, nip, number, numerate, observe, overbrim, overfill, overflow, overhaul, overlook, override, overrun, overwhelm, pad, page, paginate, pass over, pass under review, peer at, peruse, poll, ponder over, pore over, postmortem, pour, pour out, pour over, practice, proliferate, quantify, quantize, rain, reaffirm, reassert, recapitulate, recite, recount, reflect over, rehash, rehearse, reissue, reiterate, reprint, restate, resume, retail, retell, review, revolve, reword, ride down, ride over, ride roughshod over, ruminate over, run down, run through, say over, say over again, scan, scrutinize, set an examination, shower, size, size up, skim, slop, slosh, spill, spill out, spill over, stream, study, submerge, sum up, summarize, survey, swamp, swarm with, sweep, take stock of, take the measure, tally, tautologize, teem, teem with, tell, think over, thumb over, thumb through, trample, trample on, trample underfoot, trample upon, tread upon, turn over, whelm
run ragged
[edit]- run ragged, debilitated, drooping, droopy, enervated, enfeebled, fagged, faint, fainting, fatigued, feeling faint, flagging, footsore, frazzled, good and tired, jaded, languid, ready to drop, run-down, sagging, seedy, tired, tired-winged, toilworn, unrefreshed, unrestored, way-weary, wayworn, weak, weakened, wearied, weariful, weary, weary-footed, weary-laden, weary-winged, weary-worn, wilting, worn, worn-down
run riot
[edit]- run riot, arise, bespread, carouse, cover, create a disturbance, create a riot, cut loose, debauch, dissipate, fill, flood, go berserk, grow over, insurge, insurrect, know no bounds, live hard, luxuriate, make a commotion, make an ado, make trouble, mount the barricades, mutineer, mutiny, overabound, overbrim, overflow, overgrow, overrun, overspill, overspread, overswarm, overthrow, plunge into dissipation, pullulate, raise a ruckus, raise a rumpus, raise a storm, rebel, reluct, reluctate, revolt, revolute, revolution, revolutionize, riot, rise, rise up, roil, roister, run amok, run wild, spill over, spread over, strike, subvert, superabound, swarm, swarm over, teem, teem over, wanton
run the gauntlet
[edit]- run the gauntlet, affront, beard, bell the cat, bite the bullet, brave, brazen, brazen out, confront, face, face the music, face up, face up to, front, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, set at defiance, speak out, speak up, stand up to
run through
[edit]- run through, auger, bayonet, bespread, bite, blow, bore, broach, browse, budget, consume, continue the same, core, cost, cost out, countersink, crawl with, creep with, dagger, diffuse, dip into, direction, dirk, disburse, dissipate, drag along, drag on, dress rehearsal, drill, drone, empierce, essence, examination, exhaust, expend, extend throughout, fill, finish, fix, fork out, gamble away, gist, glance over, glance through, go, go over, go through, gore, gouge, gouge out, hang the expense, hole, honeycomb, hum, imbue, impale, incur costs, inspection, invest, knife, lance, lavish, lay out, leave no void, leaven, main point, meat, mise-en-scene, mounting, needle, occupy, open the purse, outlay, overhaul, overhauling, overrun, overspread, overswarm, pay, pay out, penetrate, perforate, perlustration, permeate, persist, perusal, pervade, pierce, pink, pith, plunge in, poniard, practice, prevail, prick, production, punch, puncture, put out, quality control, ream, ream out, recap, recapitulation, rehearsal, rehearse, resume, review, riddle, run over, rundown, saber, scan, scatter, schedule, scrutiny, seize the day, shell out, sink money in, skewer, skim, slather, sow broadcast, spear, spend, spike, spit, splurge, squander, stab, stage management, staging, stick, stiletto, study, substance, suffuse, sum, sum and substance, summary, summation, survey, swarm with, sword, tap, teem with, throw away, throw money around, thumb over, thumb through, transfix, transfuse, transpierce, trepan, trephine, use up, visitation, walk-through, wash up
run wild
[edit]- run wild, carouse, create a disturbance, create a riot, cut loose, give way to, go all out, go berserk, go flat out, go unrestrained, let go, let loose, make a commotion, make an ado, make trouble, open up, raise a ruckus, raise a rumpus, raise a storm, riot, roil, roister, run amok, run riot
[edit]- run, Brownian movement, Everyman, Indian file, Le Mans, Lehrfreiheit, Public, Zeitgeist, abide, abrade, abrasion, abscond, absquatulate, academic freedom, acciaccatura, acquire, act, adolescent stream, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, aim, air lane, air race, airlift, alameda, angular motion, appoggiatura, arabesque, array, arroyo, articulation, ascend, ascending, ascent, assault, automobile race, average, average man, averageness, axial motion, azimuth, back, back up, backflowing, backing, backward motion, balance, bank, bark, batch, be effective, be in action, be responsible for, bear, bear upon, bearing, beat, beat a retreat, beaten path, beaten track, beck, bent, berm, bicycle path, bicycle race, bide, blemish, bloody, boardwalk, boat, boat race, bolt, booking, boost, borscht circuit, bound, bourn, braided stream, branch, break, breed, bridle path, bring down, bring on, bring out, bring upon, brook, brooklet, buck, budge, bull, bulldoze, bum, bump, bundle, bunt, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, burn, burrow, burst, burst of speed, bustle, butt, butt against, buzz, cadence, cadenza, call the signals, campaign, canoe, canter, captain, career, carry, carry on, carry out, carry sail, carry through, catena, catenation, catwalk, cave, center, chafe, chain, chain reaction, chaining, change, change place, channel, chart a course, chase, check, chinoiserie, chip, circle, circuit, circumnavigate, claw, clear out, climb, climbing, coast, coil, colliquate, coloratura, command, common man, common run, commonality, commonness, commute, concatenation, concourse, concussion, cond, conduct, confluence, conflux, conn, connection, consecution, constitutional freedom, contest a seat, contest of speed, continualness, continuance, continuation, continue, continue to be, continuity, continuum, contract, control, couch, course, cover, cover ground, covert, coxswain, crack, crackle, cram, craze, creek, crick, cross, cross-country race, crosscurrent, crossing, crowd, cruise, culture, currency, current, cut, cut and run, cycle, daily grind, dash, dash off, dash on, date, dead run, deal with, decamp, decoagulate, decoct, defeat time, defluxion, defrost, defy time, deliquesce, den, depart, derby, descend, descending, descent, desert, designate, dig, direct, direction, direction line, dissolve, division, dog, dog it, dog race, dogtrot, double-time, downflow, downpour, downward motion, drag race, drift, driftage, drive, drone, duration, dwell, dysentery, earth, ebb, ebbing, elapse, elbow, elope, embellishment, emigrate, emigration, encompass, endless belt, endless round, endurance, endurance race, endure, engagement, engineer, engrave, enter the lists, environ, esplanade, everyman, everywoman, excursion, exist, expatriate, expatriation, expedition, expire, extend, extension, extensiveness, falcon, fall in with, fall into, fare, fare forth, farm, fastwalk, fatten, feed, fester, festinate, fetch, file, filiation, fioritura, flank speed, flash burn, flat-out speed, flee, flight, flight path, flit, float, flood, flourish, flow, flow back, flow in, flow on, flow out, flowing, flowing stream, fluency, fluidify, fluidize, flush, fluviation, flux, fly, follow the hounds, foot, foot pavement, footpath, footrace, footway, force, forced draft, form, forward motion, fowl, fox-trot, fracture, fray, frazzle, freedom, freedom from fear, freedom from want, freedom of worship, fresh, freshet, fret, fugitate, full gallop, function, fuse, gain, gall, gallop, gamut, gang, garden path, gash, generality, get, get going, get moving, get out, get over, ghost, gill, girl next door, git, glacial movement, glide, go, go along, go around, go by, go by ship, go hunting, go on, go on shipboard, go out, go round, go sideways, go to sea, goad, golden mean, govern, grace, grace note, gradation, grand tour, grind, groove, grow, guide, gun, gush, gyrate, habitualness, hand gallop, handle, happy medium, hasten, hatch, have effect, have free play, have play, have the conn, hawk, head, head up, heading, headlong rush, heat, heavy right foot, hectograph, helm, helmsmanship, herd, hie, high lope, hightail, hiking trail, hold, hold in solution, hold on, hold out, hold the reins, hole, homme moyen sensuel, hop, hop along, hotfoot, hound, hum, hunt, hunt down, hurdle race, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurt, hurtle, hustle, immigrate, immigration, impress, imprint, in-migrate, in-migration, incidental, incidental note, incise, incision, inclination, incur, inflow, infuse, injure, injury, intermigrate, intermigration, invite, issue, itinerary, jab, jack, jacklight, jam, jaunt, jog, jog trot, joggle, jolt, jostle, journey, jump, jump bail, junket, juste-milieu, keep, keep on, kill, lacerate, laceration, lair, lap, lapse, last, last long, last out, lay, lazy stream, leach, lead, lead on, leap, leg, lengthening, lesion, levant, liberty, license, lie, line, line of direction, line of march, lineage, liquefy, liquesce, liquidize, live, live on, live through, lixiviate, lodge, long mordent, loose, lope, lose no time, lot, maim, main current, mainstream, maintain, maintenance, make, make a passage, make go, make haste, make mincemeat of, make off, make the rules, make tracks, making, mall, manage, maneuver, manipulate, marathon, marathon race, mastermind, match race, matter, maul, maximum speed, mean, meandering stream, median, mediocrity, medium, melt, melt down, mew, midchannel, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle point, middle position, middle state, middle-of-the-road, midpoint, midstream, migrate, migration, militate, mill run, millrace, millstream, mimeograph, monotone, mordent, mortal wound, motion, motorboat, motorcycle race, mount, mounting, move, move along, move on, move over, move quickly, movement, moving road, multigraph, mutilate, mutilation, name, name for office, navigable river, navigate, navigation, nexus, nominate, norm, normal, normality, nudge, nurture, oblique motion, obstacle race, ocean trip, officer, ongoing, onrush, onward course, open throttle, operate, orbit, ordain, order, ordinariness, ordinary Joe, ordinary run, orientation, ornament, out-migrate, out-migration, outflow, outing, overprint, package tour, par, parade, part, pass, pass by, passage, path, pathway, pendulum, percolate, perdure, peregrination, perennate, perform, perform on, periodicity, perk, perpetuation, perseverance, persist, persistence, piece, pierce, pile drive, pilgrimage, pilot, piloting, play, playing engagement, pleasure trip, plenum, plow the deep, plunge, plunging, ply, point, poke, portion, post, potato race, pour, powder train, practice, prado, pralltriller, prescribe, press, press on, prevail, prevalence, primrose path, print, proceed, prod, progress, progression, prolongation, promenade, proof, propose, protraction, prove, prowl after, public walk, publish, pull, pull a proof, pull the strings, punch, puncture, pursuance, push, push on, put out, put to bed, put to press, put up, quarter, quarterback, queue, race, racing stream, radial motion, raise, ram, ram down, rampantness, ranch, random motion, range, rank, rankle, rattle, reach, reach out, rear, recurrence, red tape, red-tapeism, refine, reflowing, refluence, reflux, regatta, regress, regression, regulate, regurgitate, reign, reissue, relay, relay race, remain, remigrate, remigration, rend, render, rent, repetition, reprint, reticulation, retrogress, retrogression, ride, ride the sea, ride to hounds, rifeness, rip, ripen, rise, rising, river, rivulet, road, road race, roll, roll on, rotate, rotation, roulade, round, round trip, route, routine, routineness, row, rubberneck tour, ruck, rule, run against, run away, run away from, run away with, run for it, run for office, run its course, run off, run on, run out, rundle, runlet, runnel, runway, rupture, rush, rush through, rut, sack race, safari, sail, sail free, sail round, sail the sea, sally, sashay, savage, scald, scale, scamper, scoot, scorch, scotch, scramble, scrape, scratch, screw, scud, scuff, scull, scurry, scuttle, sea lane, sea trip, seafare, second-degree burn, see to, sequence, series, set, shake, shakedown cruise, shape a course, shepherd, shift, shikar, shin, shits, shoot, shortcut, shoulder, shove, show the heels, sidewalk, sideward motion, sike, single file, single mordent, sink, sinking, skedaddle, skim, skin, skip, skip out, skipper, slash, slide, slip, slip the cable, slit, smelt, smuggle, sneak, soar, soaring, solo, solubilize, solve, sore, span, spate, spectrum, speed, speedway race, spill stream, spin, sport, sprain, spread, spring, sprint, sprint race, spurt, squirrel cage, stab, stab wound, stalk, stamp, stand, stand for office, start, stay, stay on, staying power, steam, steamboat, steer, steerage, steering, step, step along, step lively, sternway, stick, still-hunt, stir, stock-car race, straddle, straight course, strain, stream, stream action, streamlet, stress, stretch, stretch out, strike, string, strip, submit, subside, subsiding, subsist, subterranean river, succession, suppurate, surge, surge back, surround, survive, sustain, sustained action, sustenance, swarm, swarming, swath, sweep, sweepingness, swing, tack down wind, take French leave, take a voyage, take care of, take command, take effect, take flight, take in, take the helm, take the lead, take to flight, take wing, tamp, tarry, tear, tendency, tenor, test flight, thaw, the Four Freedoms, the general tendency, the main course, the run of, thin, third-degree burn, thread, three-legged race, thrust, thrust out, tick, tide, tide over, tier, time spirit, tone, torch race, tour, towing path, towpath, track, track race, trade route, trail, train, traject, trajectory, trajet, transmigrate, transmigration, trauma, traumatize, travel, traverse, treadmill, trek, trend, trip, trot, trots, trottoir, tunnel, turn, turn tail, unclot, undercurrent, undertow, unfreeze, uninterrupted course, unremittingness, upward motion, usualness, vaudeville circuit, via media, voyage, wadi, walk, walk the waters, walkway, wane, water flow, watercourse, waterway, way, wayfare, wear, wear well, weep, welcome, well-worn groove, wend, whirl, wide-open speed, widespreadness, windrow, work, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, yacht, yacht race
[edit]- runabout, Ahasuerus, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Flying Dutchman, Goliard, Odysseus, Oisin, Ossian, Ulysses, bird of passage, drifter, floater, gad, gadabout, go-about, itinerant, mover, peregrinator, peregrine, peripatetic, rambler, roamer, rolling stone, rover, straggler, stroller, strolling player, troubadour, visitant, wanderer, wandering minstrel, wandering scholar
[edit]- runaround, avoidance, avoiding reaction, buck-passing, circumvention, defense mechanism, dodge, duck, elusion, elusiveness, equivocation, escape, eschewal, evasion, evasive action, evasiveness, foiling, forbearance, forestalling, forestallment, frustration, getting around, getting round, jink, neutrality, nonintervention, noninvolvement, outguessing, outmaneuvering, outwitting, passing the buck, prevention, refraining, roundabout, shunning, shunting off, shy, sidestep, sidetracking, slip, the runaround, the slip, thwarting, zigzag
[edit]- runaway, DP, absconder, at large, bolter, breather, cakewalk, cinch, conquest, deserter, disappearing, disengaged, displaced person, easy, effortless, eloper, emigre, escaped, escapee, evacuee, fled, fleer, flown, free, fugitive, hot, in flight, loose, on the lam, on the loose, out of, overwhelming, pushover, rampant, refugee, renegade, romp, rout, runagate, scot-free, setup, skedaddler, stateless person, triumph, truant, unchecked, uncontested, uncontrolled, unsuppressed, victory, walkaway, walkover, well out of, wild, win
[edit]- rundle, adolescent stream, arroyo, beck, bourn, braided stream, branch, brook, brooklet, burn, carousel, channel, creek, crick, disk, doorstep, flowing stream, fluviation, footrest, footstep, fresh, freshet, gill, kill, lazy stream, meandering stream, merry-go-round, midchannel, midstream, millstream, moving road, navigable river, race, racing stream, rest, riser, river, rivulet, roller, rolling stone, rotator, rotor, round, roundabout, run, rung, runlet, runnel, scale, sike, spill stream, spoke, stair, stave, step, step stool, stepping-stone, stream, stream action, streamlet, string, subterranean river, top, tread, wadi, watercourse, waterway, wheel, whirlabout, whirler, whirligig
[edit]- rundown, airmanship, brief, briefing, core, essence, flight plan, flying lessons, gist, main point, meat, pilot training, pilotship, pith, recap, recapitulation, resume, run-through, substance, sum, sum and substance, summary, summation, washout
[edit]- rune, alchemy, arrowhead, bewitchery, character, charm, conjuration, cuneiform, demotic character, determinative, divination, enchantment, fetishism, glamour, gramarye, grammalogue, hieratic symbol, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphics, hiragana, hoodoo, ideogram, ideograph, incantation, juju, jujuism, kana, katakana, logogram, logograph, magic, natural magic, necromancy, obeah, ogham, phonetic, phonetic symbol, pictogram, pictograph, poesy, poetry, radical, rhyme, shamanism, shorthand, sorcery, sortilege, spell, spellbinding, spellcasting, sympathetic magic, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, theurgy, vampirism, verse, voodoo, voodooism, wanga, wedge, white magic, witchcraft, witchery, witchwork, wizardry, word letter
[edit]- rung, amount, caliber, compass, cut, degree, doorstep, extent, footrest, footstep, grade, height, interval, leap, level, mark, measure, notch, nuance, pas, peg, period, pitch, plane, plateau, point, proportion, range, ratio, reach, remove, rest, riser, round, rundle, scale, scope, shade, shadow, space, spoke, stage, stair, standard, stave, step, step stool, stepping-stone, stint, string, tread
[edit]- runic, Alcaic, Anacreontic, Castalian, Homeric, Hudibrastic, Pierian, Pindaric, Theocritean, bardic, bucolic, didactic, dithyrambic, dramatic, eclogic, elegiac, epic, heroic, idyllic, mock-heroic, narrative, pastoral, poetic, poetico-mystical, poetico-mythological, poetico-philosophic, poetlike, rhapsodic, sapphic, skaldic
[edit]- runnel, adolescent stream, aqueduct, arroyo, beck, bed, bourn, braided stream, branch, brook, brooklet, bum, burn, canal, channel, creek, creek bed, crick, culvert, donga, dry bed, flowing stream, flume, fluviation, fresh, freshet, gill, gulch, gully, gullyhole, headrace, irrigation ditch, kill, lazy stream, meandering stream, midchannel, midstream, millstream, moving road, navigable river, nullah, race, racing stream, river, river bed, riverway, rivulet, run, rundle, runlet, sike, sluice, spill stream, spillbox, spillway, stream, stream action, stream bed, streamlet, streamway, subterranean river, swash, swash channel, tailrace, wadi, water carrier, water channel, water furrow, water gap, water gate, watercourse, waterway, waterworks
runner up
[edit]- runner up, champ, champion, conquering hero, conqueror, conquistador, defeater, easy winner, hero, master, pancratiast, shoo-in, subduer, subjugator, sure winner, top dog, triumpher, vanquisher, victor, winner
[edit]- runner, Hermes, Iris, Jehu, Mercury, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, Skimobile, Sno-Cat, agent, appendage, arm, bine, blade, bough, branch, branchedness, branchiness, burgeon, carrier, commissionaire, conductor, contrabandist, courier, creeper, deadwood, diplomatic courier, driver, emissary, engineer, estafette, express, flagellum, flier, fork, frond, functionary, gate, go-between, goer, gofer, gunrunner, hand, handler, hell-driver, horse racer, hummer, hurdler, hustler, imp, ingate, jockey, jogger, joint, leg, limb, link, lobe, lobule, manipulator, member, message-bearer, messenger, nuncio, offshoot, operant, operative, operator, organ, page, pilot, pinion, post, postboy, postrider, racer, ramage, ramification, rumrunner, sarment, scion, scorcher, shoot, sizzler, sled, sleigh, slip, smuggler, snowmobile, spear, speed demon, speeder, spray, sprig, sprit, sprout, sprue, spur, steersman, stem, stepper, stolon, sucker, switch, tail, tedge, tendril, thallus, turfman, twig, weasel, wing
running head
[edit]- running head, banner, banner head, billhead, book stamp, bookplate, brand, broad arrow, cachet, caption, check, colophon, counterfoil, countermark, docket, drop head, dropline, epigraph, government mark, government stamp, hallmark, hanger, head, heading, headline, imprint, jump head, label, legend, letterhead, logo, logotype, masthead, motto, overline, plate, price tag, registered trademark, rubric, running title, scarehead, screamer, seal, sigil, signet, spread, spreadhead, stamp, sticker, streamer, stub, subhead, subheading, subtitle, superscription, tag, tally, ticket, title, title page, token, trade name, trademark, trademark name
running mate
[edit]- running mate, also-ran, aspirant, baby kisser, buddy, candidate, chum, comate, companion, comrade, crony, dark horse, defeated candidate, dud, favorite son, hopeful, lame duck, office seeker, pal, political hopeful, presidential timber, stalking-horse
running start
[edit]- running start, A, advantage, alpha, anticipation, beginning, beginnings, blast-off, bulge, coign of vantage, commencement, creation, cutting edge, dawn, drop, earliness, early hour, early stage, edge, establishment, first crack, first stage, flying start, foresight, foundation, fresh start, ground floor, head start, inside track, institution, jump, jump-off, kick-off, leading edge, new departure, odds, oncoming, onset, opening, origin, origination, outbreak, outset, prevenience, prevision, readiness, send-off, setting in motion, setting-up, something extra, something in reserve, square one, start, start-off, starting point, take-off, time to spare, upper hand, vantage, vantage ground, vantage point, very beginning, whip hand
[edit]- running, acting, action, active, activity, actual, actuation, affluent, agency, agile, alive, articulated, as is, ascending, at work, authority, autograph, autographic, average, axial, back, back-flowing, backward, being, besetting, breakneck, calligraphic, candidacy, candidature, care, catenated, ceaseless, charge, chirographic, colliquation, command, common, competition, concatenated, conduct, confluent, connected, consecutively, constant, contemporaneous, contemporary, contest, continual, continually, continued, continuing, continuous, continuously, control, coursing, current, cursive, cyclical, dashing, decoagulation, decurrent, defluent, deliquescence, deliquium, descending, diffluent, direct, direction, dissolution, dissolving, dominant, double-quick, down-trending, downward, drifting, driving, dynamic, dynamics, eagle-winged, effortless, endless, engrossed, epidemic, event, execution, exercise, existent, existing, expeditious, express, extant, fast, featureless, festering, fleet, flowing, fluent, fluidification, fluidization, fluxional, fluxive, flying, fresh, functional, functioning, fusibility, fusing, fusion, galloping, game, gapless, gleet, going, going on, governance, government, graphic, graphoanalytic, graphologic, graphometric, guidance, gulfy, gushing, gyrational, gyratory, hair-trigger, hand running, handling, hasty, headlong, holograph, holographic, husbandry, hustling, ichor, immanent, immediate, in Indian file, in a chain, in a line, in a row, in a series, in column, in exercise, in file, in force, in hand, in longhand, in operation, in play, in practice, in process, in shorthand, in single file, in succession, in the works, in turn, in writing, inaction, incessant, inscribed, instant, intendance, interminable, italic, italicized, joined, jointless, kinematics, kinesipathy, kinesis, kinesitherapy, kinetics, latest, leaching, lead, leading, leukorrhea, light of heel, light-footed, linked, liquation, liquefaction, liquescence, liquescency, live, lively, lixiviation, longhand, management, managery, managing, manipulation, manuscript, match, matter, mattering, mazy, meandering, meet, melting, mercurial, mobilization, modern, monotonous, motion, motivation, mounting, move, movement, moving, never-ending, new, night and day, nimble, nimble-footed, nonstop, normal, occupation, on foot, on paper, on the fire, ongoing, operancy, operating, operation, operational, operative, ordering, ordinary, pandemic, passing, peccant humor, penciled, penned, percolation, perennial, performance, performing, periodic, perpetual, pilotage, plunging, popular, pouring, practice, precipitate, predominant, predominating, present, present-age, present-day, present-time, prevailing, prevalent, printed, profluent, progressive, progressively, prompt, purulence, pus, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, race, racing, rampant, rankling, rapid, reckless, recurrent, reflowing, refluent, regnant, regressive, regulation, reigning, repetitive, responsibility, restlessness, retrogressive, rife, rising, rotary, rotational, rotatory, round-the-clock, routine, ruling, running for office, rushing, sanies, scriptorial, scriptural, seamless, sequentially, serially, seriatim, serpentine, serried, shorthand, sideward, sinking, sluggish, smooth, snappy, soaring, solubilization, solution, spanking, speedy, stable, standard, standing, standing for office, steady, steerage, steering, step by step, stereotyped, stir, stirring, straight, streaming, stylographic, successively, superintendence, superintendency, supervision, suppuration, surging, surgy, sustained, swift, that be, that is, thaw, thawing, the conn, the helm, the wheel, thermoplasticity, tidal, topical, tournament, turn about, twenty-four-hour, unbroken, unceasing, unclotting, undifferentiated, unending, uniform, unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, uninterruptedly, unrelieved, unremitting, unrest, unstopped, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, up-trending, upward, usual, velocity, vortical, winged, work, working, workings, written
[edit]- runny, excretory, exudative, flowing, fluent, fluid, fluidal, fluidic, fluxible, fluxile, fluxional, fluxionary, juicy, leaky, liquid, liquidy, oozy, percolative, permeable, pervious, porous, sappy, succulent, transudative, watery, weepy
[edit]- runoff, bout, by-election, caucus, closed primary, congressional election, contest, contested election, decathlon, defluxion, direct primary, discharge, double-header, doubles, drain, drainage, effluence, efflux, effluxion, effusion, election, event, exhalation, exhaust, flowoff, foursome, game, games of chance, general election, go, gush, mandatory primary, match, meet, nonpartisan primary, open primary, optional primary, outfall, outflow, outflowing, outpour, outpouring, partisan election, pentathlon, play, play-off, preference primary, presidential election, presidential preference primary, presidential primary, primary, primary election, race, referendum, runoff election, runoff primary, singles, sport, threesome, twosome
[edit]- runs, BM, bloody flux, bowel movement, catharsis, crap, defecation, dejection, diarrhea, dysentery, evacuation, flux, lientery, loose bowels, movement, purgation, purge, shit, shits, stool, trots, turistas, voidance
[edit]- runt, Lilliputian, Tom Thumb, a nobody, a nothing, bantam, banty, brownie, button, chit, cipher, common man, diminutive, dummy, dwarf, elf, featherweight, figurehead, fingerling, gnome, homunculus, insignificancy, jackstraw, lightweight, lilliputian, little fellow, little guy, man of straw, manikin, mediocrity, midge, midget, mini, minikin, minnow, minny, mouse, nebbish, nobody one knows, nonentity, nubbin, obscurity, peewee, pip-squeak, pony, punk, pygmy, scrub, shrimp, slip, small fry, small potato, small potatoes, snip, snippet, squirt, squit, tit, wart, whiffet, whippersnapper, wisp
[edit]- runty, Lilliputian, Tom Thumb, couchant, crouched, debased, depressed, dumpy, dwarf, dwarfed, dwarfish, elfin, flat, incipient, knee-high, knocked flat, laid low, low, low-built, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-set, low-statured, meager, midget, nanoid, neap, prone, pygmy, recumbent, rudimental, rudimentary, scraggy, scrubby, short, shriveled, shrunk, shrunken, squat, squatty, stooped, stumpy, stunt, stunted, supine, undersize, undersized, unelevated, wizened
[edit]- runway, airstrip, alameda, apron, beaten path, beaten track, berm, bicycle path, boardwalk, bridle path, catwalk, clearway, esplanade, fairway, fastwalk, flight deck, foot pavement, footpath, footway, garden path, groove, hiking trail, landing deck, landing strip, mall, parade, path, pathway, prado, promenade, public walk, run, rut, sidewalk, strip, towing path, towpath, track, trail, trottoir, walk, walkway
[edit]- rupture, abrade, abrasion, abysm, abyss, alienation, arroyo, bark, blemish, bloody, box canyon, breach, breach of friendship, break, break in, break into, break open, break through, break up, breakage, breaking, breaking up, burn, burst, burst in, bursting, bust, bust in, canyon, cave in, cavity, chafe, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chip, claw, cleavage, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, come apart, come unstuck, concussion, coulee, couloir, crack, crackle, cranny, craze, crevasse, crevice, cut, cut apart, cwm, defile, dell, detachment, dike, disaffection, disfavor, disintegrate, disjoin, disrupt, disruption, dissect, dissolution, disunion, disunite, disunity, ditch, divergence, divide, dividedness, division, divorce, divorcement, donga, draw, estrangement, excavation, exfoliate, fall to pieces, falling-out, fault, fissure, flash burn, flaw, flume, force open, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, furrow, gall, gap, gape, gash, give away, give way, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hole, hurt, incise, incision, injure, injury, joint, kloof, lacerate, laceration, leak, lesion, maim, make mincemeat of, maul, moat, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation, notch, nullah, open, open rupture, opening, part, parting, partition, pass, passage, pierce, prize open, puncture, ravine, recall of ambassadors, rend, rent, rift, rime, rip, rive, run, savage, scald, scale, schism, scissure, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, seam, second-degree burn, separate, separation, sever, severance, skin, slash, slice, slit, slot, snap, sore, splinter, split, split open, split up, split-up, splitting, sprain, spring a leak, stab, stab wound, start, stick, stove in, strain, sunder, tear, tear open, third-degree burn, trauma, traumatize, trench, valley, void, wadi, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench
[edit]- ruptured, aggravated, broken, burned, burst, busted, checked, chipped, cracked, crazed, cut, damaged, deteriorated, embittered, exacerbated, harmed, hurt, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in pieces, in shards, injured, irritated, lacerated, mangled, mutilated, rent, scalded, scorched, shattered, slashed, slit, smashed, split, sprung, the worse for, torn, weakened, worse, worse off, worsened
[edit]- rural, Arcadian, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, agronomic, arable, arcadian, bucolic, campestral, countrified, country, exurban, farm, farming, genuine, geoponic, georgic, homespun, idyllic, inartificial, lowland, native, natural, naturelike, outland, pastoral, provincial, rustic, simple, sylvan, unadorned, unaffected, unartificial, unassuming, undesigning, undisguising, undissembling, undissimulating, unembellished, unfeigning, unpretending, unpretentious, unsophisticated, unspoiled, unvarnished, upland
[edit]- ruse, art, artful dodge, artifice, bag of tricks, blind, bluff, bosey, catch, chicanery, chouse, conspiracy, contrivance, coup, craft, curve, curve-ball, cute trick, deceit, deception, design, device, dirty deal, dirty trick, dodge, expedient, fakement, fast deal, feint, fetch, ficelle, gambit, game, gimmick, googly, grift, hoax, hocus-pocus, imposture, intrigue, jig, joker, juggle, jugglery, knavery, little game, maneuver, move, pass, plot, ploy, pretext, racket, red herring, scheme, scurvy trick, shift, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, tactic, trick, trickery, wile, wily device
[edit]- rush, Brownian movement, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, accelerate, ado, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, aftergrass, aggravated assault, aggression, air speed, amphibious attack, angular motion, armed assault, ascending, ascent, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, axial motion, backflowing, backing, backward motion, bagatelle, bamboo, bang, banzai attack, bauble, bean, belch, bibelot, bit, blackmail, blitz, blitzkrieg, boil, bolt, boot, brass farthing, break, breakthrough, bundle, burst, burst of speed, bustle, button, buzz about, call, call for, cane, canter, career, cascade, celerity, cent, cereal, cereal plant, charge, chase, claim, climbing, commotion, concourse, confluence, conflux, contribution, corn, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, course, crippling attack, crosscurrent, crowd, curio, current, dart, dash, dash at, dash off, dash on, dead run, dead set at, debouchment, defluxion, demand, demand for, descending, descent, descent on, dispatch, dissiliency, diversion, diversionary attack, dogtrot, double-time, downflow, downpour, downward motion, draft, drain, drift, driftage, drive, drive on, duty, ebb, ebbing, emergency, eructation, eruption, exaction, excitement, exigent, expedite, expedition, extortion, extortionate demand, farce, farinaceous plant, farthing, fastness, feather, ferment, festinate, fig, flank attack, flank speed, flare-up, flat-out speed, fleabite, fleet, flight, fling, flit, flood, flow, flow back, flow in, flow out, flowing, fluency, flurry, flush, flutter, flux, fly, fly at, fog, folderol, font, forage grass, forced draft, forward, forward motion, forwardness, fount, fountain, fribble, frippery, frontal attack, full gallop, fuss, gallop, gas attack, gaud, get cracking, get going, get moving, gewgaw, geyser, gimcrack, go off half-cocked, grain, graminaceous plant, grass, ground speed, gush, hair, halfpenny, hand gallop, harum-scarum, haste, hasten, hasten on, hastiness, head-on attack, headlong rush, heavy demand, heavy right foot, helter-skelter, hie, hie on, high lope, high-priority, hill of beans, hump, hump it, hurriedness, hurry, hurry about, hurry along, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurtle, hustle, hustle up, imposition, impost, impulse, impulsiveness, indent, infiltration, inflow, insistent demand, instantaneousness, issue, jest, jet, jog trot, joke, jollies, jump, jump off, kick, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, knots, lash, lawn grass, leap, levy, lift, lightning attack, lightning speed, lightning war, lope, lose no time, make, make a fuss, make haste, mass attack, maximum speed, megadeath, miles per hour, mill run, millrace, minikin, mockery, molehill, mounting, move quickly, mugging, nonnegotiable demand, notice, oblique motion, offense, offensive, ongoing, onrush, onset, onslaught, onward course, open throttle, order, ornamental grass, outbreak, outburst, outflow, overhastiness, overkill, panzer warfare, passage, pell-mell, peppercorn, picayune, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, plunge, plunging, post, pother, pour, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitate, precipitateness, precipitation, precociousness, precocity, prematureness, prematurity, press, press on, progress, promptitude, promptness, push, push on, push through, quicken, quickness, quiver, race, radial motion, railroad through, random motion, rap, rapidity, rapids, red cent, reed, reflowing, refluence, reflux, regression, regurgitate, requirement, requisition, retrogression, rising, round pace, row of pins, rpm, run, run against, run at, rush about, rush along, rush around, rush at, rush of emotion, rush order, rush through, sally, scamper, scoot, scour, scramble, scud, scurry, scuttle, sensation, set, shake a leg, shit, shiver, shock tactics, shoot, shudder, sideward motion, sinking, skedaddle, snap, snappiness, sneeshing, soaring, sortie, sou, spate, speed, speed along, speed up, speediness, spew, spit, spout, spouter, spray, sprint, spritz, spurt, spurtle, squirt, stampede, step on it, sternway, storm, straw, stream, strike, subsiding, surge, surge back, surge of emotion, swift rate, swiftness, tax, taxing, tear, tear around, thrill, tide, tilt at, tingle, tingling, titillation, to-do, torrent, toy, traject, trajet, tremor, tremor of excitement, trend, tribute, trifle, trinket, triviality, trot, tuppence, turbulence, turmoil, two cents, twopence, ultimatum, undercurrent, undertow, unprovoked assault, untimeliness, upward motion, urge, urgent, velocity, volcan, warning, water flow, whim-wham, whip, whip along, whiz, whiz about, wide-open speed
[edit]- rushed, a bit previous, advanced, at the double, crowded, double-quick, double-time, far ahead, forward, half-baked, half-cocked, hard-pressed, hard-pushed, hard-run, hasty, hurried, ill-considered, impulsive, not firm, on the double, overhasty, oversoon, precipitate, precocious, premature, pressed, pressed for time, previous, pushed, too early, too soon, uncrystallized, unjelled, unmatured, unmeditated, unpremeditated, unprepared, unripe, untimely
[edit]- rushing, abrupt, affluent, ascending, axial, back, back-flowing, backward, confluent, coursing, decurrent, defluent, descending, diffluent, down-trending, downward, drifting, flowing, fluent, fluxional, fluxive, flying, going, gulfy, gushing, gyrational, gyratory, hasty, headlong, hurried, impetuous, mazy, meandering, mounting, passing, plunging, pouring, precipitant, precipitous, profluent, progressive, racing, reflowing, refluent, regressive, retrogressive, rising, rotary, rotational, rotatory, running, serpentine, sideward, sinking, sluggish, soaring, streaming, sudden, surging, surgy, tidal, up-trending, upward, vortical
[edit]- rust, Titian, Titian-red, adust, age, algae, antiquate, auburn, autophyte, bay, bay-colored, bayard, bean, become extinct, become obsolete, biodegradability, biodegradation, blast, blight, bracken, brazen, breakup, bricky, bronze, bronze-colored, bronzed, brown, brown algae, brownish-red, burn, cancer, canker, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, castaneous, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, chestnut, chestnut-brown, climber, conferva, confervoid, copper, copper-colored, coppery, corrode, corrosion, corruption, creeper, crimson, cupreous, damask, date, decay, decomposition, degradability, degradation, diatom, dilapidation, disintegration, disorganization, dissolution, dry rot, eat, eat away, eat into, embrown, erode, fade, fern, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, fossilize, foxy, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungus, fust, glowing, gnaw, grapevine, green algae, grow old, gules, gulfweed, henna, herb, heterophyte, hot, incarmined, incarnadine, inflame, inflamed, infrared, infuscate, iron-red, ivy, kelp, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, legume, lentil, liana, lichen, lipstick, liver-brown, liver-colored, liverwort, livid-brown, lobster-red, lose currency, lurid, madder, mahogany, maroon, mildew, miniate, mold, molder, moss, moth, moth and rust, mushroom, must, nibble away, obsolesce, outdate, oxidation, oxidization, oxidize, parasite, parasitic plant, pea, perish, perthophyte, pest, phytoplankton, planktonic algae, plant families, port-wine, puce, puffball, pulse, red, red algae, red-dyed, red-ink, red-looking, redden, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, resolution, roan, rockweed, rot, rouge, rubicund, rubify, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddle, ruddy, rufescent, rufous, russet, russety, rust-colored, rust-red, rusty, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, scarlet, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seaweed, smut, spoilage, stammel, succulent, sunburn, sunburned, suntan, superannuate, tan, terra-cotta, tile-red, toadstool, vermilion, vetch, vinaceous, vine, warm, wine, wine-colored, wine-red, worm, wort, wrack
[edit]- rustic, Arcadian, Bauer, Spartan, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, agriculturalist, agriculturist, agrologist, agronomist, apple knocker, artless, ascetic, austere, awkward, backwoods, backwoodsman, bald, bare, boor, boorish, bucolic, bumpkin, campestral, candid, clod, cloddish, clodhopper, clown, coffee-planter, collective farm worker, common, commonplace, countrified, country, country bumpkin, country cousin, countryman, countrywoman, crofter, cropper, crude, cultivator, direct, dirt farmer, dry, dry farmer, dull, exurbanite, farm, farm laborer, farmer, farmhand, frank, gawky, gentleman farmer, granger, greenhorn, grower, guileless, harvester, harvestman, haymaker, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, homely, homespun, husbandman, ingenuous, jay, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, kulak, lean, looby, lout, loutish, lowland, lumpen, matter-of-fact, mossback, mountaineer, muzhik, naive, natural, neat, oaf, oafish, open, outland, pastoral, peasant, peasant holder, picker, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, planter, plodding, plowboy, plowman, prosaic, prosing, prosy, provincial, pure, raiser, rancher, ranchman, reaper, redneck, ridge runner, rough, rube, rural, severe, sharecropper, simple, simple-speaking, sober, sower, spare, stark, straightforward, suburbanite, tea-planter, tenant farmer, tiller, tree farmer, truck farmer, unadorned, unaffected, uncomplicated, uncultivated, uncultured, ungainly, unimaginative, unmannerly, unpoetical, unpolished, unrefined, unsophisticated, unvarnished, upland, woodsy, yap, yeoman, yokel
[edit]- rusticate, ban, banish, blackball, cast out, cop out, countrify, cut, deport, disfellowship, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, extradite, farm, forsake the world, fugitate, go into retirement, live alone, live apart, live in retirement, ostracize, outlaw, pastoralize, proscribe, relegate, remain incommunicado, retire, send away, send down, send to Coventry, snub, spurn, stay at home, take the veil, thrust out, transport
[edit]- rustle, abstract, and, annex, appropriate, bag, boost, borrow, celerity, cop, crib, crinkle, defraud, dispatch, embezzle, expedition, expeditiousness, extort, filch, froufrou, hook, hurry, hustle, lift, make off with, nip, palm, pilfer, pinch, poach, purloin, run away with, rustling, scrounge, shoplift, sibilance, sibilate, sibilation, snare, snatch, snitch, speed, speediness, steal, susurrate, susurration, susurrus, swiftness, swindle, swipe, swish, swishing, take, thieve, walk off with, whish, whisper, whispering
[edit]- rusty, Titian, Titian-red, a stranger to, adust, anile, auburn, bay, bay-colored, bayard, brazen, bricky, bronze, bronze-colored, bronzed, brownish-red, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, castaneous, cerise, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, chestnut, chestnut-brown, copper, copper-colored, coppery, corroded, crabbed, crimson, crumbling, cupreous, damask, debilitated, decrepit, dilapidated, disaccustomed, doddered, doddering, doddery, dry, dusty, dyspeptic, eaten, eroded, feeble, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, fossilized, foxy, fusty, gerontal, gerontic, glowing, gone to seed, grating, gules, henna, hoarse, hot, hot-tempered, ignorant, ill-humored, ill-natured, incarmined, inexperienced, infirm, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, jarring, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, liver-brown, liver-colored, livid-brown, lobster-red, lurid, mahogany, maroon, mildewed, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, mossbacked, moth-eaten, mummylike, musty, new to, on the downgrade, out of condition, out of shape, out of training, palsied, papery-skinned, port-wine, puce, rasping, raucous, ravaged with age, red, red-dyed, red-looking, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rickety, roan, rough, rubicund, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddy, rufescent, rufous, rugged, ruined, ruinous, run to seed, russet, russety, rust, rust-cankered, rust-colored, rust-eaten, rust-red, rust-worn, scarlet, senile, shaky, shriveled, slipping, soft, stale, stammel, stiff, stricken in years, strident, sunburned, terra-cotta, tile-red, time-scarred, timeworn, tottering, tottery, unaccustomed, unacquainted with, unconversant with, unfamiliar with, unhabituated, unhardened, uninured, unpracticed, unseasoned, untrained, unused, unused to, unwonted, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, weak, weaned, wine, wine-colored, wine-red, withered, wizened, worn
[edit]- rut, alameda, be in heat, beat, beaten path, beaten track, berm, bezel, bicycle path, boardwalk, bridle path, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, canal, canalize, carve, catwalk, chamfer, channel, chase, chink, chinoiserie, chisel, chuckhole, come in, corrugate, corrugation, crack, cranny, crimp, cut, dado, daily grind, desire, dike, ditch, engrave, engraving, esplanade, estral cycle, estruate, estruation, estrum, estrus, fastwalk, fever, fever heat, fever of excitement, fire, flute, fluting, foot pavement, footpath, footway, furrow, fury of lust, garden path, gash, goffer, gouge, grind, groove, gully, heat, hiking trail, incise, incision, itch for, jog trot, lust, lust after, mall, microgroove, mudhole, pace, parade, path, pathway, pitchhole, pleat, plow, pothole, prado, promenade, public walk, rabbet, red tape, red-tapeism, rifle, rifling, rote, round, routine, ruck, run, runway, score, scratch, sexual excitement, sidewalk, sinkhole, slit, squirrel cage, streak, stria, striate, striation, sulcation, sulcus, towing path, towpath, track, trail, treadmill, trench, trottoir, trough, walk, walkway, well-worn groove, wrinkle
[edit]- ruth, attrition, benevolence, clemency, commiseration, compassion, compunction, condolence, contrition, favor, feeling, forbearance, forgiveness, grace, humanity, kindness, leniency, mercy, mitigation, pardon, pathos, penance, penitently, pity, quarter, relief, remorse, remorsefulness, repentance, reprieve, rue, self-pity, sympathy
[edit]- ruthful, afflicted, bleeding, charitable, clement, commiserative, compassionate, condolent, doleful, dolorous, forbearant, gentle, human, humane, lenient, melting, merciful, miserable, pitying, rueful, soft, softhearted, sorrowful, sympathetic, sympathizing, tender, tenderhearted, understanding, warmhearted, wretched
[edit]- ruthless, Draconian, Tartarean, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, bowelless, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, callous, cannibalistic, cruel, cruel-hearted, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, dog-eat-dog, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, flinty, hard, harsh, heartless, hellish, implacable, inclement, inexorable, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, kill-crazy, malign, malignant, mean, merciless, mortal, murderous, noncivilized, pitiless, relentless, remorseless, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, severe, sharkish, slavering, subhuman, tameless, tough, truculent, unappeasable, unchristian, uncivilized, uncompassionate, uncompassioned, unfeeling, unflinching, unforgiving, ungentle, unhuman, unmerciful, unpitiful, unpitying, unrelenting, unremorseful, unsympathetic, unsympathizing, untamed, unyielding, vicious, wild, without mercy, wolfish
[edit]- ruthlessness, animality, atrociousness, barbarity, barbarousness, beastliness, bestiality, bloodiness, bloodlust, bloodthirst, bloodthirstiness, bloody-mindedness, brutality, brutalness, brutishness, cannibalism, cruelness, cruelty, ferociousness, ferocity, fiendishness, fierceness, flintiness, hardness, harshness, heartlessness, inclemency, inexorableness, inhumaneness, inhumanity, mercilessness, pitilessness, relentlessness, remorselessness, sadism, sadistic cruelty, sanguineousness, savagery, short shrift, tender mercies, truculence, uncompassionateness, unfeelingness, unforgivingness, unmercifulness, unremorsefulness, unsympatheticness, unyieldingness, vandalism, viciousness, violence, wanton cruelty
[edit]- rutty, broken, bumpy, burning, canaliculate, canaliculated, chamfered, channeled, choppy, coarse, coarse-grained, concupiscent, corduroy, corduroyed, corrugate, corrugated, costate, crimped, cross-grained, cut, dadoed, engraved, estral, estrous, estrual, fluted, furrowed, gashed, goatish, goffered, gouged, grainy, granulated, grooved, homespun, horny, horripilant, hot, in heat, in must, in rut, incised, inequal, irregular, jolty, lascivious, libidinous, lickerish, linsey-woolsey, must, musty, pimply, pitted, pleated, pocky, potholed, rabbeted, rank, ribbed, rifled, ripply, rough, rough-cast, rough-grained, rough-hewn, ruffled, rutted, rutting, ruttish, satyric, scored, scratched, shagged, shaggy, slit, striated, sulcate, sulcated, textured, troughed, uneven, unkempt, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, ununiform, wimpled, wrinkled
[edit]- Sabbatarian, Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, High-Churchist, Trappist, Waldensian, abstainer, abstinent, anchorite, anchoritic, ascetic, austere, bhikshu, bigoted, creedbound, dervish, dogmatic, eremitic, evangelical, fakir, flagellant, formalist, formularist, formulist, fundamentalist, hermit, hidebound, hyperorthodox, literalist, literalistic, liturgist, mendicant, precisianist, precisianistic, purist, puristic, puritan, puritanical, rigoristic, ritualist, sacramentarian, sannyasi, self-denying, staunch, straitlaced, strict, wedded to poverty, yogi, yogin
[edit]- sabbatical, comfortable, festal, furlough, holiday, leave, leave of absence, liberty, paid holiday, paid vacation, quiet, restful, sabbatical leave, sabbatical year, shore leave, time off, vacation, vacational, weekend
saber rattling
[edit]- saber rattling, aggression, aggressiveness, antagonism, bellicism, bellicose, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, bulldozing, chauvinism, combativeness, commination, contentiousness, denunciation, empty threat, ferocity, fierceness, fight, foreboding, hostility, idle threat, imminence, implied threat, intimidate, intimidation, jingoism, martialism, menace, militancy, militarism, promise of harm, pugnaciousness, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, sword of Damocles, threat, threateningness, threatfulness, truculence, unfriendliness, unpeacefulness, warmongering, warning, warpath
[edit]- sable, achievement, alerion, animal charge, annulet, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, atramentous, azure, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, black, black as coal, black as ebony, black as ink, black as midnight, black as night, black race, blackness, blazon, blazonry, bordure, broad arrow, cadency mark, canton, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, coal-black, coaly, coat of arms, cockatrice, coronet, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, dark, dark as night, dark as pitch, darkness, deep black, device, difference, differencing, dusky, eagle, ebon, ebony, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, falcon, fess, fess point, field, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, fret, fur, fusil, garland, gloomy, griffin, gules, gyron, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, honor point, impalement, impaling, inescutcheon, ink-black, inkiness, inky, jet, jetty, label, lion, lozenge, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, melanism, metal, midnight, motto, mullet, murky, night-black, night-dark, nigrescence, nigritude, nigrous, nombril point, octofoil, or, ordinary, orle, pale, paly, pean, pheon, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchy, purpure, quarter, quartering, raven, raven-black, rose, saltire, scutcheon, shield, sloe, sloe-black, sloe-colored, somber, spread eagle, subordinary, tar-black, tarry, tenne, tincture, torse, tressure, unicorn, vair, vert, wreath, yale
[edit]- sabotage, baffle, balk, bankruptcy, blast, block, bouleversement, brave, break up, breakage, breakdown, bugger, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, collapse, confound, confront, contravene, convulsion, counter, counteract, countermand, counterwork, crack-up, cripple, crippling, cross, damage, dash, de-energize, debilitate, defeat, defy, destroy, destruction, detriment, dilapidation, disable, disablement, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, disenable, dish, disrepair, disrupt, downfall, drain, elude, encroachment, enfeeble, fall, flummox, foil, frustrate, hamper, hamstring, harm, hinder, hobbling, honeycomb, hors de combat, hurt, hurting, impairment, inactivate, incapacitate, incapacitation, infringement, injury, inroad, kibosh, knock the chocks, lame, loss, maim, maiming, mayhem, mine, mischief, mutilation, nonplus, obstruct, overthrow, overturn, perplex, prostration, put, queer, queer the works, ruin, ruination, ruinousness, sap, scathe, scotch, sickening, spike, spoil, spoiling, stonewall, stump, subversion, subversiveness, subvert, thwart, treachery, treason, undermine, undermining, unfit, upheaval, upset, weaken, weakening, wing, wreck, wreckage, wrecking
[edit]- SAC, ANAC, ARF, ATC, ATS, Air Command, Air Transport Command, Air Transport Service, Airborne Reconnaissance Force, Army-Navy Air Corps, Bomber Command, CASU, Coastal Command, FEAF, Fleet Air Arm, MATS, NAD, NATS, Naval Air Division, Navy Air, RAAF, RAF, RCAF, Royal Air Force, Strategic Air Command, US Air Force, USAAF, USAF, USNAS, air force
[edit]- saccharin, ambrosia, artificial sweetener, blackstrap, calcium cyclamate, cane syrup, clover honey, comb honey, corn syrup, cyclamates, edulcoration, honey, honeycomb, honeydew, honeypot, maple syrup, molasses, nectar, saccharification, sodium cyclamate, sorghum, sugar, sugar-making, sugaring off, sweetener, sweetening, sweets, syrup, treacle
[edit]- saccharine, candied, cloying, deferential, disarming, honeyed, insinuating, insinuative, luscious, mawkish, oversweet, rich, sickly-sweet, silken, silky, sugared, sugary, sweet, syrupy
[edit]- sacerdotal, abbatial, abbatical, apostolic, archiepiscopal, canonical, capitular, capitulary, ceremonial, ceremonious, churchly, clerical, conventional, decorous, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical, episcopal, episcopalian, evangelistic, hieratic, liturgic, ministerial, papal, pastoral, pompous, prelatial, prelatic, priest-ridden, priestish, priestly, rabbinic, religious, ritual, ritualistic, solemn, stately, ultramontane, well-mannered
[edit]- sachem, Dalai Lama, Establishment, Holy Roman Emperor, Inca, Kaiser, VIP, ardri, baron, bey, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, boss, brass, brass hat, cacique, caesar, celebrity, cham, czar, dignitary, dignity, elder, father, figure, great man, important person, interests, kaid, keynoter, khan, lion, lords of creation, magnate, man higher up, man of mark, mikado, mogul, nabob, name, negus, notability, notable, padishah, panjandrum, pendragon, person of renown, personage, personality, pharaoh, pillar of society, policy maker, power, power elite, rig, ringleader, ruling circle, sagamore, shah, sheikh, shogun, somebody, something, standard-bearer, tenno, the great, the top, top brass, top people, tycoon, very important person, worthy
[edit]- sachet, atomizer, censer, fumigator, incense burner, incensory, odorator, odorizer, parfumoir, perfumer, pomander, potpourri, pouncet-box, purse atomizer, scent bag, scent ball, scent bottle, scent box, scenter, smelling bottle, spray, thurible, vinaigrette
[edit]- sack, acquire, assault, attack, ax, bag, balloon, banditry, barbarize, barrel, basket, batter, be seized of, bed, bedstead, bladder, boot, boot out, bottle, bounce, box, box up, break, brigandage, brigandism, brutalize, bump, bunk, burden, burn, bust, butcher, can, capsule, capture, carry on, carton, case, cashier, cashiering, cask, catch, chuck, come by, come in for, come into, conge, container, contract, corral, couch, crate, defrock, degrade, demote, deplume, deposal, depose, depredate, depredation, deprive, derive, desecrate, desolate, despoil, despoiling, despoilment, despoliation, destroy, devastate, devour, direption, disbar, discharge, disemploy, disemployment, dismiss, dismissal, displace, displacing, displume, doss, drag down, draw, drop, drum out, drumming out, earn, encase, encyst, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, enter into possession, entrap, expel, fill, fire, firing, fleece, fob, forage, foraging, foray, forced separation, foul, freeboot, freebooting, freight, furlough, furloughing, gain, get, give the ax, give the gate, go on, gurney, gut, hammer, hamper, harpoon, harvest, heap, heap up, hit the hay, hit the sack, hook, jar, kick, kick out, kick upstairs, kip, kip down, lade, land, lasso, lay off, lay waste, layoff, let go, let out, litter, load, loot, looting, make, make redundant, maraud, marauding, mass, maul, mesh, mug, nail, net, noose, obtain, pack, pack away, package, parcel, pension off, pile, pillage, pillaging, pink slip, plunder, plundering, pocket, poke, pot, pouch, prey on, procure, pull down, rage, raid, raiding, ramp, rampage, ransack, ransacking, rant, rape, rapine, ravage, ravagement, ravaging, rave, raven, ravish, ravishment, razzia, read out of, reap, reive, reiving, release, removal, remove, replace, retire, retirement, rifle, rifling, riot, roar, rope, ruin, sac, sack out, sacking, savage, score, secure, send packing, separate forcibly, ship, slaughter, snag, snare, sniggle, sofa, sow chaos, spear, spoil, spoiling, spoliate, spoliation, stack, store, storm, stow, stretcher, strip, superannuate, surplus, surplusing, suspend, suspension, sweep, take, tangle, tangle up with, tank, tear, tear around, terminate, terrorize, the ax, the boot, the bounce, the gate, the hay, the sack, ticket, tin, trap, turn in, turn off, turn out, unfrock, vandalize, violate, walking papers, waste, win, wreck
sackcloth and ashes
[edit]- sackcloth and ashes, Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, asceticism, black, cold purgatorial fires, crape, cypress, cypress lawn, deep mourning, fasting, flagellation, hair shirt, lustration, maceration, mortification, mourning, mourning band, penance, penitence, penitential act, penitential exercise, purgation, purgatory, repentance, sackcloth, weeds, yew
[edit]- sacking, assault, attack, banditry, battering, brigandage, brigandism, butchery, depredation, despoiling, despoilment, despoliation, direption, disorderliness, foraging, foray, forcible seizure, freebooting, killing, laying waste, looting, marauding, massacre, obstreperousness, onslaught, pillage, pillaging, plunder, plundering, raid, raiding, ransacking, rape, rapine, ravage, ravagement, ravaging, ravishment, razzia, reiving, rifling, riot, rioting, sack, slaughter, sowing with salt, spoiling, spoliation, unruliness, violation
[edit]- sacramental, Agnus Dei, High-Church, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, baptismal, beadroll, beads, candle, censer, ceremonial, ceremonious, ceremony, chaplet, ciborium, cross, crucifix, cruet, duty, eucharistial, eucharistic, form, form of worship, formal, formality, formula, formular, formulary, function, holy cross, holy rite, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, icon, incensory, institution, liturgic, liturgistic, liturgy, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, mode of worship, monstrance, mystery, observance, office, order of worship, ordinance, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, practice, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, prescribed form, pyx, relics, rite, ritual, ritual observance, ritualistic, rituality, rood, rosary, sacrament, sacramentarian, sacred relics, sacring bell, service, shofar, solemnity, sukkah, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle
[edit]- sacrarium, Easter sepulcher, Lady chapel, adytum, ambry, apse, baptistery, blindstory, chancel, chantry, chapel, chapel of ease, chapel royal, choir, cloisters, confessional, confessionary, crypt, dagoba, delubrum, diaconicon, diaconicum, holy of holies, holy place, naos, nave, oratorium, oratory, porch, presbytery, reliquaire, reliquary, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, sacellum, sacrament chapel, sacristy, sanctuary, sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, school chapel, shrine, side chapel, stupa, tope, transept, triforium, vestry
[edit]- sacred, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-wise, almighty, alto, angelic, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, baritone, bass, blessed, boundless, bravura, ceremonial, changeless, cherished, choral, choric, churchly, coloratura, consecrated, creating, creative, dedicated, defended, divine, dramatic, ecclesiastical, eternal, eternally the same, everlasting, falsetto, glorious, godly, good, guarded, hallowed, heavenly, heroic, hieratic, highest, holy, hymnal, immortal, immune, immutable, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, infinite, inviolable, inviolate, just, limitless, liturgical, loving, luminous, lyric, majestic, making, merciful, numinous, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, one, operatic, permanent, perpetual, priestly, protected, psalmic, psalmodial, psalmodic, radiant, religious, revered, ritual, sacramental, sacrosanct, sainted, saintly, sanctified, shaping, shielded, singing, solemn, soprano, sovereign, spiritual, supreme, tenor, the holy, the ineffable, the inenarrable, the inexpressible, the numinous, the unspeakable, the unutterable, timeless, treble, ubiquitous, unbounded, unchanging, undefined, unlimited, unspeakable, untouchable, unutterable, venerable, venerated, vocal
[edit]- sacrifice, abandon, abandonment, abjuration, abjure, altruism, annihilate, appease, bane, be bereaved of, bereave of life, bereavement, blood, bloodletting, bloodshed, braining, burnt offering, carry away, carry off, cease, cede, cession, chloroform, close out, collection, commitment, consecrate, consecration, convert into cash, cost, cut down, cut off, cut under, damage, dead loss, dealing death, debit, dedicate, dedication, default, denial, denudation, deprivation, deprive of life, desist, despoilment, destroy, destruction, destruction of life, detriment, devote, devotion, disgorge, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispatch, dispensation, dispense with, disposal, dispose of, disposition, dispossession, divestment, do away with, do for, do to death, do without, donate, drink offering, drop, dump, dumping, effect a sale, end, eschew, euthanasia, ex voto offering, execute, execution, expense, exterminate, extermination, finish, finish off, flow of blood, forbear, forfeit, forfeiture, forgo, forgoing, forswear, forswearing, get along without, get rid of, getting rid of, give, give away, give up, giving up, go astray from, gore, have done with, heave offering, hecatomb, holocaust, human sacrifice, humility, immolate, immolate before, immolation, incense, incur loss, infanticide, injury, job, kill, killing, kiss good-bye, lapidation, launch into eternity, lean over backwards, let go, let slip, letting go, libation, liquidate, lose, lose out, loser, losing, losing streak, loss, lynch, mactation, make a sacrifice, make a sale, make away with, make propitiation, make sacrifice to, market, martyr, martyrdom, martyrization, martyrize, merchandise, mercy killing, mislay, misplace, miss, modesty, move, oblation, offer, offer sacrifice, offer up, offering, offertory, part with, peace offering, perdition, piacular offering, poison, poisoning, privation, propitiate, purge, put away, put down, put to death, put to sleep, quitclaim, recant, recantation, refrain from, release, relinquish, relinquishment, remove from life, render up, renounce, renunciation, resell, resign, resignation, retail, retract, retraction, riddance, ritual killing, ritual murder, robbery, ruin, sacramental offering, scapegoat, self-abasement, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-devotion, self-effacement, self-forgetfulness, self-immolation, self-neglect, self-neglectfulness, self-renouncement, self-sacrifice, self-subjection, selflessness, sell, sell off, sell on consignment, sell out, sell over, sell retail, sell short, sell up, sell wholesale, shooting, slaughter, slay, slaying, spare, spoliation, starve, stoning, stop, stripping, suffer loss, surrender, suttee, sutteeism, swear off, swearing off, take life, take off, taking away, taking of life, thank offering, throw up, total loss, turn into money, turn over, unacquisitiveness, undercut, undergo privation, undersell, unload, unpossessiveness, unselfishness, vacate, victimize, votive offering, waive, wander from, whole offering, wholesale, yield, yielding
[edit]- sacrificial, atoning, best, bottom, conciliatory, cut, expiatory, giveaway, given up, half-price, lowest, marked down, propitiatory, reduced, rock-bottom, sacrificed, slashed, surrendered, yielded
[edit]- sacrilege, abomination, abuse, atrocity, befouling, befoulment, blasphemousness, blasphemy, contamination, crime, debasement, defilement, desecration, disgrace, dishonoring, disrespect, fouling, heresy, ignominy, impiety, impiousness, infamy, irreverence, maltreatment, misuse, offense, outrage, perversion, pity, profanation, profaneness, profanity, prostitution, sacrilegiousness, scandal, secularization, shame, sin, terrible thing, violation, vitiation
[edit]- sacrilegious, aberrant, abnormal, abominable, apostate, atheistic, atrocious, backsliding, blasphemous, criminal, delinquent, deviant, disgraceful, disrespectful, evil, fallen, fallen from grace, hardly the thing, heretical, ignominious, illegal, impious, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, indecorous, infamous, irreligious, irreverent, lapsed, not done, not the thing, off-base, off-color, out-of-line, profanatory, profane, recidivist, recidivistic, recreant, renegade, scandalous, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, undue, undutiful, unfit, unfitting, ungodly, unlawful, unrighteous, unseemly, unsuitable, wicked, wrong, wrongful
[edit]- sacristan, Bible clerk, Bible reader, acolyte, almoner, anagnost, beadle, bedral, capitular, capitulary, choir chaplain, churchwarden, clerk, deacon, deaconess, elder, elderman, lay elder, lay reader, lector, lecturer, parish clerk, precentor, reader, ruling elder, sacrist, sexton, shames, sidesman, succentor, suisse, teaching elder, thurifer, verger, vergeress
[edit]- sacristy, Easter sepulcher, ambry, apse, baptistery, blindstory, chancel, choir, cloisters, confessional, confessionary, crypt, diaconicon, diaconicum, nave, porch, presbytery, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, sacrarium, transept, triforium, vestry
[edit]- sacrosanct, awesome, awful, divine, esteemed, heavenly, holy, ineffable, inenarrable, inexpressible, inviolable, inviolate, numinous, regarded, religious, respected, sacred, spiritual, unspeakable, untouchable, unutterable, venerable
sad case
[edit]- sad case, Bowery bum, beachcomber, beggar, beggarly fellow, blighter, budmash, bum, bummer, caitiff, derelict, devil, drifter, drunkard, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, hobo, human wreck, lowlife, mauvais sujet, mean wretch, mucker, no-good, pauvre diable, pilgarlic, poor creature, poor devil, sad sack, skid-row bum, stiff, sundowner, swagman, tramp, truant, vag, vagabond, vagrant, vaurien, wastrel, worthless fellow, wretch
sad sack
[edit]- sad sack, Bowery bum, Milquetoast, baby, beachcomber, beggar, beggarly fellow, big baby, blighter, budmash, bum, bummer, caitiff, chicken, crybaby, derelict, devil, doormat, drifter, drunkard, dull tool, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, gutless wonder, hard-luck guy, hardcase, hobo, human wreck, invertebrate, jellyfish, lightweight, loser, lowlife, mauvais sujet, mean wretch, meek soul, milksop, mollycoddle, mucker, namby-pamby, nebbish, no-good, nonentity, pansy, pantywaist, pauvre diable, pilgarlic, poor creature, poor devil, poor unfortunate, pushover, sad case, schlemiel, schlimazel, sissy, skid-row bum, softling, softy, sop, stiff, sundowner, sure loser, swagman, tramp, truant, unfortunate, vag, vagabond, vagrant, vaurien, victim, wastrel, weak sister, weakling, worthless fellow, wretch
[edit]- sad, Quaker-colored, abominable, acier, affecting, afflictive, anguished, anxious, arrant, ashen, ashy, atrocious, awful, badly off, base, beastly, beggarly, beneath contempt, beneath one, bitter, blackish, blameworthy, bleak, blue, bored, brutal, canescent, cheap, cheerless, cheesy, cinereous, cinerous, comfortless, common, contemptible, creamy, crummy, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dark, dark-colored, darkish, darksome, debasing, degrading, dejected, delicate, demeaning, deplorable, depressed, depressing, depressive, desolate, despicable, detestable, dingy, dire, discomforting, disgraceful, disgusted, disgusting, dismal, dismaying, dispirited, distressful, distressing, doleful, dolorific, dolorogenic, dolorous, donsie, doomful, dove-colored, dove-gray, down, downbeat, downcast, dreadful, drear, dreary, dull, dumpish, dumpy, dusk, dusky, dusty, eggshell, egregious, enormous, evil-starred, fatal, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flat, fortuneless, foul, fulsome, funereal, funest, gaudy, gimcracky, glaucescent, glaucous, gloomy, gloss, grave, gray, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, grieving, grievous, grim, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, gross, gutter, hapless, hateful, heavy, heavyhearted, heinous, horrible, horrid, humiliating, humiliative, ill off, ill-starred, in adverse circumstances, inauspicious, infamous, infra dig, infra indignitatem, iridescent, iron-gray, joyless, laden with sorrow, lamentable, lead-gray, leaden, light, livid, loathsome, long-faced, lousy, luckless, mean, melancholic, melancholy, mellow, meretricious, mirthless, miserable, monstrous, morose, mother-of-pearl, mournful, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, moving, nacreous, nasty, nauseated, nauseous, nefarious, nigrescent, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, ominous, opalescent, oppressed, opprobrious, out of luck, outrageous, painful, pale, paltry, pastel, pathetic, patinaed, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, planet-struck, pleasureless, poignant, poor, prey to malaise, quiet, rank, regrettable, repelled, reprehensible, repulsive, revolted, rotten, rubbishy, rueful, sad of heart, sad-eyed, sad-faced, saddened, saddening, sadhearted, scandalous, schlock, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, semigloss, shabby, shameful, sharp, shocking, shoddy, short of luck, sickened, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, simple, slate-colored, slaty, smoke-gray, smoky, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, somber, sombrous, sordid, sore, sorrowful, sorry, squalid, star-crossed, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored, subdued, subtle, suffering angst, swart, swarthy, sweet, taupe, tear-jerking, tender, terrible, too bad, touching, trashy, triste, trumpery, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unbecoming, unblessed, unclean, uncomfortable, underprivileged, uneasy, unfortunate, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unlucky, unprosperous, unprovidential, unquiet, unsatisfied, unworthy of one, valueless, vile, villainous, weighed upon, weighted down, woebegone, woeful, worst, worthless, wretched
[edit]- sadden, affect, aggrieve, beat down, cast down, damp, dampen, dampen the spirits, darken, dash, deject, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, distress, grieve, knock down, lower, lower the spirits, melt, melt the heart, move, oppress, press, press down, reach, sink, soften, sorrow, touch, weigh down, weigh heavy upon, weigh upon
saddle horse
[edit]- saddle horse, bidet, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, draft horse, dray horse, driving horse, fill horse, filler, gigster, hack, hackney, hunter, jument, lead, leader, mount, pack horse, palfrey, plow horse, pole horse, polo pony, post-horse, remount, rider, riding horse, road horse, roadster, rouncy, saddler, shaft horse, stalking-horse, sumpter, sumpter horse, thill horse, thiller, wheeler, wheelhorse, workhorse
saddle stitching
[edit]- saddle stitching, Smyth sewing, backing, bibliopegy, binder board, binding, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, case, casemaking, casing-in, collating, collating mark, cover, dust cover, dust jacket, folding, footband, gathering, gluing-off, hard binding, headband, jacket, library binding, lining, lining-up, mechanical binding, niggerhead, perfect binding, plastic binding, rounding, sewing, side sewing, signature, slipcase, slipcover, smashing, soft binding, spiral binding, stamping, stapling, tailband, tipping, trimming, wire stitching, wrapper
saddle with
[edit]- saddle with, account for, accredit with, accrete to, accuse of, acknowledge, add, adjoin, affix, agglutinate, annex, append, apply to, ascribe to, assign to, attach, attach to, attribute to, bear hard upon, bind, blame, blame for, blame on, bring home to, burden, burden with, burthen, charge, charge on, charge to, charge with, commit, complicate, confess, conjoin, connect with, cramp, credit with, cripple, cumber, decorate, demand, embarrass, encumber, enjoin, enmesh, ensnarl, entangle, entoil, entrammel, entrap, entwine, exact, fasten upon, father upon, fetter, fix on, fix upon, freight, freight with, glue on, hamper, hamstring, handicap, hang on, hitch on, hobble, impede, impose, impose on, impose upon, impute to, infix, inflict on, inflict upon, involve, join with, lade, lame, lay, lay on, lay to, levy, lime, load, lumber, make imperative, make incumbent, net, obligate, oblige, oppress, ornament, overburden, overload, overtax, overweight, paste on, pin on, pinpoint, place, place upon, pledge, plus, point to, postfix, prefix, press down, press hard upon, put, put down, put on, put upon, put with, refer to, require, rest hard upon, saddle, saddle on, set, set down to, settle upon, shackle, slap on, snarl, subject to, subjoin, suffix, superadd, superpose, tack on, tag, tag on, tangle, task, task with, tax, tie, toil, trammel, unite with, weigh down, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon, weight down with, yoke with
[edit]- saddle, Chateaubriand, back band, backstrap, bearing rein, bed, bed down, bellyband, bench, bit, blade roast, blinders, blinds, break, breast, breeching, bridle, brisket, brush, camel saddle, caparison, cavesson, chair, charge, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, chine, chuck, chuck roast, cinch, clod, col, cold cuts, collar, comb, crownband, crupper, cumber, curb, curry, currycomb, curule chair, dais, drench, encumber, esker, feed, fetter, filet mignon, flank, fodder, gag swivel, gentle, girth, groom, hackamore, halter, hames, hametugs, hamper, handle, harness, headgear, headstall, helm, hip straps, hitch, hitch up, hogback, hook up, horseback, howdah, impede, impose, inflict, jaquima, jerk line, jockey saddle, kame, knuckle, lade, lines, litter, load, loin, manage, martingale, milk, noseband, panel, pillion, plate, plate piece, pole strap, pot roast, rack, reins, restrict, rib roast, ribbons, ribs, ridge, roast, rolled roast, round, rub down, rump, rump roast, saddleback, seat, seat of power, seat of state, shaft tug, shank, short ribs, shoulder, shoulder clod, side check, sirloin, snaffle, spine, surcingle, tack, tackle, tame, task, tax, tend, tenderloin, tether, train, trappings, tug, water, weigh, weight, winker braces, woolsack, yoke
[edit]- saddled, beholden, beholden to, bound, bounden, bounden to, burdened, charged, committed, cumbered, duty-bound, encumbered, fraught, freighted, hampered, in duty bound, indebted to, laden, loaded, obligate, obligated, obliged, obliged to, oppressed, overburdened, overcharged, overfraught, overfreighted, overladen, overloaded, overtaxed, overweighted, pledged, taxed, tied, under obligation, weighted, weighted down
[edit]- saddler, baker, bidet, bookdealer, bookseller, butcher, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, chandler, clothing merchant, confectioner, draft horse, draper, dray horse, driving horse, drysalter, fill horse, filler, fishmonger, fishwife, florist, footwear merchant, fruiterer, furnisher, furrier, gigster, greengrocer, grocer, groceryman, haberdasher, hack, hackney, hardwareman, hunter, ironmonger, jeweler, jument, lead, leader, liquor merchant, mount, newsdealer, pack horse, palfrey, perfumer, plow horse, pole horse, polo pony, post-horse, poulterer, remount, rider, riding horse, road horse, roadster, rouncy, saddle horse, shaft horse, stalking-horse, stationer, sumpter, sumpter horse, thill horse, thiller, tobacconist, vintner, wheeler, wheelhorse, wine merchant, workhorse
[edit]- saddlery, antique store, apothecary, automobile showroom, bookstore, bootery, candy store, chemist, cigar store, clothiers, clothing store, confectionery, dress shop, drugstore, dry goods store, florists, fur salon, furniture store, gift shop, haberdashery, hardware store, hat shop, hobby shop, ironmongery, jewelers, jewelry store, leather goods store, liquor store, luggage shop, milliners, novelty shop, package store, pharmacy, schlock house, schlock shop, secondhand shop, secondhand store, shoe store, smoke shop, specialty shop, sporting goods store, stationers, stationery store, sweater shop, sweet shop, thrift shop, tobacco store, tobacconists, toy shop, trimming store, used-car lot
[edit]- sadism, active algolagnia, algolagnia, algolagny, amphierotism, animality, atrociousness, autoeroticism, barbarity, barbarousness, beastliness, bestiality, bisexuality, bloodiness, bloodlust, bloodthirst, bloodthirstiness, bloody-mindedness, brutality, brutalness, brutishness, cannibalism, coprophilia, cruelness, cruelty, exhibitionism, ferociousness, ferocity, fetishism, fiendishness, fierceness, heterosexuality, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality, incest, incestuousness, inhumaneness, inhumanity, lesbianism, masochism, narcissism, necrophilia, paraphilia, passive algolagnia, pedophilia, ruthlessness, sadistic cruelty, sadomasochism, sanguineousness, sapphism, savagery, scotophilia, sexual inversion, sexual normality, sexual preference, swinging both ways, transvestitism, tribadism, tribady, truculence, vandalism, viciousness, violence, voyeurism, wanton cruelty, zooerastia, zoophilia
[edit]- sadist, annoyer, badgerer, bugger, bully, coprophiliac, erotomaniac, exhibitionist, fetishist, harasser, harrier, heckler, masochist, nag, narcissist, necrophiliac, nudnik, nudzh, nymphomaniac, paraphiliac, pederast, pedophiliac, persecutor, pest, pesterer, plaguer, rapist, satyr, scotophiliac, sodomist, sodomite, tease, teaser, torment, tormentor, transvestite, voyeur, zoophiliac
[edit]- sadistic, Draconian, Tartarean, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, cannibalistic, cruel, cruel-hearted, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, fell, feral, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, hellish, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, monstrous, murderous, perverse, ruthless, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, sharkish, slavering, subhuman, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, unhuman, vicious, wolfish
[edit]- sadly, abominably, agonizingly, awfully, baldly, balefully, bitterly, blatantly, bleakly, brashly, by ill hap, by ill luck, confoundedly, cruelly, damnably, deadly, deathly, dejectedly, deplorably, despondently, deucedly, dismally, distressfully, distressingly, dolorously, dreadfully, drearily, egregiously, excessively, excruciatingly, exorbitantly, extravagantly, flagrantly, frightfully, funereally, gloomily, gravely, grievously, grimly, harrowingly, heartbreakingly, heavily, hellishly, horribly, improperly, in adverse circumstances, inexcusably, infernally, inordinately, intolerably, lamentably, lugubriously, miserably, morosely, mournfully, nakedly, openly, painfully, pathetically, piteously, pitiably, ruefully, shatteringly, shockingly, solemnly, somberly, sombrously, something awful, something fierce, sorely, staggeringly, terribly, torturously, unashamedly, unbearably, unconscionably, unduly, unfortunately, unhappily, unluckily, unpardonably, unprovidentially, woefully, wretchedly
[edit]- sadness, aching heart, agony, agony of mind, anguish, bale, beggarliness, bitterness, blackishness, bleakness, bleeding heart, blue devils, blues, broken heart, cheapness, cheerlessness, comfortlessness, contemptibleness, crumminess, crushing, darkishness, darkness, darksomeness, dejectedness, dejection, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair, despicableness, despondency, dinge, discomfort, disconsolateness, disconsolation, dismalness, dispiritedness, distress, distressfulness, doldrums, dolor, downcastness, downheartedness, downs, dreariness, dumps, duskiness, duskness, extremity, forlornness, funereality, funk, gaudiness, gloom, gloominess, graveness, grief, grievousness, heartache, heavy heart, heavyheartedness, hopelessness, infelicity, joylessness, lamentability, lamentation, listlessness, meanness, megrims, melancholia, melancholy, meretriciousness, meritlessness, miserableness, misery, moodiness, mopes, mournfulness, mourning, pain, painfulness, paltriness, pathos, pitiability, pitiableness, pitifulness, poignancy, poorness, prostration, regrettableness, shabbiness, sharpness, shoddiness, soberness, sobriety, somberness, sorriness, sorrow, sorrowfulness, suds, suicidal despair, swarth, swarthiness, swartness, unhappiness, unworthiness, vileness, woe, woebegoneness, woefulness, worthlessness, wretchedness
[edit]- sadomasochism, active algolagnia, algolagnia, algolagny, amphierotism, autoeroticism, bisexuality, coprophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, heterosexuality, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality, incest, incestuousness, lesbianism, masochism, narcissism, necrophilia, paraphilia, passive algolagnia, pedophilia, sadism, sapphism, scotophilia, sexual inversion, sexual normality, sexual preference, swinging both ways, transvestitism, tribadism, tribady, voyeurism, zooerastia, zoophilia
[edit]- safari, campaign, circuit, course, excursion, expedition, grand tour, jaunt, journey, junket, outing, package tour, peregrination, pilgrimage, pleasure trip, progress, round trip, rubberneck tour, run, sally, shoot, stalk, tour, trek, trip, turn, voyage
safe conduct
[edit]- safe conduct, bill of health, bodyguard, cavalier, chaperon, clearance, companion, conductor, convoy, duenna, escort, esquire, fellow traveler, full pratique, guard, pass, passport, pratique, protection, safeguard, shepherd, squire, swain, usher, visa
[edit]- safe, Fort Knox, OK, acceptable, all right, allowable, appropriate, armed, bank, bona fide, bursary, calculating, canny, careful, cash register, cashbox, cautious, chary, chest, circumspect, cloaked, coffer, coin box, conservative, considerate, copyrighted, correct, covered, crypt, defended, deliberate, dependable, depository, discreet, exchequer, fisc, gingerly, gold depository, guarded, guarding, harmless, healthy, heedful, hesitant, immune, immunized, impregnable, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, insured, intact, inviolable, invulnerable, judicious, justifiable, justified, leaving out nothing, locker, mindful, money chest, noncommittal, okay, on guard, overlooking no possibility, patented, pawky, penny bank, permissible, piggy bank, policed, politic, pork barrel, proper, protected, protecting, prudent, public crib, public till, public treasury, public trough, regardful, reliable, repository, right, riskless, safe and sound, safe-deposit box, safeguarded, safeguarding, safely, satisfactory, scatheless, screened, secure, secured, securely, sheltered, sheltering, shielded, shielding, slow to act, solid, sound, storehouse, strong room, strongbox, subtreasury, suitable, sure, tentative, thorough, till, timely, treasure-house, treasury, tried and true, unadventurous, unassailable, uncommunicative, undamaged, undaring, unenterprising, unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, uninjurious, unpolluted, unprecipitate, unscathed, unthreatened, untouched, vault, wary, whole, wholesome
[edit]- safeguard, advocate, aegis, arm, arm guard, armament, armor, assurance, assure, backstop, bill of health, bless, bodyguard, buffer, bulwark, bumper, care for, champion, clear sailing, clearance, cloak, compass about, conserve, contraceptive, convoy, copyright, cover, crash helmet, cushion, dashboard, defence, defend, dodger, ensure, escort, face mask, fence, fend, fender, finger guard, flank, foot guard, forearming, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethought, forethoughtfulness, full pratique, fuse, gentleman-at-arms, goggles, governor, guarantee, guard, guard against, guardrail, guards, guardsman, hand guard, handrail, harbor, hard hat, harmlessness, haven, helmet, immunity, insulation, insurance, insure, interlock, invulnerability, keep, keep from harm, keep safe, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, look after, make safe, mask, measures, mudguard, nestle, nose guard, pad, padding, palladium, pass, passport, patent, pilot, police, praetorian guard, pratique, precaution, precautions, precautiousness, preserve, preventive, preventive measure, prophylactic, protect, protection, protective clothing, protective umbrella, providence, provision, register, ride shotgun for, risklessness, safe-conduct, safeness, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, save, screen, seat belt, secure, security, shelter, shield, shin guard, shroud, steps, steps and measures, sun helmet, surety, umbrella, underwrite, visa, ward, windscreen, windshield, yeoman
[edit]- safekeeping, care, charge, cold storage, conservancy, conservation, conservationism, cover, custodianship, custody, dead storage, defense, dry storage, environmental conservation, eye, forest conservation, forest management, guard, guardianship, guarding, hold, keep, keeping, lee, maintenance, preserval, preservation, preventive custody, protection, protective custody, refuge, safety, salvage, salvation, saving, shade, shadow, shelf-room, shelter, soil conservation, storage, storage space, stowage, stream conservation, support, sustentation, trust, upkeep, ward, warehousing, watchful eye, water conservation, wetlands conservation, wildlife conservation
safety belt
[edit]- safety belt, Mae West, breeches buoy, buoy, cork jacket, ejection capsule, ejection seat, ejector seat, life belt, life buoy, life jacket, life net, life preserver, life raft, life ring, life vest, lifeboat, lifeline, parachute, rubber dinghy, water wings
safety glass
[edit]- safety glass, aegis, arm guard, backstop, buffer, bulwark, bumper, coat, coating, collop, contraceptive, copyright, covering, crash helmet, cushion, cut, dashboard, deal, disk, dodger, face mask, fender, feuille, film, finger guard, flap, foil, fold, foot guard, fuse, goggles, governor, guard, guardrail, hand guard, handrail, hard hat, helmet, insulation, interlock, knee guard, knuckle guard, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, mask, membrane, mudguard, nose guard, pad, padding, palladium, pane, panel, patent, patina, peel, pellicle, pilot, plait, plank, plate, plating, ply, plywood, preventive, prophylactic, protective clothing, protective umbrella, rasher, safeguard, safety, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, screen, scum, seat belt, sheet, shield, shin guard, skin, slab, slat, slice, sun helmet, table, tablet, umbrella, veneer, wafer, windscreen, windshield
safety zone
[edit]- safety zone, abri, air-raid shelter, bomb shelter, bombproof, bunker, cave, concealment, cover, covert, coverture, cyclone cellar, dugout, earth, fallout shelter, foxhole, funk hole, shelter, storm cave, storm cellar, trench
[edit]- safety, aegis, arm guard, assurance, backstop, buffer, bulwark, bumper, contraceptive, copyright, cover, crash helmet, cushion, dashboard, defense, dodger, eye, face mask, fender, finger guard, foot guard, fuse, goggles, governor, guard, guardrail, hand guard, handrail, hard hat, helmet, impregnability, insulation, interlock, inviolability, invulnerability, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, lee, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, mask, mudguard, nose guard, pad, padding, palladium, patent, pilot, preservation, preventive, prophylactic, protection, protective clothing, protective custody, protective umbrella, refuge, safeguard, safekeeping, safeness, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, sanctuary, screen, seat belt, security, shade, shadow, shelter, shield, shin guard, sun helmet, umbrella, watchful eye, windscreen, windshield
[edit]- sag, abate, ablate, arch, bag, basin, bate, be eaten away, bear market, bear off, bearish market, beat down, bend, bend back, bow, break, cadence, cascade, catenary, cave, cave in, cheapen, cheapening, concavity, consume, consume away, corrode, crash, crook, crumble, curl, curve, cut, cut prices, daggle, dangle, decline, declining market, decrease, decurrence, decurve, deflate, deflation, deflect, deliquesce, depend, depreciate, depreciation, devaluate, devaluation, die away, diminish, dip, dive, dome, downslide, downswing, downtrend, downturn, drabble, drag, draggle, drape, drift, drift off course, drive, droop, drop, drop off, dwindle, ebb, embow, erode, fall, fall away, fall down, fall in price, fall off, falloff, fetch away, flag, flap, flex, flop, flop down, flow, flump, flump down, founder, give way, go down, hang, hang down, hollow, hook, hump, hunch, incurvate, incurve, inflect, jew down, languish, lapse, lessen, let up, loop, lop, lower, lowering, make leeway, mark down, markdown, melt away, nod, nose dive, nose-dive, off market, pare, pay off, pend, plop, plop down, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge, price cut, price fall, price reduction, recurve, reduce, reduction, reflect, reflex, retreating market, retroflex, round, run low, sagging market, set, settle, settle down, settling, shave, shrink, sink, sink down, sinkage, sinkhole, sinking, slash, slide, slip, slouch, slump, slump down, smash, soft market, submerge, submergence, subside, subsidence, swag, sweep, swing, tail off, trail, trim, turn, vault, wane, waste, waste away, wear, wear away, weep, wilt, wind, yaw, yaw off
[edit]- sagacious, acute, all-knowing, anticipant, anticipatory, apperceptive, appercipient, apprehending, apprehensive, argute, astute, aware, blase, cagey, clairvoyant, clever, cogent, cognizant, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, critical, discerning, discriminating, divinatory, experienced, far-seeing, farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, gnostic, heady, incisive, insightful, intelligent, intuitive, judicious, knowing, knowledgeable, longheaded, longsighted, mature, matured, mindful, not born yesterday, old, omniscient, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, practiced, precognitive, precognizant, prehensile, prepared, prescient, provident, providential, prudent, ready, ripe, ripened, sage, sapient, savvy, seasoned, sensible, shrewd, smart, sophic, sophisticated, trenchant, tried, tried and true, understanding, veteran, wise, world-wise, worldly, worldly-wise
[edit]- sagacity, acuity, acumen, acuteness, anticipation, apperception, astuteness, background, blaseness, cogency, comprehension, contemplation, discernment, discretion, envisagement, envisionment, experience, farseeingness, farsightedness, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, grasp, incisiveness, insight, judiciousness, longheadedness, longsightedness, looking ahead, past experience, penetration, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, perspicuity, perspicuousness, practical knowledge, practice, prediction, preparation, prepublication, preview, prevision, prospect, prospection, providence, provision, prudence, readiness, sagaciousness, sageness, sapience, seasoning, sensibility, sensitivity, sophistication, tempering, trenchancy, understanding, wisdom, worldly wisdom
[edit]- sage, Nestor, Solomon, ace, acute, authority, broad-minded, crackerjack, deep, discerning, doctor, doyen, doyenne, elder, elder statesman, expert, first-rater, genius, gnostic, good hand, great, great soul, guru, illuminate, insightful, intellect, intellectual, intelligent, judicious, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, logical, lover of wisdom, magician, mahatma, man of genius, man of intellect, man of wisdom, mandarin, master, master hand, mastermind, mentor, oracle, past master, penetrating, perceptive, perspicacious, philosopher, philosophic, practiced hand, probing, prodigy, profound, prudent, pundit, rabbi, reasonable, rishi, sagacious, sane, sapient, savant, scholar, seer, sensible, skilled hand, sophic, star, starets, superstar, thinker, topnotcher, virtuoso, whiz, wise, wise as Solomon, wise man, wise old man, wizard
[edit]- sagging, abatement, abridgment, alleviation, attenuation, bagging, baggy, ballooning, collapsing, contraction, dampening, damping, debilitated, deciduous, declining, declivitous, decrease, decrement, decrescence, decurrent, deduction, deflation, depreciation, depression, descendant, descending, diminishment, diminution, down, down-reaching, downcoming, downfalling, downgoing, downhill, downsinking, downward, drooping, droopy, dropping, dying, dying off, enervated, enfeebled, extenuation, fade-out, fagged, faint, fainting, falling, fatigued, feeling faint, flagging, floppy, footsore, frazzled, good and tired, jaded, languid, languishment, lessening, letup, limp, loose, lop, lop-eared, loppy, lowering, miniaturization, mitigation, nodding, on the descendant, on the downgrade, plummeting, plunging, ready to drop, reduction, relaxation, run ragged, run-down, sagging in folds, saggy, scaling down, seedy, setting, simplicity, sinking, submerging, subsiding, subtraction, swag, tired, tired-winged, toilworn, tottering, tumbledown, unrefreshed, unrestored, way-weary, wayworn, weak, weakened, weakening, wearied, weariful, weary, weary-footed, weary-laden, weary-winged, weary-worn, wilting, worn, worn-down
[edit]- Sahara, Arabia Deserta, Death Valley, barren, barren land, barrens, brush, bush, desert, desolation, dust bowl, heath, howling wilderness, karroo, lunar landscape, lunar waste, outback, salt flat, waste, wasteland, weary waste, wild, wilderness, wilds
[edit]- sahib, Esquire, Herr, Master, Mister, Sir, boss, bwana, chef, chief, church dignitary, don, ecclesiarch, effendi, elder, emir, employer, goodman, guru, husband, khan, liege, liege lord, lord, lord paramount, master, mirza, monsieur, overlord, padrone, paramount, paterfamilias, patriarch, patron, rabbi, seigneur, seignior, signor, sir, sirdar, sire, sirrah, starets, teacher
[edit]- said, aforementioned, aforenamed, aforesaid, articulated, beforementioned, enunciated, foregoing, forementioned, forenamed, former, lingual, linguistic, named, nuncupative, oral, parol, pronounced, same, sounded, speech, spoken, such, unwritten, uttered, verbal, viva voce, vocal, vocalized, voiced, voiceful
sail for
[edit]- sail for, approach anchorage, bear down on, bear down upon, bear for, bear up for, bear up to, break for, close with, dash for, fetch, go aboard, go alongside, go for, hit for, lay aboard, lay for, lay in, lie in, make, make at, make for, make up to, put away for, put in, put into port, reach, run for, set out for, stand for, steer for, steer toward
sail into
[edit]- sail into, ambush, assail, assault, attack, blitz, bushwhack, collide, come at, come down on, crack down on, descend on, descend upon, dive into, draw first blood, enter on, enter upon, fall aboard, fall on, fall to, fall upon, gang up on, get busy, get cracking, get going, get with it, go at, go for, go to it, harry, have at, head into, hit, hit like lightning, hop to it, jump, jump to it, land on, launch into, lay about one, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay on, light into, make war on, mug, pitch in, pitch into, plunge into, pounce upon, pound, ram, run broadside on, run down, run in, run into, set about, set at, set on, set to, set to work, set upon, square up, start in, strike, surprise, swoop down on, tackle, take on, take the offensive, turn to, undertake, wade into
[edit]- sail, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, balloon sail, batten, be airborne, be effortless, be painless, boat, boltrope, breeze, canoe, canvas, carry sail, circumnavigate, clew, cloth, coast, course, cringle, cross, crossing, crowd of sail, cruise, dart, drift, earing, embark, ferry, fleet, flit, float, flow, fly, fly-by-night, flying kites, foot, fore gaff-topsail, fore topgallant sail, fore-and-aft sail, fore-skysail, fore-topmast staysail, fore-topsail, foreroyal, foresail, forestaysail, galley, get under way, ghost, give no trouble, glide, glissade, go by ship, go easily, go like clockwork, go off soundings, go on shipboard, go to sea, have way upon, head, hop, hover, hydroplane, ice-skate, jenny, jet, jib, jigger, leech, leg, leg-of-mutton sail, loose-footed sail, luff, lug, main gaff-topsail, main royal, main skysail, main-royal staysail, main-topsail, mainsail, make a passage, mizzen, mizzen skysail, mizzen staysail, mizzen-royal staysail, mizzen-topgallant sail, moonraker, moonsail, motorboat, muslin, navigate, ocean trip, parachute spinnaker, passage, pilot, plain sail, plane, plow the deep, ply, present no difficulties, press of sail, push off, put off, put to sea, rag, reduced sail, reef, reef point, reefed sail, ride, ride the sea, roll, roller-skate, row, royal, run, run smoothly, sail away, sail round, sail the sea, sailboat, sailing boat, sailing cruiser, sailing ship, sailing vessel, sailplane, scud, scull, sea trip, seafare, seaplane, set sail, shakedown cruise, shoot, shove off, sideslip, skate, skateboard, ski, skid, skim, skyscraper, sled, sleigh, slide, slip, slither, soar, spanker, spinnaker, spitfire, square sail, staysail, steam, steamboat, steer, stern staysail, storm trysail, sweep, take a voyage, take the air, take wing, tall ship, toboggan, topsail, traverse, trysail, volplane, voyage, waft, walk the waters, windboat, windjammer, windship, wing, work well, yacht
sailing vessel
[edit]- sailing vessel, bark, bawley, bilander, brig, brigantine, bully, buss, caravel, cat, catamaran, clipper, corsair, corvette, cutter, dandy, dhow, dromond, fishing smack, flattie, four-masted bark, four-master, frigate, galiot, galleass, galleon, galley, hooker, hoy, ice yacht, junk, keelboat, ketch, knockabout, lateen, lateener, lorcha, lugger, nobby, ocean racer, outrigger, pilot boat, pinnace, piragua, pirogue, pram, pungy, racing yacht, rigger, sail, sailboat, sailing auxiliary, sailing boat, sailing canoe, sailing cruiser, sailing dinghy, sailing packet, sailing ship, sailing trawler, sampan, sandbagger, schooner, scooter, shallop, sharpie, shipentine, skipjack, sloop, smack, smack boat, snow, tall ship, tartan, topsail schooner, trimaran, well smack, whaler, windboat, windjammer, windship, wool-clipper, xebec, yacht, yawl
[edit]- sailing, aeronautics, air service, airline, astronautics, aviation, ballooning, blind flying, boating, canoeing, circumnavigation, cloud-seeding, coasting, commercial aviation, contact flying, cruising, flight, flow, flowing, flying, general aviation, glide, gliding, gunkholing, motorboating, navigability, navigating, navigation, passage-making, periplus, pilotage, rowing, sailplaning, sculling, sea travel, seafaring, skating, skiing, skim, sledding, slide, sliding, slipping, slither, slithering, soaring, steaming, sweep, sweeping, tobogganing, travel by water, voyaging, water travel, winging, yachting
[edit]- sailor, AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Neptune, OD, Poseidon, Varuna, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, adventurer, alpinist, astronaut, bluejacket, boatman, buccaneer, camper, captain, climber, comers and goers, commuter, cosmopolite, cruiser, deep-sea man, excursionist, explorer, fair-weather sailor, fare, fisherman, globe-girdler, globe-trotter, gob, goer, hajji, hearty, jack, jack afloat, jack-tar, jacky, jet set, jet-setter, journeyer, limey, lobsterman, mariner, matelot, mountaineer, navigator, old salt, palmer, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, pilgrim, pioneer, pirate, privateer, rubberneck, rubbernecker, salt, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, shellback, shipman, sightseer, skipper, straphanger, swab, swabbie, tar, tarpaulin, tourer, tourist, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, traveler, trekker, tripper, viator, viking, visiting fireman, voortrekker, voyager, voyageur, water dog, wayfarer, whaler, windjammer, windsailor, world-traveler, yachtsman
[edit]- sailplane, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, be airborne, cruise, drift, ferry, flit, fly, glide, glider, gliding machine, hop, hover, hydroplane, jet, navigate, rocket glider, sail, seaplane, soar, take the air, take wing, volplane, wing
[edit]- saint, Ambrose of Milan, Athanasius, Barnabas, Basil, Christian, Clement of Alexandria, Clement of Rome, Cyprian of Carthage, Cyril of Jerusalem, God-fearing man, Gregory of Nyssa, Hermas, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Jerome, John, John Chrysostom, Justin Martyr, Lactantius Firmianus, Luke, Mark, Origen, Papias, Paul, Peter, Polycarp, Tertullian, accepter, aggrandize, angel, angel of light, angel of love, ante-Nicene Fathers, apostle, apotheose, apotheosize, archangel, beatified soul, beatify, believer, bless, canonize, canonized mortal, catechumen, celestial, cherub, cherubim, churchgoer, churchite, churchman, cleanse, communicant, consecrate, convert, crown, daily communicant, dedicate, deify, devote, devotee, devotionalist, disciple, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, evangelist, exalt, fanatic, follower, frock, glamorize, glorify, good Christian, great soul, guru, hallow, heavenly being, holy man, immortalize, lionize, magnify, mahatma, make legendary, martyr, messenger of God, neophyte, ordain, patron saint, pietist, principality, proselyte, purify, raise, receiver, recording angel, religionist, rishi, sanctify, saved soul, seraph, seraphim, set apart, set up, soul in glory, starets, theist, throne, truster, uplift, votary, zealot
[edit]- sainted, aggrandized, angelic, apotheosized, archangelic, asleep, asleep in Jesus, at rest, awesome, beatified, bereft of life, big, blessed, breathless, called home, canonized, carrion, celestial, cherubic, consecrated, croaked, dead, dead and gone, death-struck, deceased, dedicated, defunct, deified, demised, departed, departed this life, destitute of life, devoted, done for, elevated, eminent, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, exalted, exanimate, excellent, fallen, finished, food for worms, glorified, gone, gone to glory, gone west, grand, great, hallowed, heavenly, held in awe, high, high and mighty, immortal, immortalized, in glory, inanimate, late, late lamented, launched into eternity, lifeless, lofty, magnified, martyred, mighty, no more, passed on, pushing up daisies, redeemed, released, reposing, resting easy, saintly, sanctified, saved, seraphic, set apart, shrined, sleeping, smitten with death, still, stillborn, sublime, supereminent, taken away, taken off, throned, with the Lord, with the saints, without life, without vital functions
[edit]- sainthood, Christianity, Christlikeness, Christliness, angelicalness, beatification, beatitude, beauty of holiness, blessedness, blessing, canonization, consecration, dedication, devotion, enshrinement, exaltation, fear of God, glorification, godlikeness, godliness, godly-mindedness, goodness, grace, hallowing, heavenliness, heavenly-mindedness, holiness, holy-mindedness, justification, justification by works, odor of sanctity, otherworldliness, pureness, pureness of heart, purification, purity, righteousness, sainting, saintlikeness, saintliness, saintship, sanctification, sanctitude, sanctity, seraphicalness, setting apart, spiritual-mindedness, spirituality, state of grace, unearthliness, unworldliness
[edit]- saintliness, Christianity, Christlikeness, Christliness, angelicalness, beauty of holiness, fear of God, godlikeness, godliness, godly-mindedness, goodness, heavenliness, heavenly-mindedness, holiness, holy-mindedness, moral rectitude, morale, morality, odor of sanctity, otherworldliness, probity, pureness, pureness of heart, purity, rectitude, right conduct, righteousness, sainthood, saintlikeness, saintship, sanctitude, sanctity, seraphicalness, spiritual-mindedness, spirituality, unearthliness, unworldliness, virtue, virtuousness, worthiness
[edit]- saintly, Christlike, Christly, Elysian, God-fearing, angelic, archangelic, beatific, beatified, blameless, blessed, blissful, canonized, celestial, cherubic, consecrated, dedicated, devoted, devout, divine, empyreal, empyrean, glorified, godlike, godly, godly-minded, good, hallowed, heavenly, holy, holy-minded, honest, in glory, just, martyred, moral, otherworldly, paradisiac, paradisial, paradisian, paradisic, pious, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, redeemed, right-minded, righteous, sainted, saintlike, sanctified, saved, seraph, seraphic, set apart, spiritual, spiritual-minded, straight, sublime, unearthly, unworldly, upright, upstanding, virtuous, worthy
[edit]- sake, account, advantage, aim, ambition, animus, aspiration, basis, behalf, benefit, calling, cause, consideration, counsel, desideration, desideratum, design, desire, determination, effect, fixed purpose, function, gain, goal, good, ground, guiding light, guiding star, idea, ideal, inspiration, intendment, intent, intention, lodestar, mainspring, matter, meaning, mind, motive, nisus, objectives, plan, point, principle, profit, project, proposal, prospectus, purpose, purposes, reason, reasons, resolution, resolve, score, source, spring, striving, study, ulterior motive, view, vocation, welfare, well-being, will
[edit]- salaam, bend, bend the knee, bend the neck, bending the knee, best wishes, bob, bob a curtsy, bob down, bow, bow and scrape, bow down, bow the head, bowing and scraping, crouch, curtsy, dipping the colors, duck, fall down before, genuflect, genuflection, greetings, homage, inclination, kneel, kneeling, kowtow, make a leg, make a reverence, make obeisance, making a leg, nod, obeisance, obsequiousness, presenting arms, prostration, regards, reverence, salaams, salutation, salutations, salute, scrape, servility, squat, standing at attention, stoop, submission, submissiveness, supination
[edit]- salacious, Fescennine, Rabelaisian, animal, aphrodisiomaniacal, bawdy, blue, carnal, clitoromaniacal, concupiscent, dirty, ejaculatory, erotic, eroticomaniacal, erotomaniacal, fast, filthy, fleshly, foul, foul-mouthed, foul-spoken, foul-tongued, fulsome, goatish, gynecomaniacal, horny, hot, hot-blooded, hysteromaniacal, impure, incontinent, itching, ithyphallic, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, lickerish, lubricious, lurid, lustful, nasty, nymphomaniacal, obscene, offensive, orgasmic, orgastic, passionate, pornographic, priapic, prurient, randy, raunchy, ribald, satyric, scurrile, scurrilous, sensual, sex-starved, sexual, sexy, smoking-room, smutty, steamy, sultry, unchaste, unclean, unprintable, unrepeatable, unsatisfied, vile
salad days
[edit]- salad days, bloom, budtime, early years, florescence, flowering time, jeunesse, juvenescence, juvenility, my burning youth, my green age, prime of life, seedtime of life, springtime of life, tender age, tenderness, young blood, youngness, youth, youthfulness, youthhead, youthhood, youthiness
[edit]- salad, Caesar salad, Jell-O salad, Waldorf salad, all sorts, ambrosia, aspic, assemblage, assortment, brew, broad spectrum, chef salad, cole slaw, combination salad, conglomeration, crab Louis, fruit salad, gallimaufry, green salad, hash, herring salad, hodgepodge, hotchpot, hotchpotch, jumble, macaroni salad, magpie, mash, medley, melange, mess, mingle-mangle, miscellany, mishmash, mix, mixed bag, odds and ends, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, potato salad, potpourri, salade, salmagundi, sauce, scramble, slaw, stew, tossed salad, what you will
[edit]- salamander, amphibian, andiron, batrachian, bullfrog, chain, coal tongs, crane, croaker, crook, damper, elemental, elemental spirit, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, frog, gnome, grate, grating, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill, griller, hoppytoad, hoptoad, lifter, newt, paddock, poker, polliwog, pothook, spit, sylph, tadpole, toad, tongs, tree frog, tree toad, tripod, trivet, turnspit, undine
[edit]- salami, Vienna sausage, bangers, black pudding, blood pudding, bologna, braunschweiger, frank, frankfurter, gooseliver, headcheese, hot dog, knockwurst, liver sausage, liverwurst, saucisse, sausage, weenie, wiener, wienerwurst, wienie
[edit]- salary, base pay, compensation, dismissal wage, earnings, emolument, escalator clause, escalator plan, fee, financial remuneration, gross income, guaranteed annual wage, hire, income, living wage, minimum wage, net income, pay, pay and allowances, payment, payroll, portal-to-portal pay, purchasing power, real wages, remuneration, severance pay, sliding scale, stipend, take-home, take-home pay, taxable income, total compensation, wage, wage control, wage freeze, wage reduction, wage rollback, wage scale, wages, wages after deductions, wages after taxes
[edit]- sale, abalienation, alienation, amortization, amortizement, assignation, assignment, available, bargain and sale, barter, bazaar, bequeathal, buying, cession, closing-out sale, conferment, conferral, consignation, consignment, conveyance, conveyancing, deeding, deliverance, delivery, demise, disposal, disposition, distress sale, enfeoffment, exchange, flea market, garage sale, giving, going-out-of-business sale, in stock, inventory-clearance sale, lease and release, marked down, marketing, on the block, on the market, purchase, purchasing, rummage sale, selling, settlement, settling, surrender, tax sale, trade, trading, traffic, trafficking, transaction, transfer, transference, transmission, transmittal, up for sale, vending, vesting, white elephant sale, yard sale
sales force
[edit]- sales force, agent, clerk, floorwalker, sales agent, sales engineer, sales manager, sales personnel, salesclerk, salesgirl, saleslady, salesman, salespeople, salesperson, saleswoman, scalper, seller, selling agent, shop assistant, shop clerk, store clerk, ticket scalper
sales talk
[edit]- sales talk, address, after-dinner speech, allocution, allurement, ballyhoo, blandishment, cajolement, cajolery, chalk talk, coaxing, conning, debate, declamation, diatribe, engagement, enlistment, eulogy, exhortation, filibuster, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, funeral oration, harangue, hortation, hortatory address, inaugural, inaugural address, inducement, invective, jawboning, jeremiad, lobbying, oration, patter, pep talk, peroration, persuasion, philippic, pitch, preaching, preachment, prepared speech, prepared text, public speech, reading, recital, recitation, sales pitch, salesmanship, salutatory, salutatory address, say, screed, selling, set speech, snow job, soft soap, solicitation, speech, speechification, speeching, spiel, suasion, sweet talk, talk, talkathon, tirade, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, wheedling, working on
[edit]- salesman, agent, clerk, floorwalker, sales agent, sales engineer, sales force, sales manager, sales personnel, salesclerk, salesgirl, saleslady, salespeople, salesperson, saleswoman, scalper, seller, selling agent, shop assistant, shop clerk, store clerk, ticket scalper
[edit]- salesmanship, advocacy, advocating, allurement, blandishment, bruiting, buildup, cajolement, cajolery, coaxing, conning, consumer preference study, consumer research, consumer survey, direct-mail selling, drumbeating, engagement, enlistment, exhortation, flack, hard sell, hawking, high-pressure salesmanship, hortation, huckstering, inducement, jawboning, jobbing, lobbying, low-pressure salesmanship, mail-order selling, market research, marketing, marketing research, merchandising, peddling, persuasion, preaching, preachment, promoting, promotion, publicization, publicizing, retailing, sales campaign, sales promotion, sales talk, selling, sellout, snow job, soft sell, soft soap, solicitation, suasion, sweet talk, wheedling, wholesaling, working on
[edit]- salience, arrantness, bas-relief, bellying, blatancy, boldness, bulging, conspicuousness, dignity, distinction, embossment, eminence, esteem, excrescence, excrescency, extrusion, fame, flagrance, flagrancy, gibbosity, gibbousness, glory, greatness, high relief, honor, low relief, memorability, notability, noteworthiness, noticeability, notoriety, notoriousness, obtrusiveness, ostentation, outstandingness, prestige, projection, prominence, pronouncedness, protrusion, protuberance, protuberancy, relief, remarkableness, renown, reputation, repute, saliency, salient, strikingness, strong relief, tuberosity, tuberousness
[edit]- salient, airspace, area, arrant, arresting, bas-relief, bellying, belt, blatant, bold, boldness, bulging, celebrated, chief, confines, conspicuous, continental shelf, corridor, country, department, distinctive, distinguished, distinguishing, district, division, embossment, eminence, eminent, emissile, environs, esteemed, estimable, exceptional, excrescence, excrescency, excrescent, excrescential, extraordinary, extruding, extrusion, flagrant, gibbosity, gibbousness, glaring, ground, hanging out, heartland, high relief, hinterland, important, impressive, in relief, in the foreground, intrusive, jutting, land, low relief, marked, memorable, milieu, moving, neighborhood, noble, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, notorious, obtrusive, obvious, of mark, offshore rights, ostensible, outstanding, part, parts, pertinent, place, precincts, premises, prestigious, primary, principal, prognathous, projecting, projection, prominence, prominent, pronounced, protrudent, protruding, protrusile, protrusion, protrusive, protuberance, protuberancy, protuberant, protuberating, purlieus, quarter, rare, region, relief, remarkable, rememberable, reputable, salience, section, signal, significant, soil, space, special, staring, stark-staring, sticking out, striking, telling, terrain, territory, three-mile limit, tuberosity, tuberousness, twelve-mile limit, unforgettable, unique, vicinage, vicinity, weighty, zone
[edit]- salina, artificial lake, bayou lake, cistern, dam, dead water, dike, etang, farm pond, fishpond, freshwater lake, glacial lake, inland sea, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, linn, loch, lough, mere, millpond, millpool, nyanza, oxbow lake, plash, pond, pondlet, pool, puddle, reservoir, salt pond, stagnant water, standing water, still water, sump, tank, tarn, tidal pond, volcanic lake, water hole, water pocket, well
[edit]- saliva, absorption, assimilation, bile, chyle, colostrum, digestion, digestive system, discharge, dribble, drivel, drool, expectoration, foam, froth, gastric juice, gastrointestinal tract, gleet, humor, ichor, ingestion, intestinal juice, lachryma, lactation, leukorrhea, liver, lymph, matter, milk, mouth-watering, mucor, mucus, pancreas, pancreatic digestion, pancreatic juice, peccant humor, phlegm, predigestion, ptyalism, purulence, pus, rheum, salivary digestion, salivary glands, salivation, sanies, secondary digestion, serous fluid, serum, sialagogue, slabber, slaver, slobber, snot, spit, spittle, sputum, suppuration, sweat, tear, teardrop, the whites, urine, water
[edit]- salivary, excretory, lachrymal, lachrymose, lacrimatory, lactational, lacteal, lacteous, rheumy, salivant, salivous, secretional, secretive, secretory, seminal, serous, sialagogic, spermatic, watering, watery
[edit]- sallow, achromatic, achromic, anemic, ashen, ashy, aureate, auric, beige, bled white, bloodless, buff, buff-yellow, cadaverous, canary, canary-yellow, chloranemic, citron, citron-yellow, colorless, cream, creamy, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, dim, dimmed, dingy, discolored, dull, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, faded, faint, fallow, flat, flaxen, ghastly, gilded, gilt, gold, gold-colored, golden, gray, haggard, hueless, hypochromic, icterous, jaundiced, lackluster, leaden, lemon, lemon-yellow, livid, lurid, lusterless, luteolous, lutescent, mat, mealy, muddy, neutral, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, or, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, pasty, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sand-colored, sandy, sickly, straw, straw-colored, tallow-faced, toneless, uncolored, wan, washed-out, waxen, weak, whey-faced, white, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish
[edit]- sally, access, aggravated assault, aggression, amphibious attack, aphorism, apothegm, arise, armed assault, assailing, assailment, assault, attack, bail out, banzai attack, be off, blitz, blitzkrieg, bon mot, boutade, break cover, break forth, breakthrough, bright idea, bright thought, brilliant idea, burst, burst forth, campaign, charge, circuit, come, come forth, come out, conceit, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, course, crack, crippling attack, dead set at, debouch, descent on, disembogue, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, drollery, effuse, emanate, emerge, epigram, erupt, eruption, excursion, expedition, explosion, extrude, facetiae, flank attack, flare-up, flash of wit, flight of wit, frontal attack, gag, gas attack, get off, gibe, go forth, grand tour, gust, happy thought, head-on attack, infiltration, issue, issue forth, jape, jaunt, jest, journey, jump out, junket, lightning attack, lightning war, mass attack, megadeath, mot, mugging, nasty crack, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, outing, outset, outstart, overkill, package tour, panzer warfare, peregrination, persiflage, pilgrimage, play of wit, pleasantry, pleasure trip, progress, protrude, push, put forth, quip, quips and cranks, repartee, retort, riposte, round trip, roundabout, rubberneck tour, run, run against, run at, rush, safari, sally forth, scintillation, set forth, set forward, set off, set out, shock tactics, shoot, smart crack, smart saying, snappy comeback, sortie, stalk, start, start off, start out, strike, strike out, stroke of wit, surface, tour, trek, trip, turn, turn of thought, unprovoked assault, voyage, waggery, wisecrack, witticism
[edit]- salmagundi, Caesar salad, Jell-O salad, Waldorf salad, all sorts, ambrosia, aspic, assemblage, assortment, broad spectrum, chef salad, cole slaw, combination salad, conglomeration, crab Louis, fruit salad, gallimaufry, green salad, hash, herring salad, hodgepodge, hotchpot, hotchpotch, jumble, macaroni salad, magpie, mash, medley, melange, mess, mingle-mangle, miscellany, mishmash, mix, mixed bag, odds and ends, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, potato salad, potpourri, salad, salade, sauce, scramble, slaw, stew, tossed salad, what you will
[edit]- salmon, Loch Ness monster, alevin, benthon, benthos, broad jumper, bucking bronco, buckjumper, cetacean, coral, dolphin, fingerling, fish, flea, frog, fry, game fish, gazelle, goat, grasshopper, grilse, high jumper, hopper, hurdle racer, hurdler, incarnadine, jackrabbit, jumper, jumping bean, jumping jack, kangaroo, kipper, leaper, man-eater, man-eating shark, marine animal, minnow, minny, nekton, panfish, pink, pinkish, pinky, plankton, pole vaulter, porpoise, primrose, rose, rose-colored, rose-hued, rose-red, roseate, rosy, sea monster, sea pig, sea serpent, sea snake, shark, smolt, sponge, stag, sunfisher, timber topper, tropical fish, vaulter, whale
[edit]- salon, British Museum, Guggenheim Museum, Hermitage, Louvre, Metropolitan Museum, National Gallery, Prado, Rijksmuseum, Tate Gallery, Uffizi, Vanity Fair, affair, age group, art gallery, at home, band, battalion, beau monde, beautiful people, best people, best room, bevy, body, boutique, brigade, bunch, cabal, cafe society, carriage trade, cast, chain store, clique, co-op, cohort, company, complement, concession, contingent, cooperative, corps, coterie, countinghouse, country store, covey, cream of society, crew, crowd, curatorship, department store, detachment, detail, dime store, discount house, discount store, division, drawing room, elite, emporium, establishment, evening, faction, fashionable society, five-and-ten, fleet, foreroom, front room, gallery, gang, gathering, general store, get-together, good society, group, grouping, groupment, haut monde, high life, high society, house, in-crowd, in-group, jet set, jeunesse doree, junta, levee, living room, magasin, mail-order house, market, mart, matinee, mob, monde, movement, museology, museum, out-group, outfit, pack, parlor, party, peer group, people of fashion, phalanx, picture gallery, pinacotheca, platoon, polite society, posse, post, reception, regiment, retail store, reunion, right people, saloon, set, shop, sitting room, smart set, sociable, social, social affair, social gathering, social register, societe, society, soiree, solarium, squad, stable, store, string, suite, sun parlor, sunroom, supermarket, team, the Four Hundred, trading post, tribe, troop, troupe, upper crust, uppercut, variety shop, variety store, wake, warehouse, wareroom, wholesale house, wing, world of fashion
[edit]- saloon, Pullman car, alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, best room, bistro, blind tiger, bucket shop, cabaret, cabin, cafe, cocktail lounge, cuddy, deckhouse, dive, dramshop, drawing room, drinkery, drinking saloon, foreroom, front room, gallery, gathering, gin mill, groggery, grogshop, hall, honky-tonk, house, living room, local, nightclub, parlor, parlor car, party, pothouse, pub, public, public house, rathskeller, roomette, rumshop, salon, saloon bar, shelter cabin, sitting room, solarium, speakeasy, stateroom, sun parlor, sunroom, taproom, tavern, wine shop
salt away
[edit]- salt away, bank, bundle away, cache, coffer, deposit, file, hutch, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in store, lay up, lodge, pack away, put away, put by, reposit, reservoir, salt down, spare, stash, store, store away, stow, stow away, stow down, warehouse
salt flat
[edit]- salt flat, Arabia Deserta, Death Valley, Sahara, alkali flat, alluvial plain, barren, barren land, barrens, basin, bottomland, brush, bush, bushveld, campo, champaign, champaign country, coastal plain, delta, desert, desolation, down, downs, dust bowl, fell, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, grass veld, grassland, heath, howling wilderness, karroo, lande, level, llano, lowland, lowlands, lunar landscape, lunar mare, lunar waste, mare, mesa, mesilla, moor, moorland, open country, outback, pampa, pampas, peneplain, plain, plains, plateau, playa, prairie, salt marsh, salt pan, savanna, sebkha, steppe, table, tableland, tree veld, tundra, upland, vega, veld, waste, wasteland, weald, weary waste, wide-open spaces, wild, wilderness, wilds, wold
salt marsh
[edit]- salt marsh, alkali flat, alluvial plain, basin, baygall, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, bushveld, campo, champaign, champaign country, coastal plain, delta, desert, down, downs, everglade, fell, fen, fenland, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, glade, grass veld, grassland, heath, hog wallow, holm, lande, level, llano, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, marais, mare, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mesa, mesilla, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, mud, mud flat, open country, pampa, pampas, peat bog, peneplain, plain, plains, plateau, playa, prairie, quagmire, quicksand, salt flat, salt pan, savanna, sebkha, slob land, slough, sough, steppe, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, table, tableland, taiga, tree veld, tundra, upland, vega, veld, wallow, wash, weald, wide-open spaces, wold
salt of the earth
[edit]- salt of the earth, Christian, bourgeoisie, burgher, champion, choice, chosen, common people, common run, common sort, commonage, commonality, commonalty, commoners, commons, cream, elect, elite, exemplary citizen, faithful, fat, flower, galantuomo, gentilhomme, gentleman, good citizen, good man, good neighbor, good woman, honest man, honest woman, laborers, lady, linendrapers, lower classes, lower middle class, lower orders, lumpen proletariat, man of honor, middle class, middle orders, nonesuch, nonpareil, optimum, ordinary people, paragon, peasantry, pick, pillar of society, plain folks, plain people, prime, prize, proletariat, queen, quintessence, rank and file, real lady, respectable citizen, select, shopkeepers, small tradesmen, straight shooter, superlative, the best, the best ever, the lower cut, the other half, the third estate, the tops, the very best, toilers, toiling class, true Christian, true blue, truepenny, trusty, upper middle class, vulgus, woman of honor, working class, working people
salt water
[edit]- salt water, agua, aqua, big drink, blue water, drink, drinking water, eau, ground water, hard water, head, heavy water, high sea, high seas, hydrol, hydrometeor, hydrosphere, limewater, main, main sea, mineral water, ocean, ocean depths, ocean main, ocean sea, rain, rainwater, salt sea, sea, sea water, soft water, spring water, steam, thalassa, the bounding main, the brine, the briny, the briny deep, the deep, the deep sea, the seven seas, the vasty deep, tide, water, water vapor, well water, wetting agent, wetting-out agent
[edit]- salt, AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Attic, Atticism, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Neptune, OD, Poseidon, Tabasco, Varuna, Worcestershire sauce, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, accumulate, adulterate, aftertaste, agile wit, alimentation, alimony, allspice, amass, anchovies, angelica, anhydrate, applesauce, basil, bell pepper, bite, biting, bitter, black humor, black pepper, blast-freeze, bluejacket, borage, brackish, brackishness, bread, brilliant, brine, brininess, briny, buccaneer, burlesque, burnet, caper, capsicum, caraway seeds, cardamom, caricature, catsup, cautiously, celery salt, chervil, chili, chili sauce, chili vinegar, chives, chutney, cinnamon, clever, cloves, comedy, condiments, cook, coriander, corn, cranberry sauce, cubeb, cumin, cure, cured, curry, dahl sauce, deep-sea man, dehydrate, desiccate, dill, dillseed, doctor, doctor accounts, doubtfully, droll, dry, dry wit, dry-cure, dry-salt, duck sauce, embalm, embalming fluid, esprit, evaporate, facetious, fagara, fair-weather sailor, fake, farce, fennel, file, fisherman, five spice powder, flavor, formaldehyde, freeze, freeze-dry, fume, funny, garble accounts, garlic, garlic butter, garlic powder, garlic salt, ginger, green pepper, gust, hearty, hedge garlic, hoard, horseradish, humor, humorous, humorsome, hyssop, irony, irradiate, jack, jack afloat, jack-tar, jacky, jerk, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, juggle, keen, keen-witted, keep, kipper, lampoon, leek, limey, livelihood, liveliness, load, lobsterman, mace, maintenance, manipulate, marinade, marinate, mariner, marjoram, matelot, mayonnaise, mint, mordant, mummify, mustard, navigator, nimble wit, nimble-witted, nutmeg, old campaigner, old hand, old pro, old salt, old sea dog, old-timer, onion, onion salt, oregano, pack, palate, paprika, parody, parsley, pep, pepper, peppercorn, peppermint, piccalilli, pickle, pickled, pile up, pimento, pimpernel, piquancy, pirate, plant, pleasantry, poignancy, pointed, potherb, preservative, preservative medium, preservatize, preserve, pretty wit, privateer, punch, pungency, pungent, quick wit, quick-freeze, quick-witted, radish, rapier-like, ready wit, red pepper, refrigerate, relish, reservedly, retouch, rig, saffron, sage, sailor, salad dressing, saline, salinity, salt away, salted, saltiness, saltish, salty, sapidity, sapor, sarcasm, satire, sauce, sauce-alone, save up, savor, savor of wit, savoriness, savory, sceptically, scintillating, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, season, seasoned salt, seasoned veteran, seasoning, sesame oil, sesame seeds, shallot, sharp, shellback, shipman, slapstick, slapstick humor, smack, smart, smoke, smoke-cure, sock away, sodium chloride, sophisticate, sour, souse, soused, soy, soy sauce, sparkling, spice, spiciness, sprightly, squib, squirrel away, stack, star anise, stockpile, stomach, store up, stuff, subsistence, subtle wit, support, surcharge, suspiciously, sustenance, sweet, tamper with, tang, tar, tarpaulin, tarragon, tartar sauce, taste, thyme, tomato paste, tongue, tooth, travesty, turmeric, vanilla, vet, veteran, vigor, viking, vinegar, visual humor, vitality, war-horse, warily, water dog, whaler, whimsical, white pepper, windjammer, windsailor, wit, with qualifications, with reservations, witty, zest, zing, zip
[edit]- saltatory, anabatic, ascendant, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, bouncing, bounding, climbing, convulsive, eclamptic, fidgety, fitful, hopping, in the ascendant, jerking, jerky, jiggety, jumping, jumpy, leaping, mounting, orgasmic, prancing, rampant, rearing, rising, saltant, saltatorial, scandent, scansorial, skipping, skyrocketing, spasmodic, spastic, spiraling, springing, twitchety, twitching, twitchy, uparching, upcoming, upgoing, upgrade, uphill, uphillward, uprising, upsloping, upward, upwith, vellicative
[edit]- salty, Attic, biting, blue, brackish, brilliant, briny, broad, clever, droll, facetious, funny, humorous, humorsome, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, keen, keen-witted, marine, maritime, mordacious, mordant, nautical, naval, navigational, nimble-witted, ocean-going, oceanic, off-color, pelagic, pickled, pointed, pungent, purple, quick-witted, racy, rapier-like, risky, risque, saline, salt, salted, saltish, scabrous, scathing, scintillating, seafaring, seamanlike, seamanly, shady, sharp, smart, sparkling, spicy, sprightly, suggestive, trenchant, water-borne, whimsical, wicked, witty
[edit]- salubrious, beneficial, benign, bracing, constitutional, good, good for, health-enhancing, health-preserving, healthful, healthy, hygeian, hygienic, invigorating, refreshing, salutary, sanitary, stimulating, tonic, wholesome
[edit]- salutary, aidful, beneficial, benign, bracing, conducive, constitutional, constructive, contributory, furthersome, good, good for, health-enhancing, health-preserving, healthful, healthy, helpful, hygeian, hygienic, invigorating, positive, profitable, refreshing, remedial, restorative, salubrious, sanative, sanatory, sanitary, serviceable, therapeutic, tonic, useful, wholesome
[edit]- salutation, accost, address, bend, bending the knee, bob, bow, bowing and scraping, citation, curtsy, dipping the colors, embrace, eulogy, genuflection, greeting, hail, hand-clasp, handshake, hello, homage, how-do-you-do, hug, inclination, kiss, kneeling, kowtow, making a leg, nod, obeisance, obsequiousness, panegyric, presenting arms, prostration, reverence, salaam, salute, scrape, servility, smile, smile of recognition, standing at attention, submission, submissiveness, tribute, wave
[edit]- salutatory, address, after-dinner speech, allocution, chalk talk, debate, declamation, diatribe, eulogy, exhortation, filibuster, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, funeral oration, harangue, hortatory address, inaugural, inaugural address, invective, jeremiad, oration, pep talk, peroration, philippic, pitch, prepared speech, prepared text, public speech, reading, recital, recitation, sales talk, salutatory address, say, screed, set speech, speech, speechification, speeching, talk, talkathon, tirade, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address
[edit]- salute, accost, acknowledge, address, adulate, anniversaries, apostrophize, apotheosize, appeal to, approach, beat the drum, belaud, bend, bending the knee, bepraise, bespeak, bid good day, bid good morning, bless, blow up, boast of, bob, bow, bow to, bowing and scraping, brag about, buttonhole, call to, celebrate, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, commemoration, cry up, curtsy, deify, demonstrate respect for, dip, dip the colors, dip the ensign, dipping the colors, do homage to, dress ship, dressing ship, emblazon, embrace, eulogize, exalt, exchange colors, exchange greetings, extol, fanfare, fanfaronade, festivity, flag, flag down, flash, flatter, flourish of trumpets, genuflection, give a signal, give the nod, glance, glorify, greet, greeting, hail, hail and speak, half-mast, halloo, hand-clasp, handshake, hello, hero-worship, hoist a banner, holiday, homage, honor, how-do-you-do, hug, idolize, inclination, invoke, jubilee, kick, kiss, kiss hands, kneeling, kowtow, laud, leer, lift the hat, lionize, magnify, make a sign, make a signal, make much of, making a leg, marking the occasion, memorialization, memory, nod, nod to, nudge, obeisance, obsequiousness, observance, ovation, overpraise, panegyrize, pay homage to, pay respect to, pay tribute, pay tribute to, poke, porter aux nues, praise, present arms, presenting arms, prostration, puff, puff up, pull the forelock, raise a cry, recognize, rejoicing, religious rites, remembrance, render honor to, revel, reverence, rite, ritual observance, salaam, salutation, salvo, say hello, scrape, servility, shake, shake hands, sign, signal, signalize, smile, smile of recognition, solemn observance, solemnization, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, speak, speak fair, speak to, stand at attention, stand to attention, standing at attention, submission, submissiveness, take aside, talk to, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, toast, touch, touch the hat, tribute, triumph, trumpet, uncover, unfurl a flag, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, wink
[edit]- salvage, abatement, admission, admission fee, agio, allowance, amends, anchorage, atonement, bank discount, blood money, breakage, brokerage, carfare, cash discount, cellarage, chain discount, charge, charge-off, charges, compensation, concession, conservancy, conservation, conservationism, consideration, cover charge, cut, damages, deduction, deliver, deliverance, delivery, demand, depreciation, discount, dockage, drawback, dues, entrance fee, environmental conservation, exaction, exactment, extract, extricate, extrication, fare, fee, forest conservation, forest management, free, freeing, guerdon, hire, honorarium, indemnification, indemnity, keeping, kickback, liberate, liberation, license fee, lifesaving, maintenance, meed, penalty, penalty clause, percentage, pilotage, portage, premium, preserval, preservation, price, price reduction, price-cut, protection, quittance, ransom, rebate, rebatement, recapture, reclaim, reclaiming, reclamation, recompense, recoup, recoupment, recover, recovery, recuperation, recycle, redeem, redemption, redress, reduction, refund, regain, regainment, release, remuneration, reoccupation, reparation, replevin, replevy, repossession, requital, requitement, rescue, restitution, restoration, resumption, retake, retaking, retribution, retrieval, retrieve, return, revindication, revival, reward, rollback, safekeeping, salvation, salve, satisfaction, save, saving, scot, scot and lot, set free, setoff, shot, smart money, soil conservation, solatium, storage, stream conservation, support, tare, time discount, toll, towage, trade discount, tret, trover, underselling, upkeep, water conservation, wergild, wetlands conservation, wharfage, wildlife conservation, win back, write-off
[edit]- salvation, adoption, circumcision, conservancy, conservation, conservationism, conversion, deliverance, delivery, environmental conservation, extrication, forest conservation, forest management, freeing, keeping, liberation, lifesaving, maintenance, new birth, new life, preserval, preservation, protection, ransom, rebirth, reclamation, recovery, redeemedness, redemption, reformation, regeneration, release, rescue, retrieval, safekeeping, salvage, saving, second birth, soil conservation, spiritual purification, stream conservation, support, sustentation, upkeep, water conservation, wetlands conservation, wildlife conservation
[edit]- salve, Trinkgeld, abate, aid, allay, alleviate, alleviative, alleviator, anesthetize, anodyne, anoint, appease, assuage, assuagement, assuager, balm, balsam, beeswax, benumb, bonus, bounty, bribe, brilliantine, calmative, cerate, chrism, cold cream, collyrium, comfort, consideration, counterirritant, cream, cushion, daub, deaden, deaden the pain, demulcent, diminish, dolorifuge, donative, dope, dose, double time, dress, dressing, drug, dull, ease, ease matters, embrocate, embrocation, emollient, eye-lotion, eyewash, eyewater, face cream, fee, foment, give relief, glycerolate, gratuity, gravy, grease, grease the wheels, hand lotion, honorarium, incentive pay, inducement, inunction, inunctum, lagniappe, lanolin, lard, largess, lay, lenitive, lessen, liberality, liniment, lotion, lubricant, lubricate, lull, medicate, mitigate, mitigator, moderator, modulator, mollifier, mollify, narcotic, nard, numb, oil, ointment, opiate, pacificator, pacifier, pad, palliate, palliative, palm oil, peacemaker, perks, perquisite, pomade, pomatum, poultice, pour balm into, pour oil on, pourboire, premium, reduce, relief, relieve, remedy, restraining hand, salvage, sedative, shock absorber, slacken, slake, slick, slick on, smear, smooth the way, soap the ways, soften, something extra, soothe, soother, soothing syrup, spikenard, sportula, stabilizer, stupe, subdue, sweetener, temperer, tip, tranquilizer, unction, unguent, unguentum, vulnerary, wax, wiser head
[edit]- salvo, allowance, anniversaries, antiaircraft barrage, appreciation, bang, bark, barrage, blast, bombardment, bowshot, box barrage, broadside, bullet, burst, cannon, cannonade, cannonry, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, cession, circumscription, commemoration, concession, crack, creeping barrage, detonation, discharge, dressing ship, drumfire, ejection, emergency barrage, enfilade, exception, exemption, explosion, extenuating circumstances, fanfare, fanfaronade, festivity, flourish of trumpets, fulmination, fusillade, grain of salt, grant, gun, gunfire, gunshot, hail, hedge, hedging, holiday, jubilee, limitation, marking the occasion, memorialization, memory, mental reservation, modification, mortar barrage, normal barrage, observance, ovation, pop, potshot, qualification, rejoicing, religious rites, remembrance, reservation, restriction, revel, rite, ritual observance, salute, shot, shower, solemn observance, solemnization, special case, special treatment, specialness, specification, spray, standing barrage, stoneshot, storm, tattoo, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, toast, tribute, triumph, volley, waiver
[edit]- Samaritan, aid, aider, assister, backer, befriender, benefactor, benefactress, benefiter, good Samaritan, good person, help, helper, helping hand, jack-at-a-pinch, ministering angel, ministrant, patron, succorer
[edit]- sambo, Cape Colored, Eurasian, cattalo, citrange, cross, crossbreed, griffe, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, high yellow, hinny, hybrid, ladino, liger, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metis, metisse, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mulatto, mule, mustee, octoroon, plumcot, quadroon, quintroon, tangelo, tigon, zebrass, zebrule
same mind
[edit]- same mind, acclamation, accord, accordance, agreement, agreement of all, chorus, common assent, common consent, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, consensus, consensus gentium, consensus of opinion, consensus omnium, consent, consentaneity, general acclamation, general agreement, general consent, general voice, harmony, like-mindedness, meeting of minds, mutual understanding, one accord, one voice, single voice, total agreement, unanimity, unanimousness, understanding, unison, universal agreement
[edit]- same, Doppelganger, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, actual thing, aforementioned, aforenamed, aforesaid, alike, all one, all the same, anyhow, anyway, at any rate, beforementioned, boring, but, carbon copy, changeless, coequal, comparable, consistent, constant, consubstantial, copy, dead heat, dead ringer, deadlock, ditto, double, drab, draw, duplicate, equal, equivalent, even break, even so, exact, exact counterpart, exactly alike, facsimile, fair shake, for all that, foregoing, forementioned, forenamed, former, gray, homograph, homonym, homoousian, homophone, humdrum, idem, identic, identical, identical same, in any case, in any event, indistinguishable, invariable, just alike, just the same, knotted score, like, monotonous, named, neck-and-neck race, nevertheless, no other, none other, nonetheless, notwithstanding, one, photo finish, regardless, repetitive, replica, said, samely, selfsame, similar, spit and image, spitting image, stalemate, standoff, synonym, tantamount, tedious, the same, the same difference, tie, twin, unaltered, unchanged, unchanging, undifferent, unfailing, uniform, unmodified, unrelieved, unvaried, unvarying, verbatim, very, very image, very same, without difference, without distinction, word-for-word, yet
[edit]- sameness, accordance, agreement, alikeness, alliance, analogy, aping, approach, approximation, assimilation, broken record, clockwork regularity, closeness, coequality, coincidence, community, comparability, comparison, conformity, congruence, constancy, copying, correspondence, daily round, dingdong, drone, equality, equivalence, equivalency, even pace, even tenor, homogeneity, homoousia, humdrum, identity, imitation, indistinguishability, invariability, irk, irksomeness, likeness, likening, metaphor, mimicking, monologue, monotone, monotonousness, monotony, nearness, no difference, oneness, orderliness, par, parallelism, parity, regularity, resemblance, sameliness, self-identity, selfhood, selfness, selfsameness, semblance, similarity, simile, similitude, simulation, singsong, smoothness, synonymity, synonymousness, synonymy, tedium, the beaten track, the daily round, the round, the squirrel cage, the treadmill, the weary round, treadmill, undeviation, undifferentiation, uniformity, unity, unvariation, wearisome sameness
[edit]- samiel, Santa Ana, chinook, chinook wind, devil, dust storm, foehn, harmattan, hot wind, khamsin, peesash, sandstorm, shaitan, simoom, sirocco, snow eater, solano, thawer, volcanic wind
[edit]- samisen, Dobro guitar, F-hole guitar, Spanish guitar, archlute, balalaika, banjo, banjo-uke, banjo-ukulele, banjo-zither, banjorine, banjuke, bass guitar, centerhole guitar, concert guitar, electric guitar, guitar, lute, mando-bass, mando-cello, mandola, mandolin, mandolute, mandore, oud, pandora, pandura, sitar, steel guitar, tamboura, theorbo, troubadour fiddle, uke, ukulele
[edit]- sample, adjunct, assay, barometer, bite, bring to test, canvass, case, case history, characteristic, component, conduct a poll, confirm, constituent, contingent, cross section, cut and try, detachment, detail, distinctive, distinguishing, division, dole, element, essay, example, exemplary, experience, experiment, feeler, fraction, fragment, give a try, give a tryout, have a go, illustration, illustrative, indication, individual, installment, item, little bite, little smack, make a survey, natural, naturalistic, nibble, normal, parcel, part, particular, percentage, piece, pilot balloon, play around with, poll, portion, practice upon, probe, prove, put to trial, quadrant, quarter, questionnaire, quintessential, quota, random sample, realistic, regular, remainder, representation, representational, representative, research, road-test, run a sample, sampler, sampling, savor, section, sector, segment, shake down, share, sign, sip, smack, sound, sounder, specimen, straw vote, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, substantiate, sup, survey, swatch, taste, taste of, taster, test, trial, trial balloon, true to form, true to type, try, try it on, try out, typal, typic, typical, unit, usual, validate, verify, weather vane, weathercock
[edit]- Samson, Achilles, Antaeus, Atlas, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, Charles Atlas, Cyclops, David, Goliath, Hector, Hercules, Polyphemus, Roland, Superman, Tarzan, Titan, a man, brave, bulldog, bully, bullyboy, chutzpanik, colossus, decorated hero, demigod, demigoddess, fighting cock, gallant, gamecock, giant, good soldier, gorilla, hero, heroine, lion, man of courage, muscle man, paladin, powerhouse, stalwart, strong man, strong-arm man, the brave, the mighty, the strong, tiger, tough, tough guy, tower of strength, valiant, valiant knight
[edit]- sanatorium, VA hospital, asylum, base hospital, clinic, community hospital, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, evacuation hospital, field hospital, general hospital, home, hospital, infirmary, inpatient clinic, maison de sante, mental hospital, nursing home, osteopathic hospital, outpatient clinic, policlinic, polyclinic, private hospital, proprietary hospital, public hospital, rest home, sanitarium, sick bay, sickbed, sickroom, special hospital, station hospital, surgical hospital, teaching hospital, veterans hospital, voluntary hospital, ward, well-baby clinic
[edit]- sanctified, Tartuffian, Tartuffish, affected, aggrandized, apotheosized, awesome, beatified, big, blessed, canonized, canting, consecrated, converted, dedicated, deified, devoted, elevated, eminent, ennobled, enshrined, enthroned, exalted, excellent, false, glorified, goody, goody-goody, grand, great, hallowed, held in awe, high, high and mighty, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, immortal, immortalized, insincere, lofty, magnified, mealymouthed, mighty, pharisaic, pietistic, pious, reborn, redeemed, regenerate, regenerated, sacred, sainted, saintly, sanctimonious, saved, self-righteous, set apart, shrined, sniveling, sublime, supereminent, throned, unctuous
[edit]- sanctify, aggrandize, apotheose, apotheosize, beatify, bless, canonize, cleanse, confirm, consecrate, crown, dedicate, deify, devote, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, exalt, glamorize, glorify, hallow, immortalize, justify, legalize, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, license, lionize, magnify, make legendary, purify, raise, ratify, saint, sanction, set apart, set up, throne, uplift
[edit]- sanctimonious, Pecksniffian, Quakerish, Tartuffian, Tartuffish, Victorian, affected, canting, censorious, deceiving, demure, false, fanatical, goody, goody-goody, hidebound, holier-than-thou, hypocritic, hypocritical, insincere, mealy-mouthed, mealymouthed, mid-Victorian, narrow, oily, old-maidish, overdevout, overmodest, overreligious, overrighteous, overzealous, pecksniffian, pharisaic, pharisaical, pharisean, pietistic, pious, priggish, prim, prudish, puritanical, sanctified, self-righteous, simon-pure, smug, sniveling, snuffling, stiff-necked, straitlaced, stuffy, ultrareligious, unctuous, zealotic, zealous
[edit]- sanctimony, Pecksniffery, Quakerishness, Tartuffery, Tartuffism, bibliolatry, cant, censoriousness, charismatic gift, charismatic movement, charismatic renewal, demureness, demurity, empty gesture, false modesty, false piety, fanaticism, gift of tongues, glossolalia, hideboundness, hypocrisy, hypocriticalness, lip service, mauvaise honte, mealymouthedness, mouthing, mummery, narrowness, oiliness, ostentatious devotion, overdevoutness, overmodesty, overpiousness, overreligiousness, overrighteousness, overzealousness, pecksniffery, pentecostalism, pharisaicalness, pharisaism, priggishness, primness, prudery, prudishness, puritanicalness, religiosity, revival, revivalism, sanctimoniousness, smugness, snuffling, soft soap, stiff-neckedness, straitlacedness, stuffiness, sweet talk, tokenism, unctuousness, zeal, zealotism, zealotry, zealousness
[edit]- sanction, John Hancock, OK, accede to, accept, acceptance, accord, accord to, accredit, acquiescence, adherence, admiration, admire, advocacy, advocate, affirm, affirmance, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agree to, agreement, aid, allow, allowance, amen, approbation, approval, approve, approve of, assent, authenticate, authentication, authority, authorization, authorize, autograph, aye, back, backing, ban, be willing, bless, blessing, certificate, certification, certify, charter, clearance, commission, compliance, concurrence, condescend, confirm, confirmation, connivance, connive at, consent, consent to, consent to silently, constitute, cosign, countenance, countersign, countersignature, declare lawful, decree, deign, discipline, eagerness, empower, empowerment, enable, enabling, enact, enactment, encourage, encouragement, endorse, endorsement, enfranchise, enfranchisement, entitle, entitlement, establish, esteem, favor, favorable vote, fiat, formulate, franchise, give consent, give official sanction, give permission, give power, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, go along with, go-ahead, grant, green light, have no objection, help, hold with, imprimatur, initial, keep in countenance, leave, legalization, legalize, legislate, legislation, legitimate, legitimatization, legitimatize, legitimization, legitimize, license, make a regulation, make legal, nod, nod assent, not refuse, notarization, notarize, okay, ordain, pass, pass on, pass upon, patent, penalty, permission, permit, prescribe, privilege, promptitude, promptness, punishment, put in force, ratification, ratify, readiness, recommendation, redress, regulate, respect, retaliation, retribution, rubber stamp, say amen to, say aye, say yes, seal, seal of approval, second, sigil, sign, sign and seal, signature, signet, sponsor, sponsorship, stamp, stamp of approval, submission, subscribe to, subscription, sufferance, support, swear and affirm, swear to, take kindly to, the nod, think well of, undersign, underwrite, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, uphold, validate, validation, view with favor, visa, vise, voice, vote, vote affirmatively, vote aye, vouchsafe, warrant, warranty, willingness, wink at, yea, yea vote, yield assent
[edit]- sanctioned, accepted, actionable, applicable, authoritative, authorized, canonical, cathedral, chartered, competent, constitutional, empowered, enfranchised, entitled, franchised, judicial, juridical, just, justiciable, kosher, lawful, lawmaking, legal, legislative, legit, legitimate, licensed, licit, patented, privileged, received, rightful, sound, statutory, valid, warranted, within the law
[edit]- sanctity, Christianity, Christlikeness, Christliness, angelicalness, beauty of holiness, dedication, devotion, divinity, fear of God, godlikeness, godliness, godly-mindedness, goodness, grace, heavenliness, heavenly-mindedness, holiness, holy-mindedness, odor of sanctity, otherworldliness, piety, pureness, pureness of heart, purity, righteousness, sacredness, sainthood, saintlikeness, saintliness, saintship, sanctitude, seraphicalness, spiritual-mindedness, spirituality, unearthliness, unworldliness, uprightness
[edit]- sanctuary, Indian reservation, adytum, archives, asylum, bank, bird sanctuary, bolt-hole, cache, chapel, church, concealment, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, cubby, cubbyhole, dark corner, den, dugout, forest preserve, foxhole, funk hole, game preserve, game reserve, game sanctuary, harbor, harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, holy of holies, holy place, house of God, house of worship, lair, library, mosque, museum, national forest, national park, niche, nook, oasis, pagoda, paradise, park, port, preserve, protection, recess, refuge, reservation, reserve, retreat, sacrarium, safe haven, safehold, safety, sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, secret place, shelter, shrine, snug harbor, stash, state forest, store, stronghold, synagogue, temple, undercovert, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve
[edit]- sanctum, adytum, ashram, cabinet, cell, cloister, closet, den, hermitage, hideaway, hideout, hiding place, holy of holies, holy place, ivory tower, lair, mew, privacy, recess, retreat, sacrarium, sanctuary, sanctum sanctorum, secret place, shrine, study
[edit]- Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Anamnesis, Blessing, Canon, Collect, Communion, Consecration, Credo, Dismissal, Epistle, Fraction, Gloria, Gospel, Gradual, Introit, Kyrie, Kyrie Eleison, Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Paternoster, Pax, Post-Communion, Preface, Secreta, Tersanctus, Tract
sand dune
[edit]- sand dune, anthill, barrow, brae, butte, down, drumlin, dune, fell, foothills, hill, hillock, hummock, knob, knoll, molehill, monticle, monticule, moor, mound, sand, sand pile, sandbar, swell
[edit]- sand, backbone, breccia, buff, burnish, debris, detritus, dress, emery, file, furbish, grain, granule, granulet, gravel, grind, grit, guts, intestinal, polish, pumice, rub up, sand dune, sand pile, sandbar, sandblast, sandpaper, shine, shingle, smooth, true grit
[edit]- sandbank, ait, archipelago, atoll, bank, bar, cay, continental island, coral head, coral heads, coral island, coral reef, flat, ford, holm, insularity, ironbound coast, island, island group, islandology, isle, islet, key, ledges, lee shore, oceanic island, pitfall, quicksands, reef, rockbound coast, rocks, sandbar, sands, shallow, shallows, shelf, shoal, shoal water, shoals, tidal flats, undercurrent, undertow, wetlands
[edit]- sandbar, ait, archipelago, atoll, bank, bar, cay, continental island, coral head, coral heads, coral island, coral reef, flat, ford, holm, insularity, ironbound coast, island, island group, islandology, isle, islet, key, ledges, lee shore, oceanic island, pitfall, quicksands, reef, rockbound coast, rocks, sand, sand dune, sand pile, sandbank, sands, shallow, shallows, shelf, shoal, shoal water, shoals, tidal flats, undercurrent, undertow, wetlands
[edit]- sander, buff, buffer, calender, chamois, drag, glazer, goose, grader, harrow, iron, mangle, plane, polisher, press, roller, rolling pin, steamroller, trowel, wringer
[edit]- sanding, ablation, abrasion, abrasive, attrition, buffing, burnishing, chafe, chafing, detrition, dressing, erasure, erosion, filing, fretting, galling, grazing, grinding, limation, polishing, rasping, rubbing away, sandblasting, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scuff, shining, smoothing, wear, wearing away
[edit]- sandpaper, broken ground, broken water, buff, burnish, chop, corduroy, corduroy road, corrugation, dress, emery, file, furbish, goose bumps, goose pimples, gooseflesh, grind, horripilation, lop, polish, pumice, ripple, rough, rub up, sand, sandblast, shine, smooth, washboard
[edit]- sandstone, aa, abyssal rock, basalt, bedrock, block lava, brash, breccia, conglomerate, crag, druid stone, festooned pahoehoe, gneiss, granite, igneous rock, lava, limestone, living rock, magma, mantlerock, metamorphic rock, monolith, pahoehoe, pillow lava, porphyry, pudding stone, regolith, rock, ropy lava, rubble, rubblestone, sarsen, schist, scoria, scree, sedimentary rock, shelly pahoehoe, stone, talus, tufa, tuff
[edit]- sandwich, BLT, Dagwood sandwich, Sloppy Joe, Swiss cheese sandwich, bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich, canape, cheeseburger, corned beef sandwich, double-decker sandwich, drag in, edge in, egg salad sandwich, foist in, fudge in, grilled cheese sandwich, grinder, ham sandwich, hamburger, hoagy, hot dog, implant in, inject in, insert in, insinuate in, intercalate, interjaculate, interject, interpolate, interpose, intervene, introduce in, intrude, lug in, pastrami sandwich, poor boy, put between, run in, smuggle in, squeeze in, submarine sandwich, throw in, thrust in, tuna salad sandwich, tunaburger, wedge in, work in, worm in
[edit]- sandy, Saharan, anhydrous, arenaceous, arenarious, arid, athirst, aureate, auric, beige, bone-dry, breccial, brecciated, buff, buff-yellow, canary, canary-yellow, citron, citron-yellow, craggy, cream, creamy, crystal, crystalline, desert, droughty, dry, dry as dust, dusty, ecru, fallow, flaxen, gilded, gilt, gold, gold-colored, golden, grainy, granular, granulate, granulated, gravelly, gritty, high and dry, juiceless, lapideous, lemon, lemon-yellow, like parchment, lithoid, lithoidal, luteolous, lutescent, monolithic, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, or, pebbled, pebbly, porphyritic, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, rock-ribbed, rock-strewn, rock-studded, rocklike, rocky, sabulous, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand-colored, sapless, shingled, shingly, stonelike, stony, straw, straw-colored, thirsting, thirsty, trachytic, undamped, unwatered, waterless, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish
[edit]- sane, admissible, all there, balanced, bright, bunkum, clearheaded, clearminded, cogent, commonsense, compelling, compos mentis, conceptive, conceptual, convincing, cool, coolheaded, credible, discursive, down-to-earth, earthy, fit, good, hale, hardheaded, healthy-minded, ideational, intellectual, intelligent, judicious, just, justifiable, knowing, legitimate, level-headed, levelheaded, logical, lucid, matter-of-fact, mentally sound, noetic, normal, not so dumb, of sound mind, oriented, philosophical, plausible, positivistic, practical, practical-minded, pragmatic, prudent, rational, realist, realistic, reasonable, right, right-minded, sage, sane-minded, sapient, scientific, scientistic, secular, sensible, sober, sober-minded, sophic, sound, sound-minded, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, strong-minded, together, understanding, unideal, unidealistic, unromantic, unsentimental, well, well-argued, well-balanced, well-founded, well-grounded, wholesome, wise, worldly
[edit]- Sanforized, attenuated, consumed, corky, dried-up, emacerated, emaciated, parched, preshrunk, sear, shriveled, shriveled up, shrunk, shrunken, thin, wasted, wasted away, weazened, withered, wizen, wizen-faced, wizened
[edit]- sang-froid, Buddha-like composure, Oriental calm, aloofness, aplomb, ataraxy, balance, balanced personality, calm disposition, calm of mind, calmness, composure, constancy, cool, coolheadedness, coolness, coolth, countenance, courage, easy mind, equanimity, equilibrium, fastness, firmness, homeostasis, icy calm, imperturbability, imperturbation, indifference, indisturbance, invariability, mental composure, nerve, peace of mind, peacefulness, philosophic composure, philosophicalness, philosophy, phlegm, placidity, poise, quiet, quiet mind, quietude, reliability, rootedness, sang-froid, secureness, security, self-containment, self-control, self-possession, serenity, solidity, soothingness, soundness, stability, stable equilibrium, stable state, steadfastness, steadiness, steady nerves, steady state, substantiality, tranquillity, unconcern, undeflectability, uniformity, unruffledness, unshakable nerves, unshakableness
[edit]- sanguinary, Draconian, Tartarean, aggressive, animal, antagonistic, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, battling, beastly, bellicose, belligerent, bestial, blood-spattered, bloodstained, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, cannibalistic, chauvinist, chauvinistic, combative, contentious, cruel, cruel-hearted, cutthroat, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, enemy, ensanguined, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, fighting, full of fight, gory, grim, hawkish, heartless, hellish, homicidal, hostile, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, inimical, jingo, jingoish, jingoist, jingoistic, kill-crazy, malign, malignant, martial, merciless, militant, militaristic, military, murdering, murderous, noncivilized, offensive, pitiless, pugnacious, quarrelsome, red-handed, remorseless, ruthless, saber-rattling, sadistic, sanguine, sanguineous, satanic, savage, scrappy, self-destructive, sharkish, slaughterous, slavering, soldierlike, soldierly, subhuman, suicidal, tameless, trigger-happy, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, unfriendly, ungentle, unhuman, unpacific, unpeaceable, unpeaceful, untamed, vicious, warlike, warmongering, warring, wild, wolfish
[edit]- sanguine, agape, agog, all agog, ambivert, anticipant, anticipating, anticipative, anticipatory, aspiring, assured, awaiting, beaming, blithe, blithesome, blood-colored, bloodstained, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-red, blooming, blowzed, blowzy, bright, bright and sunny, burnt, certain, cheerful, cheery, choleric, confident, cycloid, cyclothyme, cyclothymic, eager, ectomorph, elated, endomorph, ensanguined, enthusiastic, eupeptic, euphoric, exalted, exhilarated, expectant, expecting, extrovert, fervid, florid, flush, flushed, fond, forearmed, forestalling, forewarned, forward-looking, full of hope, full-blooded, gaping, genial, glad, gladsome, glowing, gory, happy, hectic, high, homicidal, hopeful, hoping, in anticipation, in expectation, in good heart, in good spirits, in high spirits, in hopes, introvert, irrepressible, laughing, looking for, looking forward to, melancholic, mesomorph, murdering, not surprised, of good cheer, of good hope, optimistic, phlegmatic, pleasant, prepared, radiant, ready, red-complexioned, red-faced, red-fleshed, riant, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rubicund, ruddy, ruddy-complexioned, ruddy-faced, sanguinary, sanguineous, schizoid, schizothyme, secure, self-assured, self-confident, smiling, sparkling, sunburned, sunny, sure, syntone, undespairing, undoubtful, unsurprised, upbeat, waiting, waiting for, watching for, winsome, zealous
[edit]- sanitary, antiseptic, aseptic, beneficial, benign, boiled, bracing, clean, constitutional, decontaminated, disinfected, good, good for, health-enhancing, health-preserving, healthful, healthy, hygeian, hygienic, invigorating, pasteurized, prophylactic, refreshing, salubrious, salutary, sterile, sterilized, tonic, uninfected, unpolluted, wholesome
[edit]- sanitation, antisepsis, decontamination, disinfection, disinfestation, epidemiology, flash pasteurization, fumigation, health physics, hygenics, hygiene, hygienics, mental hygiene, pasteurization, preventive dentistry, preventive medicine, prophylactic psychology, prophylactodontia, prophylaxis, public health, sterilization
[edit]- sanity, IQ, apprehension, balance, caliber, capacity, common sense, comprehension, conception, cool head, coolheadedness, coolness, deductive power, due sense of, esemplastic power, good sense, horse sense, ideation, integrative power, intellect, intellectual grasp, intellectual power, intellectualism, intellectuality, intelligence, intelligence quotient, knowledge, level head, levelheadedness, lucidity, marbles, mental age, mental capacity, mental grasp, mental health, mental ratio, mentality, mind, mother wit, native wit, normality, plain sense, power of mind, practical mind, practical wisdom, practicality, rationality, reason, reasonableness, reasoning power, saneness, scope of mind, sense, senses, sensibleness, sober-mindedness, soberness, sobriety, sound mind, soundness, stability, thinking power, understanding, wit
[edit]- sannyasi, Albigensian, Brahman, Catharist, Franciscan, Ramwat, Sabbatarian, Trappist, Waldensian, abstainer, anchorite, ascetic, bairagi, bashara, bhikhari, bhikshu, dervish, fakir, flagellant, guru, hermit, mendicant, pujari, pundit, puritan, purohit, vairagi, yogi, yogin
sans culotte
[edit]- sans culotte, Bolshevik, Bolshevist, Bolshie, Carbonarist, Carbonaro, Castroist, Castroite, Charley, Communist, Cong, Fenian, Guevarist, Jacobin, Leninist, Maoist, Marxist, Mau-Mau, Puritan, Red, Red Republican, Roundhead, Sinn Feiner, Trotskyist, Trotskyite, VC, Vietcong, Wobbly, Yankee, Yankee Doodle, anarch, anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist, bonnet rouge, criminal syndicalist, extreme left-winger, extremist, left-wing extremist, lunatic fringe, mild radical, nihilist, parlor Bolshevik, parlor pink, pink, pinko, radical, rebel, red, revolutionary, revolutionary junta, revolutioner, revolutionist, revolutionizer, sans-culottist, subversive, syndicalist, terrorist, ultra, ultraist, yippie
sans serif
[edit]- sans serif, ascender, back, bastard type, beard, belly, bevel, black letter, body, cap, capital, case, counter, descender, em, en, face, fat-faced type, feet, font, groove, italic, letter, ligature, logotype, lower case, majuscule, minuscule, nick, pi, pica, point, print, roman, script, shank, shoulder, small cap, small capital, stamp, stem, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, upper case