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      Environmental AnthropologyEcovillages
Ecovillages are collective projects that attempt to integrate sustainability principles into daily community life, while also striving to be demonstration projects for mainstream society. As spaces of experimentation, they can provide... more
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      Intentional CommunitiesCollective IdentityEcovillagesTransformations towards sustainability
πρώτες σκέψεις μετά το "Εργαστήριο εξομοίωσης ζωής και σχεδιασμού μίας οίκο-κοινότητας" του free&real

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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEcologyModern Greece
Goethe’nin “Yapabileceğiniz ya da düşleyebileceğiniz ne varsa ona başlayın. Cesarette zeka, güç ve sihir vardır. Hemen başlayın.” cümlesini çalışma masasının başucuna asan Liz Walker, ne zaman bir güçlükle karşılaşsa, dönüp bu sözü okuyor... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EcologyEnvironmental StudiesCommunity Ecology
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      Space and PlacePhenomenology of Space and PlaceEcovillages
Reconnecting to the land grounds us, says Steffen Böhm.
Review of Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community, by Karen T. Litfin (Polity, 2013)"
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity EcologySustainable Development
The aim of this investigation, born within activism, is to present an alternative to the current prison services that requires radical transformations in society. In other words, it aims to replace the space currently occupied by prisons... more
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      Women's StudiesEcofeminismPrisonsReinserción Social
Angesichts globaler Krisendiagnosen setzen einige Aktivist*innen nicht primär auf Reformen innerhalb der bestehenden Verhältnisse – sie träumen von einer komplett anderen Ordnung. Oftmals ziehen sie sich deswegen aus bestehenden... more
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      Social MovementsInternational RelationsResistance (Social)Intentional Communities
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      Multispecies EthnographyEcovillagesRelational Subjectivity
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      EthnographyNarrativeCooperativesIntentional Communities
Wetland ecosystems are among the ecosystems that have long played an important role in the development of their surrounding communities in environmental, economic and social dimensions. Has trouble. Accordingly, the aim of the present... more
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      WetlandsEnvironmental SustainabilityEcovillages
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This article uses foodscapes as a lens to explore the potential of ecovillages’ food practices towards enhancing sustainable food systems. Ecovillages are collective projects where members attempt to integrate sustainability principles... more
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      SociologyApplied EconomicsIntentional CommunitiesRelationality
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      AnthropologyEthnographySustainable DevelopmentEthnography (Research Methodology)
The large-scale ecological damage caused by growth societies calls for economic degrowth in terms of a radical decrease in matter/energy throughput. This article examines the role of modern technology in degrowth with a focus on the... more
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      Environmental SociologyPhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of Technology
Climate change has been an issue for over a quarter of a century, but it has only been in the past years that global warming has been taken more seriously (Giddens, 2009). However, it is still not acted upon sufficiently and the lack of... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPeace and Conflict StudiesClimate Change
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    • Ecovillages
ԼՈՒՍԻՆԵ ԹՈՐՈՍՅԱՆ- ԷԿՈԶԲՈՍԱՇՐՋՈՒԹՅՈՒՆԸ ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆՈՒՄ ԵՎ ԱՐՑԱԽՈՒՄ Սույն հոդվածում ուսումնասիրվում են Հայաստանի Հանրապետության և Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի Հանրապետության էկոզբոսաշրջության զարգացման հնարավորությունները և ոլոորտում առկա խնդիրները։ Վեր... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementArmenian Studies
Ecovillages worldwide address the contemporary quest for sustainability while increasing bioregional literacy and developing processes and tools that aim to reduce their ecological footprints. The Scotland-based Findhorn Ecovillage is one... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionRenewable EnergyLocal foodBest Practices
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ecovillage merupakan program desa berbudaya lingkungan yang diadopsi pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat sebagai rencana aksi daerah terhadap pengendalian perubahan iklim. Landasan pelaksanaan program ecovillage yaitu... more
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    • Ecovillages
Quel est le monde des écologistes ? Cette thèse cherche à dépasser les explications réduisant leur engagement à de simples stratégies sociales en plongeant dans les représentations d’un réseau informel d’écologistes vivant en France et en... more
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      Climate ChangePolitical EcologyEcopsychologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Gegenstand der Studie sind intentionale Gemeinschaften mit besonderer sozialökologischer Prägung. Sie begreift Ökodörfer und andere sozialökologische Gemeinschaften in ihrer Rolle als Lebensstil-Avantgarden und als Pioniere nachhaltiger... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesCommonsCounter CultureIntentional Communities
In this dissertation I invite you to explore a sentient, participatory universe. I am exploring a worldview and its implications: What it means to look at the world from within it, to become aware of our individual and collective... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyDesignSustainable CommunitiesCommunity Resilience
This study briefly examines the theoretical and practical landscape of prominent Eco-Villages, Eco-Districts, and Eco-Cities throughout the world. It presents a concise summary of the principles behind successful application projects... more
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesDesignSocial Sciences
Questo quaderno raccoglie i materiali, gli studi e i progetti realizzati in collaborazione tra il Comune di Anversa degli Abruzzi, la Riserva Regionale delle Gole del Sagittario, il WWF Abruzzo e un piccolo gruppo di ricercatori del... more
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      Urbanistica Paesaggio Governo Territorio Piani ProgettiEcovillagesPianificazione Aree Naturali protettePartecipazione
Socio-political views on housing have been brought to the fore in recent years by global economic crises, a notable rise of international migration and intensified trans-regional movement phenomena. Adopting this viewpoint, From Conflict... more
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      MigrationUrban RegenerationUrban And Regional PlanningGhost Towns
Research report on the Global Ecovillage Network as transformative Social Innovation. TRANSIT EU FP/ research project. Theme ssh.2013.3.2-1 Social Innovation-Empowering People, changing societies Project Full Title: "Transformative Social... more
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      Social InnovationEcovillages
Maintaining well-functioning natural environments under increasing human population and consumption is a critical urban design consideration as we seek to reconcile anthropogenic activities and the functions of natural systems. According... more
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      Development StudiesSocial SciencesInternational DevelopmentRenewable Energy
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      Environmental AnthropologySustainable DevelopmentAgricultureCommunity
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      Real EstateBusiness EthicsTransportation EngineeringBotany
This chapter outlines the complex yet productive three-way relationship between utopianism, anarchism and intentional communities. It begins with a brief historical exegesis of the concept of utopia, and a critical exploration of the... more
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      Social MovementsAnarchismCooperativesUtopianism
This article examines a trend over the past two decades towards more explicit politicization in some areas of the ecovillage movement, particularly where ecovillages engage with related grassroots movements for environmental and social... more
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      Social ChangePolitical EcologyPermacultureTransition
Runaway climate change threatens our world and way of life. Intelligent development and investment in the next ten years could largely mitigate the worst threats of climate change, while simultaneously providing continuous growth for the... more
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      Carbon SequestrationEcovillagesEducation for Sustainable DevelopmentGreen Campus Strategies
The contribution looks at ecovillages – commonly defined as human-scale settlements consciously designed through participatory processes to secure long-term sustainability – as first, communities where the human-nature relationship is... more
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      ArtEthnographySocial RepresentationsSpirituality
В статье рассматриваются результаты исследования группы ЦИРКОН «Экопоселения как форма внутренней эмиграции: мотивация и перспективы распространения», завершенного осенью 2012 г. В ходе исследования изучался пока еще слабо... more
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      SociologyQualitative methodologyEcovillagesсоциология
Revised 12-20-19 By now, most people are aware that climate change presents a dire threat to human civilization. But they don’t understand just how dire. International organizations and mainstream media continue to say that we have about... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeSustainable CommunitiesResilience
Ecovillages are citizen-organised residential communities that strive for a more sustainable way of life based on a culture of cooperation and sharing, as deemed necessary to support a shift to a post carbon world (Dawson, 2006; Lockyer &... more
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      Communities of practiceEducation for SustainabilityEcovillagesCritical Transformative Learning
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      Utopian StudiesPhilosophy Of LawAlternative CommunitiesHistory of Law
In una prospettiva di sostenibilità tesa al raggiungimento dell’equilibrio tra paesaggio naturale, socio-culturale, produttivo ed economico e sistema insediativo, le conoscenze tradizionali possono costituire un vocabolario di riferimento... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesOasisEcovillagesCohousing
This article examines a trend over the past two decades towards more explicit politicization in some areas of the ecovillage movement, particularly where ecovillages engage with related grassroots movements for environmental and social... more
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      Political EcologyEcovillagesEcology of mind
Humanity seems to be obsessed with quick answers and silver bullet solutions (ideally the on-size-fits-all kind). Yet a brief reflection on history shows us - more often than not – that yesterday’s solutions turn into today’s problems.... more
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      DesignSustainable CommunitiesCommunity DevelopmentEcological Design
Este estudo busca compreender o fenômeno contemporâneo plural Ecovilas em uma perspectiva prático-teórica por meio do cruzamento de informações entre o levantamento da produção bibliográfica, da compreensão do conceito e a imersão na vida... more
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      EcovillagesAgriculture and Environment , ecovillageEcovillage DesignEcovillages and Intentional Communities: In search of sustainable alternative solutions
Bugün pek çoğumuz kentte ya da kırda daha ekolojik ve onarıcı bir hayatın hayalini kuruyor, bu hayali gerçekleştirebilmek için birlikte yol alabileceğimiz bir topluluğun izini sürüyoruz. Ancak bu yolda karşımıza çıkan engeller, aklımızı... more
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      Landscape EcologyCommunity OrganizingEcologyCommunity
This paper analyses the experimental nature of alternative spaces and the affective, emotional and embodied experience their enactment generates. In so doing, it grounds the analysis on the intentional community of Damanhur (Italy), as an... more
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      Human GeographyAlternative EducationUtopian StudiesUtopianism
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      Social MovementsIntentional CommunitiesStudent HousingRight to the city
The goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary analysis of European ecovillages considered as rural grassroots experiments with the sustainable management of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. The article presents empirical data on the... more
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      Self-SufficiencyDeGrowthSocio-technical transitionsEcovillages
Az utóbbi fél évszázad növekvő környezettudatossága az ökofalvak és ökofalu kezdeményezések megjelenésében is megnyilvánul. E cikkben a Magyar Ökofalu hálózat tagjainak bemutatására, közülük négy kezdeményezés alaposabb elemzésére... more
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      Community DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentEcovillages