Recent papers in INTERNSHIPS
This article examines internship courses in undergraduate hospitality management programs in the Southern Association of Colleges and School Commissions on Colleges (SACSCOC) region. The purpose of this article is to examine how... more
Previous research on the education-to-employment transition for students with disabilities has suggested that participation in school-to-work programs is positively associated with post-high school success. This article utilizes data from... more
Although the field of education has made progress in the past ten years, vocational education seems to have lost its importance. This has led to the widening gap between the supply and demand for skilled manpower across various... more
Format proposal yang di desain sedemikian rupa agar menarik dan mengesankan. (Internship at PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, Proposal Prakerin/PKL/Magang Politeknik Negeri Malang)
Universities Australia has urged the Australian Government to implement a resourced, coordinated approach towards providing work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities for international students to ensure that Australia remains a... more
The purpose of this research was to critically analyse the differences between the motivations and perceptions of formal and informal internships of accounting and finance students. The findings have implications for UWTSD and other... more
Wahi Kupuna Internship Program 2009 final course paper for ANTH 491. An archaeological inventory survey was conducted for 140 acres on a portion of the TMK (3) 7-8-001:003, in Keauhou 2 Ahupua‗a, Kona Moku, Island of Hawai‗i. The focus... more
To investigate of students' perceptions of their physics classroom learning environments with the instructional internships in teaching physics of the master science trainee educational students for improving and creating scientific... more
Against the backdrop of a current global recession, the American workforce attempts to orchestrate success by feathering resumes with tangible skills employers desire. The debate over unpaid internship and legal rights of the intern now... more
Internships have been used by many academic programs to augment the students educational experience. We discuss two internship programs that have been continuously refined in recent years to provide the students with a structured learning... more
Community radio has assumed a monumental growth in the last two decades in several nations of the world. This development is largely due to its potential to democratize and provide a horizontal form of communication, thus, contributing... more
The employment situation for young people today has been described by the European network of young trade unionists, Youth Job Patrol, as “a massacre, whose chain of responsibility has often been obscured, not uncommonly blaming the... more
Community radio has assumed a monumental growth in the last two decades in several nations of the world. This development is largely due to its potential to democratize and provide a horizontal form of communication, thus, contributing... more
Abstract: For young workers, interning is a strategy for speculating on one’s asset portfolio. Students and graduates undertake internships as a way of maintaining their self-appreciation and avoiding depreciation in a “human capital... more
Dentro del universo de las prácticas universitarias, en sus muchas formas, algunas o identificadas por Hayes (2016) el stage francés, el co-op de origen americano, el externship, el white collar apprenticeship, el liberal arts boot camp o... more
This article examines unwaged posts at UK universities, using recent examples of advertised job posts. While unpaid work is common in the UK higher education system, unwaged posts are not. The posts under scrutiny in this article differ... more
Noticia: Decreto 1374/2011 Argentina. Reglamenta las pasantías para educación secundaria y establecen las pautas mínimas que deben tener en cada jurisdicción.
The KRIA internship is an opportunity for students interested in the fields of library science, Scandinavian studies, constitutional law, journalism, or civic movements. The internship will be conducted remotely. Tasks will be performed... more
This article examines unwaged posts at UK universities, using recent examples of advertised job posts. While unpaid work is common in the UK higher education system, unwaged posts are not. The posts under scrutiny in this article differ... more
RESUMO O presente trabalho visou analisar o papel dos estágios na transição para o trabalho, entendendo-se a inserção profissional como um processo temporalmente alargado constituído por três fases interdependentes: a formação académica,... more
The KRIA internship is an opportunity for students interested in the fields of library science, Scandinavian studies, constitutional law, journalism, or civic movements. The internship will be conducted remotely. Tasks will be performed... more
KUTATÁSI CÉLKITŰZÉS: Szállodaipari szakmai gyakorlatok sikertelensége mögött meghúzódó munkahelyi, kulturális és egyéni nehézségek feltárása. MÓDSZER: Kvalitatív (félig strukturált interjúk) és kvantitatív (validált kérdőívek) -... more
SESAT provide apprenticeships in electrical, plumbing, carpenter, construction and many more trades. Main purpose is to remove the poverty and unemployment from the country. SESAT have to campus for apprenticeships with highly qualified... more
En la actualidad la educación en modalidad 100% virtual, entendida como " el desarrollo de programas de formación que tienen como escenario de enseñanza y aprendizaje el ciberespacio " (Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2009), se ha... more
Acest document se vrea a fi un mini-ghid menit să-i ajute pe cei care au neclarități în ceea ce privește realizarea unui raport de activitate sau cu privire la structurarea unei prezentări. Ideile au fost dezvoltate ca urmare a... more
Cet article se propose d’étudier les représentations que se font de la dépression les internes en psychiatrie. À travers une enquête de méthodologie anthropologique, nous tenterons d’approcher ces représentations et de les... more
While media work has long been characterized as being structurally dependent on internships, “work experience,” and other forms of free labour (Banks 2007; Hesmondhalgh and Baker 2010), the recent shift towards internships has served to... more