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      Digital MediaAuthenticityAutobiographyVirtual Ethnography
While a lot of attention has been paid to online branding and the construction and communication of a company’s identity via its website, there is only very little research that looks at the processes involved in these activities from a... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisCognitive ScienceCorpus Linguistics
This paper studies Mexican Americans and Native Americans, whose situation as the other was the result of their exposure to the colonial and racial laws of the 19th century United States. Although these two marginalized groups were the... more
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      Educational reformMexican-American WarIdentity ConstructionZitkala-Sa
A text about the virtual personas of Gazira Babeli, Helen Carmel Benigson, and Miri Sehgal. We live today in a constructed world, in which human relationships have been increasingly mediatized and in which most of our knowledge of... more
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      Contemporary ArtVirtual WorldsIdentity ConstructionAvatars
Les langues sont de puissants symboles d’identité et contribuent à tracer des frontières entre les individus et les groupes, mais l’inverse est également vrai : les individus ou les groupes circonscrivent et classent les langues dans le... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsIdentity Construction
This study employs narrative in order to examine circumstances wherein identity constructs and self-image are reconstituted in the face of oppressive circumstances. The authors of this article, both art educa-tors/academics, explore the... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesEducationMedia and Cultural StudiesSelf and Identity
This paper compares the identity-formation processes of Latino students in three different college contexts (a liberal arts college, a research university, and a regional public university). Drawing on ethnographic observations, in-depth... more
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      Latino studentsIdentity ConstructionCampus Racial Climates
This research study is about the way pre-service English language teachers’ levels of reflectivity, proposed by Van Manen, give an account of the construction of their identity as language teachers during their pedagogical practicum in a... more
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      Language EducationTeacher EducationIdentity ConstructionPre-service teachers
This study focuses on nationality and ethnicity in the context of diaspora and media studies. By exploring the ways members of the Persian community in Israel (migrants from Iran to Israel) negotiate their ethnic Persian identification, I... more
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      Iranian StudiesFacebookMigration StudiesDiaspora Studies
Studies of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) suggest that some speakers of ELF are willing to mark their (national) identity in their ELF pronunciation, while others want to strive for native models (e.g. Jenkins 2009). A recent study... more
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      SociophoneticsLanguage AttitudesIdentity ConstructionEnglish Pronunciation
We build learning through different experiences and social contexts in which we participate. This learning can be used beyond the initial context where it took place. Recent research has focused on this topic on one hand to deepen our... more
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      Identity ConstructionAprendizaje SignificativoLearner Identity
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      Linguistic PolitenessSpanish LanguageYouth LanguageIdentity Construction
Before the new millennium the focus and the purpose of the Internet were to provide information. In the last two decades the focus was shifted from information providing to communication and cooperation. Teenagers are among the most... more
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      Self and IdentitySocial IdentitySocial MediaIdentity construction and cultural production
When an adolescent experiences feelings of isolation, he/she will seek out ways to alleviate these feelings. Interacting with digital media allows those who are isolated, whether it’s geographically or emotionally, to experience forming... more
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      Social IdentityDigital MediaSocial MediaIdentity Construction
This study describes and analyzes experiences narrated by six talented students of the Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú - COAR Lima, on how they have been building their identity in relation to academic talent and... more
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      Self and IdentityGifted EducationGiftednessIntercultural Competence
How can designers depict a national identity when the national identity itself is in question? It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the Arab world seems to be dealing with an ‘optional’ identity; one that churns and morphs to the whim of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSelf and IdentityDesignPostcolonial Studies
W temacie wiodącym numeru i w pedeefie: - Marta Olszak: Tradycja wynaleziona w polityce Turkmenistanu w okresie prezydentury Turkmenbaszy - Marta Włodarkiewicz: Retradycjonalizacja w procesach odrodzenia narodowego na Syberii – analiza... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCultural IdentityNational Identity
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      Social IdentityNational IdentityMiddle Eastern ChristianityIdentity Construction
this small work is an analysis of the original letter of Prophet Muhammad to the Ethiopian King and what it means in terms of African identity construct, historical consciousness, self determination, the world wide spread of Islam and... more
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      Historical ConsciousnessAfricana StudiesAfrican Past (archaeology & anthropology)Identity Construction
Identity is one of the important objects of study in international relations because understanding it can increase the predictability of action which will be performed by actors in certain situation. This final assignment explores how the... more
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      International RelationsIdentityLiterature ReviewIdentity Construction
Parents have a significant role on adolescent"s way looking for their identity and independence. The successful parents nourish their children with such secure feelings that encourage them to be autonomous going towards their... more
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      Identity ConstructionParenting StylesAdolescentes
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureRace and RacismIdentity (Culture)
The Internet represents an abundant source material for linguistic research, which continues to pose new challenges and opportunities on how language is used by its speakers. Its personal naming system, for example, has remained largely... more
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      Internet StudiesSociolinguisticsConversation AnalysisEthnomethodology
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      Social NetworkingSocial MediaOnline social networksOnline Identity and Presence
If the 1952 National Revolution sought the wide incorporation of indigenous majority through their cultural assimilation and the process of building inclusive mestizo nation, the new project is based on the concept of the Plurinational... more
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      Indigenous StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsBolivian studiesIndigenous Politics
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      PersonalitySymbolismEgyptAnalytic Hierarchy Process
This study analyses the three essential elements of the interracial relationship between Amir and Emily in Ayad Akhtar's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Disgraced. They are: Emily's painting of Amir, her husband, in the style of Portrait of... more
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      DramaOrientalismIdentity ConstructionManner of Articulation
This Youth Knowledge book presents theoretical references and reflections on the experiences of young refugees and the way they reconcile personal hope with the tensions within their host societies. It also explores learning from... more
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      Youth StudiesHuman RightsDiscriminationYouth Work
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      Intercultural CommunicationSociolinguisticsMigrationIdentity Construction
Osmanlı Devletinin yıkılışını engellemek üzere ileri sürülen görüşlerin geçerliliklerini yitirdikleri bir dönemde yeni bir kimlik edinimi sağlamanın yanında yeni bir siyaset kurgusu oluşturma gayesi de taşıyarak ortaya çıkan Anadoluculuk,... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical PhilosophySocial Sciences
This paper aims to interrogate Freirean critical pedagogy via the work of Jacques Lacan in order to shed new light on psychoanalytic issues that arise when engaging in critical pedagogical work. First, through a close reading of Freire's... more
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      Critical PedagogyIntersubjectivityPsychoanalytic TheoryIdentity Construction
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      PhilosophySelf and IdentityIdentity (Culture)Culture
William Wordsworth suffered a lot from identity crises during his adolescent years. The deep grief he experienced after the early loss of parents, the pressure and restriction that he was exposed to by his relatives and "the... more
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      RomanticismWilliam WordsworthNatureRomantic Literature
Language is an important device in the construction of an individual's identity. However, Language not only identifies any particular individual but also sets its position inside the society. As a form of social behavior, language like... more
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      Discourse AnalysisWomen's StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsGender History
Tesi di dottorato sul Koinon dei Nesioti. Viene analizzata la storia politica, la struttura istituzionale, il network economico e possibili indizi di una identità nesiotica.
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      Hellenistic HistoryFederalismGreek EpigraphyNumismatics
This article examines the issue of the ‘other’ in the Saudi novel from the 1980s to 2000 against the background of the social changes taking place in Saudi Arabia. It is based on the reading of some thirty Saudi novels and offers a... more
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      Social ChangeArabic Prose LiteratureGenderSaudi Arabia
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      Cultural IdentityLanguage and IdentityIdentity ConstructionColumbia
This paper investigates the interconnections between face-threat and identity construction in the on/offline nexus by focusing on a stigmatized social identity (Goffman, 1963), a local ethnographically specific, cultural position... more
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      Race and RacismStigmatizationMultimodalityIdentity Construction
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnohistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
This paper focuses on identity formation of Turkish immigrants living in Germany.Before diving into the topic , I will try to draw theoretical and philosphical framework of concept of identity in social sciences.Then,I will explain the... more
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      AdaptationNational IdentityJacques DerridaJudith Butler
The aim of the paper is to discuss Italian proverbs referring to the inhabitants of places in Italy, e.g. regions, cities, towns etc. with a view to analyzing them in terms of their linguistic characteristics and cultural peculiarities.... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesSociolinguistics
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisGraffitiCollective IdentityIdentity Construction
This study aims to explore the variety of identities and identity options made available to the intermediate level learners of English throughout the discursive fields and representational repertoires of the U.K. published ELT coursebooks... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisEFL coursebooksELT
Si può partecipare online cliccando sul link "Aula virtuale del Corso di Archeologia dei Popoli italici"
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      Identity (Culture)Cultural IdentityArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyIdentity construction and cultural production
"This book is the first monograph to provide an in-depth and multifaceted study of the processes of ethnicization and identity construction in Malaysia, from the colonial period until the present. In his analysis, the author takes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRace and EthnicityIdentity politicsMalaysia
During the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1640-1660), religious and political dissent flourished in a variety of ways, and many such disputes developed through print. Within this context, identity and collectivity played important roles in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRepresentationIdentity ConstructionDiggers
In Belarus, the state between “East and West,” issues of national identity remain a topic of great importance. In this article, I identify the discourse on Belarusian music taking place among young Belarusian adults. This discourse is... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicQualitative methodologyBelarusian Studies
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      MultilingualismLanguage and IdentityIdentity Construction
In this paper, I look at three YouTube comedians of Indian heritage. What is interesting about these comedians is their use of code-switching (CS), deploying aspects of Punjabi English and Vernacular American English. These bilingual... more
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      SociolinguisticsCode-SwitchingPresentation of Self in Digital LifeYoutube
Poststrukturalistische Theorien haben einige entscheidende Schritte in der Theoretisierung der Konzepte Identität und Differenz unternommen und damit auch produktiv in die seit langem geführte Debatte um das Verhältnis von Struktur und... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical TheoryConstructivismPoststructuralism