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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCommunicationCreativity
La educación emocional es una innovación educativa que responde a necesidades sociales no atendidas en las materias académicas ordinarias, La complejidad del ser humano no se resuelve potenciando tan sólo sus capacidades académicas e... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCreativity studiesCreativity
La reducción de oportunidades de empleo que se derivan del actual contexto económico constituye una amenaza para el bienestar de nuestra sociedad y nuestros jóvenes. Sin embargo, parece que dicha situación puede ofrecer a las personas la... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipVocational Guidance and CounselingKey CompetenciesOrientacion Profesional
Introduction During last few years Polish higher institutions underwent some changes due to the process of introducing European (EQF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF). This process has brought many formal questions in Poland... more
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      Key CompetenciesTertiary Education
The Teachers' Competence Scale is created with the aim of continuous improvement of the study program at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka. Its basic form can be adapted to different purposes (evaluation, identifying needs for... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingTeacher Research
Se describe un enfoque competencial de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en Educación Primaria a partir de actividades contextualizadas. Para ello, en la primera parte se fundamenta teóricamente el conocimiento pedagógico para la enseñanza... more
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      Mathematics EducationDidáctica de las matemáticas en Educación BásicaPrimary EducationKey Competencies
Education for sustainable development aims at developing key competencies that enable individuals to help the world society progress on a more sustainable path. There is, as yet, no agreement in the international debate on what are the... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityLatin AmericaEuropeKey Competencies
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest identyfikacja kluczowych kompetencji organizacji i wyzwań, którym musi sprostać w XXI wieku, by mieć szanse odnieść trwały sukces, rozumiany jako zdolność do rozwoju w dłuższym okresie. Realizacja celu... more
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      LeadershipHRMKey CompetenciesCompetences
Educaţia patrimonială devine tot mai proeminentă în contextul educaţional şi de patrimoniu. Factorii de decizie politică din cadrul organismelor UE (Consiliul Europei şi Comisia Europeană) şi din organizaţii la nivel mondial, cum ar fi... more
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      Cultural HeritageKey CompetenciesKey CompetencesPatrimoniu cultural
A job search action conducted along with many teachers to develop appropriate skills in the teachers themselves to plan and manage learning units designed to develop key skills. In una società complessa come quella attuale, la scuola, in... more
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      Teacher EducationKey SkillsKey CompetenciesKey Competences
L’educazione al patrimonio culturale assume sempre più rilievo nei contesti educativi e culturali. Le linee politiche degli organi dell’Unione Europea (Consiglio Europeo e Commissione Europea) e delle organizzazioni mondiali quali... more
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      Cultural HeritageLifelong LearningHeritage EducationEducazione
This paper presents the problem of workers lay off and loss along with their exit from the organization its key competencies - skills and knowledge. Importance of management of key competencies was described. The paper also presents... more
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      Human ResourcesIntellectual CapitalCorporate RestructuringKey Competencies
Universities play an important role in shaping the future of the world society in terms of sustainable development by generating new knowledge as well as contributing to the development of appropriate competencies and raising... more
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      Latin AmericaEuropeKey CompetenciesHigher Education for Sustainable Development
Die Vermittlung von kulturellem Erbe gewinnt im Bildungs- und Kulturbereich immer mehr an Bedeutung. Politische Entscheidungsträger in der EU, im Europarat und der Europäischen Kommission und in weltweiten Organisationen wie UNESCO,... more
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      Lifelong LearningProgramm Lebenslanges LernenKey CompetenciesKey Competences
Il contributo affronta il tema della formazione degli insegnanti del sistema scolastico per supportare lo sviluppo di progetti di innovazione didattica finalizzati al promuovere la competenza chiave dell’imparare a imparare. L’attenzione... more
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      Teacher professional developmentLearning to learnKey CompetenciesImparare a Imparare
Heritage education becomes more and more prominent in educational and heritage contexts. Policy makers in EU bodies (The Council of Europe and the European Commission) and in worldwide organizations such as UNESCO promote both the... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageLifelong LearningDidactics
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      EducationProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS ResultKey Competencies
Istraživanjem se htjelo upoznati studente i studentice hrvatskih sveučilišta s konceptom poticanja i vrednovanja izvannastavnih aktivnosti zbog njihovog značaja za sveukupni razvoj ličnosti, te se nastojalo doznati na koji način... more
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      Assessment in Higher EducationExtracurricular ActivitiesKey Competencies
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      Learning to learnKey Competencies
Introducción: La progresiva transformación de los medios a causa de la digitalización, las nuevas características del entorno comunicativo y las correspondientes prácticas de los usuarios ponen de manifiesto nuevas necesidades y demandas... more
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      Media StudiesMedia EducationCultural CompetenceMedia Literacy
Jelen tanulmány az aradi Vasile Goldiş Nyugati Egyetem és a Debreceni Egyetem Közgazdaság- és Gazdaságtudományi Karának közös, „Az emberi tőke minőségének hatása a gazdasági és szociális kohézióra a határmenti övezetben” elnevezésű... more
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      Labor EconomicsCompetenceKey CompetenciesManagerial Competencies/leadership and Management
Purpose-In this study, the authors build on the current frameworks of happiness provided by the PERMA model, the World Happiness Report Index and the theoretical framework provided by the proponents of job-satisfaction model, motivation,... more
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      Human Resource ManagementInnovative Work BehaviorKey CompetenciesWork Engagement/employee Engagement
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      Reading ComprehensionProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS ResultKey Competencies
The aim of the study is to demonstrate the cross-curricular character of media competence developed in the process of media education that is integrated into the content of school education in accordance with the prevailing current... more
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      Educational ResearchMedia EducationICT in EducationMedia Literacy
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the relationship between introspection and key competencies for sustainable consumption (KCSCs). It investigates whether mindfulness training can cultivate the ability to introspect and stimulate the... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable ConsumptionKey CompetenciesHigher Education for Sustainable Development
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      Future StudiesHuman Resource DevelopmentDelphi MethodologyStrategic Foresight
Contemporary education faces the challenge of teaching and learning key competences for students to strive as the next generation workers in the contemporary world characterised by rapid and profound transformation. In particular, the... more
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      Teaching and LearningDesignCreativityLifelong Learning
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      EmotionEmotional intelligenceMultiple IntelligencesKey Competencies
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      EducationMathematics EducationPISA and TIMSS ResultKey Competencies
This paper presents a review of the literature on the core competenciesfor Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the role of higher education institutions in developing these competencies in their students. The critical role of... more
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      Higher EducationSustainable DevelopmentESDKey Competencies
У статті досліджено підходи українських та європейських науковців до визначення поняття «ключові компетентності» в рамках компетентнісного підходу. Автором підкреслено, що реалізація компетентнісного підходу є одним із найголовніших... more
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      CompetencyComparative AnalysisKey CompetenciesCompetency Approach
STEM education is a combination of theoretical science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Moreover, these disciplines are not studied separately, but in combination. Students get acquainted with new directions in the development of... more
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      Lifelong LearningSTEM EducationKey CompetenciesCivil Servant
Media education is in an international scientific community considered to be one of the most effective means to acquire key competencies necessary for an interactive and inclusive use of media and critical perception of constantly growing... more
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      EducationMedia StudiesNew MediaInternet Studies
This article tackles the problems and dangers of the marginalization of the elderly in the rapidly developing technology society. The author points to four types of competences necessary in understanding the social, cultural and... more
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      Social ChangeLifelong LearningSocial ExclusionSocial Gerontology
Moving beyond general personal traits as predictors for success, a growing volume of research acknowledges that entrepreneurial core processes are enabled by specific competencies which can be learned, further refined and developed. The... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipSmall BusinessCore Competence
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      Adult EducationKey Competencies
Purpose – The paper aims to explore the key competitiveness indicators (KCIs) that provide the guidelines for helping new real estate developers (REDs) achieve competitiveness during their inception stage in which the organisations start... more
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    • Key Competencies
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      EducationMathematics EducationProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS Result
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      Educational ResearchMedia EducationICT in EducationMedia Literacy
Purpose-In this study, the authors build on the current frameworks of happiness provided by the PERMA model, the World Happiness Report Index and the theoretical framework provided by the proponents of job-satisfaction model, motivation,... more
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      Human Resource ManagementInnovative Work BehaviorKey CompetenciesWork Engagement/employee Engagement
L’impiego del termine competenza nella ricerca educativa può essere fatto risalire agli anni ’70 del XX sec. Inizialmente diffuso nella formazione professionale interna ed esterna alle aziende, oggetto di ricerca in ambiti disciplinari... more
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      Education PolicyKey CompetenciesPolitica educativaOCSE
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      Narrative TherapyRestorative JusticeClassroom ManagementFoucault power/knowledge - discourse
Hundreds of sustainability programs have emerged at universities and colleges around the world over the past 2 decades. A prime question for employers, students, educators, and program administrators is what competencies these programs... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationMultidisciplinarySustainability Science
This paper presents a review of the literature on the core competencies for Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) and the role of higher education institutions in developing these competencies in their students. The critical role of... more
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      EducationHigher EducationSustainable DevelopmentESD
Abstract. This article presents the results of two case studies undertaken within the project MoKoM funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In this context, expert interviews were conducted in order to identify relevant... more
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      Active LearningCase StudyKey Competencies
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      Computer ScienceComputer Science EducationWork EnvironmentVideo Annotation
The key strength comes of any organization is its human capital. It is the expertise of its employees which ensures that customers are acquired and retained, and the processes work efficiently to satisfy the customer's needs. That human... more
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      Evaluation ResearchRevenue ManagementHuman CapitalKey Competencies
In article change of understanding of a profession in post-industrial society reveals: in the conditions of dynamic technological and social changes branch differentiation is succeeded by convergence of intra- and inter-sectoral knowledge... more
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      Professional TrainingSoft SkillsProfessionnal competenciesKey Competencies