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The third edition of Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy provides a comprehensive overview of a variety of major counseling theories and focuses on the integration of different theoretical models. With new information on... more
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      PsychologyBimbingan Dan KonselingPsychoterapy
In una breve disamina, l'autore illustra alcuni elementi chiave del ruolo della voce nella sintonizzazione col paziente nel corso di un setting di psicoterapia relazionale
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      Narrative TheoryVoicePsychoterapy
The purpose of this book is to show you a way to do something about your depression. It is designed to provide you with a new perspective on the origins of depression and what it really means—and then to show you a specific strategy that... more
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    • Psychoterapy
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      Carl RogersPsychoterapy
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar em linhas gerais de que maneira a psicose é diagnosticada e tratada pela psicoterapia institucional. Partiremos da tese de doutorado de Tosquelles, na qual a psicose é pensada como fenômeno... more
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Before COVID-19, most therapists had concerns about telepsychology, and only treated patients in person. During the COVID-19 lockdown, patients still needed therapy, but in-person therapy sessions became unsafe. The current study measured... more
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      Virtual RealityPsychoterapyTelepsychologyCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
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      Eating DisordersBody ImagePerfectionismSelf-Esteem
The purpose of this text is to expose the function and the problematic field of the concept of transversality in the Guattari of Psychoanalysis and transversality and the Anti-Oedipus Papers. The concept will be examined in its relation... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Science
Представлен анализ авторского метода групповой психотерапии — ландшафтной аналитики (ЛА). Описываются методологические основания, методические приемы работы и генез психотерапевтического эффекта. Метод рассматривается через категории... more
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      Transactional AnalysisJungian psychologyCultural Historical Activity TheoryPsychoterapy
El presente manual nace de la necesidad de impartir conocimiento pragmático fundamentado para mejorar el tratamiento de la población considerada borderline, el consenso general actual en la terapéutica y seguimiento de esta entidad es su... more
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      Dialectical Behavioral TherapyPsychoterapyTherapeutic alliance in Borderline patients
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      PsychologyFamilyGestalt TherapyPsychoterapy
The ubiquitous nature of the internet and of online social networking has created new opportunities but also challenges for the psychotherapist. Former notions of anonymity and privacy are now infeasible as a result of massive... more
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      TechnologyPrivacySocial MediaPsychoterapy
" Güneş bize mekân içinde, Napolyon ise zaman içinde uzaktır " diyerek dünyasının sınırlarını oldukça net çizse de Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar gibi " ne içindeyim zamanın, ne de büsbütün dışında; yekpare, geniş bir anın,parçalanmaz akışında "... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyGestalt TherapyPsychoterapyPsikoterapi
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En este artículo recurrimos a la cura mental del norteamericano Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) como ejemplo de práctica psicológica informal que, siendo previa a la psicoterapia formal moderna, contribuyó a establecer las... more
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      Positive PsychologyMental HealthCritical PsychologyTechnologies of the Self
Institutions are environments. Institutions operate both socially and environmentally, in regimes that are both signifying and a-signifying. Exploring institutions' potential for emancipation and empowerment requires understanding them... more
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      SemioticsSpatial PracticesRadical psychiatryFelix Guattari
The Author introduces a systematic reading of the phobic, obsessive and compulsive disorders in the perspective of Gestalt Therapy. The suggested hermeneutic reveals an original and enlightening re-reading of the FOC symptoms, founded on... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersPsychotherapyGestalt Therapy
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    • Psychoterapy
Una comprensión, aguda y libre de prejuicios morales e ideológicos, del complejo fenómeno de la perversión en todas sus facetas. Una obra crucial para comprender la violencia que se desata en nuestra vida social, en la intimidad de... more
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      Clinical PsychologyForensic PsychologySexual PerversionPsychoterapy
Każdy nurt psychoterapeutyczny zawiera w sobie określoną filozoficzną koncepcję człowieka. Prezentowana praca podejmuje analizy dotyczące zbieżności współczesnych nurtów psychoterapii humanistycznej, egzystencjalnej i Gestalt z... more
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      Social WorkHumanistic-ExistentialGestalt TherapyHumanistic psychology
La temática de la psicología de la mujer constituye un foco de gran controversia actual tanto en la psicológica en general, como en el campo de la psicología analítica, en particular. Por su parte, C.G Jung fue pionero en describir como... more
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      Women's StudiesWomenPsychoterapyPsicologia Junguiana
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) became a pandemic and is causing unprecedented biopsychosocial, spiritual and economic issues across the world while mostly affecting unprivileged populations. Turkey has gradually implemented new... more
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      Positive PsychologyCounseling PsychologyPovertyMental Health
The book deals with contemporary ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy from the aspects of logotherapy and existential analysis. Despite considerable achievements professionals sporadically encounter issues that are ethically unclear.... more
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      PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingExistential PsychotherapyCounselling & Psychotherapy
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyDigital MediaOrganizational Culture
Every disorder is embedded within multiple sociocultural aspects, and in mental disorders these aspects acquire paramount significance. Nonetheless and despite the cultural diversity of ancient and modern societies, the consistency of... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient WarfareCombat PTSDMania
O presente estudo propõe-se a discutir e a analisar a situação de trabalho de psicoterapeutas atuantes em clínicas de planos de saúde, discutindo a produção de subjetividade a partir dessa conjuntura e observando os inúmeros... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMental HealthPsicología clínicaSaúde Mental
This second part of the study continues the inventory of the psychic defense mechanisms, adding another 78 psychic defense mechanisms to those 110 presented in the first part of the study (Crașovan, 2019). By this addition, the inventory... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoterapy
Makalah ini memuat tentang pengobatan yang menggunakan metode sufi, seperti Positive Imaging, Dzikir Visualisasi, dan Meditasi Sufi. Metode seperti ini tidak di jumpai pada ilmu pengobatan medis atau ilmu kedokteran. Dalam penulisan... more
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      Positive PsychologyPsychoterapyZikrZikir Nafas
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      PsychologyGestalt TherapyGestalt PsychologyPsicología
Este es el segundo de una serie de libros que tienen como objetivo servir como referencia para los médicos de todas las ramas y que ante la pandemia de COVID y sus desconocida evolución y secuelas hasta el presente, se encuentran en su... more
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      PsychosomaticsPsychoterapyConsult and Liason Psychiatry
Nella attuale società la fretta è diventata una costante, ciò impedisce il contatto con quelli aspetti creativi del nostro inconscio che permettono l'accesso al processo di individuazione. prendendo spunto dall'I Ching e dall'Antico... more
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      Jungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)Psychoterapy
Le esperienze traumatiche interessano gran parte della comunità scientifica, che cerca di definirle nelle sue molteplici forme. Oggi c’è una particolare attenzione su di esse, sia in ambito clinico (come vanno trattate) sia nell’ambito... more
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      PsychologyGestalt TherapyPsicologíaPsicology
The article presents the question of the relationship between family dynamics and the emergence, development and treatment in adolescents with eating disorders, through the eyes of psychodynamic and positive approach in psychotherapy. The... more
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En este texto, los profesionales de la salud encontrarán una guía y materiales didácticos para la aplicación de una intervención para apoyar a sus pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) a lograr el cumplimiento de su estricto... more
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      Applied PsychologyPsychosomaticsPsychoterapy
RESUMO Heidegger se debruçou sobre a problemática da técnica e de nossa relação com ela. Defende que, ao compreendermos sua essência, há uma chance de nos liberarmos das suas demandas e, assim, a possibilidade de construirmos uma relação... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPsychoterapy
Abstract Vengono descritti i cambiamenti della domanda e le trasformazioni avvenute nel Centro di Salute Mentale, dalla sua istituzione in Italia. Sono presi in esame i problemi clinici e organizzativi... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyMental Health
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyLogicDevelopment Studies
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      Systemic TherapySocial Constructionism/ ConstructivismGroup PsychotherapyRobert Pirsig
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      Alfred AdlerAdlerian TheoryPsychoterapyIndividual Psychology (IP)
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      PsychologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyWell-Being
La figura del psicoterapeuta en los medios ha tenido un incremento notorio durante los últimos años. Series como In Treatment y su versión local En Terapia; Historias de diván, y más recientemente PS! han puesto el acento no sólo en las... more
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      PsychologyEthicsCinemaConflicts of interest
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Il decennio che va dal 1970 al 1980 vede la Psicoanalisi continuare ad interrogarsi sul problema del Transfert e la sua declinazione nelle differenti scuole psicoanalitiche: la psicoanalisi ortodossa, l'Ego-psychology, la psicoanalisi... more
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      Clinical PsychologySigmund FreudMelanie KleinPsicología
If we think about the increasingly rapid development of science and technology in the present century, many studies have assessed that this is inversely proportional to the increase in moral, spiritual, and social ethical values which are... more
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      PsychologyValues EducationIslamic EducationSufism
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychoterapy
Abstract This paper reports the results of an open cross-sectional study in which socio-demographic, clinical, psychopathological and neuropsychological features of outpatients—who consecutively enter for treatments in a private service... more
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      Personality DisordersTheories Of PersonalityFrontal Lobe FunctioningExecutive Function
One of examples of collective religious narcissism phenomenon which could be found in this age is ISIS, an organization that arrogant, feel the most right, superior and devaluing others. This article presented a theoretical framework of... more
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      Southeast AsiaIslamic StudiesSufismIslam
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoterapy
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) became a pandemic and is causing unprecedented biopsychosocial, spiritual and economic issues across the world while mostly affecting unprivileged populations. Turkey has gradually implemented new... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyCounseling PsychologyPoverty
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoterapy