2. The selection of the DC operating point of the output is to ensure that the variation in
the AC superimposed on the DC level (Ic) does not drive the output to either
Saturation (Ic=Vcc/Rc) or Cutoff by careful selection of the operating point and the
dc supply to suit the input variation and the required output variation.
Proper Biasing
Proper Vs Improper Biasing
• It indicates Improper
Biasing because the
output Signal is not a
replication of input Signal
• Input Signal is a
Symmetrical Sine Signal
whereas the output signal
is not at all symmetrical.
Improper Biasing
Biasing of BJT
• In order to create a Linear Amplifier
1. BJT must be kept in the forward active mode
2. Establish Q-point at the Centre of the (Output) DC Load Line
3. Couple the time-varying input signal to the base
The transistor used in the design has nominal values of β= 100 and VBE(on) = 0.7 V, but
the current gain for this type of transistor is assumed to be in the range 50≤ β ≤150
because of fairly wide fabrication tolerances.
Effects of the variation in transistor current gain β on Q-Point:
• Go through the Design Example 5.16 on Page No: 359 of the Reference