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When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha
Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation
Mark Graban
VP of Improvement & Innovation Services
Paul Pejsa
Network Director
John Toussaint, MD
Webinar Logistics
• Presentation	(45	minutes)
• Q&A	(10	minutes)
– Use	the	GoToWebinar	
Meeting	Panel	to	
submit	a	question	at
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• Recording	link	&	slides	will	be	sent	via	email
– Also	– see	the	“Handouts”	feature	and	Chat	box
Catalysis Healthcare Value Network
When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha Moments
that Lead to Lean Transformation
John Toussaint
Paul Pejsa
November 29, 2017
When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation

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Motivational Interviewing: The Key to Effective Conversations About Change
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Motivational Interviewing: The Key to Effective Conversations About Change

Presented by Paola Torres, Sr. Performance Improvement Manager at Healthfirst in NYC Learning objectives: Become familiar with the spirit, theory, and practice of Motivational Interviewing (MI) Identify your customer’s readiness for change based on key communication indicators Learn basic MI communication techniques to help your clients resolve their ambivalence and develop intrinsic motivation to change Paola Torres Paola Torres is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and continuous improvement professional with 17 years of experience in the Healthcare industry. She is currently a Sr. Performance Improvement Manager at Healthfirst in NYC. Prior to joining Healthfirst, she was the Director of Supply Chain Transformation and Integration at NYU Langone Health. As a Lean Six Sigma practitioner and coach, she has led over 40 cross-functional Kaizen/Rapid Improvement Events (RIE) integrating change management concepts and adult learning theory into applied process improvement science. A native of Colombia, she received her BS in Microbiology from Javeriana University in Bogota and MPA in Health Care Management from New York University.

kainexuscontinuous improvementmotivational interviewing
A Deep Dive into A3 Thinking
A Deep Dive into A3 ThinkingA Deep Dive into A3 Thinking
A Deep Dive into A3 Thinking

Presented by Jess Orr We will cover topics including: A3 Thinking: A Quick Refresher When to Use an A3 vs. Other Tools How to Engage Others in the Process Change Management 101 The Hardest Part: Sustaining the Gains Hosted by KaiNexus About the Presenter: Jess Orr Jess is a continuous improvement thinker and practitioner with 10+ years experience in a variety of industries, including automotive at Toyota. She holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Virginia Tech and two Six Sigma Black Belt certifications. In her current role, Jess applies her passion for people and processes to empower her fellow employees to make impactful and sustainable improvements. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. Her website and blog can be found at www.yokotenlearning.com.

lean manufacturinglean managementkainexus
Putting Strategy Back in Strategy Deployment
Putting Strategy Back in Strategy DeploymentPutting Strategy Back in Strategy Deployment
Putting Strategy Back in Strategy Deployment

Webinar presented by Jeff Hunter, hosted by Mark Graban and KaiNexus Presented by Jeff Hunter, President of Jeff Hunter Strategy Managing vision and purpose with strategic agility has never been more important for health care leaders in a turbulent and transforming industry. We know that our old mental models and systems for strategic planning are insufficient; yet in our early attempts to translate the lean-based system of hoshin planning into strategy deployment, the essence of strategy has been lost in translation. We struggle with creating unique differentiating value from the patient’s perspective, making strategic choices to reduce organizational overburden, aligning strategic intent in the organization, and deploying initiatives in a manner that accelerates learning. In this webinar, Jeff Hunter, the author of Patient-Centered Strategy, will share lessons that can apply to any industry. Learning Objectives: To learn the advantages of this Plan-Do-Study-Adjust strategic management system over the old strategic planning process. To gain new insights for creating value from the patient’s perspective. To understand the steps in the iterative process of developing and deploying strategy through rapid learning cycles. To gain a basic understanding of how the tools in this system work together within the system, so you can practice at home

leanlean managementkainexus
• Founded as the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare
Value in 2008, by John Toussaint, MD, CEO
emeritus of ThedaCare.
• An independent 501(c)3 education institute.
• Headquarters in Appleton, WI with offices in
Traverse City, MI, Akron, OH, Ogden, UT, Phoenix,
AZ, Marco Island, FL, and Boston, MA.
• Rebranded as Catalysis in November 2016.
• We share new knowledge that accelerates change.
• We represent the thinking of hundreds of healthcare
system leaders around North America.
Mission- Transform the Industry
To transform the healthcare industry to deliver
higher value to patients through experiments,
collaboration and education that spreads learning
and accelerates improvement.

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10 Commandments for Lean in Government (and Beyond)
10 Commandments for Lean in Government (and Beyond)10 Commandments for Lean in Government (and Beyond)
10 Commandments for Lean in Government (and Beyond)

Harry Kenworthy presented a webinar on applying Lean principles in government. He outlined 10 "commandments" for Lean in government, including understanding customer needs, setting challenge goals, continuous improvement, learning to see processes in detail, benchmarking, and developing great leaders. Kenworthy emphasized that culture change is key to Lean success and leaders must develop a culture of continuous improvement. He also discussed Lean tools like 5S, visual management, and PDCA problem solving. The webinar provided an overview of Lean and how its principles can help reduce waste and improve services for government agencies and beyond.

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Effective Collaboration Across Organizations and Across Industries
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Effective Collaboration Across Organizations and Across Industries

In this webinar you will: Learn how the Iowa Lean Consortium brings together Lean practitioners from every sector of the economy Learn the difference between benchmarking, networking, and collaboration Understand why collaboration is critical to continually improving Hear examples of benefits gained through presenter’s experiences Identify ways to increase collaboration to achieve goals

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Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvemen...

Presented by John Toussaint, MD, and Kim Barnas from Catalysis In this webinar, you will learn: A method for self-assessment of fundamental behavior How to use A3 format as a personal improvement plan This webinar serves as a bit of a preview of their upcoming book of the same title, due out September 1st -- pre-order now!

lean managementhealthcaremanagement
Our Approach to Transformation
Our Work
• Custom Educational Programs
• Peer to Peer Networks
• CEO Forum
• Products
• Executive Site Visits
• Annual North America Summit and European Summit
• Center for Lean Engagement and Research (CLEAR)
with UC Berkeley
• Resources via createvalue.org
Our Collaborators
• Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI)
• American College of Healthcare Executives
• UC Berkeley School of Public Health
• Institute for Healthcare Improvement
• Shingo Institute
• Consultants - KPMG, Value Capture, IEX
• Faculty - 21and growing
• Network Sponsors
• Toyota
Annual Lean Healthcare Transformation
Each year Catalysis delivers a high caliber two-day
conference highlighting advancements in lean healthcare.
Attendees from the lean healthcare community worldwide
come to learn, share and connect.
Participants learn from examples of care delivery redesign
supported by results, examples of payment systems that
reward patient value creation, and examples of
transparency of performance supporting business
Save the Date! June 14 – 15, 2018, Chicago, IL

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The 4 Components of an Employee-Led Lean InitiativeThe 4 Components of an Employee-Led Lean Initiative
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Presented by Simon Murray and Benny Ausmus of Big Change Agency In this KaiNexus webinar, you will learn four elements of Lean transformation, including how to: Create the environment / culture Bring in structure and systems Implement and measure the results Develop the people

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Leading with Respect: Standard Work for Frontline Leaders
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Leading with Respect: Standard Work for Frontline Leaders

Recording: https://info.kainexus.com/continuous-improvement/continuous-improvement-leadership/standard-work-for-frontline-leaders/webinar/signup Presented by Jen Ashley, Care Center Site Supervisor for Practice Design Didier Rabino, Client Advisor for Value Capture Leader standard work is an essential component in a lean environment. The fact is that using lean with processes without changing leadership principles and practices never goes well. Consequently, when leaders stick to their old ways the new lean processes will eventually break. Didier Rabino, Client Advisor at Value Capture and Jennifer Ashley, Site Supervisor Sutter Health will discuss “Leading with Respect: Standard Work for Frontline Leaders." They will share the concepts of frontline leader standard work and their practical applications. Learning Objectives: Explain the frontline leader's role and responsibilities Define processes and tools to support the frontline leader’s SW

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How Leadership Commitment and a Systematic Approach Spread Improvement
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Hosted by KaiNexus, presented by Karen Kiel-Rosser and Ron Smith of Mary Greeley Medical Center. Does your organization struggle with engaging everybody in daily continuous improvement? Is it difficult to figure out how to combine formal improvement events, projects, and "WorkOuts" while engaging all employees to bring forward their ideas? Are you unsure how to spread improvement methodologies across departments? In this webinar, you will learn: How MGMC has combined Lean tools and methodologies with a "managing for daily improvement" approach How leadership and technology enable and support successful improvement methodologies MGMC's vision for leaders getting everybody engaged in improvement How MGMC has systematically (and successfully) spread continuous improvement methodologies across the hospital over the past 12 months Why it's important to engage leaders and to educate them about improvement and the role they need to play Mary Greeley Medical Center (MGMC), a 220 bed acute care facility in Ames, Iowa, has received "Gold" level recognition in the Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence (IRPE) program, the top honor in the IRPE program (the state level Malcolm Baldrige award).

hospitalcontinuous improvementleadership behaviors
Catalysis Healthcare Value Network
Network History
• Established in 2009
• Founded by the Lean Enterprise Institute and ThedaCare
Center for Healthcare Value
• 14 Founding Members
• Experiment - Peer to Peer Learning
Network Purpose
• Spread of current best practices
• Accelerate the transformation journey for each
• Drive change in the larger healthcare system
Network Participants
• Engaged healthcare leaders who actively lead change
within their organizations
• Progressive thinkers with a spirit to learn from and share
with others and to spread to others…

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Coaching Strategies for Leaders
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Presented by Steve Kane, Director of Coaching and Certification for Gemba Academy Part of a leader's job is to help people develop or improve capabilities. Coaching is quickly becoming a highly demanded skill set for leaders at all organizational levels to not only to help people get things done, but also improve their skills so that they can work more independently. There are important differences between coaching and teaching, mentoring, advising, or consulting. In this webinar, you will learn: the role of a coach and the person being coached in a business environment recognizing opportunities to coach and covert coaching coaching models coaching as a leadership technique where to find learning resources About the Presenter: Steve is responsible for Gemba Academy's lean coaching and certifications. Prior to Gemba Academy, Steve had a diverse career ranging from being responsible for a large medical device sales territory, plant manager where he leveraged lean methods to drive improvement, and VP Operations at Specialty Silicone Fabricators where he led the lean efforts of the company. He has served on the western region board of The Association for Manufacturing Excellence and has worked with the Michigan Lean Learning Consortium and the California Central Coast Lean Forum.

Webinar: A Quick Peek into Bottom-Up Improvement Software
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Webinar: A Quick Peek into Bottom-Up Improvement Software

Presented by Jeff Roussel of KaiNexus: Join us for a brief KaiNexus demo focusing on key elements of using technology to support bottom-up improvement, including: End-to-End Improvement Cycle Improvement Culture Health Assessment Frontline User Access Huddle Boards, Idea Boards, Kaizen Boards Coaching Bottom-Up Improvement Key Reporting Functionality

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Impactful Methods to Benefit Organizational Knowledge Management and Continuo...
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Presented on February 10 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET as part of the KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Webinar Series. Presented by Dr. Cynthia J. Young, Founder/CEO of CJ Young Consulting, LLC In this webinar, you will hear about some of the methods used in practicing knowledge management that also support achieving continuous improvement goals. Methods we will discuss include: Checklists and check sheets Reports Lessons learned After action reviews Mapping (Process, Knowledge, and Mind) Communities of practice Kanban Gamification Battle rhythms When you use these methods, you reduce the training required to bring your team up for speed, you can keep costs low because you aren’t having to buy new tools, and it helps your workforce become better problem solvers. This webinar will also be beneficial for ISO 9001-2015 certified organizations since it includes knowledge management, as Clause 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge and ISO 30401:2018 Knowledge Management Systems, while not a certifiable requirement, is applicable to any organization. Dr. Cynthia “Cindy” J. Young is the Founder/CEO of CJ Young Consulting, LLC, a knowledge management consulting firm, as well as a curriculum developer and instructor with Leidos. About a decade ago, she retired as a Surface Warfare Officer after 23 years in the U.S. Navy which is where her love for knowledge management began. She holds professional certifications as a Project Management Professional, a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, and as an ASQ-Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence. Cindy is a past-Chair of ASQ Tidewater, Section 1128 in Virginia Beach as well as having held terms as the Vice Chair and Secretary. Her doctoral study, Knowledge Management and Innovation on Firm Performance of United States Ship Repair, provided her the opportunity to gain additional professional and academic expertise to facilitate improvements in organizational knowledge management. In September 2020, she gave a TEDx Talk called “A Knowledge Mindset: What You Know Comes from Where You Sit" which provides actions organizations can take to improve trust and retention through use of knowledge management practices.

knowledge managementcontinuous improvement
Value of Collaboration
A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean
• Primary benefits of collaborating with peers
• Examples of lean healthcare collaboration results
• Action plan to enhance your collaborating to drive lean
Three primary benefits of collaborating with
• Accelerates collaborating organizations lean
• Increases probability of engaging senior leaders through
peer-to-peer connections
• Decreases cost of implementation by avoiding known
pitfalls and overcoming already-learned barriers
• Identifies new improvement areas within an organization
Examples of lean healthcare collaboration
• Sponsor members collaboration at HealthEast to design
clinic of the future
• Revenue cycle collaborations with Intermountain Health
and Cleveland Clinic
• Lean Coffee at Indianapolis area CHVN members

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Burn Your Ships! Generating Momentum for Sustained Change
Burn Your Ships! Generating Momentum for Sustained ChangeBurn Your Ships! Generating Momentum for Sustained Change
Burn Your Ships! Generating Momentum for Sustained Change

Taryn Davis discusses how to generate sustained momentum for change by embedding continuous improvement (CI) into a company's foundation. She argues that leaders must be willing to take meaningful risks by "burning their ships" and not relying on what feels safe or entitled. Leaders should gain support from others, inspire management, use data strategically, treat others with kindness, and stay aware of opportunities. Proper timing and clear communication are also important. CI requires embracing challenges and viewing obstacles as chances for improvement.

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Building a Better Way, Every Day: The Value of Small Improvements
Building a Better Way, Every Day: The Value of Small ImprovementsBuilding a Better Way, Every Day: The Value of Small Improvements
Building a Better Way, Every Day: The Value of Small Improvements

Presented by Evan Graczyk and Bob Bell In this webinar, you will learn about: 1) Developing a Continuous Improvement Culture Why small ideas are important How rigid should the improvement structure be? How to evolve this culture based on internal and external input 2) Managing a Continuous Improvement Culture Challenges in a complex organizational structure Unique challenges in construction Evan Graczyk Continuous Improvement Manager, Woodfin Heating & Oil Evan has a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University, along with a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from Clemson. Previous roles include being a Lean Process Engineer at Schaeffler Group and a Lean Manufacturing Engineer at BorgWarner. Bob Bell Financial Planning and Analysis, Woodfin Bob has a BBA in Marketing from the University of Georgia, a PBC in Information Technology from the University of Richmond, and an MBA from the UVA Darden School of Business. He earned his Six Sigma Green Belt while working at Circuit City. His background includes Retail (Operations & Finance), Information Technology, Inventory Management and Financial Planning and Analysis.

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Continuous Improvement Models and Software
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Continuous Improvement Models and Software

- Proven improvement principles - Characteristics of a culture of continuous improvement - Brief demo of the KaiNexus platform (continuous improvement software)

kainexuscontinuous improvement modelscontinuous improvement
Sponsor members collaboration at HealthEast
to design clinic of the future
• Sponsor members HGA and Herman
Miller along with guests from Epic joined
with HealthEast in learning cycles
focused on future state of ambulatory
• Team created mock ups based on best
known design practices, 3P thinking
• Result: reduced floor space 20%, from
15,000 sq. ft. target to 13,102 sq. ft.
Revenue cycle collaborations. Why? How
does collaboration start?
• Revenue cycle is emerging as an important value
stream to improve
• CHVN-facilitated conference calls highlighted best
practices for members to take back for experimentation
• Connections led to next steps…
Revenue cycle collaboration. What does
typical collaboration look like in CHVN?
• Cleveland Clinic invited to visited Intermountain Health for
gemba visit within revenue cycle value stream after first
introductory phone call
• Intermountain Health paid a return visit to Cleveland Clinic to
deepen understanding of revenue cycle value streams
• Spectrum Health saw the collaboration communication on
our CHVN members-only website, joined the Cleveland Clinic
visit to gain knowledge about revenue cycle as they
implement their EHR
Revenue cycle collaboration results
• Cleveland Clinic created a model cell in revenue cycle,
emphasizing the importance of leadership’s role
• Revenue cycle sharing event is in the early planning
stages for the spring of 2018
• Other organizations now ramping up revenue cycle work
based on these initial efforts:
Nemours Children's Hospital
Henry Ford Health System

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How to Use A3 Thinking in Everyday Life
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How to Use A3 Thinking in Everyday Life

Presented by Jess Orr in a webinar hosted by KaiNexus on 2/8/18. In this webinar, you will learn: Why and when to use the A3 / TBP problem-solving tool Overview of the 8 components of an A3 Example of how to build an actual A3 using an everyday example Recommended resources for further learning

How One Community Hospital is Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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How One Community Hospital is Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Presented by Mike McGowan, Director of Process Excellence at Marietta Memorial Hospital. Mike will share principles, methods, and lessons learned that can be applied in any industry. Healthcare has learned from manufacturing, so here is our opportunity to learn back from healthcare. Learn how Memorial Health System uses training and five specific roles to build and spread a culture of continuous improvement Hear what MHS has done well and where we could improve Discuss the leadership behaviors necessary to accomplish a culture change

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The Primary Care Learning Collaborative is an initiative of the Center for Health Market Innovations (healthmarketinnovations.org) This group of primary care provider organizations convened over the course of a year to discuss high-impact innovations that allow them to increase access, affordability, and availability of healthcare for the poor in developing countries. Working in Kenya, India, and Burundi, these organizations share best practices and insights from the evolution of their clinics in the Primary Care Innovator's Handbook. View this presentation for an overview of the Handbook, as presented to the Asia eHealth Information Network on April 15, 2015.

chmiglobal healthhealth
Revenue cycle collaboration – personal
From participant Tom Smyth, Cleveland Clinic:
• “Confirmed the work that we are each doing. We aren’t
off wondering in the wilderness”
• “Lends credibility to the work. Other respected health
care institutions are on the same journey”
• “Sharing best practices has allowed us to use key ideas
that are working”
• “Leapfrog effect. We are able to spur each other to
improve the systems”
Indianapolis CHVN Members Lean Coffee
• Monthly Lean Coffees hosted by all five Indianapolis
area CHVN members, plus guests
• Topics include barrier-busting, arranging gemba walks,
creating networking opportunities
• Attendance has grown from 4-5 people to 50-60. Chris
Tucker, Acting Chief, System Redesign, Richard L.
Roudebush VA Medical Center: “It’s a great networking
Action plan to enhance collaboration to
drive lean transformation
• First step: Know thyself. A well developed lean transformation
A3 prepares an organization for collaboration
• Externally: Develop a collaboration rhythm w/in your network:
• CHVN members: Monthly with Catalysis CHVN team member
• Non-CHVN members: Make connections within your geography. Examples: San Francisco
Bay area monthly learning session, Indianapolis area Lean Coffee
• Internally: Create forums for sharing
• Develop a rhythm of improvement event report outs, invite broad audience
• Create sharing intranet / Share Point sites
• Recognize and reward translated improvements: between departments, between sites

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Collaborative working and federating v7 june 15v2
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The document discusses support from national experts for primary care providers and their teams to facilitate general practice being at the heart of local care under the Five Year Forward View. It outlines programmes and services from PCC to help create sustainable collaboration through federations, develop boards and systems, and put general practice at the heart of integrated population-based care. Testimonials praise PCC's professional and efficient approach to generating results and creating sustainable change.

The Opportunities for Lean Thinking in Healthcare
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The Opportunities for Lean Thinking in Healthcare

By Daniel T Jones of Lean Enterprise Academy shown at the 1st Lean Healthcare Forum 2006 on 25th June 2006 ran by the Lean Enterprise Academy

daniel t jones1st lean healthcare forum 2006lean healthcare
The Low-down on Lean
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The Low-down on Lean

If you want to learn more about how and why Saskatchewan is using Lean in health care, join us for this introductory session. During the Quality Summit, you will hear about various Lean tools, concepts and principles, and this session will serve as a quick primer for you, covering some “lean essentials” to enhance your Summit experience!

(Then Q&A)
Our Next Webinars
• Register	at	www.KaiNexus.com/webinars
• December	7	:
"4	Components	of	an	Employee-Led	Lean	Initiative"
– Simon	Murray	and	Benny	Ausmus,	Big	Change	Agency
• More	to	come	in	2018!
Other Resources
www.KaiNexus.com/webinars Blog.KaiNexus.com
KaiNexus Podcasts
• www.KaiNexus.com/podcasts
• Subscribe	via:
– iTunes
– Google	Play
– Stitcher

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Collaboration and new models of care
Collaboration and new models of careCollaboration and new models of care
Collaboration and new models of care

This document discusses supporting primary care providers through collaboration and new models of care. It provides an overview of programmes and services offered by PCC to facilitate collaboration between general practices. These include facilitating practices to be at the heart of their local healthcare systems, tailored support for practices in developing collaborations, and board development programmes to help leadership. Testimonials from healthcare professionals and organizations highlight how PCC has helped inspire confidence and generate results in establishing collaborative models.

Where does Lean Healthcare Begin and End
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Where does Lean Healthcare Begin and End

by Daniel T Jones of Lean Enterprise Academy shown at the 2nd Redesigning Care Summit in Adelaide in March 2006

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In this session, Darrell Damron, enterprise lean consultant with the Results Washington team, shared effective strategies for: Establishing a lean expert partnership program. Creating a leadership development program. Fostering communities of practice. Involving employees in improving their work and processes by eliminating waste.

lean governmentleanwashington state
• Web:
– www.kainexus.com
– blog.kainexus.com
– www.createvalue.org
• Webinars	on	Demand:
– www.kainexus.com/webinars
• Social	Media:
– www.twitter.com/kainexus
– www.linkedin.com/company/kainexus
– www.facebook.com/kainexus
Mark Graban
VP of Improvement & Innovation Services
Paul Pejsa
Network Director
John Toussaint, MD

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When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation

  • 1. When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation Mark Graban VP of Improvement & Innovation Services KaiNexus @MarkGraban Paul Pejsa Network Director Catalysis @Paul_Pejsa John Toussaint, MD CEO Catalysis @JohnToussaintMD
  • 2. Webinar Logistics • Presentation (45 minutes) • Q&A (10 minutes) – Use the GoToWebinar Meeting Panel to submit a question at any time • Recording link & slides will be sent via email – Also – see the “Handouts” feature and Chat box
  • 3. Catalysis Healthcare Value Network When Leaders Collaborate: Finding the A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation John Toussaint Paul Pejsa November 29, 2017
  • 5. • Founded as the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value in 2008, by John Toussaint, MD, CEO emeritus of ThedaCare. • An independent 501(c)3 education institute. • Headquarters in Appleton, WI with offices in Traverse City, MI, Akron, OH, Ogden, UT, Phoenix, AZ, Marco Island, FL, and Boston, MA.
  • 6. • Rebranded as Catalysis in November 2016. • We share new knowledge that accelerates change. • We represent the thinking of hundreds of healthcare system leaders around North America.
  • 8. Vision To transform the healthcare industry to deliver higher value to patients through experiments, collaboration and education that spreads learning and accelerates improvement.
  • 9. Our Approach to Transformation
  • 10. Our Work • Custom Educational Programs • Peer to Peer Networks • CEO Forum • Products • Executive Site Visits • Annual North America Summit and European Summit • Center for Lean Engagement and Research (CLEAR) with UC Berkeley • Resources via createvalue.org
  • 11. Our Collaborators • Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) • American College of Healthcare Executives • UC Berkeley School of Public Health • Institute for Healthcare Improvement • Shingo Institute • Consultants - KPMG, Value Capture, IEX • Faculty - 21and growing • Network Sponsors • Toyota
  • 12. Annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit Each year Catalysis delivers a high caliber two-day conference highlighting advancements in lean healthcare. Attendees from the lean healthcare community worldwide come to learn, share and connect. Participants learn from examples of care delivery redesign supported by results, examples of payment systems that reward patient value creation, and examples of transparency of performance supporting business intelligence. Save the Date! June 14 – 15, 2018, Chicago, IL
  • 14. Network History • Established in 2009 • Founded by the Lean Enterprise Institute and ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value • 14 Founding Members • Experiment - Peer to Peer Learning
  • 15. Network Purpose • Spread of current best practices • Accelerate the transformation journey for each organization • Drive change in the larger healthcare system
  • 16. Network Participants • Engaged healthcare leaders who actively lead change within their organizations • Progressive thinkers with a spirit to learn from and share with others and to spread to others…
  • 18. A-Ha Moments that Lead to Lean Transformation • Primary benefits of collaborating with peers • Examples of lean healthcare collaboration results • Action plan to enhance your collaborating to drive lean transformation
  • 19. Three primary benefits of collaborating with peers • Accelerates collaborating organizations lean transformation • Increases probability of engaging senior leaders through peer-to-peer connections • Decreases cost of implementation by avoiding known pitfalls and overcoming already-learned barriers • Identifies new improvement areas within an organization
  • 20. Examples of lean healthcare collaboration results • Sponsor members collaboration at HealthEast to design clinic of the future • Revenue cycle collaborations with Intermountain Health and Cleveland Clinic • Lean Coffee at Indianapolis area CHVN members
  • 21. Sponsor members collaboration at HealthEast to design clinic of the future • Sponsor members HGA and Herman Miller along with guests from Epic joined with HealthEast in learning cycles focused on future state of ambulatory care • Team created mock ups based on best known design practices, 3P thinking • Result: reduced floor space 20%, from 15,000 sq. ft. target to 13,102 sq. ft.
  • 22. Revenue cycle collaborations. Why? How does collaboration start? • Revenue cycle is emerging as an important value stream to improve • CHVN-facilitated conference calls highlighted best practices for members to take back for experimentation • Connections led to next steps…
  • 23. Revenue cycle collaboration. What does typical collaboration look like in CHVN? • Cleveland Clinic invited to visited Intermountain Health for gemba visit within revenue cycle value stream after first introductory phone call • Intermountain Health paid a return visit to Cleveland Clinic to deepen understanding of revenue cycle value streams • Spectrum Health saw the collaboration communication on our CHVN members-only website, joined the Cleveland Clinic visit to gain knowledge about revenue cycle as they implement their EHR
  • 24. Revenue cycle collaboration results • Cleveland Clinic created a model cell in revenue cycle, emphasizing the importance of leadership’s role • Revenue cycle sharing event is in the early planning stages for the spring of 2018 • Other organizations now ramping up revenue cycle work based on these initial efforts: Nemours Children's Hospital Henry Ford Health System
  • 25. Revenue cycle collaboration – personal reflections From participant Tom Smyth, Cleveland Clinic: • “Confirmed the work that we are each doing. We aren’t off wondering in the wilderness” • “Lends credibility to the work. Other respected health care institutions are on the same journey” • “Sharing best practices has allowed us to use key ideas that are working” • “Leapfrog effect. We are able to spur each other to improve the systems”
  • 26. Indianapolis CHVN Members Lean Coffee • Monthly Lean Coffees hosted by all five Indianapolis area CHVN members, plus guests • Topics include barrier-busting, arranging gemba walks, creating networking opportunities • Attendance has grown from 4-5 people to 50-60. Chris Tucker, Acting Chief, System Redesign, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center: “It’s a great networking function.”
  • 27. Action plan to enhance collaboration to drive lean transformation • First step: Know thyself. A well developed lean transformation A3 prepares an organization for collaboration • Externally: Develop a collaboration rhythm w/in your network: • CHVN members: Monthly with Catalysis CHVN team member • Non-CHVN members: Make connections within your geography. Examples: San Francisco Bay area monthly learning session, Indianapolis area Lean Coffee • Internally: Create forums for sharing • Develop a rhythm of improvement event report outs, invite broad audience • Create sharing intranet / Share Point sites • Recognize and reward translated improvements: between departments, between sites
  • 30. Our Next Webinars • Register at www.KaiNexus.com/webinars • December 7 : "4 Components of an Employee-Led Lean Initiative" – Simon Murray and Benny Ausmus, Big Change Agency • More to come in 2018!
  • 32. KaiNexus Podcasts • www.KaiNexus.com/podcasts • Subscribe via: – iTunes – Google Play – Stitcher
  • 33. Q&A • Web: – www.kainexus.com – blog.kainexus.com – www.createvalue.org • Webinars on Demand: – www.kainexus.com/webinars • Social Media: – www.twitter.com/kainexus – www.linkedin.com/company/kainexus – www.facebook.com/kainexus Mark Graban VP of Improvement & Innovation Services Mark@KaiNexus.com @MarkGraban Paul Pejsa Network Director Catalysis @Paul_Pejsa ppejsa@createvalue.org John Toussaint, MD CEO Catalysis @JohnToussaintMD jtoussaint@createvalue.org