はてなキーワード: breatheとは
Media made us restrict our movements during COVID-19, and it had a very big impact. I checked Twitter and TV every day to see how many people were getting COVID-19, being hospitalized, and dying. Japanese TV showed videos of people on artificial respirators in hospitals, which was shocking and made me afraid to go out. I worried that if I got COVID-19, I would end up in the hospital on a respirator and might die. After watching those shows, I couldn't watch regular news on TV because I was so scared of COVID-19.
I stayed home for a long time, but I caught the virus from my father in September 2023. He had been coughing a lot since 2020 because of another disease, so I thought it was just that. But in the middle of September, his cough sounded different, so I thought it might be COVID-19. I was planning to go to Canada at that time, but things turned out badly. Both my mother and I got COVID-19 and had a very tough time. It was hard to breathe, but after a month, my symptoms weren't as bad. I didn't need to be hospitalized. I think that sometimes watching social media or TV can give us negative information that restricts our movements, but in this case, it was too much.
I Just Can’t Breathe...も好き
Meet The Healthy, Functioning Man Who Survived With Almost No Brain. | IFLScience
When it comes to our brains, does size really matter? One of the biggest myths about the brain is that bigger is always better. But what about those who sit on the extreme end of that scale? How much of our brain do we actually need to survive? Looking through the archives of medical history, there are a number of people with tiny brains, or brains with huge chunks missing entirely, which defy all odds.
In a 2007 Lancet study, doctors described an incredible medical oddity – the 44-year-old civil servant who had lived a normal life despite having an incredibly tiny brain. The French man went into hospital after he experienced weakness in his left leg for two weeks. Doctors were quite surprised when they took scans of his brain and found a huge fluid-filled chamber.
The scans showed that the man had a “massive enlargement of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles, a very thin cortical mantle and a posterior fossa cyst,” researchers noted in the study. In short, while fluid normally circulates throughout the brain, it’s regularly drained. But instead of draining the fluid into the circulatory system, the fluid in this man’s brain built up. Eventually, the accumulation of fluid resulted in only a tiny amount of actual brain material.
The man’s medical history showed that he had to get a shunt inserted into his head as an infant to get rid of the buildup of fluid on the brain, known as hydrocephalus. The shunt was eventually removed when at age 14, he complained of left leg weakness and some unsteadiness. The man went on to live a normal life and he got married and had two children. Tests showed that he had an IQ of 75 which, though below the average of 100, is not considered a mental disability.
“What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life,” Dr. Max Muenke, from the National Human Genome Research Institute, told Reuters.
Earlier last year, IFLScience reported on the ninth known case of someone living without a cerebellum. This is the part of the brain that controls a number of important functions such as balance, motor movements and motor learning. The 24-year-old Chinese woman went into a hospital complaining of nausea and vertigo, and doctors discovered that she suffered from a rare condition known as cerebellar agenesis.
In another case, 12-year-old Trevor Judge Waltrip shocked medical professionals when he survived as long as he did with only his brain stem. Trevor passed away last year after going his entire life without a brain. He suffered from a rare condition called hydranencephaly, whereby the cerebral hemispheres are replaced entirely with cerebrospinal fluid. People with hydranencephaly usually survive for up to 12 weeks, which made Trevor’s case so remarkable. He was able to breathe on his own and respond to stimuli, but was blind and unable to communicate.
These cases show not only the adaptability and resilience of the human brain, but also how little we know about one of our most important organs. Cases like this force neuroscientists to rethink how we view the brain, particularly what functions different regions have and how the brain adapts when these regions become damaged.
・歌いだし「Here from the king's mountain view~」
・「But I, I would wish it all away~」
・「The devil and his had me down~」
・「So I, I, I, I~」
・「Prayed like a martyr dusk to dawn~」
・「But I, I would If I could, then I would~]
・サビ「So if I could I'd wish it all away~」
・ギターリフ→桃太郎レベルアップ音→ドラム合流→「Breathe in union・・・」
・「Silence, legion, stay out of my way・・・・・・」
[B! 裁判] ふるさと納税訴訟 大阪 泉佐野市勝訴 市除外を取り消し 最高裁 | NHKニュース
黒人「ヘイ、ジャップ! どうしてはてなブックマークのブクマカたちはイズミサノ市に『ごめんなさい』が言えないんだい?
BLM運動のスローガンは『I can't breathe』だけど、そんな日本社会に疑問を抱かず国にお追従するだけだなんてYouたちはとっくにbreatheをcanしてなかったようだね!
TakamoriTarou そらそうだろ。これで泉佐野の主張が認められたら、ガチガチに制度を固めたら運用が難しくなるから、趣旨を説明した上で信頼関係に基づき罰則等は設けない、と言う運用が全滅する。
RRD だからさあ、法ってのは条文の文字を国語辞典的に文法解釈して読むものじゃないんだっつーの。趣旨や前提条件ってのも法なのよ。後だしじゃんけんだの素人の法律談義はネットで腹一杯。
Gl17 条文のスキマを突いて主旨を逸脱するのは脱法というやつでけして合法じゃないので裁判では通用しない、仕方ない事情があるとかならともかく。関西なら維新系等が法曹出身でもよくやらかすけど。
augsUK 泉佐野市のイメージは、あの自治体ねという感じに固定化されたな。恥ずかしい人たちの街
ryun_ryun 泉佐野市は全国からふるさと納税を集めたが、日本中のヘイトも集めてしまった感。この汚名はずっと残りそう。
[B! 裁判] “ふるさと納税訴訟” 泉佐野市の訴え退ける 大阪高裁 | NHKニュース https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200130/k10012265041000.html
daruyanagi 泉佐野のやり方が正しいと思ってるなら頭おかしいと思うで(歴史的経緯も含めて
ken-skatan 自業自得かと?>泉佐野市。国は府に呼び掛けて納税者から奪い取った交付金を没収するようにしないと。
ryun_ryun 法律ってのはそもそも一から百まで全部細かく規定できない。泉佐野はそれを踏まえて抜け穴を悪用しまくり、より厳しい規制を招いて他の自治体に迷惑を掛けたので一切擁護はできん。
furyrage どっちもだめだなあ どっちかって言うと泉佐野がだめ
[B! ふるさと納税] 総務省の「泉佐野市いじめ」が止まらない…!ふるさと納税の報復か(磯山 友幸) | マネー現代 | 講談社(1/3) https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/70259
irose 地場産業でも何でもないんで、こういうevilな自治体はいったん枯れた方がいい。/改定制度では地場産業活性の指標提示が義務化されるだろうね、泉佐野市のせいで。
ken-skatan 市長の発言に(すぐに他人に責任を押しつける)韓国臭がするなw。 泉佐野市不祥事クズペテン師うそつき
taruhachi 私の中で泉佐野市という名前だけでもう居直り強盗と同じ扱いになってしまった。
eiki_okuma 子供じゃないんだから、明文化されてなくても分かるでしょう……。
Panthera_uncia 吉野家の生姜全部食べちゃう人と同じだから(規制されても)仕方ない
hate_flag 法律というのは立法意図に即して条文を解釈しないといけない。脱法的な運用は条文に違反していなくてもやっちゃダメ。なのでこの処置は当然なのである。(ふるさと納税制度そのものの異常さはさておき)
blueboy 「もっと他の自治体の金を盗みたかったのに」という泥棒の弁。もう盗めなくなって、残念だね。 (おれは泥棒のルールを守っていた、と威張る泥棒。) → http://openblog.seesaa.net/article/451158022.html
[B! 泉佐野市] 痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【ふるさと納税】 泉佐野市「後出しジャンケンで条件を付けてきた政府に腹わた煮え繰り返る」と怒りあらわ - ライブドアブログ https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/blog.livedoor.jp/dqnplus/archives/1990127.html
Black Lives Matter運動、違和感がありつつもうまく言語化できなかったんだけど、色々読んでいくうちに違和感の正体がわかった気がした。
たとえばロヒンギャへの支援を訴える運動は、ビルマ政府のロヒンギャ弾圧はひどいよね! ビルマに圧力をかけてロヒンギャ弾圧をやめさせよう! というものであり、世界中でひどい扱いを受けているイスラーム教徒として連帯しよう! みたいな運動ではない。
ウイグル人やチベット人の抑圧を訴える人たちも、中国政府の扱いはひどい、中国政府は弾圧をやめろ、と言っているのであって、全世界的に仏教徒やテュルク系民族は弾圧されてる! ということが言いたいのではない。
本来、Black Lives Matterもそういう運動、つまりアメリカの黒人はアメリカ政府やアメリカの警察に弾圧されている、アメリカ政府ひどいよね、世界のみんな、アメリカに圧力をかけてくれ! という話だったらよく理解できるんだよね。
でも、全世界的に黒人がひどい扱いを受けてる! それぞれの国でBlack Lives Matterを叫ぼう! 日本でもBlack Lives Matterのデモをしよう! って言われると、は? ってなる。
確かに日本にも黒人差別はあるし、オコエ瑠偉とか大坂なおみとかが差別された体験を語ってるから、日本にそんな問題はない! って言うつもりは毛頭ないけど、警察官が特定人種ばかり狙って射殺してくるとか、無抵抗の被疑者の首を押さえつけて窒息死させたとか、若い黒人男性が刑務所にブチ込まれまくってて黒人コミュニティが崩壊してるとか、そんなんはアメリカだけの問題だろ!
10年以上前にFree Tibetが盛り上がってて日本でもデモをやってたけど、あれは中国はチベット人への弾圧をやめろ! 日本からも中国に圧力をかけるのを手伝うぞ! という運動であって、日本のチベット人差別はけしからん! という訴えではなかった。
でもBlack Lives Matterは、少なくとも東京で行われたデモは、アメリカは黒人差別をやめろ! 日本からもアメリカの警察に圧力をかけるぞ! という運動ではなく、日本の黒人差別はけしからん! という運動になっている。
まずは自分たちの特権を自覚したらいかが? 日頃自分で言ってることなんだからできるでしょ? としか言えない。
繰り返しになるけど、日本にも黒人差別はあるし、それは是正されるべきですよ。でもそれはアメリカにある差別とは違うものだし(日本の方がマシと言いたいんじゃなくて、歴史的背景も社会の人種間関係も違うんだから当然問題点も処方箋も違ってくるでしょという話)、アメリカ大使館に向けてならともかく日本社会に向けてBlack Lives MatterとかI Can't Breatheとか言われても日本の警察に捕まった外国人はちゃんと息しとるわお前らの国の警察とは違うんじゃという話になるわけで(日本の警察の人質司法や外国人差別を無視していいとは言ってない)。
というか日本では白人も「ガイジン」として差別されてて、黒人とのハーフだけじゃなく白人とのハーフだっていじめやからかいの対象になるんだから、日本の黒人は日本の白人と連帯して非日系のエスニック・グループとして日本人による差別と闘った方がいいんじゃねーのと思うんだけど、まあ彼らは“全世界的な白人至上主義”(これ指を頭の横でクイクイしながら言うフレーズね)と闘う方が重要らしいから、白人と「同じマイノリティ」として連帯する気はなさそう。あのね、知らなかったかもしれないけどこの日本では白人もマイノリティなんだわ。お前らの国のローカルな人種間関係を無邪気にヨソの国に適用するのやめてくんない? というか、グローバルな白人支配を問題にするなら、まずその英語帝国主義をやめてくれない? っていう話。
Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini, 10 Aprile, 2020
1) 英訳(Google translate を利用させて頂きました)
Coronavirus: hopes from the discovery of Sandro Giannini
Bologna - From social media comes good news about the Coronavirus, perhaps decisive, which has scientific foundations and is disseminated by an authoritative doctor from Rizzoli of Bologna, Sandro Giannini. His is a highly qualified curriculum: Full Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and of Physical Medicine at the University of Bologna since 1989, director of Clinic I at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and of the Gait Analysis Laboratory, partner in European projects and in national and international research programs, author of more than 600 presentations at national and international conferences and more than 400 articles in Science Citation Index journals. His message gives great hope. Let's read:
“I don't want to seem overwhelming to you, but I think I've demonstrated the cause of coronavirus lethality. Only at Blessed Matthew are there 2 cardiologists who turn over 150 beds to do echocardium with enormous effort and one is me. Terrible fatigue! However, of what some supposed, but could not be sure, we now have the first data. People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially pulmonary. If this were the case, resuscitations and intubations are of no use because first of all you have to dissolve, indeed prevent these thromboembolisms. If you ventilate a lung where blood does not reach, it is not needed! In fact 9 out of 10 die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory! It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia that determines fatality!
And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Then? Contrary to what scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until mid-March, it was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the number of inpatients collapses. Many deaths, even 40 years old, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days that was not treated properly. Here inflammation has destroyed everything and prepared the ground for thrombi formation. Because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus enters. In fact, our COVID departments have never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis! Because they make cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory!
Therefore, hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a disease that is treated at home. By taking care of it well at home, you avoid not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk. It was not easy to understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium. But this weekend I compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation appeared very clear. For me you can go back to playing and reopen the business. Quarantine street. Not now. But time to publish this data. Vaccine can arrive calmly. In America and other states that follow the scientific literature that calls for NOT to use anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy. And they are old and cheap drugs. " (Associated Medias - Red / Giut)
2) 原文:イタリア語
Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini
Bologna – Dai social arriva una buona notizia sul Coronavirus, forse risolutiva, che ha fondamenta scientifiche ed è diffusa da un medico autorevole del Rizzoli di Bologna, Sandro Giannini. Il suo è un curriculum molto qualificato: Professore ordinario di Ortopedia e Traumatologia e di Medicina Fisica presso l’Università di Bologna dal 1989, direttore della Clinica I presso l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli e del Laboratorio di Gait Analysis, partner in progetti europei e in programmi di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, autore di più di 600 presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e più di 400 articoli in riviste Science Citation Index. Il suo messaggio dà grande speranza. Leggiamolo:
“Non vorrei sembrarvi eccessivo ma credo di aver dimostrato la causa della letalità del coronavirus. Solo al Beato Matteo ci sono 2 cardiologi che girano su 150 letti a fare ecocardio con enorme fatica e uno sono io. Fatica terribile! Però, di quello che alcuni supponevano, ma non ne riuscivano a essere sicuri, ora abbiamo i primi dati. La gente va in rianimazione per tromboembolia venosa generalizzata, soprattutto polmonare. Se così fosse, non servono a niente le rianimazioni e le intubazioni perché innanzitutto devi sciogliere, anzi prevenire queste tromboembolie. Se ventili un polmone dove il sangue non arriva, non serve! Infatti muoiono 9 su 10. Perche il problema è cardiovascolare, non respiratorio! Sono le microtrombosi venose, non la polmonite a determinare la fatalità!
E perché si formano trombi? Perche l’infiammazione come da testo scolastico, induce trombosi attraverso un meccanismo fisiopatologico complesso ma ben noto. Allora? Contrariamente a quello che la letteratura scientifica, soprattutto cinese, diceva fino a metà marzo era che non bisognava usare antinfiammatori. Ora in Italia si usano antinfiammatori e antibiotici (come nelle influenze) e il numero dei ricoverati crolla. Molti morti, anche di 40 anni, avevano una storia di febbre alta per 10-15 giorni non curata adeguatamente. Qui l’infiammazione ha distrutto tutto e preparato il terreno alla formazione dei trombi. Perche il problema principale non è il virus, ma la reazione immunitaria che distrugge le cellule dove il virus entra. Infatti nei nostri reparti COVID non sono mai entrati malati di artrite reumatoide! Perche fanno il cortisone, un potente antinfiammatorio!
Pertanto, in Italia ospedalizzazioni si riducono e sta diventando una malattia che si cura a casa. Curandola bene a casa eviti non solo ospedalizzazione, ma anche il rischio trombotico. Non era facile capirlo perché i segni della microembolia sono sfumati, anche all’ecocardio. Ma questo week end ho confrontato i dati dei primi 50 pazienti tra chi respira male e chi no e la situazione è apparsa molto chiara. Per me si può tornare a giocare e riaprire l’attività commerciali. Via quarantena. Non subito. Ma il tempo di pubblicare questi dati. Vaccino può arrivare con calma. In America e altri stati che seguono la letteratura scientifica che invita a NON usare antinfiammatori e’ un disastro! Peggio che in Italia. E sono farmaci vecchi e che costano pochi euro.”
(Associated Medias – Red/Giut)
3) 追記
| 【全訳】米国史上最年少の女性下院議員がキング牧師ばりの演説
| https://courrier.jp/news/archives/150572/
| Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Inspiring Women’s March Speech | NowThis
| https://youtu.be/TNJZhuZCYow
Hello! Thank you. New York City!
Are you all ready to make a ruckus?
Are you all ready to fight for our rights?
Are you all ready to say that in the United States of America everyone is loved, everyone deserves justice, and everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity in our country.
It is such an honor to be here, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re gathering here today, the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.
Because I believe this moment and where we are right now is a resurgence from where the civil rights movement left off.
And we are here to carry the torch forward.
Because when we talked about racial and economic justice, racial and social justice, we started to really extend those issues to the issues of economic justice, environmental justice, and the intersectionality and interconnectedness of all our fights.
Justice is not a concept we read about in a book.
Justice is about the water we drink, justice is about the air we breathe.
Justice is about how easy it is to vote.
Justice is about how much ladies get paid.
Justice is about if we can stay with our children after we have them for a just amount of time – mothers, fathers, and all parents.
Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet.
In fact, oftentimes the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.
Last year we took the power to the polls.
And this year, we’re taking power to the policy, because we have taken back the House of Representatives.
This year we’re gonna organize.
This year we’re gonna fight for voting rights.
This year we’re gonna keep pushing, because 2020, we took – in 2018 we took the House of Representatives, and through 2020, we’re gonna take the White House and Senate, too.
That’s what we’re gonna do because we need to advance and fight for an America where all people are welcome and no people are left behind.
And I know that while this year has been historic, there’s a lot more congresswomen left here in this audience right now.
There’s a lot more city councilwomen.
There’s a lot more workers that will be building businesses.
There’s a lot more – and I know that there’s a future president out here, too.
Let us remember that a fight means no person left behind.
So when people want to stop talking about the issues
that Black women face,
when people want to stop talking about the issues
that trans women or immigrant women face,
we gotta ask them, why does that make you so uncomfortable?
Because now, this is the time that we’re gonna address poverty.
This is the time we’re gonna address Flint.
This is the time we’re gonna talk about Baltimore & the Bronx, and wildfires, and Puerto Rico.
Because this is not just about identity, this is about justice.
And this is about the America that we are going to bring into this world.