User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-p
p {letter} | :: letter: pee |
p {n} | :: abbreviation of penni (Finnish penny, no longer used) |
P {letter} | :: letter: pee |
-pa {clitic} | :: Expresses that the speaker is surprised at or astonished by something |
-pa {clitic} | :: please, kindly (appended to an imperative verb form in order to soften the command or request or turn it into a suggestion, or passive to form a urging hortative) |
-pa {clitic} | :: Expresses admission or concession, possibly in a way that expresses defeat |
-pa {clitic} | :: if you like (used in giving a non-concrete instruction) |
-pa {clitic} | :: Expresses that the speaker is proud of something, also to boast or brag about something |
-pa {clitic} [colloquial] | :: Used to narrate impulsive actions; when describing the speaker's own actions, expresses that the speaker decided to do the action at the referred time; when describing the (past) actions of the person being addressed, implies that the speaker is looking for an explanation |
-pa {clitic} | :: When appended to a second-person imperative with the particle -s, gives the command or request a slightly more persuasive or inspiring tone |
-pa {clitic} [with conditional] | :: I wish (expresses the speaker's desire for something that is not true) |
-pa {clitic} | :: Adds a general emphatic tone, the exact meaning of which depends on the tone of voice |
-pa {clitic} [possibly, childish] | :: Expresses backtalking or disagreement in the form of an exclamation |
-pa {clitic} | :: whether (no matter whether or not), no matter (if, what) |
-pa {clitic} | :: With interrogatives and conditional verbs, used to form self-deprecating, often rhetorical questions |
-pa {suffix} [rare] | :: Forms adjectives or nouns of a very limited amount of verbs |
pää- {prefix} | :: main, head, prime, primary, principal, leading |
pää {n} | :: head (of an organism or organisation) |
pää {n} | :: end, tip (physical end) |
pää-äänenkannattaja {n} | :: (leading) organ, party organ (newspaper representing the official opinion of a political party) |
pääaihe {n} | :: main theme, main topic, keynote |
pääaine {n} | :: major (academics) |
pääakseli {n} [math] | :: principal axis |
pääanalyytikko {n} | :: chief analyst, lead analyst |
pääarvo {n} [math] | :: principal value |
pääasia {n} | :: main thing, main issue, central point |
pääasiallinen {adj} | :: main, principal, chief (most important) |
pääasiallisesti {adv} | :: mainly, principally |
pääasiassa {adv} | :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part) |
pääateria {n} | :: main dish, main course |
pääavain {n} [computing, databases] | :: primary key |
paaduttaa {vt} | :: to harden (to make less sensitive) |
päädyitse {adv} [rare] | :: in front of the end of something |
päädyittäin {adv} | :: end-to-end (arranged such that each end of a given item is adjacent to one end of a different item) |
päädytysten {adv} [rare] | :: synonym of päädyittäin |
pääelinkeino {n} | :: principal industry, primary industry |
pääepäilty {n} [legal] | :: prime suspect |
pääesiintyjä {n} | :: main performer |
pääesikunta {n} [military] | :: (main, supreme etc.) headquarters (central command centre of a military organization) |
päähän {postp} | :: (to) away (after a distance) |
päähänpälkähdys {n} | :: a whimsical idea |
päähänpiintymä {n} | :: idée fixe (idea dominating the mind) |
päähänpinttymä {n} | :: alternative form of päähänpiintymä |
päähänpisto {n} | :: A whim, freak, vagary, caprice |
paahde {n} | :: Scorching heat |
paahdella {v} | :: A frequentative form of the verb paahtaa |
paahdettu {adj} | :: roast, roasted (cooked by roasting) |
paahdin {n} | :: toaster |
päähenkilö {n} | :: protagonist, hero |
päähine {n} | :: headdress, headwear |
päähine {n} | :: headgear, head covering, headcover |
paahtaa {v} | :: to toast |
paahtaa {v} | :: to roast |
paahtaa {v} | :: to parch |
paahtaa {v} | :: to scorch, singe |
paahtaa {v} [of the sun] | :: to heat |
paahtaa {v} [colloquial] | :: to drive fast for a long period of time, as e.g. on a motorway |
paahteinen {adj} | :: synonym of helteinen |
paahtimo {n} | :: roastery, roasting factory |
paahto {n} | :: roast (degree to which something is roasted) |
paahto {n} [as modifier in compound terms] | :: roast, roasted, toasted |
paahtoaste {n} | :: roast (degree to which something is roasted) |
paahtofilee {n} | :: A roasted loin of beef |
paahtokiisseli {n} [desserts] | :: A kissel sweetened with caramelized sugar |
paahtokylki {n} | :: synonym of grillikylki |
paahtoleipä {n} | :: toast |
paahtopaisti {n} | :: roast beef (meat) |
paahtotuore {adj} [of coffee] | :: freshly roasted |
paahtouuni {n} | :: toaster oven |
paahtovanukas {n} | :: A crème brûlée |
paahtua {vi} | :: To scorch |
päähuivi {n} | :: headscarf |
pääideaali {n} [algebra] | :: principal ideal |
pääideaalirengas {n} [algebra] | :: principal ideal ring |
pääilmansuunta {n} [geography] | :: A cardinal direction or cardinal point |
pääjakso {n} [taxonomy] | :: A phylum |
pääjalkainen {n} | :: A cephalopod |
pääjäristys {n} [seismology] | :: mainshock (maximum shock in an earthquake event) |
pääjehu {n} [colloquial] | :: big kahuna, head honcho, top banana, bigwig (boss, leader, top-ranking person in an organization) |
pääjohtaja {n} | :: general director, chief executive officer |
pääjohtaja {n} | :: director-general |
pääjohto {n} | :: main, main line, trunk line (large pipe or cable providing utility service to a building or area) |
pääjoukko {n} | :: main group |
pääjoukko {n} [cycling] | :: peloton |
pääjuhla {n} | :: main celebration |
pääjuuri {n} [botany] | :: taproot |
pääkallo {n} [anatomy] | :: skull |
pääkallokeli {n} | :: (very) dangerous weather conditions |
pääkallokiitäjä {n} | :: death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos) |
pääkallonmetsästäjä {n} | :: headhunter |
pääkallonpaikka {n} [colloquial] | :: headquarters |
pääkampa {n} | :: A comb, often decorated, designed to be worn as part of a hairdo rather than used for combing; hair-comb |
pääkansi {n} [nautical] | :: main deck |
paakari {n} [dialectal] | :: baker |
pääkäsittely {n} [legal] | :: A main hearing of a legal case |
pääkatu {n} | :: main street, high street |
pääkaupunki {n} | :: capital (city) |
pääkaupunkiseutu {n} | :: Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen) |
pääkaupunkiseutu {n} | :: capital region |
pääkaupunkiseutulainen {n} | :: a person from a capital region, often specifically the Helsinki metropolitan area |
pääkaupunkiseutulainen {adj} | :: pertaining to a capital region, often specifically the Helsinki metropolitan area |
pääkäyttäjä {n} | :: main user, primary user |
pääkäyttäjä {n} [computing] | :: root user, root, superuser, administrator (user with complete access to the operating system and its configuration) |
pää kiinni {interj} [colloquial, impolite] | :: shut up! |
pääkipu {n} [pathology] | :: headache |
pääkirja {n} [accounting] | :: general ledger (central accounting record of a company or organization) |
pääkirjasto {n} | :: main library |
pääkirjoitus {n} | :: editorial, leader (principal article in a publication giving the opinion of its editors) |
pääkkäin {adv} | :: head to head, head against head |
paakku {n} | :: lump |
paakku {n} | :: gob (lump of soft and moist material) |
paakku {n} | :: clod (lump of earth or clay) |
paakkuinen {adj} | :: clumpy |
paakkutaimi {n} | :: A sapling with a rootball |
paakkuunnuttaa {vt} | :: to cake (form into a cake, or mass) |
paakkuuntua {v} | :: to cake, stick together, get lumpy |
paakkuuntuminen {n} | :: Action noun of the verb paakkuuntua (to cake), caking |
paakkuuntumisenestoaine {n} | :: anticaking agent (substance added to another product to prevent it from forming lumps) |
pää kolmantena jalkana {adv} [idiomatic] | :: juosta ~ = to run head over heels; at top speed, frantically (literally: with head as the third leg) |
pääkomponenttianalyysi {n} [statistics] | :: principal component analysis |
pääkone {n} | :: main engine |
pääkonsuli {n} | :: consul general |
pääkonsuli {n} | :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland |
pääkonttori {n} | :: head office (main administrative centre for a company or organisation) |
pääkoppa {n} | :: cranium |
pääksytyksin {adv} | :: synonym of pääksytysten |
pääksytysten {adv} | :: Only used in the idiomatic expression päivät pääksytysten ("day in, day out") (every day, 24/7) |
pääkuva {n} | :: main image |
pääkuva {n} | :: headshot, portrait (portrait for branding and/or social media) |
pääkvanttiluku {n} [physics] | :: principal quantum number |
pääkytkin {n} | :: main switch, master switch |
päälaenlohko {n} | :: alternative form of päälakilohko |
päälaenluu {n} [skeleton] | :: the parietal bone |
paalain {n} | :: baler |
päälaki {n} [anatomy] | :: A crown, pate, vertex (top of the head) |
päälakilohko {n} [anatomy] | :: parietal lobe |
päälakiluu {n} | :: synonym of päälaenluu |
pääläri {n} | :: a milk churn or milk jug |
paalata {v} [agriculture] | :: to bale (hay or similar) |
päälaulaja {n} | :: lead singer (leading vocalist in a musical group) |
paalaus {n} | :: baling |
päälause {n} [grammar] | :: main clause, independent clause |
paalauskone {n} | :: baler, baling machine |
päälävistäjä {n} [linear algebra] | :: main diagonal |
paali {n} | :: bale |
paali {n} | :: bolt (a large roll of material) |
paali {n} | :: roll |
paali {n} | :: Pali (language) |
pääliina {n} | :: headscarf |
päälinja {n} | :: broad line, main line |
päälipeitto {n} | :: coverlet (blanket used as a bed covering, usually quilted) |
päälista {n} | :: main list |
paalittaa {v} | :: to bale (wrap into a bale) |
paalitus {n} | :: alternative form of paalaus |
paalituskone {n} | :: synonym of paalauskone |
päällä {adv} [static] | :: on (in an operating state) |
päällä {postp} [static] | :: (physically) on top of |
päälläoloaika {n} | :: uptime |
päälläseisonta {n} | :: headstand, standing on one's head |
päälle {adv} | :: on (into an operating state) |
päälle {postp} [of movement] | :: on(to), on (top of) |
päälleajaja {n} | :: driver of a car involved in a hitting or ramming incident, such as a hit and run |
päälleajo {n} | :: hitting or ramming with a vehicle, often intentionally |
päälleen {adv} | :: third-person form form of päälle |
päällekarkaus {n} | :: onrush, onslaught, assault (physical attack, especially on a person) |
päällekäypä {adj} | :: synonym of päällekäyvä |
päällekäyvä {adj} | :: offensive, aggressive |
päällekirjoitus {n} | :: overwrite, subscription, inscription |
päällekkäin {adv} | :: One on the other, one upon the other |
päällekkäinasettelu {n} | :: superimposition |
päällekkäinen {adj} | :: superimposed, overlapping |
päällekkäisvalotus {n} [photography] | :: multiple exposure (technique) |
päällemaalaus {n} | :: painting on top of existing paint |
päälleni {adv} | :: first-person singular form form of päälle |
päällepainatus {n} | :: overprinting, overprint |
päällesi {adv} | :: second-person singular form form of päälle |
päällettäin {adv} | :: synonym of päällekkäin |
päälletysten {adv} | :: synonym of päällekkäin |
päällikkö {n} | :: chief |
päällikkö {n} | :: head |
päällikkö {n} | :: leader |
päällikkö {n} | :: commander |
päällikkö {n} | :: boss, manager |
päällimmäinen {adj} [uncomparable] | :: topmost, uppermost (at or nearest to the top of a pile, stack or similar) |
päällimmäinen {adj} [comparable] | :: most urgent |
päällimmäisin {adj} | :: superlative of päällimmäinen |
päällimmiten {adv} | :: superficially, by and large |
päällimpänä {adv} | :: synonym of päällimmäisenä |
päällinen {n} | :: topping (food item added on top of another) |
päällinen {n} | :: covering, cover, spread, jacket (removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object) |
päällinen {n} | :: throw (piece of fabric used to cover a bed, sofa or other soft furnishing) |
päällinen {n} | :: case, slip |
päällisin puolin {phrase} | :: on the face of it, superficially, on the surface |
päälliskangas {n} | :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in a garment |
päälliskangas {n} | :: Any fabric used as outmost layer of material in upholstery |
päällitse {postp} | :: over, above; also other translations, depending on context (by the way of going over or above something) |
päällys {n} | :: top, cover, overlay |
päällyshiha {n} | :: oversleeve |
päällyshousut {n} | :: overtrousers |
päällyskasvi {n} | :: epiphyte plant |
päällyskenkä {n} | :: overshoe |
päällyslakana {n} | :: top sheet (part of bedding) |
päällystä {n} | :: alternative form of päällys |
päällystää {vt} | :: To coat, overlay, pave |
päällystakki {n} | :: overcoat |
päällyste {n} | :: pavement, paving (paved exterior surface, as with a road or sidewalk) |
päällyste {n} | :: flooring, (floor) covering, pavement (surfacing on an interior floor, especially in technical sense) |
päällyste {n} | :: covering, especially one that is meant to be used together with the covered object |
päällyste {n} | :: topping, such as on pizza etc |
päällystö {n} | :: officers in charge of a ship |
päällystövyö {n} | :: Sam Browne belt |
päällystys {n} | :: covering, paving |
päällysvaate {n} | :: outer garment, overgarment |
päältä {postp} [of movement] | :: from top of |
paalu {n} | :: stake, pole (long and slender piece of wood or other material, often pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a marker or a support or stay) |
paalu {n} | :: pile (large stake, driven into the earth or sea-bed for the support of a building, a pier, etc.) |
paalu {n} [historical] | :: the stake (upright piece of timber to which a person condemned to death by burning alive was affixed) |
paalu {n} [heraldry] | :: pale |
paalu {n} [slang] | :: money |
paaluaita {n} | :: palisade (wall made of wooden stakes, one end of which is set firmly in the ground) |
paaluaita {n} | :: paling fence |
pääluettelo {n} | :: main list, principal list |
paalujuntta {n} [construction] | :: pile driver |
pääluku {n} | :: headcount (number of people present) |
pääluku {n} | :: main chapter |
pääluokka {n} [grammar] | :: voice |
pääluottamusmies {n} | :: A head shop steward; in a large workplace there may be several shop stewards, in which case one of them is appointed to represent them as a group towards the employer |
paalupaikka {n} [motor racing] | :: pole position |
paalusolmu {n} | :: A bowline |
paaluttaa {v} [construction] | :: To drive piles into the ground, usually in order to strengthen the foundations of a structure |
paaluttaminen {n} | :: synonym of paalutus |
paalutus {n} | :: pile-driving |
pääluu {n} [skeleton] | :: the cranium (neurocranium and facial skeleton considered as one bone) |
paaluvarustus {n} | :: palisade (wall of wooden stakes, used as a defensive barrier) |
paaluveto {n} [nautical] | :: bollard pull |
päämäärä {n} | :: goal, aim, objective |
päämäärätietoisuus {n} | :: sense of purpose or direction, sense of having or knowing a goal |
päämäärätön {adj} | :: aimless, goalless |
päämäärättömästi {adv} | :: aimlessly, goallessly |
päämaja {n} [military] | :: command post, headquarters (military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued) |
päämaja {n} [by extension, colloquial] | :: base, headquarters (place where decisions for an organization are made) |
päämies {n} [legal] | :: client |
päämineraali {n} | :: primary mineral, main mineral |
pääministeri {n} | :: prime minister |
pääministerikausi {n} | :: prime ministerial term |
paana {n} [dialectal] | :: track, especially a racing track |
paana {n} [dialectal] | :: road |
paana {n} [dialectal] | :: railroad |
päänahka {n} [anatomy, also, figurative] | :: scalp |
päänalunen {n} | :: anything used to rest the head on when lying down, such as a pillow |
päänalus {n} | :: synonym of päänalunen |
päänaluslauta {n} | :: a wooden platform that raises the mattress under the pillow |
päänalusta {n} | :: synonym of päänalunen |
Paananen {prop} | :: surname |
päänauha {n} | :: headband |
päänavaaja {n} | :: groundbreaker (person or action) |
päänäyttämö {n} | :: mainstage (largest performing space in a venue) |
pääni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of pää |
päänkipu {n} [rare] | :: alternative form of pääkipu |
päänkivistys {n} [figuratively] | :: headache |
päänkoriste {n} | :: headdress |
päänmitta {n} | :: head-length (a mostly ad hoc measurement unit equivalent to the length of a head) |
päänmuoto {n} | :: shape or form of a head |
päänmyötäinen {adj} | :: conforming to the head or the shape of the head |
paanne {n} | :: naled, aufeis (sheet-like ice) |
paannejää {n} | :: A locally occurring layer of solid ice on a road that is otherwise bare or covered with packed snow |
päännyökähdys {n} | :: nod of a head |
päännyökäytys {n} | :: nod of a head |
päännyökkääjälihas {n} [anatomy] | :: sternocleidomastoid muscle, sternomastoid |
päännyökkäys {n} | :: nod (of the head) |
päänoja {n} | :: headrest (part of a seat designed to support the head) |
päänormaali {n} | :: principal normal |
päänpudistus {n} | :: shake of a head |
päänpuoleinen {adj} | :: the side close to a head or the head; anterior |
päänpuoli {n} | :: synonym of pääpuoli |
päänpyöritys {n} | :: head rotation, head spinning, head turning |
päänsä {n} | :: third-person possissive form of pää |
päänsärky {n} | :: headache (pain or ache in the head) |
päänsärky {n} [figuratively] | :: headache (nuisance or unpleasant problem) |
päänsärkylääke {n} | :: headache remedy |
päänsärkypulveri {n} | :: headache powder |
päänsärkytabletti {n} | :: headache tablet |
päänsilitys {n} | :: head petting, head patting |
päänsilitys {n} [figurative] | :: positive comments, thanks (usually with the implication of being either undeserved or having deserved more) |
päänsisäinen {adj} | :: mental, inner |
päänsuojain {n} | :: head protector |
päänsuojus {n} | :: headpiece, headgear |
pääntauti {n} | :: strangles (disease of horses caused by Streptococcus equi) |
pääntie {n} | :: neckline |
pääntuki {n} | :: head support, as in a car seat etc |
paanu {n} | :: A relatively thick wooden shingle |
paanukate {n} | :: shingle roofing |
paanukatto {n} | :: shingle roof |
päänuppi {n} [jocular] | :: head, nob, noggin, attic |
paanuttaa {v} | :: To shingle (to cover with wooden shingles) |
paanutus {n} | :: shingle covering |
päänvaiva {n} [figurative] | :: headache, trouble, pain (nuisance; unpleasant problem, thing or person) |
pääoma {n} [accounting, finance] | :: capital |
pääomaintensiivinen {adj} | :: capital-intensive |
pääomalaina {n} | :: subordinated loan |
pääomamarkkinat {n} | :: capital market |
pääomasijoittaja {n} | :: venture capitalist, venture capital organization |
pääomatulo {n} [taxation] | :: unearned income |
pääomatulovero {n} | :: capital income tax (tax levied on income generated from capital assets including capital gains, rents, dividends etc.) |
pääomavaltainen {adj} | :: capital-intensive |
pääomavaltaistua {vi} | :: to become capital-intensive |
pääomavero {n} | :: Short for pääomatulovero (capital income tax) |
pääomistaja {n} | :: main owner, largest owner |
pääomittaa {vt} | :: to capitalize (contribute capital) |
pääosa {n} | :: majority, main part (most in a given group) |
pääosa {n} [drama, film] | :: leading role, lead role |
pääosin {adv} | :: mainly (chiefly; for the most part) |
pääpaino {n} | :: main weight |
pääpaino {n} | :: main focus |
pääpaino {n} [linguistics] | :: primary stress |
pääpalkinto {n} | :: top prize; big enchilada [informal] |
pääpaloasema {n} | :: main fire station |
paapata {v} [dialectal or childish] | :: To sleep |
paapattaa {v} [onomatopoetic] | :: To gabble, babble, blab (to speak fast and monotonously and/or incessantly) |
paapatus {n} | :: gabble, babble |
pääpelaaja {n} [soccer] | :: head player (player who uses the head to play the ball, especially one who is good at it) |
pääpeli {n} [soccer] | :: head play (the use of head to play the ball) |
paapero {n} | :: toddler |
paapia {v} [child language] | :: To sleep |
pääpiirteisesti {adv} | :: briefly, broadly, summarily |
pääpiirteittäin {adv} | :: in outline, broadly, in broad lines |
paapoa {v} [colloquial] | :: To pamper, coddle (to treat gently or with great care) |
pääpolynomi {n} [math] | :: monic polynomial |
pääpotti {n} [poker] | :: main pot |
paappa {n} [dialectal, childish] | :: grandpa, grandfather |
pääpukari {n} | :: ringleader, head honcho |
pääpukkaus {n} | :: headbutt |
pääpuoli {n} | :: headboard |
pääpuoli {n} | :: the side of something that has one's head |
paapuuri {n} [nautical] | :: port (left-hand side of a vessel as seen towards the bow from the stern) |
päärakennus {n} | :: main building, principal building |
paarapähkinä {n} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of parapähkinä |
päärata {n} | :: main line (principal railway line) |
pääri {n} | :: A peer [nobleman] |
paaria {n} | :: pariah |
paarialuokka {n} | :: pariah class |
paaripotilas {n} | :: stretcher case (injured person who needs to be carried on a stretcher) |
paarit {n} [pluralonly] | :: stretcher (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) |
paarivaate {n} | :: winding sheet |
paarlasti {n} [nautical] | :: A ballast (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel to provide stability) |
päärly {n} [dialectal] | :: pearl |
paarma {n} | :: horsefly, breezefly, gadfly, forest fly (fly of the family Tabanidae) |
paarmalintu {n} [rare, obsolete] | :: flycatcher (any bird of the family Muscicapidae) |
päärmätä {v} | :: to hem (to put hem on an article of clothing) |
päärmätty {adj} [heraldry] | :: fimbriated |
päärme {n} | :: hem (of clothing) |
päärooli {n} | :: leading role |
paarre {n} | :: tie beam, collar beam |
pääruoka {n} | :: main course, entrée, entree (main dish of a meal) |
pääruokalaji {n} | :: main course dish (dish usually eaten as main course) |
paarustaa {v} | :: to drag, struggle (to walk slowly and with difficulty carrying or as if carrying something heavy, or in deep snow) |
pääryhmä {n} [chemistry] | :: main group (in the periodic table of the elements, any of the eight groups (columns) of elements that contain the lightest elements) |
päärynä {n} | :: pear, a fruit and a tree |
päärynäinen {adj} | :: peary |
päärynäjäätelö {n} | :: pear ice cream |
päärynälihavuus {n} | :: pear-shaped obesity |
päärynämeloni {n} | :: pepino melon, melon pear, pepino, Solanum muricatum (South American plant in nightshade family Solanaceae, cultivated for its melon-like fruit) |
päärynäpallo {n} [boxing] | :: speed bag |
päärynäpuu {n} | :: A pear tree |
päärynäripsiäinen {n} | :: pear thrips, fruit tree thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens |
päärynäsiideri {n} | :: perry (cider-like beverage made of pears) |
päärynävartalo {n} | :: pear-shaped body |
pääsäännöllisesti {adv} | :: alternative form of pääsääntöisesti |
pääsääntö {n} | :: main rule, general rule, fundamental rule |
pääsääntöisesti {adv} | :: as a rule, as a general rule |
pääsaari {n} | :: main island |
pääsana {n} [linguistics] | :: modificand, headword (word which is modified) |
pääsarja {n} [sports] | :: main league, highest league |
pääsarja {n} [astronomy] | :: main sequence |
paasata {v} | :: to drone (to speak tediously) |
pääseminen {n} | :: getting to, reaching |
pääseminen {n} | :: getting (to go) |
pääseminen {n} | :: managing to do |
paashi {n} | :: alternative form of paaši |
paasi {n} | :: smooth, flat and large boulder; such boulder used as base for a fireplace or oven |
paasi {n} | :: alternative spelling of paaši |
Paasi {prop} | :: surname |
paaši {n} | :: page (serving boy) |
pääsi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pää |
pääsiäinen {n} | :: Easter |
pääsiäisaamu {n} | :: Easter morning |
pääsiäisaatto {n} | :: Holy Saturday, Easter Eve |
pääsiäisaika {n} | :: Easter time |
pääsiäisateria {n} [Christianity] | :: Easter meal |
pääsiäisateria {n} [Judaism] | :: Passover seder |
pääsiäisjuhla {n} [Christianity] | :: Easter celebration |
pääsiäisjuhla {n} [Judaism] | :: Passover festival |
pääsiäiskakku {n} | :: Easter cake |
pääsiäiskirkko {n} [Christianity] | :: church service held on Easter |
pääsiäiskokko {n} | :: Easter fire |
pääsiäiskoriste {n} | :: Easter decoration |
pääsiäiskortti {n} | :: Easter card |
pääsiäislammas {n} | :: lamb eaten on Easter |
pääsiäislauantai {n} | :: synonym of lankalauantai |
pääsiäislilja {n} | :: synonym of keltanarsissi |
pääsiäisloma {n} | :: Easter holiday, Easter vacation |
pääsiäismaanantai {n} | :: Easter Monday |
pääsiäismessu {n} | :: Easter mass |
pääsiäismuna {n} | :: Easter egg |
pääsiäisnoita {n} | :: easter witch (påskkärring, part of a practice in Sweden and parts of Finland that takes place some time before Easter) |
pääsiäispäivä {n} | :: Easter Day |
pääsiäispöytä {n} | :: Easter meals collectively on a table |
pääsiäispupu {n} | :: Easter Bunny |
pääsiäispyhä {n} | :: Easter holiday (Easter days off from school or work) |
pääsiäisruoka {n} | :: Easter food |
Pääsiäissaari {prop} | :: Easter Island |
pääsiäissunnuntai {n} | :: Easter Sunday |
pääsiäistipu {n} | :: Easter chick |
pääsiäisviikko {n} | :: Holy Week, Easter week |
pääsiäisyö {n} | :: Easter night |
paasiarkku {n} | :: dolmen, hunebed |
pääsihteeri {n} | :: Secretary General |
paašikampaus {n} | :: pageboy (haircut) |
Paasikivi {prop} | :: surname |
Paasilinna {prop} | :: surname |
Paasio {prop} | :: surname |
pääsisäänkäynti {n} | :: main entrance |
pääsivu {n} | :: main page, general page |
pääsky {n} | :: swallow, martin (bird of the family Hirundinidae) |
pääskykahlaaja {n} | :: courser, pratincole (birds of the family Glareolidae) |
pääskykahlaaja {n} | :: pratincole (birds of the genus Glareola within that family) |
pääskykahlaaja {n} | :: collared pratincole (Glareola pratincola) |
pääskynen {n} | :: diminutive of pääsky |
pääskynen {n} | :: swallow [bird] |
pääskysparvi {n} | :: A flock of sparrows |
päässä {adv} | :: away |
päässälasku {n} | :: mental calculation, mental arithmetic |
päästä {vi} | :: to get to, reach, arrive at/in (a place) |
päästä {vi} | :: to get to go, be allowed/permitted to go |
päästä {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to get in, be admitted to |
päästä {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to make it to, get to (a place/level), reach, attain, achieve |
päästä {vi} [_, + 3rd infinitive in illative] | :: to manage (to do; to happen by accident) |
päästä {vi} [_, + elative] | :: to get rid of (a person); to get over (a feeling) |
päästä {vi} | :: to avoid, escape, get out of, not have/need, be spared the necessity of [doing/to do] |
päästä {vi} [_, + elative] | :: to evade, elude, escape, get off/by |
päästä {vi} | :: to be released/discharged (from a hospital; from prison) |
päästä {postp} | :: in, after, a [period] from (after a period of time) |
päästä {postp} | :: (from) away (after a distance) |
päästää {v} [+ verb in third infinitive illative or adverb] | :: to let (free someone of some restraint, obligation, etc. that prevents them from doing something or going somewhere) |
päästää {v} [~ irti] | :: to release, to let loose, rid |
päästää {v} [~ ohi] | :: to make way or give way for, let past |
päästää {v} | :: to emit, give off |
päästää {v} [metallurgy] | :: to temper (to heat-treat hardened metal in order to increase toughness) |
päästää {v} [ball games] | :: to concede (a goal) |
päästää kärsimyksistä {vt} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to put out of one's misery |
päästää päiviltä {vt} [idiomatic] | :: To kill, slay, do in, knock off, bump off (literally: "to let go from days") |
päästää pois päiviltä {v} | :: To put down, execute, kill |
päästää sammakko suustaan {idiom} | :: To put one's foot in it, put one's foot in one's mouth, accidentally say something embarrassing, tactless, or offensive (literally: To emit a frog from one's mouth) |
päästää suustaan {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to utter, to blurt out |
päästäinen {n} | :: shrew (any of the mammals in the family Soricidae, especially in the genus Sorex) |
päästä jyvälle {v} | :: get the hang of |
päästä kuin koira veräjästä {v} [simile] | :: to get away with something (escape punishment for doing something or avoid doing some work) |
päästä läpi {v} [literally] | :: to get through |
päästä läpi {v} | :: to get through to |
päästä läpi {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pass, pass muster (adequately pass a formal or informal inspection) |
päästämään {v} | :: infinitive of päästää |
päästäminen {n} | :: letting loose, releasing |
päästäminen {n} | :: emitting, giving off |
päästäminen {n} [metallurgy] | :: tempering |
päästäminen {n} [ball games] | :: conceding (a goal) |
päästä omilleen {v} | :: to recoup one's investment, money etc. (to make back, as an investment) |
päästä pälkähästä {v} | :: To get out of a difficult situation |
päästä pitkälle {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go far, go places, succeed |
päästä varpaisiin {phrase} | :: head to toe |
päästävedettävä {adj} | :: that is pulled from its ends (such as of compact beds) |
päästellä {vt} | :: to let out or release repeatedly |
paasto {n} | :: fast (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food) |
paasto {n} | :: Lent |
päästö {n} | :: emission (of a harmful substance, such as exhaust gas) |
päästö {n} | :: release (act of releasing) |
paastoaika {n} | :: alternative form of paastonaika |
paastoaminen {n} | :: fasting |
päästökauppa {n} | :: emissions trading |
paastonaika {n} | :: Lent (period) |
päästöoikeus {n} | :: emission allowance |
paastopäivä {n} | :: day of fasting, day of fast |
päästöskenaario {n} | :: emission scenario |
paastosokeri {n} | :: fasting glucose |
päästösuunta {n} [electronics] | :: forward direction, conducting direction (of a diode) |
paastota {vi} | :: To fast |
päästövähennysyksikkö {n} | :: emission reduction unit |
pääsuunnittelija {n} | :: chief designer |
pääsy {n} | :: access, clearance |
pääsy {n} | :: admission |
pääsy kielletty {phrase} | :: no entry, no trespassing |
pääsykoe {n} | :: entrance examination (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to) |
pääsylippu {n} | :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.) |
pääsylipputulot {n} | :: profit gained from ticket sales |
pääsylista {n} | :: access control list |
pääsynvalvonta {n} [computing] | :: access control |
pääsynvalvontalista {n} [computing] | :: access control list |
pääsytie {n} | :: access road |
pääsyvaatimus {n} | :: admission requirement, admission criteria |
pääsyy {n} | :: primary reason |
päätähti {n} | :: main star, lead star |
päätähuimaava {adj} | :: staggering, dizzying, impressive, epic |
päätäi {n} | :: head louse |
Päätalo {prop} | :: surname |
päätäntä {n} | :: decision |
päätäntä {n} | :: conclusion |
päätäntäelin {n} | :: decision body |
päätäntävalta {n} | :: power to decide, decision-making power |
päätä pahkaa {adv} | :: headlong (with an unrestrained forward motion) |
päätäpahkainen {adj} | :: headlong (rushing forward without restraint) |
päätarkoitus {n} | :: main purpose, primary purpose |
päätaulu {n} | :: main switchboard |
päätaulu {n} | :: main table, master table |
päätavoite {n} | :: main objective |
pääte {n} | :: end, ending |
pääte {n} [in compounds] | :: final, terminal, end |
pääte {n} [computing] | :: terminal |
pääte {n} [grammar] | :: ending; suffix |
pääteaivot {n} [anatomy] | :: endbrain, telencephalon |
pääteasema {n} | :: terminal (station at the end of a railway line) |
pääte-elin {n} | :: end organ |
pääte-emulaattori {n} [computing] | :: terminal emulator |
päätehakkuu {n} [forestry] | :: final felling, final cutting (In periodic cover silviculture the last phase of the forest regeneration cycle consisting of some variant of clearcutting. After final cutting the cycle starts anew from planting new trees followed by one or more thinnings before the next final cutting when the trees have reached the target size.) |
päätekijä {n} [law] | :: principal (primary participant in a crime) |
päätekodoni {n} | :: synonym of lopetuskodoni |
Paatelainen {prop} | :: surname |
päätellä {vt} | :: To fasten off, tie off (the loose ends/threads of a needlework) |
päätellä {vt} [logic] | :: To conclude, draw a conclusion, decide, infer, deduce |
päätelmä {n} | :: conclusion, deduction |
päätemoreeni {n} [geology] | :: frontal moraine |
pääteos {n} | :: magnum opus (maker's greatest work) |
päätepiste {n} | :: endpoint (either of two points at the end of a line) |
päätepuskin {n} | :: buffer stop |
päätepysäkki {n} | :: final stop (either of the stops at the ends of a bus or tram line) |
päätesolmu {n} | :: synonym of umpisolmu |
päätetyö {n} | :: terminal work, screen work |
päätevastus {n} [electronics] | :: terminator, terminating resistor |
pääteviiva {n} [typography] | :: A serif (short horizontal line added to the tops and bottoms of traditional typefaces) |
pääteviiva {n} [dated] | :: A finish line |
päätie {n} | :: main road, highway (main or major road) |
paatipunkka {n} [slang] | :: bathtub |
päätoiminen {adj} | :: full-time (of a job, being, or expected to be the main occupation of an employee) |
päätoimittaja {n} | :: editor in chief, editor-in-chief |
paatoksekas {adj} | :: alternative form of paatoksellinen |
paatoksellinen {adj} | :: full of pathos |
paatoksellisesti {adv} | :: with pathos |
päätöksenteko {n} | :: decision making (act or process) |
päätön {adj} | :: headless |
päätön {adj} [figuratively] | :: senseless, lacking sense |
paatos {n} | :: pathos |
paatos {n} | :: rant |
päätös {n} | :: decision |
päätös {n} | :: resolution |
päätös {n} | :: ending |
päätöserä {n} [sports] | :: final period, final round etc. (last of the divisions into which a game is divided) |
päätösesitys {n} | :: draft decision |
päätöslauselma {n} | :: Resolution (a formal statement adopted by an assembly) |
päätösongelma {n} [computing theory] | :: decision problem |
päätöspäivä {n} | :: The final day of an event such as conference, fair, sports tournament |
päätöspuu {n} | :: decision tree |
päätössanat {n} | :: closing or concluding words or remarks |
päätösteoria {n} | :: decision theory |
päätösvalta {n} | :: decision making power |
päätösvaltainen {adj} | :: quorate, having a quorum (of a meeting or similar, having a sufficient number of people present in order to have the authority to make decisions) |
päätösviiva {n} [music] | :: end (in notation) |
paatsama {n} [plant] | :: buckthorn (any tree or shrub of the genus Rhamnus) |
paatsamanmarja {n} | :: buckthorn berry (fruit of buckthorn) |
paatsamanmarja {n} | :: Avignon berry, French berry (berry of buckthorn species Rhamnus saxatilis, used as yellow dye) |
paatsamasinisiipi {n} | :: holly blue, Celastrina argiolus (butterfly of the family Lycaenidae, native to Eurasia and North America) |
päättää {vt} [auxiliary, + first infinitive] | :: to decide (to do something); to choose (to do something) |
päättää {vt} | :: to judge, infer, conclude |
päättää {vt} | :: to end, conclude, terminate, finish, bring to a close |
päättää {vt} | :: to tie off, fasten (a thread) |
päättää päivänsä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to end one's days |
päättäjä {n} | :: decision maker, policymaker |
päättäjäiset {n} | :: closing ceremony |
päättäjäiset {n} | :: graduation, graduation ceremony |
päättämätön {adj} | :: indecisive, irresolute |
päättämätön {adj} | :: undecided, irresolute |
päättämätön {adj} | :: unfinished |
päättäminen {n} | :: deciding |
päättäminen {n} | :: concluding |
päättäri {n} [slang] | :: final stop (end of a bus, tram or railway line) |
päättäväinen {adj} | :: determined, resolute, intent, set |
päättäväisempi {adj} | :: comparative of päättäväinen |
päättäväisesti {adv} | :: decisively |
päättäväisyys {n} | :: decisiveness (quality of being decisive) |
päättävästi {adv} | :: decisively, resolutely, with determination |
päätteellinen {adj} [typography] | :: serif |
päätteellinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: suffixed, with a suffix |
päätteetön {adj} [typography] | :: sans serif |
päätteetön {adj} [linguistics] | :: suffixless, unsuffixed, nonsuffixed |
päätteleminen {n} | :: fastening off, tying off |
päätteleminen {n} | :: concluding, drawing a conclusion, deciding |
päättely {n} | :: deduction |
päättely {n} | :: inference |
paatti {n} [colloquial, nautical] | :: ship or boat |
päättömämpi {adj} | :: comparative of päätön |
päättömästi {adv} | :: senselessly |
päättömyys {n} | :: headlessness |
päättömyys {n} | :: senselessness |
päättötodistus {n} | :: leaving certificate, diploma |
päättötyö {n} | :: diploma work, degree work |
päättyä {vi} | :: to (come to an) end, finish, stop, cease, (be) conclude(d) |
päättyä {vi} | :: to be up, expire |
päättyä {vi} | :: to be finished, be completed |
päättymä {n} [grammar, dated] | :: the present perfect tense |
päättymätön {adj} | :: endless, perpetual |
päättyminen {n} | :: ending |
päättymisaika {n} | :: expiration time |
päättymisajankohta {n} | :: ending date or time, expiry date or time, closing date or time |
päättymishetki {n} | :: the instant or moment at which something ends or expires |
päättymispäivämäärä {n} | :: end date, expiry date |
päättyvä {adj} | :: ending |
päättyvä {adj} [mathematics] | :: terminating |
paatua {v} | :: To become hardened, callous (of soul) |
päätuki {n} | :: alternative form of pääntuki |
paatumus {n} | :: synonym of paatuneisuus |
paatuneisuus {n} | :: callousness, impenitence |
paatunut {adj} | :: impenitent, callous |
päätuomari {n} [sports] | :: main referee, referee as opposed to a linesman |
päätuomari {n} [tennis] | :: chair umpire |
pääty {n} | :: end (of an object, area or similar; side behaving as an end, often one of the shorter sides) |
päätyä {vi} | :: to end up (somewhere) |
päätykolmio {n} | :: A gable |
päätykoriste {n} [architecture] | :: finial (decorative fitting at the peak of a gable) |
päätylaita {n} [ice hockey] | :: The end board |
päätyö {n} | :: main job |
päätyraja {n} [sports] | :: end line, goal line (acting as boundary of the field) |
päätyyppi {n} | :: main type |
pääurakoitsija {n} | :: general contractor, prime contractor, main contractor |
Paavali {prop} | :: Paul [biblical character] |
Paavali {prop} | :: given name, rather rare in this biblical spelling |
paavalinkukka {n} | :: African violet, saintpaulia |
päävalmentaja {n} | :: head coach (highest ranking coach of a coaching staff) |
päävamma {n} | :: head injury |
pääväri {n} | :: primary colour |
pääväylä {n} | :: arterial road |
pääverbi {n} [grammar] | :: main verb |
paavi {n} | :: pope |
paavillinen {adj} | :: papal |
paavillinen {adj} | :: hypocritical |
paavillisempi {adj} | :: comparative of paavillinen |
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: more Catholic than the Pope (hypocritical, supporting someone's ideas more vigorously than the person itself) |
paavillisempi kuin paavi itse {phrase} | :: olla ~ : to outpope the Pope (to try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group) |
paavinistuin {n} | :: papal seat |
paavinkirkko {n} [derogatory] | :: synonym of katolinen kirkko |
paavinusko {n} [derogatory] | :: papistry, papism |
paavinuskoinen {n} [Christianity, derogatory] | :: A papist |
paavinvaali {n} | :: papal election |
paavinvalta {n} | :: papal rule |
päävirta {n} | :: main power |
paavius {n} | :: papacy |
Paavo {prop} | :: given name |
Paavo {prop} | :: The letter "P" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet |
päävoitto {n} | :: jackpot (in a lottery) |
Paavola {prop} | :: surname |
Paavola {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
päävuokralainen {n} | :: principal tenant |
pachinko {n} | :: pachinko |
padallinen {n} | :: potful, cauldronful |
padanjalka {n} | :: cauldron stand (a low platform on which a cauldron or pot can be placed) |
padankansi {n} | :: cauldron lid, pot lid |
padasjokelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Padasjoki (Finnish municipality) |
padasjokelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Padasjoki (Finnish municipality) |
Padasjoki {prop} | :: Padasjoki (municipality) |
padota {vt} | :: To stem (to block or obstruct flow of liquid) |
paella {n} | :: paella |
paeta {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To flee from, run away from |
paeta {v} [transitive + partitive, or intransitive + elative or ablative] | :: To escape, get away |
paeta {v} | :: ~ onnettomuuspaikalta = to hit and run |
pagelli {n} | :: bream, sea bream (any of several fish of the genus Pagellus) |
pagodi {n} | :: A pagoda |
paha {adj} | :: bad, ill |
paha {adj} | :: evil |
paha {adj} | :: difficult, hard, tricky |
paha {adj} [idiomatic] | :: paha mieli |
paha {adj} | :: See the adverb pahoillaan |
paha {n} | :: the evil |
pahaa-aavistamaton {adj} | :: unsuspecting |
pahaenteinen {adj} | :: ominous, threatening, portentous, inauspicious, foreboding, ill-boding |
pahaenteisempi {adj} | :: comparative of pahaenteinen |
pahainen {adj} | :: wretched |
pahaksua {v} | :: alternative form of paheksua |
pahalainen {n} | :: mild word of abuse; may be translated as bastard or son of a bitch |
pahamaineinen {adj} | :: notorious |
pahamaineisuus {n} | :: notoriety |
pahan akseli {n} | :: axis of evil |
pahanen {n} | :: poor thing, something to be pitied |
pahanhajuinen {adj} | :: malodorous (having a bad odor) |
pahanhajuinen {adj} | :: foul-smelling, smelly, fetid, mephitic, noisome, olid, whiffy (having a strong bad odor) |
pahanhajuinen {adj} | :: funky (smelling foul, especially of a mouldy, musty, unwashed smell) |
pahanhajuinen {adj} | :: reeking, stinking, stinky, rank (having a very strong and bad odor) |
pahanhajuinen {adj} | :: Of breath; bad or foul |
pahanhajuisempi {adj} | :: comparative of pahanhajuinen |
pahanilkisesti {adv} | :: mischievously, wickedly |
pahanilkisyys {n} | :: mischievousness |
pahanilmanlintu {n} | :: bird of ill omen (person who brings bad news) |
pahanilmanlintu {n} | :: jinx (person or thing supposed to bring bad luck) |
pahanilmanlintu {n} | :: synonym of ilonpilaaja |
pahankurinen {adj} | :: mischievous |
pahankurisesti {adv} | :: mischievously |
pahankurisuus {n} | :: mischievousness |
pahanlaatuinen {adj} [oncology] | :: malign, malignant (harmfully cancerous) |
pahanlaatuistua {vi} [oncology] | :: to become malignant |
pahanlaatuisuus {n} | :: malignancy |
pahanlaisesti {adv} | :: badly, bad |
pahanmakuinen {adj} | :: unpalatable |
pahanmakuisuus {n} | :: unpalatability |
pahannäköinen {adj} | :: bad-looking |
pahanolontunne {n} | :: malaise |
pahanpäiväinen {adj} | :: ineffectual, miserable, void |
pahanpäiväisesti {adv} | :: very much, thoroughly, radically |
pahan päivän varalle {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: for a rainy day |
pahansisuinen {adj} | :: ill-tempered, ill-natured |
pahansuopa {adj} | :: malevolent, malicious (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) |
pahansuopa {adj} | :: hurtful (tending to hurt someone's feelings; insulting) |
pahansuopainen {adj} | :: synonym of pahansuopa |
pahansuopaisuus {n} | :: synonym of pahansuopuus |
pahansuopuus {n} | :: malevolence, maliciousness |
pahansuovasti {adv} | :: malevolently, maliciously |
pahansuovasti {adv} | :: hurtfully |
pahantahtoinen {adj} | :: malevolent |
pahantahtoisuus {n} | :: malevolence |
pahantekijä {n} | :: evildoer (person who performs evil acts) |
pahanteko {n} | :: evildoing, wrongdoing |
pahantuulinen {adj} | :: ill-tempered, bad-tempered |
pahantuulisesti {adv} | :: in a bad mood, surlily |
pahapuolukka {n} | :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka |
pahaputki {n} | :: water dropwort (plant of the genus Oenanthe) |
pahaputki {n} | :: fine-leafed water dropwort (Oenanthe aquatica) |
paha silmä {n} | :: evil eye |
pahasti {adv} | :: badly |
pahastua {vi} | :: To get upset |
pahastuttaa {vt} | :: to upset |
pahe {n} | :: vice |
päheä {adj} [colloquial] | :: cool |
paheellinen {adj} | :: vicious, depraved |
paheellisesti {adv} | :: viciously, depravedly |
paheksua {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To disapprove of, reprehend; to frown (up)on |
paheksua {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To censure, find fault with, reproach |
paheksuminen {n} | :: disapproving, reprehending, frowning upon |
paheksuminen {n} | :: censuring, reproaching |
paheksunta {n} | :: reprehension, deprecation, disapproval, condemnation |
paheksuttava {adj} | :: objectionable, deplorable, reprehensible, unacceptable |
paheksuttavampi {adj} | :: comparative of paheksuttava |
paheksuttavin {adj} | :: superlative of paheksuttava |
pahemmin {adv} | :: very much, really (modifying a verb) |
pahemmin {adv} | :: comparative of pahasti; worse |
pahempi {adj} | :: comparative of paha |
paheneminen {n} | :: worsening (becoming worse) |
pahennus {n} | :: The event or process of getting worse, especially in moral respect |
pahennus {n} | :: contempt, scorn, disdain; used mostly in expressions herättää (to awake) pahennusta, aiheuttaa (to cause) pahennusta |
pahennus {n} [archaic] | :: The cause of contempt, scorn or disdain |
pahennus {n} [archaic] | :: A moral evil, temptation, sin |
pahentaa {vt} | :: To worsen |
pahentaa {vt} | :: To exacerbate, aggravate |
pahentua {vi} | :: To worsen |
paheta {vi} | :: To worsen |
paheta {vi} | :: To relapse |
pahimmassa tapauksessa {idiom} | :: In the worst case, worse comes to worst |
pahimmillaan {adv} | :: at worst |
pahimmilleen {adv} | :: into its worst, into being at worst |
pahimmin {adv} | :: most badly, in the worst way or manner |
pahimmoiksi {adv} | :: to one's misfortune |
pahimmoillaan {adv} | :: alternative form of pahimmillaan |
pahimmoilleen {adv} | :: alternative form of pahimmilleen |
pahin {adj} | :: superlative of paha |
pahis {n} [colloquial] | :: meanie, baddie, bad guy, villain, heavy (person doing bad things, especially in a movie or other story) |
pahiten {adv} | :: most badly, in the worst way or manner |
pahka {n} | :: burl [US], bur, burr, gnarl (tree growth in which the grain has grown in a deformed manner) |
pähkähullu {adj} | :: raving mad, mad as a hatter, insane |
pähkähullu {n} | :: A raving mad person |
pähkäillä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to ponder, to figure |
pahkainen {adj} | :: gnarled, gnarly |
pahkaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of pahkainen |
pahkakuppi {n} | :: a cup made out of a burr or gnarl |
pähkämö {n} | :: any plant of the genus Stachys; known by multiple common names in English including hedgenettle, heal-all, self-heal, woundwort, betony, and lamb's ears |
pähkämö {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Stachys |
pahkasieni {n} | :: any fungus of genus Sclerotinia |
pahkasieni {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Sclerotinia |
pahkasika {n} | :: warthog |
pahkatyö {n} | :: a work or craft made of a burr or gnarl |
pahki {adv} [dialectal] | :: towards |
pähkiä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to ponder |
pähkinä {n} | :: nut |
pähkinä {n} | :: hazel |
pähkinä {n} | :: puzzle, riddle; difficult problem, tough nut to crack |
pähkinähakki {n} | :: spotted nutcracker, Eurasian nutcracker, nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes |
pähkinäinen {adj} | :: nutty (containing nuts) |
pähkinäinen {adj} | :: nutty (resembling or characteristic of nuts) |
pähkinälehto {n} | :: a grove consisting of fruit trees, specifically trees that bear nuts |
pähkinänakkeli {n} | :: Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea |
pähkinänkuoressa {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in a nutshell |
pähkinänkuori {n} | :: nutshell |
pähkinänrousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius pyrogalus |
pähkinänsärkijä {n} | :: nutcracker (tool for breaking nuts) |
pähkinänsydän {n} | :: nut kernel |
pähkinäpensas {n} [plant] | :: A member of the taxonomic genus Corylus |
pähkinäpensas {n} [plant] | :: common hazel, Corylus avellana |
pähkinäpuu {n} | :: walnut (tree, wood) |
pähkinäsakset {n} | :: nutcracker scissors |
pähkinäsuklaa {n} | :: nut chocolate, chocolate with nuts |
pähkinävoi {n} | :: nut butter |
pahkulasieni {n} | :: a species of fungus, Typhula brassicae |
pahkura {n} | :: wart |
pahkurainen {adj} | :: gnarled, gnarly |
pähkylä {n} [botany] | :: achene (type of dry fruit, in botanical sense of the word) |
pahla {n} [dialectal] | :: fishing rod (the rod in a fishing rod) |
pahna {n} [agriculture] | :: straws used in animal shelters |
pahnanpohjimmainen {n} | :: runt |
pahnanpohjimmainen {n} | :: lastborn |
pahnue {n} | :: litter of pigs, farrow |
pahoillaan {adv} | :: sorry; upset, sad (about something = elative) |
pahoillaan {adv} | :: sorry (for somebody = genitive + puolesta) |
pahoilleen {adv} | :: into being sorry or upset |
pahoin {adv} | :: badly |
pahoinpidellä {vt} | :: To maul, manhandle, assault, beat (up) (a person); to batter, be physically abusive of (one's spouse); to abuse (a child) |
pahoinpidellä {vt} | :: To abuse, mistreat, maltreat (an animal, machine, piece of furniture etc.) |
pahoinpitelijä {n} | :: assaulter, abuser |
pahoinpitelijä {n} | :: thug, bully |
pahoinpitely {n} | :: abuse (physical maltreatment) |
pahoinpitely {n} | :: battery (crime) |
pahoinvointi {n} | :: nausea, sickness |
pahoinvoipa {adj} | :: alternative form of pahoinvoiva |
pahoinvoiva {adj} | :: queasy, nauseated |
pahoitella {v} | :: To regret |
pahoittaa {vi} | :: to hurt; only used in the idiomatic expressions pahoittaa mielensä = to hurt one's feelings and pahoittaa jonkun mieli + (possessive suffix) = to hurt someone's feelings |
pahoittelu {n} | :: An apology |
pahoittelu {n} | :: A regret |
pahoittua {vi} | :: to be hurt, to hurt one's feelings |
paholainen {n} | :: The Devil, the devil (Satan) |
paholainen {n} | :: A devil, demon |
paholainen {n} | :: An imp |
paholaisen asianajaja {n} | :: devil's advocate |
paholaismainen {adj} | :: fiendish, diabolic, devilish |
pahta {n} | :: A steep, rocky cliff |
pahuksesti {adv} | :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive |
pahus {n} | :: devil, heck, hell (mild swearword) |
pahus {interj} | :: dang, darn, damn, blimey, drat, rats (a mild curse) |
pahuus {n} | :: evilness (the property of being evil) |
pahuus {n} | :: evil (as opposed to good) |
pahuus {n} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of pahus |
pahvi {n} | :: Relatively thick and stiff cardboard. According to paper industry standards, pahvi weighs at least 250 g/sq.m |
pahvi {n} | :: A versatile woodfibre-based packaging material produced by combining cardboard, fluting and/or paper. The usage of both Finnish and English terms is rather incoherent, but e.g. cardboard, corrugated board, paperboard and pasteboard may apply as translations for pahvi |
pahvi {n} [colloquial] | :: blockhead, dolt |
pahvikuppi {n} | :: paper cup |
pahvilaatikko {n} | :: cardboard box |
pahvimuki {n} | :: paper cup |
pahviveitsi {n} | :: boxcutter, utility knife |
pai {n} [Finglish] | :: pie |
paiaani {n} | :: paean (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph) |
paidanhelma {n} | :: shirttail |
paidanhiha {n} | :: shirtsleeve |
paidankaulus {n} | :: shirt collar |
paidannappi {n} | :: shirt button |
paidanpesijä {n} [jocular] | :: wife |
paidaton {adj} | :: shirtless |
päihde {n} | :: intoxicant, psychoactive drug |
päihdehäiriö {n} | :: substance use disorder |
päihdeongelma {n} | :: substance abuse problem |
päihdyksiin {adv} | :: into being drunk |
päihdyksissä {adv} | :: drunk |
päihdyttää {vt} | :: To intoxicate |
päihittää {v} | :: to outsmart, outdo |
päihittää {v} | :: to beat, vanquish, best |
päihtyä {vi} | :: To get drunk, to become intoxicated |
päihtymys {n} | :: intoxication (state of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs) |
päihtynyt {adj} | :: intoxicated, inebriated |
päihtynyt {adj} [in essive] | :: under the influence |
päihtynyt {n} | :: An intoxicated, inebriated person |
Päijänne {prop} | :: The second largest lake in Finland |
paijata {v} | :: to pet |
paijata {v} [colloquial] | :: to have sex |
paijata {v} [colloquial] | :: to curry favor, to suck up (seek to gain favor by flattery or attention) |
Päijät-Häme {prop} | :: Päijät-Häme (region) |
paikalla {adv} | :: in attendance, present |
paikalla {adv} [rare] | :: on the spot, at once |
paikalla {adv} | :: used as fortifier to the word heti (at once) to underline urgency |
paikalla {adv} | :: in (its) place; usually with a personal suffix, also in plural |
paikallaan {adv} | :: in his/her/its place/location/spot |
paikallavalu {n} | :: on site casting (of concrete) |
paikalleen {adv} | :: to his/her/its place/location/spot |
paikallinen {adj} | :: local [of a nearby location] |
paikallinen {n} [colloquial] | :: local [nearest pub] |
Paikallinen ryhmä {prop} [astronomy] | :: Local Group |
Paikallinen superjoukko {prop} [astronomy] | :: Local Supercluster |
paikallisaika {n} | :: local time |
paikallisbussi {n} [colloquial] | :: local bus |
paikallisedustaja {n} | :: local representative |
paikallisedustus {n} | :: local representation |
paikalliselin {n} | :: local body (organisation, company or other authoritative group) |
paikallisesti {adv} | :: locally |
paikallishallinto {n} | :: local government (any form of government whose remit covers an area less than that of the nation) |
paikallishistoria {n} | :: local history |
paikallisjärjestö {n} | :: local organization |
paikallisjohtaja {n} | :: local leader |
paikallisjoukot {n} | :: local forces or troops |
paikallisjuna {n} | :: local, local train, commuter train (train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination) |
paikalliskokoelma {n} | :: local collection |
paikalliskulttuuri {n} | :: local culture |
paikallislähetys {n} | :: local radio transmission |
paikallislehti {n} | :: local magazine, local paper |
paikallisliikenne {n} | :: local traffic, local transport |
paikallislinja {n} | :: line of local transport |
paikallismurre {n} | :: local dialect |
paikallismuseo {n} | :: local museum |
paikallisohjelma {n} | :: local program (such as in a radio) |
paikallisosasto {n} | :: A local, a local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union) |
paikallisottelu {n} | :: local derby, derby (sports match between local rival teams) |
paikallispankki {n} [banking] | :: local bank |
paikallispoliisi {n} | :: local police |
paikallispuhelu {n} | :: local telephone call |
paikallispuolustusjärjestelmä {n} | :: a system or an organization in using local troops for defense |
paikallispuudutus {n} [medicine] | :: local anesthesia |
paikallisradio {n} | :: local radio |
paikallissää {n} | :: local weather |
paikallissairaala {n} | :: local hospital |
paikallissija {n} [grammar] | :: A grammatical case that primarily indicates location or movement from or towards a location. Most of them are used of time as well |
paikallistaa {v} | :: To localize |
paikallistarina {n} | :: local story |
paikallistie {n} | :: local road (road belonging to a former road class in Finland with roads numbered 11000–19999) |
paikallistua {vi} | :: alternative form of paikantua |
paikallistuntemus {n} | :: local knowledge |
paikallisuus {n} | :: localness |
paikallisuus {n} | :: locality |
paikallisvaali {n} [chiefly in the plural] | :: local election |
paikallisvaisto {n} | :: synonym of suuntavaisto |
paikallisväri {n} | :: colour (interest, especially in a selective area) |
paikallisväri {n} | :: local colour |
paikallisverkko {n} | :: LAN (Local Area Network) |
paikallisyhdistys {n} | :: local, local chapter (branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union) |
paikallisyhteisö {n} | :: local society |
paikaltaan {adv} | :: from his/her/its place/location/spot |
paikannimi {n} | :: placename, toponym |
paikannimitutkimus {n} [linguistics] | :: toponymy, toponomastics (lexicological study of place names) |
paikannin {n} | :: locator (something that locates) |
paikannussatelliitti {n} | :: navigation satellite |
paikan päällä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: on the spot (in a particular place) |
paikansija {n} [grammar, dated] | :: locative case |
paikantaa {vt} | :: to locate, pinpoint |
paikantaa {vt} | :: to localize |
paikantua {vi} | :: To be localized |
paikanvaihto {n} | :: substitution, changing of places |
paikata {vt} | :: To patch, mend, sew (up) (a shirt; pants/trousers) |
paikata {vt} | :: To fix, repair (a shoe) |
paikata {vt} | :: To put in a filling (on a tooth) |
paikata {vt} | :: To fill (gaps in one's knowledge) |
paikata {vt} | :: To patch up (a relationship) |
paikata {vt} | :: To be (sb's) understudy, take (sb's) place temporarily (e.g. at work) |
paikata {vt} | :: To roll a spare (in bowling) |
paikka {n} | :: place, location, spot, site |
paikka {n} | :: area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood |
paikka {n} | :: space, room |
paikka {n} | :: scene (where something happens/has happened) |
paikka {n} [politics] | :: seat |
paikka {n} [sports] | :: berth (position on the field of play) |
paikka {n} [sports] | :: short for maalintekopaikka |
paikka {n} | :: job, post, position |
paikka {n} | :: patch (on clothes) |
paikka {n} [computing] | :: patch |
paikka {n} [dentistry] | :: filling; inlay |
paikka {n} [colloquial] | :: situation |
paikka {n} [colloquial, in plural] | :: parts, bones |
paikka-arvo {n} | :: place value, positional value |
paikkailla {v} | :: To patch |
päikkäin {adv} | :: synonym of päittäin |
paikkainen {adj} | :: having a certain number of seats; always used with a numeral or other modifier |
paikkaisomeria {n} [chemistry] | :: position isomerism |
paikkajärjestelmä {n} | :: position system |
paikkajärjestelmä {n} | :: positional system |
paikkakortti {n} | :: place card |
paikkakunta {n} | :: locality |
paikkakuntalainen {n} | :: A local (person who lives nearby) |
paikkalintu {n} | :: sedentary bird species, resident bird species |
paikkamaalata {v} | :: to patch paint (to repair a painted surface by painting only the damaged parts) |
paikkamerkki {n} | :: placeholder |
paikkamerkki {n} | :: locality mark, location mark |
paikkansa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of paikka |
paikkansapitävä {adj} | :: accurate |
paikkatasku {n} | :: patch pocket (pocket made of a piece of fabric by sewing it onto the outside of a garment) |
paikkatieto {n} | :: geospatial data, location data, spatial data |
paikkatietojärjestelmä {n} | :: GIS (geographic information system) |
paikkaus {n} | :: patching, mending, fixing, filling |
paikkaussarja {n} | :: patch kit (collection of equipment and material for patching punctures in inner tubes of tires) |
paikkaustiedosto {n} [computing] | :: patch file (input to a patch program) |
paikkauttaa {v} | :: To have something patched, mended, sewn up etc. (see paikata for further senses) |
paikkavektori {n} [mathematics] | :: position vector |
paikkeilla {adv} | :: about, around, in the vicinity (of) |
paikkeille {adv} | :: to about or around, to the vicinity (of) |
paikkeilta {adv} | :: from about or around, from the vicinity (of) |
paikko {n} [bowling] | :: spare |
paikkuuttaa {v} | :: alternative form of paikkauttaa |
paikoillaan {adv} | :: in place, in position |
paikoillanne {interj} [sports] | :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!) |
paikoillanne, valmiina, nyt {phrase} [sports] | :: on your mark, get set, go; ready, set, go; ready, steady, go (three-command start when racing) |
paikoilleen {adv} | :: to where they belong |
paikoilleen {adv} | :: panna ~ : to put up, put away |
paikoilleen {adv} | :: synonym of paikalleen |
paikoillenne {interj} [sports] | :: ready; on your mark; on your marks (first part of the command phrase ready, steady, go!) |
paikoiltaan {adv} | :: from its position, place or spot; dislodged |
paikoin {adv} | :: at some places, locally (occurring in a limited number of locations) |
paikoitellen {adv} | :: in parts, in some places, in some areas, at some places, here and there |
paikoittaa {v} [rare] | :: to park (bring a vehicle to a halt or store in a specified place) |
paikoittain {adv} | :: in parts, in some places, in some areas, at some places, here and there |
paikoittainen {adj} | :: appearing in, occurring in or that is in parts or some places, which is here and there; patchy, regional, areal |
paikoitus {n} [rare] | :: parking |
paikoitusalue {n} | :: parking area, parking place |
päikseen {adv} [colloquial] | :: synonym of päittäin |
päikseen {adv} [colloquial] | :: evenly (such as of a trade) |
pailakka {n} | :: An untamed male reindeer |
päilyä {vi} | :: to glint, to glimmer, to glitter |
paimen {n} | :: A herdsman |
paimen {n} | :: A herd (one who herds or assembles, a herdsman) |
paimen {n} | :: A shepherd (metaphorical: someone who watches over and guides) |
paimenen piiras {n} | :: shepherd's pie, cottage pie |
paimenkirje {n} | :: pastoral letter, pastoral (letter of a pastor or bishop to his charge) |
paimenkirje {n} [colloquial] | :: circular letter, circular; especially if it contains advice for corrective action |
paimenkirje {n} [colloquial] | :: cease-and-desist letter, demand letter |
paimenkoira {n} | :: herding dog |
paimenkuu {n} [astronomy] | :: shepherd moon |
paimentaa {vt} | :: to herd, tend (animals); to shepherd (people) |
paimentolainen {n} | :: pastoral nomad (owning livestock) |
paimentolainen {n} [modifier] | :: nomadic |
paimentolaiselämä {n} | :: nomadic life |
paimentolaisuus {n} | :: pastoralism, nomadism |
paimentorvi {n} | :: shepherd's horn |
Paimio {prop} | :: Paimio (municipality) |
paimiolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Paimio |
paimiolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Paimio |
Paimionjoki {n} | :: Paimionjoki (river) |
-päin {suffix} | :: -wards, -ward |
päin {adv} | :: against, to, on etc. (indicating movement or direction straight towards something) |
päin {adv} | :: Used to indicate approximate direction or location; multiple translations into English are possible, may even be omitted if the direction is indicated in some other way in English. See the usage examples below |
päin {adv} | :: towards, for (indicating the direction of change) |
päin {adv} | :: -wards, -ward, -about etc. (forms adverbs that indicate small movement towards a direction or imprecise location) |
päin {adv} | :: way, sometimes side (indicating position, status etc.) |
painaa {vt} | :: to push, press |
painaa {vt} | :: to print (a book) |
painaa {vi} | :: to weigh |
painaa {v} [slang] | :: to fuck |
painaa kuin synti {v} [simile] | :: to weigh a ton |
painaa mieleen {v} | :: To memorise/memorize |
painaa villaisella {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to downplay, soft-pedal |
painajainen {n} [mythology] | :: nightmare (demon) |
painajainen {n} | :: nightmare (bad dream) |
painajainen {n} | :: nightmare (bad experience) |
painajaismainen {adj} | :: nightmarish |
painajaisuni {n} | :: nightmare (dream) |
painallus {n} | :: press, push (quick depression of a button, keyboard key etc.) |
painallus {n} | :: keystroke |
painaltaa {vi} | :: to rush (to move rapidly) |
painanne {n} | :: depression (e.g. on ground) |
painanta {n} | :: printing |
painate {n} | :: synonym of painotuote |
painattaa {vt} | :: To have printed, published |
painatus {n} | :: print (a picture or text created by printing) |
painatustyö {n} | :: printing work |
painauma {n} | :: A depression (e.g. in terrain) |
painautua {v} | :: to press oneself (against something) |
painautua {v} | :: to nestle (to press oneself against another affectionately) |
painautua {v} | :: to huddle (to crowd together as when distressed or in fear) |
painava {adj} | :: heavy |
painava {adj} | :: substantial |
painavampi {adj} | :: comparative of painava |
painavasti {adv} | :: heavily |
paine {n} | :: pressure |
paineaalto {n} | :: blastwave, shock wave, pressure wave |
paineakku {n} | :: pressure accumulator, hydraulic accumulator |
paineanturi {n} | :: pressure sensor |
paineasetelma {n} [automotive] | :: pressure plate (of a clutch) |
paineastia {n} | :: pressure vessel |
paineenalaisuus {n} | :: being under pressure, the state of being under pressure |
paineenalennin {n} | :: pressure reducer |
paineenalennus {n} | :: pressure reducing, pressure drop |
paineenalennusventtiili {n} | :: pressure reducing valve |
paineenesto {n} [rare] | :: pressure prevention |
paineenkestävä {adj} | :: pressure-resistant |
paineenkesto {n} | :: pressure resistance |
paineenkorotus {n} | :: pressure increase |
paineensäädin {n} | :: pressure regulator |
paineensieto {n} | :: pressure tolerance, pressure resistance |
paineentasaus {n} | :: pressure equalization, pressure relief |
painehaava {n} | :: pressure ulcer, bedsore |
painehaavauma {n} [pathology] | :: A pressure ulcer, decubitus or bedsore |
painehitsaus {n} | :: pressure welding |
painehoito {n} | :: pressure therapy |
painehuuhtelu {n} | :: power flushing |
paineilma {n} | :: compressed air, pressurized air |
paineilma {n} [as modifier] | :: pneumatic |
paineilmahengityslaite {n} | :: compressed air breathing apparatus |
paineilmajarru {n} | :: airbrake, pneumatic brake |
paineilmakäyttöinen {adj} | :: pneumatically driven, pneumatically powered |
paineilmakompressori {n} | :: pneumatic compressor, air compressor |
paineilmalaite {n} | :: compressed air apparatus |
paineilmanaulain {n} | :: pneumatic nail gun |
paineilmapora {n} | :: pneumatic drill |
paineilmapullo {n} | :: compressed air can |
paineilmapullo {n} | :: compressed air bottle |
paineilmasäiliö {n} | :: compressed air tank, pressurized air tank |
paineilmatoiminen {adj} | :: pneumatically operated |
paineilmavasara {n} | :: pneumatic hammer |
paineisku {n} | :: hydraulic shock, water hammer, fluid hammer (surge of pressure in a pipe carrying a fluid) |
paineistaa {v} | :: To pressurize |
paineistettu {adj} | :: compressed |
painekaasu {n} | :: compressed or pressurized gas |
painekammio {n} | :: pressure chamber |
painekattila {n} | :: pressure cooker (sealed cooking vessel that allows cooking in greater than atmospheric pressure) |
painekeitin {n} | :: pressure cooker (cooking vessel) |
painekestoisuus {n} | :: pressure rating (an upper bound for the pressure that a component can handle) |
painekyllästää {v} | :: to impregnate with pressure (to preserve something, especially wood, chemically in high pressure) |
painekyllästys {n} | :: pressure impregnation |
painekytkin {n} | :: pressure switch |
painelaakeri {n} | :: thrust bearing |
painelaite {n} | :: pressure equipment |
painella {v} | :: To press (with fingers) |
painemittari {n} | :: pressure gauge, pressure meter, manometer |
-päinen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to a head; used only as headword in compound terms. Sometimes translated into English as -headed, but often the compound has a translation of its own |
painepakkaus {n} | :: pressurized container |
painepesuri {n} | :: pressure washer, powerwasher |
paineputki {n} | :: pressure tube |
painesäiliö {n} | :: pressure vessel, pressure tank |
painesensori {n} | :: synonym of paineanturi |
paineside {n} | :: pressure dressing, pressure bandage |
painesyltty {n} | :: synonym of painosyltty |
painevaikutus {n} | :: pressure effect |
painevalu {n} | :: pressure casting, die casting |
paineventtiili {n} | :: pressure valve |
painevesi {n} | :: pressurized water |
painevesireaktori {n} | :: pressurized water reactor |
painevoitelu {n} | :: pressure lubrication |
paini {n} [sports] | :: wrestling |
painia {vi} | :: To wrestle |
painija {n} | :: wrestler |
painike {n} | :: button, push-button (button -like device meant to be pressed with a finger or clicked by a computer mouse) |
painike {n} [in general] | :: a mechanical device meant to be pressed to produce an action |
Painilainen {prop} | :: surname |
painiminen {n} | :: wrestling |
painin {n} [rare] | :: A press (device used to apply pressure to an item) |
painin {n} | :: A tool used to press an image on a surface, e.g. leather or paper |
painin {n} [rare] | :: A generic term for a device that is designed to deliver an action when pressed, such as a push-button or door handle |
paininjalka {n} [sewing] | :: presser foot (sewing machine part) |
paininpuu {n} | :: a wooden tool used to press something or against which something is pressed |
painiote {n} | :: A hold, wrestling hold |
painiskella {vi} | :: To wrestle, struggle with a problem |
paino {n} | :: weight |
paino {n} | :: press (general term for a printing machine) |
paino {n} | :: press, weight (passive device to apply pressure to something) |
paino {n} [fishing] | :: sinker (weight used in fishing to cause the line or net to sink) |
paino {n} [phonetics] | :: stress |
painoaika {n} | :: printing date |
painoala {n} | :: printing sector, printing industry, printing field |
painoalue {n} | :: priority area (figurative area) |
painoarkki {n} | :: printed sheet |
painoarvo {n} | :: weight, importance, value (degree of importance) |
painoarvo {n} | :: clout (political influence or effectiveness) |
painoarvo {n} | :: importance, noteworthiness (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note) |
painoerä {n} | :: edition, issue |
painoindeksi {n} [physiology] | :: body mass index, BMI |
painoinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] | :: of (the same) weight (as), heavy, of one's weight |
painokangas {n} | :: print (cloth) |
painokas {adj} | :: emphatic |
painokelvoton {adj} | :: unprintable, unpublishable (chiefly in the sense of being obscene) |
painokerroin {n} | :: weight, weight coefficient |
painokirjain {n} | :: block letter |
painokivi {n} | :: lithographic stone |
painokkaasti {adv} | :: emphatically |
painokone {n} | :: printing press |
painokuva {n} | :: print (printed picture) |
painolaatta {n} | :: printing plate |
painolasti {n} [nautical] | :: A ballast |
painolastivesi {n} [nautical] | :: ballast water (water used as ballast in a watercraft) |
painollinen {adj} [prosody] | :: stressed |
painomenetelmä {n} | :: printing method |
painomittajärjestelmä {n} | :: A system of weights, such as avoirdupois or troy weight |
painomuste {n} | :: printer's ink (rapidly drying ink made specifically for printing machines) |
painonappi {n} | :: push-button, button (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) |
painonnostaja {n} | :: weightlifter |
painonnosto {n} | :: weightlifting |
painonsa arvoinen kultaa {adj} [idiomatic] | :: worth one's weight in gold |
painopaperi {n} | :: printing paper, paper for printing |
painopeitto {n} | :: weighted blanket |
painopinta {n} | :: printing surface |
painopiste {n} | :: centre of gravity, center of gravity, centre of mass |
painopiste {n} [math] | :: centroid |
painopiste {n} | :: (special attention or prominence given to something) focus, [main] emphasis, core area, key area, core business, priority [often set priorities] |
painopisteala {n} | :: priority area |
painopistealue {n} | :: priority area |
painoprosentti {n} | :: weight percent |
painoprosenttinen {adj} | :: having a specific percentage by weight (usually preceded by a number in this usage) |
painoprosenttinen {adj} | :: measured in percentage by weight |
painos {n} | :: edition (the whole number of copies of a work printed and published at one time) |
painosivu {n} | :: printed page |
painosmäärä {n} | :: print run, number of copies |
painostaa {vt} | :: to coerce, to put pressure on, pressurize, pressure (to exert force or influence to compel one to act against his will) |
painostava {adj} | :: confronting, upsetting, distressing, coercing (causing distress) |
painostava {adj} [weather] | :: oppressive, sultry (hot and humid) |
painostus {n} [figuratively] | :: pressure, heat |
painostusryhmä {n} | :: pressure group |
painosylinteri {n} [printing] | :: impression cylinder |
painotekniikka {n} | :: printing technology |
painoteksti {n} | :: printed text |
painotettu {adj} [mathematics] | :: weighted |
painotettu keskiarvo {n} [statistics] | :: weighted mean, weighted average |
painotettu verkko {n} [graph theory] | :: weighted graph |
painoton {adj} | :: weightless |
painoton {adj} [prosody] | :: unstressed |
painottaa {v} | :: to highlight, emphasize |
painottaa {v} | :: to accent |
painottamaton {adj} [mathematics] | :: unweighted |
painottamaton verkko {n} [graph theory] | :: unweighted graph |
painottomuus {n} | :: weightlessness, zero gravity |
painottua {vi} | :: To be emphasized |
painotuote {n} | :: printed matter (any printed product from books to visiting cards) |
painotus {n} | :: stress, emphasis |
painotyö {n} | :: printing work |
painovalmis {adj} | :: print-ready |
painoväri {n} | :: printing ink |
painovärjäys {n} | :: color printing, print coloring |
painovirhe {n} | :: typographical error, typing error, typo |
painovirheluettelo {n} | :: errata, list of typos |
painovoima {n} [physics] | :: gravity |
painovoimakenttä {n} | :: gravitational field |
painovoimalinssi {n} [astronomy] | :: gravitational lens |
painovoimavakio {n} | :: synonym of gravitaatiovakio |
painovoimavuorovaikutus {n} [physics] | :: gravitational interaction (a fundamental interaction) |
painovuosi {n} | :: engraving year, printing year |
painoyksikkö {n} | :: unit of weight |
päin prinkkalaa {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: totally wrong |
päinsä {adv} | :: only used in käydä päinsä |
painua {v} | :: to sink, sag, droop, fall, descend |
painua {v} [colloquial] | :: to go |
painua helvettiin {v} | :: to go to hell (expression of anger and contempt) |
painua jorpakkoon {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] | :: To get lost |
painuksiin {adv} | :: droop, drooping (to the drooping state) |
painuksissa {adv} | :: drooping; see also crestfallen |
painuksista {adv} | :: from being drooping |
päinvastainen {n} | :: converse |
päinvastainen {adj} | :: reciprocal, backward, contrary |
päin vastoin {adv} | :: alternative spelling of päinvastoin |
päinvastoin {adv} | :: conversely, vice versa, on the contrary |
paise {n} [pathology] | :: abscess |
paise {n} | :: (pathology, colloquial) bubo |
paiseinen {adj} [medicine] | :: abscessed (affected by an abscess) |
paiserutto {n} [pathology] | :: bubonic plague |
paiskata {vt} | :: To throw violently or forcefully (once); to hurl (once); to cast (once) |
paiskautua {vr} | :: To be thrown |
paiskella {vt} | :: to throw things around repeatedly |
paiskia {v} | :: to throw or slam something repeatedly |
paiskia {v} | :: ~ töitä: to work hard |
paiskoa {vt} | :: to throw things around |
paiskoa {vt} | :: to slam |
päissään {adv} [idiomatic] | :: [While being] very drunk, wasted, smashed |
päissään {adv} [idiomatic] | :: olla ~: to be drunk, wasted, smashed |
paistaa {vt} | :: to fry |
paistaa {vt} | :: to grill, barbecue |
paistaa {vt} | :: to braise |
paistaa {vt} | :: to bake, roast |
paistaa {vi} [of the sun] | :: to shine |
paistaa {vi} | :: to beam |
paistaa {vi} [figuratively] | :: to show |
paistaa se päivä risukasaankin {proverb} | :: every dog has its day (literally: the day will shine to a pile of brushwood, too) |
päistär {n} | :: shive, splinter (such as on flax or paper) |
paistatella {v} | :: To expose (oneself) to the shine of something |
paistattaa {v} | :: alternative form of paistatella |
paistattaa {v} [rare, concretely] | :: to let fry or bake |
paiste {n} | :: the light and often the heat from some source, e.g. shine (as in sunshine, moonshine), glow (as in fireglow) |
päiste {n} | :: headland |
paistettu {adj} | :: fried |
paistettu {adj} | :: baked |
paisti {n} | :: round (cut of beef) |
paisti {n} | :: leg (cut of lamb or mutton) |
paisti {n} | :: ham, leg (cut of pork) |
paisti {n} | :: roast (any of the above when prepared for food by roasting) |
paisti {n} | :: fish (an easily beatable person in a card or board game) |
paistihaarukka {n} | :: carving fork, steak fork |
paistijauheliha {n} | :: ground round (ground beef made of round beef cut) |
paistikas {n} | :: A stewed root vegetable, potato etc |
paistike {n} | :: noisette (cut of meat) |
päistikkaa {adv} | :: head over heels, headlong (tumbling upside down) |
päistikkaa {adv} | :: head over heels, headlong (at top speed; frantically) |
paistin {n} | :: a tool for frying, grilling, roasting |
paistinkastike {n} | :: gravy (thick sauce made from the fat or juices that come out from meat or vegetables as they are being cooked) |
paistinlasta {n} | :: turner (kitchen utensil used for turning food) |
paistinmakkara {n} | :: sausage for cooking or roasting |
paistinpannu {n} | :: frying pan (flat vessel used for frying) |
paistinrasva {n} | :: frying oil, frying grease, drippings |
paistinuuni {n} | :: oven of a range |
paistivati {n} | :: a round steak dish or platter |
paisto {n} | :: baking, frying, roasting |
paistoaika {n} | :: baking time, frying time, roasting time |
paistokasari {n} | :: sauté pan |
paistopelti {n} | :: baking tray |
paistopiste {n} | :: store bakery (section of a grocery store selling baked products) |
paistorasva {n} | :: frying fat |
paistos {n} | :: casserole or other type of baked dish (dish prepared by mixing the ingredients cold and baking them in an oven, often named according to the main ingredient) |
paistovalmis {adj} | :: ready to cook, oven-ready |
paistua {v} | :: to cook, fry |
paistua {v} | :: to bake |
paistua {v} | :: to stew (to suffer under uncomfortably hot conditions) |
paisua {v} | :: to swell (to become bigger, especially due to engorging) |
paisua {v} | :: to expand (to increase in volume or scope) |
paisua {v} | :: to mushroom (to grow quickly to a large size) |
paisua {v} | :: to bilge or to bulge (swell) |
paisuksiin {adv} | :: Used to indicate that something becomes or has become swollen |
paisuksissa {adv} | :: swollen (in the state of being swollen) |
paisuma {n} | :: swelling, swollen area |
paisuma {n} | :: the amount by which something swells or has swelled |
paisuminen {n} | :: swelling, bilging |
paisuntaventtiili {n} | :: expansion valve |
paisunut {adj} | :: swollen, inflated |
paisutella {vi} [figuratively] | :: To fill, lengthen, pad |
paisuttaa {vt} | :: to inflate, swell |
paisuttaa {vt} [figurative] | :: to inflate (make something, e.g. a story sound more fascinating) |
paisutuskaappi {n} [music] | :: swell box (box or chamber in an organ that contains the reeds or a set of pipes and has shutters that open or shut usually by means of a pedal in order to regulate the volume of musical tone) |
paisuvainen {n} [anatomy] | :: corpus cavernosum (cylindrical column of erectile tissue that forms the clitoris and the penis) |
paisuvaiskudos {n} [anatomy] | :: erectile tissue |
paita {n} | :: shirt |
paitahihasillaan {adv} | :: in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket) |
paitahihasilleen {adv} | :: into shirtsleeves; into only having one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. no coat or jacket |
paitakaulus {n} | :: synonym of paidankaulus |
paitapuku {n} | :: shirtdress, shirtwaister |
paitapusero {n} | :: A blouse (female garment) |
paitaressu {n} [uncommon] | :: An affectionate term for a small child |
paitasillaan {adv} | :: synonym of paitahihasillaan |
paitasillaan {adv} | :: with only one's shirt on |
paitasilleen {adv} | :: synonym of paitahihasilleen |
paitasilleen {adv} | :: into only having one's shirt on |
päitset {n} | :: headgear (harness that fits on a horse's head) |
paitsi {adv} | :: except, other than |
paitsio {n} [sports] | :: offside (situation in various ballgames, where a player has advanced further ahead of the ball than the rules of the game would allow. Exact definition varies by game) |
paitsio {n} | :: limbo (in-between place, state or condition of neglect or oblivion which results in an unresolved status, delay or deadlock) |
päittäin {adv} | :: end-to-end, endwise |
päittäin {adv} [of a trade or swap] | :: even, mutually, reciprocally |
päivä {n} | :: day (period between sunrise and sunset) |
päivä {n} | :: day (from midnight to midnight) |
päivä {n} | :: day (period of 24 hours) |
päivä {n} | :: day (the part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) |
päivä {n} [poetic, archaic] | :: the sun |
päivää {interj} | :: good day, hello; short of hyvää päivää |
päiväaika {n} | :: daytime |
päiväaikainen {adj} | :: diurnal (happening during daylight) |
päiväaktiivinen {adj} [zoology] | :: diurnal (primarily active during daylight) |
päiväämätön {adj} | :: undated |
päiväannos {n} | :: daysworth, daily portion (amount of something that is expected to last for one day) |
päiväeläin {n} | :: day animal, diurnal animal |
päivähoito {n} | :: daycare |
päiväjuna {n} | :: day train, daytime train |
päiväkausi {n} [usually, in plural] | :: all day |
päiväkiintiö {n} | :: daysworth, daily quota (amount of something that is expected to last for or to be produced in one day) |
päiväkirja {n} | :: A diary, especially one kept by an individual |
päiväkirja {n} | :: A log |
päiväkirurgisesti {adv} | :: day-surgically |
päiväkorento {n} | :: alternative form of päivänkorento |
päiväkoti {n} | :: day care center |
päiväkoti {n} | :: kindergarten |
päiväkoulu {n} | :: day school |
päiväläinen {n} | :: synonym of päivätyöläinen |
päivälämpötila {n} | :: daytime temperature, day temperature, temperature in the daytime |
päivälehti {n} | :: daily paper |
päivällä {adv} | :: at day, in the daytime |
päivällä {adv} | :: later or earlier today, depending on context |
päivälleen {adv} | :: to the day, down to the day |
päivällinen {n} | :: dinner (main meal of the day; midday meal) |
päivällisaika {n} | :: dinnertime, dinner hour, suppertime, supper hour (time when dinner is ready and served) |
päivälliskortti {n} | :: dinner invitation card |
päivällispöytä {n} | :: dinner table |
päivämäärä {n} | :: A date (time reference) |
päivämääräraja {n} | :: date line |
päivämatka {n} | :: day trip |
päivämatka {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for length equal to two peninkulma or around 21 kilometers |
päivänhattu {n} | :: coneflower, rudbeckia (plant of the genus Rudbeckia) |
päivänjatko {n} | :: rest of the day; used mainly in the expression hyvää päivänjatkoa for which the best English translation is probably have a nice day |
päivänkakkara {n} | :: daisy |
päivänkoite {n} | :: crack of dawn |
päivänkoitto {n} | :: daybreak, break of dawn, dawn |
päivänkorento {n} | :: mayfly [any of the insects in the order Ephemeroptera] |
päivänkukka {n} [archaic] | :: oxeye daisy, marguerite (Leucanthemum vulgare) |
päivänkukka {n} [archaic] | :: sunflower (Helianthus annuus) |
päivännäkemätön {n} | :: synonym of pakurikääpä |
päivänpaiste {n} | :: sunshine |
päivänsäde {n} | :: sunshine |
päivänsäde {n} | :: sunray |
päivänsankari {n} | :: A person whose birthday or other anniversary it is at present |
päivänsappi {n} | :: synonym of auringonsappi |
päivänseisaus {n} [Calendar terms] | :: solstice |
päivänseisaus {n} [in compounds] | :: solstitial |
päivänseisauspiste {n} [astronomy] | :: solstice point, solstitial point (point on a planet's orbit at which a solstice occurs) |
päivänselvä {adj} | :: obvious |
päivänselvä {adj} | :: crystal clear, clear as day |
päivänselvästi {adv} | :: obviously |
päivänselvyys {n} | :: obviousness |
päiväntasaaja {n} | :: equator |
Päiväntasaajan Guinea {prop} | :: Equatorial Guinea |
päiväntasaus {n} [Calendar terms] | :: equinox |
päiväntasauspiste {n} [astronomy] | :: equinoctial point, equinox point (point on a planet's orbit at which an equinox occurs) |
päivänvalo {n} | :: daylight (light from the Sun) |
päivänvalo {n} | :: light, daylight, light of day (in certain idiomatic expressions) |
päivänvarjo {n} | :: parasol, umbrella (cloth-covered frame used for protection against sun) |
päivän virsi {n} | :: synonym of graduaalivirsi |
päiväpalaveri {n} | :: an informal and usually short daily meeting |
päiväpalkka {n} | :: daily wage |
päiväpeite {n} | :: bedcover, bedspread (part of bedding) |
päiväpeitto {n} | :: cover, bedcover, bedspread (topmost covering of a bed) |
päiväperhonen {n} | :: diurnal butterfly |
päiväperhonen {n} | :: any butterfly in the superfamily Papilionoidea |
päiväpetolintu {n} | :: diurnal bird of prey |
päiväpulkka {n} | :: a tally stick used to ensure that a worker had done the work of a day |
päiväpuoli {n} [astronomy] | :: dayside |
päiväraha {n} | :: per diem (daily stipend) |
päiväraha {n} | :: daily allowance |
päiväreppu {n} | :: daypack (small backpack, suitable for a one-day hike) |
päiväsaika {n} | :: daytime (the time of daylight) |
päiväsaikaan {adv} | :: In daytime |
päiväsaikainen {adj} | :: diurnal (happening during daylight) |
päiväsairaala {n} | :: day clinic, day hospital |
päiväsairaalatoiminta {n} | :: day clinic operations, day hospital operations |
päiväsakko {n} | :: day-fine, day fine, unit fine (fine, the amount of which is based on the daily personal income of the offender) |
päiväseltään {adv} [of visiting] | :: in a way that one comes back within the same day |
päiväsokeus {n} | :: day blindness, day-blindness (inability to see well in bright daylight) |
päivästä toiseen {adv} | :: day in, day out |
päivätä {v} | :: to date (to note the time of) |
päivätanssit {n} | :: daytime dance (social event) |
päivät ovat luetut {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: days are numbered (some period of time is coming to an end) |
päivätuotanto {n} | :: daysworth, daily production (amount of something that is expected to be produced in one day) |
päivätyö {n} | :: daywork (work done during the day) |
päivätyö {n} | :: day's work (amount of work usually done during a workday) |
päivätyö {n} [figuratively] | :: synonym of elämäntyö |
päivätyö {n} [historical] | :: synonym of taksvärkki (full working day that a tenant farmer had to work for a landlord instead or in addition to a cash rent) |
päivätyökapula {n} | :: a wooden billet used to mark days of work |
päivätyökeräys {n} | :: a fundraising campaign in which people, especially school pupils or students, work for a day and give their pay to a charity |
päivätyöläinen {n} | :: day laborer, dayworker |
päiväunelma {n} | :: daydream |
päiväuni {n} | :: daydream |
päiväuni {n} | :: pipe dream |
päiväuni {n} | :: in plural päiväunet also: (afternoon) nap |
päiväurakka {n} | :: work or chore of the day |
päivävoide {n} | :: day cream |
päiväys {n} | :: date |
päivemmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of päivemmälle |
päivemmällä {adv} | :: later during the day |
päivemmälle {adv} | :: to later during the day |
päivempänä {adv} | :: synonym of päivemmällä |
päivettää {vt} | :: to tan, to cause a suntan |
päivettyä {vi} | :: to tan |
Päivi {prop} | :: given name |
Päivikki {prop} | :: given name |
päivikkikasvi {n} | :: any plant of the family Aizoaceae |
päivikkikasvi {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Aizoaceae |
päivineen {adv} | :: and all (including every item associated with preceding item or series of items) |
Päiviö {prop} | :: given name |
Päiviö {prop} [rare, obsolete] | :: given name |
päivisin {adv} | :: In the daytime (habitually taking place during the day) |
päivitellä {v} | :: to bemoan, complain, regret; to dismay or worry about something |
päivitellä {v} | :: to wonder or admire, with plentiful words |
päivitellä {v} [computing] | :: to update, in a leisurely manner |
päivittää {vt} | :: To update (to make up-to-date) |
päivittää {v} [dialectal] | :: to complain, to berate |
päivittäin {adv} | :: daily |
päivittäinen {adj} | :: daily (that happens every day) |
päivittäistavara {n} | :: grocery (an item of foodstuffs or other household supplies) |
päivittäistavarakauppa {n} [formal] | :: grocery store, grocery, grocer's |
päivittäistavarakauppa {n} | :: business or trade of retailing groceries |
päivittyä {vi} | :: to be updated, to update |
päivitys {n} | :: update |
päivyri {n} | :: diary |
päivystää {vi} | :: To be on call (e.g. by a phone at a workplace) |
päivystys {n} | :: emergency duty, on call duty, duty, service |
päivystyspoliklinikka {n} | :: emergency room, emergency department, accident and emergency [Australia], casualty [UK], emergency ward (department of a hospital primarily used for the treatment of the most serious, often life-threatening conditions) |
päiwä {n} | :: obsolete spelling of päivä |
paja {n} | :: smithy, forge |
paja {n} | :: workshop |
paja {n} [slang] | :: workplace |
paja {n} [slang] | :: marijuana |
pajahiili {n} | :: coal for a smithy or forge |
pajakalusto {n} | :: equipment in a workshop |
pajari {n} [historical] | :: boyar (rank of aristocracy in Russia, Bulgaria and Romania) |
pajari {n} [slang] | :: cannabis |
pajatso {n} | :: payazzo (traditional Finnish arcade game) |
pajattaa {v} | :: to patter |
pajauttaa {v} [slang] | :: to smoke cannabis |
pajavasara {n} | :: forge-hammer |
paju {n} | :: willow |
pajukko {n} | :: willow thicket |
pajukoitua {vi} | :: To become covered with willows |
pajulintu {n} | :: A willow warbler, (Phylloscopus trochilus) |
pajunkissa {n} [botany] | :: A furry catkin of a willow |
pajunvitsamurtuma {n} [medicine] | :: greenstick fracture |
pajupilli {n} | :: willow flute, willow whistle, sallow flute (whistle made of a twig of a willow) |
pajuseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius cinnamomeoluteus |
pajutyö {n} | :: willow work |
pakahduksiin {adv} | :: to the point one could burst |
pakahduksissa {adv} | :: at the point one could burst |
pakahduksissaan {adv} | :: alternative form of pakahduksissa |
pakahduttaa {v} [figuratively] | :: to cause to break or burst |
pakahtua {vi} [figuratively] | :: to burst |
pakana {n} | :: pagan; heathen |
pakanallinen {adj} | :: pagan, heathen |
pakanasti {adv} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: synonym of perhanasti |
pakanuudenaika {n} [history] | :: Pagan period: period before Christianization |
pakanuus {n} | :: paganism |
pakara {n} | :: buttock |
pakaralihas {n} [anatomy] | :: gluteus maximus |
pakaravako {n} [anatomy] | :: gluteal cleft, intergluteal cleft, anal cleft |
pakari {n} [dialectal] | :: bakery |
Pakarinen {prop} | :: surname |
pakastaa {vt} | :: to freeze to a low (around –20 °C) for long-term storage |
pakastaa {vi} [of weather] | :: to freeze, get colder (to drop below zero °C) |
pakaste {n} | :: frozen food |
pakasteallas {n} | :: island freezer |
pakastearkku {n} | :: freezer chest |
pakastekaappi {n} | :: freezer cabinet |
pakastekala {n} | :: frozen fish |
pakastekuivattaa {v} | :: to freeze-dry |
pakastekuivatus {n} | :: synonym of pakastekuivaus |
pakastekuivaus {n} | :: freeze-drying |
pakastelokero {n} | :: icebox [UK], freezer (section of a refrigerator) |
pakastesäiliö {n} | :: freezer cabinet, freezer container |
pakasteteippi {n} | :: freezer tape |
pakastevarasto {n} | :: frozen storage, frozen food storage |
pakastevihannes {n} | :: frozen vegetable (especially ones that are sold in bags) |
pakastevirka {n} [colloquial] | :: a public post from which one is absent due to other work |
pakastin {n} | :: freezer |
pakastinkaappi {n} | :: A refrigerator-style freezer with a door on the side, as opposed to chest freezer which has a lid on top |
pakastinlokero {n} | :: alternative form of pakastelokero |
pakastua {vi} | :: To become frozen |
pakastusrasia {n} | :: A small, usually plastic container designed for freezing food in |
pakata {v} | :: to pack (to gather one's belongings together and put them into a pack for a trip) |
pakata {v} | :: to pack, package or wrap (to protect goods for shipment or for sale) |
pakata {v} | :: to cram, pack, stuff |
pakata {v} [computing] | :: to zip, compress, stuff |
pakata {v} [nautical] | :: synonym of pakittaa |
pakeilla {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: with or at (someone), visiting (someone) to speak to them |
pakeillaan {adv} | :: with or at them, visiting them to speak to them |
pakeille {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: to (visit) someone |
pakeilleen {adv} | :: to (visit) them, themself or themselves |
pakeilta {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: from (having visited) someone |
pakeiltaan {adv} | :: from (having visited) them, themself or themselves |
pakeneminen {n} | :: escape, escaping, flight, fleeing (act) |
pakenija {n} | :: escapee (one who escapes) |
pakertaa {vi} | :: To work hard |
paketinhallintajärjestelmä {n} [computing] | :: package management system |
paketinhallintatyökalu {n} [computing] | :: package manager (software) |
paketoida {vt} | :: To pack, bundle, wrap up |
paketointi {n} | :: packaging |
paketti {n} | :: package |
paketti {n} | :: parcel |
paketti {n} [networking] | :: packet |
pakettiauto {n} | :: van |
pakettiauto {n} | :: delivery van (van designed for transporting goods) |
pakettiautomaatti {n} | :: automated parcel locker; locker kiosk |
pakettidata {n} [Internet] | :: packet data |
pakettikärry {n} | :: synonym of nokkakärry |
pakettikortti {n} | :: parcel tag |
pakettikytkentä {n} | :: packet switching |
pakettiloma {n} | :: package holiday |
pakettiosoitekortti {n} | :: parcel address card |
pakettipelto {n} [historical] | :: a field that was not cultivated against monetary payment by the state in an attempt to combat overproduction |
pakettivarasto {n} [computing] | :: repository, package repository (repository of software packages) |
päkiä {n} [anatomy] | :: ball (of a foot) |
pakina {n} | :: A causerie |
pakinoida {vi} | :: to write a causerie or causeries |
pakinoitsija {n} | :: One who writes causeries |
pakista {vi} | :: To chat |
päkistää {v} [colloquial] | :: to strain oneself |
Pakistan {prop} | :: Pakistan |
pakistanilainen {n} | :: A Pakistani |
pakistanilainen {adj} | :: Pakistani |
pakittaa {vi} [colloquial, esp. of a vehicle] | :: To move backward, to back |
pakittaa {vi} [nautical, of a sail] | :: To be aback |
pakka {n} | :: deck (deck of cards) |
pakka {n} | :: bundle |
pakka {n} | :: roll |
pakka {n} | :: bolt (large roll of fabric or similar material) |
pakka {n} | :: chuck (e.g. of a lathe) |
pakka {n} [nautical] | :: forecastle |
pakka {n} [computing] | :: deque, double-ended queue |
pakka {n} | :: bale of paper (5,000 sheets) |
pakkaamaton {adj} | :: unpacked |
pakkaaminen {n} | :: packing, packaging |
pakkaantua {v} | :: to become packed, crowded |
pakkailla {v} | :: To pack |
pakkanen {n} | :: frost, sub-zero temperature of ambient air |
pakkanen {n} [colloquial] | :: in the red [in adessive case] |
pakkanen {n} [colloquial, with locative cases] | :: freezer |
pakkasaalto {n} | :: cold spell, wave of cold weather |
pakkasaamu {n} | :: frosty morning (a morning with sub-zero ambient air temperature) |
pakkasaste {n} | :: degree of temperature below zero |
pakkasenarka {adj} | :: frost-sensitive |
pakkasenkestävä {adj} | :: frost-resistant |
pakkasenpurema {n} | :: frostbite |
pakkashalkeama {n} | :: frost crack |
pakkasherra {n} | :: a fictitive character embodying cold weather (mostly in children's literature) |
pakkashuuru {n} | :: frost mist |
pakkasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pakka |
pakkasilma {n} | :: chilly air, air that has a temperature below zero Celsius |
pakkaskausi {n} | :: period of frost |
pakkaskeli {n} | :: sub-zero temperature weather conditions |
pakkaslukema {n} | :: negative number in temperature |
pakkaslumi {n} | :: powder snow (loose, powdery snow) |
pakkasmittari {n} | :: mottled umber (Erannis defoliaria) |
pakkasneste {n} | :: antifreeze (fluid) |
pakkaspäivä {n} | :: day with sub-zero temperature |
pakkassää {n} | :: weather with sub-zero temperature |
pakkastalvi {n} [weather] | :: A very cold winter |
pakkasukko {n} | :: Father Frost (Slavic equivalent to Santa Claus) |
pakkasvaurio {n} | :: frost damage |
pakkasvoide {n} | :: cold weather cream |
pakkasyö {n} | :: frost night, night with sub-zero temperature |
pakkaus {n} | :: package |
pakkaus {n} [computing] | :: compression |
pakkauskaasu {n} | :: packaging gas |
pakkauskartonki {n} | :: packaging board, boxboard |
pakkauskenno {n} | :: molded tray |
pakkauskulut {n} | :: packing costs |
pakkauskustannukset {n} | :: packaging costs, packing costs |
pakkauslaatikko {n} | :: packaging box |
pakkausmateriaali {n} | :: packaging, packaging material (the materials used to pack something) |
pakkaustapa {n} | :: method of packaging |
pakkausteippi {n} | :: packing tape, packaging tape |
pakkaustiheys {n} | :: packing density |
pakkaustila {n} | :: packaging facility |
pakkaustyyppi {n} | :: type of packaging |
pakkauttaa {vt} | :: to let or make pack |
pakkautua {vi} | :: to pack, to be packed |
pakkautua {vi} | :: to compact |
pakkeli {n} | :: spackle, putty, filler |
pakkeli {n} [colloquial] | :: makeup, especially when used in excess |
pakki {n} | :: A short form of työkalupakki, which is a box designed to serve as a portable tool storage, a tool box |
pakki {n} [colloquial] | :: Reverse, in the sense of reverse gear |
pakki {n} [nautical] | :: If a sailing vessel or any of its sails is in such position relative to the wind that the wind blows from the wrong side of a sail, the sail is said to be pakilla (adessive case of the noun pakki) |
pakki {n} [military] | :: mess kit, A metal container belonging to a soldier's field equipment. The container serves as a cooking vessel and the top doubles as a cup |
pakki {n} [colloquial] | :: A defending player in various ballgames; a defenceman; a defender |
pakki {n} [colloquial] | :: The event of getting rejected, especially by the opposite sex when approaching her/him. Normally used in plural, pakit |
pakki {n} [colloquial, rare] | :: The head of a person |
pakko {n} | :: obligation, force, necessity, compulsion |
pakko {n} [olla ~ + first infinitive] | :: Expresses obligation; can be translated into English as must, have to, be obliged to, be forced to, be compelled to; the one who is compelled is put in the genitive case and the verb is always in the third-person singular |
pakko {n} [in compounds] | :: Expresses compulsion, use of force or influence of an external force |
pakkoabortti {n} | :: forced abortion |
pakkoajatus {n} [psychology] | :: obsession |
pakkoavioliitto {n} | :: forced marriage |
pakkohoito {n} | :: involuntary treatment |
pakkokeino {n} [legal] | :: coercion (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person) |
pakkokeino {n} | :: In plural (pakkokeinot), compulsion (lawful use of violence) |
pakkokuolaimet {n} [rare] | :: synonym of kankikuolaimet |
pakkolähtö {n} | :: forced resignation from an office etc |
pakkolähtö {n} | :: any forced leaving |
pakkolasku {n} [aviation] | :: forced landing, crash landing |
pakkolomauttaa {v} [dated] | :: variant of lomauttaa |
pakkolunastaa {v} [legal] | :: to expropriate; condemn [US] (to seize a citizen's private property for public use with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent) |
pakkolunastus {n} | :: eminent domain [US, Philippines], compulsory purchase [UK, NZ, Ireland], resumption [Hong Kong], resumption/compulsory acquisition [Australia], expropriation [S.Afr., Canada] (process of taking private property for public use by paying a compensation but against the will of the owner) |
pakkoluovuttaa {v} | :: to surrender property in an expropriation |
pakkoluovutus {n} | :: requisition, expropriation |
pakkomielle {n} [psychology] | :: A compulsive thought or obsession |
pakkomielteinen {adj} | :: obsessive, obsessional, compulsive |
pakko-oireinen häiriö {n} [pathology] | :: obsessive-compulsive disorder |
pakkopaita {n} | :: A straitjacket |
pakkopulla {n} | :: The obligatory bun. (Finnish custom is that visitors to a household being visited bring food to be shared with the hosts. Typically this is in the form of a cinnamon bun to be enjoyed with coffee provided by the hosts) |
pakkopulla {n} | :: (by extension and playfully) any kind of obligatory task that is reluctantly carried out, such as filing a tax return or shovelling fallen snow |
pakkorauha {n} | :: forced peace |
pakkoruotsi {n} [education, pejorative] | :: The obligatory Swedish language taught in Finnish schools |
pakkosiirto {n} | :: forced displacement, forced immigration |
pakkosiirto {n} | :: forced move |
pakkosyöttää {v} | :: To force-feed |
pakkotoimi {n} [legal] | :: coercive measure |
pakkotyö {n} | :: forced labor |
pakkovoitto {n} | :: must-win game |
paklata {v} [colloquial] | :: to spackle (to fill with a spackle or other similar filler) |
pako {n} | :: flight |
pako {n} | :: escape |
pako {n} | :: hole, tear (in a fishing net, sock etc.) |
pako {n} | :: ladder (Br), run (Amer) (in stocking) |
pakoilla {vi} [of a fugitive] | :: To flee, keep in hiding (for a longer time) |
pakoilla vastuuta {v} | :: to pass the buck |
pakokaasu {n} | :: exhaust, exhaust gas (gas emitted from an internal combustion engine as result of combusting fuels) |
pakokaasujärjestelmä {n} | :: exhaust system |
pakokauhu {n} | :: panic |
pakolainen {n} | :: refugee |
pakolaisjärjestö {n} | :: refugee organization |
pakolaisleiri {n} | :: refugee camp |
pakolinna {n} | :: a castle into which people fled in case of an attack |
pakollinen {adj} | :: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory |
pakollinen {adj} [education] | :: must-learn |
pakollistaa {vt} | :: To make compulsory, obligatory, mandatory |
pakollisuus {n} | :: mandatoriness, obligatoriness |
pakomatka {n} | :: journey or trip made after an escape |
pakonomainen {adj} | :: compulsive (uncontrolled or reactive and unconscious, as if compelled by external force) |
pakonopeus {n} | :: escape velocity |
pakopiste {n} | :: A vanishing point (point in a perspective drawing) |
pakopurje {n} [nautical] | :: studding sail |
pakoputki {n} | :: exhaust pipe |
pakoputkisto {n} | :: exhaust system |
pakoriski {n} | :: flight risk |
pakoruutu {n} [chess] | :: flight square |
pakosalla {adv} | :: on the run |
pakosalle {adv} | :: fleeing, escaping, into exile |
pakosarja {n} | :: exhaust manifold |
pakostakin {adv} | :: inevitably, necessarily |
pakosti {adv} | :: in the manner of being forced to do some action |
pakosti {adv} [with negation] | :: necessarily |
pakote {n} | :: sanction |
pakotie {n} | :: escape route |
pakoton {n} | :: unforced |
pakottaa {vt} [_, + (3rd infinitive in) illative] | :: to force, compel, coerce, make to do something |
pakottaa {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to be sore, ache |
pakottaa {vt} | :: to forge (beat or work iron or steel) |
pakottaminen {n} | :: coercion, forcing, compulsion (act or process of coercing, forcing, compelling) |
pakottaminen seksuaaliseen tekoon {n} [law] | :: indecent assault, sexual assault (unwanted sexual contact with another person that does not result in, or is not considered to be, rape) |
pakottautua {vi} | :: To force oneself |
pakottava {adj} | :: compelling |
pakottava {adj} | :: compulsive |
pakottava {adj} | :: compulsory |
pakottomasti {adv} | :: unforcedly |
pakoventtiili {n} | :: exhaust valve |
paksoi {n} | :: bok choy, Chinese mustard, Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (East Asian leafy vegetable) |
paksu {adj} | :: thick |
paksu {adj} | :: bold |
paksu {adj} [colloquial] | :: pregnant |
paksuhko {adj} | :: Quite thick |
paksuinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] | :: thick (being of certain thickness) |
paksujalka {n} | :: thick-knee, stone curlew, dikkop (birds of the family Burhinidae) |
paksukainen {n} [derogatory] | :: tubby, fatty |
paksulti {adv} | :: thickly; as a thick layer |
paksunahkainen {adj} | :: Having a thick skin |
paksunahkainen {adj} | :: [metaphorically] Thick-skinned |
paksunsuolen tulehdus {n} | :: alternative form of paksusuolen tulehdus |
paksuntaa {v} | :: To fatten |
paksuntaa {v} | :: To thicken |
paksuntaa {v} | :: To bold |
paksuntua {vi} | :: to fatten (become fatter) |
paksuntua {vi} | :: to thicken (become thicker) |
paksusti {adv} | :: thickly |
paksusti {adv} | :: [of liquid] densely |
paksusti {adv} | :: [of a typeface] boldly |
paksusti {adv} [colloquial] | :: voida paksusti: to be pregnant |
paksusuolen tulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: A colitis |
paksusuoli {n} | :: large intestine |
paksusuoliavanne {n} [medicine] | :: A colostomy (opening) |
paksusuolisyöpä {n} | :: colon cancer |
paksuta {vi} | :: alternative form of paksuntua |
paksuuntua {v} | :: alternative form of paksuntua |
paksuus {n} | :: thickness |
paksuuskasvu {n} | :: diameter growth |
pakti {n} | :: pact |
paku {n} [colloquial] | :: van (vehicle) |
pakuri {n} | :: the conk of chaga mushroom, Inonotus obliquus |
pakurikääpä {n} | :: chaga, chaga mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (parasitic fungus of trees, usually birch, found on the circumboreal region of the Northern hemisphere) |
pakyteeni {n} [biology] | :: pachytene |
pala {n} | :: piece, bit |
pala {n} | :: lump, chunk |
pala {n} | :: block |
pala {n} | :: tablet, bar |
palaa {vi} | :: to burn |
palaa {vi} [e.g. of a lamp] | :: to shine, emit light |
palaa {v} [colloquial] | :: to smoke, used when offering a cigarette |
palaa {v} [figurative, idiomatic] | :: ~ halusta : to burn with desire |
palaa {vi} | :: to be caught committing a crime |
palaa {vi} [baseball, pesäpallo, dodgeball] | :: to be out |
palaa {vi} [of a lamp, fuse, etc.] | :: to blow, to burn out, to blow out |
palaaja {n} | :: returner (one who returns) |
palaaja {n} | :: revert (one who, or that which, reverts) |
palaaja {n} [Muslim usage] | :: revert; usually with attribute: islamiin palaaja (convert to Islam) |
palaa karrelle {vi} | :: To scorch, to become charred |
palaa loppuun {v} | :: to burn out |
paladiini {n} | :: paladin |
pälähtää päähän {v} | :: alternative form of pälkähtää päähän |
palailla {v} | :: To return, come back, a little by little or slowly |
pala kurkussa {adv} | :: frog in one's throat |
palaleipä {n} | :: bread sold in pairs of slices that are easy to separate |
palamaton {adj} | :: nonflammable |
palamaton {adj} | :: unburned |
palaminen {n} | :: burning |
palaminen {n} | :: combustion |
palamisilma {n} | :: combustion air |
palamisreaktio {n} [chemistry] | :: combustion reaction |
Palander {prop} | :: surname |
palanen {n} | :: diminutive of pala |
palanen {n} | :: A small piece of almost anything |
palankiini {n} | :: palanquin |
palanpaine {n} [uncommon] | :: synonym of palanpainike |
palanut {adj} | :: burned, scorched |
palanut {adj} | :: burned down |
palanut {adj} [baseball, cricket, pesäpallo] | :: out |
pala palalta {adv} | :: bit by bit, little by little, gradually (in small quantities) |
palapeli {n} | :: jigsaw puzzle |
päläs {n} | :: In a ski, the place on which the foot is supported |
palasaippua {n} | :: bar soap |
palasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pala |
palasokeri {n} | :: cube sugar (sugar in the form of cubes) |
palata {vi} | :: to return, come back |
palataalinen {adj} | :: palatal |
palatalisaatio {n} | :: palatalization |
palatalisointi {n} | :: palatalization |
palata maankamaralle {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come down to earth |
palatoalveolaarinen {adj} [phonetics] | :: palatoalveolar |
palatsi {n} | :: palace |
pälättää {v} | :: to prattle |
pälätys {n} | :: prattle |
palau {n} | :: Palauan (language) |
Palau {prop} | :: Palau |
palaulainen {adj} | :: Palauan |
palaulainen {n} | :: Palauan |
palaute {n} | :: feedback |
palauteilmiö {n} | :: feedback, feedback phenomenon |
palautekytkentä {n} | :: feedback circuit |
palautin {n} [firearms] | :: receiver |
palautin {n} | :: recloser |
palauttaa {vt} | :: to return (give something back to its original holder or owner) |
palauttaa {vt} | :: to return, restore, revert |
palauttaa {vt} [programming] | :: to return |
palauttaa mieleensä {v} | :: to recollect |
palauttamaan {v} | :: infinitive of palauttaa |
palauttaminen {n} | :: returning, restoration, restitution |
palautua {vi} | :: To recover, revert |
palautus {n} | :: refund (An amount of money returned) |
palautus {n} | :: return (item that is returned) |
palautus {n} | :: return (the act of returning something) |
palautuskaava {n} [mathematics] | :: reduction formula |
palautusmaksu {n} | :: refund payment |
palautusmerkki {n} [music] | :: natural sign, natural symbol (♮) |
palautusoikeus {n} | :: right to refund, right to return an item |
palautuspäivä {n} | :: due date (date by which a book borrowed from a library must be returned) |
palautuspullo {n} | :: a bottle that can be returned into a reverse vending machine to give a small amount of money to whoever returns it |
palava {adj} | :: burning |
palava {adj} | :: flammable, inflammable (capable of burning) |
palavakivi {n} | :: oil shale |
palavarakkaus {n} | :: Maltese cross, burning love (flowering plant Silene chalcedonica, syn. Lychnis chalcedonica) |
palaveri {n} | :: meeting; especially an informal one |
palavissaan {adv} | :: feeling hot or warm |
palavissaan {adv} | :: excited, thrilled |
palella {vi} | :: to feel cold |
palella {vi} [+ partitive + 3rd person singular] | :: To be freezing |
palelluksissa {adv} | :: alternative form of palelluksissaan |
palelluksissaan {adv} | :: freezing, feeling cold |
palelluttaa {vt} | :: to freeze |
paleltaa {vi} [+ partitive + 3rd person singular] | :: To feel cold |
paleltua {vi} | :: To get frostbitten |
paleltua {vi} [dialectal] | :: To be freezing |
paleltuma {n} [pathology] | :: frostbite (injury caused by exposure to cold) |
paleltuneempi {adj} | :: comparative of paleltunut |
paleltunein {adj} | :: superlative of paleltunut |
paleltunut {adj} | :: frostbitten |
palentua {vi} [dialectal] | :: To get frostbitten |
palentua {vi} [dialectal] | :: To be freezing |
paleo- {prefix} | :: paleo- |
paleoantropologi {n} | :: paleoanthropologist |
paleoantropologia {n} | :: paleoanthropology |
paleoarkeeinen {adj} [geology] | :: Paleoarchean |
paleobiologi {n} | :: paleobiologist |
paleobiologia {n} | :: paleobiology |
paleobotaniikka {n} | :: paleobotany |
paleoekologia {n} | :: paleoecology |
paleoetnobotaniikka {n} | :: paleoethnobotany |
paleogeeni {n} | :: synonym of paleogeenikausi |
paleogeenikausi {n} [geology] | :: Paleogene, Paleogene period |
paleogeenikautinen {adj} [geology] | :: Paleogene (of or pertaining to the Paleogene period) |
paleografi {n} | :: paleographer |
paleografia {n} | :: paleography |
paleografinen {adj} | :: paleographic |
paleoklimatologi {n} | :: paleoclimatologist |
paleoklimatologia {n} | :: paleoclimatology |
paleoliittinen {adj} | :: Paleolithic (of or referring to the Old Stone Age) |
paleomaantiede {n} | :: paleogeography |
paleomagnetismi {n} | :: paleomagnetism |
paleontologi {n} | :: paleontologist |
paleontologia {n} | :: paleontology |
paleontologinen {adj} | :: paleontological |
paleopatologi {n} | :: paleopathologist |
paleopatologia {n} | :: paleopathology |
paleoproterotsooinen {adj} [geology] | :: Paleoproterozoic |
paleoseeni {n} | :: The Paleocene |
paleoseenikausi {n} [geology] | :: The Paleocene |
paleosomi {n} [geology] | :: paleosome |
paleotsooinen {adj} [geology] | :: Paleozoic |
paleozoologia {n} | :: paleozoology |
Palestiina {prop} | :: Palestine |
palestiinalainen {n} | :: A Palestinian |
palestiinalainen {adj} | :: Palestinian |
paletti {n} [painting] | :: palette |
paletti {n} [computing, graphical user interface] | :: palette |
palettiveitsi {n} | :: palette knife |
palho {n} [botany] | :: filament (stalk of a stamen) |
palikka {n} | :: brick |
palikka {n} | :: block |
palikka {n} [computing] | :: dongle used for copy protection |
palimpsesti {n} | :: palimpsest |
palindromi {n} | :: palindrome |
paliskunta {n} | :: A cooperative of reindeer herdsmen administering a defined herding area |
paljaaksihakkuu {n} [forestry] | :: synonym of avohakkuu |
paljaaltaan {adv} | :: bare, uncovered; straight [esp. of liquor] |
paljaampi {adj} | :: comparative of paljas |
paljain käsin {adv} | :: barehanded (with no covering on the hands) |
paljain käsin {adv} | :: barehanded (without using a tool or weapon) |
paljakka {n} | :: The tundra-like treeless top of a fell |
paljakkahapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula nana |
paljakkarousku {n} [mushroom] | :: A milk-cap (Lactarius pseudouvidus) |
paljakkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius subtorvus |
paljas {adj} | :: naked, unaided, unprotected |
paljas {adj} | :: naked, unclothed |
paljas {adj} | :: bare |
paljas {adj} | :: barren |
paljas {adj} | :: clear, blank |
paljashäntävyötiäinen {n} | :: naked-tailed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Cabassous) |
paljasjalkainen {adj} | :: barefoot, barefooted |
paljasjalkainen {adj} | :: born and bred |
paljasjalkalääkäri {n} | :: barefoot doctor |
paljasjaloin {adv} | :: synonym of avojaloin |
paljaspäinen {adj} | :: bareheaded |
paljas pinta {n} [idiomatic, uncountable] | :: skin (bare or exposed human skin, particularly in a sexual or sexually suggestive context) |
paljas pinta {n} | :: See: fi paljas pinta |
paljassiemeninen {n} [botany] | :: gymnosperm |
paljassiemeninen {n} | :: (botany, in plural) Gymnospermae |
paljassiemeninen {adj} [botany] | :: gymnospermous |
paljastaa {vt} | :: to reveal, disclose, expose, unfold, unveil, give away, exhume, bring to light |
paljastaa {vt} | :: to detect; eg. of a lie |
paljastaja {n} | :: exposer (one who exposes) |
paljastajaiset {n} | :: an event or occasion held to reveal something, such as a statue |
paljastaminen {n} | :: revealing, disclosing, exposing |
paljastava {adj} | :: telltale, revealing |
paljastin {n} | :: detector (device that detects something hidden, such as lies or a radar) |
paljastua {vi} | :: to become exposed or revealed, to dawn on, to uncover, to come into daylight |
paljastus {n} | :: A revelation, a disclosure, an exposure (act of revealing) |
paljastus {n} | :: An unveiling (ceremony for the first public showing of something, especially a statue) |
paljastus {n} | :: An anecdote (previously untold, secret account of an incident) |
paljastustilaisuus {n} | :: unveiling, reveal event |
palje {n} | :: [often plural palkeet] bellows |
paljetti {n} | :: sequin (sparkling spangle used for the decoration of ornate clothing) |
paljin {n} | :: prong of a belt buckle |
paljinsolki {n} | :: a belt buckle with a prong |
paljo {adj} | :: voluminous, much, plenty |
paljoa {adv} [in negative] | :: (not) much |
paljoksua {vt} | :: to consider excessive |
paljolti {adv} | :: largely (for the most part; mainly or chiefly) |
paljon {adv} | :: a lot, plenty, much |
paljonko {adv} | :: how much? |
paljonko kello on {phrase} | :: what time is it, what's the time? |
paljon melua tyhjästä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: much ado about nothing |
paljon porua, vähän villoja {phrase} [idiom] | :: great cry and little wool |
paljon porua, vähän villoja {phrase} [idiom] | :: all bark and no bite (full of big talk) |
paljous {n} | :: quantity, volume, mass, multitude (considerable measure or amount) |
palju {n} | :: a tub |
palju {n} [colloquial] | :: an old-fashioned bathing tub, typically wooden |
pälkähtää {vi} | :: to occur or come (to mind) |
pälkähtää päähän {v} | :: to come to mind, spring to mind, cross one's mind, occur (to come or be presented to the mind) |
palkallinen {adj} | :: salaried, paid (being paid a salary or wage) |
palkanalennus {n} | :: reduction of wages, pay cut, salary cut |
palkanansaitsija {n} | :: person who earns a salary |
Pälkäne {prop} | :: Pälkäne |
pälkäneläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pälkäne |
pälkäneläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pälkäne |
palkankorotus {n} | :: A pay raise (US), pay rise (UK), a raise (US) or rise (UK) (increase in wages or salary) |
palkankorotusvaatimus {n} | :: demand to increase wages |
palkanlaskenta {n} | :: calculation of salaries and wages, payroll calculation, payroll preparation |
palkanlaskenta {n} | :: payroll (department) |
palkanlaskija {n} | :: paymaster, salary accountant, payroll clerk |
palkanlisä {n} | :: allowance, bonus to a salary |
palkanmaksaja {n} | :: paymaster, person who pays a salary |
palkanmaksu {n} | :: payroll, salary payment |
palkanmaksukausi {n} | :: pay period |
palkanmaksupäivä {n} | :: payday, pay date |
palkanmuodostus {n} | :: wage formation, wage-setting |
palkannauttija {n} | :: synonym of palkansaaja |
palkannousu {n} | :: wage increase |
palkanosa {n} | :: part of salary, component of pay |
palkansaaja {n} | :: wage earner |
palkansaaja {n} | :: employee |
palkansaajajärjestö {n} | :: trade union |
palkansaajaliike {n} | :: synonym of ammattiyhdistysliike |
palkansaajarahasto {n} | :: employee fund |
palkata {v} | :: to hire, employ |
palkaton {adj} | :: unpaid, unsalaried |
palkattomasti {adv} | :: without pay or salary |
palkinto {n} | :: prize, award |
palkintokoroke {n} [sports] | :: podium |
palkintolautakunta {n} | :: jury |
palkintomitali {n} | :: award medal |
palkintopalli {n} [sports] | :: podium (steepled platform, standing on which the medalists in a sports event receive their medals and/or other trophies) |
palkintopalli {n} [sports] | :: podium (result amongst the best three) |
palkita {vt} | :: To reward |
palkita {vt} | :: To award |
palkitseva {adj} | :: rewarding |
palkittaa {v} | :: to beam (to furnish with beams) |
palkittain {adv} [heraldry] | :: bendwise |
palkka {n} | :: pay, salary, wage (money given in return for work; salary or wages) |
palkka {n} | :: compensation, remuneration (anything given in return for work) |
palkkaaminen {n} | :: hiring (act) |
palkka-ankkuri {n} | :: anchor to the wages |
palkka-armeija {n} | :: mercenary organization, private military company |
palkka-asteikko {n} | :: wage scale, pay scale |
palkkaennakko {n} | :: advance, salary advance |
palkkaero {n} | :: pay difference |
palkkaero {n} | :: pay gap |
palkkaetu {n} | :: pay benefit, emolument |
palkkahaitari {n} | :: wage scale |
palkkahallinto {n} | :: payroll management, payroll administration |
palkkahinnoittelu {n} | :: level of salaries |
palkkahinnoitteluliite {n} | :: salary appendix |
palkkaindeksi {n} | :: wage index |
palkkajärjestelmä {n} | :: wage system |
palkkajoukko {n} | :: mercenary troops |
palkkakatto {n} | :: salary cap, salary ceiling |
palkkakehitys {n} | :: wage development |
palkkakilpailu {n} | :: wage competition |
palkkakuilu {n} | :: pay gap |
palkkakuitti {n} | :: pay slip |
palkkakulut {n} | :: salary costs, wage costs |
palkkakuoppa {n} | :: wage trap, wage pit |
palkkakustannukset {n} | :: wage costs |
palkkalainen {n} | :: hired person |
palkkalaskelma {n} | :: payslip, salary statement |
palkkalaskenta {n} | :: (more commonly: palkanlaskenta) payroll calculation, payroll preparation |
palkkaliite {n} | :: salary attachment |
palkkalista {n} | :: payroll (list of employees who receive salary or wages from a particular organization) |
palkkaliukuma {n} | :: wage drift |
palkkaluokka {n} | :: pay grade |
palkkamaltti {n} | :: wage moderation |
palkkamenot {n} | :: labor costs |
palkkamurha {n} | :: hit, contract killing |
palkkamurhaaja {n} | :: contract killer, hitman, hatchet man |
palkkanauha {n} | :: payslip, pay grade |
palkkaneuvottelu {n} | :: wage negotiations |
palkkansa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of palkka |
palkkaorja {n} | :: wage slave |
palkkapäivä {n} | :: payday (day on which an employee's salary is paid) |
palkkaperuste {n} | :: wage base |
palkkapolitiikka {n} | :: pay policy |
palkkapussi {n} | :: pay packet |
palkkaraha {n} [usually in the plural] | :: payroll, money from salary |
palkkarakenne {n} | :: wage structure |
palkkaratkaisu {n} | :: Alternative term for tulopoliittinen sopimus ("income policy agreement"); see usage notes under tulopolitiikka for explanation of central income policy terminology |
palkkaratkaisu {n} | :: More narrowly, the part of above which concerns wages; wages agreement, agreement on wages |
palkkarenki {n} | :: hireling |
palkkasäännöstely {n} | :: wage regulation |
palkkasaatava {n} | :: outstanding renumeration, outstanding wage |
palkkasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of palkka |
palkkasotilas {n} | :: mercenary |
palkkasoturi {n} | :: A mercenary |
palkkasulku {n} | :: freeze (on salary) |
palkkasyrjintä {n} | :: wage discrimination |
palkkatarjous {n} | :: salary offer, contract offer |
palkkataso {n} | :: wage level |
palkkataulukko {n} | :: salary grid, wage grid |
palkkatili {n} | :: wage account |
palkkatodistus {n} | :: salary certificate |
palkkatuki {n} | :: wage subsidy |
palkkatulo {n} | :: salary income |
palkkaturva {n} | :: pay guarantee |
palkkatyö {n} | :: hired labor, paid labor |
palkkatyöläinen {n} | :: hired laborer |
palkkaus {n} | :: hiring (act of hiring a new employee) |
palkkaus {n} | :: pay, when discussed on general or system level |
palkkausjärjestelmä {n} | :: salary system, wage system |
palkkausluokka {n} | :: pay grade, pay bracket |
palkkavaatimus {n} | :: pay claim |
palkki {n} | :: beam (long piece of timber, metal or concrete used in construction as horizontal support) |
palkki {n} | :: horizontal bar (on top or bottom of a newspaper page or article, television screen etc) |
palkki {n} [music] | :: beam (horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value) |
palkki {n} [heraldry] | :: bend (strip from dexter chief (upper right corner) to sinister base of the shield) |
palkki {n} [telecommunications] | :: bar (of signal, etc.) |
palkkikaavio {n} | :: (horizontal) bar graph |
palkkikamera {n} | :: view camera |
palkkikatto {n} | :: beam ceiling |
palkkio {n} | :: reward, bounty |
palkkio {n} | :: fee, honorarium |
palkkiomatriisi {n} [game theory] | :: reward matrix |
palkkionmetsästäjä {n} | :: bounty hunter |
palkkisilta {n} | :: beam bridge |
palkkuut {n} | :: a type of horse cart traditionally used to transport barrels of tar |
palko {n} [botany] | :: pod |
palkokasvi {n} | :: pulse (any annual legume used as food or fodder) |
palladium {n} | :: palladium |
pallas {n} | :: halibut |
palle {n} | :: A hem (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together) |
palle {n} | :: A doubled-back rim of anything, especially sheet metal |
palle {n} | :: A groove along a board, such as the dado of a tongue and groove board |
palle {n} | :: A hem (rim or margin) |
palle {n} [nautical] | :: bilge (rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides) |
pallea {n} [anatomy] | :: The thoracic diaphragm |
palleatyrä {n} [pathology] | :: hernia diaphragmatica, diaphragmatic hernia |
pallero {n} | :: bolus, ball (round mass of anything) |
palleroinen {n} | :: A small bolus (round mass of anything) |
palleroinen {n} [by extension] | :: baby, puppy etc. (any roundish and cute-looking newly born human or animal) |
palleropilvi {n} | :: cirrocumulus (type of cloud) |
palleroporonjäkälä {n} | :: star reindeer lichen, Cladonia stellaris [1] |
palli {n} | :: stool (seat) |
palli {n} [colloquial] | :: in plural, balls (testicles) |
palliatiivi {n} | :: palliative |
palliatiivinen {adj} [medicine] | :: palliative |
pallini {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of palli |
pällistellä {vt} | :: to stare in confusion |
pallo {n} | :: ball |
pallo {n} | :: balloon |
pallo {n} | :: orb, sphere, globe |
pallo {n} [mathematics] | :: sphere [see usage notes] |
pallo {n} [mathematics, colloquial] | :: ball [see usage notes] |
palloaalto {n} | :: spherical wave |
palloaberraatio {n} [optics] | :: spherical aberration |
pallobakteeri {n} [microbiology] | :: coccus |
pallografiittivalurauta {n} [metallurgy] | :: ductile iron, spheroidal graphite iron |
pallograniitti {n} [geology] | :: orbicular granite |
palloharmoninen {adj} | :: spherically symmetric |
pallohiili {n} | :: fullerene |
pallohiiri {n} [computing] | :: A trackball |
palloilija {n} | :: ball player, especially a footballer |
palloilla {vi} | :: to play a ball game (soccer etc.) |
palloilla {v} | :: to hang out |
pallojuusto {n} | :: a cheese shaped like a ball, such as edam |
pallokaktus {n} | :: hedgehog cactus (any cactus of genus Echinopsis) |
pallokaktus {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Echinopsis |
pallokala {n} | :: pufferfish (any fish in the family Tetraodontidae) |
pallokartta {n} | :: ball map, globe map (spherical map) |
pallokas {n} [nautical] | :: spinnaker |
pallokenttä {n} | :: ballfield, ball field, any field for playing ball games |
pallokirjoituskone {n} | :: ball typewriter (typewriter that uses a typeball) |
pallokivi {n} [geology] | :: orbicular rock |
pallokolmio {n} [geometry] | :: spherical triangle |
pallokoordinaatisto {n} [math] | :: spherical coordinate system |
pallokoordinaatit {n} [math] | :: spherical coordinates |
pallokulma {n} [geometry] | :: spherical angle |
pallokulma {n} | :: ball corner |
pallokurpitsa {n} | :: pumpkin (round, orange fruit of pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo.) |
pallolaajennus {n} | :: balloon angioplasty |
palloleikki {n} | :: a children's ball game |
pallomaha {n} | :: potbelly (stomach) |
pallomainen {adj} | :: spherical (shaped like a sphere) |
pallomainen tähtijoukko {n} [astronomy] | :: globular cluster |
pallomeri {n} | :: ball pit, ball pond, ball pool |
pallonen {n} | :: spherule (small sphere) |
pallonhallinta {n} [ball games] | :: possession of the ball, control of the ball |
pallonheitto {n} | :: the act of throwing a ball; any game involving throwing a ball |
pallonivel {n} [anatomy] | :: ball and socket joint, enarthrosis, spheroidal joint |
pallonkäsittely {n} [ball games] | :: handling the ball |
pallonkuori {n} | :: sphere (as opposed to ball) |
pallonmenetys {n} [ball games] | :: losing the ball, losing possession of the ball |
pallonpinta {n} | :: alternative form of pallopinta |
pallonpuolikas {n} | :: half ball, hemisphere |
pallonpuolisko {n} | :: A hemisphere of the Earth or other celestial body |
pallonpuolisko {n} | :: A hemisphere as an object, as opposed to shape; also puolipallo |
pallonriisto {n} [ball games] | :: stealing possession of the ball |
pallonuija {n} [archaeology] | :: a spherical stone with a hole through the middle, used as a tool and weapon |
pallo-ohdake {n} | :: globe thistle (any plant of genus Echinops) |
pallo-ohdake {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Echinops |
pallopäävalas {n} | :: pilot whale (either of two species of whale in the genus Globicephala) |
pallopäävasara {n} | :: ball-peen hammer |
pallopeili {n} | :: curved mirror, spherical mirror |
pallopeli {n} | :: ball game (game played with a ball) |
palloperuna {n} | :: potato ball (small fried ball) |
pallopiiri {n} | :: ball club (especially for football or soccer) |
pallopinta {n} [mathematics] | :: spherical surface |
pallopinta {n} [mathematics] | :: sphere (regular three-dimensional object in which every cross-section is a circle, as opposed to a ball) |
pallopoika {n} [sports] | :: ball boy |
pallopoikkeama {n} [optics] | :: spherical aberration |
pallopullo {n} [rare, dated] | :: synonym of roll-on |
pallopurje {n} [nautical] | :: balloon sail |
pallorauta {n} | :: melon baller (small kitchen tool used to cut round sections of melons and other soft fruits) |
pallosalama {n} | :: A ball lightning |
pallosara {n} | :: Carex globularis |
pallosegmentti {n} [geometry] | :: spherical segment |
pallosektori {n} [geometry] | :: spherical sector |
palloseura {n} | :: A sports club with its focus on ball games, used chiefly in the names of such clubs |
pallosilla {adv} | :: playing with a ball, playing ball games |
pallosille {adv} | :: (into a state of) playing with a ball, playing ball games |
pallotähtitiede {n} [astronomy] | :: spherical astronomy |
pallotella {vi} | :: to kick a ball around; to play a ball game in an informal manner |
pallotrigonometria {n} | :: spherical trigonometry |
pallottaa {v} [games] | :: to throw a ball at another player aiming to touch that person (not to serve, nor hurt), used in some children's playful games |
pallottelu {n} | :: kick around (informal game of football, rugby or similar sports) |
pallotuoli {n} | :: ball chair, Ball Chair |
pallotyttö {n} [sports] | :: ball girl |
palloventtiili {n} | :: ball valve |
pallovyötiäinen {n} | :: three-banded armadillo (armadillo of the genus Tolypeutes) |
pallovyötiäinen {n} | :: southern three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes matacus |
pallukka {n} | :: A round object |
palmaarinen {adj} | :: palmar |
palmetti {n} | :: palmette |
palmikko {n} | :: plait |
palmikoida {v} | :: To plait |
palmitaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: palmitate |
palmitiinihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: palmitic acid |
palmu {n} | :: palm tree |
palmuöljy {n} | :: palm oil |
palmupuu {n} | :: palm (tropical tree) |
palmuranta {n} | :: a palm beach (a beach with palm trees) |
palmurosvo {n} | :: palm thief (Birgus latro) |
palmusunnuntai {n} [Christianity] | :: Palm Sunday |
palmuviini {n} | :: palm wine |
palmuviini {n} | :: toddy |
palo {n} | :: fire (event of something burning, an occurrence of fire) |
palo {n} | :: ardor (great warmth of feeling) |
palo {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: out |
palo {n} [cricket] | :: dismissal |
Palo {prop} | :: surname |
Palo {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
paloa {v} [rare] | :: To divide into pieces |
paloalue {n} | :: the area of a fire, especially of a wildfire |
paloasema {n} | :: fire station (building for fire fighters) |
paloauto {n} | :: fire engine, fire truck |
palohaava {n} | :: burn (injury) |
palohaka {n} | :: carabiner |
palohälytin {n} | :: A fire alarm (device) |
palohälytys {n} | :: A fire alarm (warning made of a fire) |
paloharjoitus {n} | :: fire drill (practice to prepare for evacuation in the event of a fire) |
paloilmoitin {n} | :: fire alarm |
paloitella {v} | :: to cut up, cut, chop, slice, divide into pieces |
paloitella {v} | :: to cut up, dismember |
paloittain {adv} | :: piecewise |
paloitteleminen {n} | :: cutting, slicing, chopping |
paloitteleminen {n} | :: cutting up, dismembering |
paloitteluveitsi {n} | :: A chopper [knife for chopping food] |
palokaasu {n} | :: combustion gas, flue gas |
palokaivo {n} | :: fire water well |
palokalusto {n} | :: fire fighting equipment |
palokärki {n} | :: black woodpecker; Dryocopus martius |
palokärki {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Dryocopus |
palokeksi {n} | :: pike pole; a pole with a hook used in firefighting |
palokirves {n} | :: firefighter's axe, fire axe |
palokunta {n} | :: A fire department, fire brigade |
palokuoppa {n} | :: a pit in which something was burned, especially a historical type of cremated grave |
palolaitos {n} | :: fire department |
paloletku {n} | :: A fire hose |
paloluukku {n} | :: fire shutter |
paloluukku {n} | :: fire hatch |
palomies {n} | :: A fireman, firefighter (person who is skilled in the work of fighting fire) |
palomuuri {n} | :: firewall (fireproof barrier) |
palomuuri {n} [computer security] | :: firewall |
paloöljy {n} | :: petroleum oil |
palo-ovi {n} | :: fire door |
palopäällikkö {n} | :: fire chief, fire marshal |
palopaikka {n} | :: scene of fire, burning place |
palopesäke {n} | :: fire pocket |
palopommi {n} | :: firebomb, incendiary bomb, incendiary (bomb specially designed to cause fires) |
paloposti {n} | :: fire hydrant |
palopuhe {n} | :: rant, tirade, diatribe, harangue (oral exposition, where emotionality supersedes rationality) |
palopuhuja {n} | :: firebrand (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary) |
palorakko {n} | :: A blister caused by burning |
palorakkula {n} | :: A blister caused by burning |
palorypälehappo {n} [chemistry] | :: pyruvic acid |
palosammutin {n} | :: fire extinguisher |
paloseinä {n} [architecture] | :: firewall (fireproof barrier) |
palosirkka {n} | :: rattle grasshopper (Psophus stridulus) |
palosotilas {n} [dated] | :: fireman |
palosuojata {vt} | :: to protect from fire |
palotikkaat {n} | :: fire escape ladder |
paloton {adj} [pesäpallo] | :: without the batting team having any outs |
paloturvallisuus {n} | :: fire safety |
palovaara {n} | :: risk of fire |
palovahinko {n} | :: fire damage |
palovakuuttaa {v} | :: to take a fire insurance policy |
palovakuutus {n} | :: fire insurance |
palovamma {n} | :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals) |
palovanko {n} | :: a staff with a hook at one end, used to turn over logs to make sure they burned completely |
palovaroitin {n} | :: A fire alarm [device] |
palovartija {n} | :: firewatcher |
palovaurio {n} | :: fire damage |
paloviina {n} [dated] | :: spirit, liquor (distilled alcoholic beverage) |
palpaatio {n} | :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands) |
palpakko {n} | :: bur-reed (plant of the genus Sparganium) |
pälpättää {vi} | :: to chatter, blabber, gab |
pälpätys {n} | :: gab |
palpeerata {v} [medicine, dated] | :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure) |
palpitaatio {n} [medicine] | :: palpitation |
palpoida {v} [medicine] | :: to palpate (to examine by feeling with hands, especially as medical procedure) |
palpointi {n} [medicine] | :: palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands) |
palsa {n} [geomorphology] | :: palsa |
palsa {n} [colloquial] | :: long overcoat |
palsami {n} | :: balsam, balm (any of various aromatic resins exuded from certain plants, especially trees of the genus Commiphora of Africa, Arabia and India and Myroxylon of South America) |
palsami {n} | :: balsam, balm (any aromatic or fragrant ointment) |
palsami {n} | :: balsam, balm (figurative: anything that heals or soothes) |
palsami {n} | :: impatiens, touch-me-not, snapweed, patience; jewelweed [US] (flowering plant of the genus Impatiens) |
palsamikukka {n} | :: synonym of palsami (flower) |
palsamikuusi {n} [plant, dated] | :: balsam fir (North American species of fir tree Abies balsamea) |
palsamipuu {n} | :: balsam (tree yielding balsam) |
palsamoida {vt} | :: To embalm |
palsamoija {n} | :: embalmer (one who embalms) |
palsamoiminen {n} | :: embalming |
palsamointi {n} | :: embalming (act, process) |
palsamoitu {adj} | :: embalmed (having been embalmed) |
palsasuo {n} | :: palsa (palsa bog) |
palsi {n} | :: hardpan (especially one in the bottom of a body of water) |
palsta {n} | :: lot, plot, parcel of land |
palsta {n} | :: newspaper column |
palsta {n} | :: column (vertically split text on a page) |
palstalääkäri {n} | :: advice column doctor |
palstamillimetri {n} | :: One millimeter of a printed column; a measure of space allocated for an article or advertisement on a newspaper. English speaking world uses column inch and column centimeter for the same purpose |
palstantäyte {n} | :: filler (in a newspaper) |
palstatila {n} | :: space in a newspaper column |
palstatila {n} [figuratively] | :: press coverage |
palstatila {n} [historical] | :: a smaller, non-independent farm within a larger farm; the smaller farm did not have to pay its own land tax but often paid taxes directly to the larger farm |
palstaväli {n} [typography] | :: gutter, space between columns |
palstavedos {n} | :: galley proof |
palstaviljely {n} | :: plot cultivation |
palsternakka {n} | :: parsnip, Pastinaca sativa |
palstoittaa {vt} | :: to columnize |
palstoittain {adv} | :: by lot, plot or parcel of land |
palstoittain {adv} | :: in columns |
paltamo {n} [dialectal] | :: A type of rowing boat used to carry freight, particularly barrels of tar, along the rivers in northern Finland |
Paltamo {prop} | :: Paltamo |
paltamolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Paltamo |
paltamolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Paltamo |
paltata {v} | :: To hem (to put hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something) |
palte {n} | :: alternative form of palle |
palterohapero {n} | :: The flirt or bare-toothed russula, Russula vesca |
palttaa {v} | :: To hem (to put a hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something) |
palttiarallaa {adv} [dialectal] | :: approximately, about |
palttina {n} | :: linen weave, plain weave |
palttina {n} | :: linen |
palttoo {n} | :: A long overcoat |
paluu {n} | :: return |
paluu {n} | :: comeback (return to fame, popularity etc.) |
paluuarvo {n} [programming] | :: return value |
paluukoodi {n} [computing] | :: return code, exit status |
paluuliikenne {n} | :: inbound traffic (in connection with holidays, traffic back to the cities at the end of the holidays) |
paluulippu {n} | :: return ticket |
paluumuuttaja {n} | :: an ex-pat who is returning home to live in their birth country |
paluumuuttaja {n} [sports] | :: a player who returns back to the team they were playing for before joining another team |
paluupallo {n} [soccer] | :: rebound |
paluurahti {n} | :: return cargo, return load |
paluuvirtaus {n} | :: return flow (any returning flow of a fluid) |
paluuvirtaus {n} | :: undertow (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore) |
paluuvirtaus {n} | :: rip current (particularly strong return flow of water from breaking waves, away from the shore, caused by underwater topology, which at some places concentrates the returning water into a powerful current) |
palvata {vt} | :: to cure (to preserve meat by roasting it slowly) |
palvaus {n} | :: curing (food preservation) |
palvelija {n} | :: servant |
palvelijatar {n} | :: maidservant, maid (female servant) |
palvelin {n} [computing] | :: server |
palvelinkone {n} [computing] | :: server machine, server computer |
palvelinpohjaisuus {n} [computing] | :: multitenancy |
palvelinsovelma {n} [computing] | :: servlet |
palvella {v} | :: to serve (provide a service; perform duties; be in service; be a servant) |
palvelu {n} | :: service |
palveluala {n} | :: service industry |
palveluammatti {n} | :: service profession, service occupation |
palveluelinkeino {n} | :: service sector, service industry |
palveluhenkinen {adj} | :: service-oriented, service-minded |
palvelukanava {n} | :: service channel |
palvelukeskus {n} | :: service center (centralized organisation that produces a service or services) |
palveluksessanne {phrase} | :: at your service |
palveluksessanne {phrase} | :: your servant (greeting) |
palveluluokka {n} | :: service category, service class |
palvelumaksu {n} | :: service charge, service fee (fee charged for a service, typically to cover administration or processing costs.) |
palvelumerkki {n} | :: service mark |
palvelumerkki {n} | :: service badge |
palvelunestohyökkäys {n} [internet] | :: denial-of-service attack, DoS attack |
palvelunkäyttäjä {n} | :: service user, service consumer |
palveluntarjoaja {n} | :: service provider |
palveluntuottaja {n} | :: service provider |
palvelupaikka {n} | :: service facility, service point |
palvelupiste {n} | :: service point |
palveluprosessi {n} | :: service process |
palveluprosessi {n} [computing] | :: daemon |
palveluraha {n} | :: service charge, service fee (amount added to a restaurant bill for service) |
palvelus {n} | :: service (event of providing a service) |
palvelus {n} | :: service (state of being subordinate to someone) |
palvelus {n} | :: favor |
palvelusaika {n} | :: period of service |
palvelusektori {n} | :: service industry |
palvelusektori {n} | :: tertiary sector |
palvelusetelijärjestelmä {n} | :: service voucher scheme |
palveluskoira {n} | :: service dog, helper dog |
palvelusrikos {n} [law] | :: criminal offense committed in or related to military service |
palvelussuhde {n} | :: service relation, service relationship |
palvelustyttö {n} | :: maid (female servant) |
palvelusväki {n} | :: servants, domestics, staff |
palvelusvuosi {n} | :: year of service, service year |
palvelut {n} | :: services, facilities, amenities |
palvelutalo {n} | :: sheltered home, sheltered accommodation, assisted living building |
palvelutarjonta {n} | :: servicescape |
palvelutaso {n} | :: service level (measure of the performance of a service provider) |
palvelutasosopimus {n} | :: service level agreement |
palvelutoiminta {n} | :: service activity |
palvelutuote {n} | :: service product |
palvelutyyppi {n} | :: type of service |
palveluvalmis {adj} | :: ready to serve, ready for service |
palveluverkosto {n} | :: service network |
palvi {n} | :: meat cured slowly in mild heat, often also smoked |
palvi {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of patvi |
pälvi {n} | :: a bald spot, a patch of snow-free ground, especially in the spring when the snow melts |
pälvi {n} | :: a bald patch, a bald spot (an area of baldness on a partially bald head) |
pälvikalju {n} | :: alopecia areata |
palvikinkku {n} | :: (slowly) smoked ham |
palviliha {n} | :: (slowly) smoked meat |
palvimakkara {n} | :: lightly smoked sausage |
pälvisokeus {n} | :: scotoma |
pälvittäin {adv} [of hair loss] | :: in spots |
palvoa {v} | :: to worship (a deity, etc.) |
palvoa {v} | :: to love ardently |
palvoja {n} | :: A worshipper (one who worships) |
palvonta {n} | :: worship, praise, -latry |
palvontamenot {n} | :: A worship (religious ceremony, especially a non-Christian one) |
palvontapaikka {n} | :: place of worship |
palvoskivi {n} | :: a rock or stone once used as a place of worship |
palvovasti {adv} | :: worshipfully, adoringly |
pälyillä {v} | :: to glance (to look briefly at something) |
palynologia {n} | :: palynology |
pam {interj} | :: bam! bang! |
pamahdella {vi} | :: to bang, boom (repeatedly) |
pamahdus {n} | :: alternative form of pamaus |
pamahtaa {v} | :: to bang, slam, crash, pop |
pamahtaa {v} | :: to explode, go bang/blow |
pamaus {n} | :: boom, bang |
pamaus {n} | :: report (sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion) |
pamautella {vt} | :: to bang, boom (repeatedly) |
pamauttaa {vt} | :: to bang, boom (to make or cause a banging sound, once) |
pamauttaminen {n} | :: banging, booming (making or causing a banging sound) |
pamfletti {n} | :: pamphlet |
pamista {vi} [colloquial] | :: to chat, to chatter |
pampa {n} | :: pampa |
pampahirvi {n} | :: pampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus |
pampajänis {n} | :: Patagonian mara, Dolichotis patagonum |
pampakettu {n} | :: pampas fox, Lycalopex gymnacercus |
pampakissa {n} | :: pampas cat, Leopardus pajeros |
pämpätä {v} | :: to booze |
pampattaa {vi} | :: to throb |
pampavyötiäinen {n} | :: big hairy armadillo, large hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus |
pämppäilijä {n} | :: boozer |
pamppailla {v} | :: to throb, beat |
pämppäillä {v} | :: to booze |
pamppu {n} | :: baton, nightstick (short stout club used primarily by policemen) |
pamppu {n} [slang] | :: bigwig (person of consequence) |
pamppu {n} [slang] | :: turnkey (warder, prison officer) |
pampula {n} | :: bobble |
pamputtaa {v} | :: to baton, to strike with a nightstick |
pamputus {n} | :: batoning |
pan- {prefix} | :: pan- |
panama {n} | :: Panama weave |
Panama {prop} | :: Panama (country) |
panamahattu {n} | :: Panama hat |
Panaman kanava {prop} | :: Panama Canal |
panamanpuumuura {n} | :: western slaty antshrike |
panamerikkalainen {adj} | :: Pan-American (covering or representing all of the Americas) |
panarabismi {n} | :: synonym of panarabialaisuus |
panda {n} | :: panda |
pandakarhu {n} | :: panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) |
pandeeminen {adj} | :: pandemic |
pandeismi {n} | :: pandeism |
pandemia {n} | :: A pandemic |
Pandora {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora |
Pandoran lipas {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora's box |
pandžabi {n} | :: Punjabi (language) |
paneeli {n} | :: panel, nowadays usually paneli (rectangular section of surface) |
paneeli {n} | :: panel (group of people) |
paneelikeskustelu {n} | :: panel discussion, forum (form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience) |
paneelilaudoitus {n} | :: paneling |
paneelilauta {n} | :: a wooden panel |
paneeliseinä {n} | :: paneled wall, panel wall |
paneerata {v} [cooking] | :: synonym of leivittää |
panelisti {n} | :: panelist |
paneloida {vt} | :: To panel |
panelointi {n} | :: panelling |
paneminen {n} | :: putting, setting, placing |
paneminen {n} | :: brewing (of beer) |
paneminen {n} [vulgar] | :: fucking, shagging |
panenteismi {n} | :: panentheism |
paneroida {vt} | :: To bread |
paneskella {vi} [vulgar, usually, _] | :: To have several sessions of sexual intercourse with one or more people (when that action is considered negative) |
panetella {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To slander, vilify, smear, defame |
panettaa {vt} [vulgar, impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to be horny, to crave sex (literally "to cause to fuck") |
panettaa {vt} [rare] | :: To have something put/set/place by someone (= adessive) (somewhere) |
panettelu {n} | :: aspersion |
paneutua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to delve into, take up, go into (an issue, a question; by studying or pondering it closely); to familiarize oneself with (an issue, a question) |
pangasius {n} | :: pangasius (pangasius fish as food) |
pangrammi {n} | :: pangram |
panhuilu {n} | :: pan pipes, panpipes, pan-pipes |
paniikki {n} | :: panic |
paniikkihäiriö {n} [psychology] | :: panic disorder |
paniikkikohtaus {n} | :: panic attack |
panikoida {v} | :: To panic |
panimo {n} | :: brewery |
panimoravintola {n} | :: brewpub, restaurant with a brewery |
panimoteollisuus {n} | :: brewing industry |
panini {n} | :: panini |
pankinjohtaja {n} | :: bank manager |
pankkaluu {n} [anatomy] | :: An epipubic bone |
pankki {n} | :: bank (institution, branch office and derived meanings) |
pankkiaika {n} | :: bank opening hours |
pankkiala {n} | :: banking sector |
pankkiasia {n} | :: any matter that requires a visit at a bank |
pankkiasiointi {n} | :: banking (act of dealing with a bank) |
pankkiauto {n} | :: bank truck (a bank inside a truck) |
pankkiautomaatti {n} | :: An automated teller machine, cash machine, ATM |
pankkiautomaattikortti {n} | :: ATM card |
pankkiholvi {n} | :: bank vault |
pankkiiri {n} | :: banker |
pankkiirivalaisin {n} | :: banker's lamp |
pankkikelpoinen {adj} | :: bankable (acceptable to a bank) |
pankkikirja {n} | :: bankbook, passbook |
pankkikonttori {n} | :: bank office |
pankkikortti {n} | :: bankcard, bank card, debit card |
pankkikriisi {n} | :: banking crisis |
pankkilaina {n} | :: bank loan |
pankkilokero {n} | :: a safe deposit box in a bank |
pankkimaailma {n} | :: banking world, banking sector |
pankkineiti {n} | :: a female bank teller |
pankkipalvelu {n} | :: banking service (service typically provided by a bank) |
pankkirosvo {n} | :: bank robber |
pankkiryöstäjä {n} | :: bank robber |
pankkiryöstö {n} | :: bank robbery |
pankkisalaisuus {n} | :: banking secrecy |
pankkisali {n} | :: bank hall (hall or large room of a bank) |
pankkisiirto {n} | :: giro, bank transfer |
pankkisuhde {n} | :: bank relationship, banking relationship |
pankkitakaus {n} | :: bank guarantee, banker's guarantee (guarantee issued by a bank) |
pankkitalletus {n} | :: bank deposit |
pankkitili {n} | :: bank account |
pankkitoimihenkilö {n} | :: bank officer |
pankkitoiminta {n} | :: banking (the business of managing a bank) |
pankkituki {n} | :: aiding an ailing bank financially (such as by the state) |
pankkivaltuusmies {n} | :: member of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council of the Bank of Finland |
pankkivekseli {n} | :: banker's draft, cashier's check |
pankkivelka {n} | :: bank debt (debt to a bank) |
pankkivirkailija {n} | :: bank clerk |
pankkiyhteys {n} | :: bank access |
pankko {n} | :: a small piece of wood attached to a reki or sleigh, used for transporting timber |
pankko {n} | :: a bench located by the stove |
pankration {n} | :: pankration |
panna {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] | :: to put, set, place |
panna {vt} [+ accusative + illative] | :: to send (make someone go somewhere) |
panna {vt} [+ accusative + 3rd infinitive illative] | :: to have or make someone do something |
panna {vi} [+ translative] | :: to start doing something |
panna {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] | :: to deposit [money] |
panna {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to brew [beer] |
panna {vt} [vulgar, + partitive] | :: to fuck, screw, shag |
panna {n} | :: ban, anathema (law; clerical) |
panna hanttiin {vi} [idiomatic] | :: To resist, to oppose, to counteract |
panna jalalla koreasti {v} [idiomatic] | :: to dance |
panna kiven sisään {phrase} [colloquial] | :: to immure, imprison, jail |
panna liikettä niveliin {v} | :: To get one's ass in gear |
panna merkille {v} [idiomatic] | :: to remark, notice, take note of |
panna muistiin {v} | :: to take notes |
panna päänsä pantiksi {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: to bet one's bottom dollar, to bet one's boots, to not have the slightest doubt |
panna paksuksi {v} [colloquial] | :: To make somebody pregnant |
panna pystyyn {v} [literally] | :: to put something into upright position, erect |
panna pystyyn {v} [idiomatic] | :: to arrange, put up, improvise |
panna rautoihin {v} [idiomatic] | :: to iron (to shackle with irons) |
pannari {n} [colloquial] | :: pancake |
panna riita halki {v} [idiomatic] | :: to split the difference (make a compromise) |
panna täytäntöön {vt} | :: to implement, put into practice |
panna täytäntöön {vt} [law] | :: to enforce |
panna toimeen {v} | :: to effectuate (to effect or execute something) |
panna toimeen {v} | :: to execute (to start a defined process and run it to completion) |
panna toimeen {v} | :: to implement (to put into practice) |
panna töpinäksi {v} | :: to step on it, to make haste, to get a move on |
panna tuulemaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get into action, get going (strong) (to begin or commence with determination and energy) |
panni {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume equal to half a tynnyri, or later around 33 litres for dry substances or around 73 litres for liquids |
pänniä {v} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to annoy, vex |
panninala {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to a one half of a tynnyrinala or around 2 464 square meters |
pannoittaa {vt} | :: to collar an animal |
pannu {n} | :: pan, pot |
pannuhuone {n} | :: boiler room |
pannukakku {n} | :: a thick (~ 1 cm) pancake baked in oven, eaten as dessert with whipped cream and jam |
pannukakku {n} | :: pancake |
pannukakku {n} [idiomatic] | :: failure, fiasco |
pannumyssy {n} | :: tea cosy |
pannumyssy {n} [humoristic] | :: mitre |
pannunalunen {n} [cooking] | :: pot coaster, trivet (object placed under a hot dish to protect the table) |
pannunalus {n} | :: alternative form of pannunalunen |
pannunmyssy {n} | :: alternative form of pannumyssy |
pannupihvi {n} | :: a type of steak similar to Salisbury steak |
pannupiirakka {n} | :: Any pirog that is cooked in a frying pan, as opposed to uunipiirakka which is baked in an oven |
pannupizza {n} | :: deep-dish pizza |
pano {n} | :: deposit (of money into a bank account) |
pano {n} | :: putting, setup, making (later two are only used in special cases) |
pano {n} [vulgar] | :: a lay, a fuck, a session of sexual intercourse |
panokone {n} | :: fucking machine, sex machine (machine used to produce sexual pleasure) |
panokone {n} | :: sex machine (person with considerable sexual prowess) |
panomies {n} [colloquial] | :: pussyman |
panoraama {n} | :: panorama |
panoraamakamera {n} | :: panorama camera |
panoroida {v} [photography, cinematography] | :: to pan (turn a camera horizontally) |
panoroida {v} [photography] | :: to pan (move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film) |
panoroida {v} [sound engineering] | :: to pan (spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field) |
panos {n} [weaponry] | :: cartridge, pellet |
panos {n} [weaponry, construction, demolition, mining] | :: load (usually including a detonator) |
panos {n} [gambling, economics] | :: stake |
panos {n} [economics] | :: contribution, investment, input |
panosnaulain {n} | :: powder-actuated tool, powder-actuated nail gun |
panostaa {vt} | :: to load (to fill with munition or raw material) |
panostaa {v} [+ illative] | :: to invest in something (to spend money, time, or energy into something) |
panostaa {v} [+ illative] | :: to put effort on or into something |
panostaa {v} [poker] | :: to bet |
panostaja {n} | :: primer (person who primes explosives) |
panostaja {n} | :: one who puts an effort or invests into something |
panostaminen {n} | :: investing in, putting effort in |
panostaminen {n} | :: loading (filling with munition or raw material) |
panostus {n} | :: investment (money, time or energy invested in something) |
panostus {n} | :: loading (the act of filling with munition or raw material) |
panotakku {n} [vulgar] | :: A tangle of hair a woman gets at the back of her head when having sex |
panpsykismi {n} [philosophy] | :: panpsychism |
panpsykistinen {adj} | :: panpsychistic (relating to panpsychism) |
panslavismi {n} | :: Pan-Slavism |
panslavisti {n} | :: Pan-Slavist |
panslavistinen {adj} | :: Pan-Slavistic |
panssari {n} | :: armor, armour, armouring (for body or vehicle protection) |
panssari {n} | :: carapace (hard protective covering of bone or chitin) |
panssariajoneuvo {n} | :: armored vehicle |
panssariauto {n} | :: armored car, armored truck |
panssarieste {n} | :: anti-tank obstacle |
panssarijoukot {n} | :: armoured forces |
panssarijuna {n} | :: armoured train, armored train |
panssarikauhu {n} | :: Panzerschrek (German portable anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII) |
panssarilaiva {n} | :: armored ship |
panssarimies {n} [military] | :: tanker, trooper, crewman, armoured soldier, armored soldier; zipperhead [Canadian] (member of tank crew) |
panssarintorjunta {n} | :: antitank warfare |
panssarintorjunta {n} | :: As modifier in compound terms (panssarintorjunta-), antitank |
panssarintorjunta-ase {n} | :: anti-tank weapon |
panssarintorjuntakivääri {n} [military] | :: anti-tank rifle |
panssarintorjuntaohjus {n} | :: An anti-tank missile |
panssarintorjuntavaunu {n} [military] | :: tank destroyer |
panssarinyrkki {n} | :: Panzerfaust (German portable, single-shot anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII) |
panssarivaunu {n} [military] | :: A tank |
panssarivaunumies {n} [military] | :: synonym of panssarimies |
panssariverkkoaita {n} | :: wire mesh fence, chainlink fence |
panssaroida {vt} | :: To cover with armour/armor |
panssaroitu {adj} | :: armored (equipped with armor) |
panssaroitua {vi} | :: to become armored |
pansytopenia {n} [pathology] | :: pancytopenia |
panta {n} | :: A collar (device for restraining an animal) |
panta {n} | :: A choker (jewelry) |
panta {n} | :: Any ring that is used as an external support for example around a pole |
pantaheinä {n} | :: bristlegrass (any plant of the genus Setaria) |
pantaheinä {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Setaria |
pantata {vt} | :: to pledge, pawn (deposit something as a security) |
päntätä {vt} [colloquial] | :: to study, to cram |
pantava {adj} [vulgar, comparable] | :: Fuckable, suitable for having sex with |
pantava {adj} | :: (neutral, non-comparable) "Suitable to be put [somewhere]". For example, suuhunpantava, "Suitable to be put into mouth." |
panteismi {n} | :: pantheism |
panteisti {n} | :: A pantheist |
panteistinen {adj} | :: pantheistic |
pantheon {n} | :: pantheon (the gods of a religion as a group) |
pantheon {n} | :: pantheon (temple or monument) |
pantografi {n} | :: pantograph (drawing aid) |
pantomiimi {n} | :: mime (form of theatre) |
pantomiimi {n} | :: charades (party game) |
pantoteenihappo {n} [biochemistry] | :: pantothenic acid |
pantteri {n} | :: panther, leopard (Panthera pardus) |
pantterietana {n} | :: leopard slug, great grey slug, Limax maximus (very large species of slug) |
pantterikärpässieni {n} | :: panther cap, Amanita pantherina |
pantti {n} | :: pledge (security to payment) |
pantti {n} | :: deposit (monetary security for a borrowed item, which will be given back when the item is returned) |
panttikonttori {n} [dated] | :: pawn shop |
panttilaina {n} | :: pawn loan, pawnshop loan (loan taken from a pawn shop) |
panttilainaamo {n} | :: pawn shop |
panttilainakonttori {n} [dated] | :: pawn shop |
panttilainasto {n} [dated] | :: synonym of panttilainaamo (pawn shop) |
panttilainaus {n} | :: pawnbroking (business of advancing loans against pledges of personal possessions) |
panttilaitos {n} [dated] | :: pawn shop |
panttioikeus {n} | :: lien |
panttivanki {n} | :: hostage |
Panu {prop} | :: given name |
papaha {n} | :: papakha (type of fur or sometimes woollen hat originating from Caucasus; shape varies from hemisphere to cylindrical, which may be slightly tapering to either direction) |
papaija {n} | :: papaya (Carica papaya) |
Papa-koe {n} [pathology] | :: Pap test, smear test, cervical smear, Pap smear (gynecological screening test) |
papana {n} | :: A piece of excrement from a small animal such as a hare |
paparazzi {n} | :: paparazzo |
papattaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to spout, to ramble |
papatti {n} | :: ladyfinger (small firecracker) |
papelo {n} | :: synonym of nypylä |
paperi {n} | :: paper |
paperi {n} | :: document |
paperi {n} [colloquial] | :: In the plural paperit: ID |
paperiarkki {n} | :: sheet of paper |
paperiavioliitto {n} | :: Alternative term for näennäisavioliitto |
paperieriste {n} | :: insulation paper |
paperihaava {n} | :: paper cut (wound caused by a piece of paper) |
paperihuopa {n} | :: papermaking felt (felt used by paper machines) |
paperi-insinööri {n} | :: paper engineer |
paperikanta {n} [economics, rare] | :: fiat monetary system |
paperikantinen {adj} | :: paperback |
paperikarkki {n} | :: wrapped candy |
paperikko {n} | :: Paper-machine |
paperikoivu {n} | :: paper birch, canoe birch Betula papyrifera (North American species of birch with white bark) |
paperikoko {n} | :: paper size |
paperikone {n} | :: paper machine |
paperikopio {n} | :: paper copy |
paperikuitu {n} | :: paper fiber, paper fibre |
paperikukka {n} | :: paper flower |
paperilaatu {n} | :: type or grade of paper |
paperileikkuri {n} | :: paper cutter, paper guillotine |
paperilennokki {n} | :: paper plane, paper airplane [US], paper aeroplane [UK] |
paperiliima {n} | :: paper glue, paper adhesive |
paperiliitin {n} | :: paper clip |
paperimarkka {n} [historical] | :: Papiermark (currency of Germany between 1914–1923) |
paperimarkka {n} [historical] | :: (Finnish) marks in paper form |
paperimassa {n} | :: paper pulp |
paperinen {adj} | :: paper (adjective), of paper |
paperinen {adj} | :: (opposite of "electronic") paper (adjective), hard-copy, print (adjective), printed, physical [document] |
paperinen {adj} | :: dry, officialese, bookish (characterized by a method of expression generally found in books) |
paperinenäliina {n} | :: paper napkin, tissue, kleenex |
paperiniitti {n} | :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around) |
paperinjalostus {n} | :: paper processing, paper converting |
paperinohut {adj} | :: paper-thin, thin as paper, very thin |
paperinpala {n} | :: piece of paper |
paperinpyörittäjä {n} [derogatory] | :: a bureaucrat, a paper-pusher |
paperintuotanto {n} | :: paper production |
paperinukke {n} | :: paper doll |
paperinvalmistus {n} | :: papermaking (craft of making paper) |
paperipaino {n} | :: paperweight |
paperipiikki {n} | :: spindle (upright spike for holding papers) |
paperipino {n} | :: paper stack, a stack of paper |
paperipuu {n} | :: pulpwood |
paperiraha {n} | :: paper money |
paperiraina {n} | :: paper web, drying paper web |
papeririisi {n} | :: a ream of paper (500 sheets) |
paperiruukki {n} | :: a historical or prehistorical place where paper was made; paper mill |
paperisakset {n} | :: paper-cutting scissors |
paperisota {n} [derisive] | :: red tape |
paperitähti {n} | :: paper star |
paperitehdas {n} | :: A paper mill |
paperiteippi {n} | :: stationery tape |
paperitekniikka {n} | :: paper technology |
paperiteollisuus {n} | :: paper industry |
paperitiikeri {n} | :: paper tiger |
paperitollo {n} | :: (crushed up) paper ball |
paperiton {adj} | :: paper-free, paperless |
paperitötterö {n} | :: paper cone |
paperityö {n} [usually plural] | :: paperwork |
paperivene {n} | :: paper boat (origami item) |
paperivene {n} | :: greater argonaut (Argonauta argo) |
paperoida {v} | :: To paper (to apply paper to) |
paperossi {n} | :: papirosa |
papiljotti {n} | :: hair roller |
papilla {n} [anatomy, botany] | :: alternative form of papilli |
papilli {n} [anatomy, botany] | :: papilla |
papillinen {adj} | :: clerical, pastoral, ministerial |
papillisesti {adv} | :: clerically, pastorally, ministerially |
papillisuus {n} | :: The quality of behaving clerically, pastorally or ministerially |
papillooma {n} [pathology, oncology] | :: papilloma |
papinkaulus {n} | :: clerical collar |
papintappaja {n} | :: A beetle, Callidium violaceum |
papisti {n} | :: papist |
papisto {n} | :: The clergy |
papitar {n} | :: A priestess |
pappa {n} [dialectal] | :: dad |
pappa {n} [colloquial] | :: grandpa, grandfather |
pappeus {n} | :: Priesthood (role or office of a priest) |
pappi {n} | :: priest |
pappila {n} | :: rectory, vicarage; manse [Scots] (residence of a priest) |
pappismies {n} | :: clergyman |
pappissääty {n} [historical] | :: clerical estate of the realm |
pappisvalta {n} | :: theocracy |
paprika {n} | :: paprika (spice made of dried, ground fruit of the milder varieties of Capsicum annuum) |
paprika {n} | :: pepper, bell pepper, sweet pepper (the fruit of a sweet variety of Capsicum annuum, used as vegetable) |
paprikajauhe {n} | :: paprika powder |
papru {n} [colloquial] | :: paper |
papu {n} | :: bean (edible seed or pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae) |
papu {n} | :: bean (similar seed of some other plants, e.g. coffee) |
papu {n} | :: common bean (plant Phaseolus vulgaris; short for tarhapapu) |
papu {n} [colloquial] | :: muscle, especially the biceps |
papuannauraja {n} | :: rufous-bellied kookaburra (Dacelo gaudichaud) |
Papua-Uusi-Guinea {prop} | :: Papua New Guinea |
papuauusiguinealainen {adj} | :: Papuan |
papuauusiguinealainen {n} | :: Papua New Guinean |
papukaija {n} | :: parrot (kind of bird) |
papukaijapeippo {n} | :: Maui parrotbill, Pseudonestor xanthophrys |
papukeitto {n} | :: bean soup |
papupata {n} | :: very talkative person, bigmouth |
papurokka {n} | :: a traditional soup containing fava beans |
papyrologi {n} | :: papyrologist |
papyrologia {n} | :: papyrology |
papyrus {n} | :: papyrus (material and document) |
papyruskäärö {n} | :: papyrus scroll |
papyruskaisla {n} | :: papyrus (plant in sedge family) |
para {n} [witchcraft] | :: A being created to bring milk or butter to its creator |
paraabeli {n} [geometry] | :: parabola |
paraabeli {n} | :: parable |
paraabelikaari {n} | :: parabolic arc |
paraati {n} | :: parade |
paraatipuku {n} [military] | :: full dress uniform, dress uniform |
paraatipuku {n} [colloquial] | :: One's best dress |
parabolinen {adj} | :: parabolic |
paraboloidi {n} [mathematics] | :: paraboloid |
paradigma {n} | :: paradigm (model or example) |
paradoksaalinen {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradoksaalisesti {adv} | :: paradoxically |
paradoksaalisuus {n} | :: paradoxicalness |
paradoksi {n} | :: paradox |
paradoksinen {adj} | :: paradoxical |
parafiini {n} | :: paraffin [paraffin wax] |
parafilia {n} [psychiatry] | :: paraphilia |
parafinoida {v} | :: To treat with paraffin |
parafoida {v} [legal] | :: to initial (to sign a document with ones initials, as by negotiators to confirm the result of their negotiation for approval by decision-makers of each party) |
parafraasi {n} | :: paraphrase |
parafyleettinen {adj} [taxonomy] | :: paraphyletic |
paragneissi {n} [rock] | :: paragneiss |
paragrafi {n} [dated] | :: paragraph, article or section (of a contract or other legal document) |
Paraguay {prop} | :: Paraguay (country) |
paraguaynvyötiäinen {n} | :: Chacoan naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous chacoensis) |
parahiksi {adv} | :: just in time |
parahiksi {adv} | :: barely, just enough |
parahin {adj} [literary] | :: superlative of hyvä |
parahtaa {vi} | :: to cry out |
pärähtää {vi} | :: to buzz or ring once or suddenly |
parahultainen {adj} [colloquial] | :: just right or fitting |
paraikaa {adv} | :: alternative form of parastaikaa |
paraiksi {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of parahiksi |
paraillaan {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of parhaillaan |
Parainen {prop} | :: Parainen (town) |
paraislainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Parainen |
paraislainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Parainen |
paraiten {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of parhaiten |
parajoukkue {n} [sports] | :: parasports team |
parakieli {n} | :: paralanguage (non-verbal elements of speech) |
parakki {n} | :: barracks |
paraldehydi {n} [chemistry] | :: paraldehyde |
paralipsis {n} [rhetoric] | :: paraleipsis |
parallaksi {n} | :: parallax |
parallaksivieritys {n} [computer graphics] | :: parallax scrolling |
paralleeli {n} | :: parallel (something identical or similar in essential respects) |
paralleeli {adj} | :: alternative form of paralleelinen |
paralleeliaksiooma {n} [geometry] | :: parallel postulate |
paralleelinen {adj} [biology] | :: parallel |
paralleelipipedi {n} [geometry, dated] | :: synonym of suuntaissärmiö |
parallelismi {n} [philosophy] | :: parallelism |
paralympialaiset {n} | :: Paralympics, Paralympic Games |
paramagnetismi {n} [physics] | :: paramagnetism |
parametri {n} [sciences, programming] | :: parameter |
parametriavaruus {n} | :: parameter space |
parametriesitys {n} [math] | :: parametric representation |
parametrinen {adj} | :: parametric |
parametrisointi {n} | :: parametrization |
parametroida {vt} | :: to parameterize, to parametrize |
paraneminen {n} | :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment |
parane pian {phrase} | :: get well soon |
parannella {vt} | :: To revamp, polish |
parannella {v} | :: To improve, incrementally, in small steps |
parannus {n} | :: improvement, enchantment, betterment |
parannus {n} [theology] | :: repentance |
parannussaarna {n} | :: sermon about improvement |
parannustyö {n} | :: improvement work, upgrading work |
paranoidi {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranoidinen {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranooikko {n} | :: A paranoid person |
paranooinen {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranormaali {adj} | :: paranormal |
parantaa {vt} | :: to improve, better |
parantaa {vt} | :: to heal, cure |
parantaa tapansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to mend one's ways |
Parantainen {prop} | :: surname |
parantaja {n} | :: healer |
parantaminen {n} | :: act of healing or curing |
parantaminen {n} | :: improvement (act of improving) |
parantava {adj} | :: healing, curative |
parantava {adj} | :: vulnerary (useful for healing wounds; in modern use primarily resricted to traditional medicine) |
parantola {n} | :: sanitarium |
parantua {vi} | :: To improve, get better |
parantua {vi} [medicine] | :: To heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate |
parantumaton {adj} | :: incorrigible |
parantumaton {adj} | :: incurable, not healed |
parantumaton {adj} | :: dyed-in-the-wool |
parantumattomasti {adv} | :: incurably, incorrigibly |
parantuminen {n} | :: improvement, healing, mending, recovery, recuperation, betterment |
paraoranssi {n} [organic chemistry] | :: Sunset Yellow FCF (food coloring, E110) |
parapähkinä {n} | :: brazil nut |
parapatrinen {adj} [biology] | :: parapatric |
parapetti {n} | :: parapet |
parapsykologi {n} | :: parapsychologist |
parapsykologia {n} | :: parapsychology |
parapsykologinen {adj} | :: parapsychological |
pararosaniliini {n} [chemistry] | :: pararosaniline |
paras {adj} | :: superlative of hyvä |
parasetamoli {n} [pharmacology] | :: acetaminophen, paracetamol |
parasiitti {n} | :: parasite |
parasitismi {n} | :: parasitism |
parasitoidi {n} [biology] | :: parasitoid |
parasitologi {n} | :: parasitologist |
parasitologia {n} | :: parasitology |
paras käytäntö {n} | :: best practice |
parasomnia {n} | :: parasomnia |
parasosiaalinen {adj} | :: parasocial |
parasta ennen {phrase} | :: best before (date on consumable products) |
parast’aikaa {adv} | :: dated form of parastaikaa |
parastaikaa {adv} | :: right now, currently |
parata {vi} | :: to improve |
parata {vi} | :: to heal, recover, recuperate |
parata {vi} [medicine] | :: to heal, mend, get well/better, recover, recuperate |
parata {vi} [in negative, + infinitive] | :: to be better (not) to do |
parataksi {n} | :: parataxis |
parataktinen {adj} | :: paratactic |
parateksti {n} | :: paratext |
paratiisi {n} | :: paradise |
paratiisikaija {n} | :: paradise parrot, Psephotus pulcherrimus |
paratiisilintu {n} | :: bird of paradise |
Paratiisilintu {prop} | :: The constellation Apus, the Bird of Paradise |
paratiisimainen {adj} | :: Resembling a paradise |
paratiisiomena {n} | :: some of the selectively bred tree variants of Malus prunifolia |
paratiisiomena {n} | :: fruit of such trees |
parationi {n} [chemistry] | :: parathion |
paratyyppi {n} [biology, taxonomy] | :: paratype |
paraurheilija {n} | :: paraplegic sportsperson |
paravety {n} | :: parahydrogen |
parayleisurheilu {n} [sports] | :: paralympic athletics, para athletics |
päräyttää {vt} | :: to cause to buzz or ring once or suddenly |
päre {n} [construction] | :: shake (thin - abt 0.5 cm - wooden shingle made by splitting wood) |
päre {n} [idiomatic, in plural] | :: splinters, smithereens; especially in phrases like panna päreiksi ("to smash into smithereens"), mennä tuhannen päreiksi ("to go into splinters"). Also vulgar variants pillun päreiksi and tuhannen pillun päreiksi |
pareesi {n} | :: synonym of halvaus |
pärehöylä {n} | :: a plane tool used to make shakes or wooden shingles |
pareittain {adv} | :: in pairs |
pareittainen {adj} | :: bigeminal |
pärekate {n} | :: wooden shingle or shake roofing |
pärekatto {n} | :: shake roof, shingle roof |
pärekattoinen {adj} | :: shingle-roofed |
paremiologi {n} | :: paremiologist |
paremiologia {n} | :: paremiology (study of proverbs) |
paremmanni {adv} [dialectal, uncommon] | :: better |
paremmin {adv} | :: better (comparative of hyvin) |
paremmuus {n} | :: superiority |
paremmuusjärjestys {n} | :: ranking or order from best to worst |
parempi {adj} | :: comparative of hyvä |
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} | :: look before you leap |
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} | :: better safe than sorry |
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} | :: haste makes waste |
parempi katsoa kuin katua {proverb} | :: an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure |
parempi laiha sopu kuin lihava riita {proverb} | :: It's often wiser to conclude an agreement that reasonably serves one's interests than to continue quarreling |
parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan {phrase} | :: better late than never (it's better to do something late, than to never do it at all) |
parempi puolisko {n} [figuratively] | :: better half (person's spouse or lover, most commonly a man's wife) |
parempi puolisko {n} | :: See: fi parempi puolisko |
parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla {proverb} | :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (literally, better a hazel grouse in the hand than ten on the branch) |
parempi virsta väärää kuin vaaksa vaaraa {proverb} | :: It's better to do things in a safe way, even if it's burdensome |
parenkyymi {n} [biology] | :: parenchyma |
parenteraalinen {adj} | :: parenteral |
pärepihdit {n} | :: a traditional iron or steel tool with a fork from which wooden shingles were burned for illumination |
päretuli {n} | :: fire burning in wooden shingles or shakes |
päretyö {n} | :: an item or craft made of wooden shingles |
parfait {n} | :: parfait |
parfee {n} | :: parfait |
parfymeria {n} | :: perfumery |
parfymisti {n} | :: perfumer (person who creates or makes perfumes) |
parfymoida {vt} | :: To perfume |
parfyymi {n} | :: perfume |
pargasiitti {n} [mineral] | :: pargasite |
parhaansa mukaan {adv} | :: as best one can |
parhaiksi {adv} | :: alternative form of parahiksi |
parhaillaan {adv} | :: currently, at the moment, at present |
parhaimmillaan {adv} | :: at best |
parhaimmin {adv} | :: synonym of parhaiten |
parhaimmisto {n} | :: elite (group with higher status) |
parhain {adj} | :: superlative of hyvä |
parhain terveisin {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: best regards (used as a polite closing of a letter) |
parhaiten {adv} | :: best (superlative of hyvin) |
pari {n} | :: couple, pair |
pari {n} | :: partner (in an activity or when working in pairs) |
pari {n} | :: battery cell |
pari {n} [card games, poker] | :: pair (two cards of the same rank) |
pari {adv} | :: A couple of |
pariääntiö {n} [phonetics] | :: diphthong |
pariajo {n} [cycling] | :: madison |
pariarvo {n} | :: par value |
parietaalilohko {n} [anatomy] | :: parietal lobe |
parihevoset {n} | :: pair of horses |
parihyppy {n} | :: synchronized diving |
pariin {adv} | :: to |
Pariisi {prop} | :: Pariisi (caplc) |
pariisilainen {n} | :: A Parisian, both male and female |
pariisilainen {n} | :: A Parisienne |
pariisilainen {adj} | :: Parisian |
pariisinperunat {n} | :: small fried potato balls |
pariisitar {n} | :: Parisienne (woman from Paris, France) |
parijono {n} | :: double file, double line (queue two items wide) |
parikaapeli {n} [electronics] | :: twisted pair cable |
pari kertaa {phrase} | :: once or twice (a small, indefinite number of times) |
Parikkala {prop} | :: Parikkala |
parikkalainen {adj} | :: alternative form of parikkalalainen |
parikkalainen {n} | :: alternative form of parikkalalainen |
parikkalalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Parikkala |
parikkalalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Parikkala |
parikki {n} | :: one of a pair, pair, one of twins |
pari kolme {num} | :: a couple of, two or three (indicates a small but unsure number, certainly more than one and very likely less than five) |
parikuinen {adj} | :: a couple of months old |
parikuukautinen {adj} | :: a couple of months old |
parikuukautinen {adj} | :: lasting a couple of months |
parikymmentä {num} | :: about twenty |
parikymppinen {adj} | :: around twenty years old (about twenty years old) |
parila {n} | :: gridiron, griddle |
parila {n} | :: broiler, grill (device used to broil [US, Canada] or grill [UK] food) |
parillinen {adj} | :: even (divisible by two) |
parillisuus {n} | :: the quality or state of being even (not odd) |
pariloida {vt} [cooking] | :: to broil [US, Canada], grill [UK] |
pariloitu {adj} | :: grilled |
pärinä {n} | :: roll (the uniform beating of a drum) |
parinappi {n} | :: stud button |
parinvaihto {n} | :: swinging (sexual practice) |
pariohjelmointi {n} | :: pair programming |
pariovi {n} [in plural] | :: one of the doors of a double door; double door |
parisänky {n} | :: double bed (bed designed for two adults) |
parisataa {num} | :: a couple hundred |
parisen {adv} | :: about two, a couple |
parisenkymmentä {num} | :: a couple dozen |
parisensataa {num} | :: a couple hundred |
pariskunta {n} | :: couple (two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship) |
parissa {adv} | :: among, amongst |
päristä {vi} | :: to buzz, rattle (to emit a sound consisting of quick explosive or banging sounds, such as the sound of a moped, ratchet or quickly beaten drums) |
päristää {v} | :: to snort |
päristin {n} | :: a stick used to beat a traditional shaman drum |
paristo {n} | :: battery (non-rechargeable device storing electricity) |
parisuhde {n} | :: intimate relationship |
pärisyttää {vt} | :: to cause to buzz |
paritalo {n} | :: semi, semi-detached house |
pariteetti {n} | :: parity |
paritella {vi} | :: To copulate |
pariton {adj} | :: unpaired (not having a pair) |
pariton {adj} [math] | :: odd (not divisible by two) |
parittaa {vt} | :: to pander, pimp (to offer illicit sex with a third party) |
parittaa {vt} [colloquial] | :: to matchmake |
parittaa {v} [computing] | :: to pair (to form wireless connection) |
parittain {adv} | :: synonym of pareittain |
parittaja {n} | :: A pimp, panderer |
parittelu {n} | :: copulation, mating |
paritteluaika {n} | :: mating time |
paritteluelin {n} | :: mating organ |
parittomuus {n} | :: the quality or state of being odd (not even) |
paritupa {n} | :: a type of wooden hut or cottage containing two separated living spaces |
paritus {n} | :: pairing, matching |
paritus {n} | :: pandering, pimping (offer for illicit sex with a third party) |
paritus {n} [colloquial] | :: matchmaking (attempt to make two people romantically interested in each other) |
pariutua {vi} | :: to form into a pair or pairs |
pariutua {vi} | :: to mate, to couple |
parivälistys {n} [typography] | :: kerning |
parivaljakko {n} | :: span (pair of horses or other animals driven together) |
parivaljakko {n} [figuratively] | :: two friends that spend a lot of time together |
parivaljakko {n} [comedy] | :: double act, comedy duo |
parivuode {n} | :: double bed (bed designed for two adults) |
parjaaminen {n} | :: reviling |
pärjäillä {vi} | :: to do well, to get along, to hold up, to make it around |
parjata {v} | :: to revile |
pärjätä {v} [colloquial] | :: to be fine, to be okay, to get along, to cope |
pärjätä {v} [colloquial, ~ ilman] | :: to do without |
pärjätä {v} [colloquial] | :: to suffice against |
parjaus {n} | :: rebuke, scolding (harsh criticism) |
parka {n} | :: poor, someone pitiful |
parka {n} | :: parka |
parkaista {vi} | :: To cry out, scream, shriek |
parkaisu {n} | :: A cry, scream |
Parkano {prop} | :: Parkano (town/and/municipality) |
parkanolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Parkano |
parkanolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Parkano |
parkata {v} | :: to debark trees |
parketoida {vt} | :: To parquet |
parketti {n} | :: parquet |
Parkinsonin tauti {n} [disease] | :: Parkinson's disease |
parkinsonismi {n} [pathology, neurology] | :: parkinsonism |
parkinta {n} | :: tanning |
parkita {vt} | :: To tan (leather) |
parkita {vt} | :: To toughen, harden (sb's character or nature) |
parkitsija {n} | :: tanner |
parkitusaine {n} | :: tanning substance |
parkkeerata {v} [colloquial] | :: to park a car |
parkkeerausalue {n} [colloquial] | :: parking area |
parkki {n} [botany] | :: bark (exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree) |
parkki {n} [in compounds] | :: tannic |
parkki {n} | :: bark (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) |
parkki {n} [colloquial] | :: refers to parking or a vehicle being parked or a place where one can temporarily leave something |
parkkiaine {n} | :: tanning substance |
parkkihalli {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintihalli |
parkkihappo {n} | :: tannic acid |
parkkiintua {vi} | :: to become harder, stronger or tougher |
parkkikiekko {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintikiekko |
parkkilaiva {n} | :: barque (ship) |
parkkinahka {n} | :: tanned leather |
Parkkinen {prop} | :: surname |
parkkipaikka {n} [colloquial] | :: A parking lot |
parkkipaikka {n} [colloquial] | :: A parking space |
parkkipankki {n} [colloquial] | :: asset management company |
parkkipirkko {n} [colloquial] | :: meter maid (female parking enforcement officer) |
parkkiruutu {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintiruutu |
parkkisakko {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintivirhemaksu |
parkkitalo {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintitalo |
parkkiutua {v} | :: synonym of parkkiintua |
parkkumi {n} | :: fustian (fabric) |
parkkumi {n} | :: mix of cotton and linen |
parkkuu {n} | :: debarking |
parkkuurauta {n} | :: synonym of kuorintarauta |
parku {n} | :: cry (especially of a child) |
parkua {vi} | :: To bawl, blubber, cry loudly |
parkuminen {n} | :: bawling, crying loudly |
parkuna {n} | :: baby's cry |
parlamentaarikko {n} | :: A parliamentarian (a member of parliament) |
parlamentaarinen {adj} | :: parliamentary |
parlamentaarisempi {adj} | :: comparative of parlamentaarinen |
parlamentaarisesti {adv} | :: parliamentarily |
parlamentaarisin {adj} | :: superlative of parlamentaarinen |
parlamentarismi {n} | :: parliamentarism |
parlamenttarismi {n} [rare] | :: alternative form of parlamentarismi |
parlamentti {n} | :: parliament |
parlamenttitalo {n} | :: Parliament House (building in which a parliament other than the Finnish one convenes) |
parlamenttivaalit {n} | :: parliamentary elections |
parlografi {n} | :: parlograph |
parmanjuusto {n} | :: parmesan |
parmesaani {n} | :: parmesan |
parmesaanijuusto {n} | :: parmesan |
Parnassos {prop} | :: Parnassus (mountain in Greece) |
Parnassos {prop} | :: Parnassus (home of poetry) |
parodia {n} | :: parody [expression making fun of something else] |
parodiahorisontti {n} [internet slang] | :: a limit after which it is not possible to distinguish an opinion or act made for parodic purposes from a non-parodic one |
parodinen {adj} | :: parodic |
parodioida {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to parody |
parodiointi {n} | :: parodying, making parody of |
parodisesti {adv} | :: parodically |
paroni {n} | :: baron |
paronitar {n} | :: baroness |
paronyymi {n} [semantics] | :: a paronym |
parotiitti {n} [pathology] | :: parotitis (inflammation of one or both parotid glands) |
pärpättää {v} | :: to jabber, to blabber |
parrakas {adj} | :: bearded |
parranajo {n} | :: shaving of the beard (instance of shaving the beard) |
parranajokone {n} | :: A safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving) |
parranajokone {n} | :: Short of sähköparranajokone (electric razor) |
parranajosaippua {n} | :: synonym of partasaippua |
parrankasvu {n} | :: beard growth |
parransänki {n} | :: beard stubble |
parras {n} | :: brink, verge, edge |
parras {n} | :: In external locative cases, used to being close to something, usually figuratively; about (to) |
parras {n} [nautical] | :: rail |
parrasvalo {n} | :: limelight, spotlight (the light) |
parraton {adj} | :: beardless (lacking beard) |
parraton {adj} | :: clean-shaven |
parraton {adj} | :: barefaced |
parroittua {vi} [rare] | :: to become bearded |
parru {n} | :: beam, spar, joist (long, thick piece of timber or iron) |
parru {n} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: penis |
parrunpätkä {n} [non-idiomatic] | :: A stump of a wooden beam |
parrunpätkä {n} | :: A 2-liter, square-bottom, long-necked bottle of liquor which became popular in 1897 when sale of strong alcohol in smaller bottles was banned; probably no exact English equivalent, but handle (1.75 liters, US) comes close |
parsa {n} | :: synonym of ruokaparsa |
parsa {n} | :: asparagus (edible young shoot of Asparagus officinalis) |
parsa {n} [in plural] | :: Asparagus (genus) |
parsaherne {n} | :: asparagus pea (Lotus tetragonolobus) |
parsakaali {n} | :: broccoli |
parsakaalikeitto {n} | :: broccoli soup |
parsakeitto {n} | :: asparagus shop |
parsakukkakaali {n} | :: Romanesco, Romanesco broccoli, Roman cauliflower, Romanesque cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. broccolo |
parsasalaatti {n} | :: celtuce, asparagus lettuce, celery lettuce, Chinese lettuce, stem lettuce (cultivar of lettuce harvested primarily for its 15- to 20-centimeter stem) |
parsasalaatti {n} | :: asparagus salad (salad with asparagus as a principal ingredient) |
parsek {n} [astronomy] | :: parsec |
parseri {n} [computing] | :: synonym of jäsennin |
parsi {n} | :: beam (long, usually round piece of timber for hanging goods for storage) |
parsi {n} | :: stall (space for individual animal in a stable in which the animals are tied into a beam) |
parsia {v} | :: to darn, to repair |
parsia {v} [slang, computing] | :: to parse |
parsiminen {n} | :: darning, repairing |
parsinneula {n} | :: darning needle |
parsinsieni {n} [sewing] | :: darning mushroom |
parsinta {n} | :: mending |
pärskää {v} | :: alternative form of pärskyä |
pärskähdellä {vi} | :: alternative form of pärskyä |
pärskähtää {vi} | :: to splash or splatter once |
pärskäjuuri {n} | :: false hellebore (a plant of genus Veratrum) |
pärskäjuuri {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Veratrum |
pärskäyttää {vt} | :: to splash once |
pärske {n} [nautical] | :: spindrift (sea spray blown from the tops of waves by the wind) |
pärskiä {vt} | :: to sputter, to splutter |
pärskinä {n} | :: splash |
pärskyä {vi} | :: to splash |
pärskytellä {vt} | :: to splash or cause to splash repeatedly |
pärskyttää {vt} | :: to cause to splash |
Pärssinen {prop} | :: surname |
pärstä {n} [colloquial] | :: face, mug |
pärstäkerroin {n} [jocular] | :: The physical appearance of a person |
parta {n} | :: beard |
partaalla {adv} | :: on the brink (very nearly, imminent, close) |
partageeli {n} | :: aftershave (gel used after finishing shaving) |
partahaiven {n} [uncommon] | :: beard hair |
partahöylä {n} [colloquial] | :: safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving) |
partahöylä {n} [colloquial] | :: disposable razor, where the blade and handle are integrated into one unit; also kertakäyttöinen partahöylä |
partahylje {n} | :: bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus (Arctic species of seal) |
partainen {adj} | :: bearded |
partaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of partainen |
partajeesus {n} [derogatory] | :: A man with a long beard and long hair, resembling the common image of Jesus |
partakala {n} | :: beardfish |
partakarva {n} | :: A whisker (hair of the beard) |
partakone {n} | :: A safety razor, short of parranajokone (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving) |
partakone {n} | :: Short of sähköparranajokone, electric razor |
partalapsi {n} [slang, derogatory] | :: a paperless refugee who falsely claims to be underage to better their chances of being granted asylum |
partamonni {n} | :: A fish of the genus Ancistrus in the catfish family Siluriformes |
partamonni {n} [in plural] | :: The genus Ancistrus |
Partanen {prop} | :: surname |
partaniekka {n} | :: man with a beard |
partansa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of parta |
partaradikaali {n} [derogatory] | :: representative of a radical youth movement, especially one with a beard |
partarousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius citriolens |
partasaippua {n} | :: shaving soap |
partasieni {n} | :: sycosis |
partasuti {n} | :: shaving brush |
partasuu {n} | :: bearded man |
partaterä {n} | :: razor blade |
partavaahdoke {n} | :: shaving cream |
partavaahto {n} | :: shaving cream |
partaveitsi {n} | :: A razor (knife) |
partaveitsikotelo {n} | :: razor knife holder |
partavesi {n} | :: aftershave (lotion or liquid used after finishing shaving) |
partenogeneesi {n} [biology] | :: parthenogenesis |
partenogeneettinen {adj} | :: parthenogenetic |
partia {n} | :: parcel |
partiaalinen {adj} [medicine] | :: partial |
partikkeli {n} [grammar] | :: particle |
partikkeli {n} [physics] | :: particle |
partikkeliefekti {n} [computer graphics] | :: particle effect |
partikkeliverbi {n} | :: phrasal verb |
partikulaari {n} [logic] | :: particular |
partikulaari {adj} [logic] | :: particular |
partikulaarinen {adj} | :: particular |
partio {n} | :: patrol |
partio {n} | :: scouting |
partio {n} [military] | :: fireteam |
partioauto {n} | :: A patrol car; refers most often but not necessarily to a police car |
partiohuivi {n} | :: scout neckerchief, neckerchief |
partioida {v} | :: To scout (to explore a wide terrain) |
partiolainen {n} | :: A scout (member of Scouts movement) |
partioliike {n} | :: The Scouts |
partiolippukunta {n} | :: scout group (local chapter of Scouts movement) |
partiopoika {n} | :: Boy Scout |
partiopuku {n} | :: scout outfit, scout suit |
partiovene {n} | :: patrol boat |
partisaani {n} [military] | :: partisan (member of an irregular resistance forces) |
partisiipin futuuri {n} [grammar] | :: future participle |
partisiipin perfekti {n} [grammar] | :: past participle |
partisiipin preesens {n} [grammar] | :: present participle |
partisiippi {n} [grammar] | :: participle (verb form) |
partitiivi {n} [grammar] | :: partitive, partitive case |
partitio {n} [computing] | :: partition |
partitioida {v} [computing] | :: To partition a hard disk |
partituuri {n} [music] | :: score (printing of each instrument's part on a separate stave) |
partituuri {n} [music] | :: full score, partiture (book showing the music of all instruments and voices in a composition) |
partneri {n} | :: partner |
partsi {n} [slang] | :: balcony |
parttio {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of porotokka |
parturi {n} | :: barber |
parturi {n} | :: barbershop (place of business of a barber) |
parturi-kampaamo {n} | :: a barbershop and hair salon in one establishment |
parturiliike {n} | :: barbershop (place of business of a barber) |
parturinsakset {n} | :: synonym of parturisakset |
parturintuoli {n} | :: barber chair, barber's chair |
parturoida {vt} | :: to barber |
parturoida {vt} | :: to mow, cut (grass etc.) |
parveilla {vi} | :: To swarm |
parveilu {n} | :: swarming, flocking |
parveiluaika {n} | :: swarm season |
parveiluitiö {n} [botany] | :: A zoospore |
parveiluitiöpesäke {n} [biology] | :: A zoosporangium |
parveke {n} | :: balcony |
parveutua {vi} | :: to form a swarm |
parvi {n} | :: group of animals |
parvi {n} | :: flock (group of birds) |
parvi {n} | :: muster (group of peafowl) |
parvi {n} | :: kettle (group of flying hawks) |
parvi {n} | :: swarm (group of insects) |
parvi {n} | :: school (group of fish or marine mammals such as dolphins or whales) |
parvi {n} | :: pod (group of marine mammals) |
parvi {n} | :: gam (group of whales) |
parvi {n} | :: cast (group of crabs) |
parvi {n} | :: group, cluster |
parvi {n} [astronomy] | :: cluster |
parvi {n} | :: balcony, loft, gallery |
Parviainen {prop} | :: surname |
parvilintu {n} | :: flocking bird |
parvittain {adv} | :: in groups (of animals); in swarms, in flocks, in schools |
p-arvo {n} [statistics] | :: p-value |
parvorokko {n} [disease] | :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash) |
parvorokko {n} [pathology] | :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks) |
parvorokko {n} [pathology] | :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general) |
parvovirus {n} | :: parvovirus |
-pas {clitic} | :: Used to stress a contradicting or surprising element in a sentence. Can be attached to all words. No clear translation into English |
pas {interj} [card games] | :: I pass! |
pasaasi {n} | :: arcade |
pasaati {n} | :: A trade wind |
pasaatituuli {n} | :: A trade wind |
pasaativirta {n} | :: An ocean current caused by trade winds |
Pasanen {prop} | :: surname |
pascal {n} | :: pascal (unit of pressure or stress) |
Pascalin kolmio {n} [mathematics] | :: Pascal's triangle |
paseerailla {v} | :: Frequentative form of paseerata (to walk back and forth) |
paseerata {v} [cooking] | :: To puree or squash by squeezing through a sieve |
paseerata {v} [archaic, dialectal] | :: To walk back and forth, as in order to have some activity while waiting for something |
pasha {n} | :: paskha (traditional Eastern Orthodox dessert, eaten especially in Easter) |
pasha {n} | :: alternative spelling of pašša |
pashtu {n} | :: alternative spelling of paštu |
Pasi {prop} | :: given name |
pasianssi {n} [card games] | :: patience, solitaire |
pasifismi {n} | :: pacifism |
pasifisti {n} | :: pacifist |
pasifistinen {adj} | :: pacifistic |
pasifistisesti {adv} | :: pacifistically |
paska {adj} [vulgar] | :: Very bad, shitty, crappy |
paska {adj} [vulgar] | :: Broken (used in essive or translative) |
paska {adj} [vulgar] | :: Of poor quality |
paska {n} [vulgar] | :: shit, crap |
paska {n} [vulgar] | :: bullshit |
paska {n} [vulgar] | :: bupkis; jack shit |
paska {interj} [vulgar] | :: Shit! |
paskaduuni {n} [slang, pejorative] | :: shitwork, grunt work, bitchwork, McJob (job paying low wages, requiring few skills and having little opportunity for promotion) |
paskahalvaus {n} [vulgar] | :: losing one's temper |
paskahousu {n} | :: coward (one who 'shits his pants' in a tight situation) |
paskahousu {n} [card games] | :: a card game similar to shithead |
paskahuusi {n} | :: alternative form of paskahuussi |
paskahuussi {n} [vulgar] | :: shitter (toilet, especially an outhouse) |
paskainen {adj} [vulgar] | :: dirty |
paskainen {adj} [vulgar] | :: shitty |
paska juttu {phrase} | :: shit happens |
paskalakki {n} [slang, derogatory, vulgar] | :: oinker, tyre biter (policeman) |
paskamainen {adj} [vulgar] | :: shitty, unpleasant (person, thing) |
paskamyrsky {n} [vulgar, internet] | :: shitstorm |
paskanmarjat {interj} [vulgar] | :: bullshit! |
paskanmarjat {interj} | :: dingleberries (original meaning) |
paskanpuhuja {n} [vulgar] | :: bullshitter |
paskantaa {vti} [vulgar] | :: To shit |
paskapää {n} [vulgar] | :: shithead |
paskapaperi {n} [colloquial] | :: asswipe (toilet paper) |
paskapuhe {n} [vulgar] | :: bullshit |
paskat {interj} | :: shit! |
paskattaa {v} [vulgar, monopersonal] | :: to need to shit, to have the urge to defecate |
paskattaa {v} [vulgar] | :: to have somebody (especially a dog) taken to defecate |
paskiainen {n} [vulgar] | :: bastard, asshole |
paskoa {vi} [vulgar] | :: To shit |
paskoa {v} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: To destroy |
paskooko karhu metsään {phrase} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: does a bear shit in the woods? |
paskuus {n} [vulgar] | :: shittiness |
pasma {n} | :: a part of skein, consisting of a fixed number of rounds of yarn, normally 60 |
pasma {n} [figuratively, in plural] | :: mental balance, plans |
pasmakaide {n} | :: synonym of pirta |
pasmalanka {n} | :: A piece of thread used to separate the pasmas of a skein from each other |
päsmäri {n} [colloquial] | :: know-it-all |
pasmata {v} | :: to divide a skein of yarn into pasmas |
passa {n} | :: alternative spelling of pašša |
pašša {n} | :: A pasha |
passari {n} [colloquial] | :: passer, one who passes |
passari {n} [volleyball] | :: passer |
passata {v} [dialectal] | :: to fit in |
passata {v} [dialectal] | :: to suit (to please; to make content) |
passata {v} [dialectal] | :: to serve |
passata {v} [soccer, volleyball] | :: to pass |
passata {v} [card games] | :: to pass (to opt not to make a bid or to play a card) |
passauttaa {v} [dialectal] | :: to let other people serve oneself |
passeli {adj} [colloquial] | :: perfect, fitting, suitable |
passi {n} | :: passport |
passi {n} [hunting] | :: wait |
passi {n} [volleyball] | :: set (act of directing the ball to a teammate for an attack) |
passi {n} [horsemanship] | :: pace (2-beat, lateral gait of a horse) |
pässi {n} | :: A ram (male sheep) |
pässi {n} [colloquial] | :: A stubborn person |
passiivat {n} [accounting] | :: liabilities (on a balance sheet) |
passiivi {n} [grammar] | :: passive voice |
passiivi {n} [grammar] | :: fourth person |
passiivinen {adj} | :: passive |
passiivis-aggressiivinen {adj} [psychology] | :: passive-aggressive |
passiivisesti {adv} | :: passively |
passiivistaa {vt} | :: to passivize, make passive |
passiivistua {vi} [rare] | :: to become passive |
passiivitalo {n} | :: passive house |
passikuva {n} | :: passport photograph |
pässinpää {n} | :: idiot |
pässinpökkimät {n} [colloquial] | :: thick woolen socks or trousers |
passio {n} | :: passion |
passiohedelmä {n} | :: alternative form of passionhedelmä |
passionhedelmä {n} | :: passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) |
passipoliisi {n} | :: patrolman |
passittaa {v} [colloquial] | :: to dispatch, send; especially a person to a more or less undesirable location |
passivapaus {n} | :: exemption from the passport requirement (such as due to a passport union) |
passivoida {v} | :: to make passive |
passivoida {v} | :: to passivate |
passivoitua {vi} | :: To become passive |
passu {n} [slang, computing] | :: password |
pasta {n} | :: pasta |
pasta {n} | :: paste |
pastafari {n} | :: Pastafarian |
pastajuotos {n} | :: reflow soldering |
pastakone {n} | :: pasta machine, pasta maker (a kitchen appliance that makes or is used to make pasta) |
pastaruoka {n} | :: pasta dish |
pastasiivilä {n} | :: pasta strainer |
pastataikina {n} | :: pasta dough |
pasteerailla {v} | :: A frequentative form of pasteerata |
pasteerata {v} | :: To walk, especially slowly and/or back and forth, with one's back straight and chin up, as if wanting to make an impression to a possible onlooker |
pasteija {n} | :: pasty (type of seasoned meat and vegetable pie) |
pasteija {n} | :: paste (soft mixture of pounded foods) |
pastelli {n} | :: pastel (drawing made with pastel or pastels) |
pastelli {n} | :: pastel (crayon) |
pastelliliitu {n} | :: pastel (crayon made from a dried paste) |
pastellityö {n} | :: pastel sketch, pastel work |
pastilli {n} | :: pastille (soft flavoured candy) |
pastilli {n} | :: pastille (small granular half spheroid piece of material) |
pastilli {n} | :: lozenge (small tablet or medicated sweet used to ease a sore throat) |
pastilliaski {n} | :: box of lozenges, box of pastilles |
pastori {n} | :: pastor |
pastöroida {vt} | :: To pasteurize |
pastörointi {n} | :: pasteurisation |
pastöroitu {adj} | :: pasteurized |
paštu {n} | :: Pashto, Pashtu (language) |
pasunisti {n} | :: trombonist |
pasuri {n} | :: white bream (Blicca bjoerkna, syn. Abramis bjoerkna) |
pasuttaa {v} | :: to calcine |
pasutus {n} | :: calcination |
pasutusuuni {n} | :: calcination furnace |
pasuuna {n} | :: trombone |
pasuuna {n} | :: clarion |
pata {n} | :: cauldron (large bowl-shaped pot) |
pata {n} | :: pot; typically one made of thick material such as cast iron or pottery for slow cooking; compare kattila |
pata {n} | :: pataruoka: stew, hot pot, chowder (dish prepared in such vessel) |
pata {n} | :: barrage (type of firework) |
pata {n} [card games] | :: spades (suit in playing cards) |
pata {n} [card games] | :: spade (a card of spades) |
pata-akka {n} [colloquial, card games] | :: synonym of patakuningatar |
pataani {n} | :: Afghan (person of Pashtun origin) |
pata-arkku {n} | :: a chest or box with a flat lid |
pataässä {n} [cards] | :: ace of spades |
patagoniannandu {n} | :: Darwin's rhea, lesser rhea, Pterocnemia pennata (Rhea pennata) |
patahanko {n} | :: oven fork |
patajätkä {n} | :: jack of spades, knave of spades |
patakakkonen {n} [cards] | :: two of spades |
patakasi {n} [cards] | :: eight of spades |
pata kattilaa soimaa {phrase} | :: pot calling the kettle black |
patakinnas {n} | :: oven glove, oven mitt |
pätäkkä {n} [slang] | :: bucks, cake, cheddar, cream, dinars, dosh, dough, geld, gelt, greenbacks, jack, lolly, moolah, lucre, paper, readies, sheets, shrapnel, spends, spondulicks, sterling, wonga (money) |
patakolmonen {n} [cards] | :: three of spades |
patakoukku {n} | :: pothook, trammel |
patakukko {n} | :: a form of kalakukko prepared in a pot |
patakuningas {n} | :: king of spades |
patakuningatar {n} | :: queen of spades (a playing card) |
patakuutonen {n} [cards] | :: six of spades |
patakymppi {n} [cards] | :: ten of spades |
patalaiska {adj} [idiomatic] | :: bone-idle, bone-lazy (utterly lazy) |
patalakki {n} | :: skullcap (hat) |
patalappu {n} | :: potholder (insulated pad used for handling hot cooking utensils) |
pataljoona {n} | :: battalion |
patanelonen {n} [cards] | :: four of spades |
patapaisti {n} | :: pot roast |
patapenkki {n} | :: a bench that doubles as a chest containing cooking equipment, such as a pot |
patapölkky {n} | :: a simple, solid wooden stand for a pot |
patarouva {n} | :: queen of spades |
patarummut {n} [musical instruments] | :: timpani, kettledrums (set of precision kettledrums) |
patarumpu {n} [musical instruments] | :: timpanum, kettledrum |
pataruoka {n} | :: casserole (food) |
pataseiska {n} [cards] | :: seven of spades |
patasotilas {n} | :: jack of spades |
patasuti {n} | :: a small broom for scrubbing pots |
patavalmis {adj} | :: pot ready (ready to be cooked in a pot) |
patavanhoillinen {adj} | :: ultraconservative, archconservative, reactionary, very conservative, diehard, diehard right-winger |
patavitonen {n} [cards] | :: five of spades |
pataysi {n} [cards] | :: nine of spades |
päteä {vi} | :: To apply, be valid |
päteä {vi} [figuratively] | :: To show off one's (real or fake) intelligence or knowledge |
patee {n} | :: pâté |
pateeni {n} | :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist) |
pateettinen {adj} | :: melodramatic, pompous; that has pathos |
pateettisesti {adv} | :: pathetically |
pateettisuus {n} | :: patheticness (state or quality of being pathetic) |
patentoida {vt} | :: to patent |
patentoimaton {adj} | :: unpatented |
patentoitavuus {n} | :: patentability |
patentoitu {adj} | :: patented (protected by a patent) |
patentti {n} | :: patent |
patenttiasiakirja {n} | :: patent document |
patenttihakemus {n} | :: patent application |
patenttikirja {n} | :: patent certificate |
patenttilääke {n} [dated] | :: patent medicine (any medicine with proprietary formula) |
patenttilääke {n} [figuratively] | :: cure-all, panacea, nostrum (solution for all problems) |
patenttiloki {n} [nautical] | :: patent log |
patenttinahka {n} | :: synonym of kiiltonahka |
patenttineuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the fifth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplished careers in the patent industry |
patenttinumero {n} | :: patent number |
patenttioikeus {n} [law] | :: patent legislation |
patenttirekisteri {n} | :: patent register |
paternalismi {n} | :: paternalism |
paternosterhissi {n} | :: paternoster lift, elevator |
pätevä {adj} | :: adept, qualified, competent |
pätevä {adj} | :: valid |
pätevöidä {vt} | :: to qualify (declare competent or eligible for some position or task) |
pätevöidä {vt} | :: to qualify, certify, license (grant a proof or certificate of qualification) |
pätevöidä {vt} | :: to verify (confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something) |
pätevöityä {vi} | :: to qualify (to become competent or eligible for some position or task) |
pätevöityminen {n} | :: qualification (the process of acquiring the required competences for a job or office) |
pätevöitymisaika {n} | :: A period of time, a "grace period", during which an unqualified person, who has been elected to an office, must obtain the required qualifications |
pätevyys {n} | :: competence |
pätevyyskoe {n} | :: qualification examination |
pati {n} [colloquial] | :: bullet (unfired round of ammunition) |
patikoida {v} | :: to hike, trek |
patikoiminen {n} | :: hiking, trekking |
patikointi {n} | :: hiking |
patina {n} | :: patina (color or incrustation) |
patinoida {vt} | :: To cover with patina |
patinointi {n} | :: covering with patina |
patinoitua {vi} | :: to become covered with patina |
patio {n} | :: patio |
patisson {n} | :: pattypan squash |
patistaa {vt} | :: To push, press, urge (somebody to act) |
patistella {v} | :: Frequentative form of patistaa (to urge someone to do something) |
patja {n} | :: mattress |
patja {n} | :: stratum, layer of soil, air, water |
patja {n} | :: cushion |
patjakangas {n} | :: mattress fabric |
patjapussi {n} | :: mattress bag |
pätkä {n} | :: shorty, shortie |
pätkä {n} | :: clip |
pätkä {n} | :: snippet |
pätkä {n} | :: stub |
pätkä {n} | :: stump |
pätkäistä {vt} | :: to cut into pieces or sections |
pätkätyö {n} | :: odd job, temporary work (temporary employment) |
pätkätyöläinen {n} | :: temporary worker |
pätkätyöllisyys {n} | :: short-term employment, on-and-off employment |
pätkiä {vt} | :: to cut into pieces |
pätkiä {vi} | :: to cut in and out, be intermittent |
pätkittäin {adv} | :: in clips or snippets, in installments |
pato {n} | :: dam, dike |
patoallas {n} | :: reservoir (artificial lake) |
patoaukko {n} | :: spillway (in or around a dam) |
patofysiologia {n} [pathology] | :: pathophysiology |
patogeeni {n} [pathology] | :: pathogen |
patogeeninen {adj} | :: pathogenic |
patokalastus {n} | :: dam fishing |
patolaite {n} | :: dam, weir |
patologi {n} | :: pathologist |
patologia {n} | :: pathology (branch of medicine) |
patologinen {adj} | :: pathological |
patonki {n} | :: baguette |
patopaine {n} [fluid dynamics] | :: dynamic pressure |
patosi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pato |
pätöteho {n} [electrical engineering] | :: active power |
patouma {n} | :: something that has piled up |
patous {n} | :: stemming (obstructing the flow of a liquid) |
patoutua {vi} | :: To become dammed |
patriarkaalinen {adj} | :: patriarchal |
patriarkaatti {n} | :: patriarchate |
patriarkaatti {n} | :: patriarchy |
patriarkia {n} | :: patriarchy |
patriarkka {n} | :: A patriarch |
Patrik {prop} | :: given name |
patrilineaarinen {adj} | :: patrilineal |
patrilineaarisuus {n} | :: patrilineality |
patriootti {n} | :: patriot |
patrioottinen {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriotismi {n} | :: patriotism |
patronyymi {n} | :: patronym |
patruuna {n} | :: cartridge, when used in sense concerning firearms |
patruuna {n} | :: owner (of a factory or estate etc.) |
patruunatehdas {n} | :: cartridge factory |
patruunavyö {n} | :: belt, ammunition belt (belt-like device used to retain and feed cartridges into a firearm) |
patsas {n} | :: statue |
patsas {n} | :: column formed by eg. water or clouds |
patsasaitta {n} | :: Same as niliaitta |
patsastella {v} | :: To walk around as if showing off |
pätsi {n} | :: furnace |
pätsi {n} | :: hellfire (very intensive fire) |
pätsi {n} [slang] | :: patch (computing: a file describing changes made to source code) |
pätsi {n} [slang] | :: hack (computing: a small code change or an expedient, temporary solution) |
patteri {n} [military] | :: battery (coordinated group of artillery) |
patteri {n} [colloquial] | :: non-rechargeable electrical battery; nowadays used also of small (size AA and smaller) rechargeable standard-size batteries |
patteri {n} | :: radiator (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room) |
patteri {n} [colloquial] | :: pile of dung that gradually grows in an untended outdoor toilet |
patti {n} | :: A firm, smooth swelling, a lump |
patti {n} [chess] | :: stalemate |
Pattijoki {prop} | :: Pattijoki (former municipality), now part of Raahe |
pattitilanne {n} | :: stalemate |
patu {n} [colloquial] | :: old hand |
patukka {n} | :: baton |
patukka {n} | :: any slender candy bar, such as chocolate, or other edible bar |
patukka {n} [slang] | :: penis |
patukkasara {n} | :: Carex hartmanii |
patvi {n} | :: tissue grown on a scar of tree |
pauhata {vi} | :: to thunder, blare |
pauhata {vi} | :: to bluster, rant, scold |
pauhina {n} | :: roar |
pauhu {n} | :: thunder, roar |
pauhuta {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of pauhata |
paukahdella {vi} | :: to bang, boom (repeatedly) |
paukahdus {n} | :: bang (sudden percussive noise) |
paukahtaa {vi} | :: to bang (to give a sudden loud voice, once) |
paukahtelu {n} | :: banging, cracking (cracking or banging sounds with intervals between them) |
paukama {n} | :: sting (bump on skin after having been stung) |
paukapää {n} | :: moron |
paukaus {n} | :: bang |
paukautella {vt} | :: To bang, boom (repeatedly) |
paukauttaa {vt} | :: to bang (to make a sudden loud noise, once) |
pauke {n} | :: banging, cracking (continuous cracking or banging sounds) |
paukkaa {v} [rare, poetic] | :: alternative form of paukkua |
paukkina {n} | :: synonym of pauke |
paukku {n} [colloquial] | :: detonation |
paukku {n} | :: bang (abrupt loud noise like that resulting of a detonation) |
paukku {n} | :: shot (measure of alcohol) |
paukku {n} [colloquial] | :: tipple, booze (any alcoholic drink, often used like a mass noun) |
paukku {n} [colloquial] | :: A shocking and/or surprising event or item of news |
paukku {n} [colloquial] | :: fart |
paukku {n} [slang, usually in the plural] | :: joint (marijuana cigarette) |
paukkua {vi} | :: to bang (repeatedly) |
paukkua {vi} | :: to thunder (of an instrument) |
paukkulaakeri {n} [colloquial, usually in plural] | :: Any device or setting that causes backfire in the exhaust passage of an internal combustion engine |
paukkumaissi {n} | :: popcorn |
paukkupakkanen {n} | :: extremely cold weather |
paukkupatruuna {n} | :: blank (cartridge without bullet, used to simulate the noise and smoke of shooting) |
paukkupommi {n} | :: banger (firework that makes a bang) |
paukkurauta {n} [colloquial] | :: shooting iron |
paukutella {vt} | :: to bang repeatedly, to slam repeatedly |
paukuttaa {v} | :: to bang, hammer, strike, hit (strike something hard) |
Paul {prop} | :: given name |
paula {n} | :: cord, lace, string |
paula {n} | :: line of a gillnet |
paula {n} [hunting] | :: snare, trap |
paula {n} [figuratively] | :: snare, trap |
Paula {prop} | :: given name |
paulakenkä {n} | :: a type of traditional shoe made of tanned leather |
Pauli {prop} | :: given name |
Pauliina {prop} | :: given name derived from Latin Paulina |
Paulin kieltosääntö {n} [physics] | :: Pauli exclusion principle |
pauloittaa {v} | :: to furnish with cords, strings, laces etc.; to lace |
pauloittaa {v} | :: to furnish a gillnet with a line or lines |
pauloitus {n} | :: lacing, cording (tied laces that form a netlike pattern) |
pauna {n} | :: pound |
pauna {n} [archaic] | :: bag, purse |
paunetti {n} | :: pound net |
paunikko {n} | :: plant of the genus Crassula |
pausettaa {vt} [colloquial] | :: To pause (playback or game) |
paussi {n} | :: rest, pause |
paussimerkki {n} [music] | :: synonym of taukomerkki |
paviaani {n} | :: A baboon (primate) |
paviljonki {n} | :: pavilion |
pavlova {n} | :: pavlova |
pavlovilainen {adj} [psychology] | :: Pavlovian |
pavunvarsi {n} | :: beanstalk |
pe {n} | :: abbreviation of perjantai |
pe {n} | :: pe (seventeenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad) |
pearsoninpäästäinen {n} | :: Pearson's long-clawed shrew, Solisorex pearsoni |
peba {n} [slang] | :: bum, ass |
pecorino {n} | :: pecorino (cheese) |
pedaali {n} | :: pedal (used in instruments) |
pedagogi {n} | :: pedagogue |
pedagogia {n} | :: pedagogy |
pedagogiikka {n} | :: pedagogics, pedagogy |
pedagoginen {adj} | :: Pedagogic, pedagogical (of or relating to pedagogy; teaching) |
pedagogisesti {adv} | :: pedagogically |
pedantti {adj} | :: pedantic |
pedanttinen {adj} | :: pedantic |
pedanttisesti {adv} | :: pedantically |
pedanttisuus {n} | :: pedantry |
pedari {n} [colloquial] | :: pedo, pedophile |
pedarius {n} [colloquial] | :: pedophilia (the state of being a pedophile) |
pedata {v} | :: to make the bed |
pedata {v} [colloquial] | :: to give something a chance |
pederasti {n} | :: pederast |
pederastia {n} | :: pederasty |
pederastinen {adj} | :: pederastic |
Pedersöre {prop} [colloquial in nominative] | :: Pedersöre (town/and/municipality) |
pedersöreläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pedersöre |
pedersöreläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pedersöre |
pediatri {n} | :: pediatrician (doctor specializing in children) |
pediatria {n} [medicine] | :: pediatrics |
pedikyristi {n} | :: pedicurist |
pedikyyri {n} | :: pedicure |
pedofiili {n} | :: pedophile |
pedofiilinen {adj} | :: paedophilic/pedophilic |
pedofilia {n} | :: pedophilia |
pedologia {n} | :: pedology (all senses) |
Pedro {prop} | :: given name |
pee {n} | :: pee (letter: p) |
pee {n} [uncountable, euphemistic] | :: shit |
pee {n} [uncountable, euphemistic] | :: arse |
peeaa {adj} [colloquial] | :: broke |
peeärrä {n} [colloquial] | :: public relations, PR |
peelo {n} [Internet slang] | :: troll |
peelo {n} [slang] | :: lamer |
peesata {v} [colloquial, sports] | :: to draft, slipstream (to take advantage of the suction produced by a moving person or object by travelling immediately behind it) |
peesata {v} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to piggyback (to follow or attach to something bigger) |
peesi {n} [colloquial] | :: wake, draft |
peesi {n} [colloquial] | :: slipstream |
Peetu {prop} | :: given name |
peeveli {interj} | :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword) |
peevelisti {adv} | :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive |
peffa {n} [colloquial, regional] | :: buttocks |
pegasos {n} | :: a pegasus |
Pegasus {prop} [constellation] | :: The constellation Pegasus |
pegmatiitti {n} | :: pegmatite |
pehertää {v} | :: to dustbathe (of fowl, to take a dust bath) |
pehko {n} | :: bush |
pehko {n} [vulgar] | :: muff |
Pehkonen {prop} | :: surname |
pehku {n} [usually, in plural, agriculture] | :: straws used in animal shelters |
pehku {n} [in plural, colloquial] | :: sack (bed) |
pehmeä {adj} | :: soft |
pehmeä {adj} [of hair] | :: silky |
pehmeä {adj} [of skin or consistency] | :: smooth |
pehmeä {adj} [of a character or nature] | :: mellow, gentle |
pehmeähkö {adj} | :: Quite soft |
pehmeäjäätelö {n} | :: synonym of pehmytjäätelö |
pehmeäjuote {n} | :: soft solder |
pehmeäjuotos {n} | :: soft soldering |
pehmeäkalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: pia mater (innermost of the meninges membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord) |
pehmeäkantinen {adj} | :: paperback |
pehmeäkarvainen {adj} | :: having soft fur |
pehmeäliikkeinen {adj} | :: smooth in movement |
pehmeä merkki {n} | :: soft sign |
pehmeämpi {adj} | :: comparative of pehmeä |
pehmeäpäinen {adj} | :: soft-headed |
pehmeäpohjainen {adj} [of a shoe] | :: with soft soles |
pehmeäpohjasyövytys {n} | :: soft ground etching |
pehmeä sankkeri {n} [pathology] | :: chancroid, soft chancre, ulcus molle (sexually transmitted infection) |
pehmeästi {adv} | :: softly |
pehmeäsydäminen {adj} | :: softhearted |
pehmeävillainen {adj} | :: having soft wool |
pehmeikkö {n} | :: soft ground |
pehmelö {n} [rare] | :: smoothie |
pehmennys {n} | :: softening |
pehmennysmerkki {n} | :: palatalization sign, soft sign |
pehmentää {vt} | :: To soften, make soft or softer (concretely); to mellow (sb's character/nature/disposition) |
pehmentyä {vi} | :: to soften, mellow, mellow out (become softer) |
pehmetä {vi} | :: To soften |
pehmeys {n} | :: softness |
pehmike {n} | :: padding |
pehmis {n} [colloquial] | :: soft serve |
pehmitä {vi} | :: To soften |
pehmite {n} | :: softener |
pehmitin {n} | :: plasticizer |
pehmitin {n} | :: synonym of pehmite |
pehmittää {vt} | :: to soften |
pehmittyä {vi} | :: to be softened |
pehmitysaine {n} | :: softener, plasticiser (substance) |
pehmo {n} [colloquial] | :: softy (person) |
pehmo {n} | :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft, cuddly etc |
pehmo {n} | :: When used as modifier in a compound term, soft; softly softly [UK] etc. (discreet, low-key, careful) |
pehmoeläin {n} | :: stuffed animal, plush toy |
pehmoilija {n} | :: softy (weak or sentimental person) |
pehmoilla {vi} [colloquial] | :: to act like a softy |
pehmoinen {adj} | :: soft |
pehmojäätelö {n} | :: soft serve, soft ice cream |
pehmolelu {n} | :: stuffed animal, plush toy, soft toy, cuddly toy |
pehmopaperi {n} | :: tissue (soft, absorbent paper) |
pehmustaa {v} | :: to pad (furnish with a pad or padding) |
pehmuste {n} | :: padding, cushion |
pehmustettu {adj} | :: upholstered |
pehmyempi {adj} | :: comparative of pehmyt |
pehmyin {adj} | :: superlative of pehmyt |
pehmyt {adj} [dialectal, literary] | :: soft |
pehmytjäätelö {n} | :: soft serve, soft ice cream |
pehmytkalvo {n} | :: synonym of pehmeäkalvo |
pehmytkoralli {n} | :: soft coral, gorgonian |
pehmytkudos {n} | :: soft tissue |
pehmytpillike {n} | :: broad-leaved hemp-nettle, Galeopsis ladanum |
pehtori {n} | :: A steward, estate manager, majordomo, caretaker, farm manager, farm superintendent (overseer of a farm) |
pehva {n} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
peijaat {n} | :: synonym of peijaiset |
peijaiset {n} | :: A feast to celebrate the kill of a large wild animal, especially a bear or an elk |
peijaiset {n} [by extension, colloquial] | :: funeral |
peijakas {interj} | :: gosh |
peijakkaasti {adv} | :: An intensifier |
peijooni {n} | :: rascal |
peikko {n} [folklore] | :: goblin, hobgoblin, gnome, gremlin (mythical man-like creature, often depicted hairy, tailed and mischievous) |
peikko {n} | :: troll (in modern children's literature often a good-natured forest-dwelling humanoid) |
peikko {n} | :: hobgoblin (cause of dread, fear or apprehension) |
peikkokrotti {n} | :: batfish (anglerfish of the family Ogcocephalidae) |
peikonlehti {n} | :: monstera (plant of the genus Monstera, endemic to Central and South America, some species of which are commonly used as houseplants) |
peikonlehti {n} | :: short for jättipeikonlehti, ceriman, Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa (the most commonly cultivated species of this genus) |
peilailla {v} | :: To watch oneself from a mirror |
peilari {n} [dialectal] | :: a small milk churn or milk jug |
peilata {vt} | :: to mirror, reflect |
peilata {vt} [computer graphics] | :: to flip, mirror |
peilaus {n} | :: mirroring |
peilaus {n} | :: reflection (the act of reflecting) |
peilausmatriisi {n} [linear algebra] | :: reflection matrix |
peilautua {vi} | :: to reflect, to be reflected, to be mirrored |
peili {n} | :: mirror |
peiliheijastuskamera {n} | :: reflex camera |
peiliholvi {n} [architecture] | :: cavetto vault |
peilikaappi {n} | :: mirror cabinet |
peilikaukoputki {n} | :: reflecting telescope, reflector |
peilikirjoitus {n} | :: mirror writing (writing in such a way that the text appears correct when looked at through a mirror) |
peilikuva {n} | :: mirror image, reflection |
peilikuva {n} [in compounds] | :: reversed |
peilikuvaisomeria {n} [chemistry] | :: optical isomerism |
peililasi {n} | :: mirror glass |
peiliovi {n} | :: mirror door |
peilipalvelin {n} [computing] | :: mirror server |
peilipöytä {n} | :: a dressing table with a mirror |
peilirauta {n} | :: spiegeleisen |
peilisali {n} | :: hall of mirrors |
peilisolu {n} | :: mirror neuron |
peiliteleskooppi {n} | :: reflecting telescope, reflector |
peilityyni {adj} | :: dead calm (of a body of water, completely still with no waves) |
peipata {v} [colloquial, sports] | :: to do a dummy, to feint, to deke |
peippi {n} | :: deadnettle (plant of the genus Lamium) |
peippi {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Lamium |
peippo {n} | :: A finch (any bird in the Fringillidae family) |
peippo {n} | :: A chaffinch (any bird in the genus Fringilla) |
peippo {n} | :: A chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) |
peipponen {n} | :: finch |
peitata {vt} [metallurgy] | :: to pickle |
peitata {vt} [agriculture] | :: to dress, to coat (seeds) |
peite {n} | :: cover |
peite {n} | :: spread, throw |
peite {n} | :: overlay |
peite {n} [computing, networking] | :: mask |
peitekuvaus {n} [topology] | :: covering map |
peitelevy {n} | :: cover plate |
peitellä {v} | :: To cover |
peitellysti {adv} | :: in a way that is covered, disguised or concealed; covertly, secretly |
peitenimi {n} | :: code name, assumed name |
peitepuikko {n} | :: concealer, cover stick, blemish stick |
peiterooli {n} [espionage] | :: cover |
peitesiipi {n} | :: elytron |
peitetarina {n} | :: cover story (fictitious account that is intended to hide one's real motive) |
peitetysti {adv} | :: in a way that is covered or disguised; implicitly |
peiteyhtiö {n} | :: shell company, front company |
peiteyritys {n} | :: synonym of peiteyhtiö |
peitinkalvo {n} [anatomy] | :: fascia |
peitinsiipi {n} [zoology] | :: elytron |
peitossa {postp} | :: covered in or with |
peitosta {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: from being covered in |
peitota {vt} | :: to crush, to thrash (win by a landslide) |
peitsata {vi} [of a horse] | :: to pace |
peitsi {n} | :: lance |
peitsi {n} | :: pace (gait of a horse) |
peitsimies {n} | :: A lancer (cavalry); pikeman (infantry) |
peitta {n} | :: mordant |
peittää {vt} | :: to cover |
peitta-aine {n} | :: mordant |
peittäminen {n} | :: covering (act of covering) |
peittaus {n} [metallurgy] | :: pickling |
peittausaine {n} | :: mordant, dressing agent |
peittävä {adj} | :: covering |
peittelemätön {adj} | :: overt |
peittelemätön {adj} | :: uncovered |
peitto {n} | :: blanket (part of bedding) |
peitto {n} | :: cover, coverage (generally) |
peittoala {n} | :: coverage |
peittoilmiö {n} [acoustics] | :: masking (when perception of one sound is affected by the presence of another sound) |
peittokyky {n} | :: hiding power (capability to hide the surface of an object) |
peittolakana {n} | :: synonym of pussilakana |
peittoon {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: into being covered in/with |
peittyä {v} | :: to become covered, to be coated; "with" is chiefly expressed with illative case, sometimes adessive |
pejoratiivinen {adj} | :: pejorative |
pekaanipähkinä {n} | :: pecan (nut) |
pekani {n} | :: fisher, pekan (Martes pennanti) |
pekari {n} | :: peccary |
Peking {prop} | :: Peking (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pekingeesi {n} | :: synonym of kiinanpalatsikoira |
Pekingin ankka {n} | :: Peking duck (traditional Chinese dish) |
pekinginihminen {n} | :: Peking Man, Homo erectus pekinensis |
pekka {n} [colloquial] | :: Used in the idiom ei halunnut olla pekkaa pahempi (did not want to be worse than others) |
pekka {n} | :: Used in the idiom tehdä n:ään pekkaan (do something in a group of n) |
Pekka {prop} | :: given name |
Pekka {prop} [card games] | :: old maid, Old Maid (unpaired card in the children's card game of "Pekka-peli", similar to "old maid") |
Pekkala {prop} | :: surname |
Pekkala {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
Pekkanen {prop} | :: surname |
Pekka-peli {n} | :: A children's card game similar to Old Maid / old maid, in which cards must be paired and one undesirable card is designated "Pekka" ("Old Maid" in the English/American game) |
Pekkarinen {prop} | :: surname |
pekkaspäivä {n} | :: a paid day of vacation compensating for longer work days |
Pekko {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: A god or spirit of cultivation |
Pekko {prop} [rare today] | :: given name |
pekoni {n} | :: bacon |
pekonihampurilainen {n} | :: baconburger |
pekonimakkara {n} | :: bacon sausage |
pekonipizza {n} | :: bacon pizza |
Pekoraali {prop} | :: Jabberwock (monster) |
Pekoraali {prop} | :: Jabberwocky (poem) |
pektiini {n} [carbohydrate] | :: pectin |
pektoliitti {n} [mineral] | :: pectolite |
pelaaja {n} | :: player |
pelaaminen {n} | :: playing (a game) |
pelaginen {adj} | :: pelagic |
pelailla {v} | :: To play (in a casual manner) |
pelakuu {n} [dialectal] | :: geranium |
pelakuuni {n} | :: A dialectal form of pelargoni |
pelargoni {n} | :: pelargonium, storksbill; geranium (any plant in the genus Pelargonium) |
pelargonia {n} | :: alternative form of pelargoni |
pelargonihapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula pelargonia |
pelargoniseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius paleaceus |
pelastaa {vt} | :: to save, rescue |
pelastaa kasvonsa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to save face |
pelastaa nahkansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to save one's skin |
pelastaja {n} | :: savior |
pelastaja {n} | :: firefighter (gender-neutral version of palomies (fireman)) |
pelastaminen {n} | :: rescue (act of rescuing) |
pelastautua {vi} | :: To save oneself |
pelastettu {adj} | :: rescued |
pelastettu {n} | :: rescuee |
pelastua {vi} | :: To be saved, rescued |
pelastus {n} | :: A rescue (act of rescuing), used also as modifier in compound terms |
pelastus {n} | :: A salvation, redemption (religion: process or event of being saved) |
pelastusalus {n} | :: rescue ship |
Pelastusarmeija {prop} | :: The Salvation Army |
pelastushissi {n} | :: rescue elevator |
pelastuskoira {n} | :: rescue dog |
pelastuslaitos {n} | :: rescue department |
pelastuslautta {n} [nautical, aviation] | :: life raft |
pelastuslento {n} | :: rescue flight |
pelastusliivi {n} [nautical] | :: life jacket, life vest |
pelastusnaru {n} | :: lifeline (line for drowning or falling person) |
pelastusoperaatio {n} | :: rescue operation |
pelastuspalkkio {n} | :: salvage fee |
pelastuspalvelu {n} | :: rescue service |
pelastusrengas {n} [nautical] | :: A life-buoy, life ring, life preserver |
pelastusretkikunta {n} | :: rescue party |
pelastussukka {n} | :: rescue chute |
pelastussuunnitelma {n} | :: rescue plan, emergency plan |
pelastustie {n} | :: escape route |
pelastustie {n} | :: a path or road for emergency services to gain access to places otherwise unreachable by the conventional road network |
pelastustoimi {n} | :: emergency service, rescue service |
pelastustuoli {n} [nautical] | :: A cradle (basket or apparatus in which people are brought off from a wreck) |
pelastustyö {n} | :: rescue work |
pelastustyöntekijä {n} | :: rescue worker, first responder |
pelastusupseeri {n} | :: A Salvation Army officer |
pelastusväline {n} | :: rescue tool |
pelastusvene {n} [nautical] | :: A lifeboat |
pelastusyksikkö {n} | :: rescue unit, rescue team |
pelastusyksikkö {n} | :: a type of fire engine of usually six crew members |
pelästyä {vi} | :: to get scared, get frightened |
pelästyminen {n} | :: getting scared or frightened |
pelästyttää {vt} | :: to scare, to give a scare, to frighten |
pelata {vt} | :: to play (participate in (a sport or game)) |
pelata {vi} [colloquial] | :: to work, to function (operate normally) |
pelätä {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To fear, dread, be afraid of |
pelata aikaa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play for time |
pelata korttinsa oikein {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play one's cards right |
pelata upporikasta ja rutiköyhää {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take a flyer, roll the dice, take a gamble, take a risk, take a chance (to invest against odds; to make a choice with an uncertain outcome) |
pelätin {n} | :: scarecrow |
peledsiika {n} | :: peled, northern whitefish, Coregonus peled (species of whitefish originating from Arctic Russia) |
pelehtiä {v} | :: to fool around |
pelehtiä {v} | :: to play, to play around |
pelehtiä {v} | :: to cavort |
pelehtiä {v} [colloquial] | :: to make out, to fool around (engage in (often casual) sexual acts) |
peli {n} | :: game (activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment) |
peli {n} [sports] | :: match, game; [tennis] game |
peli {n} [especially, in compounds] | :: tool, means, implement, vehicle |
peli {n} [slang] | :: wheels (automobile) |
peliaika {n} | :: playing time |
peliala {n} | :: gaming industry, gaming sector |
peliala {n} | :: gambling industry, gambling sector |
pelialue {n} | :: playfield |
peliautomaatti {n} | :: arcade game |
peliautomaatti {n} | :: a gambling machine, such as a slot machine |
pelihallipeli {n} | :: arcade game (a game resembling arcade games) |
pelihelvetti {n} [slang, jocular] | :: casino, a place for gambling |
pelihimo {n} | :: compulsion to gamble |
pelihimoinen {adj} | :: Having addiction to gaming |
pelihousut {n} | :: game pants (pair of pants or trousers used when playing a game) |
pelihousut {n} | :: rag; in the colloquial idiomatic expression repiä pelihousunsa (lit. "to tear one's game pants") which may be translated as "to lose one's rag" (colloquial: to become angry) |
peliitti {n} [geology] | :: pelite |
peliittinen {adj} [geology] | :: pelitic |
pelikaani {n} | :: A pelican |
pelikausi {n} | :: season during which games or matches take place |
pelikello {n} | :: game clock (clock used to time a ball game) |
pelikenttä {n} | :: playing field |
pelikielto {n} [sports] | :: suspension (penalty in team sports consisting of prohibiting a player to play in one or more consecutive matches or for a period of time) |
pelikone {n} | :: gaming machine |
pelikone {n} | :: synonym of pelitietokone |
pelikonsoli {n} [video games] | :: game console, video game console |
pelikortti {n} | :: A playing card, card |
pelilaite {n} | :: gaming device |
pelilauta {n} | :: game board, gameboard (portable surface marked for playing a game, and on which the counters or other pieces are placed and moved) |
peliliivi {n} [sports] | :: bib (colourful light vest, with or without a number, worn over one's clothes to mark one's team) |
pelillinen {adj} | :: relating or pertaining to a game or games, to a match or matches |
pelillistää {v} | :: to gamify |
pelillistäminen {n} | :: gamification |
pelimanni {n} | :: folk musician; especially one who plays accordion |
pelimerkki {n} | :: A chip (token used in gambling to represent money) |
pelimies {n} [slang] | :: womanizer, player, sport, gambler, pickup artist |
pelimoottori {n} [computing, video games] | :: game engine |
pelinappula {n} | :: A man (piece in board games) |
pelinavaus {n} [chess] | :: opening |
pelin henki {n} | :: name of the game |
pelinhoitaja {n} [profession] | :: banker, bank (dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house) |
pelinjohtaja {n} [sports] | :: game leader (in team sports, a person responsible for keeping the game moving and assisting players to give their best contribution to the game) |
pelinjohtaja {n} [role-playing games] | :: game master |
pelinrakentaja {n} [American football] | :: quarterback (offensive back whose primary job is to pass the ball in a play) |
peliohjain {n} [computing] | :: A joypad or gamepad |
pelipaikka {n} [sports] | :: position (place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player) |
pelipaita {n} | :: A jersey (shirt worn by a member of an athletic team) |
pelipallo {n} | :: ball used in a game, ball for a game |
pelipalvelin {n} [computing, gaming] | :: game server |
pelipöytä {n} | :: card table |
pelipöytä {n} | :: gaming table |
pelipuu {n} [game theory, artificial intelligence] | :: game tree |
peliraha {n} | :: token, money equivalent used in games such as card games |
pelisääntö {n} [usually plural] | :: rule (of game) |
pelissä {adv} | :: in (able to play) |
pelissä {adv} | :: at stake in a game |
pelisuunnittelija {n} | :: game designer |
pelisuunnittelu {n} | :: game design |
peliteoreetikko {n} | :: game theorist |
peliteoria {n} [mathematics, economics] | :: game theory |
pelitietokone {n} | :: gaming computer |
pelittää {v} [colloquial] | :: to work, to function |
pelivara {n} | :: leeway, elbowroom |
peljätä {vt} [dated + partitive] | :: To fear, dread, be afraid of |
pelkääminen {n} | :: fearing, dreading, being afraid (of) |
pelkästään {adv} | :: only, merely |
pelkistää {vt} [chemistry] | :: To reduce |
pelkiste {n} | :: reducant |
pelkistin {n} [chemistry] | :: A reducing agent |
pelkistyä {vi} | :: To be(come) reduced, be(come) simplified |
pelkistyä {vi} [chemistry] | :: To be(come) reduced (get electrons or lose hydrogen) |
pelkistyminen {n} [chemistry] | :: reduction (becoming reduced) |
pelkistys {n} [chemistry] | :: reduction |
pelkistysaine {n} | :: reducing agent |
pelkka {n} | :: log from which two opposite sides have been sawed off |
pelkkä {adj} | :: mere |
pelkkä {adj} | :: only, nothing but |
pelkkä {adj} | :: sheer, pure |
pelkkä {adj} | :: bare |
pelkkä {adj} | :: all |
pelkkaäes {n} | :: a harrow consisting of rows of wooden boards with spikes connected together with chains |
pelkkasahaus {n} | :: block sawing |
pelko {n} | :: fear, dread |
Pelkonen {prop} | :: surname |
pelkosenniemeläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pelkosenniemi |
pelkosenniemeläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pelkosenniemi |
Pelkosenniemi {prop} | :: Pelkosenniemi |
pelkotila {n} | :: state of fear, state of terror, state of anxiety |
pelkuri {n} | :: coward |
pelkurimainen {adj} | :: cowardly |
pelkurimaisesti {adv} | :: cowardly |
pellagra {n} [pathology] | :: pellagra |
pellava {n} [plant] | :: flax |
pellava {n} | :: linen |
pellavaharja {n} | :: linen brush |
pellavainen {adj} | :: flaxen (made of or resembling flax fibers) |
pellavakampa {n} | :: linen comb |
pellavakangas {n} | :: linen |
pellavakirppa {n} | :: small flax flea beetle, Longitarsus parvulus |
pellavansiemen {n} | :: linseed, flaxseed |
pellavansiemenöljy {n} | :: flaxseed oil (oil of flaxseed, used as a food) |
pellavaöljy {n} | :: linseed oil (oil extracted from flax seeds, used as a drying agent in paints, varnishes etc.) |
pelle {n} | :: A clown |
pelleillä {v} | :: to clown, fool, play the fool, clown around |
pelleily {n} | :: buffoonery, ribaldry (behaviour expected of a buffoon) |
pellepuku {n} [military, slang] | :: camo (clothes made of camouflage fabric) |
Pellervo {prop} | :: given name |
Pellervoinen {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: A god of fields and growth |
pelletoida {v} | :: to pelletize (to form into pellets) |
pelletti {n} | :: pellet |
pellittää {vt} | :: to cover or furnish with a sheet or plate of metal |
Pello {prop} | :: Pello (municipality) |
pellolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pello |
pellolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pello |
pellonmuokkaus {n} | :: field preparation, field cultivation |
Pellonpekko {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: The god of grain |
pellonpiennar {n} | :: side or margin of a field |
pellonpientare {n} | :: alternative form of pellonpiennar |
pellonraivaus {n} | :: cultivation or ploughing of land for a field |
pellonvaraus {n} | :: reservation of a field, such as by the state |
pelmahdella {vi} | :: to suddenly appear repeatedly |
pelmahtaa {vi} | :: to suddenly appear or show up |
pelmeni {n} | :: pelmeni |
pelmuta {vi} | :: to romp, frolic |
pelmuttaa {vt} | :: to puff |
pelmuttaa {vt} | :: to shake |
peloissaan {adv} | :: afraid, terrified, frightened (of something = elative) |
peloissaan {adv} | :: worried, anxious, apprehensive, intimidated |
peloissani {adv} | :: first-person singular form form of peloissaan |
pelokas {adj} | :: fearful, timid |
pelokkaasti {adv} | :: fearfully, timidly |
pelonsekainen {adj} | :: scared and confused, uneasy, anxious, nervous |
pelontunne {n} | :: feeling of fear |
Peloponnesos {n} | :: Peloponnese (Greek peninsula) |
pelote {n} | :: a deterrent |
pelotella {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To intimidate; to browbeat, bully |
pelotin {n} | :: Anything that scares or makes think twice, like a scarecrow or deterrent |
peloton {adj} | :: fearless, daring |
pelottaa {vt} [monopersonal, partitive + 3rd-person singular] | :: to be afraid, to be scared |
pelottaa {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to frighten, to be intimidated or cowed by something |
pelottaa {vt} [+ genitive singular or nominative plural] | :: to scare |
pelottava {adj} | :: frightening, scary |
pelottava {adj} | :: daunting, discouraging |
pelottavampi {adj} | :: comparative of pelottava |
pelottavasti {adv} | :: scarily, frighteningly, dauntingly |
pelotteleminen {n} | :: intimidating |
pelottomasti {adv} | :: fearlessly, daringly |
pelottomuus {n} | :: fearlessness |
pelsimet {n} [dialectal] | :: loom |
pelti {n} | :: sheet metal |
pelti {n} | :: plate (flat, flexible, metallic object of uniform thickness) |
pelti {n} | :: sheet (flat metal pan used for baking in oven) |
pelti {n} | :: damper (valve or movable plate in the flue duct of a stove, furnace, etc., used to regulate the draught of air) |
peltikate {n} | :: sheet metal roofing |
peltikatto {n} | :: tin roof, sheet metal roof |
peltikolari {n} | :: A fender-bender (minor traffic accident that causes only easily repairable damage to the involved vehicles) |
peltikorjaamo {n} | :: body shop (workshop in which damage to the bodywork of cars is repaired) |
peltikorva {n} | :: tin ear (Insensitivity and inability to appreciate the elements of performed music) |
peltipailakka {n} [regional] | :: synonym of moottorikelkka |
peltipoliisi {n} [colloquial] | :: speed camera (camera to detect speeding vehicles) |
peltiromu {n} | :: metal scrap |
peltiruuvi {n} | :: sheet metal screw |
peltisakset {n} | :: tin snips |
peltivasara {n} | :: panel beating hammer, sheet metal hammer |
pelto {n} | :: field (wide, open space used to grow crops) |
peltoala {n} | :: field area, crop area, area of arable land used for farming |
peltoaukea {n} | :: wide open field |
peltoaukeama {n} | :: open field |
peltoemäkki {n} | :: common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) |
peltoenergia {n} | :: field bioenergy, bioenergy from the produce of a field |
peltoetana {n} | :: field slug, grey field slug, milky slug, northern field slug (Deroceras agreste) |
peltohatikka {n} | :: corn spurry (Spergula arvensis) |
peltohehtaari {n} | :: hectare of field |
peltoherkkusieni {n} | :: horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis |
peltoherne {n} | :: field pea |
peltohiiri {n} | :: striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) |
peltokaali {n} | :: Brassica rapa subsp. campestris |
peltokana {n} [dated] | :: any bird of the family Phasianidae |
peltokanankaali {n} | :: bittercress (Barbarea vulgaris) |
peltokaura {n} | :: common oat (Avena sativa) |
peltokierto {n} | :: field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) |
peltokorte {n} | :: common horsetail or field horsetail, Equisetum arvense |
Peltola {prop} | :: surname |
Peltola {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
peltolaidun {n} | :: pasture field |
peltoleinikki {n} | :: corn buttercup, Ranunculus arvensis (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus) |
peltolemmikki {n} | :: field forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis) |
peltolude {n} | :: European tarnished plant bug, bishop bug, Lygus rugulipennis |
peltomaa {n} | :: arable land |
peltomaitikka {n} [plant] | :: field cow-wheat (Melampyrum arvense) |
peltomies {n} | :: cultivator, field man |
peltomyyrä {n} | :: field vole (Microtus agrestis) |
Peltonen {prop} | :: surname |
pelto-ohdake {n} | :: creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) |
pelto-orvokki {n} | :: field pansy (Viola arvensis) |
peltopillike {n} | :: bifid hemp-nettle, Galeopsis bifida |
peltopyy {n} | :: Any bird in the genus Perdix |
peltopyy {n} | :: A grey partridge, Perdix perdix |
peltoretikka {n} | :: wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) |
peltoripsiäinen {n} | :: cabbage thrips, field thrips, flax thrips, Thrips angusticeps (pest on crops of flax, cereals and peas) |
peltoröykkiö {n} | :: pile of rocks that were cleared while making farmland |
peltosarka {n} [agriculture] | :: bed (on field) |
peltosaunio {n} | :: scentless false mayweed, scentless mayweed, scentless chamomile, Baldr's brow, Tripleurospermum inodorum |
peltosauramo {n} | :: corn chamomile, mayweed, scentless chamomile, field chamomile, oxeye, Anthemis arvensis |
peltosirkku {n} | :: ortolan (Emberiza hortulana) |
peltotaskuruoho {n} | :: field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) |
peltotie {n} | :: road that passes through a field |
peltotilkku {n} | :: patch of a field |
peltotulkku {n} | :: desert finch, Rhodospiza obsoleta |
peltotyö {n} | :: field labor, work in the field or fields |
peltoukonnauris {n} | :: treacle mustard (Erysimum cheiranthoides) |
peltovalvatti {n} | :: field milk thistle (Sonchus arvensis) |
peltoviljely {n} | :: field crop cultivation |
peltovilla {n} | :: synonym of villakko |
peltovillakko {n} | :: groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) |
P/E-luku {n} [finance] | :: price-earnings ratio, PE ratio, P-E ratio (ratio of share price to earnings per share used as an indication of the relative value of the share) |
peluri {n} | :: gambler, player |
peluu {n} | :: playing (a game) |
peluuttaa {vt} | :: to make play |
peluuttaa {vt} | :: to game, to play |
pemfigoidi {n} [pathology] | :: pemphigoid |
pemfigus {n} [pathology] | :: pemphigus |
pemmikaani {n} | :: pemmican (emergency food made of dried meat, fat and sometimes other ingredients) |
pemppu {n} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
penaali {n} | :: pencil case, pencil box |
penätä {v} | :: to demand, to press |
penätä {v} | :: to argue, to insist |
pendeli {n} | :: pendulum |
pendelöinti {n} | :: commuting |
pendyyli {n} | :: a decorative (pendulum) clock |
peneplaani {n} [geography] | :: peneplain |
penetraatio {n} | :: penetration |
penetranssi {n} [genetics] | :: penetrance |
penetroida {vt} | :: To penetrate |
penger {n} | :: embankment |
penger {n} | :: bank |
penger {n} | :: terrace |
pengerrys {n} | :: terracing |
pengertää {vt} | :: to embank |
pengertie {n} | :: causeway (elevated road) |
pengonta {n} | :: rummage, rummaging |
peni {n} [archaic] | :: dog |
penikka {n} | :: A puppy |
penikka {n} [derogatory] | :: A child, brat |
penikkamaisesti {adv} | :: immaturely |
penikkatauti {n} [pathology, concerning humans] | :: Exertional compartment syndrome of the inner side of the leg(s) |
penikkatauti {n} [pathology, concerning animals] | :: Disease caused by the Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) |
penikoida {vi} | :: To pup |
penikuorma {n} [obsolete] | :: A traditional measure of length equal to 10 versts |
peninkulma {n} [archaic] | :: measure of length equal to 10 kilometers [from the year 1887] |
peninkulma {n} [obsolete] | :: measure of length equal to 10.688 kilometers [in 1655-1886], i.e. the Swedish mil |
peninkulma {n} [obsolete] | :: measure of length equal to about six kilometers [before 1655] |
penis {n} [anatomy] | :: penis |
penisi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of peni |
penisilliini {n} | :: penicillin |
penisilliinikuuri {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of antibioottikuuri |
peniskateus {n} | :: penis envy |
peniskuva {n} | :: dickpic |
penispumppu {n} | :: penis pump |
penisrengas {n} | :: cock ring |
penkere {n} | :: alternative form of penger |
penkinpainajaiset {n} | :: an event held to celebrate the students on their final day of study at a lukio |
penkka {n} | :: bank, embankment |
penkkarit {n} [colloquial] | :: an event held to celebrate the students on their final day of study at a lukio |
penkki {n} | :: bench |
penkki {n} | :: plant bed |
penkkihiomakone {n} | :: bench grinder |
penkkihöylä {n} [woodworking] | :: bench plane (tool) |
penkkipunnerrus {n} [weightlifting] | :: bench press |
penkkiurheilu {n} | :: spectator sport |
penkkivelli {n} | :: a dish made of rolled oats and milk, served cold |
penkoa {vt} | :: to rummage, to forage, to dig through |
penkoja {n} | :: rummager, forager |
penkoja {n} | :: logrunner (any of several Australian songbirds of the family Orthonychidae) |
pennalismi {n} | :: Military bullying by peers |
Pennanen {prop} | :: surname |
penni {n} | :: One hundredth of a markka, the Finnish currency until the introduction of euro in 2002 |
penninginmaa {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to around 490 790 square kyynärä or around 17.3 hectares |
penninki {n} [historical] | :: A currency in Sweden (and by extension Finland) from the Middle Ages to 1776, one 192th of a mark |
pennissä satain alku, markassa tuhanten {proverb} | :: synonym of senteissä tuhannen alku |
pennitön {adj} | :: penniless |
pennonen {n} | :: diminutive of penni |
pennonen {n} [usually plural] | :: an insignificant amount of money |
Pennsylvania {prop} | :: Pennsylvania (state) |
pensa {n} [colloquial] | :: gasoline, gas |
pensaikko {n} | :: shrubbery (growth of shrubs, planted or natural) |
pensaikko {n} | :: scrub, brush (vegetation of inferior quality, though sometimes thick and impenetrable, growing in poor soil) |
pensas {n} | :: bush (woody plant) |
pensas {n} | :: shrub |
pensasaita {n} | :: hedge, hedgerow |
pensasampiainen {n} | :: median wasp; Euro wasp [UK], Dolichovespula media (Eurasian species of wasp) |
pensasaro {n} | :: shrubland |
pensaskataja {n} | :: A common, bush-like variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis |
pensaskerros {n} | :: shrub layer (of a forest) |
pensaskoira {n} | :: bush dog (Speothos venaticus) |
pensasleppä {n} | :: A green alder, Alnus viridis |
pensasmaisesti {adv} | :: in a shrublike way |
pensasmustikka {n} | :: highbush blueberry |
pensaspapu {n} | :: bush bean, dwarf bean, Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus (any cultivar of common bean that forms erect bushes 20–60 cm tall) |
pensassakset {n} | :: hedge shears |
pensastaa {v} | :: alternative form of pensoa |
pensastasku {n} | :: whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) |
pensastua {vi} | :: to become a bush, to start growing bushes |
penseä {adj} | :: indifferent, lukewarm |
penseästi {adv} | :: indifferently, lukewarmly |
penseys {n} | :: indifference |
penska {n} [colloquial] | :: child |
penslata {vt} | :: to apply medicine with a brush |
penslata {vt} | :: to distemper (paint using distemper) |
pensoa {vi} | :: To grow like a bush |
pensoittua {v} | :: synonym of pensastua |
pensseli {n} | :: paintbrush |
pensselisika {n} | :: bush pig (wild pig of the genus Potamochoerus) |
pensselisika {n} | :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus) |
pensselöidä {vt} | :: to paint with a brush |
pentaani {n} [organic compound] | :: pentane |
pentaboraani {n} [chemistry] | :: pentaborane |
pentaedri {n} [geometry] | :: pentahedron |
pentagoni {n} [geometry] | :: pentagon (a polygon with five sides and five angles) |
pentagrammi {n} | :: pentagram |
pentakordi {n} [music] | :: pentachord |
pentametri {n} | :: pentameter |
pentanoli {n} [chemistry] | :: pentanol |
pentatoninen {adj} [music] | :: pentatonic |
pentatoninen {adj} | :: pentatoninen asteikko = pentatonic scale |
penteeni {n} [chemistry] | :: pentene |
pentele {interj} | :: damn, drat, crap, heck (mild swearword) |
penteleesti {adv} | :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive |
pentlandiitti {n} [mineral] | :: pentlandite |
pentobarbitaali {n} [chemistry] | :: pentobarbital |
pentodi {n} | :: pentode |
pentoksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: pentoxide |
pentoosi {n} [chemistry] | :: pentose |
pentriitti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: pentaerythritol tetranitrate (powerful explosive) |
pentteri {n} [nautical] | :: pantry (small room or closet aboard a vessel, dedicated to food storage and/or storing kitchenware) |
Pentti {prop} | :: given name |
Pentti {prop} [rare] | :: surname based on the given name |
Penttilä {prop} | :: surname |
Penttilä {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
Penttinen {prop} | :: surname |
pentu {n} | :: cub, puppy |
pentu {n} [derogatory or colloquial self-reference] | :: kid |
pentue {n} | :: litter (offspring) |
pentukoira {n} | :: puppy |
pentumaisesti {adv} | :: in a way that resembles a puppy |
pentyyni {n} [chemistry] | :: pentyne |
penumbra {n} | :: penumbra |
peoni {n} | :: peon |
pepperoni {n} | :: pepperoni (sausage) |
pepperoni {n} | :: pepperoni (pizza) |
pepperoni {n} | :: A type of longish, relatively mild, pickled, yellowish green chili, often served as condiment to doner kebab |
Peppi {prop} | :: given name in regular use since the 1990s |
Peppi Pitkätossu {prop} | :: Pippi Longstocking (fictional character invented by Astrid Lindgren) |
peppu {n} [colloquial, childish] | :: bum, butt, caboose, tushie |
peppuneitsyt {n} [vulgar] | :: A person whose anus has not been penetrated in sex |
pepsiini {n} | :: pepsin |
peptidaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: peptidase |
peptidi {n} [biochemistry] | :: peptide |
peptidisidos {n} [chemistry] | :: peptide bond |
peptisoituminen {n} | :: peptization |
pepu {n} | :: synonym of mutti |
per {prep} | :: per |
perä {n} | :: rear, back, tail end (aft part of anything) |
perä {n} [nautical] | :: stern, aft (rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) |
perä {n} | :: far end or side of something (like of a room, hallway, etc.) |
perä {n} | :: butt (blunt end of anything, especially that of a gun) |
perä {n} [dialectal] | :: neighbourhood |
perä {n} | :: truth, reality, facts |
perä {n} [colloquial, anatomy] | :: bottom, behind |
perä {n} [colloquial, in plural] | :: remainder, leftovers |
perä {n} [archaic, now, only in compounds] | :: ground |
peräaallokko {n} | :: stern wave (the wave or waves caused by a stern of a (moving) ship) |
peräaalto {n} | :: The wash (wake of a ship), specifically the large waves produced |
perään {postp} | :: genitive + ~: after; used to indicate movement towards something that is going or has gone away from the subject of the sentence |
perään {postp} | :: genitive + ~: into; used to indicate liking |
perään {adv} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: after (into being in pursuit of or seeking; into following someone else) |
perään {adv} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: after (into imitating) |
peräänantamaton {adj} | :: unyielding, never-say-die, indomitable |
peräänantamattomasti {adv} | :: unyieldingly, indomitably |
peräänantamattomuus {n} | :: The property of being unyielding; stubbornness |
peräänkuuluttaa {v} | :: to call for, demand (to demand something publicly, especially in politics) |
peräännyttää {vt} | :: to make retreat, to force to retreat |
perääntyä {v} | :: to back off, back away (to move backwards away from something) |
perääntyä {v} [figuratively] | :: to back down, back off (to take a less aggressive stand) |
perääntyä {v} | :: to retreat (to withdraw military forces) |
perääntymistie {n} | :: way of retreat |
peräaukko {n} [anatomy] | :: anus |
peräaukkokanava {n} [anatomy] | :: anal canal |
peräaukon kohottajalihas {n} [anatomy] | :: levator ani (muscle that forms part of the pelvic floor; in humans it supports the viscera in pelvic cavity) |
peräevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] | :: An anal fin |
peräharus {n} [nautical] | :: A backstay |
Perähikiä {prop} [colloquial] | :: An imaginary remote place, which is far from anything interesting; the middle of nowhere - equates to Bumfuck, Egypt in American slang and Woop Woop in Australian slang |
-peräinen {adj} | :: of origin |
-peräinen {adj} | :: -bottomed (having a rear side or aft part of certain type) |
peräisin {adv} | :: Always used together with the verb olla (to be) signifying: to be original to, to have one's origins in, to originate from, to come from |
peräkanaa {adv} | :: One after another |
peräkansi {n} [nautical] | :: afterdeck, taffrail (deck area at the stern of a vessel) |
peräkärry {n} | :: A light trailer suitable to be pulled by a small vehicle |
peräkastelli {n} | :: aftcastle, aftercastle, sterncastle (structure above the main deck in the aft of a sailship, often housing the officers' cabins) |
Peräkeula {prop} | :: The constellation Puppis |
peräkkäin {adv} | :: successively, one after the other, one after another, on the trot, in a row |
peräkkäin {adv} | :: running (consecutively, in a row) |
peräkkäinen {adj} | :: successive, consecutive, serial (taking place or coming one after another) |
peräkkäisesti {adv} | :: successively, consecutively, serially |
peräkkäishaku {n} [comptheory] | :: linear search, sequential search |
peräkkäistulkkaus {n} | :: consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpreting |
peräkontti {n} [automotive] | :: synonym of tavaratila |
peräksyttäin {adv} [archaic] | :: synonym of peräkkäin |
Perälä {prop} | :: surname |
Perälä {prop} | :: A placename |
perälaatikko {n} | :: headbox (of a paper machine) |
perälaita {n} | :: rear edge, rear side |
perälauta {n} | :: tailgate, tailboard (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle) |
perälauta {n} | :: fallback clause (in a contract which leaves some element of the settlement to depend on future negotiations, a clause that stipulates the outcome in case no other agreement is reached) |
perällä {postp} [+ genitive] | :: at the end or back of |
perälle {postp} [+ genitive] | :: to the end or back of |
perältä {postp} [+ genitive] | :: from the end or back of |
perälyhty {n} | :: aft lantern |
perämerenmaruna {n} [plant] | :: Artemisia campestris subsp. bottnica, a highly endangered subspecies of ketomaruna (field sagewort), which occurs naturally only on the sandy shores of the Bothnian Bay |
Perämeri {prop} | :: The Bay of Bothnia, Bothnian Bay |
perämies {n} [nautical] | :: helmsman (member of a ship's crew who is responsible for steering) |
perämies {n} [nautical, rank] | :: chief officer, first mate, chief mate |
perämies {n} | :: coxswain (in a rowing crew, the member who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers) |
perämies {n} | :: sweep (person who steers a dragon boat or surf boat) |
perämies {n} [aviation, rank] | :: first officer, co-pilot |
perämoottori {n} [nautical] | :: outboard motor |
peränpito {n} | :: control of a marine vessel |
peräpää {n} | :: back (part of something that goes last) |
peräpää {n} | :: rear (back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last on order) |
peräpää {n} | :: posterior (buttocks) |
peräparras {n} [nautical] | :: tafferel |
peräpeili {n} [nautical] | :: A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, a badge |
Peräpohja {prop} | :: synonym of Peräpohjola |
peräpohjalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to the region of Peräpohjola |
peräpohjalainen {n} | :: a person from the region of Peräpohjola |
Peräpohjola {prop} | :: Peräpohjola (region), historically considered the northernmost part of Ostrobothnia, now making up the southern portion of Finnish Lapland |
peräporttialus {n} | :: ship designed to be loaded through stern doors |
peräpuikko {n} | :: suppository |
peräpukama {n} [medicine] | :: hemorrhoid |
peräpuoli {n} | :: The hind part of anything, but especially that of a man, an animal, a boat or a ship |
peräranka {n} [nautical] | :: A sternpost |
peräruiske {n} [medicine] | :: enema |
peräseinä {n} | :: back wall (wall forming the back side of a structure) |
peräsin {n} | :: rudder |
peräsinkone {n} | :: powered steering gear (on a ship) |
peräsinlapa {n} | :: rudder blade |
peräsinvipu {n} [nautical] | :: whipstaff (long pole attached to a tiller) |
perässä {adv} | :: behind, later, afterward |
perässä {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: after (in pursuit of, seeking) |
perässä {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] | :: after (in imitation of) |
perästä {adv} | :: after (following someone) |
perästä {adv} | :: after (a point or duration of time) |
perästäpäin {adv} | :: afterwards |
peräsuolentulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: proctitis (inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum) |
peräsuoli {n} [anatomy] | :: rectum |
peräsuolioppi {n} [medicine] | :: proctology |
peräsuolisyöpä {n} [pathology] | :: rectal cancer |
perata {vt} | :: to gut (eviscerate a fish) |
perata {vt} | :: to clean, pick (remove useless parts of something, such as cleaning berries or mushrooms etc.) |
perata {vt} | :: to weed (remove unwanted plants from farmland, a plant nursery, etc.) |
perata {vt} | :: to clean a body of water by removing rocks, vegetation etc. (in case of rivers or creeks, may also include straightening) |
perätä {vt} | :: to dun, inquire, try to find out; especially in a demanding tone |
peräti {adv} | :: Used as fortifier for adjectives, most proper translation into English being often "very" or "quite" |
peräti {adv} | :: Used with numerals to indicate that the figure is either in high or low end of the ordinary range. Translated into English as "as much as, up to, even" or "as little as" |
perätilasynnytys {n} | :: breech birth |
peräti yli {adv} | :: even more |
perätön {adj} | :: ungrounded, unreal, false (not based on facts) |
perättäin {adv} | :: synonym of peräkkäin |
perättäinen {adj} | :: alternative form of peräkkäinen |
perättäisesti {adv} | :: synonym of perättäin |
perättömästi {adv} | :: ungroundedly |
perätuuppari {n} [nautical, colloquial] | :: kicker (outboard motor, especially a small one) |
perätyksin {adv} | :: synonym of peräkkäin |
perätysten {adv} | :: one after the other, in a row |
perävako {n} [anatomy] | :: anal cleft |
perävalo {n} | :: taillight (one of a pair of red lights, mounted on the rear of a vehicle) |
perävannas {n} [nautical] | :: A sternpost |
perävaunu {n} [vehicles] | :: A trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle that is towed behind another) |
peräyttää {v} | :: synonym of peräännyttää |
peräytyä {v} | :: synonym of perääntyä |
peregrinaatio {n} [historical] | :: A long journey abroad by the sons of noble families with the general purpose of gaining education and fostering relationships with the nobility of other countries |
perehdyttää {vt} | :: to introduce, to familiarize, to acquaint |
perehdyttäminen {n} | :: familiarization |
perehtyä {vi} [+ illative] | :: to get acquainted with, make oneself familiar with, familiarize oneself with, orientate oneself, read up on |
perehtyminen {n} | :: familiarization |
peremmä {adv} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of peremmäs |
peremmäksi {adv} | :: synonym of peremmälle |
peremmällä {adv} | :: further back |
peremmällä {adv} | :: (further) inside (in a building) |
peremmälle {adv} | :: (to) further back |
peremmälle {adv} | :: (further) in (to a building) |
peremmältä {adv} | :: from further back |
peremmältä {adv} | :: from (further) inside (in a building) |
peremmäs {adv} | :: synonym of peremmälle |
perempää {adv} | :: synonym of peremmältä |
perempänä {adv} | :: synonym of peremmällä |
perempi {adj} [of location] | :: further aback |
perenna {n} [botany] | :: perennial (plant that is active for more than two growing seasons) |
perennoida {v} | :: to perennialize (to grow as perennial) |
perestroika {n} [historical] | :: perestroika |
perfekti {n} [grammar] | :: present perfect tense |
perfektiivinen aspekti {n} [linguistics] | :: perfective aspect (especially in the context of Slavic languages) |
perfektionismi {n} | :: perfectionism |
perfektionisti {n} | :: perfectionist |
perfektionistinen {adj} | :: perfectionistic |
perfenatsiini {n} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: perphenazine |
perfluoro-oktaanihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: perfluorooctanoic acid |
perforaatio {n} | :: perforation |
perforaattori {n} | :: perforator |
performanssi {n} | :: performance |
performanssi {n} | :: performance art |
performanssitaiteilija {n} | :: performance artist |
perforoida {v} | :: to perforate |
perfuusio {n} | :: perfusion |
perga {n} [beekeeping] | :: synonym of mehiläisleipä |
pergamentointi {n} | :: parchmentization |
pergamentti {n} | :: parchment |
pergamenttipaperi {n} | :: parchment (stiff paper resembling "true" parchment) |
pergola {n} | :: pergola |
perhana {interj} | :: darn |
perhanasti {adv} | :: Used as an intensifier; mild expletive |
perhe {n} | :: family, nuclear family (parents and children, cf. suku) |
perhealbumi {n} | :: family album (photo album) |
perheasunto {n} | :: family residence |
perheauto {n} | :: family car |
perhebarometri {n} | :: an annual survey about family matters conducted by the Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto) |
perhe-eläke {n} | :: survivors' pension |
perhe-elämä {n} | :: family life |
perheellinen {adj} | :: that has a family |
perheenäiti {n} | :: mother of a family, housewife |
perheeni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of perhe |
perheenisä {n} | :: father of a family, house husband |
perheenjäsen {n} | :: family member, member of the family |
perheenpää {n} | :: head of family |
perheensä {n} | :: third-person possissive form of perhe |
perheesi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of perhe |
perheetön {adj} | :: that does not have a family, familyless |
perhe-etuus {n} | :: family benefit |
perhehauta {n} | :: family grave, family gravesite |
perhehelvetti {n} [colloquial] | :: a troublesome situation within a family, caused by alcoholism, domestic violence etc |
perhehoitaja {n} [legal] | :: foster parent |
perhehoito {n} | :: foster care (formal system by which a child is cared for, in a foster family, by people other than its own parents, but without being adopted) |
perheittäin {adv} | :: by family, in or as a family |
perhekalleus {n} | :: crown jewel (prized family possession or asset) |
perhekalleus {n} [euphemism, in plural] | :: crown jewels, family jewels (male genitalia) |
perhekustannukset {n} | :: family expenses |
perhekuva {n} | :: family portrait |
perhelääkäri {n} | :: family doctor |
perhemajoitus {n} | :: homestay (form of tourism) |
perheneuvonta {n} | :: family counseling |
perhenimi {n} | :: cognomen |
perheoikeus {n} [law] | :: family law (area of private law pertaining to family matters and domestic relations) |
perhepäivähoitaja {n} | :: childminder |
perhepalaveri {n} | :: family meeting (informal meeting for discussion) |
perhepiiri {n} | :: family circle (the social circle comprising one's family) |
perhepyjama {n} | :: family pajamas |
perheriita {n} | :: domestic dispute |
perhesiteet {n} | :: family ties |
perhesivu {n} | :: family page (page in a newspaper about family topics) |
perhesuhteet {n} | :: family relationships, family relations |
perheterapeutti {n} | :: family therapist |
perheterapia {n} | :: family therapy |
perhetragedia {n} | :: family tragedy |
perhetunne {n} | :: feeling or sense of family |
perhetuomioistuin {n} | :: family court |
perhetuttava {n} | :: family friend |
perhetuttu {n} | :: family friend |
perhetyö {n} | :: family work, family labor |
perheväkivalta {n} | :: domestic violence |
perhevalmennus {n} | :: parent training |
perheviljelmä {n} | :: family farm |
perheyhtiö {n} | :: family business |
perheyritys {n} | :: family business |
perheystävä {n} | :: family friend |
perho {n} | :: A fly (fishing lure) |
perho {n} | :: Short form of perhonen (butterfly), used poetically and in compound words |
Perho {prop} | :: Perho (municipality) |
perhokalastus {n} | :: fly fishing |
perholainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Perho |
perholainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Perho |
perhonen {n} | :: insect of the order Lepidoptera; butterfly, moth or skipper |
perhonen {n} [sports] | :: butterfly |
Perhonjoki {n} | :: Perhonjoki (river) |
perhosentoukka {n} | :: caterpillar |
perhoshaavi {n} | :: butterfly net |
perhoskoira {n} | :: papillon (dog) |
perhospihvi {n} | :: butterflied steak |
perhostaa {v} | :: to fly-fish |
perhostella {v} | :: to swim the butterfly stroke |
perhostus {n} | :: fly fishing |
perhosuinti {n} [swimming] | :: butterfly |
perhosvaikutus {n} | :: butterfly effect |
perhosveitsi {n} | :: butterfly knife (folding knife with two rotating handles) |
perhovapa {n} | :: fly fishing rod |
peri- {prefix} | :: very, to the core |
peri- {prefix} | :: peri- |
periä {v} | :: to inherit |
periä {v} | :: to exact, tariff, dun |
periä {v} [idiomatic] | :: expression hukka perii (to be doomed); literally 'wolf inherits' |
periaate {n} | :: principle |
periaatepäätös {n} | :: decision in principle |
periaatteellinen {adj} | :: principled |
periaatteellinen {adj} | :: of principle |
periaatteessa {adv} | :: in principle |
periamerikkalainen {adj} | :: all-American (known by, encompassing all of, or best in America) |
periapsis {n} [astronomy] | :: periapsis |
periastroni {n} [astronomy] | :: periastron |
peridootti {n} [mineral] | :: peridot |
peridotiitti {n} [rock] | :: peridotite |
perifeerinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: peripheral |
periferia {n} | :: periphery (region) |
periferia {n} | :: fringe (region) |
perifraasi {n} [linguistics] | :: periphrasis |
perifrastinen {adj} [grammar] | :: periphrastic |
perifrastisesti {adv} | :: periphrastically |
perifyton {n} | :: periphyton |
perigeum {n} [astronomy] | :: perigee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the shortest distance from the center of the central body) |
periheli {n} | :: perihelion |
perijä {n} | :: heir |
perijätär {n} | :: heiress |
perijätär {n} | :: dowager |
perikardiitti {n} [pathology] | :: pericarditis |
perikardium {n} [anatomy] | :: pericardium |
perikarppi {n} [botany] | :: pericarp |
perikato {n} | :: ruin, destruction, undoing |
perikoroniitti {n} [pathology] | :: pericoronitis |
periksi {adv} | :: antaa periksi: to give up; [of supporting structures etc.] to give way |
periksiantamaton {adj} | :: persevering, relentless, determined |
perikunta {n} | :: heirs collectively |
perikuva {n} | :: An archetype |
perillä {adv} | :: at the destination |
perille {adv} | :: to/at the destination |
perillinen {n} [legal] | :: beneficiary, heir, inheritor (one who benefits from the distribution of an estate) |
perilymfa {n} [anatomy] | :: perilymph |
perimä {n} | :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism) |
perimä {n} | :: genotype (combination of alleles that determines a specific trait of an individual) |
perimä {n} | :: inheritance (biological attributes passed hereditarily from ancestors to their offspring) |
perimätapa {n} | :: synonym of perinnäistapa |
perimätieto {n} | :: lore |
periminen {n} | :: inheritance (passing of title to an estate upon death) |
perimiskulut {n} | :: collection costs (cost incurred to collect debt that is owed) |
perimmäinen {adj} | :: ultimate |
perimmäinen {adj} | :: furthest to the back, furthest down |
perimmältä {adv} | :: alternative form of perimmältään |
perimmältään {adv} | :: fundamentally, essentially, deep down |
perimmiltään {adv} | :: synonym of perimmältään |
perin {adv} | :: exceedingly |
perinataaliaika {n} | :: perinatal period |
perinataalinen {adj} | :: perinatal (of or pertaining to the time around birth) |
perinatologi {n} | :: perinatologist |
perinatologia {n} | :: perinatology |
perin juurin {adv} | :: synonym of perin pohjin |
perinnäisesti {adv} | :: traditionally |
perinnäistapa {n} | :: inherited tradition or custom |
perinne {n} | :: tradition |
perinnearkisto {n} | :: tradition archive, traditional archive |
perinnelaiva {n} | :: a historically important ship that still exists today |
perinnelajike {n} | :: A heirloom (crop variety that has been passed down through generations) |
perinnemaisema {n} | :: traditional landscape |
perinneruoka {n} | :: traditional food |
perinnetiede {n} | :: folkloristics |
perinnöllinen {adj} | :: hereditary |
perinnöllinen elliptosytoosi {n} [pathology] | :: hereditary elliptocytosis (blood disease) |
perinnöllisyys {n} | :: heritability, heredity |
perinnöllisyystiede {n} [biology, genetics] | :: genetics |
perinnöllisyystieteilijä {n} | :: geneticist |
perinnötön {adj} | :: disinherited (excluded from inheritance) |
perinpohjainen {adj} | :: thorough |
perinpohjaisesti {adv} | :: thoroughly |
perinpohjaisuus {n} | :: thoroughness |
perin pohjin {adv} [idiomatic] | :: thoroughly; radically |
perintä {n} | :: debt collection |
perintä {n} | :: recovery of taxes |
perintä {n} [programming] | :: inheritance |
perintäkirje {n} | :: collection letter, debt collection letter |
perintätoimisto {n} | :: collection agency |
perinteellisesti {adv} | :: traditionally |
perinteikäs {adj} | :: traditional |
perinteikkyys {n} | :: traditionality (state or condition of having traditions) |
perinteinen {adj} | :: traditional |
perinteinen {n} | :: classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing) |
perinteinen hiihtotapa {n} | :: classic skiing |
perinteinen kiina {n} | :: Traditional Chinese |
perinteisesti {adv} | :: traditionally |
perinteisyys {n} | :: traditionality (state or condition of being traditional) |
perintö {n} | :: heritage |
perintö {n} | :: inheritance |
perintö {n} | :: legacy |
perintöhopeat {n} | :: a silverware set that has been inherited |
perintökaari {n} [legal] | :: Code of Inheritance (law governing inheritance and will, especially that of Finland or Sweden) |
perintöprinsessa {n} | :: A runner-up (any of one or more nominated runner-ups in a beauty contest) |
perintötekijä {n} | :: gene (segment of DNA) |
perintötuomioistuin {n} [legal] | :: probate court (court whose function is to administer estates and prove wills) |
perintövero {n} | :: inheritance tax (tax charged on the beneficiaries of an estate) |
periodeittain {adv} | :: by period, in periods (of university education) |
periodi {n} | :: period (of time) |
periodiopetus {n} | :: teaching in short periods |
periodisesti {adv} | :: periodically |
periodityö {n} | :: work in periods |
peripateetikko {n} [philosophy] | :: Peripatetic (disciple of Aristotle) |
peripatrinen {adj} [biology] | :: peripatric |
perisentri {n} [astronomy] | :: pericenter |
periskooppi {n} | :: periscope |
peristaltiikka {n} [physiology] | :: peristalsis (rhythmic, wave-like contraction of the digestive tract that forces food through it) |
peristalttinen {adj} [physiology] | :: peristaltic |
perisynnitön {adj} | :: immaculate |
perisynnitön sikiäminen {n} | :: Immaculate Conception (doctrine, in the Roman Catholic Church, that Virgin Mary was conceived free from original sin) |
perisynnittömän sikiämisen päivä {n} | :: Immaculate Conception (Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary celebrated on December 8th) |
perisynti {n} [Christianity] | :: the original sin |
periteksti {n} | :: peritext |
peritoneaalidialyysi {n} [medicine] | :: peritoneal dialysis |
peritoniitti {n} [pathology] | :: peritonitis |
perivihollinen {n} | :: archenemy |
periyttää {vt} | :: to make inherit |
periyttää {vt} [programming] | :: to inherit |
periytyä {vi} | :: to be inherited |
periytyvä {adj} | :: hereditary |
perjantai {n} | :: Friday |
perjantaiaamu {n} | :: Friday morning |
perjantaiaamupäivä {n} | :: late Friday morning |
perjantai-ilta {n} | :: Friday night |
perjantai-iltapäivä {n} | :: Friday afternoon |
perjantainen {adj} | :: having occurred on a Friday |
perjantainen {adj} | :: pertaining to Friday |
perjantaipäivä {n} | :: a Friday (day that is a Friday) |
perjantaisin {adv} | :: on Fridays |
perkaali {n} | :: percale |
perkaus {n} | :: gutting (evisceration of a fish) |
perkaus {n} | :: cleaning, picking (removal of useless parts of something, such as cleaning berries or mushrooms) |
perkaus {n} | :: weeding (removal of unwanted plants from farmland, a plant nursery, etc.) |
perkaus {n} | :: cleaning; removal of vegetation, rocks, etc. from a body of water |
perkausrauta {n} | :: a type of tool used to gut a fish |
perkeet {n} | :: parings (of fish etc.) |
perkele {n} | :: The Devil, Satan; also Perkele |
perkele {n} | :: devil |
perkele {interj} [vulgar] | :: A swearword |
perkele {adj} [vulgar] | :: bloody, fucking (intensifier) |
perkeleesti {adv} [vulgar] | :: An intensifier |
perkelöityä {v} [vulgar, rare] | :: to escalate, get worse |
perkloorihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: perchloric acid |
perkolaatio {n} | :: percolation |
perkolaattori {n} | :: percolator (type of device used to brew coffee) |
perkolointi {n} | :: percolation |
perkussiivinen {adj} | :: percussive |
perkussio {n} | :: percussion |
perkussionisti {n} | :: percussionist |
perkuu {n} | :: synonym of perkaus (all senses) |
perkuulauta {n} | :: fish gutting board |
perliitti {n} | :: perlite (volcanic glass) |
perliitti {n} [metallurgy] | :: pearlite (lamellar structure in steel) |
permalainen {adj} [dated] | :: synonym of permiläinen |
permalainen {n} [dated] | :: synonym of permiläinen |
permanentata {vt} | :: to perm (hair) |
permanentti {n} | :: permanent (chemical hair treatment) |
permanganaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: permanganate |
permanto {n} [archaic or dialectal] | :: floor |
permanto {n} [theater] | :: parquet, stall |
permanto {n} [gymnastics] | :: floor |
permantoliike {n} [gymnastics] | :: floor exercise |
permeaabeli {adj} [rare] | :: permeable |
permeaasi {n} | :: permease |
permeabiliteetti {n} [physics] | :: permeability |
permeanssi {n} [physics] | :: permeance |
permetriini {n} [chemistry] | :: permethrin |
permi {n} | :: synonym of rihma |
permi {n} | :: any of the Permic languages |
permi {n} | :: synonym of permikausi |
permikausi {n} | :: Permian, Permian period |
permikautinen {adj} | :: Permian |
permiläinen {n} | :: Permian (person belonging to Komi or Udmurt people) |
permiläinen {adj} | :: Permic (of or pertaining to Permians, their languages and culture) |
Permin komi {n} | :: synonym of komipermjakki |
permis {n} [colloquial] | :: permanent (hair treatment) |
permitiivisyys {n} | :: alternative form of permittiivisyys |
permittiivisyys {n} | :: permittivity |
permu {n} | :: synonym of kurmu |
permutaatio {n} | :: permutation |
permutaatiomatriisi {n} [linear algebra] | :: permutation matrix |
permutaatioryhmä {n} [algebra, group theory] | :: permutation group |
permutointi {n} | :: permutating, permutation |
perna {n} [anatomy] | :: spleen |
pernarutto {n} [pathology] | :: anthrax |
pernisiöösi {adj} [medicine] | :: pernicious |
peroksidaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: peroxidase |
peroksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: peroxide |
peroksisomi {n} [biology, cytology] | :: peroxisome |
peronismi {n} [politics] | :: Peronism |
perovskiitti {n} [mineral] | :: perovskite |
perpendikkelipituus {n} [nautical] | :: length between perpendiculars |
persaukinen {adj} [vulgar] | :: broke (financially ruined; without any money) |
persaukset {n} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
persaus {n} [colloquial] | :: A hinder (the buttocks); often used in plural: persaukset |
perse {n} [vulgar] | :: arse, ass, asshole |
perse {interj} [vulgar] | :: shit, fuck |
perseääliö {n} [vulgar] | :: A person whose idiotic behaviour surpasses that of a normal moron; a dumbass |
perseennuolija {n} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: ass-licker; sycophant |
perseet {n} [colloquial] | :: extreme drunkenness |
perseet olalla {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: shit-faced, rat-arsed, heavily drunk (under the influence of large amount of alcohol) |
perseet olalle {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: shit-faced, rat-arsed (to the state of heavy drunkenness) |
Persefone {prop} [Greek god] | :: Persephone |
perseidit {n} [astronomy] | :: The Perseids |
perseillä {v} [vulgar, colloquial] | :: To muck about |
persentiili {n} [statistics] | :: percentile |
perseptiivinen {adj} | :: perceptive |
perseptio {n} | :: A perception |
perseptroni {n} [artificial intelligence] | :: perceptron |
persereikä {n} [anatomy, vulgar] | :: asshole (anus) |
persereikä {n} [vulgar, of a person] | :: asshole, jerk, asswipe |
persereikä {n} [vulgar, of a place] | :: shithole |
Perseus {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Perseus |
Perseus {prop} [constellation] | :: The constellation Perseus |
persia {n} | :: The modern Persian language |
persia {n} | :: The old Persian language |
Persia {prop} | :: Persia |
persialainen {n} | :: Persian (person) |
persialainen {n} | :: Persian cat (breed of cat) |
persialainen {adj} | :: Persian (of or pertaining to Persia, its citizens or culture) |
persialaisuus {n} | :: Persianness |
persianapila {n} | :: Persian clover, shaftal, Trifolium resupinatum (annual clover used as fodder and hay) |
persiankielinen {adj} | :: Expressed in Persian language |
persiankielinen {adj} | :: Speaking Persian |
persiankissa {n} [dated] | :: synonym of persialainen (breed of cat) |
Persianlahti {prop} | :: The Persian Gulf |
persikankivi {n} | :: peach pit |
persikka {n} | :: peach (fruit) |
persikkahapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula violeipes |
persikkaiho {n} [figuratively] | :: smooth skin |
persikkakirva {n} | :: green peach aphid, peach-potato aphid, potato aphid, tobacco aphid, Myzus persicae |
persikkapuu {n} | :: peach tree |
persilja {n} | :: parsley, Petroselinum crispum (herb) |
persilja {n} | :: parsley (leaves of this plant, which may be consumed fresh or dried as seasoning) |
persiljaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius sulfurinus |
persiljavoi {n} | :: butter flavored with parsley |
persimon {n} | :: persimmon |
persimoni {n} | :: persimmon |
persjalkainen {adj} [humorous, derogatory] | :: A person whose legs are relatively short compared to the overall length of their back |
perskat {n} | :: dottle, grounds, substance left after use (such as of tobacco or coffee) |
persläpi {n} [vulgar] | :: asshole, anus |
persnetto {n} [vulgar, economics] | :: operating loss, negative revenue |
perso {adj} | :: greedy for something |
perso {adj} | :: The noun sweet tooth may be used when the greed is for sweet things in general |
personaaliunioni {n} | :: personal union |
personalismi {n} | :: personalism |
personal trainer {n} | :: personal trainer |
personifikaatio {n} | :: personification |
personifioida {vt} | :: To personify |
personifiointi {n} | :: personification |
personoida {v} | :: to personalize (to adapt something to the needs of an individual) |
personoida {v} | :: to personalize (to represent something abstract as a person; to embody) |
personoida {v} | :: to personify (to be an example of; to have all the attributes of) |
personoida {v} | :: to personify (to create a representation of an abstract quality in the form of a literary character) |
personointi {n} | :: personification |
personoitua {vi} | :: to become personalized |
persoona {n} [grammar] | :: person, grammatical person (linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking) |
persoona {n} | :: personality |
persoona {n} [rare] | :: person (human being; individual) |
persoonallinen {adj} | :: distinctive (characteristic or typical to somebody) |
persoonallisesti {adv} | :: personally (in a personal manner) |
persoonallisuus {n} | :: personality |
persoonallisuushäiriö {n} [psychology] | :: personality disorder |
persoonallisuustesti {n} [psychology] | :: A personality test |
persoonallisuustyyppi {n} | :: personality type |
persoonamuotoinen {adj} [grammar, of a verb, etc.] | :: personal; in a form with or that depends on person |
persoonapääte {n} [grammar] | :: personal suffix |
persoonapronomini {n} [grammar] | :: personal pronoun |
persoonaton {adj} | :: impersonal |
persoonattomampi {adj} | :: comparative of persoonaton |
persoonattomasti {adv} | :: impersonally |
persoonattomin {adj} | :: superlative of persoonaton |
persoonaunioni {n} | :: personal union |
persoonittain {adv} | :: by grammatical person |
perspano {n} [vulgar] | :: butt-fucking, butt sex (anal sex act) |
perspektiivi {n} | :: perspective (view, vista or outlook) |
perspektiivi {n} | :: perspective (appearance of depth in objects) |
perspektiivikuva {n} | :: perspective (an image taken from a perspective) |
perspektiivimaalaus {n} | :: perspective painting (a painting) |
perspektiivipiirustus {n} | :: perspective drawing |
persposki {n} [vulgar, slang] | :: arsecheek |
persreikä {n} | :: alternative form of persereikä |
persu {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of perussuomalainen |
persus {n} [colloquial, somewhat vulgar] | :: behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks) |
persuukset {n} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
persvako {n} [anatomy, vulgar] | :: ass crack |
Perth {prop} | :: Perth (any place called Perth in English) |
pertiitti {n} [mineral] | :: perthite |
pertsa {n} [colloquial] | :: classic, classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing) |
Pertti {prop} | :: given name |
Perttu {prop} | :: given name |
Perttula {prop} | :: surname |
Perttula {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
Pertunmaa {prop} | :: Pertunmaa (municipality) |
pertunmaalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pertunmaa |
pertunmaalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pertunmaa |
pertuska {n} | :: a wide-bladed axe used to cut thickets or peat |
pertuska {n} | :: a battle axe |
pertuska {n} | :: a partisan (type of spear) |
peru {n} | :: heritage |
peru {n} | :: origin |
Peru {prop} | :: Peru (country) |
perua {vt} | :: to withdraw, renege on, retract, (colloquially) take back, go back on, bum out on |
perua {vt} | :: to cancel, call off |
peruke {n} [fishing] | :: wire trace, snood |
perukirja {n} [law] | :: inventory of an estate, estate inventory (list of all the assets and liabilities of a deceased person) |
perukka {n} | :: A back end, out-of-the-way corner or place; often used in plural (a place which is remote or otherwise difficult to reach) |
perulainen {adj} | :: Peruvian |
perulainen {n} | :: Peruvian |
peruna {n} | :: potato, Solanum tuberosum (plant and the tuber) |
peruna-ankeroinen {n} | :: golden nematode, golden potato nematode, potato cyst nematode, yellow potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis (pest of plants of the family Solanaceae) |
perunahiutale {n} | :: potato flake, potato crisp |
perunainen {adj} | :: potatoey |
perunajauho {n} | :: potato flour |
perunakappa {n} | :: a kappa of potatoes |
perunakattila {n} | :: potato kettle, potato boiler |
perunakeitto {n} | :: potato soup |
perunakellari {n} | :: potato cellar |
perunakuokka {n} | :: potato hook |
perunakuoppa {n} | :: hole, pit or cellar for storing potatoes |
perunakuoriainen {n} | :: synonym of koloradonkuoriainen |
perunakuutio {n} | :: potato cube |
perunalaari {n} | :: potato bin |
perunalaatikko {n} | :: Traditional Finnish potato casserole |
perunalajike {n} | :: potato cultivar |
perunalastu {n} | :: potato chip [US], potato crisp [UK] |
perunaleivos {n} | :: potato fritter, potato cake |
perunalettu {n} | :: potato pancake |
perunalimppu {n} | :: a sweet and sour round bread containing floury potatoes |
perunalohko {n} | :: potato wedge |
perunalumi {n} | :: an airy side dish made of grated or strained floury potatoes, somewhat resembling mashed potatoes |
perunamaa {n} | :: potato field, potato garden |
perunamakkara {n} | :: A kind of sausage made with potato |
perunamämmi {n} | :: mämmi made of rye and potatoes |
perunamuhennos {n} | :: mashed potatoes |
perunamuusi {n} | :: mashed potatoes |
perunamuusijauhe {n} | :: instant mashed potatoes |
perunamylly {n} | :: a hand-operated potato mill |
perunanenä {n} | :: large, ugly nose |
perunanhitu {n} | :: synonym of perunankuori |
perunanistutus {n} | :: planting potatoes |
perunanistutuskone {n} | :: potato planting machine |
perunanitu {n} | :: potato sprout |
perunankukka {n} | :: potato flower |
perunankuori {n} | :: potato skin |
perunankuorimaveitsi {n} | :: potato peeling knife, potato peeler |
perunankuorimisveitsi {n} | :: synonym of perunankuorimaveitsi |
perunankylvö {n} | :: sowing potatoes |
perunanmukula {n} | :: potato tuber |
perunannostaja {n} | :: potato lifter (person) |
perunannosto {n} | :: lifting potatoes |
perunannostokone {n} | :: potato harvester, potato lifter |
perunanpano {n} | :: synonym of perunanistutus |
perunansiemen {n} | :: potato seed |
perunantaimi {n} | :: potato sapling, potato tree |
perunanuija {n} | :: potato masher |
perunanvarsi {n} | :: potato stem, potato stalk |
perunanviljely {n} | :: potato cultivation |
perunaohukainen {n} | :: (thin) potato pancake, potato crepe |
perunapelto {n} | :: potato field |
perunapenkki {n} | :: potato bed |
perunapiirakka {n} | :: Karelian pasty made with potato filling |
perunapiirakka {n} | :: potato pie |
perunapuuro {n} | :: potato porridge |
perunarieska {n} | :: rieska (unleavened flatbread) made of potatoes |
perunarupi {n} | :: common scab, as a relatively harmless variety of scab |
perunarutto {n} | :: potato blight (plant disease) |
perunasäkki {n} | :: potato sack |
perunasäkki {n} | :: sackful of potatoes |
perunasalaatti {n} | :: potato salad |
perunasarka {n} | :: potato patch |
perunasato {n} | :: potato harvest, potato crop |
perunasoppa {n} [dialectal or colloquial] | :: potato soup |
perunasose {n} | :: synonym of perunamuusi |
perunasurvin {n} | :: potato pestle |
perunasuurimo {n} | :: potato starch grain |
perunasyöpä {n} | :: potato wart; Synchytrium endobioticum |
perunatärkkelys {n} | :: potato starch |
perunateatteri {n} [colloquial] | :: peeling potatoes or a place where potatoes are peeled |
perunateollisuus {n} | :: potato industry |
perunavako {n} | :: plowed furrow for potatoes |
perunavalmiste {n} | :: potato product, potato preparation |
perunavesi {n} | :: potato water |
perunaviipale {n} | :: potato slice |
perunaviljelys {n} | :: synonym of perunaviljelmä |
perunkirjoitusarvo {n} | :: value of something considered when drawing up an inventory |
perunrotta {n} | :: Andean rat, Lenoxus apicalis (species of rat found on the eastern slopes of Andes in Peru and Bolivia) |
perus- {prefix} | :: basic, elemental, fundamental, rudimentary, normal, typical, average |
perus- {prefix} | :: primal |
perus {n} [architecture, rare] | :: foundation |
perus {adj} [indeclinable, colloquial] | :: usual, normal, basic |
perusäänes {n} [music, acoustics] | :: fundamental tone |
perusaate {n} | :: basic principle |
perusaihe {n} | :: basic subject, fundamental subject |
perusaine {n} | :: base substance, substrate |
perusaine {n} | :: element |
perusaineisto {n} | :: basic material |
perusarvo {n} | :: fundamental value, basic value |
perusasia {n} | :: essential (something basic, elementary or indispensable) |
perusaste {n} [grammar] | :: positive (not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive) |
perusaste {n} | :: basic degree (such as basic education) |
peruselementti {n} | :: fundamental element |
peruselinkeino {n} | :: primary industry, basic industry |
peruselintarvike {n} | :: staple (basic food stuff) |
perushankinnat {n} | :: normal or standard supplies |
perushyödyke {n} | :: primary good |
perusjono {n} [analysis] | :: fundamental sequence, Cauchy sequence |
perusjoukko {n} [set theory] | :: universe |
perusjoukko {n} [statistics] | :: population |
peruskallio {n} [geology] | :: basement (mass of igneous or metamorphic rock forming the foundation over which a platform of sedimentary rocks is laid) |
peruskallio {n} [figuratively] | :: bedrock (basis or foundation) |
peruskartoitus {n} | :: baseline survey |
peruskartta {n} | :: base map |
peruskaura {n} [idiomatic] | :: 101, routine, a trivial action (or that should be) |
peruskaura {n} [idiomatic] | :: ordinary, run of the mill |
peruskirja {n} | :: charter (document issued by an authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges) |
peruskirja {n} | :: charter (similar document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc.) |
peruskivi {n} | :: cornerstone (ceremonial stone set at the foundation of a building, often in the corner and inscribed with the completion year and other details) |
peruskivi {n} | :: foundation stone |
peruskivi {n} [figuratively] | :: cornerstone (that which is prominent, fundamental, noteworthy, or central) |
peruskorjata {v} | :: to renovate, restore (especially of a building or a piece of machinery, to bring back to a previous or better condition or state) |
peruskorjaus {n} | :: major overhaul, complete renovation (thorough reparation of a building or structure) |
peruskorvaus {n} | :: basic compensation, basic amount |
peruskoulu {n} | :: The name commonly used in Finnish for Finland's 9-year comprehensive schools starting at the age of 7 (literally means "basic school"; a more precise or more descriptive name would be (yhdeksänvuotinen) yhtenäiskoulu) |
peruskouluaste {n} | :: comprehensive or primary education as a grade or step of education |
peruskoulunopettaja {n} | :: comprehensive school teacher, primary school teacher |
peruskoulutus {n} | :: basic education |
peruskoulutus {n} [military] | :: basic training |
peruskoulu-uudistus {n} | :: comprehensive school reform |
peruskunta {n} | :: basic municipality (a municipality that does not have a governing body but that is not in itself part of a regional governing body) |
peruskunta {n} | :: basic municipality (a municipality large enough to offer public services in a proposed model) |
peruslämpö {n} | :: core temperature |
peruslaskutoimitus {n} [math] | :: arithmetic operation |
peruslause {n} [logic, mathematics] | :: axiom |
peruslinja {n} | :: basic line, fundamental line (line, idea) |
peruslinja {n} | :: baseline |
perusluku {n} [math] | :: cardinal number |
perusluku {n} [grammar] | :: synonym of kardinaalilukusana |
perusluku {n} [math] | :: synonym of kantaluku |
peruslukusana {n} [grammar] | :: In Finnish grammar, a cardinal numeral that is expressed as single, non-compound word and may be used as an element for composing compound numerals. These "elementary" numeral are yksi (one), kaksi (two), ... . kymmenen (ten), sata (hundred), tuhat (thousand), miljoona (million), miljardi (billion) etc |
perusmäärä {n} | :: basic amount |
perusmerkitys {n} [linguistics] | :: denotation |
perusmetalli {n} | :: base metal [common metal] |
perusmetalli {n} | :: base metal (in welding, the metal to be welded) |
perusmuoto {n} [linguistics] | :: lemma, basic form (canonical form of an inflected word; ie the form usually found in dictionaries) |
perusmuuri {n} | :: foundation wall |
perusnäyttely {n} | :: permanent exhibition, main permanent exhibition |
perusoikeus {n} | :: fundamental right, basic right (right regarded as belonging without presumption to all human beings under a given jurisdiction, or universally) |
perusolemus {n} | :: essence |
perusoletus {n} | :: principle (fundamental assumption) |
perusoletus {n} | :: fundamental assumption, basic assumption |
perusomavastuu {n} | :: basic contribution |
perusopetus {n} | :: primary education |
perusopetusryhmä {n} | :: primary education group (of pupils) |
perusopiskelija {n} | :: undergraduate |
perusosa {n} | :: A basic element or fundamental part of anything |
perusosa {n} | :: component (smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity; often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device) |
perusosa {n} [linguistics] | :: head (morpheme that determines the category of a compound) |
peruspalkka {n} | :: basic salary |
peruspalvelu {n} | :: Those government services which are considered to serve the basic human needs, usually understood to include health and social services |
peruspalveluministeri {n} | :: The Minister of Health and Social Services in the Finnish government |
perusparannus {n} | :: renovation, improvement |
peruspiste {n} | :: basis point |
perusprosessi {n} | :: basic process |
perusrahoitus {n} | :: core funding, basic funding |
perusrakenne {n} | :: infrastructure, foundation, basic structure, basic design |
perusratkaisu {n} | :: fundamental solution |
perusryhmä {n} [topology] | :: fundamental group |
perussairaus {n} | :: underlying health condition, chronic health condition, pre-existing (medical) condition, underlying disease, chronic ailment |
perussana {n} [linguistics] | :: simplex (simple word; word without affixes) |
perussävel {n} [music] | :: tonic, keynote (first note of a diatonic scale) |
perussopimus {n} | :: a framework agreement (an agreement on general terms of cooperation between two or more parties, which forms the basis for more detailed or ad hoc agreements) |
perussuomalainen {n} | :: A typical, normal, average Finn |
perussuomalainen {n} | :: A "True Finn"; member of the Finnish political party Perussuomalaiset, known in English as the "Finns Party" |
perussuure {n} | :: base quantity (physical quantity, chosen by convention, by which other physical quantities are defined) |
perussyy {n} | :: root cause (initiating cause of a chain of events which leads to an outcome or effect of interest) |
perusta {n} | :: base, foundation |
perusta {n} | :: basis |
perustaa {vt} | :: to establish, found, set up, institute |
perustaa {vt} | :: to base [on] |
perustaa {vi} [_, + elative, colloquial, mostly in negative] | :: to care for/about, like, be fond of |
perustaajuus {n} | :: fundamental frequency |
perustaja {n} | :: founder |
perustajajäsen {n} | :: founding member, founder member |
perustajaurakointi {n} [construction] | :: real estate development, property development (business activity in which a construction contractor also acts as property developer) |
perustajaurakoitsija {n} | :: A real estate developer or property developer, who also constructs; often originally a construction contractor who has gotten involved in development in order to increase its profit margin |
perustaminen {n} | :: foundation (act of founding) |
perustamiskirja {n} [law] | :: memorandum of association |
perustamiskokous {n} | :: inaugural meeting |
perustamissopimus {n} | :: establishment treaty |
perustamistyö {n} | :: foundation work |
perustamisvuosi {n} | :: establishment year, a year in which something was established |
perustanta {n} [business] | :: founding |
perustapaus {n} | :: base case |
perustapaus {n} | :: a basic or common case |
perustarvike {n} | :: A staple, as a basic or essential supply |
perustava {adj} | :: fundamental |
perustava {adj} | :: founding, constitutive |
perustavanlaatuinen {adj} | :: basic, fundamental |
peruste {n} | :: grounds, as basis or justification |
peruste {n} | :: A basis, as foundation for an argument or hypothesis |
peruste {n} | :: A reason, as a thought or a consideration offered in support, explanation or as cause of an opinion, a conclusion or an action |
peruste {n} | :: An argument, as a fact or statement used to support a proposition |
peruste {n} | :: A principle, as fundamental assumption or foundation of a theory |
perusteella {adv} | :: based on, on the grounds of |
perusteellinen {adj} | :: thorough |
perusteellisesti {adv} | :: thoroughly |
perusteeton {adj} | :: unfounded, unjustified, uncalled-for, gratuitous (not called for by the circumstances; without reason, cause, or proof) |
perusteettomasti {adv} | :: unjustifiedly, unfoundedly, gratuitously |
perusteilla {adv} | :: being founded |
perusteille {adv} | :: into being founded |
perustekijä {n} | :: fundamental factor |
perusteksti {n} | :: base text |
perustella {vt} | :: To argue, justify, explain |
perustellut {v} | :: nominative plural form of perusteltu |
perusteltavissa {adv} | :: arguable (that can be plausibly defended in an argument) |
perusteltu {adj} | :: justifiable (that can be justified) |
perustelu {n} | :: rationale, argument (process of reasoning) |
perusteos {n} | :: seminal work |
perusterveydenhuolto {n} [healthcare] | :: primary care, primary healthcare |
perustieto {n} | :: basic (fundamental piece of knowledge) |
perustieto {n} [in the plural] | :: basics, elementary knowledge, basic knowledge, grounding (fundamental knowledge or background in a field or discipline) |
perustieto {n} [in titles] | :: introduction |
perustoimeentulotuki {n} | :: basic subsistence income, basic income support |
perustua {vi} [of a work of art, + illative] | :: To be based on |
perustua {vi} [of an opinion, + illative] | :: To be based on, be grounded in |
perustua {vi} [of some sort of system, + illative] | :: To be founded on, be based on, rest on |
perustuki {n} | :: basic support, basic payment |
perustulo {n} [social security] | :: basic income |
perustuotanto {n} | :: primary production |
perusturva {n} | :: basic social security (the minimum level of social security to which the poorest people are entitled) |
perustus {n} | :: Foundation, groundwork |
perustuslaillinen {adj} | :: constitutional (of or relating to a constitution, a law) |
perustuslaillisesti {adv} | :: constitutionally |
perustuslaki {n} [government, legal] | :: constitution (a legal document describing the formal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions) |
perustuslakioikeus {n} [law] | :: constitutional court |
perustuslakivaliokunta {n} | :: (in the Finnish Parliament) The Constitutional Law Committee |
perustustyö {n} | :: foundation work |
perustutkimus {n} | :: fundamental research, basic research |
perustutkinto {n} | :: undergraduate degree |
perustutkinto-opiskelija {n} | :: undergraduate, undergraduate student |
perustyyppi {n} | :: standard, basic type |
perusuusiutumisluku {n} [epidemiology] | :: basic reproduction number |
perusväite {n} | :: axiom (especially in philosophy) |
perusviiva {n} | :: baseline |
perusvoide {n} | :: cold cream, base |
perusvoima {n} [physics] | :: fundamental force |
perusvuorovaikutus {n} [physics] | :: fundamental interaction |
perusvuosi {n} | :: base year |
perusyksikkö {n} | :: base unit (unit of measurement on which others are based) |
perusyksikkö {n} [military] | :: a company or other unit of similar size in the Finnish Defence Forces |
peruukki {n} | :: wig (head of artificial hair) |
peruuntua {vi} | :: to be canceled, be withdrawn, be called off, be revoked |
peruuttaa {vi} [of a vehicle] | :: To back, reverse, (of a computer) to backspace |
peruuttaa {vt} | :: To withdraw, retract, rescind, recant, renege, take back (a statement) |
peruuttaa {vt} | :: To revoke, cancel, call off, invalidate |
peruuttaa {vt} | :: ~ avioliitto = to annul a marriage |
peruuttaa {vt} | :: ~ käsky = to countermand an order |
peruuttaa {vt} | :: ~ sopimus = to nullify a contract |
peruuttamaton {adj} | :: irreversible, irrevocable, indelible |
peruuttamattomasti {adv} | :: irreversibly, irrevocably, indelibly |
peruuttaminen {n} | :: backing, reversing |
peruuttaminen {n} | :: withdrawing, retracting, reneging |
peruuttaminen {n} | :: revoking, canceling |
peruuttamisoikeus {n} | :: right of cancellation, right of withdrawal |
peruutua {v} [legal, obsolete, of a marriage] | :: to be nullified |
peruutus {n} | :: A cancellation |
peruutus {n} | :: A withdrawal |
peruutus {n} | :: A revocation |
peruutuspeili {n} | :: rear-view mirror |
perversio {n} | :: perversion |
perverssi {adj} | :: perverted, perverse |
pervitiini {n} [dated] | :: methamphetamine |
pervo {n} | :: perv |
pesä {n} | :: nest (structure built by a bird or other animal as a place to incubate eggs and hatch and/or rear young) |
pesä {n} | :: nest (cozy residence) |
pesä {n} | :: nest (hideout for bad people to frequent) |
pesä {n} | :: nest (parental home) |
pesä {n} | :: den (home of certain animals) |
pesä {n} | :: hive (structure, which a swarm of honeybees inhabits or has inhabited) |
pesä {n} [legal] | :: estate (property of a deceased person) |
pesä {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: base |
pesä {n} [curling] | :: house |
pesä {n} [colloquial] | :: vagina |
pesä {n} | :: (tulipesä) firebox, (piipunpesä) bowl (of a pipe) |
pesä {n} | :: synonym of öljypesä |
pesah {n} [Judaism] | :: Pesach, Passover |
pesaista {vt} | :: To wash quickly |
pesäjuuri {n} | :: bird's-nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis) |
pesäke {n} [pathology] | :: growth (mass of cells affected by a disease) |
pesäke {n} [microbiology] | :: colony (of bacteria e.g. in a Petri dish) |
pesäke {n} [military] | :: nest (as in: machine gun nest) |
pesäke {n} | :: hot spot (center of dangerous activity, normally used with a modifier to specify the kind of danger, as in kriisipesäke) |
pesäkekovettumatauti {n} [pathology] | :: multiple sclerosis |
pesäkolo {n} | :: burrow, colony |
pesäloinen {n} | :: brood parasite |
pesämuna {n} | :: nest egg (savings) |
pesämuna {n} | :: nest egg (egg placed in a bird's nest, to encourage the bird to lay its own eggs there) |
pesänhoitaja {n} [legal] | :: administrator, estate administrator (someone appointed to administer a bankruptcy estate) |
pesänjakaja {n} | :: executor, administrator (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will) |
pesäpallo {n} [sports] | :: a sport developed in Finland in the 1920s, similar to and largely based on baseball |
pesäpallo {n} | :: the ball used in this game, similar to a baseball |
pesäpalloilija {n} | :: A pesäpallo player |
pesäpalloilu {n} | :: The sport and practice of playing pesäpallo |
pesäpallojoukkue {n} | :: a pesäpallo team |
pesäpallokenttä {n} | :: pesäpallo field |
pesäpallomaila {n} | :: a pesäpallo bat, similar to a baseball bat |
pesäpallo-ottelu {n} | :: a pesäpallo match |
pesäpallopeli {n} | :: a pesäpallo game |
pesäpallotuomari {n} | :: a pesäpallo referee |
pesävahti {n} [pesäpallo, baseball] | :: baseman, baseperson |
pescovegetaristi {n} | :: pescetarian |
peseminen {n} | :: washing |
peseta {n} | :: peseta |
pesettää {vt} | :: to make wash, to let wash |
peseytyä {vi} | :: to wash oneself, wash up |
peseytyä {vi} | :: to be washed (away) |
peseytymistila {n} [usually, in plural] | :: washing or bathing facility |
peseytymisväline {n} | :: a piece of equipment for washing oneself |
pesiä {v} | :: To nest |
pesiintyä {v} | :: synonym of pesiytyä |
pesijä {n} | :: nester (one who nests) |
pesijä {n} | :: washer (person) |
pesijätär {n} | :: female washer (person who washes for a living) |
pesimäaika {n} | :: nesting time |
pesimäalue {n} | :: breeding range |
pesimäpiiri {n} | :: territory of a bird |
pesiminen {n} | :: nesting |
pesin {n} | :: washer (something that washes, especially a simple device for that purpose) |
pesintä {n} | :: nesting |
pesis {n} [colloquial] | :: Finnish baseball, pesäpallo |
pesiytyä {v} | :: to nest (to make a nest, settle into a nest, often with negative connotation) |
peski {n} | :: A type of reindeer fur coat |
peso {n} | :: peso (currency; coin or note of one peso) |
Pesonen {prop} | :: surname |
pessaari {n} | :: A cervical cap, pessary (female contraceptive device) |
pessaari {n} | :: A pessary (medical device used to treat the prolapse of the uterus) |
pessimismi {n} | :: pessimism |
pessimisti {n} | :: pessimist |
pessimistinen {adj} | :: pessimistic |
pessimistisesti {adv} | :: pessimistically |
pestä {vt} | :: to wash |
pestä {vt} | :: to launder |
pestä {vt} [colloquial] | :: to win |
pestä kätensä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wash one's hands of (to absolve oneself of responsibility or future blame for; to refuse to have any further involvement with) |
pestata {v} | :: to hire |
pestausraha {n} | :: synonym of pestiraha |
pestautua {vi} | :: to sign up, to sign on, to enlist oneself, to hire oneself out |
pestävä {adj} | :: washable (capable of being washed, usually by some particular means which is indicated by a modifier) |
pesti {n} | :: job, task |
pestiraha {n} | :: money given to someone who takes up a job or task |
pestisidi {n} | :: pesticide |
pesto {n} | :: pesto |
pestuumarkkinat {n} [historical] | :: a fair for finding and hiring farmhands and maids |
pesu {n} | :: wash, washing |
pesuaine {n} | :: detergent |
pesuallas {n} | :: A sink (washbasin) |
pesuallas {n} | :: A washbasin |
pesuastia {n} | :: washing bowl |
pesubetoni {n} | :: washed concrete |
pesue {n} | :: A litter (animals born in one birth) |
pesuhuone {n} | :: shower room, bath room |
pesujauhe {n} | :: washing powder (powder used e.g. in washing clothes) |
pesukaappi {n} | :: washstand with cabinets |
pesukarhu {n} | :: raccoon, Procyon lotor |
pesukarhu {n} | :: raccoon (any species in the genus Procyon) |
pesukarttu {n} | :: synonym of pyykkikarttu |
pesukinnas {n} | :: washing mitt |
pesukivi {n} | :: synonym of puhdistuskivi |
pesukone {n} | :: any machine that washes, such as a (clothes) washing machine or a dishwasher |
pesula {n} | :: laundry (place or room where laundering is done) |
pesulappu {n} | :: washcloth |
pesuneste {n} | :: washing liquid |
pesunkestävä {adj} | :: washable (capable of being washed, usually with water, without damage) |
pesunkestävä {adj} | :: dyed-in-the-wool, bred-in-the-bone, deep-rooted, deep-seated (firmly established in a person's beliefs or habits; deeply ingrained in the nature of a person or thing) |
pesunkestävä {adj} | :: diehard (thorough in one's beliefs) |
pesupalju {n} [colloquial] | :: washing tub |
pesupöytä {n} | :: washstand |
pesupulveri {n} | :: washing powder |
pesuri {n} | :: washer (machine that washes) |
pesuri {n} | :: scrubber |
pesuriepu {n} | :: washcloth |
pesusieni {n} | :: bath sponge (Spongia officinalis) |
pesusieni {n} | :: sponge, bath sponge (implement for washing) |
pesusienikurkku {n} | :: loofah, luffa, a tropical vine of the species Luffa aegyptiaca |
pesusoikko {n} | :: washtub |
pesusooda {n} | :: washing soda, soda ash, Na2CO3 |
pesutila {n} | :: washing premise or facility |
pesutupa {n} | :: communal laundry room shared by the inhabitants of an apartment building |
pesuvati {n} | :: washbasin, washbowl (movable basin for washing the face and hands) |
pesuvesi {n} | :: water used in washing |
pesuvesi {n} | :: gray water, greywater (washing water as wastewater) |
pesye {n} | :: alternative form of pesue |
peta- {prefix} | :: peta- |
petabitti {n} [computing] | :: petabit |
petäjä {n} [dialectal] | :: pine |
petäjä {n} | :: a large, lone pine tree |
Petäjävesi {prop} | :: Petäjävesi (municipality) |
petäjäveteläinen {adj} | :: alternative form of petäjävetinen |
petäjäveteläinen {n} | :: alternative form of petäjävetinen |
petäjävetinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Petäjävesi |
petäjävetinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Petäjävesi |
petaliitti {n} [mineral] | :: petalite |
petankisti {n} | :: pétanque player |
petankki {n} | :: pétanque |
petata {v} | :: alternative form of pedata |
petatavu {n} [computing] | :: petabyte |
petauspatja {n} | :: synonym of sijauspatja |
petetty {adj} | :: betrayed, short-changed, put-upon |
peti {n} [colloquial] | :: bed |
petidiini {n} [chemistry] | :: pethidine |
petiitti {n} [typography] | :: brevier |
petikaveri {n} | :: bedfellow |
petipuhe {n} | :: pillow talk |
petivaatteet {n} [colloquial] | :: bedclothes |
petkel {n} | :: pestle |
petkel {n} | :: bark spud |
petkele {n} | :: alternative form of petkel |
petkuttaa {v} | :: to cheat |
petkuttaja {n} | :: cheater |
petkutus {n} | :: hoax, spoof, cheat |
peto {n} | :: meat-eating beast, predator |
peto {n} | :: carnivore |
peto {n} | :: monster |
Peto {prop} [Bible] | :: Beast (character in the Apocalypse) |
petoankerias {n} | :: cutthroat eel (eel of the family Synaphobranchidae) |
petoankerias {n} | :: Kaup's arrowtooth eel, Kaup's cut-throat eel, Gray's cutthroat, longnosed eel, northern cutthroat eel, Slatjaw cutthroat eel, Synaphobranchus kaupii (deepwater eel present in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans) |
petoankerias {n} [in plural] | :: the taxonomic family Synaphobranchidae |
petoeläin {n} | :: carnivore, any member of the order Carnivora |
petokala {n} | :: predatory fish |
petoksellisesti {adv} | :: fraudulently |
petolintu {n} | :: bird of prey |
petollinen {adj} | :: treacherous, deceptive, perfidious |
petollinen ystävä {n} [linguistics] | :: false friend |
petollisesti {adv} | :: treacherously, deceptively |
petollisuus {n} | :: treacherousness |
petomainen {adj} | :: beastlike |
petomainen {adj} [figuratively] | :: predatory |
petomaisesti {adv} | :: beastly, in a beastlike way |
petopunkki {n} | :: predatory mite |
petos {n} | :: betrayal, treachery, treason |
petos {n} [legal] | :: fraud |
petosyritys {n} | :: deceit (attempt to deceit) |
petra {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of peura |
Petra {prop} | :: given name |
petrata {vt} [colloquial] | :: to better, to improve |
Petri {prop} | :: given name |
petrimalja {n} | :: A Petri dish |
petrografia {n} | :: petrography |
petrokemia {n} [chemistry] | :: petrochemistry |
petrokemiallinen {adj} | :: petrochemical |
petrokemikaali {n} | :: petrochemical |
petroli {n} | :: kerosene (US), paraffin (UK) |
petroli {n} [military slang] | :: battery acid (coffee) |
petrologi {n} | :: petrologist |
petrologia {n} | :: petrology |
petrologinen {adj} | :: petrologic |
Petroskoi {prop} | :: Petroskoi (city) |
Petsamo {prop} | :: The Finnish name of the Russian municipality of Pechenga (urban-type settlement), Murmansk Oblast, or ru (Pečenga) in Russian |
petsata {vt} | :: to apply stain on |
petsi {n} | :: stain (substance) |
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to cheat, con, swindle, defraud |
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to deceive, delude, mislead |
pettää {vt} [_, + accusative] | :: to betray |
pettää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to cheat on (to be unfaithful to) |
pettää {vi} | :: to give way, break down, fall/tumble down |
pettää {vt} [_, + accusative] | :: to let down, disappoint, desert, fail |
pettäjä {n} | :: traitor, betrayer, deceiver |
pettämättömästi {adv} | :: infallibly, unfailingly, unassailably |
Petteri {prop} | :: given name |
Petteri Punakuono {prop} | :: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer |
pettu {n} | :: phloem of a pine |
pettujauho {n} | :: phloem flour or flour with pine phloem |
pettuleipä {n} | :: bark bread (bread extended with phloem, used as famine food) |
petturi {n} | :: traitor |
pettyä {vi} | :: To be disappointed |
pettymys {n} | :: disappointment |
pettymys {n} | :: disenchantment, letdown |
pettynyt {adj} | :: disappointed, unsatisfied |
pettynyt {adj} | :: disenchanted |
petunia {n} | :: petunia |
petunnyljin {n} | :: synonym of kuloin |
peuhapaikka {n} | :: playroom, playing corner (room or corner dedicated for children's playing) |
peuhata {v} | :: to romp, frolic, play |
peuhupaikka {n} | :: synonym of peuhapaikka |
peuhuta {v} | :: alternative form of peuhata |
peuhutunti {n} | :: play hour (event of physical but non-sportive playing for kids, especially one that is supervised) |
peukalo {n} | :: thumb |
peukaloida {v} | :: To tamper, meddle with |
peukaloinen {n} | :: Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes |
peukaloinen {n} | :: wren, any bird of the family Troglodytidae |
Peukaloinen {prop} | :: Tom Thumb |
peukalo keskellä kämmentä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: all thumbs (clumsy; awkward; not dextrous) |
peukalokyyti {n} | :: hitchhiking |
peukalokyytiläinen {n} | :: hitchhiker |
Peukalo-Liisa {prop} | :: Thumbelina |
peukalonjälki {n} | :: thumbprint |
peukalonkynsi {n} | :: thumbnail |
peukalopaini {n} | :: thumb war (children's game) |
peukalopotti {n} [childish] | :: thumb |
peukaloputti {n} [childish] | :: alternative form of peukalopotti |
peukaloruuvi {n} | :: thumbscrew |
peukalosääntö {n} | :: rule of thumb |
peukalovarvas {n} [anatomy, colloquial] | :: big toe |
peukku {n} [colloquial] | :: thumb |
peura {n} | :: a reindeer or a caribou, a general term used to refer to the deer species Rangifer tarandus and its twelve subspecies |
peura {n} | :: short for metsäpeura |
peura {n} | :: telemetacarpal deer (any species of subfamily Capreolinae) |
peura {n} | :: any medium-sized deer of unspecified species |
peuranliha {n} | :: deer, venison |
peuranmetsästys {n} | :: deer hunting |
peurannahka {n} | :: deerskin |
peuranpyynti {n} | :: deer hunting |
peuranvasa {n} | :: The fawn of a deer |
peurapatsas {n} | :: a statue of a reindeer |
pezzotaiitti {n} | :: pezzottaite |
pfennig {n} | :: pfennig |
pH-asteikko {n} [chemistry] | :: pH scale (scale for measuring acidity and alcality of a substance) |
philanderinopossumi {n} | :: gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum |
philanderinvillapussirotta {n} | :: bare-tailed woolly opossum, white-eared opossum, Caluromys philander |
pH-indikaattori {n} [chemistry] | :: pH indicator |
phishing {n} [slang] | :: phishing |
pH-mittari {n} [chemistry] | :: pH meter |
Phobos {n} | :: Phobos (moon of Mars) |
photoshopata {v} | :: to photoshop (to digitally edit or alter a digital image) |
phui {interj} | :: yuck |
phyi {interj} | :: yuck |
-pi {suffix} [personal, dialectal] | :: Forms the third-person singular indicative present of verbs |
piä {n} [dialectal, eastern] | :: head |
piaffe {n} | :: piaffe (movement) |
piaffi {n} | :: piaffe (movement) |
piakkoin {adv} | :: In the near future, soon |
pian {adv} | :: soon |
pianismi {n} [music] | :: pianism |
pianisti {n} | :: pianist |
piano {n} [musical instrument] | :: piano |
pianohaitari {n} | :: piano accordion |
pianoharmonikka {n} | :: piano accordion |
pianokappale {n} | :: piano piece |
pianokonsertti {n} | :: piano concert |
pianokonsertto {n} | :: piano concerto |
pianokoulu {n} | :: piano school |
pianokvartetti {n} | :: piano quartet (group) |
pianokvartetto {n} [music] | :: piano quartet |
pianokvintetti {n} | :: piano quintet (group) |
pianokvintetto {n} | :: piano quintet (piece) |
pianolanka {n} | :: piano wire |
pianomusiikki {n} | :: piano music |
pianonkieli {n} | :: piano wire |
pianonsoittaja {n} | :: pianist |
pianonsoitto {n} | :: playing the piano, piano playing |
pianonvirittäjä {n} | :: piano tuner |
pianonviritys {n} [music] | :: piano tuning |
piano-oppilas {n} | :: piano student |
pianosävellys {n} | :: piano composition |
pianosolisti {n} | :: piano soloist |
pianosonaatti {n} [music] | :: piano sonata |
pianosoolo {n} | :: piano solo |
pianosovitus {n} | :: piano arrangement |
pianotaide {n} | :: piano art |
pianotaiteilija {n} | :: piano artist |
pianoteos {n} | :: piano work |
pianotrio {n} | :: piano trio |
pianotunti {n} | :: piano lesson |
pianotuoli {n} | :: piano bench |
picardienpaimenkoira {n} | :: Berger Picard |
picassokala {n} | :: lagoon triggerfish, Picassofish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus |
piccolo {n} | :: alternative spelling of pikkolo |
piccolohuilu {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
piccolo-pullo {n} | :: alternative form of pikkolopullo |
piccolopullo {n} | :: alternative spelling of pikkolopullo |
pidä hauskaa {phrase} | :: Have fun! (2nd person singular) |
pidäke {n} | :: hamper (anything which impedes) |
pidäke {n} [music] | :: fermata |
pidäkkeetön {adj} | :: unrestrained, unbridled |
pidäkkeettömästi {adv} | :: unrestrainedly, unbridledly |
pidätellä {v} | :: to hold back |
pidätellä {v} | :: to hold, especially a physical need |
pidätellä {v} | :: to restrain |
pidätellä {v} | :: to suppress |
pidätetty {adj} [legal] | :: under arrest, arrested |
pidätin {n} | :: clog, stop |
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] | :: to hold back, restrain, hinder, curb; to suppress; to suspend |
pidättää {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to delay, detain, slow down, hold up |
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] | :: to withhold, deduct (advance taxes) |
pidättää {vt} [+ accusative] | :: to reserve (a right) |
pidättää {vt} [law, + accusative] | :: to arrest, detain, apprehend, place under arrest, take into custody, put in detention, put under custody (both in legal contexts and elsewhere) |
pidättää {v} [physics, + partitive] | :: to absorb |
pidättäminen {n} | :: holding back, restraining, hindering |
pidättäminen {n} | :: delaying, slowing down |
pidättäminen {n} | :: withholding (of advance taxes) |
pidättäminen {n} | :: reserving (a right) |
pidättäminen {n} | :: arresting, detaining |
pidättäytyä {v} | :: To abstain or refrain (from doing something = active 3rd infinitive in elative) |
pidättyä {vi} | :: To refrain |
pidättynyt {adj} | :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion) |
pidättyväinen {adj} | :: reserved, reticent, inhibited |
pidättyväinen {adj} | :: retiring, withdrawn, aloof, standoffish, distant |
pidättyväinen {adj} | :: abstemious, temperate, moderate (with alcohol) |
pidättyväinen {adj} | :: continent, celibate, abstinent (in respect to sex) |
pidättyväisesti {adv} | :: reservedly, reticently |
pidättyväisesti {adv} | :: in a withdrawn way, aloofly |
pidättyväisyys {n} | :: Reserve, reticence, inhibition |
pidättyväisyys {n} | :: Withdrawal, aloofness, standoffishness, distance |
pidättyväisyys {n} | :: Abstention, temperance, moderation (with alcohol) |
pidättyväisyys {n} | :: Continence, abstinence, celibacy |
pidättyvästi {adv} | :: reservedly, cautiously |
pidätys {n} | :: arrest, seizure |
pidätys {n} | :: detention |
pidätys {n} [music] | :: suspension |
pidätyskeskus {n} | :: detention center, detention facility |
pidätyskyky {n} [medicine] | :: continence (ability to control one's urination and defecation) |
pidätysmääräys {n} | :: arrest warrant |
pidätysoikeus {n} [legal] | :: distraint (legal right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant in the event of nonpayment of rent) |
pidätyttää {vt} | :: to have (someone) arrested |
pidellä {vt} | :: To hold, to handle |
pidemmän päälle {phrase} | :: in the long run |
pidempi {adj} | :: comparative of pitkä |
pidennys {n} | :: lengthening, making longer |
pidennys {n} | :: extension (the result of something being extended or made longer) |
pidentää {vt} | :: To lengthen |
pidentää {vt} | :: To elongate |
pidentää {vt} | :: To prolong |
pidentäminen {n} | :: lengthening, elongating, prolonging |
pidentyä {vi} | :: To lengthen |
pidetä {vi} | :: To grow longer; to lengthen |
pidetty {adj} | :: liked |
pidike {n} | :: holder, support |
pidike {n} | :: clip, clamp |
pidin {n} | :: holder, bracket |
pidot {n} [pluralonly] | :: feast, banquet (usually a traditional one) |
piehtaroida {vi} | :: To roll on ground; to wallow, welter |
piekana {n} | :: rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus) |
pieksää {vt} | :: synonym of piestä |
pieksämäkeläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pieksämäki |
pieksämäkeläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pieksämäki |
Pieksämäki {prop} | :: A town in South Savonia |
pieksäntä {n} | :: beating, thrashing |
piekseminen {n} | :: beating, thrashing, lashing |
pieksu {n} | :: synonym of lapikas |
Pielavesi {prop} | :: Pielavesi (municipality) |
pielaveteläinen {adj} | :: alternative form of pielavetinen |
pielaveteläinen {n} | :: alternative form of pielavetinen |
pielavetinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pielavesi |
pielavetinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pielavesi |
piel de sapo {n} | :: Santa Claus melon (variety of melon, Cucumis melo) |
pieleen {adv} | :: wrong, awry, amiss (going in a way that is or was not as intended) |
pieles {n} | :: hay on a hayrack |
pieles {n} | :: hayrack (rack for drying hay) |
pielessä {adv} | :: wrong, awry, amiss (being in a way that is or was not as intended) |
pielestää {v} [agriculture] | :: To build a pieles |
pieli {n} | :: jamb, post; doorjamb, doorpost (vertical component forming the sides of a door frame, window frame or other opening in a wall) |
pieli {n} | :: gatepost |
pieli {n} [usually with attribute or modifier] | :: side |
pieli {n} [nautical, archaic] | :: mast |
pielikukka {n} | :: pelargonium, storksbill |
Pielinen {prop} | :: Pielinen (lake), the fourth largest lake in Finland |
pielus {n} [archaic or dialectal] | :: pillow |
pielus {n} | :: any plant of genus Lobularia |
pielus {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Lobularia |
pien- {prefix} | :: small, micro- |
piena {n} | :: cleat |
pienaakkonen {n} | :: lowercase letter (one of the letters a,b,c.. as opposed to A,B,C..) |
pienaakkonen {n} [in plural] | :: lower case (such letters collectively) |
pienaovi {n} | :: a traditional door made of (vertical) wooden planks and containing cleats |
pienase {n} | :: small arms |
pienehkö {adj} | :: quite small, smallish |
pieneksyä {v} | :: To belittle |
pieneläintunneli {n} | :: wildlife underpass tunnel |
pienelementti {n} | :: small prefab |
pieneliö {n} | :: microorganism |
pienellä painettu {adj} | :: fine; used of print |
pienempi {adj} | :: comparative of pieni |
pieneneminen {n} | :: growing smaller |
pienennys {n} | :: diminishment, reduction (act of making smaller) |
pienennysleikkaus {n} [medicine] | :: reduction surgery (surgery to reduce the size of an organ or a part of body) |
pienennysmuoto {n} [grammar] | :: diminutive |
pienenpieni {adj} | :: minute (very small), tiny |
pienentää {vt} | :: to make smaller, to shrink |
pienentää {vt} | :: to reduce, diminish |
pienentää {vt} [computing] | :: to minimize |
pienentyä {vi} | :: To grow smaller |
pienentyä {vi} | :: To diminish |
pienestä pitäen {adv} [idiomatic] | :: since one was child, since one's childhood |
pienetä {vi} | :: To grow smaller |
pienet häpyhuulet {n} [anatomy] | :: the labia minora |
pienhiukkanen {n} | :: particulate |
pieni {adj} | :: little, small |
pieniä {vi} | :: To cut into pieces |
pieni gascognenajokoira {n} | :: petit bleu de Gascogne (breed of scenthound of French origin) |
pieni hetki {interj} | :: just a minute, just a moment |
Pieni hevonen {prop} | :: The constellation Equuleus |
pieniin päin {phrase} [euphemistic] | :: with child (pregnant) |
Pieni karhu {prop} | :: Ursa Minor (constellation) |
pieni kirjain {n} [typography] | :: lowercase letter, minuscule, small letter (a lowercase letter; a, b, c.. as opposed to upper case letters A, B, C..) |
pieni kirjain {n} [in plural] | :: lower case (such letters collectively) |
pieni kohtaus {n} [pathology, epilepsy] | :: petit mal |
Pieni koira {prop} | :: Canis Minor (constellation) |
pienikokoinen {adj} | :: small-sized |
Pieni leijona {prop} | :: The constellation Leo Minor |
pienilläkin padoilla on korvat {proverb} | :: little pitchers have big ears |
pienilmasto {n} | :: microclimate |
Pieni Magellanin pilvi {prop} [astronomy] | :: Small Magellanic Cloud |
pienimittakaavainen {adj} | :: small-scale (of a map or drawing, drawn in a scale which does not allow showing of much detail) |
pieni monikulmaluu {n} [anatomy] | :: trapezoid bone (os trapezoideum) |
pienimünsterinseisoja {n} | :: Small Münsterländer (breed of dog) |
pienimuotoinen {adj} | :: small-scale |
pienin {adj} | :: superlative of pieni |
pienin yhteinen jaettava {n} [math] | :: least common multiple |
pienin yhteinen nimittäjä {n} | :: lowest common denominator |
pieni oktaavi {n} [music] | :: small octave |
Pieni Otava {prop} | :: Little Dipper (asterism) |
pienipäinen {adj} [pathology] | :: microcephalic (having an abnormally small head) |
pienipäinen {adj} | :: small-headed |
pienipäisyys {n} [pathology] | :: microcephaly |
pienituloinen {adj} | :: low-income, that has a low income |
pieni verenkierto {n} | :: pulmonary circulation |
pienjännite {n} [electrical engineering] | :: low voltage |
pienkarja {n} | :: small livestock (various definitions, but only includes smaller animals) |
pienkone {n} | :: small appliance, small machine |
pienkone {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pienlentokone |
pienlentokone {n} | :: light aircraft |
pienloistelamppu {n} | :: compact fluorescent lamp |
piennar {n} | :: shoulder of a road |
piennar {n} | :: headland (unplowed boundary of a field) |
piennar {n} | :: bank of a ditch |
piennarherkkusieni {n} | :: An agaric, Agaricus subperonatus or Agaricus vaporarius |
piennarkasvi {n} | :: roadside plant |
pienoinen {adj} | :: tiny, little, weensy |
pienois- {prefix} | :: miniature |
pienoisbussi {n} | :: minibus |
pienoisevankeliumi {n} [Christianity] | :: John 3:16 |
pienoisgolf {n} [colloquial] | :: miniature golf |
pienoisikkuna {n} [computing] | :: dialog, small window |
pienoisjännite {n} [electrical engineering] | :: extra-low voltage |
pienoiskeittiö {n} | :: mini kitchen |
pienoiskilpi {n} [heraldry] | :: escutcheon, inescutcheon (as a charge) |
pienoiskivääri {n} | :: small-caliber (.22) rifle, sporting rifle |
pienoiskoko {n} | :: miniature size |
pienoiskoko {n} | :: in inessive case also: microcosm |
pienoiskunniamerkki {n} | :: small decoration or badge |
pienoislippu {n} | :: miniature flag |
pienoismaailma {n} | :: microcosm |
pienoismalli {n} | :: miniature, model, replica (model in a smallers scale) |
pienoismalli {n} | :: microcosm (smaller system seen as representative of a larger one) |
pienoismuoto {n} | :: smaller form (of something) |
pienoismuoto {n} [music] | :: small-scale form |
pienoisnäyttely {n} | :: small exhibition, small-scale exhibition |
pienoisohjelma {n} [computing, graphical user interface] | :: widget |
pienoispistooli {n} | :: small-caliber (.22) pistol |
pienoisrautatie {n} | :: model railway, miniature railway |
pienoisrevolveri {n} | :: small-caliber (.22) revolver |
pienoisromaani {n} | :: novella |
pienokainen {n} | :: little one (young child) |
pienpaine {n} | :: low pressure |
pienpainenatriumlamppu {n} | :: low-pressure sodium-vapour lamp |
pienpalkka-ala {n} | :: synonym of matalapalkka-ala |
pienpanimo {n} | :: microbrewery |
pienriista {n} | :: small game |
pienryhmä {n} | :: small group |
pientä kauraa {n} [idiomatic, indeclinable] | :: small beer |
pientalo {n} | :: A small residential building, small house |
pientalo {n} | :: bungalow (small house or cottage usually having a single story) |
pientaloalue {n} | :: A residential area with detached houses and rowhouses, but not apartment blocks |
pientare {n} | :: alternative form of piennar |
pientietokone {n} [computing] | :: minicomputer |
pientila {n} | :: small farm, smallholding |
pienuus {n} | :: smallness |
pienviljelijä {n} | :: smallholder |
pienyrittäjä {n} | :: A small entrepreneur (owner of a small business) |
pienyritys {n} | :: small enterprise |
pieraista {vi} | :: To fart (once) |
piereksiä {vt} | :: to fart (repeatedly) |
piereminen {n} | :: Action noun of the verb pierrä (to fart), farting |
piereskellä {v} | :: To fart (repeatedly), to have the farts, to have (bad) gas |
pierettää {vi} [impersonal] | :: to feel like farting, to feel like one would fart |
pierrä {v} | :: To fart |
pieru {n} | :: A fart |
pierutyyny {n} | :: whoopee cushion |
piestä {vt} | :: to beat, thrash, whip, lash |
pietä {vt} | :: To pitch, coat with (oily) pitch |
Pietari {prop} | :: given name |
Pietari {prop} | :: Peter [biblical character] |
Pietari {prop} | :: Pietari (federal city) |
Pietarila {prop} | :: surname |
pietarilainen {n} | :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Saint Petersburg |
pietarilainen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the city of Saint Petersburg or its citizens |
Pietarinen {prop} | :: surname |
pietarinkala {n} | :: John Dory, Zeus faber |
pietarsaarelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Jakobstad |
pietarsaarelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Jakobstad |
Pietarsaari {prop} | :: Pietarsaari (town/and/municipality) |
pietaryrtti {n} | :: tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (syn. Chrysanthemum vulgare) |
pieteetti {n} | :: piety (towards traditions) |
pieteettisesti {adv} | :: piously, respectfully, with piety |
Pietilä {prop} | :: surname |
Pietilä {prop} | :: Any of a number of small places in Finland |
pietismi {n} | :: pietism |
pietisti {n} [Christianity] | :: pietist |
pietsosähkö {n} | :: piezoelectricity |
pietsosähköinen {adj} | :: piezoelectric |
piffata {v} [slang] | :: to pay for (food, drink, etc. of) someone else |
pigmentoida {vt} | :: to pigment |
pigmentoitua {vi} | :: to become pigmented |
pigmentti {n} | :: pigment |
pigmenttisolusyöpä {n} [pathology] | :: melanoma |
piha {n} | :: yard (small, usually uncultivated area of land adjoining or within the precincts of a house or other building) |
piha {n} [idiomatic, in adessive case] | :: at sea (in a state of confusion or bewilderment) |
piha-alue {n} | :: yard area, garden |
pihahdella {vi} | :: to briefly fizzle repeatedly |
pihahdus {n} | :: synonym of pihaus |
pihahtaa {vi} | :: to briefly fizzle |
pihakaluste {n} [in plural] | :: a piece of patio or yard furniture; patio or yard furniture |
pihakatu {n} | :: living street (street designed primarily with the interests of pedestrians and cyclists while motor vehicles are allowed to use it with caution) |
pihakirppis {n} [colloquial] | :: yard sale |
pihaleikki {n} | :: a children's play or game played outside on a yard |
pihamaa {n} | :: synonym of piha |
pihamaina {n} | :: common myna, Indian myna, mynah (originally Asian passerine bird, common as cage bird) |
pihan perä {n} [literally] | :: back of the yard |
pihan perä {n} [euphemism, colloquial] | :: toilet, restroom; outhouse |
pihapiiri {n} | :: courtyard, court |
pihapuisto {n} | :: a park in a yard of a formerly or currently active building |
piharatamo {n} | :: greater plantain, common plantain, soldier's herb, waybread (a common weed, Plantago major) |
pihasaunio {n} | :: pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea) |
pihatähtimö {n} | :: chickweed, common chickweed (Stellaria media) |
pihatatar {n} | :: common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare) |
pihatie {n} | :: driveway; drive [UK] (short private road that leads to a house or garage) |
pihatto {n} | :: cowshed where the cows are kept unchained |
pihaus {n} | :: fizz, whoosh, (short and dull sound of releasing gas, as heard e.g. when opening the cap of a slightly pressurized bottle) |
pihaus {n} | :: peep (feeble utterance or complaint) |
pihdata {v} | :: to skimp, scrimp, to be stingy |
pihdata {v} | :: to not put out (not to consent to sex) |
pihdit {n} | :: pliers |
pihdit {n} | :: tongs |
pihdit {n} [surgery] | :: forceps |
pihein {adj} | :: superlative of pihi |
pihi {adj} | :: miserly, stingy |
pihiä {vi} [dialectal] | :: to scrimp |
pihiä {vt} [dialectal] | :: to snatch, steal |
pihimpi {adj} | :: comparative of pihi |
pihinä {n} | :: wheeze (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration) |
pihistä {vi} | :: To fizzle; to release a fizzling sound (e.g. when a tire is punctured) |
pihistä {v} | :: To wheeze (to breathe with difficulty, with a piping or whistling sound) |
pihistää {vt} | :: to snitch, steal |
pihistää {vi} | :: to skimp (to live stingily) |
pihistellä {v} | :: To skimp, scant, scrimp (to make insufficient allowance for) |
pihistellä {v} | :: To skimp (to be parsimonious or stingy) |
pihisti {adv} | :: stingily |
pihka {n} | :: resin (hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees, in its natural state) |
pihkaantua {vi} | :: To become stained with pitch (from trees) |
pihkaantua {vi} [+ illative] | :: To get a crush on |
pihkainen {adj} | :: resinous, pitchy |
Pihkala {prop} | :: surname |
Pihkala {prop} | :: A placename |
pihkamaito {n} [colloquial] | :: colostrum |
pihkaniska {n} [jocular] | :: orienteer |
pihkankeruu {n} | :: collection of resin |
pihkatappi {n} | :: fecal plug |
pihkavuoto {n} | :: resin flow, resin leak |
pihkoittua {vi} | :: to become resinous or pitchy |
Pihkova {prop} | :: Pihkova (city) |
Pihla {prop} | :: given name of modern usage |
pihlaja {n} | :: rowan, mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia |
pihlaja {n} | :: Any tree in the genus Sorbus |
pihlajanmarja {n} | :: rowan berry |
pihlajanmarjakoi {n} | :: apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella |
pihlajansarviruoste {n} | :: A fungus, Gymnosporangium juniperinum |
pihta {n} | :: A fir of the genus Abies |
pihtari {n} | :: Someone who doesn't put out (who doesn't consent to sex) |
pihtari {n} | :: A person who skimps, is stingy |
pihti {n} [archaic] | :: any two-pronged handtool or artifact to hold, press together or punch something, now usually in plural; a pincer |
pihti {n} [plural] | :: pliers, tongs etc., see pihdit |
pihti {n} | :: State of being stuck between something, as if held with pliers |
pihti {n} | :: The front claw of a crustacean such as lobster, pincer |
pihti {n} | :: A pile of birchbark sheets set between two boards and tied tightly together to flatten the barks and thus make them suitable roofing and isolation material |
pihti {n} [gymnastics] | :: scissors |
pihti {n} [in compounds] | :: Indicates similarity to or use of pliers (see list below) |
pihtihäntäinen {n} | :: earwig (insect of the order Dermaptera) |
pihtiliike {n} [military] | :: pincer attack |
pihtipolvi {n} | :: knock knee, genu valgum (person or animal who's got knock knees) |
pihtipolvinen {adj} | :: knock-kneed |
Pihtipudas {prop} | :: Pihtipudas (municipality) |
pihtiputaalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pihtipudas |
pihtiputaalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pihtipudas |
Pihtiputaan mummo {n} [humorous] | :: Joe Average, John Q. Public, man on the Clapham omnibus |
pihtivirtamittari {n} [electronics] | :: current clamp |
pihvi {n} | :: steak (a relatively large, thick slice or slab cut from an animal, a vegetable, etc.) |
pihvi {n} | :: patty (flattened portion of ground meat or a vegetarian equivalent) |
pihvikarja {n} | :: beef cattle |
pihviliha {n} | :: unground beef for a steak |
pihvitomaatti {n} | :: beefsteak tomato [US], beef tomato [UK] |
pihviveitsi {n} | :: steak knife (table knife with a sharp, narrow, and often serrated blade designed for cutting meat) |
pii {n} [dated] | :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz or a piece of it) |
pii {n} | :: silicon (element, symbol Si) |
pii {n} [dated] | :: A thorn, prong, tooth or similar element e.g. in a plant, a saw or a rake |
pii {n} [weaving] | :: A dent in a reed |
pii {n} [nautical] | :: The position of a sailing vessel, when she is set so that its bow points steadily to the direction of the wind |
pii {n} | :: pi (Greek letter) |
pii {n} [mathematics] | :: pi (constant 3.14159…) |
Piia {prop} | :: given name popular in the latter half of the twentieth century |
piianpeili {n} | :: dressing mirror |
piidioksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: silicon dioxide |
piiesine {n} [archaeology] | :: silicon artifact |
piihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: silicic acid |
piika {n} | :: maid (female servant) |
piika {n} [archaic] | :: girl |
piika {n} [obsolete, Peräpohjola dialects] | :: a girlchild (term for endearment) |
piikarbidi {n} [chemistry] | :: silicon carbide |
piikata {vt} | :: to break up concrete with a tool like a demolition hammer |
piikata {vt} [slang] | :: to flash (telephone someone, only allowing the phone to ring once) |
piikiekko {n} | :: wafer, silicon wafer |
piikikäs {adj} | :: spiky, thorny |
piikikkäästi {adv} | :: spikily, thornily |
piikitellä {vt} | :: to needle, nettle |
piikittää {vt} | :: to stab or prick with a spike |
piikittää {vt} | :: to administer something to someone with a syringe |
piikittäminen {n} | :: stabbing or pricking with a spike |
piikivi {n} [mineral] | :: flint |
piikkari {n} [colloquial] | :: A track spike (track and field shoe) |
piikkari {n} [colloquial] | :: A pump (very high-heeled shoe) |
piikkauskone {n} | :: demolition hammer |
piikki {n} [history, military] | :: pike |
piikki {n} | :: spike (also figuratively) |
piikki {n} [figuratively] | :: jab (verbal annoyance) |
piikki {n} | :: tine (spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb) |
piikki {n} | :: spindle (upright spike for holding papers) |
piikki {n} | :: tab, slate (a record of money owed) |
piikki {n} [figuratively] | :: Used in idiomatic expressions for attributing causes |
piikki {n} [botany] | :: thorn, spine |
piikki {n} [colloquial] | :: syringe, needle |
piikkiherne {n} | :: gorse, Ulex europaeus (evergreen shrub) |
piikkihiiri {n} | :: spiny mouse (rodent of the genus Acomys) |
piikkikampela {n} | :: turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) |
piikkikampela {n} | :: turbot (any fish of family Scophthalmidae) |
piikkikenkä {n} | :: A track spike (track and field shoe) |
piikkikorkokenkä {n} | :: [US] pump, stiletto (high-heeled women's shoe) |
piikkilangankiristäjä {n} [dated] | :: A nickname of the once-popular Finnish-made tractor models Valmet 15 and Valmet 20; so named due to their small motors |
piikkilanka {n} | :: barbed wire |
piikkilanka-aita {n} | :: barbed wire fence |
piikki lihassa {n} [idiomatic] | :: thorn in the flesh (persistent annoyance) |
piikkimakrilli {n} | :: horse mackerel, Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus |
piikkimakrilli {n} | :: jack (a fish in family Carangidae) |
piikkimatto {n} | :: bed of nails, spike mat |
piikkimatto {n} | :: spike strip (device used to stop vehicles by puncturing the tires) |
piikkimonni {n} | :: brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus |
piikkinahkainen {n} | :: echinoderm |
piikkinen {adj} | :: spiky, spiny |
piikkinen {adj} | :: thorny |
piikkinuoliainen {n} | :: true loach (fish of the family Cobitidae) |
piikkipaatsama {n} | :: American holly, Ilex opaca |
piikkipäinen {adj} | :: thorn-tipped |
piikkipanssari {n} | :: spiny armor |
piikkipensaikko {n} | :: thorny thicket |
piikkipensas {n} | :: thornbush, thorn (any of many thorny shrubs and bushes) |
piikkirima {n} [electronics] | :: pin header |
piikkirotta {n} | :: spiny rat (New World rodent of the family Echimyidae) |
piikkisalaatti {n} | :: prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) |
piikkisika {n} | :: porcupine |
piikkisimppu {n} | :: sea scorpion, long-spined bullhead, Taurulus bubalis |
piikkisuora {adj} | :: straight as a die |
piikkitaltta {n} | :: half round chisel |
piikkiviulu {n} [music] | :: spike fiddle |
piikkokauris {n} | :: brocket (South American deer of the genus Mazama) |
piikoa {vi} [colloquial] | :: To work as a domestic |
Piilaakso {prop} | :: Silicon Valley |
piileksiä {vi} | :: to hide (for a longer period of time) |
piileksijä {n} | :: hider |
piileskelijä {n} | :: one who hides oneself |
piileskellä {v} | :: to hide, to be in hiding |
piileskellä {v} | :: to sneak (to hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner) |
piileskellä {v} | :: to skulk (to conceal oneself; to hide) |
pii-levä {n} | :: alternative spelling of piilevä |
piilevä {adj} | :: latent, hidden, concealed, occult |
piilevä {n} | :: diatom |
piileväanalyysi {n} | :: diatom analysis |
piilipuu {n} | :: crack willow, Salix fragilis |
piillä {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be hidden in, lie in |
piilo {n} | :: hideout, lair, covert, hiding place |
piilo {n} [in compounds] | :: hidden |
piilohallintaohjelma {n} [computer security] | :: rootkit |
piilokamera {n} | :: candid camera [type of TV show] |
piilokarsastus {n} [pathology] | :: heterophoria |
piilokas {n} | :: bean weevil, seed beetle in the subfamily Bruchinae of the family Chrysomelidae of beetles |
piilokerros {n} [artificial intelligence] | :: hidden layer |
piilokiteinen {adj} | :: cryptocrystalline |
piilokopio {n} [telecommunications] | :: blind carbon copy (in email) |
piilolasit {n} | :: contact lenses |
piilolinssi {n} | :: contact lens |
piilopaikka {n} | :: synonym of piilo |
piilopaikka {n} | :: recess, retreat (place of secrecy or seclusion) |
piilopirtti {n} | :: hideaway, lair, retreat |
piilorasva {n} | :: hidden fat |
piilosana {n} | :: cryptic crossword |
piilosarana {n} | :: butt hinge |
piilosilla {adv} [idiomatic] | :: olla ~ : to play hide and seek |
piilosilmukka {n} [crocheting] | :: slip stitch |
piilossa {adv} | :: hidden, in hiding |
piilosta {adv} [idiomatic] | :: leikkiä ~ : to play hide and seek |
piilotajuinen {adj} | :: subconscious |
piilotajuisesti {adv} | :: subconsciously |
piilotella {vi} | :: to be in hiding, sneak, lurk, skulk, fly under the radar (to go unnoticed) |
piilotella {vt} | :: to hide or conceal something (repeatedly or continuously), to blot |
piilottaa {vt} | :: to hide, conceal |
piilottautua {v} | :: synonym of piiloutua |
piiloutua {vi} | :: To hide oneself |
piilu {n} | :: broadaxe |
piilukirves {n} | :: broadaxe |
piilukko {n} | :: flintlock |
piilukkomusketti {n} [firearms] | :: fusil |
piilukkopyssy {n} [colloquial] | :: flintlock |
piiluta {vt} | :: to hew, to carve (especially with a piilu) |
piimä {n} | :: soured milk, cultured milk, buttermilk (fermented dairy product produced from cow's milk, with a characteristically sour taste) |
piimaa {n} | :: diatomite, diatomaceous earth, kieselgur |
piimäjuusto {n} | :: a type of soft cheese made from soured milk, non-soured milk, eggs and salt; often eaten directly |
piimäkakku {n} | :: cake made of cultured or sour buttermilk |
piimänsiemen {n} | :: synonym of aluspiimä |
piimävelli {n} | :: a gruel of soured milk sweetened with syrup and including dough-raisin clumps and/or pieces of leipäjuusto |
piimiä {vi} [of milk] | :: to become sour like cultured buttermilk |
piimittää {vt} | :: to turn milk into cultured buttermilk |
piimonoksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: silicon monoxide, SiO |
piina {n} | :: torment, misery, agony |
piinaava {adj} | :: tormenting |
piinaavampi {adj} | :: comparative of piinaava |
piinallinen {adj} | :: awkward |
piinallinen {adj} | :: tormenting, painful, harrowing |
piinallinen {adj} | :: unpleasant |
piinallisesti {adv} | :: awkwardly |
piinallisesti {adv} | :: tormentingly, painfully, harrowingly |
piinapenkki {n} | :: rack (torture device) |
piinata {v} | :: To torment |
piinaviikko {n} [dated] | :: The Holy Week |
piinkova {adj} | :: flinty, hard, tough |
piintyä {vi} | :: synonym of pinttyä |
piioksidi {n} | :: silicon oxide |
piip {interj} | :: beep |
piip {interj} | :: meep |
piipahdus {n} | :: A high-pitched beep |
piipahdus {n} | :: quick visit |
piipahtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to drop by (to make a short, informal visit) |
piipata {vi} | :: To beep, tweet (of electronics, e.g.) |
piipertää {vi} | :: to scurry, to scuttle (walk or run with quick light steps) |
piipittää {v} | :: To tweet (to make several short high-pitched, unmelodic sounds, such as the young of birds in a nest) |
piipitys {n} | :: beeping |
piipitys {n} | :: The high-pitched sound produced by mice etc |
piipottaa {vi} | :: to jut, to stick out |
piippalakki {n} | :: budyonovka (distinctive type of hat used by the Red Army during the Russian Civil War and thereafter) |
piippaus {n} | :: beep, pip |
piippo {n} | :: woodrush (plant of the genus Luzula) |
piippo {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Luzula |
piippu {n} | :: pipe (smoking gear) |
piippu {n} | :: barrel (a metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged) |
piippu {n} | :: A common short form of savupiippu, meaning chimney |
piippuhylly {n} | :: pipe shelf, pipe rack |
piippumassi {n} | :: pipe bag |
piippumies {n} | :: A pipe-smoking man, pipe-smoker |
piippurassi {n} | :: pipe cleaner |
piipputupakka {n} | :: pipe tobacco |
piipullinen {n} | :: pipeful |
piipunperät {n} | :: dottle (still burning or wholly burnt tobacco plug in a pipe) |
piipunperskat {n} | :: dottle (still burning or wholly burnt tobacco plug in a pipe) |
piipunpolttaja {n} | :: pipe-smoker |
piipunpuhdistaja {n} | :: pipe cleaner |
piipunrassi {n} | :: alternative form of piippurassi |
piiputtaa {vi} [colloquial, of an engine] | :: to act up |
Piirainen {prop} | :: surname |
piirakka {n} | :: pie |
piirakka {n} | :: pierogi, pirog |
piirakka {n} | :: pasty |
piirakka {n} [colloquial] | :: pie chart |
piirakka {n} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: pie, pussy (female genitals) |
piirakkadiagrammi {n} | :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi |
piirakkakaavio {n} | :: synonym of sektoridiagrammi |
piirakkalasta {n} | :: pie server |
piirakkapulikka {n} | :: a traditional tapered rolling pin |
piirakkavuoka {n} | :: pie dish, pie pan, pie plate |
piiras {n} | :: pie |
piirauta {n} | :: ferrosilicon |
piireittäin {adv} | :: by division, region or district |
piiri {n} | :: ring of people (a round formation of people) |
piiri {n} | :: administrative district, region [also in sports] |
piiri {n} | :: perimeter of an area |
piiri {n} | :: electronic circuit |
piiri {n} | :: a hobby club or circle [in compound words] |
piirijako {n} | :: districting (the action or result of splitting into districts) |
piirijako {n} [automotive] | :: circuit configuration (of brakes) |
piirijärjestö {n} | :: district organization, district group |
piirikaavio {n} [electronics] | :: circuit diagram |
piirikokous {n} | :: conference of a given circle, club or group |
piirikunta {n} | :: raion |
piirikunta {n} | :: county |
piirikytkentä {n} | :: circuit switching |
piirileikki {n} | :: a play or childrens' game involving rings of people |
piirilevy {n} | :: circuit board |
piirinmestari {n} [sports] | :: district champion (winner of a sports competition taking place in a certain region or district) |
piirinmestaruuskilpailut {n} | :: district championships (competition to decide the district champion) |
piirisyyttäjä {n} [law] | :: district attorney, district prosecutor |
piirittää {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to circle, surround |
piirittää {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to (be)siege, lay siege to, blockade |
piiritys {n} | :: siege |
piiritysjoukot {n} | :: besieging forces or troops |
piirityskone {n} [military, historical] | :: siege engine |
piirityssota {n} | :: siege warfare |
piiritystaito {n} | :: siegecraft, poliorcetics |
piiritystorni {n} | :: siege tower (type of siege engine) |
piironki {n} | :: chest of drawers, dresser |
piirrättää {vt} | :: to make draw, to have (something) drawn |
piirre {n} | :: feature (physical constituent) |
piirre {n} | :: cast (visual appearance) |
piirre {n} | :: trait (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) |
piirreirrotus {n} [artificial intelligence] | :: feature extraction |
piirrellä {vt} | :: to doodle |
piirretty {n} | :: animated cartoon, cartoon (animated, usually short, piece of film) |
piirrin {n} | :: stylus |
piirros {n} | :: drawing, sketch (a picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper) |
piirrosanimaatio {n} | :: animation |
piirroselokuva {n} | :: animation |
piirrosfilmi {n} | :: animation |
piirrottaa {vt} | :: to scribe, to score (mark with scratches such as in woodworking or metalworking) |
piirrustus {n} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of piirustus |
piirtää {vt} | :: to draw, sketch |
piirtää {vt} [architecture] | :: to design, draft |
piirtää {vt} | :: to outline, draft |
piirtää {vt} [mathematics] | :: to describe |
piirtäjä {n} | :: drawer (one who draws) |
piirtäjä {n} | :: drawer (artist who primarily makes drawings) |
piirtäjä {n} | :: draughtsman, draftsman (one who makes technical drawings) |
piirtäminen {n} | :: The act or instance of drawing |
piirtäminen {n} | :: graphics (making of architectural or engineering drawings) |
piirto {n} | :: stroke (line drawn with a pen or other writing implement) |
piirto {n} | :: the core of a pirn in a weaving shuttle [dialectal] |
piirtoalue {n} [computing] | :: canvas, drawing area |
piirtoheitin {n} | :: overhead projector (projector that projects an image over the head of the user of the projector onto a screen behind him) |
piirtojärjestys {n} [calligraphy] | :: stroke order |
piirtokirjoitus {n} | :: inscription, epigraph (text inscribed on stone, etc.) |
piirtopaukamointi {n} [pathology] | :: dermatographia |
piirtopöytä {n} [computing] | :: graphics tablet |
piirturi {n} [computing] | :: plotter (output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper) |
piirtyä {vi} | :: to be drawn or sketched |
piiru {n} [construction] | :: rafter (one of the sloping beams that support a pitched roof') |
piiru {n} [nautical] | :: point (unit of angle equal to 1/32 of full circle or 11.25 degrees) |
piiru {n} [artillery] | :: angular mil, mil (unit of angle equal to 1/6000, 1/6300 or 1/6400 of full circle, depending on country) |
piiru {n} | :: mark (indication or sign used for reference or measurement) |
piiru {n} | :: inch (unspecified but very short distance) |
piiru {n} [dialectal, in the plural] | :: feast |
piiru {n} | :: wood that has been sawed to be equally thick and wide, roughly between 100–175 mm (around 4–7 in) |
piirustaa {v} | :: To draw, sketch (a picture, etc.) |
piirustella {vt} | :: to draw, to doodle |
piirustus {n} | :: a drawing (picture) |
piirustus {n} | :: the act of drawing |
piirustuskokoelma {n} | :: collection of drawings |
piirustuslauta {n} | :: drawing board |
piirustuslauta {n} [computing, rare] | :: graphics tablet |
piirustusnasta {n} | :: drawing pin |
piirustussali {n} | :: drawing hall (a hall for drawing) |
piirustustaide {n} | :: drawing art |
piirustustaito {n} | :: drawing skill |
piirustustarvikkeet {n} | :: drawing equipment |
piirustusväline {n} | :: drawing instrument |
piisami {n} | :: muskrat |
piisata {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be enough, to suffice |
piisi {n} | :: fireplace |
piisi {n} | :: alternative form of biisi |
piisi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pii |
piisidos {n} [chemistry, physics] | :: pi bond |
piisiru {n} | :: A silicon chip |
piiska {n} | :: A short whip, crop |
piiska {n} [slang, obsolete] | :: A black and white (police patrol car) |
piiska-auto {n} [colloquial] | :: police car |
piiskakäärme {n} | :: oriental whipsnake, Ahaetulla prasina, Dryophis prasinus |
piiskamato {n} | :: whipworm (parasitic roundworm of the species Trichuris trichiura) |
piiskanvarsi {n} | :: shaft of a whip |
piiskaraha {n} [colloquial] | :: money or raise given solely to increase work efficiency |
piiskata {vt} | :: To whip (to hit with a whip) |
piiskata kuollutta hevosta {phrase} | :: to flog a dead horse, beat a dead horse |
piisku {n} | :: goldenrod (plant of the genus Solidago) |
piisku {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Solidago |
piiskujänis {n} | :: pika (small mammal of the family Ochotonidae) |
piiskuri {n} | :: whipper, lasher |
piiskuri {n} [figuratively] | :: taskmaster, strict leader or boss |
piiskuri {n} [politics] | :: whip |
piiskuttaa {vi} | :: to peep |
piispa {n} [Christianity] | :: bishop |
piispanhiippa {n} | :: mitre of a bishop; usually only hiippa (mitre) unless there's a need to be specific |
piispanhiippa {n} | :: elfin saddle, Gyromitra infula (species of mushroom) |
piispanistuin {n} | :: see (office of a bishop or archbishop) |
piispanistuin {n} | :: apse (ceremonial seat or throne of a bishop) |
piispanmunkki {n} [regional, Southwest Finland, especially, Turku] | :: synonym of berliininmunkki |
piispanristi {n} | :: pectoral cross, pectorale |
piispatar {n} | :: The wife of a bishop |
piitata {vi} | :: to care about, worry about, bother oneself about, trouble oneself about |
piiteräs {n} | :: silicon steel |
piitetrafluoridi {n} [chemistry] | :: silicon tetrafluoride |
Piitime {prop} | :: The Finnish name of the Swedish municipality of Piteå in the north of Sweden |
piitimensaame {n} | :: The Pite Sami language |
piitta {n} | :: beam, spar, balk |
piitta {n} | :: thwart (fixed seat across a boat) |
piittaamaton {adj} | :: unconcerned, nonchalant, indifferent (not worried, anxious or apprehensive) |
piittaamaton {adj} | :: regardless, heedless, careless (having no regard) |
piittaamaton {adj} | :: lax, neglectful, negligent (lacking care) |
piittaamaton {adj} | :: unresponsive, apathetic, emotionless |
piittaamaton {adj} | :: laeista ~, laista ~ : lawless |
piittaamattomasti {adv} | :: unconcernedly |
piittaamattomasti {adv} | :: recklessly |
piittaamattomuus {n} | :: disregard |
pika- {prefix} | :: quick, fast, express, instant |
pika- {prefix} | :: summary (performed speedily and without formal ceremony) |
pika {n} | :: A pika |
pika {n} | :: In plural (pikat), the taxonomic family Ochotonidae |
pika {adj} | :: See: pika- |
pikaa {adv} | :: only used in tuota pikaa |
pika-arpajaiset {n} | :: instant lottery |
pika-ateria {n} | :: quick meal |
pikahaku {n} | :: quick search, instant search |
pikahiiva {n} [brewing] | :: turbo yeast |
pikahissi {n} | :: express elevator, express lift |
pikahiutaleet {n} | :: grain flakes that only require quick heating |
pikainen {adj} | :: quick |
pikaisesti {adv} | :: promptly |
pikaistua {vi} | :: to become quickly furious or angry |
pikaistuksissa {adv} | :: after losing one's temper, after quickly or suddenly becoming angry |
pikaistuksissaan {adv} | :: alternative form of pikaistuksissa |
pikajuna {n} | :: An express train |
pikajuoksu {n} [athletics] | :: A sprint (short race at top speed) |
pikakahvi {n} | :: instant coffee |
pikakirje {n} [mail] | :: express mail (service) |
pikakirje {n} | :: express letter (individual letter) |
pikakirjoittaja {n} | :: stenographer, steno; shorthand typist [UK] |
pikakirjoitus {n} | :: shorthand (compendious and rapid method of writing) |
pikakurssi {n} | :: crash course (quick, intense course of learning) |
pikakysely {n} | :: straw poll, quick poll (informal poll) |
pikaliitin {n} | :: quick connector |
pikaluistelu {n} | :: speed skating |
pikaluistin {n} | :: speed skate |
pikamatka {n} | :: sprint (short race at top speed) |
pikana {adv} | :: (as) express |
pikana {adv} [colloquial] | :: pronto |
pikanäppäin {n} [computing] | :: keyboard shortcut, shortcut |
pikantisti {adv} | :: poignantly |
pikantti {adj} | :: poignant |
pikanttius {n} | :: poignancy |
pikanuudeli {n} | :: instant noodle |
pikapankki {n} [dated] | :: ATM, automated teller machine |
pikapano {n} [vulgar] | :: quickie (brief sexual encounter) |
pikapikaa {adv} [colloquial] | :: quickly |
pikaposti {n} | :: express mail (service) |
pikapuoliin {adv} [colloquial] | :: shortly, in a moment |
pikapuolin {adv} | :: alternative form of pikapuoliin |
pikaraitiotie {n} | :: light rail |
pikaraitiovaunu {n} | :: light rail vehicle |
pikari {n} | :: goblet |
pikaruoka {n} | :: fast food |
pikaruokala {n} | :: fast food restaurant |
pikashakki {n} | :: speed chess |
pikataipale {n} [rare] | :: alternative form of pikataival |
pikataival {n} [motor racing] | :: special stage (timed stretch in a rally race) |
pikateräs {n} | :: high-speed steel |
pikatreffit {n} | :: speed dating |
pikatuomio {n} | :: A short shrift (quick rejection) |
pikatuomioistuin {n} | :: kangaroo court |
pikauusinta {n} | :: a replay of a program broadcast soon after the original broadcast |
pikauusinta {n} | :: instant replay |
pikavalinta {n} | :: speed dial |
pikavene {n} | :: speedboat (fast boat, usually a motorboat) |
pikavierailu {n} | :: flying visit |
pikaviesti {n} | :: instant message |
pikaviestin {n} | :: instant messenger |
pikaviestittää {v} | :: to instant message |
pikavippi {n} | :: quick loan, payday loan |
pikavoitto {n} | :: fast buck (money earned quickly) |
pikavuoro {n} | :: express (bus) |
pikee {n} | :: pique (fabric) |
pikeentyä {v} | :: synonym of pikeytyä |
pikemmin {adv} | :: comparative of pian |
pikemmin {adv} | :: alternative form of pikemminkin |
pikemminkin {adv} | :: rather, preferably (expression of preference) |
pikemminkin {adv} | :: rather, on the contrary (used to introduce a contradiction) |
pikemminkin {adv} | :: rather, more precisely (introducing a qualification or clarification) |
pikeytyä {vi} | :: to become pitchy, to become filled or covered with pitch |
piki {n} | :: pitch (material made by distilling tar) |
pikiintyä {v} | :: synonym of pikeytyä |
pikimmältä {adv} | :: quickly, hastily, in a hurry |
pikimmältään {adv} | :: alternative form of pikimmältä |
pikimmiltä {adv} | :: alternative form of pikimmältä |
pikimmiltään {adv} | :: alternative form of pikimmältään |
pikimmin {adv} | :: superlative of pian |
pikimmiten {adv} | :: at once, right away, immediately |
pikimusta {adj} | :: Pitch black (colour) |
pikinen {adj} | :: pitchy (of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch; filled or covered with pitch) |
pikipöksy {n} [archaic] | :: A tar (sailor) |
pikipuumuura {n} | :: black bushbird |
pikitie {n} | :: pitch road |
pikivälke {n} [mineral] | :: pitchblende |
pikkainen {adj} | :: alternative form of pikkanen |
pikkanen {adj} [colloquial] | :: little, small |
pikkarainen {adj} [colloquial] | :: weensy, tiny, little |
pikkelöidä {v} | :: to pickle (preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution) |
pikkelssi {n} | :: pickle (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish; a salad made of such) |
pikkiriikkinen {adj} [colloquial] | :: tiny |
pikkolo {n} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo (type of flute) |
pikkolo {n} | :: bellboy, hall porter |
pikkolo {n} | :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle of 0,1875 l) |
pikkolopullo {n} | :: piccolo, snipe, quarter bottle (wine bottle containing 0.1875 l) |
pikku- {prefix} | :: small, minor, little |
pikku {adj} | :: little, small |
pikku {adj} | :: little old |
pikkuaavikkokiuru {n} | :: bar-tailed lark, Ammomanes cinctura |
pikkuaivomato {n} | :: synonym of aivomato |
pikkuaivot {n} [anatomy] | :: cerebellum |
pikkuakseli {n} [geometry] | :: minor axis (an axis of symmetry of a conic section; the shorter one in an ellipse, in a hyperbola the one that does not intersect the curve) |
pikkuakselin puolikas {n} | :: semiminor axis |
pikkuasia {n} | :: trifle, minor thing, peanuts, small potatoes, small fry, small beer (thing of little importance) |
pikkuauto {n} [colloquial] | :: a small passenger car |
pikkuauto {n} [colloquial] | :: a toy car |
pikkubussi {n} | :: minibus |
pikkuflamingo {n} | :: lesser flamingo, Phoenicopterus minor |
pikkugrisoni {n} | :: lesser grison, Galictis cuja (smaller of the two species of the genus Galictis of South American mustelid mammals) |
pikkuhaikara {n} | :: little bittern, Ixobrychus minutus |
pikkuhaikara {n} | :: bittern (any of the species in the genus Ixobrychus) |
pikkuhäiveperhonen {n} | :: lesser purple emperor, Apatura ilia |
Pikku hevonen {prop} | :: The constellation Equus |
pikkuhietasinappi {n} [botany] | :: annual wall-rocket, Diplotaxis muralis (mustard-like plant cultivated for its leaves that may be used in salads to give texture and flavor, one of the plants commercially known as villirucola) |
pikkuhiirenhäntälepakko {n} | :: lesser mouse-tailed bat, Rhinopoma hardwickei |
pikkuhiljaa {adv} | :: little by little, gradually |
pikkuhirssi {n} | :: little millet, Panicum sumatrense (type of millet grown in India both for food and fodder) |
pikkuhousunsuoja {n} | :: pantyliner (pad worn on the inner surface of women's underwear) |
pikkuhousut {n} | :: briefs (underpants worn by men or boys) |
pikkuhousut {n} | :: panties (women's and girls' small underpants) |
pikkuinen {adj} | :: little, tiny |
pikkuinen {n} | :: little one |
pikkuisen {adv} | :: a little, a bit |
pikkuitiö {n} [botany] | :: microspore |
pikkuitiöpesäke {n} [botany] | :: microsporangium |
pikkujamssipapu {n} | :: jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) |
pikkujoulu {n} [Finland, sometimes, in plural] | :: pre-Christmas party (celebration of approaching Christmas, originally held on the eve of Advent Sunday, but now dispersed over a period of five to two weeks before Christmas) |
pikkujoulujuhla {n} | :: synonym of pikkujoulu |
pikkujoutsen {n} [colloquial] | :: a young swan |
pikkujoutsen {n} | :: tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus |
pikkujuttu {n} | :: trifle, minor thing, peanuts, small potatoes, small fry, small beer (thing of little importance) |
pikkukaalikärpänen {n} | :: synonym of kaalikärpänen |
pikkukaivajavyötiäinen {n} | :: pink fairy armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus |
pikkukajava {n} | :: black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla |
pikkukala {n} | :: small fish, small fry |
pikkukäpylintu {n} | :: red crossbill or common crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) |
pikkukarhu {n} | :: A baby bear (bear cub) |
pikkukarhu {n} | :: Any small bear |
pikkukarhu {n} | :: sun bear, Helarctos malayanus (proposed Finnish term for this bear) |
pikkukartta {n} | :: minimap |
pikkukasuaari {n} | :: dwarf cassowary, Casuarius bennetti |
pikkukaupunki {n} | :: small town |
pikkukengät {n} | :: little shoes |
pikkukiivi {n} | :: little spotted kiwi, Apteryx owenii |
pikkukiljukotka {n} | :: lesser spotted eagle, Aquila pomarina |
pikkukirjain {n} | :: synonym of pieni kirjain |
pikkukiuru {n} | :: lesser short-toed lark, Calandrella rufescens |
pikkukivi {n} | :: A pebble (small stone) |
pikkukondori {n} | :: lesser yellow-headed vulture, Cathartes burrovianus |
pikkukorppikotka {n} | :: Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus |
pikkukorvapusseli {n} | :: synonym of pikkupussikaniini |
pikkukotka {n} | :: booted eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus |
pikkukultarinta {n} | :: booted warbler, Iduna caligata |
pikkukultasiipi {n} | :: small copper, Lycaena phlaeas |
pikkukuovi {n} | :: whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) |
pikkukylä {n} | :: hamlet |
pikkula {n} [euphemistic] | :: outhouse |
pikkulainen {n} [affectionate] | :: child, kid, kiddo (literally little one) |
pikkulämmin {n} | :: small snack, often a baked one, eaten when warm |
pikkulantio {n} [anatomy] | :: lesser pelvis |
pikkulapasotka {n} | :: lesser scaup, Aythya affinis |
pikkulapsi {n} | :: A small child |
pikkulaukku {n} | :: yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor (flowering plant) |
pikkulaukku {n} | :: minibag, small bag |
pikkulavantauti {n} [pathology] | :: paratyphoid fever |
pikkuleinikki {n} | :: pygmy buttercup, Ranunculus pygmaeus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus) |
pikkuleipä {n} | :: biscuit |
pikkulepakko {n} | :: Nathusius' pipistrelle, Pipistrellus nathusii |
pikkulepinkäinen {n} | :: red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) |
pikkuliitäjä {n} | :: Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus |
pikkulimakotilo {n} | :: Galba truncatula, a snail |
pikkulintu {n} | :: small bird, sparrow (any small bird) |
pikkulokki {n} | :: little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus, formerly Larus minutus) |
pikkuluppio {n} | :: salad burnet, garden burnet, small burnet, Sanguisorba minor |
pikkumainen {adj} [derogatory] | :: pedantic, nitpicky (excessively concerned with rules or details) |
pikkumaisesti {adv} | :: pedantically, in a nitpicky way |
pikkumusta {n} | :: little black dress (woman's black cocktail dress) |
pikkumusta {n} [by extension, military, slang] | :: The short black underpants used in the Finnish military |
pikkumuurahaiskarhu {n} | :: silky anteater, Cyclopes didactylus |
pikkunahkiainen {n} | :: A brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri |
pikkunäppärä {adj} | :: gimmicky, skillful to the extent of going into unnecessary detail |
Pikku Otava {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Pikku-Otava |
Pikku-Otava {prop} | :: Little Dipper (asterism) |
pikkupanda {n} | :: red panda, lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens) |
pikkuplaneetta {n} [astronomy] | :: A minor planet |
pikkupoika {n} | :: A little boy |
pikkupöksyt {n} [colloquial] | :: briefs |
pikkupöksyt {n} [colloquial] | :: panties |
pikkuporvaristo {n} | :: petty bourgeoisie (social class according to Karl Marx) |
pikkupulla {n} | :: a type of small bun (pulla), often with (granulated or crushed) sugar on top and no special filling or added fruits or raisins; similar to a Bath bun |
pikkupussikaniini {n} | :: lesser bilby, Macrotis leucura |
pikkuraha {n} | :: petty cash, loose change |
pikkuraha {n} | :: small potatoes, peanuts (small amount of money) |
pikkurikollinen {n} | :: petty criminal |
pikkurilli {n} [anatomy, colloquial] | :: little finger |
pikkurokko {n} [disease] | :: fifth disease (erythovirus infection manifested as rash) |
pikkurokko {n} [pathology] | :: slap face, slapcheek, slapped cheek syndrome, slapped face (milder form of the disease manifested as redness of the face, especially cheeks) |
pikkurokko {n} [pathology] | :: erythema infectiosum (erythovirus infection in general) |
pikkurousku {n} | :: birch milk-cap, Lactarius tabidus |
pikkuruinen {adj} | :: diminutive, tiny |
pikkurumpu {n} | :: snare drum |
pikkuseikka {n} | :: bagatelle (trifle; unsubstantial thing) |
pikkuserkku {n} | :: second cousin |
pikkuserkukset {n} | :: second cousins (collective term for people who are each other's second cousins) |
pikkusielu {n} | :: small mind, prude, snob, cynic |
pikkusikari {n} | :: cigarillo |
pikkusirri {n} | :: little stint, Calidris minuta (small wading bird) |
pikkusisar {n} | :: little sister |
pikkusisko {n} | :: little sister |
pikkusormensa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of pikkusormi |
pikkusormi {n} [anatomy] | :: little finger |
pikkusuolainen {n} | :: small, savory snack |
pikkutakki {n} | :: A type of cut of men's jacket, such as used in men's suit jacket, blazer or sportcoat, the main difference between which is in the material |
pikkutakkisillaan {adv} | :: with a pikkutakki, such as a suit jacket or blazer, on, but no overcoat |
pikkutarkasti {adv} | :: pedantically, painstakingly |
pikkutarkka {adj} | :: painstaking, pedantic (concerned with details) |
pikkutekijä {n} | :: small fry (person of little importance) |
pikkutelkkä {n} | :: bufflehead, Bucephala albeola (bird of the duck family) |
pikkutiira {n} | :: little tern, Sternula albifrons |
pikkutikka {n} | :: lesser spotted woodpecker |
pikkutunnit {n} | :: small hours, wee hours (the period from midnight to dawn) |
pikkutuulenkala {n} | :: lesser sand eel, Ammodytes tobianus |
pikkutyttö {n} | :: little girl |
pikkuväki {n} | :: small fry (one or more children) |
pikkuvanha {adj} | :: precocious |
pikkuvanhasti {adv} | :: precociously |
pikkuvarpunen {n} | :: tree sparrow (Passer montanus) |
pikkuvarvas {n} [anatomy] | :: little toe (smallest toe, fifth toe from medial to lateral) |
pikkuveli {n} | :: little brother |
pikkuviha {n} [historical] | :: Lesser Wrath; period of Russian occupation of Finland between 1742-1743 during the Russo-Swedish War (1741–1743) |
pikkuvika {n} | :: minor defect |
pikkuvyötiäinen {n} | :: pichi, Zaedyus pichiy |
pikkuvyötiäismyyrä {n} | :: pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) |
pikkuyksiö {n} | :: bachelorette (very small single room apartment) |
piknikki {n} | :: picnic |
piko- {prefix} | :: pico- |
pikometri {n} | :: picometer (unit of distance) |
pikornavirus {n} | :: picornavirus |
pikosekunti {n} | :: picosecond |
pikriinihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: picric acid |
pikriitti {n} [rock] | :: picrite |
pikriitti {n} | :: synonym of nitroguanidiini |
pikseli {n} [computing] | :: pixel |
pikselivarjostin {n} [computer graphics] | :: pixel shader |
pikselöidä {vt} | :: to pixelate |
pikti {n} | :: Pict |
piktogrammi {n} | :: pictogram |
pikuri {n} [slang] | :: express train |
pila {n} | :: joke, jest |
pila {n} | :: practical joke, jest |
pilaaja {n} | :: spoiler (somebody or something that spoils) |
pilaaminen {n} | :: ruining, spoiling |
pilaaminen {n} | :: damaging, foiling |
pilaaminen {n} | :: blemishing |
pilaaminen {n} | :: contaminating |
pilaannuttaa {vt} [of food] | :: to spoil, to make spoil |
pilaantua {vi} [of food] | :: To spoil |
pilaantumaton {adj} | :: imperishable |
pilaantumattomampi {adj} | :: comparative of pilaantumaton |
pilaantuminen {n} | :: spoilage (process) |
pilaantunut {adj} | :: spoilt (gone bad) |
pilaantuva {adj} | :: perishable, putrescible, rottable (easily decayed, as food) |
pilaesitys {n} | :: satirical play |
pilahinta {n} | :: measly price |
pilahvi {n} | :: pilaf (dish made by browning grain and then cooking it in broth) |
pilahvi {n} | :: clipping of pilahviriisi |
pilahviriisi {n} | :: rice pilaf [dish] |
pilailla {v} | :: to joke |
pilailuväline {n} | :: prank equipment |
pilajuttu {n} | :: wisecrack, crack, joke |
pilakuva {n} | :: caricature |
pilalaulu {n} | :: parody song, joke song |
pilalehti {n} | :: satirical magazine |
pilalla {adv} | :: ruined (not good for use or consumption) |
pilalla {adv} | :: spoilt, spoiled (having lost its original value) |
pilalla {adv} | :: spoilt, spoiled, rancid, off (of food, deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible) |
pilalla {adv} | :: spoilt, spoiled, pampered (of a person, usually a child, having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) |
pilalle {adv} | :: ruined (not good for use or consumption, indicates transformation to this state) |
pilanpäiten {adv} | :: as a joke, for fun |
pilanteko {n} | :: pranking, jest |
pilapiirros {n} | :: a satirical cartoon |
pilapiirros {n} | :: a caricature; a drawing that intentionally exaggerates real or imagined characteristics of the subject |
pilapiirtäjä {n} | :: editorial cartoonist |
pilapuhe {n} | :: jibe, crack, wisecrack |
pilapuhelu {n} | :: prank call |
pilari {n} | :: pillar, column |
pilari {n} [colloquial] | :: prank call |
pilariperustus {n} | :: pillar foundation |
pilasteri {n} [architecture] | :: pilaster |
pilata {v} | :: To spoil, ruin, blight, destroy (to cause the ruin of) |
pilata {v} | :: To damage or mar (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction) |
pilata {v} | :: To foil, scupper, thwart (to prevent something from being accomplished) |
pilata {v} | :: To blemish, soil (to spoil the appearance of) |
pilata {v} | :: To contaminate (to introduce impurities or foreign matter) |
pilata {v} | :: To bugger up, mess up, muck up (mild slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things) |
pilata {v} | :: To bugger, cock up, fuck up, screw up (obscene slang expressions for ruining or spoiling things) |
pilata {v} | :: To spoil (to coddle or pamper to excess) |
pilata {v} [internet slang] | :: To cook |
piletti {n} [dated] | :: ticket (admission; pass) |
pili {n} [childish] | :: a pee-pee |
pilkahdella {vi} | :: to gleam repeatedly |
pilkahtaa {vi} | :: to gleam |
pilkallaan {adv} | :: jokingly, tauntingly, mockingly |
pilkallisesti {adv} | :: derisively (in a mocking and demeaning manner) |
pilkata {v} | :: to mock, deride, ridicule, jeer at, make fun of |
pilke {n} | :: twinkle, flicker, glimmer, shimmer (faint unsteady light) |
pilke {n} | :: twinkle (sparkle of delight in the eyes) |
pilke {n} | :: billet (short piece of firewood) |
pilkintä {n} | :: ice fishing |
pilkistää {vi} | :: to peek out |
pilkistellä {vi} | :: to peek out |
pilkka {n} | :: jeer, mock, ridicule, jest |
pilkka {n} | :: bullseye (center of target) |
pilkka {n} | :: a mark carved in a tree |
pilkkaaja {n} | :: mocker |
pilkkahinta {n} | :: A very cheap price, song |
pilkkakirjoitus {n} | :: A lampoon (written attack ridiculing a person, group, or institution) |
pilkkakirves {n} [figuratively] | :: mocker, jokester |
pilkkasiipi {n} | :: velvet scoter, Melanitta fusca |
pilkki {n} | :: The lure used in ice fishing |
pilkki {n} | :: As a contracted form of pilkkiminen, ice fishing |
pilkkiä {v} | :: to ice fish (to fish through a hole cut into ice) |
pilkkiä {v} [colloquial] | :: to doze off |
pilkkijä {n} | :: ice fisher |
pilkkiminen {n} | :: ice fishing (act or instance of fishing through a hole cut into ice) |
pilkkoa {vt} | :: To chop, chip |
pilkkoisen {adv} | :: An intensifier used before pimeä |
pilkkopimeä {n} | :: pitch-dark |
pilkkoutua {vi} | :: To shatter, break up into pieces |
pilkku {n} | :: comma (punctuation mark ,) |
pilkku {n} [mathematics] | :: dot (symbol , used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part) |
pilkku {n} | :: spot, dot (small spot or mark) |
pilkku {n} [slang] | :: hashish (cannabis extract) |
pilkku {n} [colloquial] | :: last call |
pilkku {n} [colloquial, sports] | :: penalty kick, penalty shot |
pilkku {n} [mathematics] | :: prime (symbol ′, as in x′) |
pilkkukuume {n} [disease] | :: typhus |
pilkkumi {n} [dialectal] | :: bowl (vessel) |
pilkkusääntö {n} | :: comma rule (rule regarding comma usage) |
pilkkusilli {n} | :: allis shad, Alosa alosa (formerly Clupea alosa) (migratory fish of the family Clupeidae: family of herrings, shads, sardines, hilsa, and menhadens) |
pilkkuvirhe {n} | :: comma mistake, comma error |
pilkoittaa {vt} | :: to mark with a carved mark |
pilkottaa {vi} | :: to be barely visible, to be in sight |
pilkukas {adj} | :: spotty (having spots) |
pilkulleen {adv} [colloquial] | :: precisely, to a tee |
pilkullinen {adj} | :: spotty, dotted |
pilkunnussija {n} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: a person with exceptional and unnecessary attention to detail; a grammar Nazi, a nitpicker |
pilkuntarkka {adj} | :: meticulous, punctilious, fastidious |
pilkunviilaaja {n} | :: A nitpicker, hairsplitter, grammar cop, pettifogger |
pilkuttaa {vt} | :: to apply or insert commas into (such as into a text) |
pillahtaa {vi} | :: ~ itkuun: = to burst out crying |
pillastua {vi} [of horses] | :: To bolt |
pillata {v} [dialectal] | :: to spill (liquid) |
pilleri {n} | :: pill |
pillerihattu {n} | :: toque |
pillerihumala {n} | :: the state of simultaneously being under the influence of alcohol and drugs |
pillerinpyörittäjä {n} | :: scarab (beetle of the genus Scarabaeus) |
pillerirasia {n} | :: pillbox |
pilli {n} | :: whistle (device) |
pilli {n} | :: pipe (musical instrument) |
pilli {n} | :: drinking straw, straw |
pilli {n} [colloquial] | :: bag (breathalyzer) |
pillifarkut {n} | :: skinny jeans, drainpipe jeans |
pillihousut {n} | :: skinny jeans, stovepipe trousers |
pillike {n} | :: hemp-nettle (any plant of the genus Galeopsis) |
pillimehu {n} | :: juice box juice |
pillimehu {n} | :: juice box |
pillisieni {n} | :: pore fungus |
pillisipuli {n} | :: spring onion, Japanese bunching onion, scallion, green onion; Allium fistulosum |
pillittää {vi} [colloquial] | :: To cry, shed a tear |
pilliurut {n} | :: pipe organ |
pillu {n} [vulgar] | :: vulva and/or vagina |
pillupuhelin {n} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: bidet shower |
piloilla {adv} | :: Alternative form of pilalla |
piloillaan {adv} | :: in jest (as a joke) |
piloille {adv} | :: Alternative form of pilalle |
pilosyyttinen {adj} | :: pilocytic |
pilotti {n} [colloquial] | :: aviator, pilot, airman (one who pilots an aircraft) |
pilotti {n} [colloquial] | :: pilot project |
pilottihanke {n} | :: pilot project |
pilottiprojekti {n} | :: pilot project |
pilppu {n} | :: tipcat (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) |
pilppu {n} | :: cat, tipcat (wooden piece struck in the game of tipcat) |
pilppu {n} [dialectal] | :: piece, stub, stump |
pilsner {n} | :: pilsner (type of beer) |
pilssi {n} [nautical] | :: bilge (the lowest inner part of a ship's hull) |
pilssipumppu {n} [nautical] | :: bilge pump (pump located in the bilge of a ship or a boat to allow emptying of the bilgewater) |
pilssivesi {n} [nautical] | :: bilgewater |
pilsu {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of ykkösolut |
piltti {n} [literally, religious] | :: child |
pilttuu {n} | :: A stall (compartment for a single animal in a stable or cattle shed) |
pilveillä {vi} | :: to be occasionally cloudy |
pilvenhahtuva {n} | :: cloudlet |
pilvenhaituva {n} | :: cloudlet |
pilvenhattara {n} | :: A cloudlet |
pilvenkorkeus {n} | :: cloud base |
pilvenlonka {n} | :: A single, large cloud |
pilvenpiirtäjä {n} | :: skyscraper |
pilvenrako {n} | :: a gap in a sheet of clouds |
pilvenreuna {n} | :: the edge of a cloud |
pilvenveikko {n} [colloquial] | :: a veteran pilot of the Finnish Air Force |
pilves {n} [rare] | :: A shaded place outdoors, where sunlight comes filtered e.g. through the leaves of trees |
pilvessä {adv} [slang] | :: high, stoned |
pilvetä {vi} | :: to become cloudy |
pilvetön {adj} | :: cloudless, unclouded |
pilvettömyys {n} | :: cloudlessness |
pilvi {n} | :: cloud |
pilvi {n} [computing] | :: cloud |
pilvi {n} [slang] | :: hashish, marijuana |
Pilvi {prop} | :: given name |
pilvikerros {n} | :: cloud layer |
pilvilaskenta {n} | :: cloud computing |
pilvilinna {n} | :: pipe dream, castle in the air (plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work) |
pilvilinna {n} | :: fool's paradise (happiness based on illusion) |
pilvimetsä {n} | :: cloud forest |
pilvimuodostelma {n} | :: cloud formation |
pilvimuodostuma {n} | :: synonym of pilvimuodostelma |
pilvinen {adj} | :: cloudy |
pilvin pimein {adv} [idiomatic] | :: hand over fist, in abundance |
pilvipalvelu {n} [computing] | :: cloud service |
pilvipeite {n} | :: cloud cover |
pilvipeite {n} | :: a sheet of clouds |
pilvipouta {n} [meteorology] | :: dry cloudy weather |
pilvipyörre {n} | :: cloud swirl |
pilvipyörre {n} | :: tornado |
pilviraja {n} [meteorology] | :: cloud base |
pilvirintama {n} | :: an approaching or distancing group of clouds |
pilvisalama {n} | :: cloud-to-cloud lightning (lightning that hits from one cloud to another, or within one cloud) |
pilvisalama {n} | :: sheet lightning (cloud-to-cloud lightning without a visible bolt, because the lightning hits behind the clouds from the point-of-view of the observer) |
pilviseinämä {n} | :: a wall-like formation of clouds |
pilvistyä {vi} [of the sky] | :: to grow cloudy |
pilvisyys {n} | :: cloudiness |
pilvitutka {n} | :: a (usually animated) map showing clouds within an area |
pilvivalli {n} | :: eyewall |
pilvivalli {n} | :: cloud bank |
pilviverho {n} | :: a large uniform cloud |
pimahtaa {v} | :: To flip (to go berserk or crazy) |
pimatsu {n} [slang] | :: chick (attractive woman) |
pimeä {adj} | :: dark (lack of light) |
pimeä {adj} | :: under-the-counter, cash in hand (receiving money in cash with the purpose of avoiding taxes) |
pimeä {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy |
pimeä {n} | :: The time of darkness |
pimeä aine {n} [astronomy] | :: dark matter |
pimeämpi {adj} | :: comparative of pimeä |
pimeänäkö {n} | :: night vision (ability to see in the dark) |
pimeänäkölaite {n} | :: night vision device (appliance which allows the user to see even in complete darkness) |
pimeänpelko {n} | :: nyctophobia, scotophobia |
pimeäreaktio {n} | :: light-independent photosynthesis reaction, dark reaction |
pimeästi {adv} | :: under-the-table, under-the-counter, secretly, covertly |
pimeästi {adv} | :: cash in hand (in a manner receiving direct payment by cash, often without paying tax) |
pimeästi {adv} | :: darkly, obscurely |
pimeä verkko {n} [internet] | :: Dark Web, darknet |
pimennys {n} [astronomy] | :: eclipse |
pimennysmuuttuja {n} [astronomy] | :: eclipsing variable |
pimentää {vt} | :: to darken (to reduce light) |
pimento {n} [figuratively] | :: dark, darkness (place hidden from the sight) |
pimentyä {vi} | :: To darken (having less light) |
pimentyminen {n} | :: darkening (the action of becoming darker) |
pimetä {vi} | :: to darken, to get dark (to lose light) |
pimeys {n} | :: darkness |
pimiö {n} | :: darkroom |
pimittää {vt} | :: to conceal, to keep from |
pimpinellaruusu {n} | :: burnet rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia |
pimpparauta {n} [music, dated] | :: triangle |
pimppi {n} [anatomy, childish] | :: vagina (female genitalia, especially of a girl) |
pimpsikivi {n} | :: synonym of hohkakivi |
pimputtaa {vt} | :: to play piano shoddily |
pimu {n} | :: chick (young woman, especially attractive one) |
pinaatti {n} | :: spinach (Spinacia oleracea) |
pinaattikeitto {n} | :: spinach soup |
pinaattikiinankaali {n} | :: synonym of paksoi |
pinaattilettu {n} | :: spinach pancake |
pinaattiohukainen {n} | :: spinach pancake |
pinaattiohukas {n} | :: A kind of crêpe or thin pancake that includes spinach |
pineeni {n} [chemistry] | :: pinene |
pingis {n} [colloquial] | :: table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong |
pingispallo {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pöytätennispallo |
pingotin {n} | :: stretcher |
pingottaa {vt} | :: to stretch, tension (to apply tension to something in order to straighten it out) |
pingottaa {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to study hard (e.g. for exams) |
pingottua {vi} | :: to tense, to be strained or tensioned |
ping-pong {n} [rare] | :: synonym of pöytätennis [ping pong] |
pingviini {n} | :: penguin |
pinja {n} | :: A stone pine, Pinus pinea |
Pinja {prop} | :: given name |
pinjansiemen {n} | :: A pine nut |
pinkaista {vi} | :: To sprint |
pinkaisu {n} | :: dash (short run) |
pinkka {n} | :: pile, stack |
pinkki {adj} [colloquial] | :: pink, hot pink |
pinkki {n} | :: A pinky (baby mouse, especially when used as food for a snake, etc.) |
pinkki {n} [colloquial] | :: colour pink |
pinko {n} [colloquial] | :: swot (studious student) |
pinkoa {vi} | :: to dash (to run quickly) |
pinkoa {v} [shoemaking] | :: to stretch |
pinkoa {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: synonym of pingottaa |
pinkoittain {adv} | :: in piles or stacks |
pinkopahvi {n} | :: A type of thick cardboard formerly used on interior walls and ceilings under wallpaper or other finishing material |
pinna {n} | :: spoke (of a wheel, ie. in bicycle) |
pinna {n} [nautical] | :: tiller |
pinna {n} [music] | :: sound post (dowel inside an instrument of violin family) |
pinna {n} [colloquial] | :: point (unit of scoring in a game or competition) |
pinna {n} [colloquial] | :: temper, nerve, fuse (in the sense of loosing one's temper) |
pinna {n} [colloquial] | :: percent |
pinnaaja {n} | :: alternative form of pinnari |
pinnakkain {adv} | :: surface against surface |
pinnakkaisvedos {n} [photography] | :: contact print |
pinnallinen {adj} | :: superficial, shallow |
pinnallisesti {adv} | :: superficially, shallowly |
pinnallistaa {vt} | :: to make (more) superficial |
pinnallistua {vi} | :: To become (more) superficial |
pinnanalainen {adj} | :: subsurface |
pinnanmuodostus {n} | :: topography, relief |
pinnari {n} | :: truant |
pinnasänky {n} | :: crib, cot (baby’s bed with high, slatted, often moveable sides) |
pinnata {v} | :: To play truant, skip class or work |
pinnata {v} | :: (rare) To skimp (to do carelessly) |
pinnatuoli {n} | :: spoke chair (a light chair, often used around a table, the back of which is made of spokes) |
pinne {n} [rare, dialectal] | :: Any device or part that keeps something in its place through tension (as contrasted with e.g. weight or friction), such as a clamp or clip |
pinne {n} [pathology] | :: A condition in which a nerve is pressed by other body parts causing pain, cramps or other symptoms |
pinne {n} [idiomatic] | :: A difficult situation, jam, bind. In this sense only used in inessive, elative and illative cases in set expressions |
pinnemmaksi {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalle |
pinnemmalla {adv} [static] | :: closer to the surface |
pinnemmalle {adv} | :: closer towards the surface |
pinnemmalta {adv} | :: from closer to the surface |
pinnemmassa {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalla |
pinnemmasta {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalta |
pinnempaa {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalta |
pinnempaan {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalle |
pinnempana {adv} | :: synonym of pinnemmalla |
pinni {n} | :: hairpin |
pinni {n} [electronics] | :: pin |
pinniä {v} [rare] | :: to work hard (for), to struggle |
pinnistää {vi} | :: to push, to strain |
pinnistellä {vi} | :: to persist, to cope, to strain |
pinnistyä {vi} | :: to tense, to strain |
pinnoite {n} | :: coat, coating, lining (thin outer layer on the surface of something) |
pinnoittaa {vt} | :: to coat, to plate, to apply a coating or surface |
pinnoittaa {vt} | :: to spoke (furnish a wheel with spokes) |
pinnoitus {n} | :: coating, lining (covering with a coating of some material) |
pino {n} | :: stack, pile |
pino {n} [computing, programming] | :: stack |
pinojäljitys {n} [programming] | :: stack trace |
Pinokkio {prop} | :: Pinocchio |
pinokuutio {n} | :: short for pinokuutiometri |
pinokuutiometri {n} | :: stacked cubic metre (measurement of volume for wood or timber) |
pinomuisti {n} [computing] | :: stack memory |
pinosytoosi {n} [biology] | :: pinocytosis |
pinota {vt} | :: To stack |
pinotavara {n} | :: cordwood |
pinous {n} | :: stacking |
pinseri {n} | :: pinscher |
pinsetit {n} | :: tweezers |
pinssi {n} | :: pin (simple accessory that can be attached to clothing with a pin or fastener) |
pinta {n} | :: surface |
pinta-aktiivinen {adj} | :: surface-active (capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid) |
pinta-ala {n} [mathematics] | :: area |
pinta-ala {n} [mathematics] | :: surface area |
pinta-alus {n} | :: surface vessel |
pintahiiva {n} | :: top yeast (yeast that in the end of fermentation tends to rise to the surface of wort, used e.g. to produce ale) |
pintahiivakäyminen {n} | :: top fermentation |
pintahiivaolut {n} | :: top-fermented beer |
pintaintegraali {n} [mathematics] | :: surface integral |
pintajännitys {n} [physics] | :: surface tension |
pintakaavio {n} | :: surface diagram |
pintakarkaisu {n} | :: case hardening |
pintakäsittely {n} | :: surface finish |
pintakiilto {n} | :: gloss (superficially or deceptively attractive appearance) |
pintakivilaji {n} [geology] | :: extrusive (rock which has been formed through volcanic extrusion) |
pintakudos {n} | :: synonym of epiteelikudos |
pintakuvio {n} | :: surface pattern |
pintakuvio {n} | :: texture, surface texture |
pintakytkin {n} | :: float switch |
pintalämpötila {n} | :: surface temperature |
pintaloinen {n} | :: ectoparasite |
pintalöytö {n} [archaeology] | :: surface find |
pintalujuus {n} | :: surface strength |
pintamaa {n} | :: topsoil |
pintamaa {n} [geology] | :: epipedon |
pintametro {n} | :: overground metro |
pintapaino {n} | :: basis weight |
pintapoiminta {n} [archaeology] | :: fieldwalking |
pintapuolinen {adj} | :: superficial |
pintapuolisesti {adv} | :: superficially |
pintaremontoida {v} | :: to reface (to replace the face or surface of something; to create a new outer layer) |
pintaremontti {n} | :: facelift (activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something) |
pintatieto {n} | :: superficial knowledge |
pintautua {vi} | :: to surface, to rise to (the) surface |
pintaverkko {n} [fishing] | :: floating net |
pintavesi {n} | :: surface water |
pintavesimaannos {n} [geology] | :: planosol |
pintavika {n} | :: surface defect |
pinteessä {adv} | :: in a pinch |
pinteli {n} [dialectal] | :: spindle |
pinteli {n} | :: a type of traditional Karelian headwear |
pinteli {n} | :: polo wrap |
pintominen {n} | :: coming to surface (of fish) |
pintopapu {n} | :: pinto bean |
pinttyä {vi} | :: to cling, to stick |
pinttynyt {adj} | :: grimy |
pinttynyt {adj} | :: stale |
pioneeri {n} [military ranks] | :: private in the engineer corps |
pioneeri {n} [Communism] | :: young pioneer |
pioneerihuivi {n} | :: pioneer scarf (red scarf belonging to the outfit of a young pioneer) |
pioneerijoukot {n} | :: troops or forces engaging in military engineering |
pioneerilaji {n} [botany] | :: pioneer species |
pioneerisilta {n} | :: a bridge built by a (military) pioneer |
pioneerityö {n} | :: pioneering work |
pioni {n} | :: peony |
pioni {n} [physics] | :: pion |
pipana {n} | :: A small clump of material (e.g. earth) |
pipana {n} | :: A small child |
pipari {n} | :: gingersnap, ginger biscuit |
pipari {n} [computing] | :: cookie |
pipari {n} [vulgar] | :: cookie (female genitalia) |
piparjuuri {n} | :: horseradish, Armoracia rusticana (syn. Cochlearia armorica) |
piparjuurikastike {n} | :: horseradish sauce |
piparkakku {n} | :: gingerbread, gingersnap, ginger biscuit (brown ginger-flavoured biscuit) |
piparkakkumuotti {n} | :: gingerbread cutter, gingerbread mold |
piparkakkupossu {n} | :: a pig-shaped gingerbread |
piparkakkutaikina {n} | :: gingerbread dough |
piparkakkutalo {n} | :: gingerbread house |
piparkakku-ukko {n} | :: gingerbread man (ginger-flavoured biscuit/cookie in the shape of a person) |
piparminttu {n} | :: peppermint |
piparminttutee {n} | :: peppermint tea |
piperatsiini {n} [chemistry] | :: piperazine |
piperidiini {n} [chemistry] | :: piperidine |
pipertää {vi} | :: to scribble with small handwriting |
pipertää {vi} [figurative] | :: to make a meal of; to do something with superfluous detail and spend more time than necessary |
pipetoida {v} | :: to pipet |
pipetti {n} | :: pipet |
pipi {adj} [hypocoristic, baby talk] | :: hurt (adjectival form for a boo-boo or an owie) |
pipi {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy |
pipi {n} [childish] | :: boo-boo |
piplia {n} [colloquial] | :: Bible |
Piplia {n} [archaic, common] | :: synonym of Raamattu |
pipo {n} | :: knit cap, stocking cap, watch cap; bobble hat; beanie [US], toque/tuque [Canada] (knitted hat of varying shape, often woollen, and sometimes topped by a pom-pom or tassel) |
pipo {n} [archaic] | :: tenpin |
pippalot {n} [slang] | :: party |
pippeli {n} [colloquial, childish, hypocoristic] | :: pee-pee (penis) |
pippuri {n} | :: pepper (plant of the family Piperaceae and spice prepared from the berries of this plant) |
pippuri {n} | :: pepper, chili (as head word in a compound term may also refer to the spicy varieties of Capsicum, notably in words chilipippuri and turkinpippuri) |
pippurihapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula badia |
pippurikastike {n} | :: pepper sauce |
pippurikastike {n} | :: creamy pepper sauce |
pippurimylly {n} | :: A pepper mill |
pippurinen {adj} | :: peppery |
pippurinen {adj} [figuratively] | :: temperamental |
pippuripihvi {n} | :: pepper steak, steak au poivre |
pippurirousku {n} | :: peppery milk-cap, Lactarius piperatus |
pippurisirotin {n} | :: A pepper shaker |
pippurisumute {n} | :: pepper spray |
pippurisumutin {n} | :: A hand-held self-defense spraying device containing pepper spray |
pippuroida {v} | :: To pepper (to add pepper to) |
pippuroida {v} | :: To devil (to add cayenne pepper to) |
piraatti {n} | :: pirate (one who reproduces copyrighted works for distribution) |
piraattikopio {n} | :: pirated copy, pirated edition |
piraattipainos {n} | :: pirate edition (of a book) |
pirahdella {vi} | :: to briefly ring repeatedly |
pirahtaa {vi} | :: to ring briefly |
piraija {n} | :: piranha |
pirana {n} | :: a certain thick porridge-like soup made of legumes, beans and some other ingredients, often meat and/or rutabaga |
piratismi {n} | :: piracy (unauthorized duplication of goods, software, music etc. protected by intellectual property law) |
pirauttaa {v} [colloquial] | :: (with a telephone) to call |
Pirhonen {prop} | :: surname |
piri {n} [slang] | :: speed (metamphetamine) |
pirinä {n} | :: ringing |
Pirinen {prop} | :: surname |
piripinnassa {adv} | :: brimful, filled to the brim |
piripintaan {adv} | :: to the brim (used chiefly of actual containers) |
piripintanaan {adv} | :: synonym of piripinnassa |
piripolkka {n} [colloquial] | :: fast-paced or very (perhaps overly) energetic music |
piristä {vi} | :: to ring (to produce a repetitive resonant sound that doesn't reverberate for long, like that produced by a landline telephone) |
piristää {vt} | :: to refresh |
piristää {vt} | :: to cheer up |
piristäytyä {vi} | :: to refresh |
piriste {n} | :: stimulant |
piristyä {vi} | :: To perk up |
piristyä {vi} | :: To cheer up |
piristysaine {n} | :: stimulant |
piristyspilleri {n} | :: refreshment pill |
Pirita {prop} | :: given name |
Piritta {prop} | :: given name |
Pirjo {prop} | :: given name |
Pirkanmaa {prop} | :: Pirkanmaa (region) (a maakunta) |
pirkanmaalainen {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Pirkanmaa |
pirkanmaalainen {n} | :: an inhabitant of Pirkanmaa |
pirkka {n} | :: synonym of pykäläpuu |
Pirkka {prop} | :: given name |
Pirkkala {prop} | :: Pirkkala (municipality) |
pirkkalainen {n} [historical] | :: birkarl (member of a group of Finnic origin that controlled taxation and commerce in central Lappmarken in Sweden from the 13th to the 17th century) |
pirkkalalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pirkkala |
pirkkalalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pirkkala |
Pirkko {prop} | :: given name |
Pirkko-Liisa {prop} | :: given name |
pirpana {n} [colloquial] | :: shrimp, squirt, tyke (child) |
pirskahdella {vi} | :: to briefly burst or drip repeatedly |
pirskahtaa {vi} | :: to briefly burst or drip |
pirskauttaa {vt} | :: to quickly throw or drop some liquid, to dash |
pirskeet {n} | :: party |
pirskotella {v} | :: to spurt, spatter or sprinkle lightly (to splash lightly with small droplets) |
pirskottaa {v} | :: to spurt, spatter, sprinkle (to splash with small droplets) |
pirskua {vi} | :: to spatter, to splash |
pirssi {n} [colloquial] | :: taxi |
pirssiauto {n} [rare] | :: taxicab |
pirsta {n} | :: shard |
pirstale {n} | :: shard |
pirstaleinen {adj} | :: shattered, splintered, broken |
pirstaloitua {v} | :: synonym of pirstoutua |
pirstoa {v} | :: to shatter, smash (to violently break something into pieces) |
pirstoutua {vi} | :: to shatter, shard |
pirta {n} [weaving] | :: reed |
pirtakoukku {n} | :: reed hook |
pirtanauha {n} | :: a band of fabric woven with a reed |
pirteä {adj} | :: perky, vivacious, lively |
pirteämpi {adj} | :: comparative of pirteä |
pirtelö {n} | :: A milkshake, shake |
pirtti {n} | :: cabin, cottage |
pirtti {n} | :: living room, main room (especially in a farmhouse or older house) |
pirtu {n} | :: rectified spirit (spirit that has been purified to or close to the maximum concentration obtainable by using conventional distillation processes, i.e. about 96% by volume) |
piru {n} | :: the Devil (Satan) |
piru {n} | :: a devil |
piru {adv} [vulgar] | :: An intensifier; used in genitive singular form (pirun) |
piru asuu yksityiskohdissa {phrase} | :: devil is in the details |
piruetti {n} | :: pirouette |
piruilla {vt} [somewhat, vulgar] | :: to take the piss, tease, mock |
pirulainen {n} [derogatory, mildly, vulgar] | :: bastard, son of a bitch |
pirullinen {adj} | :: devilish |
pirullisesti {adv} | :: devilishly |
pirunkeuhko {n} [music] | :: synonym of harmonikka |
pirunnyrkki {n} | :: burr puzzle |
pirunpelto {n} | :: shingle beach, rocky beach |
pirunpihka {n} | :: synonym of hajupihka |
pirunpuolukka {n} | :: A regional variant of sianpuolukka |
piruntatti {n} | :: Devil's bolete or Satan's mushroom (Boletus satanas) |
piruntusina {n} | :: baker's dozen (group of 13) |
piruparka {n} | :: poor devil |
pirusti {adv} | :: an intensifier |
piruuksissaan {adv} [colloquial] | :: maliciously, mischievously |
piruuntua {vi} [rare] | :: to get angry |
piruus {n} [colloquial, somewhat, vulgar] | :: malevolence, malice, wickedness |
piruuttaan {adv} [somewhat, vulgar] | :: for the hell of it, out of spite |
pisama {n} | :: freckle |
pisamainen {adj} | :: freckled |
pisara {n} | :: drop (a small mass of liquid) |
pisara meressä {n} [idiomatic] | :: drop in the bucket |
pisaratartunta {n} [pathology] | :: droplet transmission, aerosol transmission (method of transmission of disease) |
pisaroida {v} | :: To drip |
pisiä {v} [childish] | :: to piss |
piski {n} | :: A mutt, mongrel, pooch or cur (mixed-breed dog) |
piski {n} [slang] | :: A pooch (dog) |
piskuinen {adj} | :: tiny, petty |
pisoaari {n} | :: urinal |
pissa {n} [euphemistic] | :: pee |
pissaaminen {n} | :: peeing, wee |
pissaleikki {n} [colloquial] | :: watersport (sexual practice) |
pissaliisa {n} [slang, pejorative] | :: synonym of pissis |
pissapoika {n} [colloquial] | :: windscreen washer (device to clean windscreens) |
pissata {v} | :: to pee, wee, wee-wee |
pissattaa {v} [impersonal] | :: to have the urge to urinate |
pissi {n} [childish] | :: pee |
pissiä {v} [colloquial, childish] | :: to piss, wee |
pissiä {v} [colloquial] | :: to fail |
pissis {n} [slang] | :: teenybopper; teenage girl obsessed with her appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, boasting with alcohol consumption and having an indifferent attitude towards everything; partially corresponds to the terms chav [girl], Essex girl and Valley girl, but does not connote any specific social status (teenage girl obsessed with outer appearances (as for clothing, hair style, makeup, etc.), having self-conscious behavior, often drinking alcohol excessively and having an indifferent attitude towards everything) |
pissittää {vi} [childish] | :: to have the urge to urinate |
pistää {vt} | :: to poke, thrust |
pistää {vt} | :: to stick, prick, stab, puncture; (of insects) to bite, sting |
pistää {vt} | :: to inject (administer an injection) |
pistää {vt} [colloquial] | :: to put, place, make, leave |
pistää {vi} [monopersonal, illative + ~] | :: to smart |
pistää {vt} [colloquial] | :: to give, make |
pistää {vt} [vulgar, rare] | :: to fuck |
pistää päänsä pensaaseen {v} | :: to bury one's head in the sand (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation) |
pistää pyörät pyörimään {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to set things in motion |
pistaasi {n} | :: pistachio |
pistää silmään {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stand out, to catch someone's eye |
pistaasipähkinä {n} | :: pistachio nut |
pistari {n} [colloquial] | :: pop quiz |
pistari {n} [colloquial] | :: focus mitt |
pistävä {adj} | :: pungent |
pistäytyä {vi} [_, + inessive] | :: To drop by |
piste {n} [typography] | :: point, dot, full stop, period |
piste {n} [mathematics] | :: point (zero-dimensional object) |
piste {n} | :: point (particular location) |
piste {n} | :: point (something tiny) |
piste {n} | :: point (mark or stroke above a letter) |
piste {n} | :: point (unit of scoring) |
piste {n} [typography] | :: point (unit of font size or spacing) |
pisteaita {n} | :: synonym of riukuaita |
pistearvo {n} | :: point value |
pisteittää {vt} | :: to mark with a dot or dots |
pisteittää {v} | :: synonym of pisteyttää |
pisteittäin {adv} [math] | :: pointwise |
pisteittäinen {adj} [mathematics] | :: pointwise |
pistekaavio {n} | :: scatter plot |
pistekirjoitus {n} | :: Braille |
pistekoko {n} | :: type size |
pistekota {n} | :: a conical kota made of vertical but leaning wooden poles |
pistekuorma {n} | :: concentrated load (a weight or such load concentrated to a point) |
pisteliäästi {adv} | :: sarcastically, mordantly |
pisteliäästi {adv} | :: tartly, pungently |
pisteliäs {adj} | :: sarcastic, mordant |
pisteliäs {adj} | :: tart, pungent |
pistelinko {n} [ice hockey] | :: a player that scores very many points |
pistellä {v} | :: Frequentative form of pistää; all senses |
pistemäärä {n} | :: score (total number of points earned by a participant in a game) |
pistemäärä {n} | :: score (first derivative of the log-likelihood function) |
pistemäinen {adj} [math] | :: punctual |
pistemusiikki {n} [music] | :: punctualism |
pistenäyttö {n} [computing] | :: refreshable display, braille terminal |
pistepörssi {n} | :: player statistics |
pisteputki {n} [sports] | :: point streak |
pistesilmä {n} [zoology] | :: simple eye (in invertebrates) |
pistetodennäköisyysfunktio {n} [probability theory] | :: probability mass function |
pistetulo {n} [linear algebra] | :: scalar product, dot product |
pistevieras {adj} | :: disjoint, non-intersecting |
pisteyttää {vt} | :: to rank, to score |
pistia {n} | :: water cabbage, water-lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) |
pistiäinen {n} [commmonly] | :: sawfly (insect of the suborder Symphyta within the order Hymenoptera) |
pistiäinen {n} [zoology] | :: Any insect in the order Hymenoptera |
pistiäinen {n} [zoology, in plural] | :: The insect order Hymenoptera comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees and ants |
pistin {n} | :: stinger (of animals, e.g. wasp stinger) |
pistin {n} | :: bayonet |
pistinkasvit {n} [rare] | :: plants that can sting |
pisto {n} | :: sting, bite |
pisto {n} [sewing] | :: stitch |
pisto {n} [fencing] | :: thrust |
pistoaita {n} | :: synonym of riukuaita |
pistohaava {n} | :: puncture wound, stab (deep narrow wound caused by a pointed object) |
pistokärpänen {n} | :: stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans |
pistokas {n} [gardening] | :: cutting (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant) |
pistokas {n} | :: sandal |
pistoke {n} [electricity] | :: plug (connecting device) |
pistoke {n} [computing] | :: socket (interprocess or network communication channel) |
pistokoe {n} | :: pop quiz, test or quiz without any prior announcement |
pistokoe {n} | :: spot check, random check |
pistokone {n} [machining] | :: shaper |
pistokortti {n} | :: plug-in card |
pistokortti {n} | :: stitching card |
pistomiekka {n} | :: rapier |
pistooli {n} | :: pistol |
pistooli {n} [by extension] | :: handgun |
pistooli {n} | :: gun (device operated by a trigger and acting in a manner similar to a firearm) |
pistooliammunta {n} | :: pistol shooting (sport) |
pistoolikahva {n} | :: pistol grip (grip shaped like that of a pistol) |
pistoolikotelo {n} | :: pistol holster |
pistorasia {n} | :: socket, outlet, wall socket; point [UK]; receptacle, wall plug [US] (opening for connecting an electric plug) |
pistos {n} | :: twinge, pang, sting (sudden sharp pain) |
pistos {n} [medicine] | :: injection |
pistos {n} | :: synonym of pisto |
pistosaha {n} | :: keyhole saw, drywall saw, pad saw, alligator saw (handsaw with a long, narrow blade; used for cutting small, often awkward features in various building materials) |
pistotulppa {n} | :: plug (electric connecting device) |
pistouvata {v} [dialectal] | :: to pick up the tab, treat (to entertain with food or drink, especially at one's own expense; to show hospitality to; to pay for as celebration or reward) |
pisu {n} [childish] | :: pee |
pisuaari {n} | :: alternative spelling of pisoaari |
pita {n} | :: pita |
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to hold, grasp, grip |
pitää {vt} [_, + accusative] | :: to keep, take |
pitää {vt} [_, + elative] | :: to like, be fond of |
pitää {vt} [impersonal, genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + 1st infinitive] | :: to have (to do); (in conditional mood) should (do), ought (to do), be supposed (to do), would have (to do) |
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive + essive] | :: to consider (to be), to assess, to see as |
pitää {vt} [_, + elative + kiinni] | :: to hold onto |
pitää {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to keep (an animal) |
pitää {vt} | :: to hold, to organize (such as an event) |
pitää {vt} | :: Used in very many collocations with nouns, translated often as "engage in", "have", "do", "transact", "pursue", "conduct", "carry out" "keep up", "maintain", "lead/teach" etc |
pitää arvossa {v} | :: to value, hold in high regard, hold dear, appreciate |
pitää hallussaan {vt} | :: to command, hold, control the use of, maintain in one's possession, obtain |
pitää hauskaa {v} | :: To have fun, have a ball, have a good time |
pitää hauskaa {v} | :: To enjoy oneself |
pitää huolta {vi} [+ elative] | :: to take care of |
pitää huolta {v} | :: to mind |
pitää huolta omista asioistaan {v} | :: To mind one's own business |
pitää kiinni {v} | :: to hold onto, to hold, to hang on |
pitää kiinni {v} | :: to stick to, to adhere (persist or continue to do or use) |
pitää kiirettä {v} | :: To hurry |
pitää kovilla {v} | :: to give someone a hard time |
pitää kuin kukkaa kämmenellä {v} [simile] | :: to walk on eggshells (act carefully to avoid upsetting someone) |
pitää kynttiläänsä vakan alla {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hide one's light under a bushel (to conceal one's talents or positive qualities, especially due to modesty or shyness; to avoid attention) |
pitaali {n} [pathology, dated, now rare] | :: alternative spelling of spitaali |
pitää lukua {vi} | :: to tally, keep score |
pitää matalaa profiilia {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep a low profile |
pitää meteliä {v} [literally] | :: to cause noise or ruckus |
pitää meteliä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to raise the roof, cause a commotion |
pitää mykkäkoulua {v} [idiomatic] | :: to give someone the silent treatment (to refuse to speak to someone for an extended period of time) |
pitää nenä pinnalla {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep one's head above water |
pitää pää kylmänä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep one's cool |
pitää päänsä pystyssä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold one's head high |
pitää paikkansa {v} | :: to hold true, be true (to be true, valid or applicable) |
pitää peukkua {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cross one's fingers, lit. "to keep one's thumb up" (to wish someone good luck) |
pitää pintansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold up, stick to one's guns |
pitää pintansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold one's own |
pitää puhe {v} | :: To speak, to give a speech, to deliver a speech, to address an audience (to deliver a message to a group) |
pitää puheensa {v} [idiomatic] | :: To walk the talk [US] (to do what one said one could do, or would do, not just making empty promises) |
pitää puolensa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold up, stick to one's guns |
pitää puolensa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold one's own |
pitää pystyssä {v} [literally] | :: to keep standing or vertical; to support, uphold |
pitää pystyssä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold the fort, maintain |
pitää sanansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep one's word |
pitää seuraa {v} | :: to keep someone company |
pitää silmällä {v} | :: To keep an eye on |
pitää silmäpeliä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to give someone the eye, make eyes at (to show flirtatious signs with one's eyes) |
pitää sisällään {v} | :: to contain, to suppress (such as an emotion) |
pitää varansa {vi} [idiomatic] | :: To watch out, watch one's step, be on one's guard, keep one's eyes open (literally: "to maintain one's room/space") |
pitää varpaillaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep someone on their toes |
pitää vettä {v} | :: to hold water; both literally (to not leak) and figuratively (to withstand scrutiny, to be valid) |
pitää yhtä {vi} | :: To band together, stick together, speak with one voice |
pitää yhteyttä {v} | :: to keep in touch |
pitää yhteyttä {v} | :: to follow up (to maintain communication) |
pitää yllä {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To maintain; to keep up (to maintain the good condition of sth); to sustain |
pitäjä {n} | :: (old-fashioned) rural municipality |
pitäjä {n} | :: holder |
pitäjä {n} | :: keeper |
pitäjänmakasiini {n} | :: parish granary |
pitäjänneuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in municipal politics |
pitäkää hauskaa {phrase} | :: Have fun! (2nd person plural) |
pitaleipä {n} | :: pita bread, pita |
pitali {n} [obsolete] | :: synonym of spitaali |
pitäminen {n} | :: holding, keeping |
pitävä {adj} | :: solid, as in pitävä väite ("solid argument") |
pitävä {adj} | :: firm, as in pitävä ote ("firm grip") |
pitävä {adj} | :: proof (in compound terms, firm or successful in resisting) |
pitävästi {adv} | :: conclusively |
pitäytyä {v} | :: to hold on to, to stick to, to adhere |
pitbull {n} | :: pitbull, pit bull terrier (breed of dog) |
pitchi {n} [golf] | :: pitch |
pitempi {adj} | :: comparative of pitkä |
pitentää {v} | :: alternative form of pidentää |
pitentyä {v} | :: alternative form of pidentyä |
pitkä {adj} [of an object] | :: long |
pitkä {adj} [of a person] | :: tall |
pitkä {n} | :: short for pitkä kiekko |
pitkäaaltoalue {n} | :: longwave bands collectively |
pitkäaikainen {adj} | :: long-term, longtime |
pitkäaikainen {adj} | :: chronic |
pitkäaikainen {adj} | :: secular (going on for a long period of time) |
pitkäaikainen vastuu {n} [accounting, finance] | :: long-term liability |
pitkäaikainen vieras pääoma {n} [accounting, finance] | :: long-term debt |
pitkäaikaisin {adj} | :: superlative of pitkäaikainen |
pitkäaikaispotilas {n} | :: long-term patient (seriously injured or chronically ill person who has to spend long periods of time in hospital care) |
pitkäaikaissäilytys {n} | :: long-term storage, long-term preservation |
pitkäaikaissokeri {n} | :: long-term sugar (especially in blood) |
pitkäaikaistyötön {n} | :: long-term unemployed (person who has been unemployed for an elongated period of time) |
pitkäaikaistyöttömyys {n} | :: long-term unemployment |
pitkäaikaisvaikutus {n} | :: long-term effect |
pitkään {adv} | :: for long, at length |
pitkään aikaan {phrase} | :: in a long time, for a long time |
pitkähäntämuurahaiskäpy {n} [zoology] | :: long-tailed pangolin, Manis tetradactyla |
pitkähihainen {adj} | :: longsleeved |
pitkähiuksinen {adj} | :: [of humans] longhaired |
pitkähöylä {n} | :: a woodworking plane made of a long block of wood |
pitkähuilu {n} [musical instruments] | :: willow flute |
pitkäikäinen {adj} | :: long-lasting (persisting or enduring for a long time) |
pitkäikäinen {adj} | :: long-lived (having a long lifespan; surviving for a long period of time) |
pitkäikäisyys {n} | :: longevity |
pitkäjalka {n} | :: stilt (three species of bird in the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus) |
pitkäjalka {n} | :: black-winged stilt, Himantopus himantopus |
pitkäjalkainen {adj} | :: long-legged |
pitkäjännitteisesti {adv} | :: in a long-term way |
pitkäjänteinen {adj} | :: long-term (extending over a relatively long time period) |
pitkäjänteisesti {adv} | :: in a long-term way |
pitkäkarvainen {adj} | :: [of furred animals] longhaired |
pitkäkarvainen collie {n} | :: rough collie (breed of dog) |
pitkäkaulaluuttu {n} [music] | :: tanbur (type of long-necked lute commonly used in Central and South Asian music) |
pitkäkestoinen {adj} | :: lengthy, prolonged, sustained |
pitkäkestoinen {adj} | :: long-term |
pitkäkestoinen {adj} | :: long-lasting |
pitkä kiekko {n} [ice hockey] | :: An icing |
pitkäkirkko {n} | :: a church with a rectangular plan, often such that the church is longer in the east-west direction |
pitkäkseen {adv} | :: down (to a reclining position); mostly used in the expression käydä pitkäkseen (to lie down) |
pitkäkyntinen {adj} | :: light-fingered (given to thievery or shoplifting) |
pitkällään {adv} | :: in a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down |
pitkällä tähtäimellä {phrase} | :: in the long run, in the long term |
pitkälleen {adv} | :: to a horizontal position, horizontally; often translated into English with down |
pitkällinen {adj} | :: prolonged, lengthy |
pitkälti {adv} | :: to a large extent |
pitkämiekka {n} | :: A longsword, greatsword, bastard sword or bastardsword |
pitkämielinen {adj} | :: long-suffering, patient, forbearing (characterized by patience and indulgence) |
pitkämielisesti {adv} | :: patiently, forbearingly, in a long-suffering way |
pitkänään {adv} | :: synonym of pitkällään |
pitkän aikavälin vastuu {n} [accounting, finance] | :: long-term liability |
Pitkänen {prop} | :: surname |
pitkänomainen {adj} | :: elongated, longish |
pitkänurkka {n} | :: a corner of a log house with logs sticking out the corner; such a corner type |
pitkäpääsara {n} | :: Carex elongata |
pitkä penni {n} [idiomatic] | :: pretty penny |
pitkäperjantai {n} [Christianity] | :: Good Friday |
pitkäpiimä {n} [dairy products] | :: A type of piimä typical for western Finland |
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} [idiomatic] | :: prolix (tediously lengthy) |
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} [idiomatic] | :: ponderous (extremely dull or boring) |
pitkäpiimäinen {adj} | :: of or pertaining to pitkäpiimä |
pitkäpiimäisesti {adv} | :: ponderously, dully |
pitkäpiimäisyys {n} | :: ponderousness, dullness |
pitkäpinnainen {adj} [colloquial] | :: even-tempered, patient |
pitkäsäärinen {adj} | :: long-legged, leggy (having long legs) |
pitkäsiima {n} [fishing] | :: longline |
pitkäsoitto {n} | :: LP record |
pitkäsoitto {n} | :: As modifier in compound terms: long-playing, LP |
pitkäsoittolevy {n} | :: LP, long-playing record |
pitkästä aikaa {interj} | :: long time no see; it has been a long time |
pitkästi {adv} | :: longly |
pitkästyä {v} | :: to get bored |
pitkästyttää {vt} | :: to bore (to make boring, tiresome) |
pitkästyttävä {adj} | :: tiresome, dull |
pitkästyttävästi {adv} | :: tiresomely, dully |
pitkäsuippuinen {adj} [botany] | :: acuminate (tapering to a long point in a concave manner) |
pitkätakki {n} | :: longcoat |
pitkäthousut {n} | :: long trousers |
pitkät valot {n} [automotive] | :: high beams |
pitkävene {n} | :: longship (Viking naval vessel) |
pitkäveteinen {adj} | :: dull, tedious, boring |
pitkäveteisesti {adv} | :: tediously |
pitkäviha {n} [historical] | :: the war between Sweden and Russia that took place between 1570–1595 |
pitkikset {n} [colloquial] | :: trousers, leggings |
pitkin {postp} | :: along |
pitkin ja poikin {adv} | :: synonym of pitkin poikin |
pitkin korvia {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: Together with a suitable verb, e.g. antaa, lyödä, läimäyttää, vedellä, vetää, to box someone's ears |
pitkin poikin {adv} | :: crisscross (crossing one another, or one's own path) |
pitkistyä {v} | :: synonym of pitkittyä |
pitkittää {v} | :: to prolong, draw out, extend (make something last for more time than is necessary) |
pitkittäin {adv} | :: lengthwise |
pitkittäinen {adj} | :: longitudinal (running in the direction of the long axis of a body) |
pitkittäisaalto {n} [physics] | :: longitudinal wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is parallel to the direction of travel) |
pitkittäisleikkaus {n} | :: lengthwise cross-section |
pitkittäistutkimus {n} | :: longitudinal study |
pitkittyä {vi} | :: to be prolonged |
pitko {n} | :: An elongated loaf of pulla (cardamom bread), often baked in the form of a plait |
pitkospuu {n} | :: duckboard (one of a long series of boards laid as a path across wet or muddy ground) |
pitkospuu {n} | :: in plural (pitkospuut), duckboards (path made that way) |
pitkulainen {adj} | :: oblong, elongated |
pito {n} | :: keeping, upkeep |
pito {n} | :: spending (a vacation) |
pito {n} | :: traction (friction) |
pito {n} | :: hold (as in a phone call kept on hold) |
-pitoinen {adj} | :: containing, -bearing, -rich (containing a relatively large share of); often the English equivalent is a substance-specific adjective |
pitoisuus {n} | :: percentage |
pitoisuus {n} | :: concentration |
pitokokki {n} | :: caterer |
pitokytkin {n} | :: hold-to-run switch, hold switch |
pitopaikka {n} | :: venue, establishment |
pitopalvelu {n} | :: catering, catering service |
pitopohja {n} | :: grip bottom, grippy underside (especially of a type of ski) |
pitopohjasukset {n} | :: waxless skis |
pitopöytä {n} | :: smorgasbord |
pitoruoka {n} | :: food in a traditional feast or banquet |
pitoteippi {n} | :: grip tape |
pitot-putki {n} | :: Pitot tube |
pitovaatteet {n} | :: casualwear |
pitovaikeus {n} [usually, in plural] | :: difficulty of maintenance |
pitovoide {n} | :: grip wax, kick wax (type of ski wax) |
pitovoima {n} [fluid dynamics] | :: downforce |
pitsa {n} | :: alternative form of pizza |
pitseria {n} | :: alternative form of pizzeria |
pitsi {n} | :: lace |
pitsipuumuura {n} | :: chestnut-backed antshrike |
pitsisukat {n} | :: lace socks |
pitskat {n} [dialectal] | :: matches (devices to make fire) |
pittoreski {adj} | :: picturesque |
pituinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +] | :: long; [of humans] tall |
pituus {n} | :: length |
pituus {n} | :: longitude (angular distance east or west from Greenwich meridian; used in combination with itäinen (eastern) or läntinen (western)) |
pituus {n} | :: height (vertical distance from the ground to the highest part of a standing person) |
pituusaste {n} | :: longitude (angular distance east or west from the Greenwich meridian), degree of longitude |
pituushyppääjä {n} | :: long jumper (athlete) |
pituushyppy {n} [athletics] | :: long jump |
pituuskaltevuus {n} | :: gradient of a rail track or road |
pituuskontraktio {n} [physics] | :: length contraction, Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction |
pituusleikkaus {n} | :: slitting, cutting across the longitudinal axis |
pituusleikkaus {n} [papermaking] | :: roll slitting |
pituusleikkuri {n} | :: roll slitter |
pituusmerkki {n} | :: macron (diacritical mark) |
pituusmitta {n} | :: linear measure, length measure |
pituuspiiri {n} [geography] | :: longitude, meridian |
pituussuunta {n} | :: the direction of length; lengthwise direction |
pituusyksikkö {n} | :: unit of length |
piuha {n} [colloquial] | :: electrical cord |
piuha {n} [tools] | :: turf spade |
piukasti {adv} | :: tightly, tautly, skimpily |
piukea {adj} | :: alternative form of piukka |
piukempi {adj} | :: comparative of piukka |
piukka {adj} | :: tight, taut, skimpy |
piukkasara {n} | :: Carex elata |
piupaut {n} | :: used in the expression antaa piupaut |
piuru {n} | :: Scolochloa festucacea |
piuru {n} | :: any plant of the genus Scolochloa |
piuru {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Scolochloa |
pivo {n} [archaic] | :: A hand, palm |
pivosirppi {n} | :: an early type of sickle |
pizza {n} | :: pizza |
pizzaleikkuri {n} | :: pizza cutter |
pizzamauste {n} | :: pizza seasoning (a blend of herbs and spices used in pizzas) |
pizzauuni {n} | :: pizza oven |
pizzeria {n} | :: pizzeria |
Pjongjang {prop} | :: Pjongjang (capital city) |
pjongjangilainen {n} | :: Pyongyangite (person) |
pk {phrase} | :: abbreviation of pieni ja keskisuuri; used in compounds |
P-kausi {n} [military slang] | :: the period of recruit training, basic training or boot camp during military service |
PKK {prop} | :: initialism of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) |
pk-teollisuus {n} | :: small and medium industry (industrial enterprises employing 10 to 250 people) |
pk-yrittäjä {n} | :: small and medium entrepreneur (entrepreneur who employs 10 to 250 people) |
pk-yritys {n} | :: small and medium enterprise, SME (enterprise employing 10 to 250 people) |
pl. {adv} | :: abbreviation of pois lukien |
pl {n} | :: abbreviation of pullo |
plaanata {v} [nautical] | :: to plane |
plaani {n} [nautical] | :: planing |
plafondi {n} | :: ceiling light |
plagaali {adj} [music] | :: plagal |
plagiaatti {n} | :: A plagiarism |
plagioida {vt} | :: To plagiarize |
plagioija {n} | :: plagiarizer |
plagiointi {n} | :: plagiarizing |
plagioklaasi {n} [mineral] | :: plagioclase |
plagioklaasiporfyriitti {n} [geology] | :: plagioclase porphyrite |
pläkä {n} [nautical, slang] | :: calm, dead calm (period of no wind) |
plakaatti {n} | :: synonym of juliste |
plaketti {n} | :: plaquette (small, usually square, metal tablet decorated in bas-relief, often used mark of honor by organizations) |
plakkari {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of tasku |
plakki {n} [dentistry] | :: plaque |
pläkki {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of läkki (tin plate) |
planeetta {n} | :: planet |
planeettainvälinen {adj} | :: interplanetary |
planeettakunta {n} [astronomy] | :: planetary system |
planeettapyörästö {n} | :: planetary gear |
planeettatutkimus {n} [astronomy] | :: planetary science |
planeettavaihteisto {n} [automotive] | :: planetary transmission |
planetaarinen {adj} [astronomy] | :: planetary |
planetaarinen sumu {n} [astronomy] | :: planetary nebula |
planetaario {n} | :: planetarium |
planetoidi {n} [astronomy] | :: planetoid |
planetologi {n} | :: planetologist |
planetologia {n} [astronomy] | :: planetology |
planimetri {n} | :: planimeter |
planisfääri {n} [astronomy] | :: planisphere |
plankata {v} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of lankata |
plankkaus {n} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of lankkaus |
plankki {n} [dialectal] | :: shoe polish |
planktinen {adj} | :: planktonic |
plankton {n} | :: plankton |
planssi {n} | :: poster (illustration, especially one fixed on stiff base for presentation) |
planssi {n} [printing] | :: plate (page dedicated for illustratiions, especially one printed on better paper than the rest of the publication) |
planssi {n} [television] | :: background image, especially one with text |
planssi {n} [television] | :: In subtitling, any unspoken element, such as a note or sign, which needs to be translated |
plantaarifaskiitti {n} [patology] | :: plantar fasciitis |
plantaarinen {adj} | :: plantar |
plantaasi {n} | :: plantation |
planttu {n} [dialectal] | :: sapling, seedling |
planttu {n} | :: novice, beginner, greenhorn (someone new to a profession, usually with a modifier that specifies the profession) |
plarata {v} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: to browse, leaf |
plärätä {v} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: alternative form of plarata |
plari {n} [colloquial] | :: manuscript |
plari {n} | :: (colloquial) program sheet |
plasebo {n} [pharmacology] | :: placebo |
plasebovaikutus {n} [medicine] | :: placebo effect |
plaseerata {v} | :: to seat (to assign seats to participants, particularly around a table, as in dinner party) |
plaseeraus {n} | :: seating (act of assigning seats to participant; seating order that thus results) |
pläsi {n} [slang] | :: face, especially an ugly one |
plasma {n} [biology, physics, hematology] | :: plasma |
plasmafysiikka {n} | :: plasma physics |
plasmaleikkaus {n} | :: plasma cutting |
plasmanäyttö {n} | :: plasma screen |
plasmapallo {n} | :: plasma ball |
plasmasolu {n} | :: plasma cell |
plasmasuihkuhitsaus {n} | :: plasma jet welding |
plasmatekniikka {n} | :: plasma technology |
plasmidi {n} [cytology] | :: plasmid |
plasmiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: plastin |
plasmodesmi {n} [biology] | :: plasmodesma |
plasmoni {n} | :: plasmon |
plasmosyytti {n} | :: plasmocyte |
plastidi {n} [biology] | :: plastid |
plastiikka {n} | :: plastic art |
plastiikka {n} | :: plasticity |
plastiikkakirurgi {n} | :: plastic surgeon |
plastiikkakirurgia {n} | :: plastic surgery |
plastiikki {n} [archaic] | :: plastic |
plastillinen {adj} [dated] | :: synonym of plastinen |
plastinen {adj} | :: plastic, malleable; flexible, pliant (capable of being moulded) |
plastinen {adj} | :: plastic (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions) |
plastinen {adj} | :: plastic (of or pertaining to the inelastic, non-brittle, deformation of a materia) |
plastisesti {adv} | :: plastically |
plastisuus {n} | :: plasticity |
plataani {n} | :: sycamore (tree of the genus Platanus) |
platformi {n} | :: platform (type of shoe) |
platina {n} | :: platinum |
platinafasaani {n} | :: Lady Amherst's pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae |
platinakettu {n} | :: platinum fox (grey, white and black color variant of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) found in foxes that are bred in captivity for their fur) |
platinakoru {n} [individually] | :: platinum piece of jewelry, piece of platinum jewelry (piece of jewelry in which the metal part is chiefly platinum) |
platinakoru {n} [collectively] | :: platinum jewelry |
platinalevy {n} [music] | :: platinum disc, platinum record, platinum (recording that has sold enough to reach platinum level; the actual number varies by the market and awarder, in Finland the level is currently 20,000) |
platinanvaalea {adj} | :: platinum blond, platinum blonde |
platinaryhmä {n} [chemistry] | :: platinum group |
platinoida {vt} | :: to platinize (coat with platinum) |
platinointi {n} | :: platinization |
Platon {prop} | :: Plato |
platonikko {n} | :: Platonist |
platonilainen {adj} | :: Platonic (of or pertaining to Plato or his philosophy) |
platonilaisuus {n} | :: synonym of platonismi |
platoninen {adj} | :: platonic (of love or relationship, nonsexual) |
platoninen rakkaus {n} | :: platonic love |
Platonin kappale {n} [geometry] | :: A Platonic solid |
platonismi {n} | :: Platonism |
plätsähtää {vi} | :: to splat (make a sharp, atonal sound akin to liquid hitting a hard surface) |
platykurtinen {adj} | :: platykurtic |
playback {n} [music, singing] | :: playback singing |
playback {n} [music, singing] | :: lip-syncing |
playboy {n} | :: playboy |
playoff-peli {n} | :: playoff match |
plebeiji {n} [history] | :: plebeian, pleb |
pleenumi {n} | :: synonym of täysistunto (plenary session) |
pleenumiesitelmä {n} | :: plenary talk (talk given in the plenary session of a conference) |
pleikkari {n} [colloquial] | :: PlayStation |
pleiotrooppinen {adj} | :: pleiotropic |
pleissata {v} | :: to splice (unite ropes by interweaving the strands) |
pleissi {n} | :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together) |
pleistoseeni {n} [geology] | :: synonym of pleistoseenikausi |
pleistoseenikausi {n} [geology] | :: The Pleistocene (epoch) |
pleistoseenikautinen {adj} [geology] | :: Pleistocene (of or pertaining to Pleistocene epoch) |
plejadi {n} | :: Pleiad |
Plejadit {prop} [astronomy] | :: The Pleiades |
Plejadit {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: The Pleiades |
pleko {n} | :: pleco (South American fishes) |
pleksi {n} | :: short for pleksilasi |
pleksi {n} [sports, especially, ice hockey] | :: glass (clear, protective screen surrounding a hockey rink) |
pleksilasi {n} | :: plexiglass, acrylic glass (tough transparent plastic used sometimes in lieu of glass) |
plektra {n} [music] | :: plectrum, pick |
plenaariesitelmä {n} | :: synonym of pleenumiesitelmä |
pleomorfismi {n} [biology] | :: pleomorphism |
pleonasmi {n} [rhetoric] | :: pleonasm (rhetorical device) |
pleonastinen {adj} [rhetoric] | :: pleonastic (of or relating to pleonasm) |
pleuradreeni {n} | :: chest tube |
pleuriitti {n} | :: pleuritis |
pliisu {adj} [colloquial] | :: mediocre, bland, boring |
plikka {n} [dialectal] | :: girl |
plioseeni {n} [geology] | :: The Pliocene |
plioseenikausi {n} [geology] | :: The Pliocene |
plioseenikautinen {adj} [geology] | :: Pliocene (of or pertaining to Plioocene epoch) |
pliseerata {v} | :: synonym of vekata |
pliseeraus {n} | :: pleating (act or instance of pleating) |
pliseeraus {n} | :: pleating, pleats (result of pleating) |
plogging {n} | :: synonym of roskajuoksu |
plokata {v} [slang] | :: to pick |
plokata {v} [slang] | :: to bus (clean meal remains from plates; act as a busboy or busser) |
ploki {n} [nautical] | :: block (case with one or more sheaves/pulleys) |
plombeerata {v} [dialectal] | :: synonym of plombittaa |
plombi {n} | :: bulla (seal made out of lead) |
plombittaa {v} | :: to seal with lead, seal with a bull (to attach a seal of lead to) |
plonkata {v} [internet slang] | :: to ignore a message or user |
plonkata {v} [by extension, slang] | :: to reject a boy- or girlfriend |
plootu {n} [historical] | :: A plate of copper of up to 15 kilograms in weight, used as money in Sweden in 17th century |
plootu {n} [colloquial] | :: slab, sheet (flat piece of metal) |
plooturaha {n} | :: synonym of plootu |
plörinä {n} | :: See mennä plörinäksi |
plörö {n} [colloquial] | :: A drink consisting of coffee and a shot of hard liquor, often vodka |
plösö {adj} [slang] | :: fat |
plotata {v} [colloquial] | :: To plot (a diagram) |
plumpsahdus {n} | :: synonym of lumpsahdus |
plumpsahtaa {v} | :: synonym of lumpsahtaa |
pluraali {n} | :: plural |
pluralismi {n} [social sciences] | :: pluralism |
pluralismi {n} [philosophy] | :: pluralism |
pluralisti {n} | :: pluralist |
pluralistinen {adj} | :: pluralistic |
pluraliteettijärjestelmä {n} | :: first past the post, simple majority voting, plurality voting (voting system where the candidate with the most votes (a plurality) wins, without any form of preference transfer) |
pluratiivi {n} | :: plurale tantum |
plus {conj} | :: plus |
plusaste {n} | :: synonym of lämpöaste |
pluskvamperfekti {n} [grammar] | :: past perfect, pluperfect, pluperfect tense |
pluslasit {n} | :: reading glasses (eyeglasses meant for correcting farsightedness, with positive (+) diopter value) |
pluslasku {n} [arithmetic, colloquial] | :: addition |
plusmerkki {n} | :: plus sign |
plusmerkkinen {adj} [math] | :: positive (greater than zero) |
plusmerkkinen {adj} [physics] | :: positive (having more positrons than electrons) |
plus-miinusmerkki {n} [typography] | :: plus-minus sign (±) |
plusnapa {n} [electricity, direct current system] | :: positive terminal, cathode (battery pole toward which the electrons flow) |
plusnapa {n} [colloquial] | :: positive terminal, hot terminal (in a two- or three phase electricity distribution system, a terminal with voltage, as opposed to the neutral or zero-voltage terminal) |
pluspiste {n} | :: point (in a game or test in which penalties are allowed, point that increases the score) |
pluspuoli {n} | :: pro, plus, advantage, upside (positive aspect of something, especially when contrasted with its disadvantages) |
pluspuu {n} [forestry] | :: seed tree (superior tree selected for seed production for the needs of nurseries) |
plussa {n} [colloquial] | :: plus sign |
plussa {n} | :: pro, plus, positive thing |
plussa {n} [colloquial] | :: weather with above zero Celsius of temperature |
plussata {v} [colloquial] | :: To sum |
Pluto {prop} [Roman mythology] | :: Pluto (Roman god) |
Pluto {prop} | :: Pluto (dwarf planet) |
plutokraatti {n} | :: plutocrat |
plutokratia {n} | :: plutocracy |
plutoni {n} [geology] | :: pluton |
plutoninen {adj} [mineralogy] | :: plutonic |
plutonium {n} | :: plutonium |
plutoniumpommi {n} | :: plutonium bomb (nuclear fission bomb in which the fissile material is plutonium) |
plutoona {n} [military, archaic] | :: synonym of joukkue |
plutoona {n} [jocular] | :: crowd |
pluumi {n} [geology] | :: mantle plume |
plyymi {n} | :: plume (cluster of feathers worn as an ornament) |
plyyshikangas {n} | :: alternative spelling of plyysikangas |
plyysi {n} | :: plush (textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, especially the type that's used for upholstery) |
plyysihuonekalu {n} | :: plush piece of furniture (piece of furniture upholstered with plush) |
plyysi-istuin {n} | :: plush seat |
plyysikangas {n} | :: plush (textile fabric with a nap or shag on one side, especially the type that's used for upholstery) |
plyysimatto {n} | :: plush carpet |
plyysisohva {n} | :: plush sofa |
PN {prop} | :: initialism of w:fi:Pohjoismaiden neuvosto |
pneumaattinen {adj} | :: pneumatic |
pneumaattinen sireeni {n} | :: pneumatic siren |
pneumaattisesti {adv} | :: pneumatically |
pneumatiikka {n} | :: pneumatics |
pneumokokki {n} | :: pneumococcus (bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia) |
pneumonia {n} [pathology] | :: pneumonia |
podcast {n} | :: podcast |
podcastata {v} | :: To podcast (to deliver audio via an RSS feed over the internet to a subscriber) |
podsoli {n} | :: podzol, podsol |
poeettinen {adj} | :: poetic |
poetiikka {n} | :: poetics |
pogostantauti {n} | :: Pogosta disease |
pogromi {n} | :: pogrom |
pohatta {n} | :: tycoon |
pohdin {n} [archaic] | :: a flat-bottomed vessel used for separating grain from husks and chaff |
pohdinta {n} | :: deliberation, consideration, pondering |
pohdiskella {v} | :: To reflect, contemplate |
pohdittava {n} | :: food for thought (information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation) |
pöheikkö {n} | :: thicket |
pöhinä {n} | :: hustle (state of busy activity) |
pohja {n} | :: bottom (lowest part of anything, especially of a container) |
pohja {n} | :: fundament (underlying basis or principle) |
pohja {n} | :: layout (spatial arrangement of a building or flat) |
pohja {n} [archaic, poetic] | :: north; also with capital initial |
Pohja {prop} | :: surname |
Pohja {prop} | :: Pohja (former municipality), now part of Raasepori |
Pohja {prop} | :: alternative case form of pohja (in the sense "north") |
pohja-aika {n} [motorsports] | :: fastest time, fastest stage time |
pohja-ala {n} | :: base area, ground area, ground |
pohjaeliöstö {n} | :: benthos |
pohjagneissikompleksi {n} | :: basal gneiss complex |
pohjahiiva {n} | :: bottom yeast (yeast that in the end of fermentation tends to sink to the bottom of wort, used e.g. to produce lager beer) |
pohjahiivakäyminen {n} | :: bottom fermentation |
pohjahiivaolut {n} | :: botom-fermented beer |
pohjahinta {n} | :: reserve price (price set by a seller in an auction, below which the lot or item cannot be sold) |
-pohjainen {adj} [not comparable] | :: -based |
-pohjainen {adj} | :: -bottomed |
-pohjainen {adj} | :: -soled |
pohjainflaatio {n} | :: core inflation |
pohjajää {n} | :: anchor ice (submerged ice anchored to the bottom of a river etc.) |
pohjakerros {n} | :: ground floor (floor of a building closest to ground level) |
pohjakonglomeraatti {n} [geology] | :: basal conglomerate |
pohjakosketus {n} | :: grounding, an instance of hitting the bottom of a body of water |
pohjakoulutus {n} | :: initial training |
pohjalainen {adj} | :: Ostrobothnian (of or pertaining to the region of Ostrobothnia) |
pohjalainen {n} | :: Ostrobothnian (person) |
pohjalaisittain {adv} | :: like the Ostrobothnians do, in an/the Ostrobothnian way |
pohjalaismurre {n} | :: Ostrobothnian dialect |
pohjalehtinen {n} [botany] | :: isoetid (rosette plant that completes its entire life cycle submerged) |
pohjalehtinen {adj} [botany] | :: isoetid |
pohjalevy {n} [automotive] | :: platform |
pohjalevy {n} | :: bottom plate |
pohjaliete {n} | :: bottom sludge |
pohjallinen {adj} | :: Having a bottom |
pohjallinen {n} | :: insole |
pohjalukema {n} | :: The lowest value in a set of observations, the rock bottom, a minimum |
pohjalukema {n} [sports] | :: The best result reached so far in an ongoing contest; the leading score which other competitors have to beat, if they wish to win |
pohjamaa {n} [construction] | :: subgrade |
pohjamaalata {vt} | :: to prime, to size, to apply primer paint or undercoat to |
pohjamaalaus {n} | :: priming, undercoating |
pohjamaali {n} | :: primer (type of paint used to prime wood, metal, etc. in preparation for painting; a layer of such substance) |
pohjamajakka {n} | :: caisson lighthouse |
pohjamateriaali {n} | :: base material, substrate, backing material |
Pohjan akka {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: synonym of Louhi |
pohjanhorsma {n} [plant] | :: Hornemann's willowherb (Epilobium hornemannii) |
pohjanhyytelöjäkälä {n} | :: Collema curtisporum (a lichen) |
pohjankatkarapu {n} | :: deep-sea prawn, Pandalus borealis (species of shrimp found in cold parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) |
Pohjan kruunu {prop} | :: The constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown |
Pohjanlahti {prop} | :: The Gulf of Bothnia |
pohjanleinikki {n} | :: arctic buttercup, Ranunculus hyperboreus (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus) |
pohjanlepakko {n} | :: northern bat, Eptesicus nilssonii |
Pohjanmaa {prop} | :: Pohjanmaa (historic province) |
Pohjanmaa {prop} | :: Ostrobothnia (administrative region of contemporary Finland) |
pohjanmaalainen {adj} | :: synonym of pohjalainen |
pohjanmaalainen {n} | :: synonym of pohjalainen |
Pohjanmaan kautta {interj} | :: bottoms up |
Pohjanmeri {prop} | :: The North Sea |
pohjanmerikarhu {n} | :: northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus (species of fur seal native to the northern Pacific) |
pohjanoteeraus {n} [idiomatic] | :: low point, all-time low, rock bottom, the worst |
pohjanpika {n} | :: northern pika, Ochotona hyperborea |
pohjanpystykorva {n} | :: Norrbottenspets, Nordic spitz |
pohjanrousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius subcircellatus |
Pohjantähti {prop} [astronomy] | :: Polaris, North Star or Pole Star |
pohjantamandua {n} | :: northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana) |
pohjantikka {n} | :: Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) |
pohjanuotta {n} | :: dragnet, demersal seine |
pohjapaine {n} | :: bottom pressure |
pohjapalkka {n} | :: base wage, base salary (such as minimum of what is considered acceptable) |
pohjapato {n} | :: underwater dam |
pohjapiimä {n} | :: synonym of aluspiimä |
pohjapiirros {n} | :: floor plan, blueprint, layout |
pohjapiirustus {n} | :: floor plan, schematic |
pohjasakka {n} | :: dreg, dregs (sediment in a liquid) |
pohjasakka {n} | :: dreg (lowest and most worthless part of something) |
pohjasävel {n} [music] | :: root (fundamental tone of chord) |
pohjata {v} | :: to base on |
pohjata {v} | :: to furnish with a sole or soles |
pohjata {v} [rare] | :: to run aground, ground |
pohjatiedot {n} | :: prerequisite or underlying information or knowledge |
pohjaton {adj} | :: bottomless |
pohjaton kaivo {n} [idiomatic] | :: bottomless pit (endless resource or supply; entity or problem which consumes endless resources) |
pohjatrooli {n} [fishing] | :: A dragnet |
pohjattomasti {adv} | :: bottomlessly |
pohjatuuli {n} [poetic, literary] | :: north wind |
pohjauttaa {vt} | :: to have something furnished with a new sole or soles |
pohjautua {vi} | :: To be based on |
pohjaverkko {n} [fishing] | :: bottom-set gillnet |
pohjavesi {n} | :: groundwater |
pohjavesikerros {n} | :: An aquifer |
pohjavilla {n} | :: undercoat (layer of hairs under fur) |
pohje {n} [anatomy] | :: A calf |
pohjeapu {n} [equestrianism] | :: leg as a riding aid |
pohjehermo {n} [anatomy] | :: fibular nerve, peroneal nerve |
pohjelihas {n} [anatomy] | :: calf muscle, triceps surae |
pohjeluu {n} [skeleton] | :: calf bone, fibula (smaller of the two bones of the lower leg) |
pohjeluulihas {n} [anatomy] | :: peroneus |
pohjemmaksi {adv} | :: closer towards the bottom |
pohjemmalla {adv} [static] | :: closer to the bottom |
pohjemmalle {adv} | :: closer towards the bottom |
pohjemmalta {adv} | :: from closer to the bottom |
pohjempaa {adv} | :: from closer to the bottom |
pohjempana {adv} [static] | :: closer to the bottom |
pohjimmainen {adj} | :: underlying, fundamental, quintessential |
pohjimmaksi {adv} | :: to closest to the bottom, to furthest down |
pohjimmalla {adv} | :: synonym of pohjimpana |
pohjimmalle {adv} | :: synonym of pohjimmaksi |
pohjimmalta {adv} | :: synonym of pohjimmaltaan |
pohjimmalta {adv} | :: synonym of pohjimpaa |
pohjimmaltaan {adv} | :: basically, fundamentally, in essence, deep down |
pohjimmiltaan {adv} | :: basically, fundamentally, in essence, deep down |
pohjimpaa {adv} [from] | :: the closest to the bottom |
pohjimpana {adv} [static] | :: closest to the bottom, furthest down |
pohjittaa {v} | :: synonym of pohjata |
pohjoinen {n} | :: north |
pohjoinen {adj} | :: northern |
Pohjoinen jäämeri {prop} | :: The Arctic Ocean |
pohjoinen napapiiri {n} [geography] | :: Arctic Circle |
pohjois- {prefix} | :: north, northern |
Pohjois-Afrikka {prop} | :: North Africa |
Pohjois-Amerikan suuret järvet {prop} | :: The Great Lakes |
Pohjois-Amerikka {prop} | :: North America |
pohjoisamerikkalainen {adj} | :: North American |
pohjoisamerikkalainen {n} | :: North American |
Pohjois-Atlantin liitto {prop} | :: North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
Pohjois-Atlantti {prop} | :: The North Atlantic |
Pohjois-Carolina {prop} | :: Pohjois-Carolina (state) |
Pohjois-Dakota {prop} | :: North Dakota |
pohjoisemmaksi {adv} | :: synonym of pohjoisemmas |
pohjoisemmas {adv} | :: (to) further north, (to) some (more) distance towards the north |
pohjoisempaa {adv} | :: from further north |
pohjoisempana {adv} [static] | :: further north |
pohjoisempi {adj} | :: comparative of pohjoinen |
pohjoisenpuoleinen {adj} | :: northerly |
Pohjois-Eurooppa {prop} | :: Northern Europe |
pohjoiseurooppalainen {adj} | :: Northern European |
pohjoiseurooppalainen {n} | :: A Northern European person |
pohjoisfriisi {n} | :: North Frisian (Frisian language) |
pohjoisfriisi {n} | :: North Frisian (person) |
Pohjois-Irlanti {prop} | :: Northern Ireland |
Pohjois-Jemen {prop} | :: North Yemen |
pohjoisjukagiiri {n} | :: Northern Yukaghir (Yukaghir language) |
pohjoiskalotti {n} | :: northern polar cap |
Pohjois-Karjala {prop} | :: Pohjois-Karjala (region) |
pohjoiskarjalainen {adj} | :: North Karelian (of or pertaining to North Karelia) |
pohjoiskarjalainen {adj} | :: North Karelian (person from North Karelia) |
pohjoiskoillinen {n} | :: north-northeast |
Pohjois-Korea {prop} | :: North Korea |
pohjoiskorealainen {adj} | :: North Korean |
pohjoiskorealainen {n} | :: North Korean |
pohjoisluode {n} | :: north-northwest |
pohjoismaa {n} | :: A Nordic country |
Pohjoismaat {prop} | :: the Nordic countries |
pohjoismainen {adj} | :: Nordic |
Pohjois-Mariaanit {prop} | :: Northern Marianas |
pohjoismurre {n} | :: northern dialect |
pohjoismyrsky {n} | :: northerly storm |
pohjoisnaapuri {n} | :: northern neighbor |
pohjoisnapa {n} | :: A north pole |
pohjoisosa {n} | :: northern part |
Pohjois-Ossetia {prop} | :: North Ossetia |
Pohjois-Ossetia-Alania {prop} | :: North Ossetia-Alania |
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa {prop} | :: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa (region) |
pohjoispuoli {n} | :: northside |
pohjoisraja {n} | :: northern border |
pohjoissaame {n} | :: The Northern Sami language |
Pohjoissaari {prop} | :: North Island |
Pohjois-Savo {prop} | :: Pohjois-Savo (region) |
pohjoissilta {n} [literally] | :: north bridge, northern bridge |
pohjoissilta {n} [computing, electronics] | :: northbridge |
Pohjois-Suomi {prop} | :: Northern Finland (geographical and administrative area that consists of the northern parts of Finland, commonly understood to include the regions of Lapland (Finland), Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu) |
Pohjoisterritorio {prop} | :: Northern Territory |
pohjoistuuli {n} | :: north wind |
Pohjois-Vietnam {prop} | :: North Vietnam |
pohjoisviitta {n} [nautical] | :: north cardinal (cardinal mark indicating navigable water to the north of the mark) |
pohjola {n} | :: the North, especially the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world in general, without reference to any particular place |
Pohjola {prop} | :: The Nordic countries |
Pohjola {prop} | :: A prominent mythical location in the Finnish national epic Kalevala, typically translated as Northland. It is depicted as the main rival of Kalevala, the home of the heroes of the epic |
Pohjola {prop} | :: surname |
Pohjola {prop} | :: alternative case form of pohjola |
Pohjolan emäntä {prop} [Finnish mythology] | :: synonym of Louhi |
Pohjonen {prop} | :: surname |
pohjukaissuoli {n} | :: duodenum |
pohjukaissuolihaava {n} [pathology] | :: duodenal ulcer |
pohjukka {n} [anatomy] | :: fornix (archlike fold) |
pohjustaa {v} | :: to underlay, set up |
pohjustaja {n} | :: primer (person who primes wood, metal etc.) |
pohjuste {n} | :: primer, undercoat (material applied onto a surface before topcoat) |
pohjustusvoide {n} | :: primer cream |
pohkeenväistö {n} [equestrianism] | :: leg-yield |
pöhkö {n} | :: A fool |
pohmelo {n} | :: hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking) |
pöhnä {n} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
pöhö {n} [pathology] | :: edema |
pöhöttää {vt} | :: to cause to bloat or swell |
pöhöttyä {vt} | :: to bloat, swell |
pohtaa {v} [dialectal] | :: synonym of pohtia |
pohtia {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to ponder, consider, reflect, mull over (think about something deeply) |
pohtia {vt} [archaic] | :: to thresh (separate grain from husk or chaff) |
poies {adv} [dialectal] | :: away |
poi’inta {n} | :: calving, littering |
poi’ittaa {vt} | :: to have or make calve or litter |
poi’itus {n} | :: having or making calve or litter |
poiju {n} | :: A buoy |
poijuttaa {vt} | :: to buoy, to mark with a buoy |
poika {n} | :: boy |
poika {n} | :: son |
poika {n} | :: young (an offspring of an animal, especially of a bird) |
poikabakteeri {n} [childish] | :: cootie, boy germ (imaginary germ that the boys are supposed to have, used as a pretence to avoid their company or just to make a fuss about nothing) |
poikabändi {n} | :: boy band |
poikakissa {n} | :: boy cat, tomcat |
poikakoira {n} | :: boy dog |
poikakoulu {n} | :: boy school |
poikalapsi {n} | :: A boy child |
poikamainen {adj} | :: boyish |
poikamaisesti {adv} | :: boyishly |
poikamies {n} | :: bachelor (unmarried man) |
poikamiesboksi {n} | :: bachelor pad, garçonnière |
poikamieselämä {n} | :: bachelor life, life as a bachelor |
poikanen {n} | :: diminutive of poika |
poikanen {n} | :: little boy |
poikanen {n} | :: young (an animal offspring, especially one for which there's no specific term - see hyponyms below) |
poikanen {n} | :: tuulen ~ : puff of wind, light breeze |
poikani {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of poika |
poikanne {n} | :: second-person plural possissive form of poika |
poikansa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of poika |
poikaoppilas {n} | :: boy student, boy pupil |
poikaparka {n} | :: poor (pitiful) boy |
poikapöpö {n} | :: synonym of poikabakteeri |
poikapuoli {n} | :: stepson |
poikarakkaus {n} [euphemistic] | :: A homosexual relationship between males |
poikarakkaus {n} [euphemistic] | :: homosexual love between males |
poikasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of poika |
poikasopraano {n} [music] | :: boy soprano |
poikatyttö {n} | :: tomboy |
poikavauva {n} | :: baby boy |
poikavuosi {n} | :: boyhood year |
poikaystävä {n} | :: boyfriend |
poikaystäväni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of poikaystävä |
poikaystäväsi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of poikaystävä |
poiketa {vi} [_, + elative] | :: to differ from, be different from, depart, deviate, diverge (not to have the same traits, characteristics) |
poiketa {vi} | :: to deviate, stray, wander; to diverge, swerve, veer (to change course or plan; to go off course; to fall outside, e.g. of a norm) |
poiketa {vi} [_, + elative] | :: to digress, deviate (to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument) |
poiketa {vi} | :: to drop by, drop in (to visit without an appointment) |
poiketa rivistä {v} [also, idiomatic] | :: to break ranks |
poikia {v} | :: to calve |
poikia {v} | :: to litter (to give birth to, used of animals) |
poikimahalvaus {n} [veterinary medicine] | :: milk fever (fatal metabolic disorder in dairy cattle, occurring at the start of lactation) |
poikin {adv} | :: pitkin ~ far and wide, here and there, this way and that, every which way, crisscross |
poikitse {adv} [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] | :: (Scattered/strewn) here and there, all over (the place), (all) spread out |
poikitse {postp} [rare, dated, poetic, dialectal] | :: Across, through |
poikittain {adv} | :: crosswise, diagonally, obliquely |
poikittain {adv} [nautical] | :: abeam |
poikittainen {adj} | :: transverse, traverse (crossing from one side to the other) |
poikittainen {adj} [nautical] | :: abeam (being at a right angle to the centerline) |
poikittaisaalto {n} [physics] | :: transverse wave (wave in which the direction of disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of travel) |
poikittaisleikkaus {n} | :: crosswise cross-section |
poikittaispalkki {n} | :: A transverse beam |
poikittaistutkimus {n} | :: cross study |
poikkaista {vi} [colloquial] | :: synonym of katkaista |
poikkeama {n} | :: aberration |
poikkeama {n} | :: anomaly |
poikkeama {n} | :: deflection |
poikkeama {n} [math] | :: deviation |
poikkeama {n} [aviation] | :: diversion, unscheduled landing (unscheduled landing, possibly back to its departure airport, the cause of which is not severe enough to be an emergency landing) |
poikkeamaraja {n} | :: tolerance limit |
poikkeava {adj} | :: abnormal, aberrant, deviant, anomalous |
poikkeavampi {adj} | :: comparative of poikkeava |
poikkeavasti {adv} | :: abnormally, aberrantly, anomalously |
poikkeavuus {n} | :: abnormality (the state of being abnormal) |
poikkeuksellinen {adj} | :: Exceptional |
poikkeuksellisen {adv} | :: Exceptionally |
poikkeuksellisesti {adv} | :: exceptionally (in an exceptional way) |
poikkeukseton {adj} | :: exceptionless, without exception |
poikkeuksetta {adv} | :: without exception, bar none |
poikkeus {n} | :: exception, anomaly, outlier (deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal) |
poikkeus {n} | :: anomaly, abnormality, exception, deviant (something or someone that is strange or unusual) |
poikkeusasema {n} | :: exceptional status, exceptional position |
poikkeuslahjakkuus {n} | :: exceptional giftedness |
poikkeuslahjakkuus {n} | :: an exceptional talent (person) |
poikkeuslaki {n} | :: emergency law, emergency bill, emergency act; special act |
poikkeuslupa {n} | :: permit of exception |
poikkeusolot {n} | :: exceptional circumstances |
poikkeustapaus {n} | :: exceptional case, exception |
poikkeustila {n} [legal] | :: state of emergency |
poikkeustilanne {n} | :: exceptional situation (any out-of-ordinary situation, especially one in which exception from established practices or rules is justified) |
poikkeutin {n} | :: deflector |
poikkeuttaa {vt} | :: to deflect, to make deviate |
poikkeutuskela {n} | :: deflection coil |
poikki- {prefix} | :: cross-, transverse |
poikki {adv} | :: broken into two or more pieces |
poikki {adv} | :: off (with verbs describing cutting into two or more pieces) |
poikki {adv} [colloquial] | :: exhausted, beat, dead tired |
poikki {postp} | :: across, through |
poikkihuilu {n} | :: Western concert flute, transverse flute |
poikkikirves {n} | :: axe with a perpendicular blade |
poikkilaiva {n} [architecture] | :: transept |
poikkileikkaus {n} | :: cross-section (section formed by a plane cutting through an object) |
poikkinainen {adj} | :: broken, cut |
poikkinainti {n} [colloquial] | :: marrying across Torne River from Finland to Sweden or from Sweden to Finland |
poikkipääty {n} [architecture] | :: wall dormer above a front door or window |
poikkipalkki {n} | :: crossbar (any transverse bar or piece) |
poikkipinta-ala {n} | :: cross-sectional area, cross section area |
poikkipuolin {adv} | :: synonym of poikkiteloin |
poikkipuu {n} | :: (wooden) crossbeam, (wooden) transom, (wooden) stringer |
poikkitela {n} [music] | :: false relation |
poikkiteloin {adv} | :: crosswise, diagonally, obliquely |
poikkiteloin {adv} [figuratively] | :: opposing, crossing (contradicting) |
poikkitieteellinen {adj} | :: multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary (relating to multiple areas of study) |
poikkiviiva {n} [typography] | :: stroke (individual horizontal strikethrough such as in Đ) |
poikue {n} | :: litter (offspring of a mammal born in one birth) |
poikuus {n} | :: boyhood |
poikuus {n} | :: male virginity |
poikuusaika {n} | :: time or period of one's boyhood |
poimia {vt} | :: to pick |
poimia {vt} | :: to excerpt, extract (to take by selection; to choose out; to cite or quote, as a passage from a book) |
poimia rusinat pullasta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cherry pick (to select only the best from a range of options) |
poimija {n} | :: collector, picker (e.g. of berries) |
poiminta {n} | :: collecting, picking |
poimintalasta {n} | :: weaving sword |
poimiskella {vt} | :: to pick in a somewhat leisurely manner |
poimu {n} | :: fold, warp, crease, wrinkle, ruga |
poimuajo {n} [science fiction] | :: warp drive |
poimuilla {vi} | :: to be or become warped, creased or wrinkled |
poimuinen {adj} | :: corrugated |
poimuinen {adj} | :: pleated |
poimuinen {adj} | :: wrinkled |
poimuinen {adj} [botany] | :: plicate |
poimukas {adj} | :: wrinkled |
poimukas {adj} [botany] | :: plicate |
poimulehti {n} | :: lady's mantle (plant of the genus Alchemilla) |
poimulehti {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Alchemilla |
poimuttaa {vt} | :: to fold, pleat (fabric, cloth); to drape; to ruffle, crimp, crimple |
poimuttaa {vt} | :: to corrugate |
poimuttaa {v} [science fiction] | :: to warp (travel or transport across a medium without passing through it normally) |
poimuttua {vi} | :: To be folded, be pleated; to be draped; to be ruffled, be crimp(l)ed |
poimuttua {vi} | :: To be corrugated |
poimuttua {vi} [botany] | :: To be plicated |
poimuuntua {v} | :: synonym of poimuttua |
poimuvuori {n} | :: fold mountain |
pointe {n} [ballet] | :: pointe |
pointillismi {n} | :: pointillism |
pointillisti {n} | :: pointillist |
pointillistinen {adj} | :: pointillistic |
pointsi {n} [colloquial] | :: point (usually 'unit of scoring') |
pointteri {n} | :: pointer (dog breed) |
pointteri {n} [computing] | :: pointer (e.g. of mouse or memory) |
pointti {n} [colloquial] | :: point (argument) |
pois {adv} [of movement] | :: away, off |
pois {adv} [of clothes] | :: off |
pois {adv} [mathematics] | :: minus, take away |
poisehdollistaminen {n} | :: aversion therapy |
pois lukien {adv} | :: excluding, disregarding |
poislukien {adv} | :: alternative form of pois lukien |
poismennyt {adj} [euphemistic] | :: deceased |
poismeno {n} | :: exit, departure |
poismeno {n} [euphemistic] | :: passing away, decease, demise (death) |
poisnukkunut {adj} [euphemistic] | :: that who has passed away (dead) |
pois päältä {adv} [of a machine, device] | :: Off (into a state of non-operation) |
poispäin {adv} | :: away (motion away from something: compare to ylös (up) and ylöspäin (upward)) |
poissa {adv} [static] | :: absent, gone, not there/here, away |
poissa {adv} [+ elative] | :: out of, away from |
poissa hyvä, kotona paras {proverb} | :: there's no place like home |
poissaoleva {adj} | :: absent |
poissaoleva {adj} | :: absent-minded |
poissaoleva {n} | :: absentee, no-show (one who is not present) |
poissaolevana {adv} [legal] | :: in absentia (while not present; while absent) |
poissaolevasti {adv} | :: inattentively |
poissaolevasti {adv} | :: absent-mindedly |
poissaolo {n} | :: absence |
poissaoloaika {n} | :: period of absence |
poissaolo-oikeus {n} | :: right of absence |
poissaoloviesti {n} | :: out-of-office reply |
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä {proverb} | :: out of sight, out of mind |
poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä {proverb} | :: long absent, soon forgotten |
poissulkea {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of sulkea pois (to preclude) |
poissulkeminen {n} | :: exclusion (act of excluding or shutting out; removal from consideration or taking part) |
poissulkeminen {n} | :: preclusion |
poissulkeva {adj} | :: exclusive (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions) |
poissulkeva tai {n} | :: XOR, exclusive OR |
poistaa {v} | :: to remove |
poistaa {v} | :: to delete |
poistaa {v} | :: ~ tuotannosta, myynnistä, valikoimasta etc.: to discontinue (to put an end to, especially as regards commercial productions; to stop producing, making, or supplying something) |
poistaa {v} | :: ~ asemasta: to eject (such as a disc from a drive) |
poistaa {v} [accounting] | :: to depreciate |
poistaa {v} [slang] | :: to sell or deal illegal recreational drugs |
poistaa käytöstä {vt} | :: to put out of use |
poistaa käytöstä {vt} [computing] | :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) |
poistaa pelistä {vt} | :: to eliminate, remove from a game |
poistaa pelistä {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to eliminate, take out, liquidate |
poistaja {n} | :: remover |
poistaminen {n} | :: removal |
poistaminen {n} | :: abolishment |
poistattaa {vt} | :: to make remove, to have (something) removed |
poiste {n} | :: remover (substance) |
poistella {vt} | :: to remove repeatedly |
poistin {n} | :: remover |
poisto {n} | :: removal |
poisto {n} | :: deletion |
poisto {n} [accounting] | :: depreciation |
poisto {n} [accounting] | :: amortization (of intangible assets) |
poistoaine {n} | :: remover, stripper (chemical) |
poistogeeninen {adj} [genetics] | :: knockout (having one ore more genes inactivated) |
poistohöyry {n} | :: exhaust (steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there) |
poistoilma {n} | :: exhaust (foul air let out of a room) |
poistoilmalämpöpumppu {n} | :: exhaust air heat pump |
poistoleikkaus {n} [surgery] | :: surgical removal; [usually in compounds] ectomy (surgery which removes something from the body) |
poistonäppäin {n} [computing] | :: delete key |
poistopuhallin {n} | :: exhaust fan |
poistoputki {n} | :: drainage pipe |
poistoventtiili {n} | :: discharge valve |
poistoviiva {n} | :: strikeout line, strikethrough line |
poistua {vi} | :: to leave [a place] |
poistuma {n} [technical] | :: deletion, loss, wastage, reduction, drain (that which is removed, lost or retired, especially within a given time frame) |
poistuma {n} [genetics] | :: deletion (mutation in which a gene, or other section of DNA, is removed from a chromosome) |
poistuminen {n} | :: The act of leaving |
poistumisnäppäin {n} [computing] | :: escape key |
poistumistie {n} | :: escape route, escape road |
pojanpoika {n} | :: son of someone's son; grandson |
pojantytär {n} | :: daughter of someone's son; granddaughter |
pojanviikari {n} | :: rascal (misbehaving and wild, but not intentionally bad boy) |
pojat ovat poikia {proverb} | :: boys will be boys |
pojintima {n} [dialectal] | :: stepson |
pojo {n} [colloquial] | :: a point (e.g. in a sports match or video game) |
Po-joki {prop} | :: Po-joki (river) |
poju {n} [colloquial] | :: boy, lad, sonny |
poka {n} [colloquial, usually, in the plural] | :: frame (of a window, etc.) |
poka {n} | :: frame of a bow saw |
pokaali {n} | :: cup (trophy in the shape of an oversized cup) |
pökäle {n} | :: log, stock (large piece of round wood) |
pökäle {n} | :: A relatively solid lump of anything |
pökäle {n} | :: turd (piece of excrement) |
pokara {n} | :: pike pole |
pokasaha {n} | :: bow saw, bucksaw |
pökät {n} [slang] | :: pants |
pokata {v} | :: to bow in a handsome manner, especially by bringing one foot to the side and back while bowing |
pokata {v} | :: to ask to dance |
pokata {v} [slang] | :: to pick up (to seduce) |
pökätä {vt} | :: to shove, to butt |
poke {n} [slang] | :: doorman, bouncer (at a bar or nightclub) |
poke {n} [slang] | :: pornography |
pokemon {n} [military slang] | :: the PK machine gun |
pokeri {n} | :: poker (any of various card games in which the players make tactical bets or drop out, and the superior hand remaining in the game at the end of betting rounds collects the pot) |
pokerinaama {n} [poker] | :: Poker face |
pökerryksiin {adv} | :: into being stunned or dazed |
pökerryksissä {adv} | :: stunned, dazed |
pökerryksistä {adv} | :: from being stunned or dazed |
pökerryttää {vt} | :: to stun |
pökertyä {vi} | :: To become stunned |
pokka {n} [colloquial] | :: poker (game) |
pokka {n} [colloquial] | :: poker face |
pokka {n} [colloquial] | :: guts, courage |
pokkailla {vi} | :: to bow repeatedly |
pokkana {adv} [colloquial] | :: with a straight face, confidently |
pokkari {n} [colloquial] | :: pocketbook, paperback |
pokkari {n} [colloquial] | :: compact camera, pocket camera |
pökkelö {n} | :: rotting tree |
pökkelö {n} | :: chucklehead (stupid or clumsy person) |
pökkiä {v} | :: to butt, to shove (strike bluntly, particularly with the head) |
pökkiä {v} [slang] | :: to bang (engage in sexual intercourse) |
pökkö {n} | :: log, stock, block of wood |
pökkövehka {n} | :: amorphophallus (plant of the genus Amorphophallus) |
pokkuroida {v} | :: to truckle (to act in a submissive manner) |
pokkuroida {v} | :: to fawn and seek favour by flattery |
poks {interj} | :: pop |
poksahtaa {vi} | :: to pop (make a pop, or sharp, quick sound; burst with a popping sound) |
poksauttaa {vt} | :: to pop (burst something with a popping sound) |
poksi {n} | :: alternative form of boksi |
pokstaavi {n} [dated] | :: letter, character |
pöksyt {n} [colloquial] | :: pants, especially women's underpants and children's trousers |
pola {n} | :: A buoyant mark put on a fishing net or similar non-moving fishing equipment |
polaarihajotelma {n} [math] | :: polar decomposition |
polaari-ilma {n} | :: polar air |
polaarinen {adj} | :: polar (having a dipole) |
polaarinen {adj} | :: polar (relating to a geographic pole) |
polaarinen {adj} | :: polar (of an orbit passing near a geographic pole) |
polaarinen {adj} | :: polar (of a certain coordinate system) |
polaaripyörre {n} | :: synonym of napapyörre |
polaarisuus {n} | :: polarity |
polabi {n} | :: Polabian, Polabian Slav (person) |
polabi {n} | :: Polabian (language) |
pölähdellä {vi} | :: to billow repeatedly |
pölähtää {vi} | :: to billow once |
polakka {n} | :: A type of wheat bread |
polakki {n} [archaic, now derogatory] | :: A Polack (Polish person) |
polanne {n} | :: A hard ridge of snow on road |
polanne {n} | :: second-person plural possissive form of pola |
polanteinen {adj} | :: having hard ridges of snow on road |
polarisaatio {n} | :: polarization |
polarisoida {vt} | :: To polarise/polarize |
polarisoitua {vi} | :: To be(come) polarised/polarized |
polariteetti {n} | :: polarity |
polaroida {vt} | :: To polarise/polarize |
polaroitua {vi} | :: To be(come) polarised/polarized |
pöläyttää {vt} | :: to cause to billow once |
polderi {n} | :: polder |
poleeminen {adj} | :: polemic (having the characteristics of a polemic) |
poleemisesti {adv} | :: polemically |
polemikoida {v} | :: alternative form of polemisoida |
polemisoida {v} | :: to polemicize |
polenta {n} | :: polenta |
poletti {n} | :: token (substitute for money) |
pölhö {n} [colloquial] | :: bozo, fool, goof |
poli {n} [colloquial] | :: polyclinic |
poliisi {n} | :: police (organization) |
poliisi {n} | :: policeman |
poliisiaakkonen {n} | :: in plural only, police alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used by the police to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen) |
poliisiaakkonen {n} | :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling) |
poliisiajoneuvo {n} | :: police vehicle |
poliisiarvo {n} | :: police rank |
poliisiasema {n} | :: police station |
poliisiasia {n} | :: police matter, police business |
poliisiauto {n} | :: police car |
poliisihallinto {n} | :: police administration |
poliisijärjestys {n} | :: local police ordinance |
poliisikamari {n} [dated] | :: police station |
poliisiketju {n} | :: police cordon |
poliisikoira {n} | :: police dog |
poliisikomentaja {n} | :: police commander |
poliisikonstaapeli {n} | :: police constable, police officer |
poliisikoulu {n} | :: police academy |
poliisikunta {n} | :: police force (police collectively) |
poliisikuulustelu {n} | :: police interrogation, police questioning |
poliisilaitos {n} | :: police department (local or regional branch of a national police force) |
poliisilaitos {n} | :: A building housing a police department |
poliisimerkki {n} | :: police badge |
poliisimestari {n} [historical] | :: synonym of poliisipäällikkö; chief constable, police commissioner, police inspector |
poliisimies {n} | :: policeman |
poliisineuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in police or law enforcement |
poliisiopisto {n} | :: police academy |
poliisipäällikkö {n} | :: chief constable (UK: chief of territorial police force) |
poliisipartio {n} | :: police patrol |
poliisipiiri {n} | :: police district, precinct (subdivision of a city under the jurisdiction of a specific group of police) |
poliisitalo {n} | :: police station |
poliisitarkastaja {n} | :: superintendent, police inspector |
poliisitiedotus {n} | :: police announcement |
poliisitoimi {n} | :: police (police as branch of government) |
poliisitutkinta {n} | :: police investigation |
poliisiväkivalta {n} | :: police brutality |
poliisivaltio {n} | :: police state |
poliisivalvonta {n} | :: police check, police surveillance |
poliisivankila {n} | :: jail (place or institution for the short-term confinement of persons held in lawful custody or detention for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding) |
poliisivartio {n} | :: police patrol, police protection |
poliisiviranomainen {n} | :: police authority, police |
poliisiviranomainen {n} | :: police officer |
poliisivoima {n} | :: in singular, police force (force as used by the police) |
poliisivoima {n} | :: in plural, police force (police as an institution) |
poliitikko {n} | :: politician |
poliittinen {adj} | :: political |
poliittinen kansantaloustiede {n} [economics] | :: political economy |
poliittinen korrektius {n} | :: political correctness |
poliittisesti {adv} | :: politically |
poliittisesti korrekti {adj} | :: politically correct |
poliittistaa {vt} | :: To politicize; to turn into a political issue |
poliittistua {v} | :: alternative form of politisoitua |
polikliinisesti {adv} | :: in an outpatient way |
poliklinikka {n} | :: outpatient clinic, policlinic (false friend: polyclinic) |
pölinä {n} | :: dusting |
pölinä {n} | :: twaddle |
polinja {n} [hydrology] | :: polynya |
polio {n} | :: poliomyelitis |
pölistä {vi} | :: to shed dust |
pölistä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to babble, prattle; jabber |
politbyroo {n} | :: politburo |
politiikka {n} | :: politics |
politiikka {n} | :: policy (as a course of action) |
politikoida {v} | :: to politicize (to discuss politics) |
politikoida {v} | :: to politick (to engage in politics) |
politisoida {vt} | :: to politicize (to turn something into a political issue) |
politisoitua {v} | :: to become politicized |
politologi {n} | :: political sociologist |
politologia {n} | :: political sociology |
pöljä {n} | :: A dumb person |
polje {n} | :: a polje |
poljennollisesti {adv} | :: rhythmically |
poljenta {n} | :: stamping |
poljenta {n} | :: pedaling |
poljenta {n} [figuratively] | :: oppressing, oppression |
poljento {n} | :: rhythm |
poljettu {adj} | :: downtrodden |
poljettu {adj} | :: oppressed |
poljin {n} | :: pedal |
poljin {n} | :: treadle |
polkaista {vt} | :: to stomp one's foot once |
polkea {v} | :: to stamp (with one's foot or feet) |
polkea {v} | :: to pedal |
polkea {v} | :: to treadle |
polkea {v} [figuratively] | :: to oppress |
polkea paikallaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stagnate, to tread water |
polkeminen {n} | :: stamping, pedaling |
polkeutua {v} | :: To get trampled, stomped |
polkka {n} | :: polka |
polkkatukka {n} | :: bob haircut |
pölkky {n} | :: log, stock, block of wood |
pölkkypää {n} | :: blockhead, loggerhead (dumb person) |
pölkkytuoli {n} | :: a block of wood used as a chair or stool |
polku {n} | :: Act of treading, stomping; used only in compounds |
polku {n} | :: path, trail, track |
polku {n} [computing, graph theory] | :: path |
polkuäes {n} | :: a type of harrow consisting of boards of wood with spikes at the bottom, designed for the harrower to stand on top of |
polkuantura {n} | :: pad (cushion-like thickening of the skin on the underside of the toes of animals) |
polkuauto {n} | :: pedal car (toy car fitted with pedal drive) |
polkuauto {n} | :: velomobile, quadricycle (road vehicle) |
polkuhinta {n} [figurative] | :: dumping price (extremely low price) |
polkuintegraali {n} | :: path integral (line integral) |
polkumiina {n} | :: blast mine (type of anti-personnel mine) |
polkumyynti {n} | :: dumping (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market) |
polkunimi {n} [computing] | :: pathname |
polkupyörä {n} | :: bicycle |
polkupyöräilijä {n} | :: bicyclist, cyclist |
polkupyöräillä {v} | :: to ride a bike, cycle |
polkupyöräily {n} | :: cycling |
polkupyöräjoukot {n} | :: bicycle troops |
polkupyörälaukku {n} | :: bicycle bag |
polkupyöräpoliisi {n} | :: bicycle police (police that patrols on bicycles) |
polkupyöräriksa {n} | :: cycle rickshaw (vehicle) |
polkupyörätaksi {n} | :: pedicab, cycle rickshaw, bike taxi (cycle rickshaw used as taxi) |
polkusara {n} | :: brownish sedge (Carex brunnescens) |
polkusilta {n} | :: a bridge on a trail designed to pass over a body of water (possibly temporary) |
polkusin {n} [rare] | :: A pedal |
polkuvene {n} | :: pedalo, paddleboat |
polkuyhtenäinen {adj} [topology] | :: path-connected |
polkuyhtenäisyys {n} | :: the quality or property of being path-connected |
polla {n} [slang] | :: head |
pöllähdellä {vi} | :: to billow or puff repeatedly |
pöllähtää {vi} | :: to billow, to puff |
pöllähtää {vi} | :: to sprint |
pöllämystyä {v} [dialectal] | :: to be stupefied, baffled or confused |
pöllämystynyt {adj} | :: dumbfounded, stunned |
pollari {n} [nautical] | :: A bollard |
pollari {n} [colloquial] | :: police officer |
pölläyttää {vt} | :: to cause to billow or puff |
polle {n} [humorous, childish] | :: horse |
polle {n} [colloquial] | :: Big H, boy, dope, junk, H, horse, Ron, shit, skag, smack (street name of heroin) |
pölli {n} [colloquial] | :: log, stock, block of wood |
pölliä {v} [colloquial] | :: to steal, nick |
pöllö {n} | :: owl |
pöllö {n} [colloquial] | :: fool |
pöllö {adj} [slang] | :: batty, stupid, crazy, silly |
pöllökehrääjä {n} | :: frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae) |
pöllönen {n} | :: scops owl (bird of the genus Otus) |
pöllönen {n} | :: screech owl (bird of the genus Megascops, formerly classified to belong to Otus) |
pöllönen {n} | :: part of the common name of some other small owls in other genera |
pöllösti {adv} [slang] | :: crazily, in a silly way |
pollusiitti {n} [mineral] | :: pollucite |
pöllytä {vi} [of dust] | :: to float |
pöllytellä {vt} | :: to smoke or puff repeatedly |
pöllyttää {vt} | :: to smoke, to puff |
pöllyttää {vt} | :: to spank, to pull someone's hair as a punishment |
polo {n} | :: poor (one to be pitied) |
poloinen {n} [oldish, dialectal or poetic] | :: poor, wretch (one to be pitied) |
poloneesi {n} [dance] | :: polonaise |
polonium {n} | :: polonium |
polottaa {vi} [rare] | :: to blabber |
polpo {n} [internet slang, derogatory] | :: (the) police |
pölpöttää {v} | :: to babble, to blather |
polskahtaa {vi} | :: to splash once |
polskauttaa {vt} | :: to splash once |
polskia {vi} | :: to splash |
polskuttaa {v} | :: To dabble |
polsteri {n} [dialectal] | :: bolster (large cushion or pillow) |
poltattaa {vt} | :: to have (something) burned |
polte {n} | :: burning sensation |
poltella {v} | :: to burn (with/in fire) |
poltella {vt} | :: to smoke (tobacco, drugs) |
poltella {v} | :: to burn, to feel a burning sensation |
poltettu kalkki {n} | :: quicklime, burnt lime, calcium oxide, CaO |
poltettu maa {n} | :: scorched earth |
poltettu tiili {n} | :: burnt brick |
poltin {n} | :: burner |
poltinrauta {n} | :: A branding iron |
polttaa {vt} | :: to burn (to cause to be consumed by fire) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn (to overheat so as to make unusable) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn (to make or produce by the application of fire) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn (to injure with heat or chemicals that cause similar injuries) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn, sunburn |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn (to consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat) |
polttaa {v} [computing] | :: to burn (to write data on a permanent storage device) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn, waste (to lose money and/or other resources) |
polttaa {v} | :: to burn (in a game, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought) |
polttaa {vti} | :: to smoke (to deliberately inhale smoke from cigarettes, other tobacco products or some other substances such as marijuana) |
polttaa {vt} [medicine] | :: to cauterize |
polttaa {v} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: to put out |
polttaa kuin korsteeni {v} [simile] | :: to smoke like a chimney (smoke tobacco frequently) |
polttaa päreensä {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to lose one's temper, fly off the handle |
polttaa siltansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to burn one's bridges (to destroy one's connections, reputation, opportunities, etc.) |
polttaja {n} | :: burner (someone or something which burns) |
polttaja {n} [in compounds] | :: smoker (person who smokes tobacco habitually) |
polttaja {n} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
polttaja {n} [pesäpallo] | :: one of the two shortstop positions (see kakkospolttaja, kolmospolttaja) |
polttaja {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] | :: one who puts out (causes an out for the other team) |
polttaminen {n} | :: burning |
polttaminen {n} | :: incineration |
polttaminen {n} | :: combustion |
polttarit {n} | :: stag party [Commonwealth]; bachelor party [US, South Africa], buck's party [Australia], stag do [UK] |
polttarit {n} | :: bachelorette party, bridal shower; hen party, hen night, hen do |
polttava {adj} | :: hot (spicy) |
polttavampi {adj} | :: comparative of polttava |
polttiainen {n} | :: biting midge (insect of order Diptera) |
polttiainen {n} [in the plural] | :: the order Diptera |
polttiaiseläin {n} | :: cnidarian (any species in the phylum Cnidaria) |
polttiaishapero {n} | :: Russula consobrina |
polttimo {n} | :: distillery, brewery |
polttimo {n} | :: bulb (part of a lamp) |
polttimo {n} | :: burner (component of devices) |
poltto {n} | :: burn, burning (act of burning something intentionally) |
poltto {n} | :: burn (physical sensation in the muscles following strenuous exercise) |
poltto {n} | :: burn (operation or result of burning or baking) |
poltto {n} | :: incineration [act of destroying by burning] |
poltto {n} | :: pain, smarting, especially the labor pains, |
polttoaine {n} | :: fuel |
polttoainepumppu {n} [automotive] | :: fuel pump |
polttoainesäiliö {n} | :: fuel tank |
polttoainesauva {n} | :: fuel rod |
polttoainetankki {n} | :: fuel tank (container of fuel, especially one inside a vehicle) |
polttohautaus {n} | :: cremation (act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse) |
polttoitsemurha {n} | :: self-immolation |
polttoitsemurhata {v} [rare] | :: to self-immolate |
polttokaasu {n} | :: combustion gas, fuel gas |
polttokalmisto {n} | :: any type of (ancient) graveyard where the dead were cremated |
polttokammio {n} | :: combustion chamber |
polttokenno {n} | :: fuel cell |
polttokenttäkalmisto {n} | :: an ancient graveyard where the ashes of the cremated were spread over a large area |
polttokivi {n} | :: a base stone for a fireplace |
polttolaiva {n} [nautical] | :: A fire ship |
polttolakata {vt} | :: to coat with a baking enamel |
polttolasi {n} | :: sunglass (convex lens of glass for producing heat by converging the sun's rays into a focus) |
polttoleikkaus {n} | :: flame cutting |
polttomaalata {vt} | :: to powder-coat |
polttomerkitä {vt} | :: To brand (mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership) |
polttomerkki {n} | :: A brand (mark made by burning) |
polttomerkki {n} | :: A stigma |
polttomoottori {n} | :: internal combustion engine |
polttomoottorivoimalaitos {n} | :: diesel generator; a facility or device creating electrical power using an internal combustion engine |
polttoneste {n} | :: liquid fuel |
polttoöljy {n} | :: fuel oil |
polttopallo {n} | :: dodgeball |
polttopallo {n} | :: murderball |
polttopiste {n} | :: focus |
polttopullo {n} | :: Molotov cocktail |
polttopuu {n} | :: wood, firewood (pieces of wood gathered to make fire) |
polttopuu {n} | :: cordwood |
polttorauta {n} | :: searing iron (tool) |
polttosäde {n} [geometry] | :: focal radius |
polttotaisteluaine {n} | :: incendiary material |
polttotaso {n} [optics] | :: focal plane |
polttouhri {n} | :: A holocaust (sacrifice to a god, completely burned to ashes) |
polttouuni {n} | :: kiln |
polttoviljely {n} | :: Any agricultural method in which fire is used to make the land more suitable for food production, e.g. slash-and-burn, firestick farming |
polunetsintä {n} [computing] | :: pathfinding |
polvarit {n} [colloquial] | :: stockings, knee-highs |
pölvästi {n} | :: A dumb person |
polveilla {vi} | :: to wind, to meander |
polveke {n} | :: bend, curve, turn |
polvekenauha {n} | :: zigzag ribbon |
polvenkorkuinen {adj} | :: knee-high |
polveutua {vi} | :: To stem from |
polvi {n} | :: knee |
polvi {n} | :: stifle (joint above the hock on a horse's hind leg and corresponding to the knee) |
polvi {n} | :: hitch (type of knot) |
polvi {n} | :: generation (single step in the succession of natural descent) |
polvihousut {n} | :: breeches (tight-fitting knee-length trousers worn by men until early 19th century) |
polvihousut {n} | :: knickerbockers (baggy knee-length trousers worn by men and boys in 20th century) |
polvijärveläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Polvijärvi (Finnish municipality) |
polvijärveläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Polvijärvi (Finnish municipality) |
Polvijärvi {prop} | :: Polvijärvi |
polvillaan {adv} | :: on one's knees |
polvilleen {adv} | :: onto one's knees |
polviltaan {adv} | :: from one's knees |
polviltaan {adv} [with action verbs] | :: while on one's knees |
polvilumpio {n} [skeleton] | :: kneecap, patella (bone) |
polvinivel {n} [anatomy] | :: knee joint |
polviorsi {n} [heraldry] | :: chevron |
polvipussi {n} | :: baggy knee (bag-like formation at the knees of trousers) |
polvipussinen {adj} | :: of trousers, having bags in the knees |
polvistaa {vt} | :: To force somebody to his knees |
polvistua {vi} | :: to kneel (to stoop down and rest on the knee) |
polvistua {vi} [figurative] | :: to submit, to bend the knee |
polvisukka {n} | :: knee sock, knee high |
polvitaive {n} [anatomy] | :: ham (region back of the knee) |
polvitaive {n} | :: popliteal (adjective referring to the back of the knee, used often as translation of polvitaive- or polvitaipeen. There's no corresponding adjective in Finnish.) |
polvitaklaus {n} [ioe hockey] | :: kneeing |
polvivamma {n} | :: knee injury |
pöly {n} | :: dust |
polyamidi {n} [chemistry] | :: polyamide |
polyandria {n} | :: polyandry |
polybutyleenitereftalaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: polybutylene terephthalate |
polydaktylia {n} | :: polydactyly |
polydekstroosi {n} [organic chemistry] | :: polydextrose |
polydimetyylisiloksaani {n} [chemistry] | :: polydimethylsiloxane |
polyesteri {n} [organic chemistry] | :: polyester |
polyesterifilmi {n} | :: polyester film |
polyeteeni {n} [chemistry] | :: polyethylene |
polyeteenitereftalaatti {n} | :: synonym of polyetyleenitereftalaatti |
polyetyleenitereftalaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: polyethylene terephthalate |
polyfagi {n} [biology] | :: polyphage |
polyfenoli {n} [chemistry] | :: polyphenol |
polyfonia {n} | :: polyphony |
polyfoninen {adj} | :: polyphonic |
polyfyleettinen {adj} [taxonomy] | :: polyphyletic |
polygaaminen {adj} | :: polygamous |
polygamia {n} | :: polygamy |
polygeneettinen {adj} | :: polygenetic |
polyglotti {n} | :: polyglot |
polygonaalinen {adj} [geometry] | :: polygonal |
polygoni {n} [geometry, dated] | :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges) |
polygoni {n} [computer graphics] | :: polygon, poly |
polygynia {n} | :: polygyny |
pölyharja {n} | :: dusting brush |
polyhistori {n} [rare, academic] | :: A polyhistor |
pölyhiukkanen {n} | :: dust mote, dust speck, dust particle |
pölyhuiska {n} | :: feather duster |
pölyhuisku {n} | :: dusting brush, whisk, duster |
pölyinen {adj} | :: dusty |
pölykansi {n} | :: dust cover |
pölykapseli {n} | :: hubcap, wheel cover |
polykarbonaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: polycarbonate |
pölykasetti {n} | :: dust cartridge |
pölykerros {n} | :: dust layer, dust deposit |
polyketidi {n} | :: polyketide |
pölykeuhko {n} [pathology] | :: pneumoconiosis |
polykloorattu {adj} [chemistry] | :: polychlorinated |
polykloorattu bifenyyli {n} [chemistry] | :: polychlorinated biphenyl |
pölykoira {n} | :: dust bunny |
polykromia {n} | :: polychromy |
polykystinen {adj} | :: polycystic |
polylaktidi {n} [organic compound] | :: polylactic acid, polylactide |
pölyliina {n} | :: dust cloth |
pölymaa {n} | :: dust soil |
polymeeri {n} [chemistry] | :: polymer |
polymeerinen {adj} [chemistry] | :: polymeric |
polymeraasi {n} [enzyme] | :: polymerase |
polymeria {n} [chemistry] | :: polymerism |
polymerisaatio {n} | :: polymerization (process) |
polymerisoida {v} [dated] | :: alternative form of polymeroida |
polymerisoitua {v} | :: dated form of polymeroitua |
polymeroida {v} [organic chemistry] | :: to polymerize (to convert into a polymer) |
polymeroitua {v} [chemistry] | :: to polymerize (to undergo polymerization) |
polymeroituminen {n} [chemistry] | :: polymerization |
polymiktinen {adj} | :: polymictic |
pölymoppi {n} | :: dust mop |
polymorfia {n} | :: polymorphism |
polymyosiitti {n} [medicine] | :: polymyositis |
Polynesia {prop} | :: Polynesia |
polyneuropatia {n} [medicine] | :: polyneuropathy |
pölynimuri {n} | :: vacuum cleaner, hoover |
pölynkerääjä {n} | :: dust collector, precipitator |
polynomi {n} [algebra] | :: polynomial |
polynomifunktio {n} [mathematics] | :: polynomial function |
polynominen {adj} [mathematics] | :: polynomial |
polynomirengas {n} [algebra] | :: polynomial ring |
polynomiyhtälö {n} [mathematics] | :: polynomial equation |
pölynpesä {n} | :: dust collector |
pölynpitävä {adj} | :: dustproof |
pölynsitomisaine {n} | :: dust binder |
polynukleaarinen {adj} [biology] | :: polynuclear |
polyomino {n} [geometry] | :: polyomino |
pölypatsas {n} | :: dust column, dust devil |
polypeptidi {n} [biochemistry] | :: polypeptide |
pölypilvi {n} | :: dustcloud |
polyploidia {n} [genetics] | :: polyploidy |
polypropeeni {n} [chemistry] | :: polypropylene |
pölypunkki {n} | :: dust mite, house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) |
pölypussi {n} | :: dust bag |
polyradikuliitti {n} [pathology] | :: Guillain-Barré syndrome |
pölyräjähdys {n} | :: a dust explosion |
pölyrätti {n} | :: dustcloth, duster |
pölyriepu {n} | :: dustcloth, dustrag |
polyrytmi {n} [music] | :: polyrhythm |
polysakkaridi {n} [organic chemistry] | :: polysaccharide |
polysemia {n} [semantics] | :: polysemy |
pölysokeri {n} | :: synonym of tomusokeri |
polystyreeni {n} [chemistry] | :: polystyrene |
pölysuojaus {n} | :: dustproofing |
polysyklinen {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polycyclic |
polysytemia {n} [pathology] | :: polycythemia |
pölytä {vi} | :: To make dust |
pölyte {n} | :: dust, powder, pollen, particles (any fine solid which gets a wide distribution in the air and falls finely to the ground) |
polyteismi {n} | :: polytheism |
polyteisti {n} | :: A polytheist |
polyteistinen {adj} | :: polytheistic |
polyteknillinen {adj} | :: alternative form of polytekninen |
polytekninen {adj} | :: polytechnic |
polytetrafluorieteeni {n} | :: polytetrafluoroethylene (tough synthetic resin) |
pölytiivis {adj} | :: dustproof, sift-proof |
pölytön {adj} | :: dust-free, dustless (having no dust) |
polytooppi {n} [geometry] | :: polytope |
polytrooppi {n} | :: polytrope |
polytrooppinen {adj} | :: polytropic |
pölyttää {v} | :: to dust (to remove dust by shaking or similar mechanical treatment, but not vacuuming) |
pölyttää {v} | :: to dust (to sprinkle over with fine powder) |
pölyttää {v} [botany] | :: to pollinate |
pölyttäjä {n} | :: pollinator (insect etc. that pollinates) |
pölyttäjä {n} | :: pollinator (plant that is the source of pollen for cross-pollination) |
pölyttäjä {n} | :: duster (person who dusts) |
pölyttäjähyönteinen {n} | :: pollinating insect |
pölyttyä {vi} | :: to become covered in dust, to gather dust |
pölytys {n} | :: dusting (removal of dust) |
pölytys {n} | :: dusting (spraying or covering something with fine powder) |
pölytys {n} [botany] | :: pollination |
polyuretaani {n} [organic chemistry] | :: polyurethane |
polyvinyylikloridi {n} [chemistry] | :: polyvinyl chloride |
polyyni {n} [chemistry] | :: polyyne |
pölyyntyä {v} | :: synonym of pölyttyä |
polyyppi {n} | :: A polyp |
polyyppikala {n} | :: man-of-war fish, bluebottle fish, Nomeus gronovii (species of fish that lives among the tentacles of the Portuguese man-of-war) |
pölyyttää {v} | :: synonym of pölyttää |
Pomarkku {prop} | :: Pomarkku (municipality) |
pomarkkulainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pomarkku |
pomarkkulainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pomarkku |
pomeranssi {n} | :: sour orange |
pomfretti {n} | :: Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama |
pomiloida {v} [dialectal] | :: To talk |
Pommeri {prop} | :: Pomerania |
pommerilainen {adj} | :: Pomeranian |
pommerilainen {n} | :: Pomeranian |
Pommerinlahti {prop} | :: The Bay of Pomerania |
pommi {n} | :: bomb |
pommi {n} [idiomatic] | :: see nukkua pommiin |
pommi-isku {n} | :: bomb strike |
pommikoira {n} | :: bombdog (dog trained to sniff explosives) |
pommikone {n} [aircraft] | :: bomber |
pomminkestävä {adj} | :: bombproof |
pomminvarma {adj} [idiomatic, of a person] | :: safe as houses, bulletproof, foolproof (very certain, very sure) |
pomminvarmasti {adv} | :: in a safe as houses, bulletproof or foolproof way (of a person) |
pommisuoja {n} [dated] | :: bomb shelter, bombproof |
pommitella {vt} | :: to bomb or bombard repeatedly |
pommittaa {vt} | :: To bomb (to attack with bombs) |
pommittaa {vt} | :: To bombard |
pommittaja {n} | :: bomber (aircraft) |
pommittaja {n} | :: bomber (person) |
pommitus {n} | :: bombing |
pommituskone {n} [rare] | :: bomber (aircraft) |
pomo {n} [colloquial] | :: boss |
pomoilla {v} | :: to boss around |
pomologi {n} | :: pomologist |
pomologia {n} | :: pomology |
pomoni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of pomo |
pomosi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pomo |
pomottaa {v} | :: to boss, boss around |
pompahdella {vi} | :: to bounce, spring or rebound repeatedly |
pompahtaa {vi} | :: to bounce, to spring, to rebound |
pompata {v} | :: to jump, to leap, to bounce |
pompata {v} | :: to fail, to flunk, to defect |
Pompeiji {prop} | :: Pompeii |
Pompeji {prop} | :: Pompeii |
pömpöllään {adv} [colloquial, especially of a belly] | :: round and bulging |
pompöösi {adj} | :: pompous |
pompotella {v} | :: to bounce (to cause to move quickly up and down) |
pompotella {v} [colloquial] | :: to continuously recruit or force someone to do odd jobs and chores |
pompottaa {v} | :: bounce (cause to move quickly up and down) |
pömpöttää {vi} [colloquial] | :: to bulge |
pomppia {vi} | :: to bounce, bump, bobble |
pomppoilla {vi} | :: to bounce around |
pömppömaha {n} | :: A protruding belly |
pömppövatsa {n} | :: potbelly |
pomppu {n} | :: bounce |
pomppukiekko {n} [ice hockey] | :: bouncing or skipping puck |
pomppulinna {n} | :: bouncing castle, bouncy castle (large inflatable structure, resembling a castle etc., on which children jump and play) |
pomppulyönti {n} [pesäpallo] | :: bouncer (hit aimed downwards to cause the ball to bounce up high) |
pompula {n} | :: pompon |
pomsi {n} | :: synonym of satiini |
pönäkkä {adj} | :: squat, thickset, stout |
pönäköityä {vi} | :: to become squat, thickset or stout |
ponantsa {n} [slang, rare] | :: synonym of pontikka |
ponape {n} | :: Pohnpeian (language) |
pondi {n} | :: pond [unit of measure] |
poni {n} | :: pony |
poninhäntä {n} | :: ponytail (hairstyle) |
ponkaista {vi} | :: to vault, to jump |
pönkittää {v} | :: to prop up, shore up |
pönkkä {n} | :: prop, strut, crossbar |
ponnahduslauta {n} | :: springboard |
ponnahduslauta {n} [figuratively] | :: stepping stone (something used as a way to progress to something or somewhere) |
ponnahdusvalikko {n} [graphical user interface] | :: pop-up menu |
ponnahduttaa {v} | :: synonym of ponnauttaa |
ponnahtaa {vi} | :: To spring (back/off), bound (back/off), rebound (back/off) |
ponnauttaa {vt} | :: to cause to spring or bound |
ponneaine {n} | :: propellant |
ponnekaasu {n} | :: propellant (pressurized gaseous substance used to expel the contents of an aerosol package) |
ponnekas {adj} | :: alternative form of ponteva |
ponnekkaasti {adv} | :: energetically, vigorously |
ponneton {adj} | :: watery, feeble, limp |
ponneton {adj} | :: dispassionate, half-hearted |
ponnin {n} | :: spur, stimulus |
ponnistaa {vi} | :: To push; to bear down |
ponnistaa {vi} | :: To push off, leap, jump |
ponnistaa {vi} | :: To try hard, make a massive/great/supreme effort, put one's back into it: to struggle, strive |
ponnistautua {vi} | :: to push oneself (such as from the ground) |
ponnistautua {vi} | :: to make a great effort to do something |
ponnistella {vi} | :: To struggle, strive |
ponnistelu {n} | :: effort |
ponnistus {n} | :: effort |
ponnistus {n} | :: takeoff (in long jump and similar sports, the act that sends the athlete in the air) |
ponnistusvoima {n} | :: power of legs used for vertical jumps |
pönöttää {vi} [colloquial] | :: to act self-important and pompous |
ponsi {n} [botany] | :: anther (pollen-bearing part of the stamen of a flower) |
ponsi {n} [politics] | :: motion (parliamentary action to propose something) |
ponsi {n} | :: pommel (of sword, knife, axe or such) |
ponsi {n} | :: energy, vigour |
ponsi {n} | :: weight |
ponsi {n} | :: The part of a kantele that holds the varras |
pontata {vt} | :: to apply a tongue and groove joint onto a plank |
pontata {vt} | :: to join a plank or planks using a tongue and groove joint |
ponteva {adj} | :: energetic, vigorous |
pontevasti {adv} | :: energetically, vigorously |
pontikankeitto {n} | :: moonshining (illicit production of liquor) |
pontikka {n} | :: moonshine (illegal home-distilled liquor) |
pontti {n} | :: tongue and groove (joint) |
ponttihirsi {n} | :: a log with a tongue and groove joint |
ponttilauta {n} | :: tongue and groove board (board with tongue on one side and groove on the other to allow tongue and groove joint between them) |
ponttiliitos {n} [construction] | :: tongue and groove joint |
pönttö {n} [colloquial] | :: bin, can (any clumsy and/or ugly container, with or without a lid) |
pönttö {n} [colloquial] | :: blockhead (stupid person) |
pönttö {n} [colloquial] | :: toilet (fixture) |
Pönttö-Mac {prop} | :: A nickname for the Macintosh 128K |
ponttoni {n} | :: pontoon |
ponttonisilta {n} | :: pontoon bridge |
ponttooni {n} | :: pontoon |
ponttoonisilta {n} | :: pontoon bridge (temporary bridge built over floating pontoons) |
pönttötuoli {n} [historical] | :: a type of (often) cylindrical chair |
pontus {n} | :: overweight person [colloquial] |
ponu {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pontikka |
ponzu-kastike {n} | :: ponzu (sauce) |
pooki {n} [nautical] | :: daymark |
poolinen {adj} [chemistry] | :: polar |
poolisuus {n} [chemistry] | :: polarity |
pooliton {adj} [chemistry] | :: nonpolar |
poolo {n} [sports] | :: polo (ball game where two teams of players on horseback use long-handled mallets to propel the ball along the ground and into their opponent's goal) |
poolokaulus {n} [clothing] | :: polo-neck, turtleneck (high, close-fitting collar, turned back on itself and covering all or most of the neck, on a sweater or similar garment) |
poolopaita {n} | :: turtleneck, polo-neck (shirt or blouse with a polo-neck collar) |
poolopusero {n} | :: polo neck sweater [UK]; turtleneck, turtleneck sweater [US] (sweater with a polo neck) |
pootoora {n} [dialectal] | :: second cup of coffee or tea |
pop {adj} [chiefly in compounds] | :: pop (popular) |
pop {n} | :: pop (popular music) |
popata {v} [childish] | :: to burn (be or feel hot) |
popcorn {n} | :: popcorn |
pöpelikkö {n} [colloquial] | :: thicket, copse |
pöpi {adj} [colloquial] | :: kooky, wacky (eccentric, strange, foolish or crazy) |
popidoli {n} | :: pop idol |
pöpilä {n} [colloquial] | :: nutfarm, funny farm |
popin {adj} | :: superlative of poppa |
pöpinä {n} | :: twaddle, nonsense, rubbish (empty or silly idle talk or writing) |
pöpistä {vi} | :: to twaddle, prattle (to talk nonsense) |
popkulttuuri {n} | :: pop culture |
poplaulaja {n} | :: pop singer |
popliini {n} | :: poplin (fabric) |
popliinitakki {n} | :: gabardine, trench coat |
pop-musiikki {n} | :: pop music |
popmusiikki {n} | :: alternative spelling of pop-musiikki |
popmuusikko {n} | :: pop musician |
pöpö {n} [colloquial] | :: bug, contagious disease |
pöpö {n} [colloquial, especially metaphorical] | :: frightening being, ghost-like monster, bugbear, bogeyman |
pöpöttää {v} [colloquial] | :: to twaddle |
poppa {adj} [childish] | :: hot |
poppa {n} [childish] | :: fire, hot thing |
poppakonsti {n} [colloquial] | :: magic trick, charm |
poppamies {n} | :: medicine man, witch doctor |
poppana {n} | :: A type of traditional Karelian woven fabric, made with hand loom of strips that have been cut obliquely out of (used) cloth, resulting in soft, nubby texture; used e.g. as tablecloth and bedcover |
poppari {n} | :: pop musician |
poppari {n} [colloquial] | :: popcorn |
poppeli {n} | :: poplar |
poppelimagnolia {n} | :: cucumber tree, Magnolia acuminata (tree with cucumber-like fruit, native to the northeastern United States) |
pöpperöinen {adj} | :: groggy or woozy from sleepiness or drowsiness |
pöpperössä {adv} | :: dizzy or woozy as a result of having just woken up |
poppi {n} | :: alternative form of pop |
poppoo {n} [colloquial] | :: A group of people; gang, lot |
popsia {v} | :: [of children or small animals] to eat, munch |
poptähti {n} | :: pop star |
poptaide {n} | :: pop art |
poptaiteilija {n} | :: pop artist |
popula {n} [colloquial] | :: group of people, gang |
populaari {adj} | :: popular |
populääri {adj} | :: alternative form of populaari |
populaarikulttuuri {n} | :: popular culture, pop culture |
populaarimusiikki {n} | :: popular music |
populaaristaa {vt} | :: to popularize; to present something in an easily understood form |
populaatio {n} | :: population |
populaatioekologia {n} | :: population ecology |
popularisoida {vt} | :: To popularise/popularize |
populariteetti {n} | :: popularity |
populismi {n} | :: populism |
populisti {n} | :: populist |
populistinen {adj} | :: populist |
pora {n} | :: drill |
poraaja {n} | :: driller |
porakaivo {n} | :: drilled well |
porakone {n} | :: power drill |
porakonepumppu {n} | :: drill pump |
poranterä {n} | :: A drill bit (tool) |
poraruuvi {n} | :: drilling screw |
porasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pora |
porata {vt} | :: to drill, bore (to make a hole by boring) |
porata {vt} [often with isommaksi (larger)] | :: to bore out (to enlarge the diameter of a hole) |
porata {vt} [gaming, slang] | :: to wallbang (to shoot through walls in shooting games) |
porata {vi} [dialectal] | :: to cry |
poraus {n} | :: drilling |
poraus {n} | :: crying |
porauslautta {n} | :: drilling rig |
porausreikä {n} | :: borehole |
porautua {vi} | :: To drill into |
poravasara {n} | :: rotary hammer |
pore {n} | :: bubble (gas bubble in water) |
pore {n} | :: An area of molten water near the edge of ice in a melting lake |
poreallas {n} | :: jacuzzi, whirlpool, hot tub (bath with underwater jets that massage the body) |
poreamme {n} | :: jacuzzi, hot tub |
poreilla {vi} | :: to bubble or effervesce heavily (like a hot tub) |
poretabletti {n} | :: effervescent tablet |
poretin {n} [rare] | :: a device that produces bubbles, turning a pool into a jacuzzi |
porevesi {n} | :: sparkling water, seltzer |
porfyria {n} [pathology] | :: porphyria |
porfyroblasti {n} [geology] | :: porphyroblast |
porfyyri {n} [geology] | :: porphyry |
porfyyrinen {adj} | :: porphyrous, porphyric |
porhaltaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: To drive fast, to race |
pörheä {adj} | :: furry |
pörhistää {v} | :: to ruffle |
pörhistellä {v} | :: alternative form of pörhistää |
pörhistyä {vi} | :: to fluff up, puff up |
porho {n} [colloquial] | :: A very wealthy or affluent person; moneybags |
pörhöllä {adv} | :: fluffy or fuzzy |
pörhöllään {adv} | :: alternative form of pörhöllä |
pörhölle {adv} | :: into being fluffy or fuzzy |
pörhölleen {adv} | :: alternative form of pörhölle |
pörhöön {adv} | :: synonym of pörhölle |
pörhössä {adv} | :: synonym of pörhöllä |
Pori {prop} | :: Pori (city) |
porilainen {n} | :: A person living in, or originating from the city of Pori |
porilainen {n} | :: A hamburger-style snack, where the beef is replaced with a thick slice of sausage |
porilainen {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the city of Pori or its people |
porina {n} | :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by several simultaneous discussions in one room) |
pörinä {n} | :: hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by bees) |
pörinä {n} | :: A vivid activity |
porinaryhmä {n} | :: chat group |
porista {vi} | :: to bubble |
porista {vi} [colloquial] | :: to babble (talk) |
pöristä {vi} | :: to drone, buzz, whirr, hum |
porkka {n} [dialectal, skiing] | :: ski pole |
porkka {n} [fishing] | :: synonym of tarvoin |
porkkana {n} | :: carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) |
porkkana {n} [figuratively] | :: carrot (incentive, motivational tool) |
porkkanakakku {n} | :: carrot cake |
porkkanakärpänen {n} | :: carrot fly, carrot rust fly, Chamaepsila rosae |
porkkanakemppi {n} | :: carrot psyllid, Trioza apicalis |
porkkanalaatikko {n} | :: carrot casserole (traditional hot side dish made with carrot and rice as main ingredients and stewed in the oven) |
porkkanalaatikko {n} | :: box of carrots |
porkkanamehu {n} | :: carrot juice |
porkkananpunainen {adj} | :: carrot, carrot-colored (having a carrot color) |
porkkananpunainen {n} | :: carrot (color) |
porkkanaraaste {n} | :: grated carrot |
porkkanasosekeitto {n} | :: puréed carrot soup |
pormestari {n} | :: mayor ("general director" of a city's or other municipality's staff and chairman of the board of the municipality) |
pormestari {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland |
pornahtava {adj} | :: porny, spicy |
Pornainen {prop} | :: Pornainen (municipality) |
pornaislainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pornainen |
pornaislainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pornainen |
pornalainen {adj} | :: alternative form of pornaislainen |
pornalainen {n} | :: alternative form of pornaislainen |
porno- {prefix} | :: porn- |
porno {n} | :: clipping of pornografia; porn |
porno {n} [in compounds] | :: pornographic, porn |
pornoelokuva {n} | :: porn movie |
pornofilmi {n} | :: porn film |
pornografia {n} | :: pornography |
pornografinen {adj} | :: pornographic, blue |
pornografisempi {adj} | :: comparative of pornografinen |
pornografisin {adj} | :: superlative of pornografinen |
pornokansio {n} [computing, colloquial] | :: a porn folder; a virtual container in a computer's file system in which pornographic material is stored |
pornokauppias {n} [colloquial] | :: sex shop owner |
pornokeisari {n} | :: a porn baron |
pornokratia {n} | :: pornocracy (period in the history of the Catholic church) |
pornoleffa {n} [colloquial] | :: porn movie |
pornolehti {n} | :: porn magazine |
pornotähti {n} | :: porn star |
pornovideo {n} | :: pornographic video, porn video |
poro {n} | :: A semi-domesticated reindeer of the subspecies Rangifer tarandus tarandus |
poro {n} [normally, in plural] | :: grounds (e.g. in coffee) |
poro {n} [idiomatic, in transitive case] | :: into ashes |
poroaita {n} | :: reindeer fence |
poroerotus {n} | :: reindeer roundup |
porohärkä {n} | :: castrated male reindeer |
porohirvas {n} | :: reindeer stag |
porokarja {n} | :: reindeer as livestock |
porokoira {n} | :: reindeer dog |
porokolari {n} | :: (traffic) collision with a reindeer |
porolappalainen {adj} [dated] | :: synonym of porosaamelainen |
porolappalainen {n} [dated] | :: synonym of porosaamelainen |
poromerkki {n} | :: reindeer ear tag |
poronhoito {n} | :: reindeer herding |
poronhoitoalue {n} | :: reindeer herding area |
poronjäkälä {n} | :: A lichen of the Cladina morphotype within the genus Cladonia (cup lichens), especially the reindeer lichen or reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina) |
poronkäristys {n} | :: sautéed reindeer |
poronkusema {n} | :: an informal traditional measure of distance, not well defined but perhaps 7.5 kilometers at the most |
poronliha {n} | :: reindeer meat |
poronluu {n} | :: reindeer bone |
poronsarvi {n} | :: reindeer antler |
poronsarvijauhe {n} | :: reindeer antler powder (used as an aphrodisiac) |
poronvaljaat {n} | :: reindeer harness |
poropeukalo {n} | :: ham-fisted person |
poropietari {adj} [computing, slang] | :: proprietary (as opposed to being free software) |
poroporvari {n} | :: An extremely or very bourgeois person |
poroporvarillinen {adj} | :: Of, or having very bourgeois values |
porosuoja {n} | :: a shelter for reindeer |
porotalous {n} | :: reindeer husbandry |
porotokka {n} | :: reindeer herd |
porottaa {vi} [descriptive, with paistaa] | :: To shine (scorchingly) |
pörräillä {vi} | :: to drone or buzz around |
porras {n} | :: step, stair |
porraselementti {n} | :: step section, stair section |
porrasfunktio {n} [mathematics] | :: step function |
porrashissi {n} | :: stairlift |
porraskäytävä {n} | :: A stairwell |
porraskivi {n} | :: step stone |
porraslimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius trivialis |
porrasmatriisi {n} [linear algebra] | :: a matrix in row echelon form, echelon matrix |
porrasmuoto {n} [algebra] | :: row-echelon form |
porrasperä {n} | :: sedan (automobile body style with a separate luggage compartment) |
porrassyöksy {n} | :: flight of stairs between landings |
porrastaa {vt} | :: To step, terrace |
porrastaa {vt} | :: To scale, grade |
porrastasanne {n} | :: stair landing |
porrasteinen {adj} | :: having multiple distinct levels like stairs; progressive, gradual |
porrasteisesti {adv} | :: progressively, gradually |
porrastua {vi} | :: to be scaled or graded |
pörrätä {vi} | :: To drone, buzz, whirr, hum |
porro {n} | :: synonym of valkoporro |
porro {n} | :: any plant of the genus Ballota |
porro {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Ballota |
pörröhäntä {n} | :: bushy tail, such as that of a squirrel |
pörröinen {adj} | :: furry, fluffy, shaggy, ruffled, straggled |
pörröllä {adv} | :: fluffy |
pörröllään {adv} | :: alternative form of pörröllä |
pörrölle {adv} | :: into being fluffy |
pörrölleen {adv} | :: alternative form of pörrölle |
pörröön {adv} | :: synonym of pörrölle |
pörrössä {adv} | :: synonym of pörröllä |
pörröttää {vt} | :: to ruffle, to tousle, to dishevel |
pörröttyä {vi} | :: to become fluffy |
porsaankyljys {n} | :: pork chop |
porsaanleike {n} | :: pork escalope |
porsaanliha {n} | :: pork meat |
porsaanreikä {n} | :: loophole (method of escaping; also a loophole in a document, agreement, etc. that can be taken advantage of) |
porsas {n} | :: A piglet |
porsas {n} | :: Pork (meat) |
porsas {n} | :: A pig in the sense of messy, slovenly, disgusting, or nasty person |
porsasmaisesti {adv} | :: piggishly |
porsastella {vi} | :: to pig around, to drink (especially alcohol) or eat heavily |
porsia {v} | :: To farrow |
porsittaa {vt} | :: to have (something) farrow |
porskutella {vi} | :: to dabble or paddle around |
porskuttaa {vi} | :: to dabble, to paddle |
porskuttaa {vi} [figuratively] | :: to go swimmingly |
porskuttaa {vi} [figuratively] | :: to survive |
porsliini {n} | :: alternative form of posliini |
pörssi {n} | :: An exchange (place for conducting trading), especially a stock exchange |
pörssi {n} [colloquial] | :: A wallet |
pörssiaika {n} | :: period during which a stock exchange allows trading |
pörssiarvo {n} | :: market capitalization, market value |
pörssikurssi {n} | :: share price (the price of a share as quoted in a stock exchange) |
pörssimeklari {n} | :: stockbroker |
pörssiromahdus {n} | :: stock market crash |
pörssitähti {n} | :: the company with rising stock, being wanted by investors; the most wanted stock of a certain period |
pörssiyhtiö {n} | :: listed company, public company, publicly traded company, quoted company (company whose shares are traded in a stock exchange) |
porstua {n} [dialectal] | :: porch (covered and inclosed entrance to a building) |
portaali {n} [Internet] | :: portal |
portaaton {adj} | :: stepless |
portaaton {adj} | :: continuously variable |
portaattomasti {adv} [of a change] | :: continuously |
portaikko {n} | :: staircase |
portaittain {adv} | :: in steps, incrementally |
portaittainen {adj} | :: stepped, graduable |
portata {v} [computing, colloquial] | :: to port (to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) |
portatiivi {n} [musical instruments] | :: portative organ |
portfolio {n} | :: portfolio |
portfoliosijoitus {n} | :: portfolio investment |
portieeri {n} | :: doorman, especially in a restaurant or hotel |
portiikki {n} [architecture] | :: portico |
portimo {n} [rare] | :: A stoat |
portinohjaus {n} [computing, Internet] | :: port forwarding |
portsari {n} [colloquial] | :: bouncer |
portsariraha {n} [colloquial] | :: money paid to a bouncer |
pörttei {n} [Finglish] | :: birthday |
portteri {n} | :: porter (strong, dark ale) |
portti {n} | :: gate |
portti {n} [electronics] | :: gate |
portti {n} [electronics] | :: port (connector of an electronic device) |
portti {n} [computing] | :: port (ie. of a web server) |
portti {n} [anatomy] | :: hilum, hilus (fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland or organ) |
portti {n} | :: portal |
portti {n} [croquet] | :: hoop; wicket [US] |
porttikäytävä {n} | :: gateway |
porttikielto {n} | :: ban, entry ban (from a building, place, area, event) |
porttilaskimo {n} [anatomy] | :: A portal vein |
porttiohjaus {n} [computing, Internet] | :: port forwarding |
porttirakennus {n} | :: a building through which a gateway runs; gatehouse |
porttiteoria {n} | :: the gateway drug effect |
portto {n} [pejorative] | :: A harlot, whore, (female) prostitute |
porttola {n} [dated] | :: brothel |
portugali {n} | :: The Portuguese language |
Portugali {prop} | :: Portugali (country) |
portugalilainen {adj} | :: Portuguese (of or relating to Portugal) |
portugalilainen {adj} | :: Luso- (combining form; Finnish equivalent portugalilais-) |
portugalilainen {n} | :: A citizen of, or a person originating from Portugal |
portugalilaisuus {n} | :: Portugueseness |
portugalinkielinen {adj} | :: Portuguese, Portuguese language, Lusophone (written or expressed in Portuguese) |
portugalinkielinen {adj} | :: Portuguese speaking, Lusophone (using Portuguese as a means of daily communication) |
portugalinsotalaiva {n} | :: Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) |
portugalinvesikoira {n} | :: Portuguese Water Dog |
portulakka {n} | :: purslane (plant of the family Portulacaceae, especially of the genus Portulaca) |
portviini {n} | :: port wine |
poru {n} [colloquial] | :: cry (shedding of tears; the act of crying) |
poru {n} | :: complaint, whining |
porukka {n} [colloquial] | :: gang, band, crowd |
porukka {n} [colloquial, in the plural] | :: folks (one's parents and immediate family) |
porukoida {v} [colloquial] | :: to do something in or as a group |
porvari {n} [historical] | :: merchant, shopowner |
porvari {n} [politics] | :: a person having bourgeois opinions; a bourgeois |
porvari {n} [politics, leftist terminology] | :: bourgeois, capitalist |
porvari {n} [in compounds] | :: bourgeois, bourgeoisie, right-wing, non-socialist, conservative |
porvarihallitus {n} | :: bourgeois government (in a multiparty parliamentary system, a government formed by the bourgeois parties) |
porvarillinen {adj} | :: bourgeois |
porvarillinen hämärä {n} | :: civil twilight |
porvarillisesti {adv} | :: in a bourgeois way |
porvarillistaa {vt} | :: to make somebody or something bourgeois |
porvarillistua {vi} | :: to become bourgeois |
porvaristo {n} | :: bourgeoisie (the bourgeois as a social class) |
porvaristo {n} [marxism] | :: bourgeoisie (the owners of capital, the capitalists) |
Porvoo {prop} | :: Porvoo (city) |
porvoolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Porvoo |
porvoolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Porvoo |
Porvoonjoki {n} | :: Porvoonjoki (river) |
posahtaa {v} | :: to explode, blow up |
posauttaa {vt} | :: to explode, to blow up, to cause to make a sound like that of an explosion |
pose {n} [slang] | :: jail |
poseerata {vi} | :: To pose (when being photographed) |
posetiivari {n} | :: organ grinder |
posetiivi {n} | :: barrel organ, street organ, roller organ |
pösilö {n} | :: A dumb person |
posio {n} [dialectal, northern] | :: In a kota (Sami tipi-like dwelling), an area opposite to the door opening, reserved for storage of kitchen utensils and foodstuffs |
Posio {prop} | :: Posio |
posiolainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Posio |
posiolainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Posio |
positiivi {n} [grammar] | :: positive (degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, the base form) |
positiivi {n} | :: (grammar) positive (adjective or adverb in the positive degree) |
positiivi {n} [photography] | :: positive (positive image; one that displays true colors and shades, as opposed to a negative) |
positiividefiniitti {adj} | :: positive definite |
positiivinen {adj} [physics] | :: Having positive charge |
positiivinen {adj} | :: Positive (inspiring positive reactions) |
positiivisesti {adv} | :: positively |
positio {n} | :: position |
positivismi {n} | :: positivism |
positivisti {n} | :: positivist |
positivistinen {adj} | :: positivistic |
positroni {n} [physics] | :: positron |
positroniemissiotomografia {n} | :: positron emission tomography |
posketon {adj} [colloquial] | :: very funny, absurd |
poskettomasti {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a very funny or absurd way |
poski {n} | :: cheek |
poskihammas {n} [anatomy] | :: molar |
poskilihas {n} [anatomy] | :: cheek muscle |
poskiluu {n} [anatomy] | :: cheekbone, zygomatic bone, malar bone, malar |
-poskinen {adj} | :: cheeked |
poskiontelo {n} [anatomy] | :: maxillary sinus |
poskiontelontulehdus {n} [medicine] | :: sinusitis |
poskipää {n} [anatomy] | :: cheekbone |
poskipäälihas {n} [anatomy] | :: zygomaticus |
poskiparta {n} | :: sideburns |
poskipuna {n} [makeup] | :: rouge, blusher |
poskipussi {n} [anatomy, zoology] | :: A cheek pouch |
poslari {n} [slang] | :: shaved genitalia |
posliini {n} | :: porcelain |
posliini {n} [slang] | :: shaved genitalia |
posliinikauppa {n} | :: china shop |
posliinikotilo {n} | :: A cowry (any of the marine molluscs of the genus Cypraea) |
posliinikukka {n} | :: waxflower (plant of the genus Hoya) |
posliininen {adj} | :: Made of porcelain |
posliininmaalaus {n} | :: porcelain painting |
posliinipillu {n} [slang, vulgar] | :: shaved female genitalia |
posliinisavi {n} | :: synonym of kaoliini |
posliiniseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius cumatilis |
posmittaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to speak quickly, especially in a foreign language |
pösö {n} [colloquial] | :: bigwig, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, big wheel, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top banana, top dog (wealthy man who is in a leading position) |
pösö {n} [colloquial] | :: Peugeot (car) |
posottaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to drive fast |
possessiivinen {adj} | :: possessive |
possessiivipronomini {n} [grammar] | :: possessive pronoun |
possessiivisuffiksi {n} [linguistics] | :: Possessive suffix |
posso {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of possumunkki |
possu {n} [hypocoristic, childish] | :: piggy, pig, piglet |
possu {n} [hypocoristic, childish] | :: a slovenly person |
possu {n} [colloquial] | :: pork |
possumunkki {n} | :: A flat, rectangular doughnut with a pocket of jam inside, rolled in granular sugar |
possunkorva {n} | :: pig's ear |
possunliha {n} | :: pork |
postalveolaarinen {adj} [phonetics] | :: postalveolar |
postata {v} [internet, colloquial] | :: to post (To publish a message in a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.) |
postaus {n} [colloquial] | :: A post (publication) on the Internet, e.g. on a forum |
posteri {n} | :: informational poster |
posterinäyttely {n} | :: poster session (in a conference, a display of posters with which the participants can share information on their contributions to the theme of the conference) |
posteriorinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: posterior |
posti {n} | :: post, postal service |
posti {n} | :: postal office |
posti {n} | |
posti {n} | :: appointment, position, post |
Posti {prop} | :: Short for Posti Group, the Finnish postal service company |
Posti {prop} | :: surname |
postiauto {n} | :: postal truck, mail truck |
postibussi {n} | :: postbus |
postiennakko {n} | :: cash on delivery, payment on receipt (sale of goods by mail order where payment is made on delivery to the carrier rather than in advance) |
postietuanti {n} [obsolete] | :: synonym of postiennakko |
postihallitus {n} [rare] | :: any organization managing a postal system |
postikortti {n} | :: A postcard |
postikorttien keräily {n} | :: deltiology, collecting postcards (study and collection of postcards) |
postikulut {n} | :: postal charges, postage |
postilaatikko {n} | :: mailbox |
postilaatikko {n} | :: inbox, in-tray |
postilaatikko {n} [espionage] | :: live drop, dead drop |
postilähetys {n} | :: consignment (a collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent through post) |
postilaitos {n} | :: postal service, post (an organization for delivering letters, parcels, as a service) |
postileima {n} | :: postmark, cancellation mark (marking made by a postal service on a mailed item that records the time of receival of the item and cancels the stamp) |
postiljooni {n} [dated] | :: postman, mailman |
postilla {n} | :: postil (collection of homilies) |
postilokero {n} | :: post-office box, postal box |
postilokero-osoite {n} | :: post office box address, letterbox address |
postiluukku {n} | :: A mail slot |
postimaksu {n} | :: postage (charge for posting an item) |
postimaksukone {n} | :: postage meter, franking machine |
postimerkittää {v} [rare] | :: to stamp, frank (to place a stamp on an envelope) |
postimerkkeilijä {n} | :: philatelist |
postimerkkeillä {v} | :: to do philately |
postimerkkeily {n} | :: philately |
postimerkki {n} | :: stamp, postage stamp (small piece of printed paper indicating amount of postage paid) |
postimerkkikansio {n} [philately] | :: stamp album |
postimestari {n} [archaic] | :: postmaster (head of a post office) |
postimestari {n} | :: a honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland to merited people who work or worked for the post office |
postimies {n} | :: postman [male] |
postimies {n} | :: Heliconius erato |
postimpressionismi {n} [arts] | :: postimpressionism |
postimyyntimorsian {n} | :: mail-order bride |
postinjakaja {n} | :: mailman (post office employee) |
postinkantaja {n} | :: A postman, mailman, letter carrier |
postinlajittelija {n} | :: mail sorter |
postinumero {n} | :: A postal code [British], zip code [US] |
postinumeroalue {n} | :: postcode (region within which all addresses share the same postal code) |
postiosoite {n} | :: postal address |
postiosoitus {n} | :: postal order, postal money order (money order arranged by a postal service) |
postipäällikkö {n} | :: postmaster (head of post office) |
postipaketti {n} | :: post parcel, postal package |
postipalveluauto {n} | :: postal service car, postal service truck |
postitaide {n} | :: mail art |
postitoimipaikka {n} | :: post town, post city |
postitoimisto {n} | :: post office (place concerned with the business of delivering letters, post or mail and selling stamps, etc.) |
postitorvi {n} [musical instruments] | :: post horn |
postitorvi {n} [zoology] | :: little post horn squid, ram's horn squid, tail-light squid, Spirula spirula; the only extant species in the order Spirulida |
postitse {adv} | :: by mail, by post |
postittaa {vt} | :: to mail |
postitus {n} | :: mailing |
postituslista {n} | :: mailing list, distribution list |
postivaunu {n} | :: stagecoach |
postivaunu {n} | :: mail car (of a train) |
postivaunut {n} | :: A stage-coach, stagecoach |
postkolonialismi {n} | :: postcolonialism |
postmoderni {adj} | :: postmodern |
postmodernismi {n} | :: postmodernism |
postmodernistinen {adj} | :: postmodern |
postnataalinen {adj} | :: postnatal |
postorogeeninen {adj} | :: post-orogenic |
postpositio {n} [grammar] | :: A postposition |
postpositionaalinen {adj} [grammar] | :: postpositional (of or pertaining to postpositions) |
postpositionaalisesti {adv} [grammar] | :: postpositionally |
postpositsiooni {n} [archaic] | :: alternative form of postpositio |
poststrukturalismi {n} | :: post-structuralism |
postulaatti {n} | :: A postulate |
postuloida {v} | :: To postulate |
postuumi {adj} | :: posthumous |
postuumisti {adv} | :: posthumously |
potaatti {n} [colloquial] | :: potato |
potaska {n} | :: potash |
potaska {n} [figuratively] | :: nonsense, rubbish, piffle |
potaska {n} [colloquial] | :: potassium carbonate |
potaskankeitto {n} | :: potash making |
potea {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To be sick with, have, suffer from (a disease or, figuratively, a mental state) |
potensoida {vt} | :: to potentize |
potensoitua {vi} | :: to become potent, potentized |
potenssi {n} | :: potency (sexual potency) |
potenssi {n} [mathematics] | :: power (product of equal factors) |
potenssifunktio {n} [mathematics] | :: power function |
potenssiin korotus {n} [mathematics] | :: exponentiation |
potenssiinkorotus {n} | :: alternative form of potenssiin korotus |
potenssiinkorotusmenetelmä {n} [math] | :: exponentiation method |
potenssijoukko {n} [mathematics] | :: power set |
potenssilääke {n} | :: impotence drug, aphrodisiac |
potenssimenetelmä {n} [linear algebra] | :: power method (to find eigenvalues) |
potenssisarja {n} [mathematics] | :: power series |
potentaatti {n} [archaic] | :: potentate (powerful leader) |
potentiaali {n} [physics] | :: potential (work required) |
potentiaali {n} [grammar] | :: potential (verbal construction) |
potentiaalienergia {n} [physics] | :: potential energy |
potentiaaliero {n} [physics] | :: potential difference, electrical potential |
potentiaalikuoppa {n} [physics] | :: potential well |
potentiaalinen {adj} | :: potential |
potentiaalisesti {adv} | :: potentially |
potentiaaliteoria {n} [math] | :: potential theory |
potentiometri {n} | :: potentiometer |
potentsiaali {n} [archaic] | :: potential |
potentti {adj} | :: potent |
poterni {n} | :: postern |
potero {n} [military] | :: foxhole |
potero {n} [figuratively] | :: position, standpoint; especially one that is defended vigorously against contradictory or challenging ideas |
potikka {n} [colloquial] | :: A potentiometer |
potilas {n} | :: patient |
potilashuone {n} | :: patient's room, ward (part of a hospital where patients reside) |
potilassali {n} | :: ward (part of a hospital where patients reside) |
potilastiedot {n} [pluralonly] | :: Medical report(s), medical record(s) |
potilasturvallisuus {n} | :: patient safety |
potilasvaatteet {n} | :: patient clothing |
potka {n} | :: hind leg |
potka {n} | :: shank (the lower part of the leg of an animal) |
potka {n} | :: shank (meat from that part of an animal) |
potka {n} | :: gaskin (part of horse's hind leg) |
potkaista {vt} | :: To kick (once) |
potkaista tyhjää {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, euphemism] | :: to kick the bucket, buy the farm, bite the dust (to die) |
potkaisu {n} | :: A kick |
potkia {vt} | :: to kick (repeatedly/continuously) |
pötkiä {vi} | :: to run |
potkia aisan yli {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be insubordinate |
potkia aisan yli {v} [idiomatic] | :: to break ranks (deviate ideologically from one's organization) |
potkiaiset {n} | :: a celebration held for leaving students of a lukio (usually third-year students) by the second-year students |
potkija {n} | :: A kicker, one who kicks |
potkiminen {n} | :: kicking (repeatedly) |
potkiskella {vt} | :: to kick around |
pötkö {n} [colloquial] | :: bar, stick (cylindrical mass of anything relatively firm) |
pötköllään {adv} [colloquial] | :: lying down, reclining |
pötkölleen {adv} [colloquial] | :: into being lying down or reclining |
pötköttää {v} [colloquial] | :: To lie; to rest |
potku {n} | :: kick |
potku {n} | :: a side net steering fish towards a fyke |
potkuhousut {n} | :: children's bodysuit |
potkukelkka {n} | :: kicksled |
potkukelkkailla {v} | :: to kicksled (to travel by kicksled) |
potkulauta {n} | :: kick scooter, foot-operated scooter |
potkumaali {n} [American football] | :: field goal |
potkumaali {n} [ice hockey] | :: An illegal goal scored by kicking |
potkunyrkkeily {n} [sports] | :: kickboxing |
potkupallo {n} [sports] | :: low-level or friendly football/soccer |
potkupuku {n} | :: onesie, romper suit (one-piece baby garment) |
potkuri {n} [aeronautics] | :: propeller, prop |
potkuri {n} [nautical] | :: screw, propeller |
potkuri {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of potkukelkka |
potkurikone {n} | :: propeller aircraft |
potkurinlapa {n} | :: propeller blade |
potkuriturbiini {n} | :: turboprop, propjet |
potkuriturbiinikone {n} | :: turboprop aircraft |
potkuriturbiinimoottori {n} | :: turboprop engine |
potkurivirta {n} [nautical, aviation] | :: prop wash (flow of water or air pushed by a propeller, whether aftward or foreward) |
potkurivirta {n} [nautical, aviation] | :: backwash (aftward flow of water or air pushed by a propeller) |
potkut {n} [colloquial] | :: firing, dismissal, axing, sack |
potkuverkko {n} | :: synonym of potku |
potlohko {n} | :: a stew cooked in an oven containing meat, potatoes and onion |
potpuri {n} [music] | :: potpourri |
potretti {n} | :: portrait |
pötsi {n} [anatomy] | :: rumen, paunch (first stomach of a ruminant) |
pötsi {n} [derogatory] | :: potbelly, paunch (large, protruding stomach) |
potsolaani {n} | :: pozzolana (type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement which sets under water) |
potsolaaninen {adj} | :: pozzolanic (having the characteristics of pozzolana, a type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement which sets under water) |
potta {n} | :: A potty |
potta {n} [colloquial] | :: A chamberpot |
potta {n} [slang] | :: A helmet |
pottaharjoittelu {n} | :: toilet training |
pottatukka {n} | :: A bowl cut (hairstyle) |
pottatuoli {n} | :: potty chair |
potti {n} | :: pot (money in center of table in card games) |
pottu {n} [colloquial] | :: potato, spud |
pottu {n} | :: potty |
pottu {n} [colloquial] | :: bottle, especially one of booze |
pottuilla {v} | :: To tease (to provoke by annoying remarks) |
pottumaisesti {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a bothersome, annoying or mean way |
pottumaito {n} | :: mashed potatoes mixed with milk and made into a gruel |
pottuuntua {vi} [colloquial] | :: to become/get annoyed or upset |
pottuvarvas {n} [colloquial] | :: big toe |
potuttaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be annoyed, vexed |
pöty {n} | :: nonsense |
pötypuhe {n} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, hogwash |
poukahdella {vi} | :: to bounce, spring or ricochet around |
poukahtaa {vi} | :: to bounce, to spring, to ricochet |
poukama {n} | :: A small bay; cove |
poukata {vi} | :: to hop, to spring, to vault |
poukauttaa {vt} | :: to cause to bounce, spring or ricochet |
poukkoilla {vi} | :: to bounce around |
pounu {n} | :: a small peat hummock |
pouta {n} | :: dry weather |
poutailma {n} | :: non-rainy weather |
poutainen {adj} [of weather] | :: dry; sunny or cloudy, but with no precipitation |
poutapilvi {n} | :: a cloud seen during dry weather |
poutapilvi {n} | :: synonym of harsotyräkki |
poutasää {n} | :: non-rainy weather |
poutia {vi} | :: to be dry, to suffer from drought |
Poutiainen {prop} | :: surname |
povaaja {n} | :: fortuneteller |
povailla {v} | :: to predict, foretell |
povari {n} | :: fortuneteller |
povari {n} | :: inside pocket |
povata {vt} | :: to divine, foretell |
povauttaa {vt} | :: to have (something) divined or foretold |
povekas {adj} | :: full-bosomed, big-breasted |
povekkaampi {adj} | :: comparative of povekas |
povi {n} | :: bosom, breast |
povi {n} [fishing] | :: bosom of a seine |
povipommi {n} | :: attractive big-breasted woman; bombshell |
povitasku {n} | :: inside pocket, inside jacket pocket (pocket inside of a jacket) |
pöydällinen {adj} | :: Having a table |
pöydällinen {n} | :: tableful |
pöydänjalka {n} | :: table leg |
pöydätä {vt} [card games, + accusative] | :: to lay (a card on the table) face-up |
pöydätä {vt} [+ accusative] | :: to table, postpone the decision (on an issue) to the next meeting |
pöyheä {adj} | :: fluffy |
pöyhiä {vt} | :: to fluff, to plump |
pöyhin {n} | :: tedder, hay tedder |
pöyhistää {vt} | :: to fluff |
pöyhistellä {vt} | :: to puff up, to fluff (repeatedly or leisurely) |
pöyhistellä {vi} | :: to show off, to flaunt |
pöyhistyä {vi} | :: to fluff |
pöyhkeä {adj} | :: haughty, uppity, snooty |
pöyhkeästi {adv} | :: haughtily, snootily |
pöyhkeilevä {adj} | :: self-important, pompous; arrogant or egotistical; tending to show off or hold oneself in unduly high regard |
pöyhkeillä {vi} | :: to flaunt, to be haughty |
pöyhöllä {adv} | :: fluffy |
pöyhöllään {adv} | :: alternative form of pöyhöllä |
pöyhölle {adv} | :: into being fluffy |
pöyhölleen {adv} | :: alternative form of pöyhölle |
pöyhöttää {vt} | :: to fluff, to plump |
pöyristyä {v} | :: to be shocked |
pöyristynyt {adj} | :: devastated (extremely upset and shocked) |
pöyristyttää {vt} | :: to shock, to appall, to dismay |
pöyristyttää {vi} [impersonal] | :: to be appalled or dismayed |
pöysti {n} [dated] | :: ham |
pöytä {n} | :: table (piece of furniture) |
Pöytä {prop} | :: Mensa (constellation) |
pöytäfutis {n} | :: foosball; table soccer [US]; table football [UK] |
pöytähopeat {n} | :: cutlery made out of silver, silverware |
pöytäjalkapallo {n} | :: foosball; table soccer [US]; table football [UK] |
pöytäkello {n} | :: table clock, timepiece |
pöytäkirja {n} | :: minutes (records of a meeting), proceedings |
pöytäkone {n} [colloquial] | :: desktop, desktop computer |
pöytälaatikko {n} | :: drawer, desk drawer |
pöytälahja {n} | :: party favor (small gift to a guest at a dinner party, distributed to the tables) |
pöytälamppu {n} [colloquial] | :: table lamp |
pöytäliina {n} | :: tablecloth |
pöytäradio {n} | :: tabletop radio |
pöytäroolipeli {n} [gaming] | :: tabletop roleplaying game |
pöytärope {n} [gaming, slang] | :: short for pöytäroolipeli |
pöytäsaha {n} | :: table saw |
pöytäsirkkeli {n} | :: table saw |
pöytäsuola {n} | :: table salt |
pöytätaso {n} | :: desktop (top surface of a desk) |
pöytätavat {n} | :: table manners |
pöytätekstiili {n} [usually in plural] | :: table linen |
pöytätennis {n} | :: table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong |
pöytätennispallo {n} | :: ping pong ball |
pöytätietokone {n} | :: desktop computer, desktop |
pöytävalaisin {n} | :: table lamp |
pöytäveitsi {n} | :: table knife (knife designed to be used together with a fork as an item of cutlery) |
pöytäviini {n} | :: table wine |
pöytävitriini {n} | :: a food display case |
pöytävoi {n} | :: table butter |
pöytävuori {n} | :: table mountain |
Pöytävuori {prop} | :: Table Mountain |
Pöytävuori {prop} | :: The constellation Mensa |
pöytiintarjoilu {n} | :: table service |
Pöytyä {prop} | :: Pöytyä (municipality) |
pöytyäläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pöytyä |
pöytyäläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pöytyä |
pöytye {n} | :: Group of people around one table |
pöytyri {n} [archaic, biblical] | :: a large wooden dish |
PR {n} | :: PR, public relations (communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image) |
praasniekka {n} | :: A village festival for the celebration of a local patron saint in the Orthodox Karelia |
praasu {n} [dialectal] | :: fire, especially in a fireplace |
pragmaatikko {n} | :: pragmatist |
pragmaattinen {adj} | :: pragmatic |
pragmaattisesti {adv} | :: pragmatically |
pragmaattisuus {n} | :: pragmatism (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities; a concentration on facts rather than emotions or ideals) |
pragmatiikka {n} [linguistics] | :: pragmatics |
pragmatismi {n} | :: pragmatism |
pragmatisti {n} | :: pragmatist |
Praha {prop} | :: Praha (capital city) |
prakata {v} [colloquial] | :: to break down (to fail to function) |
praksis {n} | :: synonym of käytäntö (custom or established practice) |
praksis {n} [drama] | :: praxis (deliberate action of a rational being) |
praksis {n} [philosophy] | :: praxis (synthesis of theory and practice, without presuming the primacy of either) |
praktiikka {n} | :: practice |
praktikko {n} | :: practitioner (person who practices a profession or art) |
praktikoida {v} | :: to practice (to pursue a career, especially in medicine or law) |
praktikoida {v} | :: to practise (to act as trainee) |
praktikumi {n} | :: practicum [US], work placement [UK] (college course designed to give a student supervised practical knowledge of a subject previously studied theoretically) |
praktikumkurssi {n} | :: synonym of praktikumi |
praktinen {adj} | :: synonym of käytännöllinen |
praktisoida {v} | :: synonym of praktikoida |
praliini {n} | :: praline |
pramea {adj} | :: ostentatious, showy, elaborate, gaudy |
prameasti {adv} | :: ostentatiously, showily, elaborately, gaudily |
prameilla {v} | :: to parade, flaunt (to display with ostentation) |
prameilu {n} | :: parading, flaunting (act of displaying with ostentation) |
prameus {n} | :: ostentatiousness, showiness, elaborateness, gaudiness |
präntti {n} | :: print (printed text) |
praseodyymi {n} | :: praseodymium |
prässäämö {n} | :: press shop (workshop equipped with hydraulic presses for the production of pressed parts) |
prassata {v} [nautical] | :: to brace (to swing round the yards of a square-rigged ship) |
prässätä {v} | :: to press (clothes, flowers) |
prässätä {v} | :: to crease (to produce a crease, intentionally, as to the front of trousers) |
prässäys {n} | :: pressing (act or onstance of pressin) |
prässäys {n} | :: creasing (act or instance of creasing) |
prässäyslaite {n} | :: synonym of housuprässi |
prässäyttää {v} | :: to have something pressed or creased |
prässäytyä {v} | :: to be pressed or creased |
prässi {n} | :: A press [device] |
prässi {n} | :: A crease, especially one pressed on the legs of trousers; often in plural |
prässihousut {n} | :: crease pants (pair of pants with creases) |
prässipuolustus {n} [basketball] | :: pressure defense |
prässirauta {n} | :: pressing iron |
prätkä {n} [colloquial] | :: motorcycle |
prebiootti {n} | :: prebiotic (food) |
prebioottinen {adj} [biology] | :: prebiotic |
predestinaatio {n} [theology] | :: predestination |
predestinaatio-oppi {n} | :: doctrine of predestination |
predestinoida {v} | :: to predestine (to determine the future or the fate of something in advance) |
predestinoitua {vi} | :: to become predestined |
predikaatintäyte {n} [grammar, archaic] | :: synonym of predikaatti |
predikaatti {n} [grammar] | :: predicate |
predikaatti {n} [logic] | :: predicate |
predikaattilogiikka {n} [logic] | :: predicate logic |
predikaattiosa {n} [grammar] | :: predicate plus any elements of sentence - object, predicative, adjuncts - that complete it |
predikatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: A predicative, complement |
predikatiiviadverbiaali {n} [grammar] | :: predicative adverbial |
predispositio {n} | :: predisposition |
pre-eklampsia {n} [pathology] | :: preeclampsia (complication of pregnancy) |
preemio {n} | :: premium |
preeria {n} | :: prairie |
preeriahaukka {n} | :: prairie falcon, Falco mexicanus |
preeriahiirihaukka {n} | :: Swainson's hawk, grasshopper hawk, locust hawk, Buteo swainsoni |
preeriakahlaaja {n} | :: upland sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda |
preeriakana {n} | :: greater prairie chicken, pinnated grouse, Tympanuchus cupido (large bird in the grouse family native to North America) |
preeriakoira {n} | :: prairie dog |
preerialokki {n} | :: California gull (Larus californicus) |
preerianaurulokki {n} | :: Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) |
preeriapöllö {n} | :: burrowing owl, Athene cunicularia |
preeriasirkku {n} | :: a longspur |
preeriasirkku {n} | :: McCown's longspur, Calcarius mccownii |
preeriasusi {n} | :: coyote, Canis latrans |
preeriaturpiaali {n} | :: eastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna |
preeriavaivaishiiri {n} | :: plains harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys montanus |
preeriaväriminttu {n} | :: wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa |
preeriaviklo {n} | :: willet, Tringa semipalmata (syn. Catoptrophorus semipalmatus) |
preesens {n} [grammar] | :: present tense |
preesensmuoto {n} [grammar] | :: present tense form |
prefekti {n} | :: prefect |
preferanssi {n} | :: preferans, preference (card game, popular in Russia) |
preferenssi {n} | :: preference |
preferenssi {n} | :: preferans (card game, popular in Russia) |
prefiksi {n} | :: prefix |
prehniitti {n} [mineral] | :: prehnite |
prejudikaatti {n} [legal] | :: A prejudicate |
prekambri {n} [geology] | :: The Precambrian |
prekambrikausi {n} [geology] | :: the Precambrian |
prekambrikautinen {adj} [geology] | :: Precambrian |
prekambrinen {adj} | :: Precambrian |
prekariaatti {n} [sociology] | :: precariat |
prekarisaatio {n} [sociology] | :: precarization |
prekessio {n} [physics] | :: precession |
prekluusio {n} | :: preclusion |
prekompakti {adj} [topology] | :: precompact |
prelaatti {n} | :: prelate (clergyman of high rank and authority) |
prelatuuri {n} | :: prelature (office of a prelate) |
preliminääri {n} | :: preliminary examination (qualifying exam, in Finland particularly an exam, often oral, that prepares the student for baccalaureate, see ylioppilaskoe) |
preliminäärikoe {n} | :: synonym of preliminääri (type of exam) |
preludi {n} | :: prelude (short piece of music) |
premiääri {n} | :: synonym of ensiesitys |
premillennialismi {n} | :: premillennialism (concept in Christian eschatology) |
premissi {n} | :: premise |
prenataalinen {adj} | :: prenatal |
prenikka {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: gewgaw (showy decoration, especially a mark of honor) |
prenikka {n} [dated] | :: gingerbread |
preparaatti {n} | :: preparation (specimen prepared for scientific purposes) |
preparaatti {n} [rare] | :: synonym of valmiste |
preparaattori {n} | :: preparator |
preparoida {vt} | :: to prepare (e.g. specimen) |
preparointi {n} | :: preparation |
prepata {v} [colloquial] | :: to prep, prepare (for examination, presentation, performance etc.) |
prepositio {n} [grammar] | :: preposition |
prepositioilmaus {n} [grammar] | :: synonym of prepositiolauseke |
prepositiolauseke {n} [grammar] | :: prepositional phrase |
prepositionaali {n} [grammar] | :: prepositional case, prepositional (grammatical case) |
prepositionaali {n} | :: prepositional (a word that is in prepositional case) |
prepositionaalinen {adj} [grammar] | :: prepositional (of or pertaining to prepositions) |
prepositionaalisesti {adv} [grammar] | :: prepositionally |
preppaus {n} [colloquial] | :: prepping (act of preparing for an exam, presentation etc.) |
prerafaeliitti {n} [art history] | :: preraphaelite |
presbyteeri {n} | :: Presbyterian (person) |
presbyteeriläinen {adj} | :: alternative form of presbyteerinen |
presbyteerinen {adj} | :: Presbyterian (of or relating to Presbyterian beliefs or their supporters) |
presbyteerio {n} | :: presbytery |
presbyteriaani {n} | :: alternative form of presbyteeri |
presbyterismi {n} [religion] | :: Presbyterianism |
presedenssi {n} | :: precedence |
preservatiivi {n} [dated] | :: synonym of kondomi |
presidentinlinna {n} | :: presidential palace (the palace of the president, especially that of Finland) |
presidentin palatsi {n} | :: presidential palace |
presidentinvaali {n} | :: presidential election |
presidentinvaalikampanja {n} | :: presidential election campaign |
presidentinvaalit {n} | :: presidential election |
presidentinvirka {n} | :: office of the president (position) |
presidentti {n} | :: president (head of state or chairperson) |
presidenttiehdokas {n} | :: presidential candidate |
presidenttiehdokkuus {n} | :: presidential candidacy |
presidenttikausi {n} | :: presidential term, presidency |
presidenttipari {n} | :: presidential couple (president and their spouse taken together) |
presidenttipeli {n} [politics] | :: intrigues, stratagems, moves etc. in order to ensure a favorable position in the presidential election |
presidenttiys {n} | :: presidency (quality of being a president) |
presidiumi {n} | :: presidium |
presiis {adv} [colloquial] | :: precisely, exactly |
presisoida {v} [rare] | :: synonym of täsmentää |
presisointi {n} [rare] | :: clarification, detailing (act making more precise) |
preskriptiivinen {adj} | :: prescriptive |
preskriptivismi {n} | :: prescriptivism |
pressa {n} [colloquial] | :: prez |
pressanvaali {n} [colloquial] | :: presidential election |
pressikeskus {n} | :: press center |
pressikortti {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of lehdistökortti (press card) |
pressopannu {n} | :: French press, cafetière |
pressu {n} | :: tarpaulin (a heavy, waterproof sheet of material) |
prestiisi {n} [colloquial] | :: prestige |
preteriti {n} [grammar] | :: preterite |
pretoriaani {n} | :: Praetorian (member of the Praetorian Guard, a special bodyguard force used by Roman emperors) |
preussi {n} | :: Prussian (Prussian language) |
preussi {n} | :: Old Prussian (Old Prussian language) |
Preussi {prop} | :: Prussia |
preussilainen {adj} | :: Prussian |
preussilainen {n} | :: A Prussian person |
preussilaisuus {n} | :: Prussianness |
preussinsininen {adj} | :: Prussian blue (rich blue, tinted with green) |
preussinsininen {n} | :: Prussian blue (pigment and color) |
prevalenssi {n} | :: prevalence (quality or condition of being prevalent) |
prevalenssi {n} [epidemiology] | :: prevalence (number of cases of a disease in a given statistical population at a given time, divided by the number of individuals in that population) |
preventiivinen {adj} | :: preventive |
preventio {n} | :: prevention |
preventteri {n} [nautical] | :: preventer |
prevostinorava {n} | :: Prevost's squirrel, Callosciurus prevostii |
priapismi {n} [medicine] | :: priapism |
priima {adj} | :: prime |
priimakunto {n} | :: prime condition |
priimalaatu {n} | :: prime quality |
priimas {n} [ecclesiastical] | :: primate (rare title for archbishop in Catholic and Anglican church) |
priimatavara {n} | :: prime quality article |
priimi {n} [music] | :: prime (first note or tone of a musical scale) |
priimi {n} [music] | :: unison (interval formed by two identical notes) |
priimi {n} [fencing] | :: prime |
priimus {n} | :: best student, valedictorian, head of the class (individual who gets the highest grades in a class) |
priimus {n} | :: short for priimuskeitin |
priimuskeitin {n} | :: Primus stove (type of pressurized-burner kerosene stove) |
priimusmaisteri {n} | :: The individual in a master's class who graduates with the highest grades |
priimustohtori {n} | her fellow doctoral graduates |
priinia {n} | :: graceful prinia, Prinia gracilis |
priipurje {n} [nautical] | :: alternative form of spriipurje |
priitanko {n} [nautical] | :: alternative form of spriitanko |
prikaati {n} | :: brigade |
prikaatikenraali {n} [military ranks] | :: A military rank in the Finnish army and the Air Force, a brigadier general |
prikaatinkomentaja {n} | :: brigadier (officer commanding a brigade) |
prikaatinkomentaja {n} | :: Kombrig (former rank in the Soviet military) |
prikantiini {n} | :: alternative form of brigantiini |
prikatiiri {n} [colloquial] | :: foreman, especially a Russian one in the former Soviet Union |
priki {n} [nautical] | :: brig |
prikka {n} [colloquial] | :: washer (small metal plate under a nut etc.) |
prikka {n} [archaic] | :: clout (metal plate on a wooden axle) |
prikka {n} | :: slug (counterfeit coin used to steal from vending machines) |
prikka {n} [dialectal] | :: medal |
prikka {n} [dialectal] | :: tray |
prikku {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of täplä |
prikku {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of tahra |
prikulleen {adv} [colloquial] | :: precisely |
prillit {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of silmälasit |
primaaliterapia {n} [psychiatry] | :: primal therapy |
primaari {adj} | :: primary |
primääri {adj} | :: alternative form of primaari |
primaariaineisto {n} [collectively] | :: primary sources |
primäärienergia {n} | :: primary energy |
primaarikäämi {n} | :: synonym of ensiökäämi |
primaarikasvain {n} | :: primary tumor |
primaarilähde {n} | :: primary source |
primaarinen {adj} | :: primary |
primäärinen {adj} | :: alternative form of primaarinen |
primäärinen alkoholi {n} [chemistry] | :: primary alcohol |
primaarirakenne {n} [biochemistry] | :: primary structure |
primaarisesti {adv} | :: primarily |
primaaristi {adv} | :: synonym of primaarisesti |
primaarisuus {n} | :: primariness |
primaariterapia {n} [psychiatry] | :: first-line therapy, primary therapy, induction therapy, front-line therapy |
primaarius {n} | :: synonym of primaarisuus |
primakiini {n} | :: primaquine (malaria medicine) |
Primakov {prop} | :: Primakov |
primatologi {n} | :: primatologist |
primatologia {n} | :: primatology |
prima vista {n} [music] | :: sight reading (act of performing a piece of music straight from the music notation without rehearsal) |
prime-korko {n} [banking] | :: prime rate (bank's reference lending rate on top of which the loan client usually pays a customer-specific margin which is based on the bank's risk assessment) |
primekorko {n} | :: alternative form of prime-korko |
primitiivi {n} [programming] | :: primitive |
primitiivinen {adj} | :: Primitive |
primitiivireaktio {n} | :: instinctual reaction |
primitiivisesti {adv} | :: primitively |
primitiivisyys {n} | :: primitiveness (state or quality of being primitive) |
primitivismi {n} | :: primitivism |
primitivisti {n} | :: primitivist |
primus motor {n} | :: principal actor |
prinipomi {n} [rare, nonstandard] | :: ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it) |
Prinkkala {prop} | :: A manor in SW Finland near Turku, now better known by its Swedish name Brinkhallin kartano |
Prinkkala {prop} | :: surname |
prinsessa {n} | :: princess |
prinsessakakku {n} | :: princess cake (layer cake or torte of Swedish origin) |
prinsessalinja {n} | :: princess line (style of a woman's dress, cut in long panels without a horizontal join or separation at the waist) |
prinsessalinjainen {adj} | :: princess-line (of a woman's dress, cut in long panels without a horizontal join or separation at the waist) |
Prinsessa Ruusunen {prop} | :: Sleeping Beauty |
prinsiippi {n} | :: A principle |
prinssi {n} | :: A prince (son or male-line grandson of a monarch) |
prinssi {n} | :: A woman's ideal man in the phrase "unelmien prinssi" (Prince Charming) |
Prinssi Edwardin saari {prop} | :: Prince Edward Island (province, island) |
prinssimakkara {n} | :: cocktail sausage |
prinssinakki {n} | :: cocktail wiener, cocktail sausage |
prinssipuoliso {n} | :: prince consort |
printata {vt} [computing] | :: to print |
printtaus {n} | :: printing (act or process) |
printteri {n} [colloquial, computing] | :: printer |
printti {n} [colloquial] | :: print (text printed by a printer) |
printtiliuska {n} | :: A sheet printed by a computer |
prioni {n} | :: prion |
prioniproteiini {n} | :: prion protein, PrP (protein of which prions are composed) |
priori {n} | :: a prior |
priorisoida {vt} | :: To prioritise/prioritize |
priorisointi {n} | :: prioritization |
prioriteetti {n} | :: priority |
prioriteettijono {n} [computing] | :: priority queue |
prisma {n} [optics] | :: prism |
prismakiikari {n} | :: prism binoculars |
prismapinta {n} [geometry] | :: prismatic surface |
prismasauva {n} | :: prism pole |
prismatoidi {n} [geometry] | :: prismatoid |
prismoidi {n} [geometry] | :: prismoid |
Pristina {prop} | :: Pristina (capital city) |
Pristina {prop} | :: Pristina (district) |
privaatisti {adv} | :: privately |
privaatti {adj} | :: private |
privatisoida {vt} | :: To privatise/privatize |
privatisoitua {v} | :: to become privatized |
privatisoituminen {n} | :: privatization (process of becoming more private) |
privilegio {n} | :: privilege |
PR-kampanja {n} | :: PR campaign |
PR-mies {n} | :: PR man |
PR-nainen {n} | :: PR woman |
probiootti {n} | :: probiotic (dietary supplement) |
probioottinen {adj} [bacteriology] | :: probiotic |
probleema {n} | :: problem |
probleemi {n} | :: problem |
problemaattinen {adj} | :: problematic |
problemaattisesti {adv} | :: problematically |
problemaattisuus {n} | :: problematicness |
problematiikka {n} | :: problematic (problem or difficulty in a particular field of study) |
problematisoida {vt} | :: To problematize |
problematisoitua {vi} | :: To be problematized |
prodromi {n} [medicine] | :: prodrome (early symptom warning of the onset of a disease) |
produktiivinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: productive (of an affix or word construction rule: applicable to any of an open set of words) |
produktiivinen {adj} [medicine] | :: productive (of cough, producing mucus or sputum from the respiratory tract) |
produktiivinen {adj} [medicine] | :: productive (of inflammation, producing new tissue) |
produktiivinen {adj} [set theory] | :: productive |
produktiivistua {v} [linguistics, medicine] | :: to become productive |
produktiivisuus {n} | :: productivity |
produktio {n} | :: production (esp. of a piece in a theatre) |
produktiviteetti {n} | :: productivity |
produsoida {v} | :: to produce |
produsointi {n} | :: synonym of tuottaminen |
profaani {adj} | :: profane |
profaasi {n} [biology] | :: prophase |
profanoida {vt} | :: to profane, to make profane |
profanoitua {vi} | :: to become profane |
profeetallinen {adj} | :: prophetic |
profeetallisesti {adv} | :: prophetically |
profeetallisuus {n} | :: propheticalness |
profeetta {n} | :: prophet |
professionaalinen {adj} | :: professional |
professionaalistuminen {n} | :: professionalization |
professionalismi {n} | :: professionalism |
professori {n} | :: professor |
professori {n} | :: an honorary title of the sixth rank granted by the President of Finland to professors leading a research entity |
professorinvirka {n} | :: professor position |
professuuri {n} | :: professorship |
profetia {n} | :: prophecy |
profetoida {v} | :: To prophesy |
proffa {n} [colloquial] | :: prof, professor |
profiili {n} | :: profile |
profiilikuva {n} [internet] | :: profile picture |
profiililista {n} | :: profile strip |
profiiliteräs {n} | :: profile steel |
profiloida {vt} | :: To profile |
profilointi {n} | :: profiling |
profiloitua {vi} | :: to become profiled |
profossi {n} | :: provost |
profylaksi {n} | :: prophylactic (medicine which preserves or defends against disease) |
profylaksia {n} | :: prophylaxis |
profylaktinen {adj} | :: prophylactic (serving to preserve or defend against disease) |
profylaktisesti {adv} | :: prophylactically |
profylaktisuus {n} | :: preventiveness |
proge {n} [colloquial, music] | :: prog rock, progressive rock |
progemetalli {n} | :: synonym of progressiivinen metalli (rock music genre) |
progesteroni {n} [biochemistry] | :: progesterone |
progestiini {n} | :: progestin |
proggis {n} [slang] | :: A program |
prognoosi {n} | :: prognosis |
prognostinen {adj} | :: synonym of ennusteellinen |
pro gradu {n} | :: master's thesis |
pro gradu -tutkielma {n} | :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree) |
pro gradu -työ {n} | :: master's thesis (thesis submitted for a master's degree) |
progredioida {vi} [pathology] | :: to progress (of a disease) |
progressiivinen {adj} | :: progressive (politics: favoring progress) |
progressiivinen {adj} [taxation] | :: progressive |
progressiivinen {adj} [education] | :: progressive |
progressiivinen metalli {n} | :: progressive metal (rock music genre) |
progressiivisesti {adv} | :: progressively |
progressiivisuus {n} | :: progressiveness |
progressio {n} | :: progress |
progressio {n} | :: progression |
projekti {n} | :: project |
projektiili {n} | :: projectile |
projektiivinen {adj} [math] | :: projective |
projektijohtaminen {n} | :: project management |
projektimenetelmä {n} [education] | :: learning through projects, project-based learning (teaching method) |
projektinhallinta {n} | :: project management |
projektio {n} | :: projection |
projektiokuva {n} [geometry] | :: projection (image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions) |
projektiopetus {n} | :: project-based teaching |
projektiopinta {n} [geometry] | :: viewing surface (in orthographic projection, the surface onto which an object is projected) |
projektioppiminen {n} | :: project-based learning |
projektiorganisaatio {n} | :: project organization (organization for carrying out a project) |
projektiotaso {n} [geometry] | :: viewing surface (in orthographic projection, the surface onto which an object is projected) |
projektipäällikkö {n} | :: project manager |
projektiryhmä {n} | :: project team |
projektisihteeri {n} | :: project secretary |
projektisuunnitelma {n} | :: project plan |
projektisuunnittelu {n} | :: project planning |
projektisykli {n} | :: project cycle |
projektituonti {n} [international trade] | :: project imports |
projektityö {n} | :: project work |
projektityö {n} | :: project job |
projektityöskentely {n} | :: project work |
projektivienti {n} [international trade] | :: project exports |
projektori {n} | :: projector |
projisioida {v} | :: synonym of projisoida |
projisiointi {n} | :: synonym of projisointi |
projisoida {v} | :: to project (to cast an image or shadow upon a surface) |
projisoida {v} [psychology] | :: to project (to assume qualities or mindsets in others based on one's own personality) |
projisoida {v} [geometry] | :: to project |
projisointi {n} | :: projection, projecting (act of projecting in all senses of projisoida) |
prokariootti {n} | :: alternative form of prokaryootti |
prokaryootti {n} | :: prokaryote |
prokaryoottinen {adj} [biology] | :: prokaryotic |
Prokrusteen vuode {n} [figurative] | :: procrustean bed (arbitrary standard) |
Prokrustes {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Procrustes |
proksimaalinen {adj} | :: proximal |
proktologi {n} | :: proctologist |
proktologia {n} [medicine] | :: proctology |
prokura {n} | :: alternative form of prokuura |
prokuraattori {n} [legal] | :: procurator (in certain countries, legal officer who both investigates and prosecutes crimes) |
prokuraattori {n} [history, Finland] | :: procurator (in autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland, public officer responsible for supervision of conformity with law) |
prokuraattori {n} [history, Ancient Rome] | :: procurator (governor of a small imperial province) |
prokuristi {n} [legal, Finland] | :: procurator (holder of prokuura i.e. permanent proxy to sign documents on behalf of a company) |
prokuura {n} [legal] | :: procuration (permanent proxy to sign documents on behalf of a company) |
prokuuravaltuutus {n} [legal] | :: synonym of prokuura |
prolaktiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: prolactin |
prolatiivi {n} [grammar] | :: prolative |
proleptinen {adj} | :: proleptic |
proletaari {n} | :: A proletarian |
proletaarikirjallisuus {n} | :: proletarian literature |
proletaarinen {adj} | :: proletarian |
proletaaristaa {v} | :: alternative form of proletarisoida |
proletaaristua {v} | :: synonym of proletarisoitua |
proletariaatti {n} | :: proletariat |
proletarisoida {vt} | :: to proletarianize |
proletarisoitua {v} | :: to be proletarianized |
proliferatiivinen {adj} | :: proliferative |
proliini {n} [amino acid] | :: proline |
prologi {n} | :: prologue |
prolyyli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: prolyl |
promemoria {n} | :: memorandum |
promenadi {n} | :: promenade |
promenadikonsertti {n} [music] | :: promenade concert |
prometafaasi {n} [biology] | :: prometaphase |
prometium {n} | :: promethium |
promille {n} | :: per mille, permille, per mil, per mill (1/1000th part of something) |
promillemittari {n} [colloquial] | :: breathalyzer |
promiskuiteetti {n} | :: promiscuity (state of being indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners) |
promootio {n} | :: promotion ceremony, conferment, commencement (in Finnish universities, a ceremony to honour those who have graduated as doctors since the previous ceremony; the frequency depends on local traditions) |
promoottori {n} | :: promoter |
promovoida {vt} | :: to graduate someone as a master (maisteri) or doctor (tohtori) |
pronaatio {n} | :: pronation |
pronominaali {n} [grammar] | :: pronominal (phrase that acts as a pronoun) |
pronominaaliadverbi {n} [grammar] | :: A pronominal adverb |
pronominaalinen {adj} [grammar] | :: pronominal (of or pertaining to a pronominal, or a phrase that acts as a pronoun) |
pronomini {n} [grammar] | :: pronoun |
pronssata {v} | :: to bronze (plate with bronze) |
pronssata {v} | :: to bronze (color bronze) |
pronssaus {n} [rare] | :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing) |
pronssi {n} | :: bronze (copper alloy) |
pronssi {n} | :: bronze (bronze medal) |
pronssi {n} [by extension] | :: third place, third position (in a competition) |
pronssi {n} | :: short for pronssiväri |
pronssi-iibis {n} | :: glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus |
pronssijauhe {n} | :: bronze powder |
pronssijoukkue {n} [sports] | :: bronze team (team that wins the bronze metal in a tournament or series) |
pronssikausi {n} | :: the Bronze Age |
pronssikautinen {adj} | :: Bronze Age |
pronssikirves {n} | :: bronze axe |
pronssikoru {n} | :: piece of bronze jewellery |
pronssikulttuuri {n} | :: Bronze Age culture |
pronssilakka {n} | :: bronze lacquer |
pronssimaali {n} | :: bronze paint |
pronssimies {n} | :: A male bronze medalist |
pronssimies {n} | :: Literally, a bronze statue of a man, especially one of natural size |
pronssimitali {n} | :: bronze medal |
pronssimitalimies {n} | :: A male bronze medalist |
pronssimitalisti {n} | :: bronze medalist (bronze medal winner) |
pronssinen {adj} | :: bronze |
pronssinruskea {adj} | :: bronze (having reddish brown color) |
pronssinvalaja {n} | :: bronze founder |
pronssinvalanta {n} | :: bronze casting |
pronssinvalu {n} | :: bronze casting |
pronssinvärinen {adj} | :: bronze (having reddish brown color) |
pronssinvihreä {adj} | :: bronze green (of the color of oxidized bronze, mouldy green) |
pronssiottelu {n} [sports] | :: match for third place, third place play-off, bronze medal game, consolation game |
pronssipatsas {n} | :: bronze statue |
pronssisolki {n} | :: bronze buckle |
pronssiteräkala {n} | :: bronze featherback |
pronssittaa {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of pronssata |
pronssitus {n} [rare] | :: bronzing (act or result of bronzing) |
pronssityö {n} | :: bronzeworking (making of items from bronze) |
pronssityö {n} | :: piece of bronze work, bronze item, bronze |
pronssivalimo {n} | :: bronze foundry |
pronssivalos {n} | :: bronze cast |
pronssiväri {n} | :: bronze powder used for decorative purposes or in printing |
pronssiveistos {n} | :: bronze sculpture |
proomu {n} | :: barge (flat-bottomed bulk carrier) |
proomu {n} | :: pram (flat-bottomed vessel to carry cargo to and from ships whose draft does not allow them to enter the harbour) |
proopuska {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative spelling of propuska |
proosa {n} | :: prose |
proosaeepos {n} | :: prose epic (epic written in prosaic style) |
proosakäännös {n} | :: prose translation (translation of a poem in prose form) |
proosakertomus {n} | :: prose story |
proosakirjailija {n} | :: prosaist |
proosakirjallisuus {n} | :: prose literature |
proosallinen {adj} | :: prosaic |
proosallisesti {adv} | :: prosaically |
proosallisuus {n} | :: prosaicness |
proosamuoto {n} | :: prose format |
proosamuotoinen {adj} | :: in prose format |
proosaruno {n} | :: prose poem (prose with characteristics of poetry) |
proosateksti {n} | :: prose text |
proosateos {n} | :: work of prose |
propaani {n} | :: propane |
propagaatio {n} [physics, biology] | :: propagation (instance of propagating, especially of a wave, signal, nerve impulse etc.) |
propaganda {n} | :: propaganda |
propagandaelokuva {n} | :: propaganda movie |
propagandakirjallisuus {n} | :: propaganda literature |
propagandakirjoitus {n} | :: propaganda text |
propagandakuva {n} | :: propaganda picture |
propagandalehti {n} | :: propaganda paper |
propagandalehtinen {n} | :: propaganda leaflet, propaganda sheet |
propagandapuhe {n} | :: propaganda speech |
propagandasota {n} | :: propaganda war |
propagandatarkoitus {n} | :: propaganda purpose |
propagandisti {n} | :: propagandist |
propagandistinen {adj} | :: propagandistic |
propagoida {v} | :: to propagate, disseminate (to spread information or propaganda) |
propagoija {n} | :: propagator (one who spreads information or propaganda) |
propagointi {n} | :: propagation, dissemination (act of spreading information or propaganda) |
propanoli {n} [organic chemistry] | :: propanol |
propata {v} [colloquial] | :: synonym of tulpata |
propedeuttinen {adj} | :: [of teaching] propedeutic, introductory, preparatory |
propeeni {n} [chemistry] | :: propene |
propeenihappo {n} | :: acrylic acid |
propelli {n} [colloquial] | :: A propeller |
propellipää {n} | :: propeller head (person) |
propionaatti {n} [chemistry] | :: propionate |
propionialdehydi {n} [chemistry] | :: propionaldehyde |
propionihappo {n} [chemistry] | :: propionic acid |
propionitriili {n} [chemistry] | :: propionitrile |
proportionaalinen {adj} | :: proportional |
propositio {n} | :: proposition |
propositiologiikka {n} [logic] | :: propositional logic |
proppu {n} [colloquial, electricity] | :: fuse |
proppu {n} [construction] | :: dowel, wall plug, screw anchor |
proppu {n} [pathology] | :: tonsillolith, tonsil stone |
propri {n} [grammar] | :: proper noun |
propsi {n} [mining, forest industry] | :: synonym of kaivospölkky |
propsi {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of kuitupuu |
propsipino {n} | :: A stack of pit props |
propsipino {n} | :: A stack of pulpwood |
propsipuu {n} | :: synonym of kuitupuu |
propuska {n} [colloquial] | :: authorization, certificate, permit, licence, or other official document required by a bureaucracy |
propyleeniglykoli {n} | :: propylene glycol |
propyleenioksidi {n} [chemistry] | :: propylene oxide |
propyylialkoholi {n} [organic chemistry] | :: synonym of 1-propanoli |
propyyni {n} [chemistry] | :: methylacetylene, propyne |
prosaisti {n} | :: prosaist |
PR-osasto {n} | :: PR department |
proseduraalinen {adj} | :: procedural |
proseduuri {n} [colloquial] | :: procedure |
proseduuri {n} [computing] | :: procedure |
proseminaari {n} | :: proseminar |
prosentiton {adj} [colloquial] | :: synonym of alkoholiton |
prosentti {n} | :: A percent |
prosenttiarvo {n} | :: percentage, value in percentage |
prosenttikerroin {n} | :: percentage multiplier |
prosenttikorotus {n} | :: percentual raise |
prosenttilasku {n} | :: percent calculation (art or instance of performing calculations with percentages) |
prosenttiliike {n} | :: A social movement born in Finland in 1980's with the aim of raising the Finnish development aid to the level of one percent of the gross national product. As a sign of their commitment the members donate 1 percent of their gross income to third sector development organizations |
prosenttilinja {n} [incomes policy] | :: A point of view which states that a collectively agreed wage increase should be distributed to the employees as percentage of their current salary |
prosenttiluku {n} | :: percentage (number expressed in percents) |
prosenttimääräinen {adj} | :: measured in percents, often translated into English as percentage |
prosenttimerkki {n} | :: percent sign (the sign "%") |
prosenttinen {adj} | :: percent (consisting of or containing something to an amount expressed as percentage) |
prosenttiosuus {n} | :: percentage (part of a whole measured in percent) |
prosenttipalkka {n} | :: A salary determined as a percentage of something such as billing generated by a waiter |
prosenttipalkkio {n} | :: percentage (share of sales, profits, gross margin or similar) |
prosenttipiste {n} | :: percentile |
prosenttisesti {adv} | :: -percent (to a degree expressed as percentage) |
prosenttiyksikkö {n} | :: percentage point |
prosentuaalinen {adj} | :: measured in percents, usually translated into English as percentage; percentual |
prosentuaalisesti {adv} | :: percentually |
prosentuaalisuus {n} | :: The quality of being measured in percentage |
prosessi {n} | :: process (series of events) |
prosessi {n} [law] | :: trial |
prosessi {n} [computing] | :: process |
prosessiarviointi {n} | :: process evaluation |
prosessidraama {n} [education] | :: process drama (teaching method) |
prosessijohtaminen {n} | :: process management |
prosessikirjoittaminen {n} | :: process writing (method of writing or teaching to write, in which the text is written as an iterative process without planning the structure in advance) |
prosessilukeminen {n} | :: reflective reading (reading method intended to enhance learning; the student is guided by a set of questions to reflect their reading before, during and after the actual reading) |
prosessimalli {n} | :: process model |
prosessinedellytys {n} [law] | :: procedural requirement (formal requirement that must be fulfilled before a case can be admitted to judicial proceedings) |
prosessinjohto {n} | :: process management |
prosessinohjaus {n} | :: process control |
prosessioikeus {n} [law] | :: procedural law |
prosessitaide {n} | :: process art (artistic movement) |
prosessitekniikka {n} [engineering] | :: process technology |
prosessiteollisuus {n} | :: process industry (industry involved in turning raw materials into commodities in continuous processes, e.g. pulp and paper, steel, petrochemicals, food processing) |
prosessityöntekijä {n} | :: process worker |
prosessiväite {n} [law] | :: procedural defense, plea of inadmissibility (plea by a party to a trial that it should not be held liable for the legal charge brought against it on the grounds that one or more formal procedural requirements for the trial have not been fulfilled) |
prosessiväri {n} | :: process color |
prosessoida {vt} | :: To process (an industrial product) |
prosessointi {n} | :: processing |
prosessointiviive {n} | :: processing delay |
prosessori {n} [computing] | :: processor, CPU |
prosessuaalinen {adj} | :: processual (of or relating to a process) |
prosessuaalinen {adj} [law] | :: procedural (of or relating to procedure) |
prosodia {n} [linguistics] | :: prosody |
prosodiikka {n} | :: synonym of prosodia |
prosodinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: prosodic |
prosopagnosia {n} [pathology, psychology] | :: face blindness, prosopagnosia (disorder in face recognition) |
prospekti {n} [rare] | :: synonym of esite |
prospekti {n} [music] | :: prospect, façade (frontal part of an organ visible for the audience) |
prospekti {n} | :: avenue, particularly in Russia |
prossa {n} [colloquial] | :: A percent |
prossu {n} [colloquial] | :: processor, CPU |
prostaattinen {adj} [medicine, jargon] | :: prostatic |
prostaglandiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: prostaglandin |
prostasykliini {n} [chemistry] | :: prostacyclin |
prostata {n} [anatomy, medicine, jargon] | :: prostate |
prostatektomia {n} [medicine, jargon] | :: prostatectomy (surgical removal of prostate) |
prostatismi {n} [pathology] | :: prostatism |
prostituoida {vt} | :: to prostitute (to make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves) |
prostituoida {v} | :: to prostitute (to exploit for base purposes) |
prostituointi {n} | :: prostituting (act or process) |
prostituoitu {n} | :: A prostitute (male or female) |
prostituoitua {vi} | :: to be prostituted |
prostituutio {n} | :: prostitution |
prosymidoni {n} | :: procymidone |
protaktinium {n} | :: protactinium |
proteaasi {n} [chemistry] | :: protease |
proteaasi-inhibiittori {n} [medicine] | :: protease inhibitor |
proteaasin estäjä {n} [medicine] | :: protease inhibitor |
proteesi {n} | :: prosthesis |
proteesi {n} | :: prothesis |
proteettinen {adj} | :: prosthetic |
proteettinen {adj} [linguistic] | :: prothetic |
proteidi {n} [obsolete] | :: proteid (protein) |
proteiini {n} | :: protein |
proteiinijuoma {n} | :: protein shake |
proteiinikinaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: protein kinase |
proteiinimuuntokuitu {n} [textiles] | :: azlon [US]; regenerated protein fiber (textile fiber derived from a protein such as casein or zein) |
proteiinipatukka {n} | :: protein bar |
proteiinisynteesi {n} [biochemistry] | :: protein biosynthesis, proteosynthesis |
protektionismi {n} | :: protectionism |
protektionisti {n} | :: protectionist |
protektionistinen {adj} | :: protectionist, protectionistic |
protektoraatti {n} | :: protectorate |
proteolyysi {n} [biochemistry] | :: proteolysis |
proteomi {n} | :: proteome |
proteomiikka {n} | :: proteomics |
proterotsooinen {adj} [geology] | :: Proterozoic |
protestantismi {n} [Christianity] | :: Protestantism (faith or beliefs) |
protestantti {n} [Christianity] | :: a Protestant |
protestanttinen {adj} | :: protestant |
protestanttisuus {n} [Christianity] | :: Protestantism (faith or beliefs) |
protesti {n} | :: protest (formal objection) |
protestiääni {n} | :: protest vote (vote cast as protest against some element of the prevailing political setting) |
protestilaulaja {n} | :: protest singer |
protestilaulu {n} [music] | :: protest song |
protestiliike {n} | :: protest movement |
protestilista {n} | :: An official record of unhonoured bills of exchange and other negotiable loan instruments |
protestipuolue {n} | :: protest party |
protestitodistus {n} | :: A document issued by a competent authority to the plaintiff of filing a complaint for unhonored bill of exchange or other negotiable loan instrument |
protestivaalit {n} | :: An election characterized by a large number of protest votes |
protestoida {vi} | :: to protest |
protestoida {v} [finance] | :: to file an official complaint about unhonoured bill of exchange or other negotiable loan instrument in order not to lose the right to claim the payment from the original issuer |
protestointi {n} | :: protesting (act) |
Proteus-syndrooma {prop} [disease] | :: Proteus syndrome |
protium {n} [isotope] | :: protium |
proto {n} [colloquial] | :: prototype |
protokolla {n} | :: protocol |
protokolla {n} | :: minutes (records of a meeting) |
protokollapino {n} | :: protocol stack |
protolysoituminen {n} [chemistry] | :: protolysis (becoming protolyzed) |
protolyysi {n} [chemistry] | :: protolysis |
protomarttyyri {n} | :: protomartyr |
protoni {n} [particle] | :: proton |
protonipumppu {n} [biochemistry] | :: proton pump |
protoplaneetta {n} [astronomy] | :: protoplanet |
protoplasma {n} [biology] | :: protoplasm |
prototyyppi {n} | :: prototype |
protrombinaasi {n} [biochemistry] | :: prothrombinase |
prötti {n} | :: a food made of potatoes that is similar to mämmi |
protu {n} [colloquial] | :: a Prometheus camps |
protuberanssi {n} [astronomy] | :: solar prominence |
provasti {n} [archaic] | :: synonym of rovasti |
provenienssi {n} | :: provenance |
proviisori {n} | :: Master of Pharmacy (degree) |
provikka {n} [colloquial] | :: commission (a fee charged) |
provinsiaalinen {adj} | :: provincial (exhibiting the ways or manners of a province) |
provinsiaalinen {adj} | :: provincial (of or pertaining to a province); used especially of provinces in non-Nordic countries |
provinsialismi {n} | :: provincialism (quality of being provincial) |
provinsialismi {n} [linguistics] | :: provincialism (word or locution characteristic of a region or district) |
provinssi {n} | :: A province (subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) |
provinssi {n} [colloquial] | :: The countryside, country (rural area) |
provisio {n} | :: commission (fee charged by an agent or broker for carrying out a transaction) |
provisiopalkka {n} | :: commission salary (salary that consists largely of commissions) |
provisiopalkkio {n} | :: synonym of provisio |
provisorinen {adj} | :: provisory (pending something more permanent) |
provitamiini {n} [biochemistry] | :: provitamin |
provokaatio {n} | :: provocation |
provokaattori {n} | :: provocateur |
provokatiivinen {adj} | :: provocative |
provokatiivisesti {adv} | :: provocatively |
provokatiivisuus {n} | :: provocativeness |
provokatorinen {adj} | :: provocative |
provokatorisesti {adv} | :: provocatively |
provokatorisuus {n} | :: provocativeness |
provosoida {vt} | :: To provoke |
provosointi {n} | :: provocation |
provosoitua {vi} | :: To be provoked |
provosoiva {adj} | :: provocative |
provosti {n} | :: provost (senior academic administrator) |
proxy-sota {n} | :: synonym of sijaissota |
pröystäilijä {n} | :: braggart, braggadocio, bragger, boaster |
pröystäillä {v} | :: to show off (to attract attention to for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibitionism) |
pröystäillä {v} | :: to brag, boast (to talk with excessive pride about what one has, can do, or has done) |
pröystäily {n} | :: bragging, boasting, showing off (act) |
PR-toimisto {n} | :: PR agency |
prusik {n} | :: prusik (hitch) |
Prusikin solmu {n} | :: prusik (hitch) |
prutkuttaa {v} | :: chug (to make dull, explosive sounds, like a small two-stroke motor at low speed) |
prutkutus {n} | :: chug (dull, fairly quick explosive sounds like those made by a small two-stroke engine at low speed) |
pruukata {v} [colloquial] | :: to be a habit, to do habitually, to tend to |
pruutta {n} [dialectal] | :: sprayer, squirt, douche |
pruutta {n} [dialectal] | :: syringe |
przewalskingaselli {n} | :: Przewalski's gazelle, Procapra przewalskii (species of gazelle only found in China) |
przewalskinhevonen {n} | :: Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskii |
przewalskinhyppymyyrä {n} | :: Przewalski's gerbil, Brachiones przewalskii (only species of the genus Brachiones, only found in China) |
psalmi {n} [religion] | :: psalm (one of the hymns collected into the book of psalms in the Old Testament) |
psalmilaulu {n} | :: psalm singing, psalmody |
psalttari {n} [musical instruments] | :: psaltery (ancient stringed instrument) |
psalttari {n} | :: Used collectively of a group of similar instruments, including kanun, sitra, langleik, gusli and kantele [Finnish terms] |
psalttari {n} [biblical, rare] | :: psalter (Book of Psalms) |
psammiitti {n} | :: psammite |
psammiittinen {adj} | :: psammitic |
pseudepigrafi {n} | :: pseudepigrapha |
pseudo- {prefix} | :: pseudo- |
pseudoanglismi {n} [linguistics] | :: pseudo-anglicism |
pseudoartroosi {n} [pathology] | :: pseudarthrosis, false joint (bony, flexible structure, resembling a joint, sometimes found after a poorly united fracture) |
pseudoinverssi {n} | :: pseudoinverse |
pseudokoodi {n} | :: pseudocode |
pseudokruppi {n} [pathology] | :: croup; pseudocroup [dated] (form of croup caused by a virus and not by the diphtheria bacterium) |
pseudokysta {n} [pathology] | :: pseudocyst |
pseudomorfi {n} | :: pseudomorph |
pseudonyymi {n} | :: A pseudonym |
pseudopodi {n} | :: pseudopod |
pseudosana {n} | :: nonsense word |
pseudotiede {n} | :: pseudoscience |
pseudotieteellinen {adj} | :: pseudoscientific |
pseudotieteilijä {n} | :: pseudoscientist |
pseudounipolaarinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: pseudounipolar (having one split axon) |
pseudovektori {n} [math, physics] | :: pseudovector |
psii {n} | :: psi (Greek letter) |
psilosiini {n} [chemistry] | :: psilocin |
psilosybiini {n} | :: psilocybin |
psori {n} [colloquial, pathology] | :: psoriasis |
psoriaasi {n} [pathology] | :: psoriasis |
psoriaatikko {n} | :: A person affected by psoriasis |
psoriasis {n} [medicine] | :: psoriasis |
ps-tili {n} [finance] | :: An account somewhat similar to the US Individual Retirement Account, or IRA which provides tax advantages for retirement savings |
psyka {n} [colloquial] | :: psychology |
psykedeelinen {adj} | :: psychedelic |
Psykhe {prop} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: Psyche (personification of the soul) |
psykiatri {n} [medicine] | :: psychiatrist |
psykiatria {n} [medicine] | :: psychiatry |
psykiatrinen {adj} [medicine] | :: psychiatric |
psyko- {prefix} | :: psycho- |
psyko {n} [colloquial] | :: psycho |
psykoaktiivinen {adj} | :: psychoactive |
psykoakustiikka {n} [acoustics] | :: psychoacoustics |
psykoanalysoida {vt} | :: to psychoanalyze |
psykoanalyysi {n} | :: psychoanalysis |
psykoanalyytikko {n} | :: psychoanalyst, analyst, shrink (psychoanalysis practitioner) |
psykoanalyyttinen {adj} | :: psychoanalytic |
psykobiologi {n} | :: psychobiologist |
psykobiologia {n} | :: psychobiology |
psykodiagnostiikka {n} [psychology] | :: psychodiagnostics |
psykodraama {n} | :: psychodrama |
psykodynaaminen {adj} | :: psychodynamic |
psykodynamiikka {n} | :: psychodynamics |
psykofarmaka {n} | :: synonym of psyykenlääke |
psykofysiikka {n} | :: psychophysics |
psykofysiologi {n} | :: psychophysiologist |
psykofysiologia {n} | :: psychophysiology |
psykofyysinen {adj} | :: psychophysical |
psykogeeninen {adj} | :: psychogenic |
psykogerontologia {n} | :: psychogerontology |
psykohistoria {n} | :: psychohistory |
psykohistoriallinen {adj} | :: psychohistorical (of or pertaining to psychohistory) |
psykokineettinen {adj} | :: psychokinetic |
psykokinesia {n} | :: psychokinesis |
psykolingvistiikka {n} | :: psycholinguistics |
psykolingvistinen {adj} | :: psycholinguistic |
psykologi {n} | :: psychologist |
psykologia {n} | :: psychology |
psykologinen {adj} | :: psychological |
psykologioida {v} | :: To psychologize |
psykologiointi {n} | :: psychologization |
psykologisesti {adv} | :: psychologically |
psykologismi {n} | :: psychologism |
psykologisoida {v} | :: To psychologize |
psykologisointi {n} | :: psychologization |
psykometriikka {n} | :: psychometrics |
psykometrinen {adj} | :: psychometric |
psykomotoriikka {n} | :: psychomotricity |
psykomotorinen {adj} | :: psychomotor |
psykoosi {n} | :: psychosis |
psykoosilääke {n} | :: antipsychotic (drug) |
psykootikko {n} | :: A psychotic person |
psykoottinen {adj} | :: psychotic |
psykoottisesti {adv} | :: psychotically |
psykoottisuus {n} | :: psychoticism |
psykopaatti {n} | :: psychopath |
psykopaattinen {adj} | :: psychopathic |
psykopatia {n} | :: psychopathy |
psykopatologi {n} | :: psychopathologist |
psykopatologia {n} | :: psychopathology |
psykosomaattinen {adj} | :: psychosomatic |
psykosomatiikka {n} | :: psychosomatics |
psykososiaalinen {adj} | :: psychosocial |
psykoterapeutti {n} | :: A psychotherapist |
psykoterapeuttinen {adj} | :: psychotherapeutic |
psykoterapia {n} | :: psychotherapy [treatment of those with metal illness] |
psykotrooppinen {adj} | :: psychotropic |
psykrofiili {n} [biology] | :: psychrophile |
psykrofiilinen {adj} [biology] | :: psychrophilic |
psyykata {v} [colloquial] | :: to psyche (to put into required state of mind) |
psyyke {n} | :: psyche |
psyykenlääke {n} | :: psychoactive drug, psychiatric medication |
psyykepotilas {n} | :: psychiatric patient |
psyykkaus {n} [colloquial] | :: psyching (act of putting someone into required state of mind) |
psyykkinen {adj} | :: psychic |
psyykkisesti {adv} | :: psychically |
pthyi {interj} | :: ptui (sound of spitting) |
ptolemaiolainen {adj} | :: Ptolemaic |
Ptolemaios {n} | :: Ptolemy |
ptruu {interj} | :: whoa (stopping command for horse) |
-pua {suffix} | :: Forms passive verbs |
pub {n} | :: pub |
puberteetti {n} | :: puberty |
pubi {n} [colloquial] | :: pub, public house |
publikaani {n} [historical, biblical] | :: publican (tax collector in ancient Rome) |
pudas {n} | :: A fork of river that rejoins back to the main river |
pudasjärveläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pudasjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
pudasjärveläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pudasjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
Pudasjärvi {prop} | :: Pudasjärvi (town/and/municipality) |
Pudasjärvi {prop} | :: A lake located close to that town in Finland |
pudistaa {v} | :: to shake (usually with broad movements) |
pudistaa päätään {v} | :: to shake one's head (to indicate something negative such as disapproval) |
pudistella {v} | :: to shake repeatedly (usually with broad movements) |
pudokas {n} | :: A windfall (fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind) |
pudokas {n} | :: A primary school dropout (one who has left primary school without completing the course) |
pudota {vi} | :: to drop, fall (down/off), slip |
pudota {vi} [slang] | :: to burst out laughing |
pudotella {vt} | :: To drop (indifferently and/or repeatedly) |
pudottaa {vt} | :: To drop |
pudottautua {vr} | :: To drop oneself |
pudotus {n} | :: fall (act of moving down under the effect of gravity) |
pudotus {n} | :: act of dropping (causing something to fall) |
pudotus {n} [computing] | :: dropdown |
pudotusikkuna {n} [computing] | :: dropdown window (window in which a dropdown menu is shown) |
pudotuslista {n} [computing] | :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, combo box |
pudotuspeli {n} [sports] | :: playoff (game played after the regular season or similar by the top competitors, with a single-elimination system, to determine the champion) |
pudotussondi {n} | :: dropsonde |
pudotusvalikko {n} [computing] | :: dropdown list, dropdown menu, drop-down, combo box |
pudotusvasara {n} | :: drop hammer |
pueskella {v} | :: to dress, put on or clothe slowly or leisurely |
puettaa {vt} | :: To dress up somebody or something |
puettava {adj} | :: wearable |
puff {interj} | :: poof (deflating object or a magical disappearance) |
puffata {v} | :: to puff (to advertise) |
pugilismi {n} | :: pugilism |
pugilisti {n} | :: pugilist |
puh. {n} | :: tel (abbreviation for telephone number) |
puhahtaa {vi} | :: to snort or puffer once |
Puhakka {n} | :: surname |
puhallella {v} | :: to blow (repeatedly) |
puhallin {n} | :: blower, a device that blows |
puhallin {n} | :: wind instrument |
puhallinsoitin {n} | :: wind instrument |
puhallus {n} | :: blowing (using lungs) |
puhalluselvytys {n} | :: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation |
puhallushiekka {n} | :: blasting grit (sand or resembling material used as abrasive in sandblasting) |
puhallusilma {n} | :: blast air, blow air |
puhalluskoe {n} | :: breath test |
puhalluslamppu {n} | :: blowtorch, blowlamp |
puhallusputki {n} [glass blowing] | :: blowpipe |
puhallusputki {n} | :: blowgun, blowpipe (weapon) |
puhallussoitin {n} | :: Alternative term for puhallinsoitin |
puhalluttaa {vt} | :: To have something (= genitive-accusative) blown by someone (= adessive) |
puhalluttaa {vt} [of a police officer + genitive-accusative] | :: To make (a car driver suspected of driving under the influence) blow on a gauge displaying the possible amount of alcohol in the air exhaled |
puhaltaa {vt} | :: To blow |
puhaltaa {vi} [of wind] | :: To blow |
puhaltaa {vt} | :: To blow on, play, sound (a wind instrument) |
puhdas {adj} | :: clean; neat, tidy (not dirty) |
puhdas {adj} | :: clean, unpolluted (not polluted) |
puhdas {adj} | :: clear, clean, innocent (free of guilt) |
puhdas {adj} | :: pure, undiluted, absolute, neat; sweet (unadulterated; free from extraneous elements) |
puhdas {adj} | :: net (with all deductions or allowances made) |
puhdas {adj} | :: naked (without decoration, put bluntly) |
puhdas {adj} | :: sheer (being only what it seems to be) |
puhdas ansiotulo {n} [accounting] | :: net earnings |
puhdaskielinen {adj} [linguistics] | :: purist |
puhdaskielisyys {n} [linguistics] | :: purism |
puhdas kuin pulmunen {adj} [simile] | :: clean as a whistle (completely innocent) |
puhdasoppinen {adj} | :: orthodox |
puhdasoppinen {adj} | :: puristic |
puhdasoppisempi {adj} | :: comparative of puhdasoppinen |
puhdasoppisin {adj} | :: superlative of puhdasoppinen |
puhdasoppisuus {n} | :: purism (insistence on the traditionally correct way of doing things) |
puhdasrotuinen {adj} | :: purebred |
puhde {n} [archaic] | :: twilight (period between daylight and darkness) |
puhdetyö {n} | :: work done during twilight hours |
puhdistaa {vt} | :: To clean (up), clear (up), cleanse, purge, scour |
puhdistaa {vt} | :: To refine, purify |
puhdistaa {vt} | :: To purify (air, water) |
puhdistaja {n} | :: cleaner (mostly for cleaning detergents/substances) |
puhdistajarapu {n} | :: any crustacean of the infraorder Stenopodidea |
puhdistajarapu {n} [in the plural] | :: the infraorder Stenopodidea |
puhdistaminen {n} | :: cleaning, cleansing, purifying |
puhdistamo {n} | :: water purification plant, sewage treatment plant |
puhdistautua {vi} | :: To cleanse oneself |
puhdistautuminen {n} | :: cleaning or cleansing oneself |
puhdiste {n} | :: synonym of puhdistusaine |
puhdistin {n} | :: cleaner, purifier (device that cleans) |
puhdistua {vi} | :: To become clean |
puhdistuma {n} [medicine] | :: renal clearance (a measure of the functioning of the kidneys: amount of harmful substances removed from the blood per unit of time) |
puhdistus {n} | :: A cleansing |
puhdistus {n} | :: A purge |
puhdistusaine {n} | :: cleanser, detergent |
puhdistusharja {n} | :: cleaning brush |
puhdistusjauhe {n} | :: cleansing powder |
puhdistusmenot {n} | :: cleansing or purification rite or ceremony |
puhdistuttaa {vt} | :: to have something cleaned |
puhe {n} | :: speech |
puhe {n} | :: address |
puhe {n} | :: oration |
puhe {n} | :: talk, chat |
puhe {n} | :: speak (jargon, terminology) |
puhe {n} | :: speak (conversation) |
puheaika {n} | :: airtime (chargeable use of a mobile phone) |
puheanalyysi {n} | :: speech analysis, voice analysis |
puhe-elin {n} | :: speech organ |
puheenaihe {n} | :: talking point, theme |
puheenjohtaja {n} | :: chairman, chairwoman, chairperson |
puheenjohtajakausi {n} | :: chairmanship (term of a chairman) |
puheenjohtajamaa {n} | :: presiding country |
puheenjohtajuus {n} | :: chairmanship |
puheenjohtajuuskausi {n} | :: period of chairmanship, term of chairmanship |
puheen ollen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: regarding, concerning, apropos, speaking of |
puheenparsi {n} | :: idiom |
puheentunnistus {n} [computing] | :: voice recognition, speech recognition |
puheenvuoro {n} | :: A floor, say (one's stated opinion or input into a discussion) |
puheenvuoro {n} | :: statement |
puhehäiriö {n} | :: speech disorder |
puheilla {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone) |
puheille {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: (into) speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone) |
puheilta {adv} [genitive + ~] | :: (from) speaking to, meeting, seeing or with (someone) |
-puheinen {adj} | :: -talking |
puhekela {n} | :: voice coil |
puhekeskus {n} | :: speech center, motor center for speech |
puhekeskus {n} | :: speech center, speech department (of a hospital or medical institution) |
puhekieli {n} | :: A language as it is commonly spoken, a vernacular, colloquial language |
puhekielinen {adj} | :: colloquial |
puhekone {n} | :: talking machine |
puhekorpus {n} [linguistics] | :: speech corpus |
puhekupla {n} | :: A speech bubble |
puhekyvytön {adj} | :: aphonic |
puheliaisuus {n} | :: talkativeness, loquacity |
puhelias {adj} | :: talkative |
puhelimessa {adv} | :: at the phone |
puhelimitse {adv} | :: By telephone |
puhelin {n} | :: telephone, phone |
puhelin {n} | :: short for puhelinnumero |
puhelinaakkonen {n} | :: in plural only, telephone alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in telephone or otherwise in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen) |
puhelinaakkonen {n} | :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling) |
puhelinasentaja {n} | :: telephone installer, telephone lineman, telephone repairman |
puhelinautomaatti {n} | :: payphone |
puhelingallup {n} | :: phone gallup, phone poll |
puhelinhaastattelu {n} | :: telephone interview |
puhelinherätys {n} | :: wake-up call (telephone service) |
puhelinjärjestelmä {n} | :: telephone system |
puhelinjohto {n} | :: telephone cable |
puhelinkaapeli {n} | :: telephone cable |
puhelinkeskus {n} [telecommunications] | :: telephone exchange, switchboard, switch |
puhelinkeskustelu {n} | :: telephone conversation |
puhelinkioski {n} | :: phone booth |
puhelinkoje {n} | :: telephone apparatus |
puhelinkokous {n} | :: telephone conference (conference held by telephone) |
puhelinkone {n} | :: telephone apparatus, telephone machine |
puhelinkoppi {n} | :: phone booth |
puhelinkortti {n} | :: telephone card, telecard, phone card, calling card (plastic card used to pay for telephone services) |
puhelinkuuntelu {n} | :: phone tapping |
puhelinkysely {n} | :: telephone survey |
puhelinlaitos {n} | :: telephone company, telephone service, telephone organization |
puhelinlanka {n} | :: telephone wire |
puhelinlasku {n} | :: phone bill |
puhelinliikenne {n} | :: telephone traffic |
puhelinliittymä {n} | :: telephone subscription |
puhelinlinja {n} | :: telephone line |
puhelinluettelo {n} | :: A telephone directory, phone book |
puhelinmääräys {n} | :: telephone prescription (of drugs or medicine) |
puhelinmaksu {n} | :: telephone fee, telephone payment |
puhelinmuistio {n} | :: telephone notebook, telephone book, telephone index book |
puhelinmyyjä {n} | :: telemarketer |
puhelinmyynti {n} | :: telemarketing |
puhelinneuvottelu {n} | :: telephone conference, conference call (conference held by telephone) |
puhelinnumero {n} | :: telephone number; number [informal] |
puhelinnumeronne {n} | :: second-person plural possissive form of puhelinnumero |
puhelinnumerosi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of puhelinnumero |
puhelinoperaattori {n} | :: synonym of teleoperaattori |
puhelinosake {n} | :: telephone share, telephone stock |
puhelinosuuskunta {n} | :: telephone cooperative |
puhelinpäivystys {n} | :: telephone service, on call service, telephone hotline |
puhelinpalvelu {n} | :: telephone service |
puhelinpalvelukeskus {n} | :: call center (business location where a person can call for such things as customer service, to place an order, etc.) |
puhelinpylväs {n} | :: telephone pole, telegraph post |
puhelinsalaisuus {n} | :: confidentiality over the telephone |
puhelinsanoma {n} | :: telephone message |
puhelinseksi {n} | :: phone sex |
puhelinsoitto {n} | :: A telephone call |
puhelintariffi {n} | :: phone tariff |
puhelintekniikka {n} | :: telephony |
puhelinteknikko {n} | :: telephone technician |
puhelinterrori {n} | :: telephone harassment |
puhelintiedustelu {n} | :: telephone inquiry |
puhelintilaaja {n} | :: telephone subscriber |
puhelintilaus {n} | :: telephone subscription |
puhelintoivekonsertti {n} | :: phone-in radio request show |
puhelintorvi {n} [colloquial] | :: telephone receiver |
puhelintyttö {n} | :: call girl |
puhelinuutiset {n} | :: phone news; news transmitted via phone |
puhelinvaihde {n} [telecommunications] | :: A telephone exchange, switchboard or switch which serves one organization |
puhelinvaihteenhoitaja {n} | :: telephone switchboard operator |
puhelinvastaaja {n} | :: An answering machine |
puhelinverkko {n} | :: telephone network, public switched telephone network |
puhelinyhdistys {n} | :: telephone company, telephone association |
puhelinyhteys {n} | :: telephone connection |
puhelinyhtiö {n} | :: telephone company |
puhella {vi} | :: To chatter |
puhelu {n} | :: talk, conversation; used especially in compound terms |
puhelu {n} | :: telephone call, call |
puhelukortti {n} | :: phonecard, telephone card |
puhemies {n} | :: chairman, speaker (title used of the chair of certain bodies instead of the more common puheenjohtaja (chairman)) |
puhemies {n} | :: spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group) |
puhemies {n} | :: wingman (friend who accompanies one to offer support in picking up women) |
puhemies {n} | :: best man |
puheohjelma {n} | :: radio talk show |
puheohjelma {n} | :: podcast |
puheopettaja {n} | :: voice instructor, dialect coach |
puheposti {n} | :: voice mail (system) |
puhepostiviesti {n} | :: voice mail (individual message) |
puheripuli {n} | :: logorrhea (excessive talkativeness) |
puhesynteesi {n} [computing] | :: speech synthesis |
puhetaito {n} | :: rhetoric |
puhetapa {n} | :: parlance |
puhetekniikka {n} | :: elocution |
puheterapeutti {n} | :: speech therapist |
puhetulva {n} | :: logorrhea (excessive flow of words) |
puhevälit {n} | :: speaking terms, relationship or terms where people can talk to each other due to being sufficiently acquainted or on good terms |
puhevalta {n} | :: right to speak |
puhevammainen {adj} | :: speech impaired |
puhevibraattori {n} | :: electrolarynx (battery-oprated device that assists a person who has lost their voice box in producing speech) |
puhevika {n} | :: speech defect |
puhevika {n} | :: speech disorder |
puhina {n} | :: puff |
puhista {vi} | :: to snort, to puffer |
puhjennut {adj} | :: flat (of a tire) |
puhjeta {v} [of something full e.g. of gas] | :: to pop, burst, (e.g. of something sewn or of an abscess) to rupture |
puhjeta {v} [of a flower] | :: to open, blossom |
puhjeta {v} [of a war, epidemy, storm] | :: to break out |
puhjeta itkuun {v} [idiomatic] | :: to burst into tears |
puhjeta nauruun {v} [idiomatic] | :: to burst into laughter |
puhkaa {v} | :: alternative form of puhkua |
puhkaiseminen {n} | :: piercing, puncturing, bursting |
puhkaista {vt} | :: to pierce, puncture |
puhkaista {vt} | :: to burst |
puhkeaminen {n} | :: burst (instance of breaking from internal pressure) |
puhkeaminen {n} | :: onset (initial phase of a disease or condition) |
puhkeaminen {n} | :: outbreak, breakout (sudden appearance) |
puhkeaminen {n} [hampaiden ~] | :: teething |
puhkeilla {vi} | :: to pop, burst or rupture repeatedly |
puhkeilla {vi} [of a war, epidemy, storm, etc.] | :: to break out repeatedly |
puhki {adv} | :: through |
puhki {adv} | :: mennä puhki: to puncture, burst open, blow out |
puhki {adv} [colloquial] | :: olla puhki: to be tired |
puhkia {v} | :: synonym of puhkua |
puhkina {n} | :: alternative form of puhkinta |
puhkinta {n} | :: synonym of puhkunta |
puhkoa {vt} | :: To burst |
puhkonta {n} | :: bursting (the action of bursting an object) |
puhkua {v} | :: To blow |
puhkunta {n} | :: blowing, puffing |
puhkuri {n} | :: broken wind, heaves |
puhletti {n} | :: phablet |
puhtaaksileikkaus {n} [printing] | :: trimming |
puhtaalta pöydältä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: from scratch |
puhtaalta pöydältä {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: with a clean slate |
puhtaampi {adj} | :: comparative of puhdas |
puhtaanapito {n} | :: sanitation, cleaning |
puhtaasti {adv} | :: cleanly |
puhtaus {n} | :: cleanliness, cleanness (condition of being habitually clean) |
puhtaus {n} | :: cleanness (condition of being clean) |
puhtaus {n} | :: cleanness, purity (moral purity, innocence) |
puhtaus {n} | :: purity (state of being pure) |
puhtausintoilija {n} | :: neat-freak |
puhti {n} | :: energy, vigour/vigor, vitality, vim, zip |
puhti {n} [nautical, slang] | :: bight (bend of a rope) |
puhua {vi} | :: To talk (about = elative) |
puhua {vt} [+ partitive] | :: To speak (a language) |
puhua joutavia {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to talk nonsense, to waste breath |
puhua läpiä päähänsä {v} | :: To shoot one's mouth off, to talk through one's hat, to whistle in the dark |
puhua muiden päälle {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to talk out of turn |
puhua rumia {v} [idiomatic] | :: to swear, have a foul mouth, talk dirty (use inappropriate or profane language) |
puhua suunsa puhtaaksi {v} [idiomatic] | :: To speak one's mind (literally: "to speak one's mouth clean, clean one's mouth by speaking") |
puhua uskovaisille {v} | :: To preach to the choir |
puhua vastoin parempaa tietoaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lie, talk through one's hat |
puhua ympäri {phrase} | :: to win over, persuade |
puhuja {n} | :: orator, speaker (one who speaks) |
puhujakoroke {n} | :: platform (for a speaker) |
puhujalava {n} | :: platform (for a speaker) |
puhujamäärä {n} | :: number of speakers (of a language, etc.) |
puhujantunnistus {n} | :: speaker recognition |
puhujapönttö {n} [colloquial] | :: lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support a speaker's notes) |
puhujapöytä {n} | :: A lectern (a stand with a slanted top used to support the notes of a speaker) |
puhumaton {adj} | :: speechless, mute |
puhuminen {n} | :: talking, speaking |
puhuminen on hopeaa, vaikeneminen kultaa {proverb} | :: speech is silver, silence is golden |
puhunta {n} [rare] | :: speaking, speech, discourse |
puhu pukille {phrase} [colloquial] | :: tell it to the marines, talk to the hand |
puhuri {n} | :: gust |
puhuroida {vt} [rare, computing] | :: to upload |
puhut asiaa {phrase} | :: now you're talking |
puhutella {v} | :: to accost (to speak to first, to address), to speak to, to address |
puhutella {v} | :: to speak to (to resonate with, to strike a chord in) |
puhutko englantia {phrase} [colloquial] | :: do you speak English? |
puhutko suomea {phrase} | :: do you speak Finnish? [informal] |
puhuttaa {v} | :: to be discussed, to get people talking |
puhutteko englantia {phrase} [formal or plural] | :: do you speak English? |
puhutteko suomea {phrase} | :: do you speak Finnish? [formal] |
puhuttelumuoto {n} [linguistics] | :: form of address (grammatical structure used when addressing others) |
puhuttelunimi {n} | :: synonym of kutsumanimi |
puhuttelusana {n} | :: term of address (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone or something without using their name) |
puhuttelutapa {n} | :: way of speaking to or addressing someone |
puhuuko kukaan täällä englantia {phrase} | :: does anyone here speak English? |
puhuva {adj} | :: talking, speaking |
puhuva vaakuna {n} [heraldry] | :: canting arms (heraldic bearing in the form of a visual pun) |
puhveli {n} | :: buffalo |
puhvelihärkä {n} | :: bull (adult male buffalo) |
puhvetti {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of buffetti |
puida {vt} | :: To thresh (grain) |
puida {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: To thrash out, hash out, discuss (an issue) |
puida {vt} | :: ~ nyrkkiä = to shake a fist |
puija {n} | :: thresher (anyone who threshes) |
puijaaminen {n} | :: tricking, cheating |
puijata {v} | :: to trick, cheat |
puikahtaa {vi} | :: to sneak or slip (by) |
puikea {adj} [botany] | :: ovate (oval, with widest part near the base) |
puikelo {n} [botany] | :: spadix |
puikkari {n} | :: fishing net hook |
puikkaroida {vt} | :: to attach onto a puikkari |
puikkelehtia {vi} | :: To weave one's way (to move by turning and twisting) |
puikkia {vi} | :: To slink |
puikko {n} | :: peg |
puikko {n} | :: stick |
puikko {n} | :: short for neulepuikko (knitting needle) |
puikula {n} | :: synonym of puikulaperuna |
puikulaperuna {n} | :: A small, almond-shaped variety of potato with a firm texture and pleasant taste grown in northern Scandinavia. It has been granted the Protected Designation of Origin (PD|O) status by the European Union |
puilla paljailla {adv} [idiomatic] | :: down and out (penniless, bankrupt) |
puimakone {n} | :: thresher (threshing machine) |
puimuri {n} | :: short for leikkuupuimuri (combine harvester) |
puimuri {n} | :: thresher (anything that threshes) |
puin {n} [usually plural] | :: cloth |
puinen {adj} | :: wooden (made of wood) |
puinti {n} | :: threshing (separation of grain from the straw or husks) |
puinti {n} | :: cornhusking (removal of the husk from corn) |
puinti {n} [figuratively] | :: handling, of an issue |
puintihäkki {n} | :: a type of frame for threshing grain |
puintiväline {n} | :: threshing equipment |
puiseva {adj} | :: wooden (figuratively) |
puisevasti {adv} | :: in a wooden way (figuratively) |
puistaa {vt} | :: to shake |
puistaa {v} | :: puistaa päätään: to shake one's head |
puistattaa {v} | :: to make shudder, make shiver, cause to shudder |
puistella {v} | :: alternative form of pudistella |
puistikko {n} | :: A small park, a green |
puistikko {n} | :: In street names, an avenue, boulevard, esplanade |
puisto {n} | :: park |
puistoalue {n} | :: park area |
puistoherkkusieni {n} | :: An agaric, Agaricus bitorquis |
puistokatu {n} | :: A street bordered by trees; an avenue, boulevard, esplanade, parkway |
puistokemisti {n} [slang] | :: an alcoholic, especially one who drinks strong alcohol drinks in a park |
puistoseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius balteatus |
puistotie {n} | :: parkway |
puite {n} | :: frame |
puite {n} | :: framework |
puiteohjelma {n} | :: framework program |
puitesopimus {n} [international law] | :: framework agreement |
puitetalous {n} | :: synonym of sekatalous |
puitteet {n} | :: grounds (background, context, framework, surroundings) |
puitteissa {postp} | :: within; used mostly figuratively |
pujahtaa {vi} | :: to slip (through), to creep into, to sneak, to slither |
pujauttaa {vt} | :: to slip (to pass something quickly and often covertly) |
pujo {n} | :: mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) |
pujoa {v} [rare] | :: synonym of pleissata |
pujoa {v} [rare] | :: synonym of pujottaa |
pujoa {v} [rare] | :: synonym of pujotella |
pujoa {v} [rare] | :: synonym of puida |
pujoke {n} [rare] | :: splice (junction or joining of ropes made by splicing them together) |
pujonta {n} | :: splicing |
pujoparta {n} | :: goatee |
pujos {n} [nautical] | :: splice |
pujotella {v} | :: To zigzag, avoiding obstacles |
pujotella {v} | :: To slalom |
pujotella {v} | :: To thread, string (frequentative form of pujottaa) |
pujottaa {vt} | :: to string, thread, wire (put items on a string) |
pujottaa {vt} | :: to thread (pass through a narrow constriction or around a series of obstacles) |
pujottaa {vt} | :: to insert smoothly or effortlessly, to slip or slide (on) |
pujottautua {vi} | :: to thread oneself through, to squeeze through |
pujottelija {n} | :: slalom skier, slalomer, slalomist |
pujottelu {n} | :: slalom |
pujottua {vi} | :: to be threaded (passed through a narrow constriction) |
pujotuspuikko {n} | :: marlinspike |
pukahtaa {v} [chiefly only in negative] | :: to (even) utter a word |
pukari {n} [colloquial] | :: bully, stirrer, troublemaker |
pukata {vt} [colloquial] | :: to bunt, to headbutt |
pukea {vt} | :: To dress (a person), put on (clothes); to clothe |
pukea {vt} [of a piece of clothing, + partitive] | :: To become, suit |
pukea sanoiksi {v} | :: to put into words (to express using words, either written or spoken) |
pukeet {n} | :: dress, clothes |
pukeutua {vi} | :: to get dressed, dress (oneself), put one's clothes on; ~ (hienosti) = to dress up |
pukeutua {v} | :: in the perfect tense: olla pukeutunut (+ illative) to wear, be dressed (in) |
pukeutua {vi} [+ translative] | :: to disguise oneself as; to dress up as |
pukeutuminen {n} | :: dressing |
pukeutumispöytä {n} | :: A dressing table |
pukija {n} [theater] | :: dresser |
pukine {n} | :: A piece of cloth used for dressing |
pukinjuuri {n} | :: burnet saxifrage, pimpernel (Pimpinella saxifraga) |
pukinkontti {n} | :: Santa's bag |
pukinparta {n} | :: goatee |
pukinparta {n} | :: goat's-beard, salsify (plant of the genus Tragopogon) |
pukinparta {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Tragopogon |
pukinpartainen {adj} | :: One having a goatee |
pukinpensas {n} | :: wolfberry (bush of the genus Lycium) |
pukinsorkka {n} | :: cloven hoof (mark of the Devil) |
pukittaa {vi} [of a horse] | :: to buck (leap upward arching its back, kicking out hind legs) |
pukkailla {vt} [colloquial] | :: to bunt or headbutt repeatedly |
pukkaus {n} [soccer] | :: header |
pukki {n} | :: billygoat; buck (male goat) |
pukki {n} [colloquial] | :: lecherous man |
pukki {n} | :: sawhorse (device used to support pieces of timber while sawing) |
pukki {n} [colloquial] | :: check, checkmark (✓) |
pukki {n} | :: Santa Claus, Santa |
pukki {n} [colloquial] | :: driver's seat |
pukki {n} [colloquial, gymnastics] | :: vaulting horse |
pukki {n} [colloquial, gymnastics] | :: vaulting table |
Pukki {prop} | :: surname |
pukkihyppely {n} [games] | :: leapfrog (children's game) |
Pukkila {prop} | :: Pukkila (municipality) |
pukkilainen {adj} | :: alternative form of pukkilalainen |
pukkilainen {n} | :: alternative form of pukkilalainen |
pukkilalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pukkila |
pukkilalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pukkila |
pukkinosturi {n} | :: gantry crane |
puksipuu {n} | :: box, boxwood (evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) |
puksprööti {n} [nautical, dialectal] | :: bowsprit |
puksuttaa {v} | :: to chug (to make dull, fairly quick explosive or percussive sounds, as if made by a labouring engine) |
puku {n} | :: suit, dress |
puku {n} | :: attire, outfit |
puku {n} | :: As modifier in compound terms may also denote changing (of clothes), e.g. in pukukoppi (changing cubicle) or pukuhuone (changing room, locker room) |
puku {n} | :: puku (antelope Kobus vardonii) |
pukuhuone {n} | :: changing room |
pukuhuone {n} | :: locker room |
pukuilla {v} | :: To cosplay |
pukuilu {n} | :: cosplay |
pukujuhla {n} | :: a gala in which people are dressed up in suits or costumes |
pukukangas {n} | :: fabric suitable for making a suit |
pukukoodi {n} | :: dress code |
pukukoppi {n} | :: cubicle, changing cubicle (small enclosure for changing clothes, e.g. by a pool or in a sports facility) |
pukukoppi {n} | :: changing room, locker room (room for changing clothes, such as in a sports facility or in a workplace where special working clothes are used; changing cubicles may be provided within the room) |
pukukoru {n} [usually, in plural] | :: costume jewellery |
pukupaita {n} | :: dress shirt (men's collared shirt that is of proper style to be worn with a suit) |
pukupussi {n} | :: garment bag (style of luggage that folds over on itself to allow long garments to be packed flat to avoid creasing) |
pukuraha {n} | :: dress or suit allowance |
pula {n} | :: shortage |
pula {n} [economy] | :: an economic crisis characterized by shortage of goods and/or means to buy them; a depression, slump |
pula {n} | :: urgent situation, trouble, scrape, pinch, deep water |
pula-aika {n} | :: depression period (used in Finland mostly to refer to the Great Depression) |
pulahdus {n} | :: dip (short swim) |
pulahtaa {v} | :: to dip (oneself) into water, take a dip (to go for a swim) |
pulakausi {n} | :: period of shortage or economic depression |
pulautin {n} [computing, slang] | :: a program that transforms given input, gives a transformed output and then terminates |
pulauttaa {v} | :: to regurgitate, to spit up |
pulauttaa {vt} | :: to utter, to let come out of one's mouth (of words) |
pulauttaa {vt} [computing] | :: to munge |
puleerata {v} [colloquial] | :: To shine (to polish) |
puli {n} [colloquial] | :: drunkard, sot (one who is badly addicted with alcohol, to the point where the person is completely dependent on it) |
puli {n} | :: puli |
pulikka {n} | :: A round piece of log |
pulikoida {v} | :: to take a dip, splash about |
pulina {n} | :: gab, palaver, chatter |
pulipää {n} [often, derogatory] | :: shaveling (someone with all or part of their head shaved) |
pulisongit {n} | :: sideburns, especially ones that are limited to a the area in front of the ear and the back of the jaw |
pulista {vi} [of water] | :: To bubble, burble |
pulista {vi} [of a person] | :: To babble, burble, hum, whisper, murmur, chatter |
pulista {vi} [_, + partitive + vastaan] | :: To whisper against, murmur against, gripe about, complain about |
pulittaa {v} [colloquial] | :: to cough up (to pay money) |
pulituuri {n} | :: French polish (substance) |
puliveivata {vt} [colloquial] | :: to con, to swindle, to cheat |
pulja {n} | :: alternative form of pulju |
pulju {n} | :: tub |
pulju {n} [colloquial] | :: company |
pulkka {n} | :: toboggan (flat-bottomed small sled used chiefly as a toy but also to transport goods on snow) |
pulkka {n} | :: tally, tally stick (piece of wood on which notches or scores were cut, as the marks of number) |
pulkkailija {n} | :: tobogganer, tobogganist |
pulkkailla {v} | :: to toboggan (to ride a toboggan) |
pulkkamäki {n} | :: toboggan slide, toboggan run, sled hill (slope used for tobogganing or sledding for recreation) |
Pulkkinen {prop} | :: surname |
pulkkosieni {n} [mushroom] | :: common roll-rim, brown roll-rim, poison pax; Paxillus involutus |
pulla {n} | :: cardamom bread, also pulla (mildly sweet, leavened baked good made of wheat and flavored with crushed cardamom, resembling very soft bread in consistency) |
pulla {n} | :: ball; as headword in names of some foodstuffs, e.g lihapulla (meatball), falafel-pulla (falafel ball) |
pullahtaa {vi} | :: to rise up, appear, spring up |
pullakahvi {n} [usually, in plural] | :: the coffee and pastries offered at an occasion |
pullakahvi {n} [usually, in plural] | :: an occasion or meeting where coffee and pastries are offered |
pullakka {n} [dialectal] | :: a plump person, a chub |
pullakko {n} [botany] | :: perigynium |
pullamössö {n} | :: cardamom bread mash (pulla (sweet cardamom bread) mashed and mixed with coffee or milk) |
pullamössö {n} [in compounds, derogatory] | :: pampered, coddled; see pullamössösukupolvi |
pullamössökansa {n} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: People as a collective incapable of taking care of themselves due to excessive pampering or reliance on modern amenities, often implied to possess feelings of misplaced entitlement |
pullamössösukupolvi {n} [derogatory] | :: a pampered or coddled generation, supposedly due to having been fed mashed cardamom bread (pullamössö) when babies; used variously of post-war generations younger than the speaker |
pullapelti {n} [colloquial] | :: baking tray |
pullapitko {n} | :: synonym of pitko |
pullasuti {n} | :: pastry brush, basting brush (cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or glaze on food) |
pullataikina {n} | :: sweet wheat dough used for baking pulla, a traditional type of coffee bread |
pullataikina {n} [figuratively] | :: anything that swells |
pullauttaa {vt} | :: to cause to rise up, appear or spring up |
pullea {adj} | :: chubby, plump, rotund, round |
pulleasti {adv} | :: chubbily, plumply |
pulleasti {adv} [idiomatic, voida ~] | :: well, swell (very well) |
pulleus {n} | :: chubbiness, plumpness, rotundity |
pulleva {adj} [dialectal] | :: chubby, plump |
Pulliainen {prop} | :: surname |
pullikoida {v} [colloquial] | :: To resist |
pullillaan {adv} [dialectal] | :: bulging with |
pullistaa {v} | :: to puff out |
pullistella {v} | :: to swell, to puff up |
pullistella {v} | :: to flex, flex one's muscles (to tense and bend one's flexor muscles) |
pullistella {v} [colloquial] | :: to talk big |
pullistella {v} [colloquial] | :: to flex one's muscles (to show off one's strength or skills) |
pullistua {vi} | :: to protrude, bulge outward |
pullistua {vi} | :: to balloon |
pullistuma {n} | :: protrusion, bulge |
pullo {n} | :: bottle |
pullo {n} [obsolete] | :: bowl, chalice |
pulloharja {n} | :: bottle brush |
pulloittain {adv} | :: in bottles, by the bottle |
pullokuonodelfiini {n} | :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) |
pullolääke {n} | :: bottled medicine |
pullolaiva {n} | :: ship in a bottle |
pullollaan {adv} | :: bulging with, bursting with, abound with |
pullolleen {adv} | :: into being abound, bulging or bursting with |
pullollinen {n} | :: bottle of something, bottleful of something |
pullomaito {n} | :: milk fed from baby bottles |
pullonavaaja {n} | :: A bottle opener |
pullonkaula {n} | :: bottleneck |
pullonkaulailmiö {n} | :: bottleneck, especially in terms of population |
pullonkorkki {n} | :: bottle cap, bottle cork |
pullonokkadelfiini {n} | :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) |
pullonpalautus {n} | :: bottle recycling (a system in Finland in which one can get small amounts of money for empty bottles or cans returned back to the store) |
pullonpalautusautomaatti {n} | :: reverse vending machine (machine that accepts empty bottles and cans, giving small amounts of money in return for every such returned) |
pullonpalautuskone {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pullonpalautusautomaatti |
pullonpohjalasi {n} | :: crown glass (early type of window glass) |
pullonpohjalasi {n} [in plural] | :: Eyeglasses with thick lenses |
pullonsulkija {n} | :: bottle closure; bottle cap, bottlecap; bottle top |
pullonvihreä {adj} | :: bottle green (dark shade of green such as used in wine bottles) |
pullo-olut {n} | :: bottled beer |
pullopantti {n} | :: bottle deposit |
pullopersepaviaani {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: a detestable person, especially one with bad driving skills (literally: plump-assed baboon) |
pulloposki {n} | :: a person with plump cheeks |
pulloposti {n} | :: message in a bottle |
pulloruokinta {n} | :: bottle feeding |
pullosara {n} [plant] | :: bottle sedge (Carex rostrata) |
pullote {n} | :: bottled substance |
pullottaa {vt} | :: to bottle |
pullottaa {vi} | :: to bulge |
pullotunkki {n} | :: bottle jack |
pulloveri {n} | :: pullover |
pullovesi {n} | :: bottled water |
pullukka {n} | :: A plump person, a chub |
pullulaani {n} | :: pullulan |
pulma {n} | :: trouble, problem |
pulma {n} | :: dilemma, conundrum (difficult choice or decision that must be made) |
pulma {n} | :: puzzle, riddle, brain-teaser, conundrum (difficult question or riddle) |
pulmallinen {adj} | :: tricky |
pulmallinen {adj} | :: problematic |
pulmapeli {n} | :: puzzle (game for one or more people that is more or less difficult to work out or complete) |
pulmapeli {n} | :: puzzle game |
pulmaton {adj} | :: unproblematic |
pulmonaaliläppä {n} [anatomy] | :: pulmonary valve |
pulmu {n} | :: snow bunting |
Pulmu {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
pulmunen {n} | :: snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis |
pulmussirri {n} | :: sanderling, Calidris alba |
pulpa {n} | :: synonym of hammasydin |
pulpahdella {vi} | :: to surface or spring up repeatedly |
pulpahtaa {vi} | :: to surface, spring up, well up |
pulpetti {n} | :: school desk |
pulpetti {n} | :: standing desk (raised desk for standing while working) |
pulpetti {n} | :: control panel |
pulpetti {n} | :: short of pulpettikatto: a single-surface roof, usually oblique |
pulpettikatto {n} | :: pentroof, shed roof |
pulpperi {n} | :: pulper, pulping machine |
pulppuilla {vi} | :: to fountain or gluck continuously |
pulputa {v} | :: To fountain (to flow or gush as if from a fountain) |
pulputa {v} | :: To glug (to flow with noisy bursts, like liquid that flows from a bottle through a narrow neck) |
pulputtaa {vt} | :: to gluck |
pulputuspannu {n} | :: percolator (type of device used to brew coffee) |
pulsaatio {n} | :: pulsation |
pulsaattori {n} | :: short for pulsaattoripesukone |
pulsaattori {n} [engineering] | :: the low-profile impeller of an impeller or pulsator washing machine; pulsator |
pulsaattoripesukone {n} | :: impeller washing machine, pulsator washing machine (a washing machine that uses a low-profile impeller to agitate clothes) |
pulsari {n} [astronomy] | :: pulsar |
pulska {adj} | :: fleshy, porky, chubby |
pulskasti {adv} | :: fleshily, porkily, chubbily |
pulskempi {adj} | :: comparative of pulska |
pulskin {adj} | :: superlative of pulska |
pulskistaa {vt} | :: To fatten |
pulskistua {vi} | :: to fatten |
pulssi {n} | :: pulse |
pulssisuhde {n} [electronics] | :: duty cycle |
pultata {vt} | :: to bolt |
pultinkanta {n} | :: bolt end |
pultinreikä {n} | :: hole for a bolt, bolt hole |
pultittaa {v} | :: synonym of pultata |
pultitus {n} | :: bolting |
pultsari {n} [colloquial] | :: drunkard |
pultti {n} | :: A bolt, as a metal fastener |
pultti {n} [colloquial] | :: A fit of rage |
pulttikiinnitys {n} | :: bolt mounting |
pulttilukko {n} | :: bolt action |
pulttipistooli {n} | :: captive bolt pistol |
pulu {n} [colloquial] | :: feral pigeon (Columba livia, syn. Columba livia domestica) |
pulu {n} | :: cushat (informal term for domesticated pigeons) |
pulunnussija {n} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: no-good (worthless or useless man) |
pulveri {n} | :: powder (fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced) |
pulveroida {vt} | :: to pulverise (to render into dust or powder) |
pulveroitua {vi} | :: to pulverise (become reduced to powder) |
pum {interj} | :: bang, bam |
pumi {n} | :: Pumi (dog) |
pumi {n} | :: Pumi (person of Pumi nationality) |
pumi {n} [uncountable] | :: Pumi (language) |
pumissi {n} | :: wild buckwheat (plant of the North American genus Eriogonum) |
pummata {v} [colloquial] | :: to bum |
pummaus {n} | :: bumming |
pummi {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: bum, hobo, vagabond (homeless person) |
pummi {n} | :: bum (person who doesn't do their share or lets others pay their part of a bill etc.) |
pummi {n} | :: panhandler (urban beggar) |
pummi {n} | :: miss (failure to hit a target) |
pummi {n} | :: When used adverbially in adessive singular indicates avoidance of a fee, such as a movie ticket or hotel bill |
pummia {v} [slang] | :: to snatch, steal |
pumpata {vt} | :: to pump |
pumpattava {adj} | :: pumpable |
pumpattava barbara {n} [colloquial] | :: love doll, sex doll, blow up doll |
pumpernikkeli {n} | :: A biscuit-like, often oval-shaped baked good made of gingerbread (piparkakku) dough and topped with a layer of sugar icing |
pumppaamo {n} | :: pump station |
pumppaus {n} | :: pump, pumping |
pumppu {n} | :: pump |
pumppu {n} [colloquial] | :: heart |
pumppuasema {n} | :: pump station |
pumppuhaulikko {n} | :: pump-action shotgun |
pumppuhuone {n} | :: pump room |
pumppukaivo {n} | :: pump well |
pumppukärry {n} | :: pallet jack, pallet truck, pump truck (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) |
pumppuventtiili {n} | :: pump valve |
pumppuvoimalaitos {n} | :: pumped-storage power station |
pumpuli {n} [archaic] | :: cotton (raw material) |
pumpuli {n} | :: lint, cotton (soft cotton material for dressing wounds) |
pumpulikangas {n} | :: cotton (textile) |
pumpulinkevyt {adj} | :: as light as lint or cotton, very light |
pumpulinpehmeä {adj} | :: soft as lint, soft as cotton |
pumpulipuikko {n} | :: cotton swab, cotton stick, Q-tip [US], cotton wool bud [UK] |
pumputa {v} | :: To pump |
puna {n} | :: The color red |
puna-aavetetra {n} | :: red phantom tetra (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi or Megalamphodus sweglesi) |
puna-apila {n} | :: red clover (Trifolium pratense) |
puna-ara {n} | :: scarlet macaw, Ara macao |
puna-armeija {n} | :: The Red Army |
punaevätetra {n} | :: bloodfin tetra, Aphyocharax anisitsi |
punahäntämarakatti {n} | :: red-tailed guenon, Cercopithecus ascanius (guenon native to the basin of the river Congo) |
punahattu {n} [botany] | :: coneflower, echinacea (plant of the genus Echinacea) |
punahattu {n} | :: short for kaunopunahattu |
punaherukka {n} | :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi |
punahierakka {n} | :: bloody dock, red-veined dock, Rumex sanguineus |
Punahilkka {prop} | :: Little Red Riding Hood |
punahilkka-aratti {n} | :: pileated parrot (Pionopsitta pileata) |
punahirvi {n} [rare] | :: synonym of saksanhirvi |
punahomejuusto {n} [foods] | :: red mold cheese (cheese aged with red mold) |
punahonka {n} | :: red pine |
punahukka {n} [pathology] | :: systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus |
punainen {adj} | :: red |
punainen {n} | :: red (color) |
punainen {n} [often, in plural] | :: reds, red lights (traffic signal) |
punainen {n} [in plural, politics, archaic] | :: the socialists |
punainen {n} [in plural, historical] | :: "Reds", in the Finnish civil war of 1918, the revolutionary side, as opposed to the valkoiset (Whites) |
Punainen armeijakunta {prop} | :: The Red Army Faction (former German terrorist group) |
punainen jättiläinen {n} [astronomy] | :: red giant |
punainen kääpiö {n} [astronomy] | :: red dwarf |
punainen khmer {n} [historical] | :: A supporter of Khmer Rouge |
punainen khmer {n} [in plural] | :: Khmer Rouge (movement) |
punainen kortti {n} [sports] | :: red card |
punainen maito {n} [colloquial] | :: whole milk (consumer product: pasteurized and homogenized milk from which nothing has been removed, at least in principle; in Finland the fat content has been standardized to 3,5 %) |
Punainenmeri {prop} | :: the Red Sea |
Punainen Risti {prop} | :: the Red Cross |
punaisempi {adj} | :: comparative of punainen |
punaisin {adj} | :: superlative of punainen |
punaisuus {n} | :: redness (quality of being red) |
punajalkahapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula rhodopoda |
punajalkahaukka {n} | :: red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) |
punajalkaviklo {n} | :: redshank, common redshank (Tringa totanus) |
punajättikenguru {n} | :: red kangaroo, Macropus rufus |
punajuuri {n} | :: A red variety of the beet, the beetroot, Beta vulgaris var. rubra |
punajuurikas {n} | :: beetroot, red beet |
punajuurikeitto {n} | :: beet soup |
punajuuripihvi {n} | :: red beet patty |
punajuuripihvi {n} | :: synonym of lindströminpihvi |
punajuuriväri {n} [organic chemistry] | :: beetroot red |
punakaali {n} | :: red cabbage |
punakaarti {n} | :: Any of the several organizations known as Red Guards |
punakaarti {n} [historical] | :: The Finnish Red Guards (in the Finnish Civil War of 1918, the armed troops that fought for a Socialist revolution against the Finnish White Guard (Finland)) |
punakaartilainen {n} | :: red guard (member of a Red Guard) |
punakampela {n} | :: European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa |
punakapina {n} | :: A politically loaded term for the Finnish Civil War, literally the “Red Rebellion” |
punakardinaali {n} | :: northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis |
punakärpässieni {n} | :: fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) |
punakasvoinen {adj} | :: red-faced |
punakaulahanhi {n} | :: red-breasted goose, Branta ruficollis |
punakaulakenguru {n} | :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus |
punakettu {n} | :: red fox, Vulpes vulpes |
punakhmer {n} | :: synonym of punainen khmer |
punakirjoseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius spilomeus |
punakka {adj} | :: reddish, ruddy; used especially of skin colour |
punakko {n} | :: velvetbells (Bartsia alpina) |
punakoiso {n} [plant] | :: bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara |
punakoitua {vi} [of skin] | :: to become reddish or ruddy |
punakone {n} [figuratively, humorous] | :: Literally “Red Machine”; a Soviet sports team, especially in ice hockey |
punakorvakilpikonna {n} | :: red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans |
punakottarainen {n} | :: rosy starling, Pastor roseus |
punakuiri {n} | :: bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica |
punakylkirastas {n} | :: redwing (Turdus iliacus) |
punakynä {n} | :: red pencil, especially one used to delete items from a list, budget etc., or to censor a text; often used figuratively of an act of deletion or censorship disregarding the means used |
punalakkimuura {n} | :: rufous-capped antshrike |
punaleppä {n} | :: A red alder, Alnus rubra |
punalevä {n} | :: red alga |
punalippu {n} | :: red flag (socialist symbol) |
punalippu {n} | :: The flag of the former Soviet Union |
punalippu {n} [rare] | :: Any red flag, such as used as warning |
punamerikorva {n} | :: An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English) |
punamulta {n} | :: Falu red (pigment) |
punamulta {n} | :: Falu red paint |
punamulta {n} [politics] | :: Used in Finnish politics to refer to a government, where the leading parties are socialist and centre parties |
punamultahauta {n} | :: a grave in which Falu red was used in the burial ritual |
punamultamaali {n} | :: Falu red paint |
punamusta puu {n} [computing] | :: red-black tree |
punamyyrä {n} | :: A northern red-backed vole (Myodes rutilus; former genus names Clethrionomys and Evotomys) |
punanahka {n} | :: redskin (Native American) |
punanäppy {n} [pathology] | :: rosacea (chronic condition characterized by redness of the face) |
punaniskavallabi {n} | :: red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus |
punaolkaturpiaali {n} | :: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus |
punaorava {n} | :: red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris |
punapää {n} | :: redhead (red-haired person) |
punapäänarsku {n} | :: red-crested pochard, Netta rufina |
punapahkasieni {n} | :: A fungus, Nectria cinnabarina |
punapaita {n} [literally] | :: red shirt |
punapaita {n} | :: Red Shirt |
punapapu {n} | :: synonym of adsukipapu |
punaparsaherne {n} | :: asparagus pea, winged pea, Tetragonolobus purpureus (annual leguminous herb native to the Mediterranean, cultivated for its edible green seed pods) |
punapeippi {n} | :: red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum) |
punapensselisika {n} | :: red river hog (wild pig of the species Potamochoerus porcus) |
punapersepaviaani {n} [vulgar] | :: hamadryas, hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) |
punaposkinen {adj} | :: rosy-cheeked, flushed, with red cheeks |
punapuu {n} | :: sequoia, redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) |
punapyrstölepinkäinen {n} | :: isabelline shrike, Lanius isabellinus |
punapyy {n} | :: red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa |
punarinta {n} | :: a European robin, often just robin, also known as redbreast; Erithacus rubecula |
punarintarastas {n} | :: An American robin, or robin; Turdus migratorius |
punarousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lilacinus |
punaselkämuura {n} | :: rufous-backed antvireo |
punasi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of puna |
punasiirtymä {n} | :: redshift |
punasikuri {n} | :: radicchio, Cichorium intybus var. foliosum (cultivar of chicory with red leaves and a slightly bitter taste, used in salads) |
punasilmäisyys {n} | :: The condition of having red eyeballs; the bloodshot or bloodshed |
punasipuli {n} | :: red onion |
punasleipä {n} [dialectal] | :: synonym of verileipä |
punasolu {n} [hematology, cytology] | :: erythrocyte, red blood cell |
punasotka {n} | :: common pochard, Aythya ferina |
punastella {v} | :: To blush (repeatedly) |
punastua {vi} | :: To blush |
punastuttaa {v} | :: to redden (to cause someone to flush) |
punasuolayrtti {n} | :: marsh samphire, Salcornia europaea |
punasuomuseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius bolaris |
punasusi {n} | :: red wolf, Canis rufus |
punata {vt} | :: to redden (make red) |
punatähti {n} | :: red star [symbol] |
punatakki {n} | :: redcoat |
punatäplärousku {n} | :: A milk-cap, Lactarius controversus |
punatauti {n} [pathology] | :: dysentery |
punatavi {n} | :: cinnamon teal, Anas cyanopter |
punatetra {n} | :: flame tetra, Hyphessobrycon flammeus |
punatiikeripeippo {n} | :: red munia, Amandava amandava |
punatiili {n} | :: red brick |
punatukkainen {adj} | :: redhaired, redheaded |
punatulkku {n} | :: bullfinch |
punatulkku {n} | :: Eurasian bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
punatyviseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius colus |
punaväriminttu {n} | :: crimson beebalm, scarlet beebalm, American bergamot, Monarda didyma |
punavarpunen {n} | :: rosefinch |
punavarpunen {n} | :: common rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus |
punavatsamaki {n} | :: red-bellied lemur, Eulemur rubriventer |
punaviherkupla {n} [politics] | :: a bloc of green left voters, sometimes considered an echo chamber |
puna-vihersokeus {n} [medicine] | :: deuteranopia |
punavihervärisokea {adj} | :: red-green colorblind |
punavihreä {adj} | :: red and green |
punavihreä {adj} [politics] | :: left-wing green; of, related or pertaining to the green left |
punaviidakkokana {n} | :: red junglefowl, Gallus gallus |
punaviini {n} | :: red wine |
punaviinikastike {n} | :: red wine sauce |
punaviinimarja {n} | :: redcurrant, Aphyocharax anisitsi |
punavyöseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: bracelet cortinar, Cortinarius armillatus |
pune {n} | :: red ink (in the concrete sense) |
punehtia {vi} [of face, skin] | :: To have a shade of red |
punehtua {vi} | :: to redden (become red) |
punerrus {n} | :: reddening |
punerruttaa {vt} | :: to cause to redden |
punertaa {vt} | :: To make redder |
punertaa {vi} | :: To have a shade of red |
punertava {adj} | :: reddish, rufous |
punertua {vi} | :: to redden (become gradually redder, as a ripening fruit or the sky in the evening) |
punerva {adj} | :: synonym of punertava |
punikki {n} [derogatory, historical] | :: red (supporter of socialist ideas) |
punka {n} | :: pimpernel (flowering plant of the genus Anagallis) |
Punkalaidun {prop} | :: Punkalaidun |
punkalaitumelainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Punkalaidun |
punkalaitumelainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Punkalaidun |
punkero {n} [colloquial] | :: fatty |
punkka {n} | :: bunk, berth |
punkka {n} [colloquial] | :: bed |
punkkari {n} | :: a punk, punk rocker |
punkki {n} | :: any member of the taxonomic class Acarina, including tick and mite |
punkkipihdit {n} | :: tick removers, tick tweezers |
punkku {n} [colloquial] | :: red wine |
punkteerata {vt} [medicine] | :: to puncture |
punktio {n} [medicine] | :: paracentesis |
punktoida {v} | :: To puncture |
punktuaalinen {adj} [grammar] | :: punctual (having no duration) |
punnerrus {n} | :: push-up (exercise) |
punnertaa {vt} | :: to exert effort |
punnertaa {vi} | :: to do a push-up |
punnertaa {vt} | :: to bench press |
punninta {n} | :: weighting |
punnita {vt} | :: to weigh |
punnita {vt} [figuratively] | :: to evaluate, consider, test (a theory, leadership, etc.) |
punnita sanansa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to weigh one's words |
punnitseminen {n} | :: weighing |
punnitseminen {n} | :: judgment (act of judging) |
punnitsija {n} | :: A weigher |
punnus {n} | :: weight (standardized measuring weight) |
punoa {v} | :: to intertwine, twine, weave |
punoittaa {vi} [of face, skin] | :: To have a shade of red |
punoitus {n} | :: redness, especially temporary redness of the skin for any reason such as blushing or irritation |
punonta {n} | :: plaiting |
punontatyö {n} | :: wickerwork, lacework |
punos {n} | :: twine, braid |
punosruutu {n} [heraldry] | :: fretty |
punoutua {vi} | :: To intertwine |
punsa {n} | :: synonym of alatoopi (head cheese) |
punssi {n} | :: A liqueur based on arrack, neutral spirits and flavorings. Originates in Sweden and is mostly not known outside Nordic countries. There's no established English name for it, but "arrack liqueur" might be a good bet |
punta {n} | :: pound (currency) |
puntari {n} | :: A steelyard balance |
puntaroida {vi} | :: to weigh, consider |
puntarpää {n} | :: foxtail grass; any plant of the genus Alopecurus |
puntarpää {n} [in plural] | :: the genus Alopecurus |
puntata {v} [military slang] | :: To go to an AWOL, to have an AWOL |
puntata {v} [colloquial] | :: To uplift somebody by having hands under the other one's feet |
puntis {n} [military slang] | :: AWOL (absence without proper authority) |
punttaaja {n} [military, slang] | :: AWOL (a person who holds AWOL status) |
puntti {n} [colloquial] | :: leg, trouser leg, pant leg (part of garment covering the leg) |
puntti {n} [colloquial, weightlifting] | :: weight |
puntti {n} [colloquial, back-formation] | :: short for punttisali (gym) |
puntti {n} | :: an unit of 10 matchboxes |
punttikello {n} | :: A type of pendulum clock, which utilizes the potential energy of hanging weights to compensate for the energy losses in the clock mechanism |
punttis {n} [colloquial, weightlifting] | :: gym |
punttisali {n} [weightlifting] | :: gym |
puohde {n} [dlalectal] | :: fold, crease, warp |
puola {n} | :: The Polish language |
puola {n} | :: short for sytytyspuola |
puola {n} | :: thick (wooden) spoke; stave (in a wheel) |
puola {n} | :: rung, stave (horizontal bar in a ladder) |
puola {n} | :: bobbin (small spool) |
puola {n} | :: cowberry |
Puola {prop} | :: Poland |
puolain {n} [rare] | :: winder, reeler (machine that winds or reels) |
puolalainen {n} | :: A Pole |
puolalainen {adj} | :: Polish |
puolalaismies {n} | :: Polish man |
puolalaisnainen {n} | :: Polish woman |
puolalaisuus {n} | :: Polishness |
puolanajokoira {n} | :: Polish hound |
Puolanka {prop} | :: Puolanka |
puolankalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Puolanka |
puolankalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Puolanka |
puolankielinen {adj} | :: Polish-speaking |
puolankielinen {adj} | :: Expressed in the Polish language |
puolanminttu {n} | :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) |
puolannos {n} | :: A Polish translation |
puolantaa {vt} | :: to translate into Polish |
Puolan tasavalta {prop} | :: The Republic of Poland |
puolanvinttikoira {n} | :: Chart Polski |
puolapuu {n} | :: wooden rung, spoke, stave |
puolapuu {n} [gymnastics] | :: in plural, wall bars, see puolapuut |
puolapuut {n} | :: wall bars (gymnastics equipment) |
puolata {v} | :: to spool |
puoleensavetävä {adj} | :: attractive (all senses) |
puoleensavetävämpi {adj} | :: comparative of puoleensavetävä |
puoleensavetävästi {adv} | :: attractively |
puoleensavetävin {adj} | :: superlative of puoleensavetävä |
puoleensavetävyys {n} | :: attractiveness |
puoleettomuus {n} | :: impartiality, objectivity |
puoleinen {adj} [genitive or possessive suffix +, also, in compounds] | :: being on the side of something |
puoleinen {adj} [genitive +, in compounds] | :: related through one of the parents, or his/her side of the family |
puoleinen {adj} [genitive +] | :: somewhat, a bit, -ish (having a property, but only to a some extent) |
puolentuhatta {adv} | :: half a thousand (about 500) |
puolenvaihtovaihde {n} [railroads] | :: scissors crossover |
puolesta {postp} | :: on behalf of, for |
puolesta {postp} | :: in favor of, for, pro |
puolestaan {adv} | :: for one's part, as far as one is concerned, for oneself |
puolestaloukkaantuja {n} [often, derogatory] | :: a person who gets offended on behalf of others |
puolestansa {adv} | :: synonym of puolestaan |
puolestapuhuja {n} | :: advocate |
puolet {adv} | :: half |
puolet {adv} | :: ~ + elative: half of sth |
puoli- {prefix} | :: half-, semi-, demi- |
puoli {adj} | :: half |
puoli {adj} | :: when followed by a number representing an hour, similar to half past, but 30 minutes before an hour rather than after |
puoli {n} | :: half |
puoli {n} | :: side |
puoli {n} | :: aspect, facet, feature |
puoli {n} [in compounds] | :: step- (of parent or grandfather who is not blood relative or adopted) |
puoli {n} [in compounds] | :: For adjectives, used to express that something, usually one half of a pair is missing |
puoliaalto {n} [physics, mathematics] | :: halfwave |
puoliääneen {adv} | :: under one's breath |
puoliaasi {n} [obsolete] | :: An onager, Equus hemionus |
puoliaavikko {n} | :: semidesert |
puoliaika {n} | :: half (period of a game before or after the half-time) |
puolialaston {adj} | :: half-naked |
puoliapina {n} | :: prosimian |
puoliapina {n} [pejorative, offensive, colloquial] | :: A person of mixed Black and White descent |
puoliautomaattinen {adj} | :: semi-automatic |
puoliautomaattisesti {adv} | :: semiautomatically |
puoliavoin {adj} | :: half-open |
puolihereillä {adv} | :: half-awake |
puolihorroksiin {adv} | :: into a state of semi-hibernation |
puolihorroksissa {adv} | :: in a state of semi-hibernation |
puolihorroksista {adv} | :: from a state of semi-hibernation |
puolihuolimaton {adj} | :: slipshod |
puolihuolimattomasti {adv} | :: slipshodly |
puoliintua {vi} | :: To halve |
puoliintumisaika {n} | :: half-life |
puolijalokivi {n} [jewelry, geology] | :: A semiprecious stone |
puolijänteinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: semitendinous |
puolijohde {n} | :: semiconductor |
puolijohdediodi {n} | :: semiconductor diode |
puolijohdelevy {n} [computing] | :: solid-state drive, solid-state disk, SSD |
puolijohdelevy {n} | :: semiconductor sheet, semiconductor plate (sheet or plate made out of semiconductive material) |
puolijohdetekniikka {n} | :: semiconductor engineering |
puolijohdetekniikka {n} | :: semiconductor technology |
puolijoukkueteltta {n} | :: "half-platoon tent"; an octagonal military tent with a heater |
puolijumala {n} | :: A demigod |
puolijuoksua {adv} | :: almost running |
puolikaari {n} [geometry] | :: arc of a semicircle |
puolikalvoinen {adj} [anatomy] | :: semimembranous |
puolikansi {n} [nautical] | :: A quarterdeck |
puolikarhu {n} | :: procyonid (any of the species in the taxonomic family Procyonidae - raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles) |
puolikarhut {n} [taxonomy] | :: the family Procyonidae |
puolikas {n} | :: half (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) |
puolikas {n} | :: half (half of a standard measure) |
puolikko {n} [dialectal] | :: half of a barrel |
puolikostea {adj} | :: semihumid |
puolikova {adj} | :: semihard |
puoliksi {adv} | :: in half, fifty-fifty (into two equal parts) |
puolikuiva {n} | :: semidry |
puolikuiva {n} | :: semiarid |
puolikuollut {adj} | :: half-dead |
puolikupoli {n} | :: semidome |
puolikuu {n} | :: half-moon |
puolikuu {n} | :: crescent |
puolikuuluu {n} [anatomy] | :: A lunate bone, os lunatum (one of the carpal bones) |
puolikuuro {adj} | :: semideaf |
puolikuva {n} [photography, cinematography] | :: medium shot |
puolikuva {n} [video, computing] | :: half frame |
puolikymmentä {num} | :: About five |
puolikypsä {adj} | :: half-baked |
puolikypsä {adj} | :: medium (0f a steak; between rare and well done) |
puolilähikuva {n} [photography, cinematography] | :: medium close-up |
puolilainausmerkki {n} [typography] | :: single quotation mark (’) |
puolilammas {n} | :: bharal, Himalayan blue sheep, naur, Pseudois nayaur (caprid native to the Himalayas) |
puoliläpäisevä peili {n} | :: one-way mirror |
puolillaan {adv} | :: half-full |
puolilleen {adv} | :: to half |
puolilogaritmipaperi {n} | :: semi-log paper |
puoliloinen {n} | :: semiparasite, hemiparasite |
puoliltaöin {adv} | :: in the midnight |
puoliluku {n} [mathematics] | :: half-integer |
puolimäessä {adv} | :: halfway up or down the hill |
puolimäestä {adv} | :: from halfway up or down the hill |
puolimakaava {adj} | :: semirecumbent |
puolimäkeen {adv} | :: to halfway up or down the hill |
puolimalli {n} | :: half model |
puolimaraton {n} | :: half marathon, semi-marathon |
puolimetalli {n} [chemistry] | :: metalloid |
puolimmainen {adj} | :: closer or closest to the side (of) |
puolinainen {adj} | :: incomplete, partial, imperfect, insufficient |
puolinaisesti {adv} | :: partially, imperfectly, insufficiently |
puolinelson {n} [wrestling] | :: half nelson |
puolinen {n} [archaic] | :: lunch (meal eaten at about midday) |
puolinen {adj} | :: Of location; being on a defined side of something, or closer to something; no exact English equivalent |
puolinen {adj} | :: -sided, -faceted |
puolinormi {n} | :: semi-norm |
puolinormi {n} | :: gauge |
puolinukuksissa {adv} | :: half-asleep |
puolinuotti {n} [music] | :: half note, minim |
puoliorpo {n} | :: half orphan |
puoliovi {n} | :: Dutch door (horizontally divided door) |
puolipäivä {n} | :: midday, noon (12 o'clock at day) |
puolipäivätyö {n} | :: half-time work |
puolipallo {n} [geometry] | :: A hemisphere (half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere) |
puolipaneeli {n} [architecture] | :: dado panel (paneling that covers the lower part of the wall between the dado rail/chair rail and the skirting board) |
puoliperävaunu {n} | :: A semi-trailer (trailer with wheels only at the trailing end) |
puoliperävaunuyhdistelmä {n} [vehicles] | :: A combination of a tractor and a semi-trailer; a semi-trailer, articulated lorry, tractor-trailer |
puolipiiri {n} [geometry] | :: semiperimeter |
puolipilvinen {adj} [meteorology] | :: partly cloudy |
puolipiste {n} | :: semicolon |
puolipolveen {adv} | :: to up or down to halfway towards the knee (such as of snow or water) |
puoliponttilauta {n} | :: shiplap |
puolipukeissa {adv} | :: half-clothed, underclothed |
puolipukeissaan {adv} | :: alternative form of puolipukeissa |
puolipullo {n} | :: split (bottle of 0.375 liters, half of a standard bottle) |
puolipylväs {n} [crocheting] | :: half treble crochet [UK], half double crochet [US] |
puolipylväs {n} [architecture] | :: half column |
puoliraaka {adj} | :: medium rare |
puolireaktio {n} [chemistry] | :: half-reaction |
puolireidessä {adv} | :: halfway up or down towards the thigh |
puolireiteen {adv} | :: to halfway up or down towards the thigh |
puolirengas {n} | :: semiring |
puoliryhmä {n} | :: semigroup |
puoliryijy {n} | :: a rug of which only a part is a rya |
puolisääreen {adv} | :: to halfway up or down towards the shin |
puolisääressä {adv} | :: halfway up or down towards the shin |
puolisävelaskel {n} | :: semitone (interval between adjacent keys) |
puoliselässä {adv} | :: halfway up or down towards the back |
puoliselkään {adv} | :: to halfway up or down towards the back |
puolisen {adv} | :: about a half |
puolisenkymmentä {num} | :: half a dozen |
puolisensataa {num} | :: around fifty |
puolisentoista {num} | :: around one and a half |
puolisentoistasataa {num} | :: around one hundred and fifty |
puolisisarukset {n} | :: half sisters |
puolisisko {n} | :: half-sister |
puolisko {n} | :: A half |
puolisko {n} | :: hemisphere |
puoliso {n} | :: spouse |
puolisormikas {n} | :: half glove |
puolisotilaallinen {adj} | :: paramilitary |
puolisukeltaja {n} | :: dabbling duck |
puolisukeltajasorsa {n} | :: dabbling duck |
puolisummain {n} [electronics] | :: half adder |
puolisuora {n} [geometry] | :: half-line, ray |
puolisuppea {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] | :: close-mid |
puolisuunnikas {n} [geometry] | :: trapezium, trapezoid (four-sided polygon with two sides parallel) |
puolisuunnikassääntö {n} [calculus, analysis] | :: trapezoidal rule |
puolitakki {n} | :: half coat |
puolitalveen {adv} | :: to halfway during the winter |
puolitalvessa {adv} | :: halfway during the winter |
puolitalvesta {adv} | :: from halfway during the winter |
puolitangossa {adv} | :: At half-mast |
puolitanko {n} | :: half-staff, half-mast (the lowered position, half the height of a mast, at which a flag is flown when expressing respect for the dead) |
puolitankoon {adv} | :: To half-mast |
puolitaso {n} [mathematics] | :: half-plane |
puolitauko {n} [music] | :: half rest |
puolitelavaunu {n} | :: half-track |
puolitiehen {adv} | :: to halfway |
puolitiessä {adv} | :: halfway |
puolitiestä {adv} | :: from halfway |
puolitoista {num} | :: one and a half |
puolitoistavuotias {adj} | :: Eighteen months old |
puolitotuus {n} | :: half-truth |
puolitse {adv} | :: through, by or from the side of |
puolittaa {vt} | :: To halve (to reduce to half the original amount) |
puolittaa {vt} | :: To halve (to divide into two halves) |
puolittain {adv} | :: half (in two equal parts or to an equal degree; in some part approximating a half; partially; imperfectly) |
puolittainen {adj} | :: halfway, half, partial |
puolittaja {n} | :: anything that halves |
puolittaja {n} [geometry] | :: bisector |
puolittua {vi} | :: to halve |
puolituhatta {adj} | :: half a thousand (about 500) |
puolituntinen {adj} | :: half-hour (lasting thirty minutes) |
puolituntinen {n} | :: half-hour (period of thirty minutes) |
puolituoppi {n} [historical] | :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume half a tuoppi |
puolitus {n} | :: halving |
puolitus {n} | :: bisection |
puolitushaku {n} [comptheory] | :: binary search |
puolitusmenetelmä {n} [math] | :: bisection method |
puoliuneen {adv} | :: to being half-asleep |
puoliunessa {adv} | :: half-asleep |
puoliutua {vi} | :: To halve |
puolivahingossa {adv} | :: semiaccidentally |
puolivaiheilla {adv} | :: halfway, in the middle (of) |
puolivaiheille {adv} | :: to halfway, into the middle (of) |
puoliväli {n} | :: middle |
puoliväli {n} | :: halfway, midway |
puolivälierä {n} [sports] | :: A quarterfinal |
puoliväljä {adj} [phonetics, of a vowel] | :: open-mid |
puolivalmis {adj} | :: semi-finished, semi-processed, semi-ready |
puolivalmiste {n} | :: semi-manufactured product |
puolivalmiste {n} | :: semi-finished food |
puolivarjo {n} [optics, astronomy] | :: penumbra |
puoliveli {n} | :: half-brother |
puoliverho {n} | :: half window curtain |
puoliverinen {adj} | :: half-blood, half-blooded |
puolivillaisesti {adv} | :: in a half-baked way |
puolivilli {adj} | :: semi-wild |
puolivirallisesti {adv} | :: half-officially |
puolivokaali {n} | :: semivowel |
puolivuosittain {adv} | :: semiannually, half-yearly |
puolivuosittainen {adj} | :: biannual, semiannual |
puolivuotiskausi {n} | :: half-year period |
puoliympyrä {n} [geometry] | :: semicircle |
puoliyö {n} | :: midnight (12 p.m.) |
puoltaa {vi} [of steering] | :: To pull (to the left/right, to one side) |
puoltaa {vt} | :: To support, approve, second, recommend |
puoltaja {n} | :: advocate |
puoltaminen {n} | :: pulling (to one side) |
puoltaminen {n} | :: supporting, approving |
puolue {n} [politics] | :: party, political party |
puolueaktiivi {n} | :: party activist, partisan (person active in a political party) |
puolue-elämä {n} | :: political party life |
puolue-elin {n} | :: body or organization part of a political party |
puolueellinen {adj} | :: biased, partisan, partial |
puolueellinen {adj} | :: prejudiced |
puolueellisesti {adv} | :: biasedly, with bias |
puolueellisuus {n} | :: partiality |
puolueeton {adj} | :: unbiased |
puolueeton {adj} | :: nonaligned, neutral |
puolueeton {adj} | :: impartial, fair |
puolueettomasti {adv} | :: impartially |
puolueettomuus {n} | :: impartiality |
puolueettomuus {n} | :: neutrality |
puoluehallitus {n} | :: board of a party |
puolueittain {adv} | :: by (political) party |
puoluejohtaja {n} | :: party leader (leader of a political party) |
puoluejohto {n} [politics] | :: The leadership of a party |
puoluekokous {n} | :: (political) party congress (where e.g. political general positions of a party are adopted in position papers); caucus (with reference to the United States) |
puoluekokousedustaja {n} | :: (political) party congress representative |
puoluelainen {n} | :: adherent, supporter |
puoluelainen {n} | :: member of a party |
puoluepolitiikka {n} | :: party politics |
puolueraja {n} | :: party boundary, party border (perceived boundary between the ideologies of two or more political parties) |
puoluesihteeri {n} | :: party secretary (senior official within a political party with responsibility for the organizational and daily political work, usually second in rank to the party chairman) |
puoluetoveri {n} | :: (Communist) party member |
puoluetoverinsa {n} | :: third-person possissive form of puoluetoveri |
puolueväki {n} | :: members of a political party collectively |
puoluevaltuusto {n} | :: party council (in political parties, a body elected by the party congress which, between the party congresses, decides the most important and far-reaching line issues, whereas the party board makes the operative decisions) |
puoluevirkailija {n} | :: party official |
puolukka {n} | :: lingonberry, cowberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
puolukka {n} [plant] | :: plant in the genus Vaccinium |
puolukka {n} [plant, in plural] | :: genus Vaccinium |
puolukkahillo {n} | :: lingonberry jam |
puolukkakasvi {n} | :: any plant of the genus Vaccinium |
puolukkatyyppi {n} | :: Vaccinium type (of a forest) |
puolulainen {adj} [uncommon] | :: allied (on the same side as someone else) |
puolulainen {n} [uncommon] | :: ally |
puolustaa {vt} [_, + partitive] | :: to defend |
puolustaja {n} | :: defender (someone who defends people or property) |
puolustaja {n} | :: defender (a fighter who repels an attack) |
puolustaja {n} [sports] | :: defender, back (a player whose primary task is to prevent the opposition from scoring) |
puolustaja {n} [ice hockey, lacrosse] | :: defenseman, defenceman |
puolustaminen {n} | :: defending |
puolustautua {vi} | :: To defend oneself |
puolustava linjamies {n} [American football] | :: tackle (person playing defensive tackle) |
puolustella {v} | :: To apologise/apologize |
puolustuksellisesti {adv} | :: defensively |
puolustus {n} | :: defense [US], defence [UK] |
puolustusalue {n} [ice hockey] | :: defending zone |
puolustusasema {n} [military] | :: defensive position, stand |
puolustusasianajaja {n} | :: defense attorney (US), defence counsel (UK) [lawyer] |
puolustusjärjestö {n} | :: defense organization |
puolustuskirjoitus {n} | :: apology |
puolustuskomitea {n} | :: defense committee |
puolustuskyky {n} | :: ability to defend (oneself) |
puolustuskykyinen {adj} | :: able to defend (oneself) |
puolustuskyvytön {adj} | :: defenseless |
puolustuskyvyttömästi {adv} | :: defenselessly |
puolustuskyvyttömyys {n} | :: defenselessness |
puolustusliitto {n} | :: defence accord, defence alliance (political agreement of mutual military assistance in case one of the parties is attacked) |
puolustusmekanismi {n} [psychology, biology] | :: defense mechanism |
puolustusmenot {n} | :: defence expenditure |
puolustusministeri {n} | :: secretary of defense |
puolustusministeriö {n} | :: ministry of defense, department of defense |
puolustuspeli {n} [sports] | :: defensive play |
puolustussota {n} | :: defensive war |
puolustusvaliokunta {n} [in the Finnish Parliament] | :: The Defence Committee |
puolustusvoima {n} | :: defence capacity (the ability of an individual, group or country to defend itself against an aggressor); more frequently puolustuskyky |
puolustusvoima {n} | :: In plural, defence force(s); see puolustusvoimat |
puolustusvoimain ylipäällikkö {n} | :: commander in chief |
puolustusvoimat {n} [pluralonly] | :: defence forces, defence force (organization) |
puolustusvoimat {n} | :: armed forces |
puomi {n} | :: barrier (rail) |
puomi {n} | :: boom (horizontal bar of a crane) |
puomi {n} [gymnastics] | :: balance beam |
puomi {n} [nautical] | :: boom (spar extending the foot of a sail) |
puomi {n} | :: (nautical) pole (see spinnaker pole; spar supporting a spinnaker) |
puomi {n} | :: (nautical) boom (barrier closing a harbor, or one used for oil spill containment) |
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] | :: boom vang |
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] | :: kicking strap |
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] | :: kicker |
puomin alasvedin {n} [nautical] | :: martingale |
puomipeite {n} [sailing] | :: boom cover |
puomittaa {vt} | :: to furnish with a barrier, beam or boom (such as closing a road this way) |
puoshaka {n} | :: boathook |
puoskari {n} | :: quack, quacksalver |
puoskaroida {v} | :: To practice quackery |
puoskaroida {v} | :: [Of a medical doctor] To work unprofessionally |
puoskarointi {n} | :: quackery (practice or instance of practicing false medicine) |
puosu {n} [nautical] | :: boatswain, bosun |
puosuntuoli {n} [nautical] | :: boatswain's chair, bosun's chair |
puoti {n} | :: shop (establishment that sells goods or services to the public) |
pupeltaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to blunder |
pupilli {n} [anatomy] | :: pupil (part of an eye) |
puppeli {n} [slang, derogatory] | :: faggot, poofter |
puppu {n} | :: nonsense |
pupu {n} [childish] | :: hare, bunny |
pupuhaukka {n} [dialectal, archaic] | :: Tengmalm's owl, boreal owl, Aegolius funereus |
pupujussi {n} [childish] | :: bunny (hare or rabbit) |
puputtaa {vi} [colloquial] | :: to eat like a rabbit |
pura {n} [rare] | :: synonym of purasin |
puraista {v} | :: to bite once |
puraisu {n} | :: bite |
Puranen {prop} | :: surname |
puras {n} | :: synonym of purasin |
purasin {n} | :: awl (pointed tool) |
purasin {n} | :: bradawl (awl with screwdriver-like blade) |
purasin {n} | :: stitching awl (leatherman's tool) |
purasin {n} | :: scratch awl (sharp-pointed awl for marking wood) |
purasruoho {n} | :: borage (Borago officinalis) |
purastaa {v} [archaic] | :: to engrave |
purastaa {v} [archaic] | :: to make a hole with a tool |
purattaa {vt} | :: To have something dismantled |
purattaa {vt} | :: To have something unloaded |
purée {n} | :: alternative form of pyree |
pureksia {vt} | :: to chew (repeatedly, wantonly) |
purema {n} | :: bite (the wound or swelling on sb's skin caused by an animal that has bitten the skin) |
puremahaava {n} | :: bite wound |
puremalihas {n} [anatomy] | :: muscle of mastication |
puremasta {v} | :: infinitive of purra |
pureminen {n} | :: biting |
purenta {n} [dentistry] | :: occlusion |
purentavika {n} | :: malocclusion |
pureskelija {n} | :: chewer |
pureskella {vt} | :: to chew |
pureskelu {n} | :: chewing |
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to bite into, seize/grab with one's teeth |
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to grab onto, seize, cling to |
pureutua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to sink into, cut into, bite into, take hold in |
pureva {adj} | :: biting (as e.g. frost) |
pureva {adj} | :: bitter, acerb, acerbic, sarcastic |
purevasti {adv} | :: bitingly |
purevasti {adv} | :: incisively |
puriini {n} [chemistry] | :: purine |
purija {n} | :: One who or which bites; biter |
purilaat {n} [plural only] | :: travois |
purilainen {n} [colloquial] | :: hamburger, burger |
purilainen {n} [in compounds] | :: -burger, burger |
purim {n} [Judaism] | :: Purim |
purismi {n} | :: purism |
purista {vi} | :: to make a quiet purring sound |
purista {vi} | :: to talk quietly or whisper |
puristaa {v} | :: to press; to clasp, grasp, grip, squeeze, shake, clench, flatten, squash (to apply pressure) |
puristaa {v} | :: to flatten (to make flat by applying pressure) |
puristaa {v} | :: to rub, pinch (of shoes, to be too tight) |
puristaa {v} | :: to constrict (of a collar, to be too tight) |
puristaa {v} | :: to wring (to obtain by force) |
puristaminen {n} | :: pressing, clasping, squeezing |
puristautua {vi} | :: to squeeze oneself (in order to fit into something) |
puriste {n} | :: briquet |
puristeinen {adj} [of voice or speech] | :: tense |
puristeinen {adj} | :: having a compression ratio of (some kind) |
puristeisesti {adv} | :: tensely (of a voice) |
puristelasi {n} | :: pressed glass |
puristella {v} | :: To press, squeeze (repeatedly) |
puristemehu {n} | :: must (pressed fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) |
puristi {n} | :: purist |
puristin {n} | :: clamp, cramp (tool to press and hold objects together) |
puristin {n} | :: press (device used to apply pressure to an item) |
puristinen {adj} | :: puristic |
puristinosa {n} [papermaking] | :: press section (of a paper machine) |
puristisesti {adv} | :: puristically |
puristua {vi} | :: To be pressed, get squeezed |
puristua kasaan {vi} | :: To crush into itself, to implode |
puristumaton {adj} | :: incompressible |
puristus {n} | :: press, squeeze |
puristusjäte {n} | :: pomace (pulp that remains after a fruit has been pressed to extract the juice or oil) |
puristusliitos {n} | :: press fit, interference fit |
puristuslujuus {n} | :: compressive strength |
puristuspaine {n} | :: pressing pressure, compression pressure |
puristussovitus {n} | :: press fitting |
puristussuhde {n} | :: compression ratio |
puristustela {n} | :: printing roller |
puristusventtiili {n} | :: pinch valve |
puristusvoima {n} | :: crushing power, squeezing power |
puritaani {n} | :: A puritan |
puritaanisesti {adv} | :: puritanically |
puritanismi {n} | :: puritanism |
purje {n} [nautical] | :: sail; [colloquial] rag, sheet (piece of fabric attached to a boat and arranged such that it causes the wind to drive the boat along) |
Purje {prop} | :: The constellation Vela, the Sail |
purjeala {n} [nautical] | :: sail area, surface area of sails |
purjealus {n} | :: sailing ship |
purjeenteko {n} | :: sailmaking |
purjehdus {n} | :: sailing, sail, sailing trip (motion across water in a vessel powered by wind) |
purjehdus {n} | :: voyage, sail (a trip by a ship or of a ship) |
purjehduskausi {n} | :: sailing season |
purjehduskenkä {n} | :: boat shoe, deck shoe, topsider |
purjehdussää {n} | :: sailing weather |
purjehtia {vi} | :: to sail |
purjehtija {n} | :: yachtsman |
purjehtiminen {n} | :: sailing (motion across water) |
purjekala {n} | :: sailfish |
purjekangas {n} | :: sailcloth |
purjekerta {n} [nautical] | :: suit (full set of sails required for a ship) |
purjekone {n} | :: A sailplane or glider; a short form of purjelentokone |
purjelaiva {n} | :: sailing ship |
purjelauta {n} | :: sailboard |
purjelautailija {n} | :: windsurfer |
purjelautailla {v} | :: to windsurf |
purjelautailu {n} | :: windsurfing |
purjelentäjä {n} | :: glider, glider pilot (one who flies a glider plane) |
purjelento {n} | :: gliding (hobby, sport or act of flying a glider) |
purjelento {n} | :: glide (act of gliding) |
purjelentokone {n} [aviation] | :: A glider airplane intended for soaring, a sailplane |
purjelotja {n} | :: sailing barge |
purjeneula {n} | :: sail needle |
purjevene {n} [nautical] | :: sailboat |
purjo {n} | :: leek, Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (vegetable, having edible leaves and a milder flavour than the onion) |
purjolaukka {n} [dated] | :: leek (vegetable) |
purjosipuli {n} | :: synonym of purjo |
purka {n} [dialectal] | :: moult (the loss of summer fur by an animal before the winter; used at least of reindeer) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to dismantle, dissemble, take apart, disassemble, deconstruct (into pieces) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to disentangle, undo, clear (up) (a mess) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to unravel (a knitwear), unstitch (a stitch) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to untie (a knot), unwind (a bandage, dressing), untwist (a rope), unwrap (package paper), untwine |
purkaa {vt} | :: to unload (remove cargo, load or burden) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to unpack (contents of a package; baggage) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to demolish, wreck, tear/pull/take down (a building) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to strike (a set, wings in theatre) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to dissolve, liquidate (a company, corporation) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to cancel, annul, revoke (a contract, deal); annul (a marriage) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to break off (an engagement) |
purkaa {vt} [legal] | :: to rescind, reverse (a decision) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to defuse (a bomb) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to discharge (water, lava, battery) |
purkaa {vt} | :: to discharge, release, vent, take out (emotions); to unburden, lighten (one's heart), let off steam |
purkaa {vt} [sports] | :: to clear (defend by moving the ball away from the defending goal) |
purkaa {vt} [cryptography] | :: to decrypt, decipher (a secret message) |
purkaa {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take apart, analyze, examine, review, reflect |
purkaa {vt} [programming] | :: to destruct (an object) |
purkaa {vt} [computing] | :: to extract (an archive) |
purkaa kiukkuaan {v} [idiomatic] | :: to vent one's spleen |
purkaantua {vi} | :: To unravel |
purkaa sydäntään {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get off one's chest, pour one's heart out |
purkaja {n} | :: dismantler, destructor, unraveler, unloader, defuser (the agent noun of purkaa) |
purkaja {n} [object-oriented programming] | :: destructor |
purkaminen {n} | :: Verbal noun of purkaa; possible meanings include: |
purkaminen {n} | :: dismantling |
purkaminen {n} | :: disentangling |
purkaminen {n} | :: unraveling, unstitching |
purkaminen {n} | :: untying, unwinding, untwisting, unwrapping |
purkaminen {n} | :: unloading, unpacking |
purkaminen {n} | :: demolition |
purkaminen {n} | :: dissolving, liquidation |
purkaminen {n} | :: revoking, annulling |
purkamistyö {n} | :: dismantling work |
purkaus {n} | :: an eruption (of a volcano) |
purkaus {n} | :: a discharge (of a battery) |
purkaus {n} | :: a fit, blow-up, explosion, eruption (of emotions) |
purkausaukko {n} [geology] | :: volcanic vent |
purkauspaikka {n} | :: place of unloading |
purkaussatama {n} | :: port of unloading, port of discharge |
purkaustyö {n} | :: demolition work |
purkautua {vi} | :: To be dismantled, come apart |
purkautua {vi} [of a knitwear] | :: To unravel, come undone |
purkautua {vi} [of a knot etc.] | :: To come untied/unwound |
purkautua {vi} [of a deal] | :: To be cancelled/annuled/revoked, (colloquial) fall through |
purkautua {vi} [of a marriage] | :: To break up |
purkautua {vi} [of an engagement] | :: To get broken off |
purkautua {vi} [legal, of a decision] | :: To be rescinded/reversed |
purkautua {vi} [of a battery] | :: To lose its charge, run down |
purkautua {vi} [of emotions] | :: To be released/vented, burst out, erupt |
purkautua {vi} [of a volcano] | :: To erupt |
purkautumistie {n} | :: outlet, vent (something which allows for the release of one's desires) |
purkautuva {adj} | :: extrusive, extruding |
purkinavaaja {n} | :: can opener |
purkittaa {vt} | :: To can (to preserve) |
purkka {n} [colloquial] | :: chewing gum, bubble gum (type of candy) |
purkka {n} [music] | :: bubblegum (pop music style) |
purkka {n} [slang] | :: kludge, hack (temporary and/or unelegant solution) |
purkkari {n} [nautical, slang] | :: purjevene (sailing boat) |
purkkari {n} [nautical, slang] | :: purjehduskenkä (boat shoe) |
purkki {n} | :: can |
purkki {n} | :: jar |
purkki {n} | :: canister (lightweight container) |
purkki {n} [computing, colloquial] | :: a BBS |
purku {n} | :: demolition (of a building) |
purku {n} | :: cancellation (of a contract) |
purku {n} [sports] | :: clear (the act of clearing) |
purkukielto {n} | :: demolition ban |
purkulaite {n} | :: demolition or demolishing device or equipment |
purkulaite {n} | :: unloading equipment |
purkulaite {n} | :: decoder, demultiplexer (device) |
purkulupa {n} | :: demolition permit |
purkurauta {n} | :: crowbar |
purkusuunnitelma {n} | :: demolition plan |
purkusuunnitelma {n} | :: unloading plan (such as of freight) |
purkutyö {n} | :: demolition work, dismantling work |
purkutyömaa {n} | :: demolition site |
purnata {vi} | :: to grumble, grouse, complain |
purnukka {n} | :: jar |
puro {n} | :: streamlet, brook, creek (body of running water smaller than a river) |
puronen {n} | :: diminutive of puro |
puronen {n} | :: streamlet |
puronieriä {n} | :: brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) |
purotaimen {n} | :: form of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario) |
purppura {adj} | :: purple |
purppura {n} | :: color purple |
purppurahapero {n} | :: A brittlegill, Russula undulata |
purppurajalkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius porphyropus |
purppurakana {n} | :: a purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio |
purppuranuijakas {n} [mushrooms] | :: purple fairy club, purple coral (Alloclavaria purpurea, a species of mushroom) |
purppuranuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius purpurascens |
purppurapihta {n} | :: Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis) |
purppurapilvi {n} | :: a purple cloud |
purppuravalo {n} | :: purple light (atmospheric phenomenon after sunset) |
purppuraviitta {n} | :: scarlet robe |
purppuroida {vt} | :: To purple |
purpura {n} [medicine] | :: purpura |
purra {vt} | :: To bite (more or less continuously, with the moment temporally not confined) |
purra hammasta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bite the bullet, grit one's teeth |
purra ruokkivaa kättä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bite the hand that feeds you (to cause harm to a benefactor) |
purse {n} [metallurgy] | :: flash |
purseri {n} [nautical] | :: A steward (ship's officer in charge of making dining arrangements and provisions) |
pursi {n} | :: sailboat (any small sailing vessel) |
pursi {n} [poetic] | :: barque (sailing vessel or boat of any kind) |
pursimies {n} [military ranks] | :: An NCO rank in the Finnish Navy. The official English translation is chief petty officer |
pursimies {n} [nautical] | :: boatswain, bosun |
pursiseura {n} | :: yacht club |
purskahdella {vi} | :: To spurt out, gush (repeatedly) |
purskahtaa {vi} [of blood, from a wound] | :: To gush, spurt |
purskahtaa {vi} | :: ~ nauruun = to burst out laughing/into laughter |
purskahtaa {vi} | :: ~ itkuun = to burst out crying/into tears |
purskauttaa {vt} | :: to spurt, gush |
purske {n} | :: burst (sudden, often intense, expression, manifestation or display; series of shots fired from an automatic firearm) |
purskua {vi} | :: to spurt, gush (to rush from a confined place in a small stream or jet) |
purskutella {vt} | :: to make spurt or gush repeatedly |
purskuttaa {vt} | :: to make spurt or gush |
purskuttaa {v} | :: to rinse one's mouth (with) |
pursotin {n} | :: a tool for piping, piping tube, pastry tube |
pursotinpussi {n} | :: piping bag, pastry bag |
pursottaa {vt} | :: to extrude |
pursu {n} | :: alternative form of suopursu |
pursua {v} | :: alternative form of pursuta |
pursuava {adj} | :: extrusive, extruding |
pursuilla {vi} | :: to gush or burst repeatedly |
pursuta {vi} | :: To gush, burst |
pursuttaa {vt} | :: to cause to gush or burst |
purtilo {n} | :: trough, manger |
purtilo {n} [colloquial] | :: boat |
purtojuuri {n} | :: devil's-bit (Succisa pratensis) |
purtojuuri {n} | :: a plant of genus Succisa |
purtojuuri {n} [in the plural] | :: the genus Succisa |
puru {n} [rare] | :: synonym of pureminen |
puru {n} [in compounds] | :: chewing |
puru {n} | :: A quantity of finely chewn food, such as a bird may give to its young |
puru {n} | :: chaw, chew (plug or wad of chewing tobacco) |
puru {n} [pathology] | :: ache, pain (gnawing, persistent pain, especially in stomach) |
puru {n} | :: dust, powder, swarf (waste chips, shavings and dust from working a solid material) |
puruimuri {n} | :: dust collector (industrial machine) |
purukalusto {n} [colloquial] | :: teeth |
purukumi {n} | :: chewing gum |
purukumi {n} | :: bubblegum |
purulelu {n} | :: teething ring (object designed for a baby to chew during the teething stage) |
puruluu {n} | :: chewing bone |
purupihka {n} | :: chewing resin (often birch resin or birch tar) |
pururata {n} | :: a walking or running road or route covered and/or marked with sawdust or a similar material |
purutupakka {n} | :: chewing tobacco |
pusakka {n} | :: jacket, smock (informal, usually loose-fitting piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) |
pusata {v} | :: to tinker (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner) |
pusero {n} | :: blouse |
pusero {n} | :: sweater, light jacket |
puseroisillaan {adv} | :: wearing a blouse (but nothing on top of it) |
puseroisilleen {adv} | :: into wearing a blouse (but nothing on top of it) |
puserrin {n} | :: squeezer |
pusertaa {vt} | :: to squeeze |
pusertaa {vt} | :: to press (together) |
pusertaa {vt} | :: to crush |
pusertaa {vt} | :: to jam, cram |
pusertaa {vt} | :: to rice (squeeze through a ricer) |
pusertaa kuivaksi {v} | :: to squeeze dry |
pusertautua {vi} | :: to squeeze or press oneself, such as through a crowd |
pusertua {vi} | :: To squeeze |
pusi {interj} | :: mwah (sound of a kiss) |
pusia {v} [colloquial] | :: to smooch, to kiss |
pusikko {n} | :: thicket, copse |
puska {n} [colloquial] | :: bush, shrub (plant) |
puska {n} [colloquial] | :: bush (pubic hair) |
puskaradio {n} | :: grapevine (informal means of circulating gossip) |
puskaraiskaus {n} [colloquial] | :: a rape that is perpetrated in a public space, usually outdoors and by an individual previously unknown to the victim |
puskea {v} | :: to ram, to push |
puskea {v} | :: to gore (to pierce with horns) |
puskea {v} [sports] | :: to header (strike a ball with one's head) |
puskeutua {vi} | :: to push oneself |
puskikko {n} | :: thicket |
puskin {n} | :: A rammer or other tool for ramming or pushing |
puskualus {n} | :: towboat |
puskuri {n} | :: bumper (an impact absorber in an automobile) |
puskuri {n} | :: bumper (a mechanical device to absorb impact) |
puskuri {n} | :: anything that rams |
puskuri {n} [chemistry, computing] | :: buffer |
puskuriliuos {n} [chemistry] | :: buffer solution |
puskurivyöhyke {n} | :: buffer zone |
puskuroida {vt} | :: To buffer |
puskusauma {n} | :: butt joint |
puskutraktori {n} | :: bulldozer |
puskuttaa {v} | :: to puff |
pusla {n} | :: bushing |
pussailla {v} [colloquial] | :: to kiss repeatedly; to snog, make out |
pussailu {n} [colloquial] | :: kissing, smooching |
pussata {v} [colloquial] | :: to kiss, smooch, peck |
pusseittain {adv} | :: in bags, by the bag |
pussi {n} | :: bag, pouch, sac |
pussi {n} [marsupials] | :: pouch |
pussi {n} [billiards] | |
pussi {n} [colloquial, in plural] | :: scrotum |
pussi {n} [in compounds] | :: Together with certain modifiers used to produce compound terms meaning a person who has a lot of a given characteristic; bag of |
pussiahma {n} | :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii |
pussiäyriäinen {n} | :: a barnacle in family Sacculinidae |
pussiäyriäinen {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Sacculinidae |
pussieläin {n} | :: A marsupial |
pussihiha {n} | :: puff sleeve |
pussihiiri {n} | :: dunnart (any of various small marsupials, of the genus Sminthopsis) |
pussihousut {n} | :: baggy pants, breeches, jodhpurs |
pussihukka {n} | :: thylacine, Tasmanian tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus |
pussihyppyrotta {n} | :: kultarr (Antechinomys laniger) |
pussijuoksu {n} | :: sack race (type of children's game) |
pussikalja {n} | :: beer from a bag of beers |
pussikaniini {n} | :: bilby (marsupial of the genus Macrotis, native to Australia) |
pussikarhu {n} | :: koala |
pussikärsäpäästäinen {n} | :: synonym of kärsäpussipäästäinen |
pussikas {n} | :: bagworm (a member of the family Psychidae) |
pussikas {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Psychidae |
pussikatu {n} | :: a dead-end street (such as into a park) |
pussikehrääjä {n} | :: synonym of pussikas |
pussikeitto {n} | :: instant soup |
pussikettu {n} | :: common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula |
pussikissa {n} | :: synonym of pussinäätä |
pussikko {n} | :: Alternative term for pussihiiri (dunnart) |
pussikoi {n} | :: A species of moth |
pussikontiainen {n} | :: marsupial mole (a marsupial in family Notoryctidae) |
pussikontiainen {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Notoryctidae |
pussilakana {n} | :: duvet cover, quilt cover |
pussillinen {n} | :: bagful, sackful |
pussimaamyyrä {n} | :: synonym of pussikontiainen |
pussimatti {n} [chess] | :: smothered mate |
pussimäyrä {n} | :: bandicoot (long-nosed marsupial of the order Peramelemorphia) |
pussimuurahaiskarhu {n} | :: numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) |
pussinäätä {n} | :: quoll (carnivorous marsupial of the genus Dasyurus found in Australia and New Guinea) |
pussinperä {n} [figurative] | :: dead end, cul-de-sac |
pussipäästäinen {n} | :: shrew opossum (a marsupial in family Caenolestidae) |
pussipäästäinen {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Caenolestidae |
pussipeto {n} | :: marsupial carnivore |
pussipiru {n} | :: Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii |
pussipoimulepakko {n} | :: greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata) |
pussirotta {n} | :: opossum |
pussisaukko {n} | :: water opossum, Chironectes minimus |
pussisika {n} | :: pig-footed bandicoot (Chaeropus ecaudatus) |
pussitee {n} | :: tea prepared with a teabag |
pussitiainen {n} | :: European penduline tit, Remiz pendulinus |
pussittaa {v} | :: To pouch (to enclose in a pouch) |
pussittaa {v} | :: To trap as in a pouch, also figuratively |
pussittaa {v} | :: To hang as a pouch or shaped as a pouch |
pussittaa {v} [billiards] | :: To pocket |
pussitus {n} | :: pouching (enclosing in a pouch) |
pussitus {n} [billiards] | :: pocketing |
pusta {n} | :: pusta |
pustula {n} [pathology] | :: pustule |
pusu {n} [colloquial] | :: a kiss, especially a short one, a peck |
pusukala {n} | :: kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii) |
put {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: putt, imitating the sound of a low speed internal combustion engine, usually repeated at least twice: put, put |
putata {v} [golf] | :: to putt |
putatiivinen {adj} | :: putative (commonly believed or deemed to be the case) |
puteli {n} [colloquial] | :: bottle |
putelli {n} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of puteli ("bottle") |
putiikki {n} | :: boutique (small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like) |
putiikki {n} [dialectal] | :: any shop |
putiikki {n} [slang] | :: firm, company |
putina {n} [dialectal] | :: a type of wooden jug |
putipuhdas {adj} | :: spick-and-span, clean as a whistle (absolutely clean, spotless) |
putka {n} | :: A drunk tank, jail, usually located in a police station |
putkahdella {vi} | :: to keep popping up or cropping up |
putkahtaa {v} | :: to pop up (to appear without warning) |
putkeen {adv} [colloquial] | :: nonstop, in a row |
putkeen {adv} [colloquial] | :: correctly, right; swimmingly |
putki {n} | :: tube, pipe |
putki {n} | :: duct, conduit |
putki {n} | :: barrel (of a large calibre firearm) |
putki {n} | :: streak (continuous series of like events) |
putki {n} | :: bout (period of something) |
putki {n} [figuratively] | :: pipeline (system through which something is conducted) |
putki {n} | :: cow parsley (plant in the family Apiaceae similar to Anthriscus sylvestris) |
putkiaivo {n} | :: one-track mind |
putkiasentaja {n} | :: plumber (one who furnishes, fits, and repairs pipes) |
putkihämähäkki {n} | :: purseweb spider, atypical tarantula (spider of the family Atypidae, that builds a silken tube close to the ground) |
putkihampainen {n} | :: A mammal of the taxonomic order Tubulidentata |
putkikassi {n} | :: tube bag (style of bag, roughly tubular in shape, usually equipped with handles and shoulder strap) |
putkikellot {n} [musical instruments] | :: tubular bells |
putkikirves {n} | :: socketed axe |
putkikuono {n} | :: tube-snout, tubesnout, Aulorhynchus flavidus (small fish found on the Pacific coast of North America, the only species in its family Aulorhynchidae) |
putkikuono {n} [in plural] | :: Aulorhynchidae (family of fish) |
putkikuono {n} | :: tube-nosed fruit bat (bat of the genus Nyctimene) |
putkilo {n} [botany] | :: vessel, trachea |
putkilo {n} | :: tube (container for toothpaste, ointment) |
putkilokasvi {n} [botany] | :: vascular plant |
putkilukko {n} | :: pipe lock |
putkiluu {n} [anatomy] | :: long bone |
putkimainen {adj} | :: tubular |
putkimato {n} | :: tubeworm |
putkimies {n} | :: plumber |
putkinäkö {n} | :: tunnel vision (restricted field of vision) |
putkipihdit {n} | :: pipe wrench |
putkiposti {n} | :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (system that propels cylindrical containers through a network of tubes by compressed air or by partial vacuum, used primarily as a system for delivering mail and similar parcels) |
putkiposti {n} | :: pneumatic post, pneumatic mail (mail delivered through such system) |
putkiradio {n} | :: tube radio (radio that works with vacuum or electron tubes) |
putkiremontti {n} | :: pipe repair |
putkirikko {n} | :: pipe break |
putkiruuvipenkki {n} | :: pipe vise |
putkisilta {n} | :: tubular bridge |
putkisolu {n} [botany] | :: tracheid cell |
putkisto {n} | :: tubing (system of tubes) |
putkitongit {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of putkipihdit |
putkittaa {vt} | :: to tube (furnish with tubes) |
putkittaa {vt} [computing] | :: to pipe |
putkityö {n} | :: plumbing work, plumbery |
putlaus {n} [metallurgy] | :: puddling |
putoaminen {n} | :: falling |
putoamisaika {n} [physics] | :: falling time, time in free fall |
putoamiskiihtyvyys {n} [mechanics] | :: acceleration due to gravity |
putoamisliike {n} [physics] | :: free fall, falling, falling motion |
putoilla {v} | :: to fall, drop (repeatedly) |
putoilla kuin kärpäsiä {v} [simile] | :: to drop like flies |
putous {n} | :: fall, drop |
putous {n} | :: slope |
putous {n} | :: waterfall |
putputtaa {v} | :: to putt (make a putting sound) |
putputtaa {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get tired, lose power etc |
putputtaa {v} | :: to dook |
putreskiini {n} | :: putrescin |
putsata {vt} [colloquial] | :: To clean, cleanse |
puttaus {n} [golf] | :: putt |
putteri {n} [golf] | :: putter |
putti {n} [golf] | :: putt |
putto {n} | :: putto, cherub |
puu {n} | :: tree |
puu {n} | :: wood (material) |
puu {n} [in compounds] | :: wooden |
puu {n} [graph theory, computing theory] | :: tree (data structure, connected acyclic graph) |
puu {n} [golf] | :: wood |
puuaine {n} | :: wood (as a material) |
puuaines {n} [technical] | :: wood, timber (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree) |
puuastia {n} | :: wooden vessel, wooden dish |
puucee {n} [colloquial] | :: wooden outhouse (toilet) |
puudeli {n} | :: poodle |
puuduksiin {adv} | :: into being numb |
puuduksissa {adv} | :: (being) numb |
puudute {n} | :: (local) anesthetic |
puuduttaa {v} | :: to numb, benumb (to cause to go numb) |
puuduttaa {vt} [medicine] | :: to give a local anesthetic, to deaden, to numb; to anesthetize a part of the body (without sedation) |
puudutus {n} [medicine] | :: anesthesia |
puudutusaine {n} | :: (local) anesthetic |
puuha {n} | :: chore, work, trouble, undertaking, activity |
puuhailla {vi} | :: to keep busy with, to potter around with |
puuhakas {adj} | :: energetic, active |
puuhake {n} | :: wood chips |
puuhakkaasti {adv} | :: energetically, actively |
puuhaku {n} [computer science] | :: tree search, tree lookup |
puuhamaa {n} | :: playland (area of free recreation) |
puuhamaa {n} | :: amusement park |
puuhamies {n} [colloquial] | :: organizer, especially one who works on a voluntary basis |
puuhanhi {n} | :: magpie-goose (bird Anseranas semipalmata) |
puuhanhi {n} | :: a representation of goose made of wood; wooden goose |
puuhastella {vt} | :: to fumble around with, to potter around with |
puuhastelu {n} | :: busy work, basketweaving (useless or unproductive activity) |
puuhata {vi} | :: To keep busy with |
puuhautaus {n} | :: tree burial |
puuhevonen {n} | :: wooden toy horse |
puuhiili {n} | :: charcoal |
puuhka {n} | :: muff (piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) |
puuhka {n} | :: a position in which the arms are crossed |
puuhöylä {n} [woodworking] | :: wood plane (tool) |
puuhuilu {n} [musical instruments] | :: Irish flute |
puujakso {n} | :: the trees of a certain age in a forest collectively; tree storey, forest storey |
puujalka {n} | :: wooden leg |
puujalka {n} | :: stilt |
puujalka {n} | :: charley horse |
puujalkavitsi {n} | :: dad joke |
puujauho {n} | :: wood flour |
puujuna {n} | :: wooden train (often a toy one) |
puujuna {n} | :: timber train (train transporting timber) |
puukaasu {n} | :: woodgas |
puukaasutin {n} | :: A gasifier that produces carbon monoxide from wood |
puukaiverrus {n} | :: woodcut (print and a method of printmaking from an engraved block of wood) |
puukala {n} | :: wooden fish (percussion instrument) |
puukasa {n} | :: A pile of wood |
puukatto {n} | :: wooden ceiling |
puukatto {n} | :: wooden roof |
puukauppa {n} [uncountable] | :: timber trade (forest owners' business of selling raw wood to the forest industry) |
puukauppa {n} [countable] | :: timber sale (instance of selling raw wood) |
puukaupunki {n} | :: wooden city, a city in which houses were built of wood |
puukenkä {n} | :: clog (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel) |
puukerros {n} | :: tree layer |
puukiipijä {n} | :: Eurasian treecreeper or common treecreeper (Certhia familiaris) |
puukikoortinki {n} [nautical] | :: buntline |
puukirkko {n} | :: wooden church |
puukko {n} | :: hunting knife, puukko [type of knife] |
puukkohippa {n} [colloquial, idiomatic, jocular] | :: a knife fight |
puukkohippaset {n} | :: knifeplay |
puukkojunkkari {n} [historical] | :: A type of troublemakers who were common in South Ostrobothnia mostly in the 19th century |
puukkosaha {n} | :: reciprocating saw |
puukkosaha {n} | :: synonym of pistosaha |
puukkoseppä {n} | :: A knifesmith who specializes in puukko-type hunting knives |
puukoin ja puntarein {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: by hook or by crook |
puukomposiitti {n} | :: wood-plastic composite |
puukonhaava {n} | :: knife wound |
puukottaa {vt} [+ partitive] | :: to stab; to knife (to use a knife to kill or injure) |
puukottaa {vt} [+ accusative] | :: to stab or knife (resulting death) |
puukottaa {v} [colloquial, jocular] | :: to operate (to perform surgery) |
puukottaja {n} | :: stabber |
puukotus {n} | :: stabbing, knifing |
puukoulu {n} | :: wooden school |
puulaatikko {n} | :: woodbox (box used for storage of firewood) |
puulaatikko {n} | :: wooden box (box made of wood) |
puulaiva {n} | :: wooden ship |
puulaji {n} | :: species of tree |
puulaji {n} | :: wood (from a particular species) |
puulajipuisto {n} | :: arboretum |
puulajitiede {n} | :: dendrology |
puulautanen {n} | :: wooden plate |
puuleikkaus {n} | :: wood carving (decoration made in wood by carving) |
puulelu {n} | :: wooden toy |
puuleopardi {n} | :: clouded leopard, Neofelis nebulosa |
puulevy {n} | :: wooden panel, wooden board |
puuliesi {n} | :: wood-burning stove |
puuliima {n} | :: wood glue |
puuliiteri {n} | :: woodshed |
puuliitos {n} | :: woodworking joint, wood joint |
puulla päähän lyöty {adj} [idiomatic, often with kuin] | :: stunned |
puulukko {n} | :: a primitive wooden lock |
puuluokka {n} | :: tree class |
puulusikka {n} | :: wooden spoon |
puuma {n} | :: mountain lion, puma, cougar, Puma concolor (large cat) |
puuma {n} [colloquial] | :: cougar (older woman who actively seeks the casual, often sexual, companionship of younger men) |
puumainen {adj} | :: Resembling wood or a tree; woody; treelike |
puumaisuus {n} | :: treeness, likeness to a tree |
puumaisuus {n} | :: woodiness, likeness to wood |
Puumala {prop} | :: Puumala (municipality) |
puumalainen {adj} | :: alternative form of puumalalainen |
puumalainen {n} | :: alternative form of puumalalainen |
Puumalainen {prop} | :: surname |
puumalalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Puumala |
puumalalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Puumala |
puumerkki {n} [chiefly historical] | :: a mark or insignia used by the illiterate as a signature or autograph |
puumuura {n} | :: Any passerine bird in the taxonomic family Thamnophilidae, the antbird family |
puunata {v} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of buunata |
puunaula {n} | :: wooden nail or stud |
puunenä {n} [idiomatic] | :: A symbol of a liar; a person may be said to have or get a "wooden nose", if he/she is caught of lying |
puunhaara {n} | :: tree fork |
puunhakkaaja {n} [dated] | :: hewer, woodcutter (worker who cuts trees with an axe) |
puunhoitaja {n} | :: arborist, arboriculturist (person who practices arboriculture) |
puuni {n} | :: Punic (language) |
puuni {n} | :: first-person singular possissive form of puu |
puunilainen {adj} | :: Punic |
puunilaissota {n} | :: Punic War |
puun ja kuoren välissä {phrase} | :: between a rock and a hard place |
puunjalostus {n} | :: wood processing |
puunjalostusteollisuus {n} | :: wood processing industry |
puunjuuri {n} | :: tree root |
puunkaivaja {n} | :: deathwatch beetle (beetle of the family Anobiidae) |
puunkaivertaja {n} | :: woodcutter, xylographer (one who makes woodcuts) |
puunkanto {n} | :: tree stump |
puunkolo {n} | :: tree hollow |
puunkorjuu {n} | :: logging, timber harvesting |
puunkuori {n} | :: bark, rind |
puunkyllästysaine {n} | :: wood preservative |
puunleikkaaja {n} | :: woodcarver |
puunleikkaus {n} | :: wood carving (art of carving decorations in wood) |
puunsuoja-aine {n} | :: wood preservative |
puun takaa {phrase} | :: See: fipuun takaa |
puun takaa {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: out of nowhere |
puuntyöstö {n} | :: woodworking |
puupää {n} | :: blockhead (dumb person) |
puupäästäinen {n} | :: An erroneous term sometimes used of tree shrews, which are called tupaija in Finnish |
puupaneeli {n} | :: wood panel, wooden panel |
puupankki {n} | :: treebank |
puupelletti {n} | :: wood pellet |
puupenni {n} | :: plug nickel (nearly worthless amount) |
puupiirros {n} | :: a drawing or engraving on wood |
puupino {n} | :: woodpile |
puupöly {n} | :: wood dust |
puupora {n} | :: wood drill |
puuppikansi {n} [nautical] | :: poop deck |
puupuhallin {n} [musical instruments] | :: woodwind |
puuraaka-aine {n} | :: wood raw material |
puuraja {n} | :: tree line |
puurakenne {n} | :: wooden structure |
puurakennus {n} | :: wooden building |
puurakentaminen {n} | :: building or construction with wood |
puurakenteinen {adj} | :: Made of wood; having wooden structure |
puuro {n} | :: porridge |
puurojauho {n} | :: porridge flour |
puuropata {n} | :: porridge pot |
puuroriisi {n} | :: pudding rice (short-grained white rice that thickens easily) |
puurot ja vellit {phrase} | :: apples and oranges (two incompatible, different things) |
puurouttaa {vt} [literally] | :: to make into porridge |
puurouttaa {vt} [figurative] | :: to jam, to bog down |
puuroutua {vi} | :: to thicken (usually into a porridge) |
puurtaa {vi} | :: to work hard |
puurtaminen {n} | :: working hard, grind |
Puurunen {prop} | :: surname |
puuruuvi {n} | :: wood screw |
puusavanni {n} | :: tree savanna |
puusee {n} | :: (official spelling of) puucee |
puuseita {n} | :: a seita that is a tree or located by one |
puusepänlakka {n} | :: synonym of pulituuri |
puuseppä {n} | :: carpenter, especially one who makes furniture and interiors |
puuseppä {n} | :: joiner |
puuseppä {n} | :: cabinetmaker |
puusilmä {n} | :: A wooden eye; an eye prosthesis made of wood |
puusilmä {n} [derogative] | :: An idiotic person, especially one that does not observe things which he/she should |
puusilta {n} | :: wooden bridge |
puuska {n} | :: gust, blast, scud |
puuska {n} | :: fit (sudden outburst of emotion) |
puuska {n} | :: synonym of puuhka |
puuskahtaa {v} | :: to splurge |
puuskahtaa {vt} | :: to blurt out, to say something abruptly (especially when angry) |
puuskainen {adj} | :: gusty, blustery (of wind, blowing in gusts) |
puuskajuoppous {n} | :: synonym of kausijuoppous |
puuskarintama {n} | :: outflow boundary |
puuskassa {adv} [kädet, ... ~] | :: akimbo |
puuskittain {adv} | :: paroxysmally, in gusts, in fits and starts |
puuskittainen {adj} | :: gusty |
puuskittaisesti {adv} | :: gustily |
puuskuttaa {vi} | :: to pant, to puff |
puusolukko {n} [botany] | :: xylem |
puustavi {n} [archaic] | :: letter (a letter of the alphabet) |
puusto {n} | :: The trees of an area collectively; the forest cover |
puuta {n} | :: A pood (Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kg) |
puuta heinää {adv} [idiomatic] | :: malarkey, rubbish, poppycock |
puutalo {n} | :: wooden house |
puutaloalue {n} | :: area with wooden houses |
puutarha {n} | :: garden |
puutarhahortensia {n} | :: bigleaf hydrangea, French hydrangea, lacecap hydrangea, mophead hydrangea, penny Mac, Hydrangea macrophylla |
puutarhakasvi {n} | :: garden plant |
puutarhakaupunki {n} | :: garden city |
puutarhakeinu {n} | :: garden swing |
puutarhaletku {n} | :: garden hose |
puutarhamansikka {n} | :: garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) |
puutarhamulta {n} | :: garden soil |
puutarhaneuvos {n} | :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished gardeners or other people involved in gardening |
puutarhanhoitaja {n} | :: A groundskeeper |
puutarhanhoito {n} | :: gardening (art and practice of cultivating gardens) |
puutarhanhoito {n} | :: horticulture (the science of caring for gardens) |
puutarhanviljely {n} | :: horticulture, gardening |
puutarhapalsta {n} | :: garden plot |
puutarhapöytä {n} | :: garden table |
puutarhasakset {n} | :: garden shears, pruning shears |
puutarhasuunnittelu {n} | :: garden design |
puutarhataide {n} | :: garden art |
puutarhatalous {n} | :: horticulture, market gardening |
puutarhatila {n} | :: horticultural holding |
puutarhatonttu {n} | :: garden gnome |
puutarhatuoli {n} | :: garden chair |
puutarhatyö {n} | :: gardening work |
puutarhatyökalu {n} | :: gardening tool |
puutarhuri {n} | :: gardener |
puutavara {n} | :: lumber, timber, wood |
puutavaraliike {n} | :: lumberyard (facility dedicated to the sale of lumber) |
puutavaramarkkinat {n} | :: market or markets for timber |
puutavaranuitto {n} | :: timber rafting |
puute {n} | :: shortage |
puute {n} | :: deficiency |
puute {n} | :: shortcoming |
puute {n} | :: poverty |
puute {n} | :: drought |
puuteollisuus {n} | :: timber industry, wood industry |
puuteri {n} [cosmetics] | :: powder |
puuteri {n} | :: powder snow |
puuterihuisku {n} | :: powder puff |
puuterilumi {n} | :: powder snow (loose, powdery snow, especially in the context of alpine skiing) |
puuterisokeri {n} | :: powdered sugar |
puuteroida {vt} | :: To powder |
Puuti {prop} [rare] | :: The Finnish name of the municipality of Boden, Sweden in the north of Sweden |
puutiainen {n} | :: any tick of the family Ixodidae, especially any castor bean tick (Ixodes ricinus), known to transmit borrelia |
puutiaisaivokuume {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of puutiaisaivotulehdus |
puutiaisaivotulehdus {n} [pathology] | :: tick-borne encephalitis, TBE (viral disease of central nervous system borne by ticks) |
puutomaatti {n} | :: tamarillo |
puuton {adj} | :: treeless |
puuton {adj} | :: deforested |
puuton {adj} | :: unforested (not covered with forest), not forested |
puuton {adj} | :: bare (free of trees) |
puutos {n} | :: deficiency |
puutosoire {n} | :: deficiency symptom |
puutostauti {n} | :: deficiency disease |
puutteellinen {adj} | :: insufficient, inadequate |
puutteellinen {adj} | :: incomplete |
puutteellisesti {adv} | :: insufficiently, inadequately, incompletely |
puuttua {vi} | :: to be missing; inanimate thing in elative or animate thing in ablative + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = to lack |
puuttua {vi} [_, + illative] | :: to intervene, get involved in, interfere with |
puuttua {v} | :: to clamp down on, to put an end to (to take measures to stop something) |
puuttuminen {n} | :: lack |
puutua {vi} [of a limb] | :: to grow numb |
puutua {vi} | :: to become wooden or woody |
puutunut {adj} | :: asleep, numb |
puutuoli {n} | :: wooden chair |
puutyö {n} | :: woodwork (handiwork with wood) |
puutyökalu {n} | :: woodworking tool |
puuvaja {n} | :: woodshed |
puuvapaa {adj} [paper industry] | :: Woodfree |
puuvarsi {n} | :: wooden stem |
puuvarsi {n} | :: wooden shaft |
puuvartinen {adj} [botany] | :: woody |
puuvasara {n} | :: maul, mallet, carpenter's mallet |
puuvene {n} | :: wooden boat |
puuvilla {n} | :: cotton (type of plant used as a source of cotton fiber) |
puuvilla {n} | :: cotton (raw material) |
puuvilla {n} | :: cotton (textile) |
puuvillainen {adj} | :: cotton (made of cotton) |
puuvillakangas {n} | :: cotton (textile) |
puuvillansiemenöljy {n} | :: cottonseed oil |
puvunhousut {n} | :: dress pants |
puvustaa {v} [theater] | :: to costume |
puvustaja {n} | :: costumier |
puvusto {n} | :: wardrobe (costume department, collection of clothing) |
puvustus {n} | :: costumes |
pv {n} | :: abbreviation of päivä |
pvm. {n} | :: abbreviation of päivämäärä |
PVR-laite {n} | :: personal video recorder, PVR (device that can record video from various sources for subsequent playback through a television set) |
pyältää {vt} | :: To notch, to cover in notches |
pygmi {n} | :: A pygmy |
pyh {interj} | :: bah, meh |
pyhä {adj} | :: holy, sacred |
pyhä {adj} | :: when capitalized, Saint |
pyhä {adj} | :: when used as modifier in compound term (pyhä-), Sunday, dominical, Sunday-go-to-meeting, holy etc |
pyhä {adj} | :: taboo, border |
pyhä {n} | :: holiday |
pyhäaamu {n} | :: Sunday morning |
pyhä allianssi {prop} | :: alternative case form of Pyhä allianssi |
pyhä allianssi {prop} [figuratively] | :: any tight, seemingly inseparable alliance |
Pyhä allianssi {prop} [history] | :: the Holy Alliance |
Pyhä allianssi {prop} | :: alternative case form of pyhä allianssi |
pyhä ehtoollinen {n} [Christianity] | :: The Holy Communion |
Pyhä Henki {prop} [Christianity] | :: The Holy Spirit |
pyhäiibis {n} | :: sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus |
pyhäiibis {n} | :: ibis (bird of the genus Threskiornis) |
pyhäiibis {n} [in plural] | :: Threskiornis (genus in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills) |
pyhäinhäväistys {n} | :: sacrilege |
pyhäinjäännös {n} [religion] | :: A relic |
pyhäinjäännöslipas {n} [religion] | :: A reliquary |
pyhäinkuva {n} | :: icon (religious painting) |
pyhäinkuvakaappi {n} | :: synonym of ikonikaappi |
pyhäinmiestenpäivä {n} | :: All Hallows' Day |
pyhäinpäivä {n} | :: All Saints' Day, All Hallows' Day |
pyhä isä {n} [Christianity] | :: The Holy Father (the Pope) |
Pyhä Isä {prop} [Christianity] | :: The Holy Father (God) |
pyhäisin {adv} | :: alternative form of pyhisin |
Pyhä istuin {prop} | :: The Holy See |
pyhäjärveläinen {adj} | :: alternative form of pyhäjärvinen |
pyhäjärveläinen {n} | :: alternative form of pyhäjärvinen |
Pyhäjärvi {prop} | :: Pyhäjärvi (town) |
Pyhäjärvi {prop} | :: Pyhäjärvi (former municipality) |
Pyhäjärvi {prop} | :: A former Finnish municipality in the Karelian Isthmus, now the Russian municipality Отрадное |
Pyhäjärvi {prop} | :: Any of a number of lakes in Finland |
pyhäjärvinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
pyhäjärvinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pyhäjärvi (Finnish municipality) |
pyhäjokelainen {adj} | :: alternative form of pyhäjokinen |
pyhäjokelainen {n} | :: alternative form of pyhäjokinen |
Pyhäjoki {prop} | :: Pyhäjoki (municipality) |
Pyhäjoki {prop} | :: surname |
pyhäjokinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäjoki (Finnish municipality) |
pyhäjokinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pyhäjoki (Finnish municipality) |
Pyhä kirja {prop} | :: the Holy Book, the Holy Writ (Bible) |
pyhäkkö {n} | :: shrine (holy place) |
pyhäkoulu {n} | :: Sunday school |
pyhäkoululainen {n} | :: Sunday school student, Sunday school pupil (person attending a Sunday school) |
pyhäkoulunopettaja {n} | :: Sunday school teacher |
pyhä lehmä {n} | :: sacred cow |
pyhä leipä {n} | :: Holy Bread |
Pyhä maa {prop} [Christianity] | :: The Holy Land |
Pyhän Kolminaisuuden päivä {n} | :: Trinity Sunday |
Pyhäntä {prop} | :: Pyhäntä (municipality) |
pyhäntäläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäntä |
pyhäntäläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pyhäntä |
Pyhän Yrjön kanaali {prop} | :: St George's Channel |
pyhäpäivä {n} | :: holiday |
pyhä pillerinpyörittäjä {n} | :: scarab, Scarabaeus sacer (species of beetle, sacred to the ancient Egyptians) |
pyhäpukeissaan {adv} | :: in one's Sunday best |
pyhäpuku {n} | :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday) |
Pyhäranta {prop} | :: Pyhäranta (municipality) |
pyhärantalainen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhäranta |
pyhärantalainen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pyhäranta |
Pyhä saksalais-roomalainen keisarikunta {prop} | :: Holy Roman Empire |
Pyhäselkä {prop} | :: Pyhäselkä (former municipality), now part of Joensuu. |
pyhä sota {n} | :: Sacred War (three wars fought in ancient Greece) |
pyhä sota {n} | :: holy war (primarily religious war) |
pyhä sota {n} | :: crusade, jihad (aggressive campaign for some worthy cause) |
pyhästi {adv} | :: sacredly |
pyhättö {n} | :: shrine |
pyhätyö {n} | :: Sunday work, work on Sundays |
pyhävaatteet {n} | :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday) |
pyhempi {adj} | :: comparative of pyhä |
pyhiinvaellus {n} | :: pilgrimage |
pyhiinvaellus {n} | :: hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca made by pious Muslims) |
pyhiinvaellusmatka {n} | :: pilgrimage |
pyhiinvaeltaja {n} | :: A pilgrim |
pyhimyksenkuva {n} [religion] | :: icon |
pyhimys {n} | :: A saint |
pyhimyskalastaja {n} | :: sacred kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus) |
pyhimyskehä {n} [religion] | :: halo |
pyhimysluettelo {n} | :: canon |
pyhimystarina {n} [religion] | :: legend |
pyhimystaru {n} | :: Saint legend |
pyhisin {adv} | :: in holidays |
pyhisin {adv} | :: every Sunday |
pyhittää {v} | :: to sanctify |
pyhittää {v} | :: to consecrate |
pyhittää {v} | :: to devote |
pyhittää {v} | :: to sacralize (to make sacred) |
pyhittäytyä {v} | :: to devote oneself (to) |
pyhitys {n} | :: sanctification |
Pyhtää {prop} | :: Pyhtää |
pyhtääläinen {adj} | :: from, related or pertaining to Pyhtää |
pyhtääläinen {n} | :: a person from or living in Pyhtää |
pyhyys {n} | :: holiness, sacredness |
pyj {n} | :: initialism of pienin yhteinen jaettava (least common multiple); lcm |
pyjama {n} | :: pajamas, pyjamas |
pyjamaisillaan {adv} | :: in one's pyjamas |
pykälä {n} | :: A notch, a dent or a nick |
pykälä {n} [legal] | :: A section, paragraph, clause (in a legal code, a subsection of luku; the subsection of this is momentti) |
pykälä {n} [legal] | :: A clause, paragraph (in a contract or other legal document) |
pykälä {n} | :: A section sign (§), also pykälämerkki, pykälän merkki, pykälänmerkki |
pykälämerkki {n} [legal, typography] | :: The section sign (§) |
pykäläpuu {n} | :: tally stick (notched piece of wood used for keeping an account) |
pykälikäs {adj} | :: jagged |
pykälikkö {n} | :: small forest prepared for slashing and burning |
pykälittäin {adv} | :: in steps |
pykälittäin {adv} | :: by section or paragraph |
pykällys {n} | :: separating reindeer between those to kept alive and those to be slaughtered |
pykälöidä {vi} | :: to indent, to dent, to notch |
pykätä {vt} [colloquial] | :: to build |
pykiä {v} | :: to chap (of the skin, to split or flake due to cold weather or dryness) |
pykiä {v} | :: to crack (to form cracks due to drying, shrinking or other such process) |
pyknikko {n} | :: pyknic |
pyknometri {n} | :: pycnometer |
pykriitti {n} | :: pykrete |
pyllähtää {vi} | :: to fall over, especially if with a spinning motion |
pylläyttää {vt} | :: to cause to fall over, especially if with a spinning motion |
pyllistää {v} [colloquial] | :: to moon, to bend over |
pyllistellä {v} [colloquial] | :: to moon or bend over repeatedly |
pylly {n} [colloquial] | :: arse, ass, butt, buttocks |
pyllyseksi {n} | :: bum sex |
pyllyvako {n} [anatomy, vulgar] | :: butt crack |
pylpyrä {n} [rare] | :: pulley |
pylväikkö {n} | :: colonnade |
pylväistö {n} | :: alternative form of pylväikkö |
pylväs {n} [architecture] | :: column (an upright supporting beam) |
pylväs {n} | :: a free-standing column or pillar |
pylväs {n} | :: bar (in a bar chart, a longish shape with some volume) |
pylväs {n} [crocheting] | :: treble crochet [UK], double crochet [US] |
pylväsdiagrammi {n} | :: bar chart |
pylväsjärjestelmä {n} [architecture] | :: order (disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it; a style or manner of architectural designing) |
pylväskaappi {n} | :: a tall but thin cabinet |
pylväskaavio {n} | :: bar chart |
pylväskataja {n} | :: A tall and slim variant of common juniper, Juniperus communis |
pylväskäytävä {n} [architecture] | :: colonnaded walkway |
pylväskuvio {n} | :: bar chart |
pylväsporakone {n} | :: column drilling machine, pillar drilling machine |
pylväspyhimys {n} | :: stylite |
pylvässali {n} | :: any hall with a supporting column or columns |
pylvässänky {n} [furniture] | :: A canopy bed |
pyntätä {vt} [colloquial] | :: to dress up, spruce, doll up |
pynttäytyä {vi} | :: to dress up, to don clothing |
pyökinrousku {n} | :: beech milk-cap, Lactarius blennius |
pyökki {n} | :: beech |
pyökkihapero {n} | :: beechwood sickener, Russula mairei |
pyökkilehtorousku {n} | :: mild milk-cap, Lactarius subdulcis |
pyökkinen {adj} | :: Made of beech |
pyökkiseitikki {n} [mushroom] | :: A webcap, Cortinarius anserinus |
pyörä {n} | :: wheel |
pyörä {n} | :: caster (wheeled assembly) |
pyörä {n} | :: short for polkupyörä |
pyörä {n} | :: short for moottoripyörä |
pyörähdellä {vi} | :: to spin around repeatedly |
pyörähdys {n} | :: A turn, rotation |
pyörähdysaika {n} [astronomy] | :: rotational period |
pyörähdysakseli {n} | :: axis of rotation |
pyörähdyskappale {n} [mathematics] | :: solid of revolution |
pyörähdyspinta {n} [mathematics] | :: A surface of revolution |
pyörähdyttää {vt} | :: to cause to spin around once |
pyörähtää {vi} | :: to spin once |
pyörähtää {vi} | :: to twirl (to spin round elegantly) |
pyörähtää {vi} | :: to turn around; often with ympäri (around) (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees) |
pyöräilijä {n} | :: A cyclist |
pyöräillä {vi} | :: to bike, cycle (to ride a bicycle or a motorcycle) |
pyöräily {n} | :: cycling |
pyöräilykypärä {n} | :: A bicycle helmet |
pyöräilyshortsit {n} | :: cycling shorts |
pyöräilysortsit {n} | :: alternative form of pyöräilyshortsit |
pyöräilystadion {n} | :: velodrome |
-pyöräinen {adj} | :: wheeled (having a specified number or type of wheels) |
pyöräkaista {n} | :: bicycle lane, cycle lane (part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists) |
pyörälaukku {n} | :: A pannier designed for a bicycle or a motorcycle |
pyörällä {adv} [figuratively, chiefly with pää] | :: confused, stunned, bewildered |
pyörällä päästään {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: baffled, bewildered, confused, perplexed |
pyörälle {adv} [figuratively, chiefly with pää] | :: into being confused, stunned or bewildered |
pyörällinen {adj} | :: wheeled (having wheels) |
pyöränpinna {n} | :: spoke of a wheel (especially of a bicycle wheel) |
pyöräpoliisi {n} | :: bicycle police, bike police |
pyörätasku {n} | :: bike box |
pyöräteline {n} | :: A bicycle stand (device to which bicycles may be securely attached) |
pyörätie {n} | :: cycleway (bicycle path or bicycle lane) |
pyörätie {n} | :: bicycle path, cycle path (path segregated for bicycles) |
pyörätuoli {n} | :: wheelchair |
pyörätuolicurling {n} [sports] | :: wheelchair curling |
pyörätuolikoripallo {n} [sports] | :: wheelchair basketball |
pyörätuolimiekkailu {n} [sports] | :: wheelchair fencing |
pyörätuolirugby {n} [sports] | :: wheelchair rugby |
pyörätuolitennis {n} [sports] | :: wheelchair tennis |
pyöräytellä {vt} | :: to roll over repeatedly |
pyöräyttää {vt} | :: to spin once |
pyöreä {adj} | :: round |
pyöreä {adj} [phonetics] | :: rounded, labial |
pyöreähkö {adj} | :: roundish |
pyöreämpi {adj} | :: comparative of pyöreä |
pyöreästi {adv} | :: roundly, circularly |
pyöreästi {adv} | :: approximately |
pyörentää {vt} | :: to round (make rounder) |
pyöretä {vi} | :: To become round |
pyöriä {vi} | :: to rotate, turn, revolve, spin, roll (continuously) |
pyöriä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to run (of a machine, to be operating or working normally) |
pyöriä {vi} [colloquial] | :: to play (of a video) |
pyöriäinen {n} [mammals] | :: porpoise, harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena |
pyöriäinen {n} [taxonomy, in plural] | :: genus Phocoena |
pyöriäinen {n} [taxonomy, in plural] | :: family Phocoenidae |
pyörijä {n} | :: spinner, rotator (one who or that which spins or rotates (intransitive)) |
pyörijä {n} | :: rotor (spinning part of an engine) |
pyörijä {n} [automotives] | :: distributor rotor |
pyöriminen {n} | :: turning, spinning, rotation |
pyörimisakseli {n} | :: axis of rotation |
pyörimisenergia {n} [mechanics] | :: rotational energy |
pyörimismäärä {n} [physics] | :: angular momentum |
pyörimisnopeus {n} | :: rotational speed, speed of rotation or revolution (angular velocity as measured in revolutions) |
pyörimissuunta {n} | :: direction of rotation, sense |
pyörinä {n} [rare] | :: whirl |
pyörintä {n} | :: spin |
pyöriö {n} [sewing] | :: The round upper part of a sleeve that is fitted to a corresponding opening in the body of a garment |
pyöriskellä {vi} | :: to roll around, to tumble repeatedly |
pyöristää {vt} | :: to round (shape something into a curve) |
pyöristää {vt} [arithmetic] | :: to round (approximate a number) |
pyöristyä {v} | :: to become rounded |
pyöristyä {v} | :: to become fatter |
pyöristys {n} [mathematics] | :: rounding |
pyöristyskone {n} | :: rounding machine |
pyöristyssäde {n} | :: radius of curvature |
pyöristysvirhe {n} | :: roundoff error, rounding error |
pyöritellä {v} | :: to rotate, roll, reel (repeatedly) |
pyöritellä {v} | :: to mull, ponder, cogitate, ruminate, turn over (to work over mentally) |
pyöritellä {v} | :: to dwell on (to continue to think or talk about something) |
pyöritellä {v} | :: to prevaricate (to shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to evade the truth; to waffle or be intentionally ambiguous) |
pyöritellä peukaloitaan {v} [also, figuratively] | :: to twiddle one's thumbs |
pyöritellä peukaloitansa {v} | :: alternative form of pyöritellä peukaloitaan |
pyörittää {vt} | :: to rotate, roll, reel (continuously) |
pyörittää {vt} [colloquial] | :: to run (to control or manage, be in charge of) |
pyörittäjä {n} | :: roller (one who rolls something) |
pyörivä {adj} | :: rotary, rotating (having or being capable of rotating motion) |
pyörö {n} [rare] | :: disc, spinning disc, abrasive disc |
pyörö {n} | :: synonym of pyörönen |
pyörö {n} [modifier] | :: round, revolving |
pyöröharja {n} | :: round brush |
pyöröhionta {n} | :: cylindrical grinding |
pyöröhionta {n} | :: polished round cut |
pyöröhirsi {n} | :: a round log (hirsi) as opposed to being sawed to some other shape |
pyöröikkuna {n} | :: round window |
pyörökaari {n} | :: arch in the shape of a semicircle |
pyörökolvi {n} [chemistry] | :: Florence flask |
pyörönen {n} | :: A type of pirog; a round pasty with savory filling, open on the top; the base is made of barley and/or talkkuna (flour mixture of barley, rye, oats and peas) |
pyöröovi {n} | :: revolving door (door that rotates around a central pivot) |
pyöröpaalain {n} | :: round baler |
pyöröpaisti {n} | :: eye of round (beef cut) |
pyöröpuu {n} [nautical] | :: spar (linear object used as a mast, sprit, yard, boom, pole or gaff) |
pyöröpuu {n} | :: round timber |
pyörösaha {n} | :: circular saw |
pyörre {n} | :: vortex, whirl, swirl |
pyörremyrsky {n} | :: cyclone (storm) |
pyörretuuli {n} | :: whirlwind |
pyörrevirta {n} [physics] | :: eddy current |
pyörryksiin {adv} | :: into being fainted, out or stunned |
pyörryksissä {adv} | :: fainted, out or stunned |
pyörryksistä {adv} | :: from being fainted, out or stunned |
pyörryttää {vt} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] | :: to feel dizzy, to feel like one would faint |
pyörtää {vi} | :: to turn around, return (to change to the opposite direction from a previous position) |
pyörtää {vi} [of a road, river etc.] | :: to curve, bend, turn |
pyörtää {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take back, withdraw (a decision, command etc.) |
pyörtäminen {n} [figurative] | :: taking back, withdrawing |
pyörteetön {adj} | :: irrotational |
pyörteinen {adj} [physics] | :: turbulent |
pyörteinen {adj} | :: vortical |
pyörteinen virtaus {n} | :: turbulent flow |
pyörteisyys {n} | :: vorticity |
pyörtyä {vi} | :: to faint, pass out, swoon, black out |
pyörtyillä {vi} | :: to faint repeatedly |
pyörtyminen {n} | :: fainting |
pyöry {n} | :: swivel |
pyörykkä {n} [culinary] | :: ball (minced meat or sometimes fish rolled to a ball and then cooked) |
pyöveli {n} | :: An executioner |
pyrähdellä {vi} | :: to sprint repeatedly |
pyrähdys {n} | :: sprint (burst of speed or activity) |
pyrähtää {vi} | :: to sprint |
pyramidi {n} | :: pyramid |
pyramidihuijaus {n} | :: pyramid scheme, Ponzi scam (illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors) |
pyramidikatto {n} | :: pyramid roof |
pyramidikyy {n} | :: saw-scaled viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, little Indian viper (Echis carinatus) |
pyranometri {n} | :: pyranometer |
pyree {n} | :: puree |
Pyreneet {prop} | :: the Pyrenees (mountain range) |
Pyreneiden niemimaa {prop} | :: The Iberian Peninsula |
pyreneittenkoira {n} | :: Great Pyrenees, Pyrenean Mountain Dog |
pyrheliometri {n} | :: pyrheliometer |
pyridiini {n} [chemistry] | :: pyridine |
pyridoksiini {n} [vitamin] | :: pyridoxin |
pyriitti {n} [mineral] | :: pyrite |
pyrimidiini {n} [chemistry] | :: pyrimidine |
pyrintä {n} [rare] | :: synonym of pyrkiminen |
pyrintö {n} | :: dated form of pyrkimys |
pyristellä {vi} | :: to wriggle, to struggle |
pyritionisinkki {n} | :: zinc pyrithione |
pyrkiä {v} [+ (3rd infinitive in) illative] | :: to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort) |
pyrkiä {v} | :: to plan to become, aspire to be, run for office (to work towards or hope to attain a position) |
pyrkiä {v} | :: to pursue (to aim for) |
pyrkiä {v} | :: to tend (to have a tendency to) |
pyrkijä {n} | :: applicant, candidate |
pyrkimys {n} | :: endeavour (determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal) |
pyrkyri {n} | :: careerist |
pyrofylliitti {n} [mineral] | :: pyrophyllite |
pyrokinesia {n} | :: pyrokinesis |
pyroklastinen {adj} | :: pyroclastic |
pyrokloori {n} [mineral] | :: pyrochlore |
pyrokseeni {n} [mineral] | :: pyroxene |
pyrokseniitti {n} [rock] | :: pyroxenite |
pyroksyliini {n} [organic chemistry] | :: pyroxylin |
pyrolyysi {n} [chemistry, physics] | :: pyrolysis |
pyromaani {n} | :: pyromaniac |
pyromania {n} | :: pyromania |
pyromorfiitti {n} [mineral] | :: pyromorphite |
pyrooppi {n} [mineral] | :: pyrope |
pyroosi {n} [rare, pathology] | :: heartburn, pyrosis (burning sensation in the chest due to reflux of stomach contents in the esophagus) |
pyrotekniikka {n} | :: pyrotechnics |
pyroteknikko {n} | :: pyrotechnician |
pyroteknillinen {adj} [dated] | :: pyrotechnic, pyrotechnical |
pyrotekninen {adj} | :: pyrotechnic |
Pyrrhoksen voitto {n} | :: Pyrrhic victory (very costly victory) |
pyrroli {n} [chemistry] | :: pyrrole |
pyrrotiitti {n} [mineral] | :: pyrrhotite |
pyrskähdellä {v} | :: synonym of purskahdella |
pyrskähtää {v} | :: synonym of purskahtaa |
pyrskiä {v} | :: to burst out (into laughter or such) repeatedly |
pyrstö {n} [anatomy] | :: tail (of a bird or a marine animal) |
pyrstö {n} [aviation] | :: tail (of an airplane) |
pyrstöevä {n} | :: tailfin, caudal fin |
pyrstökäs {n} | :: larvacean |
pyrstöllinen {adj} | :: tailed |
pyrstömuura {n} | :: tufted antshrike |
pyrstöroottori {n} | :: tail rotor, auxiliary rotor (small rotor mounted at the tail of a single-rotor helicopter) |
pyrstösammakko {n} | :: salamander |
pyrstösulka {n} [ornithology] | :: tail feather (any asymmetrical feather of the tail of a bird) |
pyrstötähti {n} [astronomy] | :: comet |
pyrstötiainen {n} | :: long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus |
pyrstötulkku {n} | :: Mongolian finch, Uragus sibricus |
pyrstövarsi {n} [anatomy, of a fish] | :: a caudal peduncle |
pyruvaatti {n} [organic chemistry] | :: pyruvate |
pyruvaattikinaasi {n} [enzyme] | :: pyruvate kinase |
pyruvaldehydi {n} [organic compound] | :: pyruvaldehyde |
pyry {n} | :: snowstorm, blizzard |
Pyry {prop} | :: given name of modern usage |
pyryilma {n} | :: snowstorm weather |
pyrypallo {n} | :: synonym of lumisadepallo |
pyrytä {vi} | :: synonym of pyryttää |
pyrytellä {v} | :: to blizzard, to snow heavily for a long time |
pyryttää {v} | :: to blizzard, snow heavily (of snow: to fall, especially in windy conditions) |
pyryttyä {vi} [rare] | :: to be covered by snow |
pysähdellä {vi} | :: to stop repeatedly |
pysähdys {n} | :: stop-over (of a journey made with terrain vehicles; meaning only the interruption, not the place of the interruption) |
pysähdysaika {n} | :: Time of a stop (of trains etc.) |
pysähtää {vi} [colloquial] | :: to stop by, to stop briefly |
pysähtää {vi} [dialectal] | :: to stop |
pysähtyä {vi} | :: to stop, pause, halt |
pysähtyminen {n} | :: stopping |
pysähtymismatka {n} | :: stopping distance (distance that is the sum of the thinking distance and the braking distance) |
pysähtymisongelma {n} [computing theory] | :: halting problem |
pysäkinväli {n} | :: the gap or distance between two stops, such as bus stops |
pysäkki {n} | :: stop (place where line buses or trams halt) |
pysäköidä {vt} | :: to park (a vehicle) |
pysäköimisalue {n} | :: parking area |
pysäköinninvalvoja {n} | :: director of a municipal parking authority; parking attendant; parking enforcement officer [US], traffic warden [UK, Ireland]; parking inspector [Aus.]; parking warden, parking compliance officer [NZ]; traffic attendant [N. Ireland]; bylaw enforcement officer [Canada] (civilian officer who enforces parking regulations e.g. by issuing parking tickets) |
pysäköinti {n} | :: parking (action) |
pysäköintialue {n} | :: parking lot |
pysäköintihalli {n} | :: parking garage |
pysäköintikiekko {n} | :: parking disc |
pysäköintilippu {n} | :: parking ticket, parking coupon (slip of paper issued as proof of payment for the right to park) |
pysäköintilipuke {n} | :: synonym of pysäköintilippu |
pysäköintiluola {n} | :: underground parking garage (car parking facility built underground, often a multistorey one) |
pysäköintimaksu {n} | :: parking fee |
pysäköintimittari {n} | :: parking meter |
pysäköintipaikka {n} | :: parking space, parking |
pysäköintirike {n} [dated] | :: synonym of pysäköintivirhe |
pysäköintiruutu {n} | :: marked parking space |
pysäköintisakko {n} [colloquial] | :: synonym of pysäköintivirhemaksu |
pysäköintitalo {n} | :: parking garage; parkade [Canada] |
pysäköintivirhe {n} | :: parking violation |
pysäköintivirhemaksu {n} | :: parking ticket |
pysäytellä {vti} | :: to stop (repeatedly) |
pysäytin {n} | :: stopper (object) |
pysäyttää {v} | :: to stop, halt |
pysäyttää {v} | :: to thwart, halt |
pysäyttämätön {adj} | :: unstoppable |
pysäytys {n} | :: stopping (causing something to stop) |
pysäytyskoukku {n} [aviation] | :: arresting hook, tailhook |
pysäytyskuva {n} | :: freeze frame, still image |
pysäytyslyönti {n} [tennis] | :: stop (very short shot which touches the ground close behind the net and is intended to bounce as little as possible) |
pysäytysnappula {n} | :: stop, stop button (button to activate stop function) |
pysäytyspiste {n} | :: stopping point |
pysäytyspiste {n} [programming] | :: breakpoint |
pyslinki {n} [dialectal] | :: fourth cousin |
pyssy {n} [colloquial] | :: gun, handgun |
pyssymies {n} | :: gunman |
pyssynpiippu {n} | :: gun barrel (small arms) |
pyssyttää {v} [sports] | :: to shoot hard or rapidly |
pysti {n} [colloquial] | :: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) |
pysti {n} [colloquial, by extension] | :: trophy; cup; any small statue or similar object |
pystö {n} | :: milk churn |
pysty- {prefix} | :: upright, erect, vertical |
pysty {adj} | :: upright, vertical |
pystyä {v} [archaic, dialectal] | :: to cut, make a cut, to be able to cut |
pystyä {vt} [auxiliary, + illative] | :: to be able to, to can |
pystyakseli {n} [math] | :: vertical axis |
pystyammunta {n} [sports] | :: shooting in standing position (in biathlon) |
pystyasento {n} | :: upright position |
pystyerottelu {n} | :: vertical resolution |
pystyhiiri {n} [computer hardware] | :: a vertical mouse#Noun (a computer mouse which is used with the hand in a vertical position) |
pystyihminen {n} | :: Homo erectus |
pystyillä {v} [colloquial] | :: To demonstrate in an arrogant way one’s ability or efficiency |
pystykomponentti {n} | :: vertical component |
pystykorva {n} | :: spitz (type of dog) |
pystykorva {n} [slang] | :: A Finnish modification of the Mosin-Nagant rifle |
pystykorvainen {adj} | :: [dogs, cats] Having pointed ears |
pystylaudoitus {n} | :: vertical cladding |
pystympi {adj} | :: comparative of pysty |
pystynaulakko {n} [furniture] | :: hat rack, clothes tree |
pystynokkamuura {n} | :: recurve-billed bushbird |
pystynopeus {n} | :: vertical speed, vertical velocity |
pystypiano {n} | :: upright piano |
pystyraita {n} | :: vertical stripe |
pystyraitainen {adj} [heraldry] | :: paly (if more than seven) |
pystyrivi {n} | :: column (as opposed to a row) |
pystyrukki {n} | :: vertical spinning wheel |
pystysauma {n} | :: standing seam |
pystyssä {adv} | :: upright, erect (in an upright position) |
pystystä {adv} | :: from being upright |
pystysuora {adj} | :: vertical |
pystysuoraan {adv} | :: vertically (straight upwards) |
pystysuorasti {adv} | :: vertically |
pystysuunnassa {adv} | :: vertically (measured vertically; on a vertical axis) |
pystysuunta {n} | :: vertical direction |
pystysuuntaan {adv} | :: vertically (to a direction that goes along the vertical axis) |
pystysuuntainen {adj} | :: vertical |
pystytellä {vt} | :: to erect something leisurely |
pystyttää {vt} | :: to erect |
pystytuki {n} | :: stanchion, upright, post |
pystytukka {n} | :: crew cut (type of hairdo) |
pystytys {n} | :: erection (act of putting up or together of something) |
pystyvektori {n} [linear algebra] | :: column vector |
pystyviiva {n} | :: vertical line (a line that is vertical) |
pystyviiva {n} [typography] | :: pipe, vertical bar, vertical line (the symbol |) |
pystyyn {adv} | :: Into an upright position |
pysyä {vi} | :: To stay, remain |
pysyä {vi} | :: ~ (kiinni) = to hold (tight/fast), not come/fall off/out |
pysyä {vi} [+ inessive] | :: To keep/stick to, not deviate from; not to renege on, not change one's mind on |
pysyä kärryillä {v} [idiomatic] | :: to follow, to keep track |
pysyminen {n} | :: staying |
pysytellä {v} | :: To stay |
pysyttää {vt} | :: to make stay |
pysyttää {vt} | :: to maintain |
pysyttäytyä {vi} | :: to keep oneself, to stay |
pysyvä {adj} | :: permanent |
pysyväisesti {adv} [literary] | :: permanently |
pysyvä komitea {n} | :: standing committee (established parliamentary committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to, especially in a parliament other than Finland's) |
pysyvästi {adv} | :: permanently |
pyterliitti {n} [mineral] | :: pyterlite |
Pythagoraan lause {prop} | :: The Pythagoras' theorem, Pythagorean theorem |
pythagoralainen {adj} | :: Pythagorean |
pythagoralaisuus {n} | :: Pythagoreanism |
Pythagoras {n} | :: Pythagoras |
pytinki {n} [dialectal] | :: building |
pyton {n} | :: python |
pytonkäärme {n} | :: any snake of family Pythonidae |
pytonkäärme {n} [in the plural] | :: the family Pythonidae |
pyttipannu {n} | :: hash (food) |
pytty {n} [colloquial] | :: pot |
pytty {n} [colloquial] | :: toilet seat |
pytty {n} [colloquial] | :: cylinder (of engine) |
pytty {n} [colloquial] | :: prison, jail |
pytty {n} [colloquial] | :: cup (A trophy in the shape of an oversized cup) |
pyttyillä {v} [colloquial, of a child] | :: to use a toilet instead of a potty |
pytyttää {vt} [colloquial] | :: to piss off, to annoy, to vex |
pyy {n} | :: hazel grouse, Tetrastes bonasia (syn. Bonasa bonasia) |
pyyde {n} | :: desire, wish |
pyyde {n} | :: objective, aim |
pyyde {n} | :: motive (including, ulterior motive) |
pyydellä {vi} | :: to plead or beg repeatedly |
pyydys {n} | :: trap (for catching animals or fish) |
pyydystää {vt} | :: to trap, snare (animals); to hunt, fish for |
pyydystää {vt} [figuratively] | :: to snare, catch, net (a person to get married with) |
pyydystellä {vt} | :: to trap, snare or hunt for repeatedly |
pyygatti {n} [nautical] | :: Alternative form of spyygatti |
pyyh {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: onomatopoeia of exhaling when snoring |
pyyhältää {vi} | :: To zoom past |
pyyhe {n} | :: towel |
pyyhe {n} | :: any piece of soft cloth, tissue paper etc. used for wiping |
pyyhe {n} [idiomatic, in the plural] | :: rebuke, used chiefly with verbs saada (to get), antaa (to give), tulla (to come) |
pyyhekangas {n} | :: toweling |
pyyhekumi {n} | :: eraser |
pyyheliina {n} | :: towel |
pyyheliinakangas {n} | :: toweling, terry cloth |
pyyhin {n} | :: wiper (tool for wiping, other than a towel) |
pyyhintä {n} | :: wiping |
pyyhkäistä {vt} | :: to wipe or sweep quickly; to whisk, flick |
pyyhkäisy {n} | :: (quick) wipe |
pyyhkäisy {n} | :: sweep |
pyyhkäisy {n} | :: whisk (quick, light sweeping motion) |
pyyhkäisy {n} [electronics] | :: a scan (that which forms a scanline or the image) |
pyyhkäisy-läpivalaisuelektronimikroskooppi {n} [physics] | :: scanning transmission electron microscope |
pyyhkiä {vt} | :: to wipe |
pyyhkiä {vt} | :: to erase (like with an eraser) |
pyyhkijä {n} | :: wiper (something designed for wiping) |
pyyhkijä {n} | :: wiper (someone who wipes) |
pyyhkiytyä {vi} | :: To get wiped out, erased |
pyyjuoksija {n} | :: buttonquail (bird of the genus Turnix) |
pyykätä {vt} | :: To wash (the laundry) |
pyykinkuivausteline {n} | :: A clotheshorse, clothes rack, winterdyke, clothes maiden, drying rack, airer |
pyykinpesijä {n} | :: launderer |
pyykinpesu {n} | :: laundering |
pyykinpesuaine {n} | :: laundry detergent |
pyykinpesukone {n} | :: washing machine (a machine which washes clothes) |
pyykinpesuneste {n} | :: liquid laundry detergent |
pyykittää {v} | :: to mark with posts like a border |
pyykkääminen {n} | :: laundry, laundering |
pyykkäri {n} | :: laundress |
pyykkäys {n} | :: laundry, laundering |
pyykki {n} | :: laundry (that which needs to be laundered) |
pyykki {n} | :: A post that is used to mark something, especially a border or limit |
pyykkikaappi {n} | :: laundry cabinet, laundry cupboard |
pyykkikarttu {n} | :: washing paddle (hand tool used to do laundry) |
pyykkikone {n} [colloquial] | :: washing machine (machine that washes clothes) |
pyykkikori {n} | :: laundry basket |
pyykkilauta {n} | :: washboard |
pyykkilinko {n} | :: spin dryer |
pyykkinaru {n} | :: A clothesline, washing line |
pyykkipoika {n} | :: clothes peg, clothespin |
pyykkiteline {n} | :: synonym of pyykinkuivausteline |
pyykkitupa {n} | :: synonym of pesutupa |
pyylevä {adj} | :: plump |
pyylevöityä {vi} [euphemistic] | :: to become plump, to gain weight |
pyylevyys {n} | :: plumpness |
pyynti {n} | :: hunting |
pyynti {n} | :: fishing |
pyyntiaika {n} | :: fishing season |
pyyntiaika {n} | :: hunting season |
pyyntialue {n} | :: catch area |
pyyntielinkeino {n} [chiefly in plural] | :: hunting and fishing livelihood |
pyyntikausi {n} | :: fishing season |
pyyntikuoppa {n} | :: pitfall (trap, especially for animals) |
pyyntilonkero {n} | :: a tentacle for hunting prey |
pyyntipaikka {n} | :: fishing or hunting location or grounds |
pyyntipäivä {n} | :: catching day (such of a fish) |
pyyntiretki {n} | :: fishing or hunting trip or expedition |
pyyntitalous {n} | :: hunting and fishing economy |
pyyntitapa {n} | :: catching, fishing or hunting method |
pyyntiväline {n} | :: fishing or hunting gear |
pyyntö {n} | :: request [act of requesting] |
pyyntösi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pyyntö |
pyyntösi on käskyni {phrase} | :: your wish is my command |
pyypilli {n} | :: a whistle that imitates the bird call of a hazel grouse |
pyyry {n} [nautical] | :: grip or handle of an oar |
pyysi {n} | :: second-person singular possissive form of pyy |
pyytää {v} | :: to request, ask |
pyytää {v} | :: to demand, insist |
pyytää {v} | :: to petition, apply |
pyytää {v} | :: to desire, wish, want |
pyytää {v} | :: to hunt, fish |
pyytää anteeksi {vi} | :: To say one is sorry [for something (in the partitive)]; apologize [to someone (in the ablative)] [for something (in the partitive)]; ask [someone (in the ablative)] for forgiveness [for something (in the partitive)] |
pyytää kuuta taivaalta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to ask for the moon |
pyyteettömästi {adv} | :: unselfishly, altruistically, selflessly |