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Supervisi pembelajaran adalah kegiatan pembinaan, pemantauan, penilaian, serta pembimbingan dan pelatihan profesional guru, baik pada aspek kompetensi maupun tugas pokoknya dalam membantu guru untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan,... more
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      Administration and Supervisionmts pondok pesantren nurul huda sukarajamts nurul huda sukaraja
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    • Administration and Supervision
En la obra, a partir de una contextualización de los sectores bancarios español y europeo, se analizan los múltiples cambios que, en los últimos tiempos, han venido a afectar a la intervención sobre la banca, haciendo especial hincapié en... more
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      European LawBanking and Finance lawBanking LawAdministrative Law
Management is the primary force within any organization which coordinates the activities of various systems in relation to its objectives. A school being a social organization with specified objectives, the school management means the use... more
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      Decision MakingEducational AdministrationInstitutional PLanningTeachers' professional development
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      Training and SupervisionDoctoral SupervisionClinical SupervisionTeacher Evaluation and Supervision
Though not a novel topic, supervision and its contribution to teachers" professional development has been given renewed attention in recent years. The constructive/destructive role supervision might play in teachers" instructional path... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
—The management and sustaining of Madrasah Aliyah (Formal Islamic Senior High School) in Indonesia sometimes the Madrasah Supervisors find it not easy to carry out their responsibility accurately and diligently as prescribed by the... more
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      Educational SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
FORMATION MONITORING & Supervision des réseaux
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      MonitoringSystéme Multi Agent Dans La Supervision Des Réseaux InformatiqueAdministration and Supervision
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı; 14 Eylül 2011 tarihinde 652 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ile değişimi başlatılan ve sonrasında 6528 sayılı kanun, çeşitli yönetmelikler ve son olarak 6764 sayılı kanun ile değişimi sürdürülen Türkiye'nin çağcıl... more
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      Organizational ChangeChange ManagementEducation in TurkeyEducational Leadership and Policy Analysis
The purpose of this article is to start a discussion around the importance of peer super- vision with social service volunteers (New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations [NZFVWO], 2001, pp. 61-63). This will be achieved... more
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      Training and SupervisionClinical SupervisionEducational SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
Resumen: Este artículo describe el sistema administrativo de control interno y de supervisión de la contratación pública española, especialmente a partir del examen de las unidades administrativas creadas por la Ley de Contratos del... more
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      Public ProcurementAdministration and Supervision
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    • Administration and Supervision
Supervisi pendidikan merupakan satu elemen penting dalam pendidikan yang dapat mendorong perbaikan pendidikan. Supervisi pendidikan bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran dari dalam. Sehingga, timbul keinginan untuk melakukan perbaikan... more
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      Science EducationSupervisionTeacher Evaluation and SupervisionEducational Leadership and Management
Praktik Lapangan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (PLMP) II
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      Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaManajemen PerpustakaanBimbingan Dan KonselingManajemen Pendidikan
Proses Supervisi, Teknik Supervisi
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      IndonesiaAdministration and SupervisionADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN
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    • Administration and Supervision
Erick Vargas Guevara fue coeditor de la publicación, como Director de la Comisión de Contenido de THĒMIS y Editor General de THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho (pp. 4, 7, 8 y 325). Erick Vargas Guevara colaboró en el artículo de Diego Zegarra... more
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PENDAHULUAN Akreditasi sekolah/madrasah adalah proses penilaian secara komprehensif terhadap kelayakan dan kinerja satuan dan/atau program pendidikan, yang dilakukan sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas publik. Di dalam proses akreditasi, sebuah... more
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      EducationTeacher Evaluation and SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
Purpose: In this study, we investigated the effects of organizational justice and trust directed at the organization as a whole on OCB. Also investigated were the influence between organizational justice and OCB, and the influence between... more
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      BiologyPendidikan MatematikaManajemen PendidikanPendidikan Biologi
Kata Kunci: cikamal cirengganis herpetofauna a b s t r a c t This study aims to determine the type of Herpetofauna that often appear in the area Cikamal and Cirengganis. This research was conducted in West Java precisely in Nature Tourism... more
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      BiologyManajemen PendidikanAdministration and SupervisionStrategi Belajar Mengajar
This study used the Research and Development (R&D) design to develop a supervision model and investigate its effects on the research competencies improvement of basic education teachers in Thailand. Sixty-seven teachers and educational... more
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      Research MethodologyTraining and SupervisionEducational ResearchDoctoral Supervision
The main aim of this research work is to appraise the effectiveness of the government supervision and control of the insurance industry in Uganda, but choosing a case study of Insurance Company of East Africa. The specific objectives of... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceComplianceControl SystemsInsurance
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      ControlYÖNETİM VE DENETİMKamu YönetimiYerel Yönetimler
This paper is a personal experience relating to the class discussions and some researches online.
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      Instructional Systems TechnologyInstructional DesignTeacher EducationCurriculum and Instruction
Each of us has a Voice. Our Voice cannot be more or less than “who” and “what” we are. Paradoxically, it is our Voice that determines and sustains— or changes, “who” and “what” we are. Our Voice always creates form; you know: our visions,... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)LeadershipTransformational LeadershipConflict Resolution
W wyniku zastosowania technologii informatycznych w codziennym funkcjonowaniu ludzi i organizacji powstają coraz większe zbiory danych (big data). Do niedawna były one użytkowane w niewielkim zakresie, jednak coraz częściej pojawiają się... more
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      Public AdministrationAuditingAdministrative LawBig Data
La Inspección educativa en España es un servicio de la Administración educativa que vela por el cumplimiento de las leyes y contribuye a la mejora de la calidad y la equidad educativa. Realizar una adecuada selección de los inspectores de... more
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      Training and SupervisionDelphi MethodologyDelphi surveyDelphi
El régimen de intervención sobre el gobierno corporativo de la banca ha sido objeto de relevantes modificaciones en los últimos tiempos. Así, la europeización de potestades, conse­cuencia directa de la implantación del Mecanismo Único de... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceCorporate GovernanceGovernanceBanking
Hoy día los inspectores de Educación demandan más formación y especialización para poder desarrollar adecuadamente todas sus funciones y contribuir a la mejora del sistema educativo. La formación del personal inspector en España ha... more
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      Training and SupervisionTeacher Evaluation and SupervisionEducational SupervisionEducational Administration and Supervision
La Inspección en los centros educativos se realiza a través del servicio de Inspección Educativa dependiente de las comunidades autónomas, las cuales tienen plenas competencias en materia de control, supervisión, asesoramiento y... more
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      Training and SupervisionPolitical ScienceEducational Leadership and Policy AnalysisEducational planning, management, evaluation and policies
Bahan ajar ini merupakan bagian dari pembahasan Supervisi dan Administrasi Pendidikan. Pembahasan dalam bahan ajar ini befokus pada bab Supervisi Klinis. Dalam bahan ajar ini juga dibahas mengenai Asal usul supervisi klinis, Definisi... more
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      Clinical SupervisionEducational Administration and SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
2013 októberéig Magyarországon a pénzügyi közvetítőrendszer felügyeletét a Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete látta el, amely integrált felügyeleti hatóságként a Magyar Nemzeti Banktól elkülönülve került megszervezésre. A Magyar... more
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      Public AdministrationAdministrationAdministrative LawFinancial law
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      Organizational ChangeChange ManagementEducation in TurkeyEducational Leadership and Policy Analysis
The objective of this research is to study the effect of managerial skill and creativity on principals's decision making in Public Junior High School of Tangerang City and Regency. This research used survey method. The samples of this... more
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      BiologyPendidikanPendidikan MatematikaManajemen Pendidikan
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    • Administration and Supervision
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      Local Government and Regional AdministrationLocal AuthorityProportionality PrincipleAdministration and Supervision
This research was a case where the result of observation researcher at Elementary School in Kecamatan Enam Lingkung that shows the low level of teacher performance. Many factors that affect teacher performances among which are academic... more
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    • Administration and Supervision
ÖZET Suriye’de 2011 yılında kıvılcımlanan iç savaş kısa zamanda uluslararası savaş boyutunu almış, birçok insan hayatını kaybetmiştir. Yaşanan bu savaş sadece Suriyeli insanların sosyal hayatını etkilememiş aynı zamanda komşu ülkelere de... more
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      Refugee StudiesMigration StudiesSyriac StudiesAdministration and Supervision
La protección de los clientes financieros en España incluye una vertiente institucional, vinculada con la configuración de instancias administrativas que resuelven extrajudicialmente los conflictos entre los operadores financieros y su... more
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      BankingAdministrative LawDerecho AdministrativoFinance and banking
Skills required for a 21st century profession. This lesson cab be taught in conjunction with any discipline. First in a series of lessons to come.
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      Teaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and LearningResearch MethodologyPedagogy
Pytanie o kształt administracji publicznej pozostaje pytaniem otwartym, chociaż raczej wspólnym mianownikiem prezentowanym przez wszystkich autorów opracowania jest odejście od przypadkowego, chaotycznego zarządzania w administracji... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationPublic AdministrationLegal Theory
Macroprudential policy has developed a new set of instruments for the mechanisms with which the state intervenes in the economy through its public administration. However, the global economic crisis and the need for rapid action did not... more
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      Public FinancePublic AdministrationFinancial SystemsInternational Financial Law
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      Training and SupervisionSupervisionEducational Administration and SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the
supervision reports written on the basis of
primary school supervisors’ supervision in a
primary school.
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      SupervisionEducational SupervisionEducational Administration and SupervisionAdministration and Supervision
Background: Canadian radiation therapy departments usually have flat organizational structures, with relatively few administrative/ managerial levels. The ‘‘unit supervisor’’ level is a typical job role that provides direct supervision of... more
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      RadiotherapyAdministration and SupervisionRadiation Therapists
Professional teachers must have 5 (five) competencies, one of which is the competence of preparing lesson plans. There are several factors that cause teachers to have difficulty in compiling it 1) Teachers do not have a linear educational... more
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    • Administration and Supervision
The purpose of this research is  to  determine the influence of managerial ability and creativity on headmaster’s decision making in Junior High School of Counties and Tangerang City.             The research used survey method with... more
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      ManagementDecision MakingCreativityBiology
Purpose: In this study, we investigated the effects of organizational justice and trust directed at the organization as a whole on OCB. Also investigated were the influence between organizational justice and OCB, and the influence between... more
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      BiologyPendidikan MatematikaManajemen PendidikanPendidikan Biologi
Öz. Eğitim denetimi alanında yapılan çalışmaların incelenmesi, bu alana ilişkin son dönemdeki eğilimlerin ortaya konulması açısından önemlidir. Bu araştırmada, 2019'da Ulusal Akademik Ağ ve Bilgi Merkezi (ULAKBİM)'de taranan 49 adet... more
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      Educational ManagementEducational SupervisionAdministration and SupervisionEducational Administration and Management