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Las más de cincuenta grabaciones realizadas en la Medina de Fez entre 2009 y 2013 a informantes principalmente femeninos y sin escolarización (salvo algunas excepciones), mayores de 60 años y descendentes de antiguos fasíes, que tienden a... more
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      Festivals and musicMoroccan StudiesArabic DialectsArabic Dialectology
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      Moroccan StudiesMoroccoManuscript digitizationArabic Manuscripts
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Le séisme historique du samedi 26 moharrem 1169H (1 er novembre 1755), communément appelé »séisme de Lisbonne«, est considéré comme l'une des catastrophes naturelles les plus destructrices et les plus meurtrières de l'histoire du Maroc.... more
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      MoroccoHistorical SeismologyEarthquake SeismologyLisbon Earthquake
SUMMARY: This article focuses on the ethics manifest in the correspondence of Ibn 'Abbād of Ronda (d. 792/1390), particularly the theme of adab. The essay situates Ibn 'Abbād within Ṣūfī discourse on adab and within Islamic ethics... more
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      North Africa StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufism
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      Renaissance StudiesJesuit historyReligious ConversionIslamic Studies
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      Islamic StudiesAl-AndalusMoroccoIslamic Numismatics
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      Moroccan StudiesMoroccoMaghrebi LiteratureMoroccan Literature
A lecture and essay written for the Khan Academy, meant for young readers who are new to Islamic art and architectural history. The essay references the history of restoring the Moroccan Qur'anic schools of Fez (medersas), processes and... more
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      Distance EducationNorth Africa StudiesMoroccoOnline and Distance Education
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      EthnomusicologyMoroccan StudiesPoetryOral Traditions
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      JaénFezHistoire Des Musulmans En AndalousieEtudes Arabes
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      Moroccan StudiesMoroccoIslamic UrbanismFez
Cet article se propose d’interroger, dans une perspective comparatiste, les manières et les contenus d’enseignements coraniques au sein de deux institutions à Fès : l’ancienne Mosquée-université d’al-Qarawiyyine d’une part, et les... more
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      Quranic StudiesQuranic ExegesisQuranic and Islamic StudiesMorroco
V International Medieval Meeting of Lleida. Lleida, 25/07/2015. El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar las primeras ordenaciones o tacanot promulgadas en 1494 y 1496 por los judíos castellanos refugiados en Fez tras la expulsión de... more
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      Jewish StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryJewish History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic' Architecture
Some Forgotten Fez Alchemists and the Loss of the Peñon de Vélez de la Gomera in the Sixteenth Century. In: Chymia: Science and Nature in Early Modern Europe (1450--1750), Cambridge scholars publishing, Newcastle, pp. 291-309.
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The 11 May 1624 Fez earthquake is one of the worst natural disasters in the history of Morocco, and caused serious damage in the city of Fez and its surroundings. It occurred in one of the most active seismic zones in the country, and in... more
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      TectonicsMoroccoHISTORICAL SEISMICITYFez
Recognizing the sense of speech is one of the most active research topics in speech processing and in human-computer interaction programs. Despite a wide range of studies in this scope, there is still a long gap among the natural feelings... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine LearningFp
L'idée directrice du travail que nous proposons est d'observer comment un lieu singulier, en l'occurrence Fez, peut infléchir un discours dans lequel on peut s'attendre à relever un certain nombre de clichés orientalistes sur les villes... more
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      Maghreb studiesOrientalismAPELA (Association pour l'étude des littératures africaines)Fez
Seminario di Studi, Università di Napoli "Federico II".
Stranieri. Controllo, accoglienza e integrazione negli Stati italiani (XVI-XIX secolo)
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRefugee StudiesHabsburg Studies
Cet article retrace l’histoire d’une famille de notables fassis d’origine andalouse, les Banū Thaʻlaba, connus par diverses sources médiévales. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de dresser le portrait de ses membres en compilant de rapides... more
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      Urban HistoryAl-AndalusIslamic HistoryHistory of Medieval Islamic West
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      Culture and ModernityArtisansFezMorocco. Culture
El intelectual y político granadino Lisān al-Din Ibn al-Jaṭīb, a través de su amplia y variada producción, presenta múltiples claves para el entendimiento entre las dos orillas del Estrecho de Gibraltar. En este estudio, se mostrará la... more
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      Nasri Kingdom of GranadaMedieval Maghreb historyFezIntellectual History of Al andalus
Abū Yaʿzā Yalanūr b. Maymūn (m. 572/1177), is a famous and influential Moroccan saint of the early Almohad period whose tomb in the Middle-Atlas region constitutes a major Moroccan pilgrimage site up to this day. Being a Berber without... more
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      HagiographyIslamic StudiesSufismMorocco
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Edición, traducción y estudio de dos actas notariales árabes incluidas en un documento magrebí del siglo XVIII fechado en Tetuán. La primera acta es una partición y disolución de proindiviso de dos casas. La segunda es una compraventa de... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryMagrebFezTetuan
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      Islamic ArtIslamic StudiesSufism18th & 19th Centuries
El islam es una forma cultural compleja, en la que se aúnan y vertebran una serie de sociedades con diferencias geográficas, étnicas, lingüísticas y políticas, que comparten una creencia religiosa. En este contexto, el coleccionismo de... more
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      IslamMujeresUniversidadQatar Doha
“Ser un espacio de diálogo sobre las representaciones discursivas de lo español y de lo marroquí en las literaturas de los dos países”, tal es la finalidad del Coloquio Internacional de Marruecos y España en sus Literaturas (1980-2020),... more
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      Español Lengua ExtranjeraEstudios HispánicosRelaciones hispano marroquíesFez
The superficial formations of the northern sector of the city of Fez majorly show clay lithostratigraphy in the west of this sector. They are conglomeratic at the center and are composed of limestone deposits in the East. As for the land... more
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      MoroccoStratigraphic CorrelationGeotechnicsLimestone
Around 1280, a Christian mercenary captain led Muslim soldiers bearing crosses on their chests, in the fashion of crusaders, into battle against other Muslims. At least, this is what Pedro Barrantes Maldonado reported in his Ilustraciones... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesCrusadesMedieval Iberian History
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      Medieval HistoryMoroccoFezMedieval Travels and Travellers
Cet article a pour objet d'étudier Diwan "Šuḏūr al-Ḏahab" du poète Andalou Ibn Arfaʻ Raʼs.
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Casa Velazsquez, Madrid
7-8 november 2017
El mundo ibérico y el oriente europeo en la Época Moderna. Circulación, mediación e integración
Le monde ibérique et l’Orient européen à l’Epoque Moderne. Circulation, médiation et intégration
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNorth Africa StudiesRefugee Studies
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      Ibn KhaldunMoroccoHistory of Maghrib and AndalusFez
El nombramiento de muchas ciudades como patrimonio de la humanidad ha permitido el rescate de sus edificios y la puesta en valor de las dinámicas socioculturales que ahí se desenvuelven. El aumento del turismo en las ciudades patrimonio... more
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      Tourism StudiesUrban PoliticsUrban StudiesPatrimonio Cultural
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      PhotographyPostcolonial StudiesPhotography TheoryMorocco
El nombramiento de muchas ciudades como patrimonio de la humanidad ha permitido el rescate de sus edificios y la puesta en valor de las dinamicas socioculturales que ahi se desenvuelven. El aumento del turismo en las ciudades patrimonio... more
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      Tourism StudiesArtUrban PoliticsUrban Studies
Recognizing the sense of speech is one of the most active research topics in speech processing and in human-computer interaction programs. Despite a wide range of studies in this scope, there is still a long gap among the natural feelings... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingMachine Learning
Resultado de las acciones de Innovación docente realizadas en el curso 2018/19 en la asignatura de "El Islam, su pensamiento y las artes" Este Póster formo parte de la exposición Muro que tuvo lugar en mayo de 2017 en la Facultad de... more
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      Fezpatronas de Artemujeres islámicasFatima al Fihri
The reasons for the historic grandeur of the city of Fez in Morocco are certainly numerous. Nevertheless, the political, cultural and economic aspects of its identity seem to be secondary compared to the aura of holiness that surrounds... more
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      HagiographySaints' CultsIslamic StudiesSufism
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      Jesuit historyReligious ConversionMuslim-Christian RelationJesuits