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      Manuscript StudiesPetrarchMedieval Church HistoryCodicology
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      History of MedicineHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
The Rothschild Miscellany is a large compendium of Hebrew texts consisting of biblical books, prayers, philosophy books and moralistic and didactic treatises. It is written on parchment and is profusely decorated with gold initials and... more
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      Hebrew ManuscriptsMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Hebrew Illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Miscellanies
Looking for the context of the vernacular translation of Amatus of Montecassino’s Historia Normannorum (the French MS 688 of the National Library of France). The considered manuscript (Southern Italy, mid-14th cent.) has been known mainly... more
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      Translation StudiesMedieval HistoriographyTextual CriticismManuscript Studies
Taking MS. BAV, Vat. lat. 5001 as a case study, the article provides preliminary considerations on the ways that historical writings were read in Southern Italy during the Late Middle Ages. The early-fouteenth-century manuscript contains... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
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      Textual CriticismOld Church SlavonicByzantine StudiesJohn Chrysostom
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      Old Church SlavonicManuscripts (Medieval Studies)SlavisticsBulgarian history
Will man einem mittelalterlichen Verständnis von Kurzerzählungen näherkommen, lohnt es sich, ihrer Überlieferung einen wesentlichen Platz einzuräumen. Denn anders als Romane, die für sich gelesen wurden und auch in der Überlieferung ein... more
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval MiscellaniesText-Bild-Relation
The story about the repentant prostitute Thais (Taisia), absolved of sins and glorified as saint after years of voluntary banishment in a monastic cell, has enjoyed noteworthy popularity in West European art and society – since the end of... more
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      HagiographyOld Church SlavonicByzantine StudiesMonasticism
Шестой том международной научной серии Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae под названием "Dva uglianske rukopisy ponaučení a exempiel zo 17. storočia / Две углянские рукописи поучений и притч XVIII в." содержит текст... more
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      Gospels17th-Century StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)17th century Europe
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      PhilologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesTextual CriticismManuscript Studies
In Czech art history, the Krumlov miscellanea have traditionally been linked with the Utraquist milieu at the start of the Hussite uprisings. The codex includes a number of texts directed at monks: in addition to the Speculum Humanae... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArtMedieval illuminated manuscriptsBohemia
FONTES FRANCISCANI Y LITERATURA EN AREA IBÉRICA Y EN EL NUEVO MUNDO. Una serie de episodios ejemplares "en castellano traduzido" forman este mosaico extraído de las primeras Vidas de Francesco d'Assisi procedentes de una traducción... more
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      Manuscript StudiesFranciscan StudiesMedieval & Renaissance Hagiography & Didactic TextsCodicology of medieval manuscripts
Medieval learning has often been judged as lacking originality: it has been dismissed as a limited canon of classical and Christian authorities handed down by medieval authors and scribes whose intellectual achievements did not go beyond... more
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Slavonic LanguagesRare Books and ManuscriptsOld Church SlavonicBible Translations
The article assesses the role of manuscript miscellanies as a tool to solve the question of ownership of books within the late medieval Franciscan Observance. The analysis of manuscript evidence from the observant convent of San Francesco... more
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      Medieval FranciscansMedieval MiscellaniesFranciscan Manuscripts
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsHistorical methodsMedieval Miscellanies
.Il contributo prende in esame una particolare tipologia di manoscritti miscellanei latini, cioè quelli contenenti testi grammaticali, particolarmente diffusi in epoca carolingia in tutti i principali centri di cultura dell'epoca. Questi... more
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)Ancient Latin GrammariansMedieval Miscellanies
Special issue of the Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome-Moyen Age, 128/1, 2016 http://mefrm.revues.org/2994 - Carla Maria Monti : « L’epistola come strumento di propaganda politica nella cancelleria di Gian Galeazzo Visconti » -... more
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian HumanismHistory of RhetoricNeolatin Literature
Il contributo affronta la vexata quaestio della definizione del colophon ed elabora una nuova teoria della sua valenza codicologica, particolarmente attuale nello studio dei manoscritti miscellanei, reali e fattizi, in tutte le tradizioni... more
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsOld GeorgianOld Greek and Georgian manuscriptsMedieval Miscellanies
Данная статья посвящена классификации южнославянских рукописей древнейшего перевода Пролога, переписанных в XIII–XVI вв. Источником анализа послужили 15 списков славянского Синаксаря, содержащие тексты на сентябрь–февраль. На основе... more
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      Russian StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHagiography
The paper publishes and comments on four notes that have been preserved as part of various Old Russian exegetical compilations. One of the notes is an afterword by the bookman, who supposedly interpreted the verses on the legendary... more
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      Biblical ExegesisOld Russian LiteratureMedieval Miscellanies
(Author) Juana Maria ARCELUS-ULIBARRENA ://www.mirabileweb.it/mel/floreto-de-sant-francisco-[sevilla-1492]-fontes-fr/365586 (MIRABILE.Digital Archives for Medieval Culture) -pp.17-20 traducción italiano/castellano Juana M.Arcelus... more
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      Latin LiteratureMedieval & Renaissance Hagiography & Didactic TextsCronicas del Nuevo MundoFrancescanesimo
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      Medieval HistoriographyManuscript StudiesCollective MemoryMedieval Italy
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      Roman HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval HistoriographyManuscript Studies
Mantova: Universitas Studiorum, pp. 477-513 ISBN 9788833691015 Abstract The recasting of handwritten texts on the subject of christocentrism and synesthesia favored their crossed circulation in the 14th-15th Centuries in a range of... more
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      Women's StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Codicology of medieval manuscriptsMedieval Hungary
The paper introduces the project Mare Historiarum whose purpose is to reconstruct the corpus of historical writings composed or just present in within Latin-speaking societies of Southern Italy since sixth until mid-fifteenth century. The... more
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      ClassicsMedieval HistoriographyTextual CriticismManuscript Studies
Masterclass on Eurasia Series, REEES, University of Pittsburgh, 4 and 11 March 2021
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      History of ScienceRare Books and ManuscriptsImperial HistoryIranian Studies
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      Historia de la AstronomíaHistory of astrology and astronomyMedieval MiscellaniesTratados Medievales
Bodleian MS Laud Misc. 237 contains, alongside religious and hagiographical texts, a remarkable collection of medical texts. These ancient and medieval treatises (not all previously identified, and heretofore unexamined as a group) were... more
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      Manuscript StudiesMedieval GermanyMedieval MedicineHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesManuscript Studies
Estratto dal volume: Culture, livelli di cultura e ambienti nel Medioevo occidentale, Atti del IX Convegno della SIFR, Bologna, 5-8 ottobre 2009, a cura di F. Benozzo, G. Brunetti, P. Caraffi, A. Fassò, L. Formisano, G. Giannini, M.... more
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      Textual ScholarshipManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Filologia Italiana
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      Medieval ChristianityRuthenian historyPhilology, Codicology, Critical EditionMarginalia
The article discusses selected forms of interventions around and into the historical texts assembled in three miscellanies from the 14th century (BAV, Vat. lat. 5001; Paris, BnF, fr. 688, and Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII.C.9). Three... more
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      Medieval HistoriographyManuscript StudiesMedieval AuthorshipMedieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)
SEGUNDA PARTE Carteggio di José María de Elizondo relativo al "Floreto de Sant Francisco”, in: HAGIOGRAPHICA. Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società Internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino V(1998) pp. 159-218. [ISSN:... more
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsElisabeth von ThüringenLegenda SanctorumAngela of Foligno
The main reason behind the compilation of (multiple-text manuscripts) MTMs by Mudéjares and Moriscos was the need to provide access to a basic knowledge of Islam to as many people as possible and to preserve it in spite of increasingly... more
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      Codicology of medieval manuscriptsArabic ManuscriptsMedieval ManuscriptsAljamiado Texts
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      Medieval HistoriographyManuscript StudiesMedieval French TranslationsThe Kingdom of Naples
Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 85 (1992) pp.5-38 ISSN: 0004- 0665 ABSTRACT: Le «Floreto » de saint François d'Assise, du milieu du XV[e] s., prophétisait à la suite de Joachim de Flore la venue d'un ordre spirituel qui, à cette... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksEschatology and ApocalypticismFranciscan StudiesEschatology
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      Manuscript StudiesIntertextualityMiscellanies and commonplace booksMedieval Miscellanies
This is a study of two compilations that originated in western Iran before the Mongol conquest. The research contributes to the ongoing discussion of the organization and preservation of knowledge in literate societies. The Muḥāḍarāt... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesHistory of Education
La refundición textual en la circulación manuscrita del texto profético en castellano del siglo XIV, in: En lengua vulgar castellana traduzido: ensayos sobre la actividad traductora durante la Edad Media (coord. Elisa Borsari) Cilengua:... more
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      Translations from LatinTranslation and InterpretationCodicology of medieval manuscriptsLiterary translation
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      Romance philologyManuscript StudiesAncient Technical LiteratureMedieval Miscellanies
Il 29 marzo 2018, nell’ambito del terzo ciclo di seminari “Lingue, conflitti e saperi nell’Italia medievale”, presso il DSU di Ca’ Foscari Venezia, avrà luogo un incontro a due voci con Alessio Decaria (Università degli Studi di Udine) e... more
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      PhilologyManuscript StudiesItalian philologyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      Manuscript StudiesByzantine StudiesLate AntiquitySyriac Studies
Le Moyen Âge pouvait-il exercer un sens critique ? Pouvait-il concilier critique et tradition des autorités ? Un examen de la technique médiévale de compilation montre que, loin de devoir lutter contre la tradition, le discours médiéval... more
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      Michel FoucaultImmanuel KantAugustine of HippoHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
La conjuncion de todos los planetas que se produjo en el signo de Piscis en 1524 ha sido asunto de multitud de tratados astrologicos que la asociaron con la llegada de un nuevo diluvio. Una vez superado el momento senalado por los... more
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      ArtHistoria de la AstronomíaHistory of astrology and astronomyMedieval Miscellanies
II Congreso Internacional sobre los franciscanos en la Península Ibérica, ( a c. de) Gonzalo Fernández Gallardo Jiménez (Barcelona 30 marzo- 1 abril 2005) Madrid: Publidisa, pp. 715-734. [ISBN 84-611-1839-1]. En APÉNDICE: Transcripción de... more
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      Medieval StudiesUbertino da CasaleFraticelliMedieval Miscellanies
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      Miscellanies and commonplace booksMedieval Miscellanies
QUADERNI DEL CENTRO PER IL COLLEGAMENTO DEGLI STUDI MEDIEVALI E UMANISTICI IN UMBRIA 27, (a. c. de) Enrico MENESTO', Spoleto 1992 (pp. X-260) pp. 215-25. [ISBN:88-7988-536-7] RESEÑAS/ ABSTRACT: - Archivum Franciscanum Historicum... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryWomen's LiteratureVisionary Literature
II Congreso Internacional sobre los franciscanos en la Península Ibérica, ( a c. de) Gonzalo Fernández Gallardo Jiménez (Barcelona 30 marzo- 1 abril 2005) Madrid: Publidisa, pp. 715-734. [ISBN 84-611-1839-1]. En APÉNDICE: Transcripción... more
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      Medieval StudiesUbertino da CasaleFraticelliMedieval Miscellanies