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      Islam in EuropeSufismIslamIslamophobia
In this article I am making a comparison between France's diplomatic recognition of the National Transitional Council of Libya in 2011 and its diplomatic recognition of the Chinese communists in 1964. In both cases France took a leading... more
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      NATOSecurityNationalismUnited States History
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityHistory
Επιτέθηκαν στη λογοτεχνία, τη λοιδόρησαν, την καταδίκασαν, με κάθε πρόσχημα και ανεξαρτήτως καθεστώτος, με τις καλύτερες ή τις χειρότερες προθέσεις, για λόγους αστείους ή ενίοτε και σοβαρούς. Εξόρισαν τους ποιητές και έκαψαν τα βιβλία... more
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      ReligionComparative LiteraturePhilosophyAesthetics
Through the vehicle of Nicolas Sarkozy’s so-called “Dakar Address,” we will analyze the West’s persisting lack of insight into the need for Western decolonization. We will attempt to identify the dangers that come from this refusal, such... more
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      African PhilosophyThe OtherDecolonisationDecolonial Thought
El documento analiza ls grandes líenas de reforma administrativa de los gobiernos centrales o nacionales en Europa continental, USA, y una parte de América Latina (México, Brasil y Chile) entre los años 2000-2010.
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      George W Bush adminstrationMexicoBrasilEspaña
Ethnologiquement et historiquement, l’Afro-Américain et l’Arabo-Européen ont beaucoup en commun. Plusieurs générations après avoir été “importés” dans une terre promise, ils ne sont toujours pas considérés comme des citoyens à part... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRace and RacismHistory of SlaveryColonialism
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      IslamFrench PoliticsInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyNicolas Sarkozy
Reagan, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Kohl, Clinton, Blair, Schröder, Berlusconi, Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel, Renzi: nelle parabole di questi leader, accomunati dalla pretesa di rappresentare il nuovo e il cambiamento, si può cogliere il... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical SciencePolitical communicationPolitical Marketing
Il s'agit dans cet article de remonter l’histoire radiophonique des « montreurs d’avenir » - c’est-à-dire l’histoire de la médiatisation des « montreurs d’avenir » (médiums, taratologues, géomanciens, chiromanciens, astrologues, voyants,... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCommunicationMass Communication
La han atacado, denunciado, condenado, con todos los pretextos, bajo todos los regímenes, con las mejores o las peores intenciones, por malas razones y a veces inclusos por buenas. Exiliaron a los poetas, quemaron sus libros -o... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityHistory
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEast AsiaUnited NationsForeign Policy
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      Tony BlairGeorge W. BushPouvoirNicolas Sarkozy
Dû à son refus d’accepter l’identité proclamée des musulmans, la France prône un modèle d’intégration où l’appartenance religieuse de la communauté musulmane est refoulée dans l’espace public. L’ensemble des fractions politiques se... more
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      TerrorismCultural HeritageRace and RacismColonialism
La diffusion de la littérature sert-elle la démocratie ? Vaut-il la peine de démocratiser la littérature ? On peut soutenir qu’il vaut en effet la peine de démocratiser l’usage de la littérature, mais à condition que la littérature... more
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      French LiteratureLiteracyLiteraturePolitics and Literature
In questa tesi triennale ho voluto analizzare l'ethos di Silvio Berlusconi e di Nicolas Sarkozy, due leader politici che hanno fatto della loro persona e del loro prestigio personale una risorsa importante per la carriera politica.... more
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      SocialismsPost-ColonialismContemporary Political IdeologiesKwame Nkrumah
This essay analyzes recent transformations in French secularism, observed from the standpoint of the changes in the hierarchization of various secular norms. After reviewing the legal and historical context of French secularism and the... more
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      Cultural StudiesHegemonyFranceSecularism
In: Szakmai Szemle, 2015/4, pp. 5-28. This paper focuses on the reorganization of the French intelligence agencies during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. This study is explaining the reasons of reorganization of... more
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      French StudiesIntelligenceFrench PoliticsSpying and Intelligence
Ils l’ont attaquée, conspuée, condamnée, sous tous les prétextes, sous tous les régimes, avec les meilleures ou les pires intentions, pour de mauvaises raisons et parfois même pour de bonnes. Ils ont exilé les poètes, brûlé leurs livres –... more
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      American LiteratureReligionHistorySociology
This article traces the student-prostitute from its 2008 inception in the popular press, and follows its emergence on screen in three recent fiction films. Through close readings and historical contextualisation, I dissect the iconic... more
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      Sex Industry and WorkersFranceNicolas Sarkozy
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      French HistoryLeadershipCrisis communication and managementCrisis Management
In: Türke A. I. (szerk): A jelenkori Franciaország I., Bp. L`Harmattan, 2021., pp. 265-277.
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryFrance
How can the resurgence of the FN since 2007 be explained? Has it finally normalise? Has the mainstream right radicalised and thus, helped in such a process? How did the FN benefit from the rejection of mainstream politics? This paper... more
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      CommunismFrench PoliticsContemporary French PoliticsSarkozy
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблемы социальной и культурной интеграции мусульманской общины во Франции. Обращается внимание на исторический опыт страны, принимав-шей с конца ХIХ в. волны массовой иммиграции. Отмечается тен-денция... more
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      MulticulturalismImmigrationIslamic StudiesCommunitarianism
Trent’anni dopo la storica vittoria di Mitterrand, nel 2012 la sinistra francese si è riappropriata di Place de la Bastille per festeggiare la vittoria di François Hollande, secondo presidente socialista nella storia della Quinta... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPolitical ScienceFrench PoliticsComunicazione politica
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEuropean UnionFranceNicolas Sarkozy
in : KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, Catherine (ed.) : Les Formes Nominales d’Adresse : approche interactionnelle et contrastive. Chambéry : Éditions de l’Université de Savoie, 377-416.
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      Discourse AnalysisPortuguesePragmaticsFrench language
"Rétrospectivement, la période 1992-2008 donne l'impression que la Russie s'est servie de la bonne volonté occidentale comme béquille pour se relever de sa chute soviétique. La France, sans vouloir la qualifier de naïve, a été un... more
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisForeign PolicyRussian Foreign Policy
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      Nicolas Sarkozyprezydent Francji
Sebagai negara yang meregulasi praktik prostitusi, Prancis memiliki serangkaian kebijakan dan masalah seputar legalitas Pekerja Seks Komesial (PSK). Setelah penandatangan konvensi Uni Eropa pada tahun 1949, Prancis resmi menjadi negara... more
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      French StudiesFrench LawProstitution & TraffickingProstitution
Le message du banlieusard – encore un collage, pour donner l’idée – nous semble plus clair des nombreuses "prises de position" intellectuelles : faire la part du feu, brûler (métaphoriquement, bien sur) les gauchers pas possible à sauver... more
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      FranceFrench banlieuesParisRévoltes
In : Annie Ernaux : Un engagement d'écriture  Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2015
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      SilenceSimone de BeauvoirClaude SimonAnnie Ernaux
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      European StudiesVoting BehaviorEuropean UnionFrench Politics
The Greek announcement of its excessive debts led to one of the most severe crises the EU has faced since its inception. The crisis soon evolved into a full leadership crisis as European political leaders struggled to come up with a... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationLeadershipEuropean Union
AbstractPierre Nora’s account of the ‘age of commemoration’ has been extremely influential in shaping the way that memory is understood in France as well as in other countries. But what those who adopt Nora’s historical account of the... more
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      Contemporary HistoryIdentity politicsPhilosophy of HistoryNational Identity
Au carrefour du divertissement et de l’information, l’émission télévisuelle, Les Guignols de l’info, parodie le monde culturel, politique et médiatique français par le biais des personnalités qui le composent. Créée dans une optique... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesTelevision StudiesParody
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      FranceNicolas SarkozyHollandeÉlections Présidentielles
FR : Le président de la République doit-il montrer ses émotions ? Cet article vise à établir qu’une norme de sang-froid s’est construite au fil de l’histoire politique et s’est imposée sous la Ve République pour trois raisons : le... more
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      Charles de GaulleNicolas SarkozyEmmanuel Macron
Se julgarmos o estado de uma sociedade à luz da relação que esta mantém com o seu passado, temos de concordar que a França da V República tem um problema com a gestão da memória do seu passado colonial. O ponto de vista oficial oscila... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPostcolonial StudiesHannah ArendtNicolas Sarkozy
Trotz heftiger sozialer Bewegungen in den Jahren 2005 und 2006 ist der konservative Nicolas Sarkozy im Mai dieses Jahres zum französischen Präsidenten gewählt worden. Die Analyse der jüngsten Auseinandersetzungen – dem Referendum zur... more
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      Stuart HallFrankreichSoziale BewegungenNicolas Sarkozy
National identity is perhaps the defining preoccupation of contemporary French political discourse, with no figure more associated with this preoccupation than Nicolas Sarkozy who, while using a discourse of republicanism, has conceived... more
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      Social MovementsMulticulturalismFrench StudiesRepublicanism
< Véletlen x2 lett feltéve, u.a. mint a màsik. >
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      French StudiesFranceSarkozyFrench foreign policy
MKI Tanulmányok T-2008/22
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      French HistorySarkozyFrench foreign policyNicolas Sarkozy
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      French PoliticsNicolas Sarkozy
By the end of a five-year term that was characterized by an extremely mediatized concentration of executive power in the person of Nicolas Sarkozy, the french presidential campaign of 2012 —that played out in a less intense climate of... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaFrench History
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      PoliticsEuropean UnionOnline JournalismFrance
In: Türke A. I. (szerk): A jelenkori Franciaország I., Bp. L`Harmattan, 2021., pp. 241-264.
with Eszter Petronella Soós
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      FranceNicolas SarkozyDomestic PolicyFranciaország