Recent papers in Pestalozzi
This text investigates the intellectual legacy of "Hand and Eye Work", the first art-based curriculum officially introduced by the Gold Coast colonial government through the Educational Code of 1887. With a nod to Foucault's... more
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) était - et est toujours – l’un des plus célèbres pédagogues suisses des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Il est connu pour les principes « révolutionnaires » de l’éducation qu’il a développés alors qu’il... more
Fichte y Pestalozzi compartían algunos elementos que les acercaron el uno al otro. En primer lugar, la ciudad de Zúrich, donde nació Pestalozzi y en la que Fichte residió algún tiempo y encontró a la que fue mujer, Johanne, amiga de la de... more
Johann Pestalozzi’s philosophies and writing on child rearing and educational practice constitute a major influence on modern educational thought throughout the Western world, particularly on seminal American education pioneers such as... more
Colvin, R. A. & King, K. M. (2018). Dewey’s educational heritage: The influence of Pestalozzi. Journal of Philosophy and History of Education, 68(1), 45-54.
Artikel Biografi Tokoh Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) berisi tokoh-tokoh pendidikan yang menjadi landasan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Tokoh-tokoh tersebut adalah Pestalozzi, Piaget, Maria Montessori,... more
L'enseignement philosophique, 52° année, numéro 4, mars-avril 2002. pp. 47-55
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), the great Swiss pedagogue, not only decisively influenced his native country with his work, but also changed the education practice worldwide during his lifetime. The reception of Pestalozzi’s... more
In answer to the notion that spiritual experiences are unpredictable and irregular, voiced in not only one specific paper but rather generally assumed by Western scholars, I present the evidence of my own life. Both in visual and... more
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
The Greek term schole signifies leisure, free time available for free citizens, whose elementary life’s necessities have been satisfied. Over the centuries there has been a radical change in its understanding – until reaching the... more
The article considers the theme of Bildung and the educational process in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, with reference to the philosophical tradition in which his ideas stand. This tradition is traced through the work of Hegel, von... more
Louis-Frédéric François Gauthey (1795-1864) pasteur et pédagogue _________________________________________ pour une pédagogie naturelle et pananthropique « Élever est le mot ; notre langue a admirablement nommé la tâche de... more
This book argues that Fichte’s philosophy is an investigation of the concept of philosophy leading to the replacement of the name φιλοσοφία by the name Wissenschaftslehre. Such a replacement is the result of his reception of Kant's... more
Çoğu kez yaşadığımız günün temel tartışma konularının, geçmişte de tartışılıp tartışılmadığını görmezden geliyoruz. Hâlbuki geçmişin deneyimini hatırlamak bize Ivan Illich’in mirası. Belki de geçmişten bugüne ilerlemeci eğitim mitinin... more
Çoğu kez yaşadığımız günün temel tartışma konularının, geçmişte de tartışılıp tartışılmadığını görmezden geliyoruz. Hâlbuki geçmişin deneyimini hatırlamak bize Ivan Illich’in mirası. Belki de geçmişten bugüne ilerlemeci eğitim mitinin... more
This paper is an attempt to discuss Rousseau’s ideas on educational practice through his book Emile, arguably one of the most noteworthy books on education available today. Rousseau makes an effort to describe an approach to education... more
A review of The Heart of Culture: A Brief History of Western Education by The Habiger Institute. The Imaginative Conservative, January 28, 2021.
RESUMO Neste artigo, discutimos os fundamentos para o ensino da Matemática na Pedagogia Tradicional e na Pedagogia Nova, marcadamente, a partir das teorias de fronteira de Comenius, Pestalozzi e Montessori. Esta pesquisa é de cunho... more
Nicht nur der tragische Ausgang der Geschichte des Ehepaars Émile und Sophie oder die deutlich anders gelagerte Erziehungskonzeption in Rousseaus „Lettre à M. d’Alembert“ lassen erhebliche Zweifel aufkommen, ob das Werk „Émile“ in der Tat... more
"The Second Constitution on its Centenary", organized by IRCICA, 7-10 May 2008, Istanbul.
"Connaissez-vous le mouvement des écoles du dimanche ? Pourquoi ce nom "d'école" et pourquoi parle-t-on de "moniteurs" et de "monitrices" ? Dans quelles circonstances ce dispositif s'est-il développé en France ? A quels besoins ses... more
Reglas pedagogicas simples para Cienciar. Se incluye Apendice de Tres Principios del Saber corregido.
"" Résumé : Ancien pasteur et ami du pédagogue suisse Johann Pestalozzi, à la fin de sa carrière à Yverdon, L.F.F. Gauthey vit son ministère s’orienter vers la formation des maîtres. Il fut le premier directeur de l’École Normale du... more
Voici qui doit être pris, au fond, pour un grand paradoxe de l’histoire de l’éducation: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746‑1827) est un pédagogue unanimement acclamé ; il a été fait citoyen d’honneur de la République française en 1792, a... more
Die Rezeption der pädagogischen Ideen vom großen Schweizer Pädagogen Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) und der dadurch ausgeübte pädagogische Einfluss auch im griechischen Raum während des 19. Jahrhunderts ist von besonderem... more
, 2020.-VIII, 367 S. ; 24 cm.-(Literatur und Recht ; 8).-Zugl.: Münster, Univ., Diss., 2017.-ISBN 978-3-7705-6461-3 : EUR 59.00 [#6885] Die Frage, wie rechtliche Probleme in der Literatur dargestellt oder verhan-delt werden können, 1 ist... more
In this article, we discuss the fundamentals for the teaching of Mathematics in Traditional Pedagogy and New Pedagogy, markedly, based on theories of Comenius, Pestalozzi and Montessori. This research is documental and bibliographic. At... more
U radu je opisano istraživanje koje je provedeno s ciljem dobivanja odgovora na pitanja koliko su nastavnici glazbene kulture i nastavnici glazbene umjetnosti zaposleni u osnovnim i srednjim općeobrazovnim školama upoznati s različitim... more
The article presents and analyses Peter von Gunten’s film Pestalozzis Berg (engl. Pestalozzi’s Mountain, 1989), which condenses the activities and ideas of Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi into the depiction of his six-month... more
Survol de 500 ans d'histoire de l'éducation protestante en europe. An Overview of 500 Years of Protestant Education in Europe L'ouvrage (400 p.) présente l'histoire et l'actualité des protestantismes, et est rédigé par une... more
Autor przedstawia sylwetkę Denizarda Rivaila - twórcy filozofii spirytystycznej, z której współcześnie wywodzi się podstawy popularnej zwłaszcza w Brazylii pedagogiki spirytystycznej. Poglądy D.Rivaila przyczyniły się do powstania teorii... more
"Though contemporary historiography is quasi-unanimous, referring to the French Revolution and to Condor-cet’s Rapport sur l’instruction to establish the birth of (French) education of the masses, according to Mallinson Sunday Schools... more