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      EnergyRegulationSustainable Water Resources ManagementPrivate law
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      Civil LawPrivate lawDERECHO CIVIL
Ця стаття присвячена дослідженню еволюційного тлумачення Конвенції про захист прав і основоположних свобод людини, яке здійснюється Європейським судом із прав людини, в частині меж здійснення такого тлумачення. Необхідність такого... more
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      Private lawECtHR
Against the background of a global economy, the current pandemic is likely to bring about a "legal pandemic" of mass insolvencies, thus threatening an economic and social collapse. The banking system remains the central pillar for the... more
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      Civil LawBankingInsolvency LawPrivate law
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      Private International LawPrivate law
Il volume è rivolto esclusivamente al diritto delle obbligazioni e dei contratti. L'opera si compone di 53 casi inediti, con l'individuazione del problema giuridico e del suo possibile svolgimento, tenendo conto degli orientamenti... more
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      Civil LawContract LawPrivate lawChance
RESUMO: O escopo central do presente estudo consiste na investigação da aplicabilidade do método bifásico de quantificação de danos morais no âmbito da responsabilidade civil por lesão ao tempo, analisando o enquadramento desta lesão em... more
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      Private lawDireito CivilCivil liabilityDaño Moral
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      Contract LawPrivate lawLaw of ContractCommon Law
Il volume esamina le possibili tutele offerte dall’ordinamento ai creditori del legittimario che non reclami i propri diritti ereditari, qualora il de cuius gli abbia attribuito beni di valore inferiore alla quota di riserva spettantegli... more
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      Succession LawPrivate lawDireito CivilDiritto Civile
Mi objetivo en este trabajo es defender la idea según la cual el principio de justicia correctiva contiene una dimensión restaurativa que permite acomodar la existencia de remedios no-compensatorios en la práctica de la responsabilidad... more
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      Philosophy of Private LawPrivate lawLaw of TortsPhilosophy of Tort Law
This article offers a brief analysis of the public/private law divide in relation to the legal protection of cultural heritage in Spain. First, it provides an overview of the Spanish public law regime for the protection of historic and... more
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      Civil LawCultural HeritagePrivate lawSpanish Law
Traduzione di Grundfragen europaeischen Sachenrechtsverstaendnisses, pubblicato in Juristenzeitung 70 (2015), p. 845 – 860
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      Comparative LawCivil LawPrivate International LawPrivate law
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en analizar críticamente la prórroga forzosa. A estos efectos, se incorporarán las actualizaciones que serían oportunas en aquellos casos en los que el Derecho Comparado del Reino Unido, Francia y... more
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      Civil LawProperty LawPrivate lawVulnerability
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      American LiteratureBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
Exposé des motifs de l'avant-projet de loi approuvé, le 30 mars 2018, par le Conseil des ministres, tel que préparé par la Commission de réforme du droit des obligations instituée par l’arrêté ministériel du 30 septembre 2017 et... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawLaw of ObligationsPrivate law
The essay focuses on the problem of adult child support in Italy. According to Italian Civil code (artt. 315-bis and 337-ter), the parents have to maintain the offspring until it is economically independent, notwithstanding the age. A... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawInternational LawFamily Law
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      Civil LawMediationPrivate lawDERECHO CIVIL
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      Private International LawPrivate lawDireitoDireito Processual Civil
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      Private lawLaw of TortsResponsabilidade CivilCivil liability
The book is a complete treatise on single contracts
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      Civil LawContract LawPrivate lawEuropean private law
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      Comparative Private LawPrivate lawEuropean private lawEuropean Property Law
La contribución tiene por objeto analizar la doctrina en la Sentencia del TEDH, de 12 de enero de 2016 (Caso Barbulescu V Rumanía) con objeto de poner de manifiesto las consecuencias que sobre el contenido del derecho tiene una erronea... more
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      PrivacyPrivate law
Nóbrega, Introduction [Rethinking the Portuguese private law in the light of the Europeanisation of law], in: Faber/Lurger (-Caramelo-Gomes/Nóbrega), National Reports on the Transfer of Movables in Europe (Portugal), München: Sellier... more
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      European LawPortuguese StudiesProperty LawPrivate law
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      Civil LawTax LawInternational Tax LawContract Law
San Marino trust law is embedded in a consolidated civil law tradition stretching back to the ius commune system of fiduciary instruments, thereby making it possible to trace, to a large extent, an itinerary related to common law trusts,... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawComparative Private LawTrust Management
Il lavoro ripercorre l'attuale quadro giuridico dell'acquisto di un edificio in costruzione, concentrandosi sulle protezioni a favore dell'acquirente in relazione ai rischi in particolare, il fallimento del costruttore che possono... more
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      Private lawLaw of ContractGiurisprudenzaDiritto Civile
Libro Homenaje al Profesor Doctor Luis F.P. LEIVA FERNANDEZ por los 25 años en la enseñanza académica
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      Contract LawPrivate lawDerecho PrivadoDireito Do Consumidor
Il contributo mette in luce le criticità dell’approccio adottato nel provvedimento annotato rispetto alla compatibilità con l’ordine pubblico internazionale di una norma straniera che preveda l’imprescrittibilità del diritto di portare ad... more
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      Private International LawEuropean Union LawPrivate lawEuropean area of freedom, security and justice
The Italian Supreme Court has ruled on the worthiness control of clauses in insurance contracts and particularly of the claims made clauses contained in insurance policies against professional liability. This essay examines the... more
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      Contract LawPrivate lawLiability Insurance
RESUMO: O artigo apresenta as principais críticas relativas à doutrina tradicional da invalidade do negócio jurídico, introduzindo alguns subsídios para uma releitura funcional da matéria, em perspectiva civil-constitucional.
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      Civil LawPrivate lawDireito CivilDiritto Civile
A liberdade contratual constitui um dos princípios fundamentais do direito português, estando subjacente à conceção de sociedade e ao modelo económico e social vigentes. Os limites à liberdade contratual servem para proteger outros... more
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      Private lawDireito CivilDireito Civil E Processual Civil
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
This introduction to private law takes the reader on an intellectual journey through the different facets and dimensions of the field, from the family home to Kuta Beach and from Thomas Piketty to Nina Hagen. This concise book provides an... more
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      Contract LawFamily LawProperty LawPrivate law
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      Contract LawAccountingHungarian StudiesPrivate law
წინამდებარე სახელმძღვანელო განკუთვნილია, როგორც სამართლის (იურიდიული) ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტებისათვის, ისე პრაქტიკოსი იურისტებისათვის და სამოქალაქო სამართლით დაინტერესებულ სხვა პირთათვის. ასევე მათთვის ვისაც სურს დაეუფლოს ხელშეკრულებათა... more
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      Civil LawContract LawProperty LawPrivate International Law
L’Autore, dopo una breve introduzione, offre una panoramica dei principali sviluppi giurisprudenziali e dottrinali che hanno interessato, dal 2008 al 2018, l’art. 2050 c.c. (responsabilità per l’esercizio di attività pericolosa).... more
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      Private lawPersonal Injury LawTort LawDamages law
Discorsi su Il diritto come discorso, a cura di V. Velluzzi, Ets, Pisa, 2017, pp. 276
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      Private lawLegal argumentation
Fruto das pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo autor durante o curso de mestrado em Direito Civil junto à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo no Largo de São Francisco, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Marco Fábio Morsello, a... more
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      Private lawLaw of TortsResponsabilidade CivilCivil liability
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      Insurance LawPrivate law
This article is concerned with the principle of horizontal effect of fundamental rights as this has been applied in Cypriot case law. The article begins with a brief introduction on the doctrine of horizontal effect and the various... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawHuman RightsPrivate law
De acuerdo con el presente documento queda como constancia, el contrato para la adquisición de los servicios de RECOLECCIÓN y TRANSPORTE DE RESIDUOS SOLIDOS EN EL ESTADO DE MEXICO, que celebra de una parte la empresa contratante, conocida... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy Of LawPrivate law
Il mercato cinematografico sta vivendo una radicale trasformazione, segnata da una sempre maggiore digitalizzazione delle modalità di distribuzione e fruizione dei prodotti audiovisivi. Il presente studio mira ad analizzare il settore... more
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      CopyrightPrivate lawEntertainment LawDiritto Privato
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      Private lawComparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureDireito Processual Civil
Cavour definì la lirica come una vera e grande industria che ha ramificazioni in tutto il mondo. L’affermazione dello statista, valida ancora oggi, non solo dimostra l’importanza economica di questa complessa forma d’arte, ma implica... more
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      Civil LawContract LawWagner StudiesMozart
DE LEGE LATA ATTAINTMENTS AND DE LEGE FERENDA REFLECTIONS ON REMOVAL OF SISTER’S (AND BROTHER’S) COMPULSORY (RESERVED) SHARE Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.) ABSTRACT The current trend in legal systems based on Roman law, is to expanse... more
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      Civil LawPrivate lawBorçlar HukukuMedeni Hukuk
This essay argues that substantive fairness - defined here as fairness with respect to a contract’s terms - is a distinct virtue of good contracts. The essay begins by identifying two possible standards against which the fairness of a... more
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      Contract LawContract TheoryPrivate law
The paper deals with advertising contracts
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      Civil LawContract LawPrivate lawEuropean private law
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      Civil LawProperty LawPrivate lawUsucapione
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      Contract LawProperty LawPrivate lawArt Law