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This “layered account,” based on qualitative research gathered at a county jail and state women’s prison, illustrates the ways in which organizational discourses and micro- practices encourage emotional constructions such as withdrawal,... more
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      Qualitative ResearchPrisonsEmotional LaborTotal Institutions
The focus of the paper is on tourism culture as it operates where commercial hospitality is on offer, especially at hotels and resorts in developing countries. It is suggested that three quite distinct perspectives can assist in helping... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyTourism StudiesTourism Management
In 2010, a cluster of suicides at the electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn Technology Group sparked worldwide outcry about working conditions at its factories in China. Within a few short months, 14 young migrant workers jumped to... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCommunicationOrganizational CommunicationCorporate Social Responsibility
A new inmate, or `rookie', who enters a total institution usually faces `tests' and `games' organized by the 'old crew'. I argue that such initiation rituals are often designed by inmates in order to uncover a rookie's personal... more
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      Game TheorySociology of prison lifePrisonsInitiation Rituals
In recent years, there has been increased recognition of the significance and relevance of Holocaust studies to nurses. However, these studies are rarely integrated in the nursing curriculum, and even when they are, the focus is usually... more
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      EthicsLeadershipResiliencePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The present study draws on Scott’s (2011) notion of the Re-Inventive Institution and explores how gym members make sense and give meaning to their exercise regime. Overall, it is argued that for many participants gym exercise is more than... more
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      HeterotopiaThe BodyNeoliberalismSociology of the Body
Tensions between different relationship forms exist in every organisational setting. Catholic monasteries-as archetypical examples of voluntary total and greedy institutions-provide strategic cases of inquiry for understanding relational... more
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      BrotherhoodFriendshipMonasteryTotal Institutions
This chapter explores institutional contributions to cultures of sexual violence with particular attention on the work of the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which ran from 2013-2017, and... more
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      Catholic ChurchTotal InstitutionsRoyal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Full paper on: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1750698020959807 This article analyzes the processes of remembering and identity formation in a present-day mnemonic community consisting of former inmates of a total... more
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      UnderstandingSocial and Collective MemorySociology of MemoryThe social assitance of inmates, Sociology of Deviance, Probation and Prison Systems
Total institutions are by definition totalitarian, but not necessarily authoritarian. Voluntary total institutions consist of members who have chosen to enter, but what opportunities do they have to leave? This article addresses... more
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      MonasteryTotal InstitutionsAlbert O. Hirschman
How do monks and nuns manage expectations regarding how to 'open their hearts'? What alternatives do they have and what are the consequences? Based on a multi-sited case study of Cistercian monasteries in France, this article compares the... more
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      Monastic StudiesResistance (Social)MonasticismErving Goffman
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      History Of EugenicsDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHistory of Psychiatry
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      History Of EugenicsDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesTotal Institutions
The practical and symbolic social effects of work on how imprisoned persons experience time are studied here from a sociology of work perspective. In the thinking of Donald Clemmer and Erving Goffman, two classic sociologists of the... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology Of DevianceSociology of Work
This article presents the results of an empirical research carried out within Italian reception centres for asylum seekers. The article shows how reception centres can become a trap from which asylum seekers are no longer able to escape... more
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      EthnographyHumanitarianismBorder StudiesRefugee Studies
Called a flirt, rascal, buffoon, and disgrace, Uncle Sen created considerable confusion among staff and patients at Chiangmai city's only home for the elderly. Whether to label him insane or not loomed as an issue that divided his aged... more
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      EthnographyHumorAdult Development And AgingParody
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      History of EducationGender HistoryTransnational and World HistoryHistory of Childhood and Youth
Hendrik Trescher geht der Frage nach, ob und inwiefern Teilhabe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung an alltäglichen Freizeitaktivitäten auch jenseits eines pädagogischen Protektorats praktiziert wird bzw. möglich ist. Der Autor kommt... more
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      Social WorkDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesQualitative Research
This article reflects on the " emotion work " undertaken by youth in correctional facilities and the impact of such work on the resocialization process, which occurs in conditions of partial isolation. The author attempts to adapt the... more
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      EmotionRehabilitationCorrectional RehabilitationQualitative methodology
A Masters dissertation from the University of Haifa, submitted in 2012. Written in Hebrew but there is an abstract in English at the end of the document. This study examines seafarers’ experiences on board merchandise ships. The purpose... more
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El artículo refiere el problema de la fijación de la mano de obra extranjera en España. Rastreamos diferentes estrategias dirigidas al propósito de la fijación de los trabajadores en diversos momentos históricos, por lo que la metodología... more
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      Sustainable agricultureVagrancy and MobilityPoder y Control SocialInmigracion
The main objective of this paper is to show the consequences that the system established by the agricultural union “Unió de Pagesos” to recruit, import and distribute foreign labor produces, that is a worker whose legal rights and... more
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      Sustainable agricultureAgricultureEnglish Poor LawVagrancy and Mobility
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      Erving GoffmanParanoiaEarly Medieval MonasticismBenedictine Monasticism
The following text presents my personal experience of psychological trauma as part of regular and ongoing processes of institutional (re)socialization into academe as a pre-tenure faculty member of color. In giving voice to this... more
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      Trauma StudiesWorkplace BullyingOrganizational SocializationLiterature and Trauma
Ethnic minorities have conspicuously been absent in public debates and scientific research on rising inequalities and Japan as “gap society” (kakusa shakai). Still, despite economic stagnation and lost decade(s), Japan has a significant... more
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      SociologyJapanese StudiesDiversityTransnationalism
El sindicato agrícola Unió de Pagesos ha instaurado en el agro catalán un sistema diseñado para el control social del extranjero y la disposición permanente de trabajadores. La política migratoria española ha sido responsable de la... more
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      Social ControlSocial Control in Late ModernityPoder y Control SocialInmigracion
The Indian Residential School (IRS) system in Canada directly affected 150,000 Indigenous children who were taken to state-sponsored and church-run institutions to separate them from their families and cultures. During the century and a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesDesignArchitecture
El escrito reflexiona sobre la adecuación teórica y metodológica del recurso a las categorías institución total, dispositivo y disciplina, para investigar problemáticas recientes en el campo de la salud-enfermedad-atención,... more
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      Drugs And AddictionDisciplineTotal InstitutionsDrogas
During the COVID-19 pandemic, discussion re-emerged in many places, among them Poland, about how institutions that provide nursing home care (NHC) contribute to the social isolation of their residents; deinstitutionalisation (DI) as an... more
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      DisabilityPermeabilityNursing HomesTotal Institutions
The objective of the paper is to explain a case of social innovation in mental health services, moving from a psychiatric hospital, classically a total institution, to a healthier, diversified, and personalized care service. The research... more
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      Policy-change theoryMilan KunderaSocial InnovationPsychiatric Rehabilitation
C’est seulement durant les derniers siècles que l’institution pénitentiaire est devenue le moyen principal de contrôle, de management et de réintégration de la déviance sociale. Un point central du pouvoir de l’institution totale réside... more
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      CriminologyPsychoanalysisOrganized CrimePsychology and Law
The aim of this article is to outline the issues related to the specificity of the image of the writer and his role in society created in Tadeusz Konwicki’s early works. This stage in the writer’s life opens with the first short story... more
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      Film StudiesLiteratureSpace and PlaceCold War and Culture
Streszczenie Artykuł przybliża problem występowania zarówno emocji, jak i szeroko po-jętej pracy emocjonalnej wśród personelu zakładów poprawczych (zP) oraz schronisk dla nieletnich (sdN) w odniesieniu do skuteczności resocjalizacji w... more
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      EmotionEthnographyQualitative methodologyJuvenile Delinquency
This thesis argues that the presentation of the Roman military in Luke’s Gospel is highly surprising and hugely significant. In contrast to Matthew, Mark and John, Luke’s soldiers and centurions are presented in a positive light, which... more
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      Total InstitutionsMilitary chaplaincyLuke's Gospel
The criminal asylums as a symbolic form The Government of madness is always a matter primarily of spaces. The most extreme of these places – the one that was born in Italy in the last quarter of the Nineteenth century as “criminal... more
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      AsylumTotal Institutions
W niniejszym tekście zaakcentowany jest głównie wątek przestrzeni fizycznej, w jakiej odbywana jest kara. Oznacza to, że analizie nie jest poddany system więziennictwa jako taki, a jedynie wizualny wymiar z nim związany. Architektura jest... more
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      InfrastructureCorrectional ArchitectureTotal Institutions
This analysis is a philosophical exploration of Marilyn Frye's metaphor of the cage and Patricia Hill Collins' theory of intersecting oppressions. It argues that social structures and forms of oppressive knowledge make up the individual... more
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      IntersectionalityTotal Institutionsmoral oppressioncollateral oppression
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      Pierre BourdieuErving GoffmanTotal InstitutionsConcentration Camps
Publicado na Revista Militares e Política (http://www.lemp.ifcs.ufrj.br/revista/)
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      Strategy (Military Science)Sociology of the MilitaryErving GoffmanMilitary
Once the model of family farming was substituted by an industrial agricultural system of production based on hired labor, the agricultural catalonian (Spain) union Unió de Pagesos, with the consent of the State, reinvented itself as a... more
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      ImmigrationLabor MigrationAgricultureMigration Studies
La comunicación que presentamos pretende mostrar las consecuencias que el sistema implementado por el sindicato agrícola Unió de Pagesos en Cataluña -por el que se realiza el reclutamiento, importación y suministro de mano de obra... more
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      Social ControlPoder y Control SocialInmigracionDerechos Fundamentales
The treatment of psychological disorders of all kinds and, more largely, of the deterioration of the mind, gradually made its mark in Australian novels in the early 1970s and gave rise to a series of books concerned with mental health... more
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      PsychiatryAustralian StudiesTotalitarianismContemporary Fiction
Peter Kocan went down in the history of Australian literature for having written a pair of companion semi-fictions largely inspired from his experience as an inmate when his life imprisonment sentence was commuted to a ten-year... more
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      Australian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial Literature