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      History of Political ThoughtLegal PhilosophyFilozofia PrawaHistoria Myśli Politycznej
Какой вклад был сделан марксизмом и теорией Е.Б.Пашуканиса в философию права? Необходимо осмыслить и провести критический анализ того вопроса, занимает ли Пашуканис и его теория достойное место как в истории философии права, так и в... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawLegal PhilosophyGeneral Jurisprudence
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      DemocracyHuman Rights and FreedomsFilozofia PrawaTheory of State and Law
La Direzione, d'intesa con l'Editore celebra, con questo "Speciale Venticinquennale", i 25 anni di vita della rivista Notariato, affrontando un tema di grande rilevanza per il presente e soprattutto per il futuro del Notariato, come... more
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      LawJurisprudenceLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
A tanulmány a globális kormányzásról való gondolkodás államelméleti narratívában való megjelenését, és annak fejlődéstörténetét tekinti át, vállaltan elmélettörténeti megközelítést alkalmazva. Vizsgálódásaink kezdőpontját a „már a görögök... more
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      Global GovernanceGovernanceTheory of State and LawTheory of the State
Hans Kelsen (1881-1973) was the most important jurist of the twentieth century and the founder of the Pure Theory of Law. His theory of International Law is grounded not only in his Neokantian perspective but also in the political thought... more
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      HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDante Studies
Validity, efficacy and coerciveness are all central concepts in legal theory. Every major legal theoretician has somehow touched upon in each of these concepts. However, their meaning and interrelationship remain problematic. Some of... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawLegal positivismHans Kelsen
Монографія присвячена концептуальному та контекстуальному дослідженню західноєвропейської ідеї суверенітету. Основна увага приділена значенню політичної міфології, складовою якої є суверенітет, для становлення та революційних перетворень... more
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      History of IdeasPolitical TheoryWelfare StateSovereignty
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      Political TheoryState Theorylegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
Монографія продовжує започатковане 1997 року видання праць Львівської лабораторії прав людини Академії правових наук України (нині ‒ Львівської лабораторії прав людини і громадянина Науково-дослідного інституту державного будівництва та... more
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    • legal theory and philosophy of State and Law
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
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      European StudiesLawCriminal LawJurisprudence
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      LawCriminal LawJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
Монографію присвячено феномену змін в інтерпретації правових норм. У першому розділі роботи розкриваються філософські й герменевтичні основи вчення про тлумачення права. Другий розділ містить загальний огляд сучасних інтерпретаційних... more
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    • legal theory and philosophy of State and Law
Hobbes’s political philosophy starts from a number of premises that are supposed to be self-evident, supplemented by various observations from experience. These statements are examined critically and in their interrelatedness in order to... more
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      LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawCivil Law
The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
The status of ‘international law’ is examined critically. In the first section, the basis of (national) legislation is described. This consists of an inquiry into a credible meaning of ‘natural law’. It is focused on the question whether... more
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      BusinessLawJurisprudenceComparative Law
The article is devoted to the problem of distorted transition of general philosophical categories to the theory of state. The problem of distorted understanding of such categories as «essence» and «content» of the state is analyzed. It... more
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      Theory of State and LawTheory of the Statelegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
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    • legal theory and philosophy of State and Law
Dopo aver letto la tragedia tebana di Sofocle, il personaggio che mi ha più colpito è senza ombra di dubbio quello della coraggiosa e determinata Antigone. Secondo un'ottica giuspositivistica, gli ordini di Creonte dovrebbero essere... more
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      Philosophy Of LawGiurisprudenzalegal theory and philosophy of State and LawAnthropology/Sociology/Philosophy of State and Law
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      LiberalismPropertyState TheoryPhilosophy of Property
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      Political PhilosophyRepublicanismLegal TheoryLegal Philosophy
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      Legal Philosophylegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
Teória štátu alebo štátoveda patrí do skupiny predmetov, ktorými študenti začínajú svoje štúdium na právnických fakultách na Slovensku. Hoci štátoveda ako vedná disciplína má svoj vyhranený a osobitný charakter, na študijné účely ju možno... more
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      Theory of State and Lawlegal theory and philosophy of State and LawGeneral Theory of State and LawTheory of State and Constitutional Law
A ghost written editorial on the views that Thomas Aquinas would have on the subject if he were to be alive as of now. The case study is Uganda.
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      Political Philosophylegal theory and philosophy of State and LawLaw and Christian Political Thought
At a time when citizens must rely on administration to tackle the urgent threats of global warming, a pandemic, and destabilizing inequality, critics both left and right would tear it down. Libertarian opponents denounce agency discretion... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryCritical Legal TheoryAdministracion
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      Philosophy Of Law20th Century German HistoryTheory of State and Lawlegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
The state of law continues to be a current topic of research. Main methods used in the article are the formal-dogmatic method and the historical one. Such combination allows recreating the evolutionary nature of the state of law... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawLaw and SocietyPhilosophy Of Law
Il recente libro "Oltre la legalità" di Paolo Grossi, Presidente emerito della Corte costituzionale, volendo stimolare riflessioni critiche sul futuro del diritto, porta con sé un rischio: che lo smascheramento, da parte dello storico... more
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      LawJurisprudenceLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
Marek Piechowiak's book Plato's Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity is the first comprehensive study of Plato's conception of justice. It shows that Plato already referred to something we today call "dignity" and made... more
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      Political PhilosophyHuman RightsPhilosophy Of LawJustice
V predloženej vedeckej štúdii bližšie rozoberáme vznik a formovanie nemeckej idey právneho štátu (Rechtsstaatu), ktorej korene siahajú k Immanuelovi Kantovi. Na Kantove práce následne kriticky nadväzovali nemeckí teoretici počas celého... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal HistoryLegal TheoryComparative Constitutional Law
by Oswaldo Akamine Jr., Flávio Roberto Batista, Pablo Biondi, Carolina de Roig Catini, Carlo Di Mascio, Gabriel Martins Furquim, Celso Naoto Kashiura Jr., Márcio Bilharinho Naves Pashukanis brought about an epistemological revolution... more
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophySocial WorkMarxism
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional Law
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      Legal TheoryHistory of Lawlegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
Виникнення, реалізація і припинення суб’єктивних цивільних прав, юридичних обов’язків, цивільних правовідносин пов’язано із юридичними фактами. В багатьох випадках, для настання означеного наявність одного юридичного факту недостатньо.... more
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      Theory of LawPure Theory of LawTheory of State and LawGeneral Theory of Law
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      MaterialismRule of LawLegal PhilosophyPolitical and Legal Philosophy. History of Political Thought
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
Viene pubblicata col titolo di Lo Stato in Dante una nuova edizione italiana di Die Staatslehre des Dantes Alighieri, opera giovanile del massimo filosofo del diritto del Novecento, Hans Kelsen. Pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1905 nei... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDante StudiesPhilosophy Of Law
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      History of Lawlegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
This paper explores the role of amthal (instances of figurative language, translated as “similitudes,” “parables,” or “analogies”) as an element essential to the unity of form and function in Islamic intellectual discourse. The uses of... more
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      Science Fiction and FantasyIslamic MysticismIslam and ModernityBanality of Evil
Le concept de politique L'essai majeur de Schmitt Der Begriff des Politischen est apparu significatif pour diverses raisons dès 1927.
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      Carl SchmittCarl Schmitt (Political Science)German PhilosophyConcept of the Political
Бъярн Мелкевик - титулярный профессор университета Лаваля (Канада). Профессор Мелкевик получил известность как выдающийся специалист в области философии и теории права, юридической методологии, сравнительного правоведения и юридической... more
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      Critical TheoryJurisprudenceLegal PhilosophyThéorie du droit
Explaining what made ancient Greek law unusual, Michael Gagarin observes that most premodern legal cultures "wrote extensive sets (or codes) of laws for academic purposes or propaganda but these were not intended to be accessible to most... more
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      ReligionAncient HistorySociology of ReligionLaw
Es scheint in Gesellschaften die Neigung vorzuherrschen, dann etwas durch viel Gerede herbeibeschwören zu wollen, wenn es im Begriffe ist zu verschwinden: Menschenwürde. Aus diesem Grunde gehe ich in meiner Arbeit der Frage nach, wo und... more
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      German StudiesPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Educationlegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
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      Philosophy Of LawMoral PhilosophyPhilosophy of Politicslegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryTheory of the State
Б’ярн Мелкевік – почесний професор університету Лаваля (Квебек). Професор Мелкевік здобув популярність як видатний фахівець у галузі філософії і теорії права, юридичної методології, порівняльного правознавства та юридичної аргументації.... more
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      JurisprudenceTheory of LawPhilosophie Du Droitlegal theory and philosophy of State and Law
On the centenary of Feliciano Benvenuti’s birth, this article analyses his legal scholarship on administrative activity. The article is divided into three parts. The first examines the paradigms of Benvenuti’s thinking, represented... more
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      Constitutional LawCritical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryAdministrative History