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このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    香港からのiPhone ARデモ。位置情報と方角をもとに、ビルや店の名称などの情報を重ね合わせて表示するタイプ。

    Guarda la puntata intera su http://geekfiles.tv
    Cosa otteniamo unendo tecnologie per il riconoscimento delle immagini, sistemi di posizionamento e una connessione permanente alla rete?
    Una stratificazione di dati in grado di spiegare la realtà, consentendo agli individui di interagire con essa.
    Più semplicemente, otterremo quella che è stata definita realtà aumentata, unevoluzione della realtà virtuale che consente la visualizzazione di un layer di informazioni supplementari sullambiente reale.
    Come funzionano le interfacce del futuro, quali potenzialità hanno e come cambieranno la nostra percezione del mondo?

    A short description or this technology.


    USAToday included an interactive map to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Islands of Adventure at Universal Orlando. See how the map works as we walk you through using the map, online.
    You'll see how to do it, step by step in this video.
    The Wizarding World of Harry Potter garnered some attention in today's USAToday newspaper with a fully interactive map included in the Life section of the paper.
    On the back page of the Life section, a map of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter takes up almost the top half of the paper.
    elow the map are instructions on how to view the interactive, 3D version of Harry Potter's new world at Islands of Adventure in Universal Orlando.
    Go to HarryPotterWorld.usatoday.com
    Watch the tutorial video
    Go to HarryPotter3D.com
    Click the "Launch Augmented Reality Map" button on the bottom of this page.
    This will launch your webcam and you need to hold the map pretty close to the webcam.
    Music will start first, then the interactive 3D images on the Harry Potter map.
    You can also blow on your microphone to get the banners at Hogwart's, although we couldn't make this happen.
    We did a little screencast video of us working with the map, so you can see how it works and/or doesn't work. In spite of the difficulties, the paper map is pretty cool and probably a collector's item, down the road.
    Make sure to keep checking in, here at http://WizardingWorldPark.com for news and updates about the Harry Potter park.
    Also, see http://www.DestinationsInFlorida.com to book your Wizarding World vacation and Universal Orlando tickets.


    LibreGeoSocialはモバイルAugmented Realityインタフェースを使用した、libre(無料のオープンソース)の新しいモバイルSNS。Androidで動作する、位置情報を使用したアプリケーション。「Layarレイヤー(http://layar.jp/home)」や「セカイカメラ」のようなサービスと似ている。

    LibreGeoSocial is a new libre (free, open source) mobile social network with a Mobile Augmented Reality interface. The nodes of the social network are geolocated and positioned at different altitudes. LibreGeoSocial nodes can be shown through a traditional list based view or through a magic lens mobile augmented reality UI that not only allows the user to see tags associated with objects of the reality perceived through the camera, but also to add tags to objects from the mobile, labeling objects at different altitudes. If you are interested in this project, please contact with us in the next e-mail: lgs-contact [at] libresoft [dot] es

    Probably the best and most advanced augmented reality product on this youtube site. Check it out!
    >Mirage Systemという新しいソリューション。紙にペンで複数箇所のポイントを書くとマーカーに早変わり。ユニーク性が高い。

    Augmented Reality, as simple as it can get. Using the Mirage System from Arcane Technologies to quickly create an AR scenario, add and align 3D contents over reality.


    Amazing technology watch our video with the new Augmented Reality it looks like a hologram. This video shows a FESTO 3D cad part. To download 3D cad models visit our site www.partcommunity.com . See video under:

    Dragonsoft is an R&D outfit that specializes in developing technology that
    bridges the gap in the way we communicate and interact with the technology
    surrounding us. Our main focus is to further develop the field of immersion
    technology and optical interactive technology.

    Augmented reality (AR) technology combines real world and computer generated data, allowing for blending of computer generated images into real footage, in real time.
    In short, AR is to super impose graphics, audio and other digital enhancements over a real world environment in real time.


    Intel Core i5でも、こんなに問題なくARが動作するよっていう動画かな?有名どころのプロモーション用ARがデモされている。

    Anthony Gallo gives a demonstration of the Intel Core i5 Processor by using augmented reality!
     For more info on the Intel Core family of processors please visit www.intel.com

    『ポイント交換サイト「PeX」を運営する株式会社PeXが、ngi group株式会社が運営するmixiアプ リ「ミクモン」にソーシャルアプリ向け少額決済サービス「payca(ペイカ)」を導入すると発表した。ソーシャルアプリへのpayca導入は「ミクモン」が第一弾となる。 』

    続きは、SECOD TIMESで...

    2010年6月2日-3日の2日間、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州にあるサンタクララのサンタクララコンベンションセンターで初めて世界的なAR(Augmented Reality 拡張現実)技術専門のビジネスイベント「are2010」が開催されるらし。これ、行きた〜い!

    SAN FRANCISCO, January 19, 2010 – Augmented Reality Event (ARE), announced today that the first global conference dedicated to advancing the business of augmented reality will be held at Santa Clara Convention Center, June 2 – 3, 2010. The activities will be kicked off by a highly anticipated keynote from the “augmented reality prophet,” world-renowned author, futurist, editor and critic, Bruce Sterling.

    Start-ups, developers, mobile and hardware companies along with organizations within entertainment, media, education, healthcare, government, tourism, and many more, will gather to focus on evolving the much hyped technology into a productive, sustainable and entertaining new medium. ARE will include more than 30 sessions organized into business, technology and production tracks, designed to address topics such as:

    • current augmented reality market scope and what’s expected in the next 5 years,
    • latest augmented reality innovations, engines and tools,
    • showcases and postmortems of landmark augmented reality projects
    • how to fund and build a successful augmented reality start up,
    • how to leverage augmented reality to advance your brand, attract and keep your customers, and
    • how to build successful campaigns and products that will delight users.


    On the next Kerri Pomarolli "Laugh Break" web show, Kerri is going to be giving away a selection of these cool cards that just came out from Hallmark on January 12th!

    Sortie le 30 novembre


     Here I am demonstrating the display of a 3D model in augmented reality using my Imac webcam, ARsights software, and Sketchup. The 3D model of the gunship was downloaded from the Sketchup 3D warehouse. I installed the ARsights plugin for Sketchup which was used to add the Scorpion to my display using the marker card printed on photo paper.

    openstreetmap, osm, augmented reality, ar, navigation, routing, archinform, architecture, layar, android, video, application, 
    a new application for archinform

    A slide show of screenshots and images related to this topic of the 2010 NMC Horizon Report (http://horizon.nmc.org/) shown as part of the presentation at the release of the report at the EDUCAUSE ELI Conference, January 19, 2010 in Austin.


    Augmented Reality. The video shows how the motion segmentation is used to know the exact position of the human. Therefore, a generated human model can be replaced on the image to create an Augmented Reality Scene. The generated human model copies the behaviour of the human being.
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