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このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    位置情報系のARではとても魅力的なマーケティングツールを提供するイギリスのAR企業 "Gold Run"。その代表のクールなスタイルのヴィヴィアンへのインタビュー。AR(Augmented Reality)に対するヴィジョンや将来について語っている。

    It is AR of Britain that offers very attractive marketing tool corporate "Gold Run" in AR of location information systemInterview of the representative's cool style to Vivien. 

    An informative and entertaining interview with Vivian Rosenthal the Founder & CEO of GoldRun, on location at CES 2012. Vivian provides valuable insights into today's Augmented Reality technology uses and her visions into the future of AR. 

    GPS Navigation, Photos, Shopping, Virtual Real-Estate and Interactive Television are some of the subjects covered in this video. She also discusses her early and fascinating inspirations leading her to creating GoldRun. 

    For more info about GoldRun you can visit them @ goldrungo.com

    ElectricTV.com @ CES 2012

    (via YouTube by  )
    (articles http://www.electrictv.com/?p=13911)

    onvert is the new augmented reality and QR code mobile app.
    It is the most accessible 3D AR system for designers and allows you to create enhancements to your designs in any location.
    This simple tutorial is an early internal draft that shows the steps required to make an onvert.
    For more details, please go to onvert.com

    (via YouTube by  )

    The popular festival of Saint Sebastian (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) has as its main protagonists fire and devils. More than 1000 performers of 23 groups acted in a performance where devils take over the city for a night.

    This event was an incredible audiovisual spectacle unprecedented: A massive 3D Mapping projection, it was over the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca. This huge event also was accompanied of fireworks, giant beast, a great popular participation and an amazing sound system.

    The audiovisual performance known as 3D Mapping, it is a technique which consist to projected video on buildings, adapting to its shape. It was done by the audiovisual company Palnoise, who creates cool 3D effects and optical illusions, making it look as though buildings are crumbling, changing their structure and more.

    Public attending, 60.000 people, and hundreds of thousands TV viewers (RTVE, IB3, Tele5, TV3) saw the virtual destruction of the Cathedral, facade cracked and burst the windows, while a flock of birds appear from the darkness comes the collapse of the temple. Physically at the same time, hundreds of devils with flaming torches conquered the Cathedral.

    More of Palnoise 3D Mapping projections at:

    (via YouTube by  )


    The system uses the concept of an augmented reality magic mirror to create the illusion that the user has a kind of X-ray view into her own body. Such a system can e.g. be used for education of anatomy. It uses the Microsoft Kinect to estimate the position of the user. This work has been done by Tobias Blum and Nassir Navab from the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality (http://campar.in.tum.de/)

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    Công ty Multitouch Technology Vietnam, công ty hàng đầu Việt Nam trong việc phát triển các giải pháp quảng cáo tương tác.

    (via YouTube by  )

    The character begins to move with AR when the camera of a smart phone is held up in the package of the figure. The child's purchase desire is strengthened. 

    (via YouTube by  )

    Aurasma, a world leading augmented reality developer, has partnered with Bandai, a leading toy manufacturer, to create more engaging packaging for a number of popular toy lines. Each package will contain its own augmented reality experience specific to the toy that it holds. The digital content can be accessed by smart phones equipped with the Aurasma mobile augmented reality browser, which uses the mobile device’s camera to recognize the content. Aurasma believes that this new approach will be a bit hit with kids as it takes the toys out of the package and allows them to look and play with it in a digital setting.

    The toy indsurty is beginning to see the merits in augmented reality. The technology will allow kids and their parents to see how the toys move once they are out of the package. It will also give children the chance to experience the toys before they take them home. The digital content can be somewhat misleading, however, as the actual toys will not do what their virtual counterparts do, such as unassisted flips and interacting with props on their own.

    Bandai believes that technology will make toys more engaging for the younger generation, especially as this generation is likely to grow up steeped in high-tech gadgetry. Aurasma expects that this will be the first in a number of partnerships with toy companies to make packaging more engaging for consumers.

    (via http://www.qrcodepress.com/aurasma-and-bandai-partner-to-bring-augmented-reality-to-toy-packaging/856319/)
    空港内ナビゲーションARアプリ、 "JALエアポートナビゲーション" は、空港内の行き先をを矢印で導いてくれる。Wifiを使用していてるようなので、技術提供は多分あの有名なAR関連企業だろう。

    Navigation AR application program in airport and "JAL airport navigation".This application program does the navigation by the guide arrow in the airport. 

    (via http://www.jal.co.jp/k-tai/android_app/airportnavi/)

    Peristva officially launches its Augmented Reality services for creating maker based,markerless & interactive applications for web,iphone,android market specifically focusing on impacting the way knowledge is shared.
    Collaborate and create : www.peristva.com

    (via YouTube by  )


    The package of the commodity is recognized in the image.   Some AR demonstrations using face-recognition technology

    Commix Communications Augmented Reality Demo Reel 2011/2012

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    http://www.meetyourstranger.com - Meet Your Stranger is a Make-Your-Own movie. You play the starring role in a real life movie! Check in, choose a character and meet your opponent through a secret character in the public space. The scene you play improvising. Use your smartphone as a prompter. This really comes to life with a virtual scene in Augmented Reality.

    Supported by the Dutch Mediafonds and presented at the IFFR International Film Festival 2012

    (via YouTube by  )

    AR Museum (exhibition) from everyware.kr on Vimeo.

    Made for the Mobile Museum of
    Winter Youth Olympic Games 2012 Innsbruck, Austria


    2012年1月24日(日本時間)の毎日新聞朝刊 編集記事「記者の目」で、新聞紙面の「オンライン化」を実現するツールとしてARが取り上げられる予定。 英国のAurasmaを活用して、記事内の写真が動き出すようなしくみを実現する(ビジョンベースクラウド型AR)。記事を拡張するARとしては日本初となる。 iPhone4&4s、iPad2、Android2.2以上のスマートフォンで 無料のアプリ "Aurasma Lite" をダウンロードすると見ることができる。ダウンロード後、初回は少し待つことも有るが、一度認識したら追加コンテンツが発生しても、ほぼ瞬時に視聴することが出来る。

    AR is scheduled to be taken up as a tool that achieves "Make to online" on the newspaper side by editorial matter "Journalist's eyes" of tomorrow's (January 24, 2012) Mainichi Shimbun morning newspaper. The mechanism where Aurasma of Britain is used, and the photograph in the article begins to move is achieved. AR that enhances the article on the newspaper side will become the first in Japan.  It can be expected that the application program free "Aurasma Lite" will be downloaded with a smart phone of iPhone4&4s, iPad2, and Android2.2 or more. After it downloads it, it can watch first time almost instantaneously even if additional contents are generated when recognizing it once though there is what for it waits a little, too. 

    Aurasma ... http://www.aurasma.com/
    mue Alive ... http://alive.knowledge-works.co.jp/

    The camera of AR application program Aurasma Lite for smart phone (iPhone,Android,iPad2) is held up in the photograph of actress Miho Kan'no's CM. Then, demonstration contents where photograph seems to have begun to move on screen. A photograph collection and old past video and print space can tie easily. Printed matter can be used more effectively.

    菅野美穂さんのCMの写真にスマートフォン(iPhone,Android,iPad2)向けのARアプリ Aurasma Lite のカメラをかざすと、画面の中でまるで写真が動き出したかのように見えるデモコンテンツです。写真集や、過去の古い動画を印刷紙面とを簡単に結びつけることができます。印­刷物をより効果的に利用することができます。

    Aurasma ... http://www.aurasma.com/

    (via YouTube by  - ekame@msn.com)

    AR demonstration to which the video was displayed was made from some pages of movie information magazine "Cinema club" always distributed in the video shop in the vicinity without permission. It is sure to come to want to watch only a little before it borrows - that the title of the old film is introduced. It is also possible that details of the movie and the page of Facebook and Twitter are immediately displayed. 

    Of course, it can be able to watch the movie when sitting in the movie title of the inside of a store of the video shop. 
    Even if it doesn't keep recognizing the marker for a long time, I can be enjoyed because it becomes a video reproduction mode from the AR mode if the screen is done in the double tap after it recognizes it. 


    Aurasma ... http://www.aurasma.com/

    (via YouTube by  - ekame@msn.com )
    既に、History Pin というアプリがリリースされているが、それと似たようなイメージのアプリだ。

    In de virtuele tour Heden en verleden extra is voor de techniek Augmented Reality gekozen om Historische foto's in de 360 graden bolpanoramafoto's te versmelten op bijna exact dezelfde locatie.

    De interactieve tour omvat 5 bolpanorama's met ieder een Augmented Reality foto. Ook kunnen we bij iedere bolpanorama 6 historische foto's selecteren,
    met totaal 35 Historische foto's uit de periode van 1892 t/m 2011. Zo kunt u de
    veranderingen van beeldopstelling omsluiting Begraafplaats Bredaseweg alsmede verandering hoek Bredaseweg Noordhoekring bezien van heden naar verleden.

    ga naar virtuele tour: http://adf.ly/4Simc
    ga naar webpagina: http://www.andrewils.nl/html/heden_verleden_extra.html

    muziek gespeeld door: André Wils

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    Here we show the basics of how Figmentz augmented reality entertainment will work. If you'd like to see more gameplay, go "like"https://www.facebook.com/Figmentz. Once I hit 1,000 likes I'll upload another video, with more action... and less talking. I probably will forget to check the comments here so if you'd like to discuss the video either visit our website www.Figmentz.com 

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    ダンサー、ギタリストとCGキャラクター(ボーカロイドGUMI)が 共演しました。CGキャラクターは壁面のLED液晶(2次元)から ステージ(3次元)に飛び出します。

    夏野氏(株式会社ドワンゴ 取締役)とスタッフ操作のドラゴンが戦う 様子がご覧いただけます。

    ギター・ベース・ドラムの動きに伴って、様々な特殊効果が 合成されています。

    Live AR


    Buick and Aurasma bring an augmented reality mobile shopping experience to the WIRED Pop-Up Store in Times Square New York. 
    Shoppers used the Buick Best Tech app powered by Aurasma to browse and buy this season's featured gifts and learn more about the 2012 Buick Lacrosse from a virtual eAssistant.
    On Black Friday, 35 lucky winners went home with prizes!

    (via YouTube  )

    The experience that AR offers will blow in a new wind to the apparel business that does chaotically. I think that AR exactly looks alike to the location of New Wave where new music arose. 

    ARの提供する体験は、混沌とするアパレル業界に新しい風を吹き込むだろう! まさしく ARは 新しい音楽が生まれたNew Waveの位置づけと似ていると思う。

    As you're aware, we're currently witnessing one of the toughest battles ever fought on the high street.Mass discounting isn't enough. Even great collections aren't enough. So how do you remain a fashion leader at this difficult time?

    At Savvy, we're pioneering digital innovation.Based on our understanding of your brand, we believe Augmented Reality could attract and retain your consumers by offering a whole new way of experiencing your collection and engaging with your offer.

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    Video playing in sync with the audio. Video texture is grabbed and laid upon the marker. Audio sync took quite a bit of hacking :)

    Demo is created using the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEvXRvBA5aI

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