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このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    Ecolamp, Consortium for the recovery and processing of spent fluorescent lamps, From the 26th February to the 8 March in Campo San Paolo choses the Venice Carnival as the stage for his environmental awareness actions.
    Through a postcard, also available on the website by clicking HERE, Ecolamp invites you to visit the green island in an interactive way, using Seac02's augmented reality. Showing the card to a webcam, thanks to the Flash texture traking technology, appears in a 3D video where you can see a light bulb going off and then throwing itself in a Ecolamp's bin.
    Once again the project was created in collaboration with the Egg 2.0 Factory.

    CLICK HERE and try Augmented Reality!

    (via http://www.seac02.it/newsletter/65/ )

    - Go to: www.pixieathome.com
    - Print the PIXIE marker
    - Start the webcam
    - Place your laptop in the room where you want to place your PIXIE
    - Press the right/left buttons on your keyboard to see PIXIE in all available colors
    - Invite and test PIXIE in your home

    Start your PIXIE experience here!

    This is the latest Augmented Reality application we developed for Spanish 101 class taught by Dr. Socorro Zaragoza(EKU). Dr. Zaragoza wanted to experiment with Augmented Reality (AR) in her Spanish 101 class to determine what effects does AR have on student language speaking, writing, reading, listening and comprehension. We created the Simpsons scene in Google SketchUp, loaded it in BuildAR Pro in her classroom and gave out AR markers to students as a part of collaborative exercise. Full details here: http://www.jsnet.eku.edu/ARBlog/
    (via YouTube)
    街中に浮遊するキャラクターを探してゲットすると、お買い得クーポンなどが使用出来ル問サービス。olleh clubに入会すると、更に特典があるようだ。

    찾고, 잡고, 즐기는 고객참여형 olleh 캐치캐치
    증강현실(Augmented Reality) 애플리케이션으로, 3D 캐릭터(몬) 잡기 게임을 통해 마일리지(캔디)와 쿠폰을 제공합니다
    3G환경에서는 데이터 통화료가 발생됩니다.
    olleh club 회원이시면 더 많은 다양한 혜택을 누리실 수 있습니다.
    (via YouTube)

    Voor mijn vriend Idriz Jakupovic van Orange Furniture (http://www.orange-furniture.com) zou dit wel eens heel interessant kunnen zijn. Dit filmpje is bedoeld om e.e.a. los te maken.
    Met behulp Augmented Reality software van AR-Media (http://www.inglobetechnologies.com) kunnen Google Sketchup modellen op een 'presenteerblad' in een webcam beeld worden weergegeven.
    (via YouTube)

    This video shows the Augmented Reality presentation associated with the web site we created for the new Environment and Natural Resources building for the University of Arizona. Explore for yourself at www.pdc.arizona.edu/enr2
    (via YouTube)

    Developed by Alvaro Cassinelli and Alexis Zerroug at the University of Tokyo, Ishikawa Komuro Lab

    Multi-modal augmented reality system: in addition to the usual camera and projector pair, we are using a parametric speaker to augment object with sound. The system is mounted on a pan and tilt steering base.
    The application running here is a video player projected on a board and controled by the finger. We can move the board anywhere and the system will follow it. The parametric speaker project the sound directly onto the board, as if the sound was generated by the board itself.
    Hardware: minimac, tiny projector, pointgrey camera, IR illumination, parametric speakers, arduino and servomotors

    Software: OpenFrameworks, Artoolkit, opencv, arduino
    Demonstration at Laval Virtual 2011.
    (via YouTube)
    Gibson の3DモデルがARで飛び出す。ミニチュアギターシリーズのようだ。実物大も良いだろうね。

    A very glitchy, rough mock up of an augmented reality application for the British Music Experience, to promote their "Interactive Gibson Studio". An a6 flyer with an AR marker on the back.Guitar models from Google Warehouse.
    (via YouTube)
    NTLMMD さん、Kinect で骨格情報を読み出すという面白い実験をしている。

    OpenNI.net.dllを使ってKinectを体験してみました。高周波磁界・超音波プローブと組み合わせた拡張現実(Augmented Reality)センサの実験の様子です。左右逆に表示されていたカメラ画像は context.SetGlobalMirror(false); // 【通常カメラ画像】で正常に戻せました。

    (via YouTube)

    what about discovering new car interiors using augmented reality, now you can! In the video below we use our Eligo SDK to explore the interior of the car. Realtime object tracking is made using a Dualcore notebook with a standard webcam.

    how to explore the interiors of your new car using object tracking and augmented reality in realtime.
    we use our Eligo sdk


    ARアプリの開発を行うレイ・フロンティア株式会社は、ARを用いた位置情報ソーシャ ルゲームアプリ「ララコレ」のバージョンアップ(Ver1.3⇒Ver1.4)した。さあ、みんなで応援メッセージを空に浮かべよう!

    --- プレスリリースの内容 ---
    今回のアップデートは、日本全国が不安に包まれている中、皆さまの応援メッセージを各地にお届けし、またそのメッセージにより 少しでも皆さまが前向きに勇気づけられればと考え、皆さまからの空に浮かんでいる応援メッセージを確認することができる、期間 限定の機能を追加いたしました。また、アップデートに合わせて応援メッセージを各情報端末でも確認、投稿できるよう Web サイト(応援メッセージを空へ浮かべよう GANBA JAPAN http://ganba.lalacolle.com)も開設しておりますので、あわせてご利用いただければ幸いです。



    1) 応援メッセージフィルタを追加(ライブビューで応援メッセージを表示する際はフィルタON) 
    2) 応援メッセージ表示、投稿機能(タイムライン) 

    MyChic provides Augmented Reality ("AR") solutions for the online retail industry. 
    Thanks to MyChic's solution, online stores particularly
    in the fashion & accessories industry (Eyeglasses), can now offer a whole new web
    experience to its consumers

    Mychic mission is to bring the augmented reality solutions into the retail world

    Our solution offers online retailers the ability to offer augmented reality features to their customers in an affordable way

    (via YouTube)

    Field Of Voices is a site specific a collaborative, interactive, social art installation embedded with audio and textual commentary from historical sources as well as from visitors to the site. Using Augmented Reality this installation funded in part by Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance (NoMAA), exists in virtual space and can be accessed using Layar, a free application available for iphones and android phones.

    The project will be launched during the Ninth Annual Drums Along the Hudson®: A Native American Festival
    Sunday, May 22nd, 2011 - 11:00 am until 6:00 pm
    Rain or Shine - FREE
    Inwood Hill Park
    218th Street and Indian Road (4 blocks west of Broadway)
    (via YouTube)

    3D recreation of the Gibraltar Neanderthal Skull. A great way to explain Prehistory at the school or museum.

    Augmented reality su iPhone, modelli 3D caricati da marker. Ottima soluzione per la promozione di eventi, prodotti e servizi tramite adv tradizionale, postcard...

    A landmark move for augmented reality services in travel? So says SITA Lab and Copenhagen Airport ahead of the release of an iPhone app using AR within the terminals.

     Until now augmented reality platforms have been primarily focused outdoors as the GPS signals required for high quality geo-positioning do not penetrate concrete and other building materials. Copenhagen Airport, which already has a moderately successful iPhone app (100,000 downloads and counting since December 2010), has worked with SITA Lab to develop an AR function for the service by using technology contained within the confines of the airport terminals. The AR tool will use “triangulation and signal strength” from existing wifi points scattered throughout the airport to determine the location of the user.

    (via & more http://www.tnooz.com/2011/03/28/mobile/indoor-augmented-reality-to-feature-in-airport-mobile-app/ )
    書籍の表紙を junaio のAR技術で拡張し、Aylaの深い物語の中に...

    Wir stellen Euch das erweiterte Buchcover vom neuesten Ayla Buch vor. Band 6 ist das spannende Finale zur Steinzeit-Saga von Erfolgsautorin Jean M. Auel und schließt die Geschichte um Ayla ab. 
    Zur Einstimmung könnt ihr mit eurem Smartphone/Tablet und der kostenlosen Anwendung "junaio" eine echte Höhle mit Wandmalereien erblicken.

    "Ayla und das Lied der Höhlen" erscheint am 29. März 2011 im Heyne-Verlag. Mehr Informationen unter http://www.aylaswelt.de/
    Erfahrt mehr über Augmented Reality und unsere Projekte aufhttp://www.augmented-minds.com
    (via YouTube) 

    Ayla und das Lied der Hoehlen [ハードカバー]  --- Amazonから購入可能

    Es ist viele Jahre her, dass das Cro-Magnon-Mädchen Ayla vom Neandertalerclan des Bären verstoßen wurde und ihre lange Reise durch das eiszeitliche Europa begann. Nun ist sie mit ihrem Gefährten Jondalar bei seinem Stamm, den Zelandonii der Neunten Höhle, heimisch geworden und hat ein süßes Töchterchen. Obwohl Ayla als junge Mutter alle Hände voll zu tun hat, lässt ihr die Heilerin und spirituelle Anführerin der Neunten Höhle eine gewaltige Ehre zuteilwerden: Sie nimmt Ayla als ihre Gehilf in an. Voll Eifer stürzt sich Ayla in die Jahre währende Ausbildung und die verschiedenen Reisen, die dazugehören. Doch die dauernde hohe Belastung zehrt auch an der Beziehung zu Jondalar, der sich vernachlässigt fühlt. Bis er sich verletzt von ihr abwendet.

    Making a phone call using Mobile Augmented Reality: the user has only the hands that are recognized by the system and the see-through glasses.
     Check out also from:
    http://marisil.org and http://augumenta.com

    Courtesy Hiroshi Sasaki (2001)

    (via YouTube)
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