(via SlideShare)Our Story We’re founded as an In the midst of the recession Fresh off a DEMOgod win, Interactive Marketing we build an ecommerce the Webcam Social Agency focused on branded augmented reality (AR) Shopper is built into a web development. Sony prototype, The Webcam market ready product. On PlayStation enables our Social Shopper. Several July 20th 2011 it goes live founding by putting us on months later Tobi.com uses throughout Banana retainer from day one. it for a campaign.
(via YouTube)How will emerging technology improve our productivity in the years ahead? What opportunities will arise from evolving trends and global change? Microsoft has collaborated with customers, partners, and thought leaders across multiple disciplines to develop scenarios that explore how long-term trends, customer challenges, and emerging technologies might converge to improve our lives, both at work and home.
As you watch this video montage from 2019, look for examples of how current prototypes may evolve in the years ahead.
While its hard to predict exactly how technology will unfold, we are constantly researching, looking forward, and gathering insights to imagine how technology investments today can improve peoples way of life in the future.
Realidad aumentada en el ambito universitario - Presentation Transcript Realidad Aumenta en el Ambito Universitario Luis E. Bayonet Robles, MTE, PhD © [email_address] Junio 2011 Agenda
Definición de la Realidad Aumentada
Técnicas de Visualización
Implicaciones para la educación
Aplicaciones para la educación
Realidad Aumentada para Teléfonos Inteligentes (Smartphone)
(via & more YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv5h4TkKQoY&feature=youtube_gdata)Aplikacja „Żyj MINI." jest przygotowana na dwie najważniejsze platformy w Polsce - iOS oraz telefony z systemem operacyjnym Android. Głównym elementem aplikacji jest innowacyjne wykorzystanie zaawansowanego rozwiązania augmented reality dostarczonego przez firmę Total Immersion.
Realidad Aumentada Android Aplicación .APK
En esta ocasión les traigo la aplicación de realidad aumentada o augmented reality desarrollada para celulares, dispositivos o móviles con sistema operativo Android. Es la primera aplicación que conozco en español de realidad aumentada para estos dispostivos.
(via YouTube)Primera aplicacion colombiana de Realidad Aumentada o Augmented Reality para Android.
Recuerden visitarme en http://tolimawebdesigner.com.co para descubrir nuevos tutoriales y muchas mas informacion acerca de Realidad aumentada y articulos
tecnologicos. Ingcarlosreina.
Dale me gusta a este video. mi portafolio ingcarlosreina:
Augmented Reality Advertising Takeover in Times Square from Will Sherman on Vimeo.
(via vimeo)A quick clip of Public Ad Campaign beta-testing Augmented Reality Advertising Takeover (Details: is.gd/85ok7N) in Times Square on Sunday. Developed with The Heavy Projects (is.gd/uF8KnI), the augmented reality viewer runs on smart phones and virtually replaces outdoor ads with curated artworks by street artists Ron English, John Fekner, PosterBoy, Doctor D and Ox. Be sure to check out Public Ad Campaign for more details and a forthcoming video as the project develops. is.gd/85ok7N
(via YouTube)REFF's augmented reality doctor presents: REFF A/R Drug
REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory, the fake cultural institution internationally enacting real policies for culture, creativity and freedoms of expression, has created the next step of its strategic program: an augmented reality drug!
REFF A/R Drug is a powerful compund, mixing technologies, practices and neurostimulating ecosystems, and it allows you to reinvent your reality.
learn more by visiting:
opening and unveiling of the augmented reality drug takes place in London, at Furtherfield Gallery. More info here:
The Museum of London, in cahoots with HISTORY channel, has released a new app that lets you explore Londinium, the Roman progenitor of London. It’s good. Very good.Features of interest are marked with pins, which call up photos, reconstructions and short video clips. The dig function is a fun little gimmick, which allows you to slowly unearth treasures by rubbing your finger over the screen, or clearing the dust by blowing into the microphone. Finally, there’s an augmented reality dimension, which superimposes old buildings over the camera view.Streetmuseum Londinium is out now for iPhone, iPad and iPod. FREE
You want to know the best thing? It’s completely free to download from the iTunes app store. Outstanding.
(via http://londonist.com/2011/07/explore-roman-london-with-new-app.php?showpage=4#gallery-1)
(via YouTube)Austin-based sushi restaurant Uchi, founded by award-winning chef Tyson Cole, is now debuting an exciting augmented reality project. As you will see, this video introduces a new use case for augmented reality: marketing in the high end dining industry. Enjoy!
(via YouTube)http://www.sonypsvitaforums.com/
Check out the tech demo for Augmented Reality on the PlayStation Vita!
NOTE: This is just a tech demo. Meaning it may or may not be included on the Vita. Tech demos just show what a product (in this case, the Vita) can do.
(via YouTube)AR Dodge Ball was created from our students of the master lab course during the winter term 2010/11 at the Fachgebiet Augmentnted Reality of the TUM.
(via YouTube)La réalité augmenté pour l'apprentissage médical
(via YouTube)daqri is a mobile web content and augmented reality publishing platform that utilizes special QR codes to deliver content. This video shows you how useful and easy it is to publish all your most relevant content in the real world, where it's most relevant to your audience. MIX YOUR REALITY today, get a free account at https://daqri.com/accounts/signup/
See you inside!
This visual toy uses face tracking and augmented reality for some hilarious and mind-altering effects.Once you've made note of the keyboard combinations for the effects you like you can call them up whenever you like. You can also play with this toy with more than one person - with practice you can play "ExpandAR Pong" and throw the effect from one face to another and back again.
Share your best expandAR photos with us! Just email your pictures to ar@talkingdogstudios.com and we'll put them in our gallery of crazy pictures made with this site. And once a month, the person who sends in our favorite picture will win a prize!
(via http://www.expandar.com/)
(via http://www.eclipse-avn.jp/?adid=a00050380000378#)『上戸所長のAR道路標識占い』
カタログやWEBサイト(上戸彩のイクリプス未来ナビ研究所)などから「ECLIPSE」ロゴマークを入手し、 iPhoneをかざすと、ロゴの中から上戸所長が登場。今日の運勢を道路標識に例えておもしろおかしく占ってくれ る、占いアプリケーションです。
ITベンダーは、目標値きっかりの節電を実現するためにビルのエネルギーを管理・可視化する「BEMS(Building and Energy Management System)」商材を相次いで拡充し、数値に基づく節度ある節電を訴求している。(via http://biz.bcnranking.jp/article/serial/0311shinsai/1107/110714_126951.html)
「日本橋ポップカルチャーAR」はiPhoneのカメラを通すことで、現実の世界に3Dの世界を映し出せるAR(拡張現実)アプリケーションです。 カメラで専用のARマーカー(キャラクター)をのぞくと日本橋筋商店街キャラクターがメッセージを伝えてくれます。メッセージを集めて指定のブースで伝えると豪華景品をプレゼントも! ARマーカーは日本橋プロジェクトホームページからダウンロードすることもできます。 iPhone,iPod touch,iPad 対応です。
(via http://www.value-press.com/pressrelease.php?article_id=82010)UFO Camera 3D」では、狙った場所に任意の3Dオブジェクト(物体)を表示させることを目的にしたiPhone向けのAR(拡張現実:Augmented Reality)カメラアプリです。本日提供のバージョンでは、東京タワーや浅草寺など、東京都内の観光名所37箇所に3D UFOを表示させ、その場所を訪れることでUFOと記念撮影ができるようになっています。「UFO Camera 3D」では、以下のような技術を用いることで、カメラ越しに“UFOが本当にその場所に飛んでいるような”感覚を追求しています。