It is an introduced program of NHK also in foreign countries. Finding of program "The fourth Industrial Revolution" and "Efficiency improvement of ultimate business". I think that the technology of the enhancing reality and virtual reality greatly certainly improves the industrial structure. Fujitsu and some domestic and foreign enterprises are beginning working.
However, it might be more important than "Ultimate efficiency improvement". It is "Succession of the technology from an old generation to the new generation", "Accurate work can be done excluding the specialist", and might be "Prior forecast of the accident generation. "
EON Mobile Icube, at Fujitsu, in the news on Japanese NHK News Watch 9 talking about "Manufacturing, to the Fourth Industrial Revolution."
Japan is launching itself into the coming era of the fourth industrial revolution. In the midst of this movement, businesses are considering their approach towards manufacturing and their vision for the future. News Watch 9 will in this segment introduce the testing room, which lets users experience a fully immersive view of 3D design plans in virtual space, and other design review tools (zSpace, EON Icube Mobile) in Fujitsu Trusted Cloud Square (TCS in Hamamatsu-cho ) through interviews and reporters experiencing the technology first-hand.