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このブログは、拡張現実 及び 仮想現実 が使用された最新の情報と事例などを掲載しています。---This blog publishes latest information and the case where AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are used, etc.
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    Etsuji Kameyama (亀山悦治)


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    AR, VR, MR + HMD, Smart Glass が生活とビジネスを変革
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    クアルコム・リサーチから、端末本体のみで3Dスキャニングした状態をデータ化する技術が紹介された。2015年、3Dデータ化の世界は3Dプリンターなどとの連動も当たり前となり、さらに加速しそうな予感。ドラえもんのアイテムで「第48話 立体コピー」や、「本物コピー機」が有ったことを思いだす。これが未来ではなくなるのかもしれない。

    Qualcomm Research has developed a leading 3D depth reconstruction scanning system, running on a mobile device, as part of our computer vision program. The system is very fast and highly responsive. Qualcomm Research’s computer vision program is focused on developing technologies that help bring the digital 6th sense to life. Enabling Qualcomm computing platforms to “see” as humans do. 
    Learn more about our innovative work in computer vision at: https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/re...

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1vba7ex6Ak&feature=youtube_gdata)
    プロジェクションマッピングでは素晴しい実績をもっている、 Immersive Media (イマーシブ・メディア)の2014年のダイジェストビデオ。人の模型や自動車、部屋そのものに直接投影するプロジェクションマッピングは神秘的でもある。

    This is our Immersive Media Showreel 2014 which gathers some awesome footage from our past projects and events.

    You'll see a lot of New Media techniques. From 3D Projection Mapping, to Interactivity. There's also some awesome Micro Projections, Multitouch Tables, Interactive Walls and of course Augmented reality, too. Architectural projections are the trend today, so there's a lot of that, too!

    Visit http://www.drawlight.net
    follow us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/drawlight.net

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b39AMeKOans&feature=youtube_gdata)
    アメリカ ペンシルバニア州に本社を置く「クレヨラ」。100年にわたり、子供たちにぬり絵の楽しみを提供し続けている世界的にも有名な企業だ。このクレヨラが、ARの開発ではトップクラスの企業であるDAQRI社と連携し新しい展開を始めるようだ。下記で紹介している動画は、以前VRの技術を使用して実現したバーチャルぬり絵であるが、ARの技術を取り入れることによってさらなる体験が期待できそうだ。

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcigGCISjOE)

    EASTON, Pa., Oct. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Crayola, a colorfully innovative brand for over 110 years, announced plans to launch Color Alive!, the first augmented reality product offering among its growing digital portfolio, in early 2015. Partnering with leading 4D company DAQRI, Color Alive! will feature an innovative offline and online play experience through color and 4D technology, allowing kids to bring their coloring to life.

    Color Alive! follows the successful launch of Crayola's Virtual Design Pro – Fashion and Cars, which allows kids to merge offline creativity with a virtual experience. As the technological landscape evolves and kids increasingly become digital natives, the company's key strategic focus is on providing innovative ways to spark their creativity and merge the physical coloring experience with cutting-edge digital platforms.

    (via http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2278735)

    Augment was at Dreamforce 2014! Salesforce co-founder Parker Harris demoes how Coca-Cola Germany has integrated Augment in its new app to drive sell-in and close deals more efficiently.

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxlIZicXV8&feature=youtube_gdata)
    AR技術の進化は激しい。ハードウェアももちろんだが、それを活かすソフトウェアももちろん。世界的に有名なAR技術開発企業の1つであるドイツのメタイオ社のmetaio SDKの次期バージョンでは、3Dスキャンした情報に深度センサーを使用したAR技術の実現により、今まで実現が難しかった、隠れた場所にも仮想オブジェクトを自然に配置することができるようになるようだ。ギミック的なARばかりが目立ちがちだ。しかし、これからは業務支援や生活を豊かにする実用的な拡張現実技術がメタイオ社やその他の会社から続々と出現するであろう。

    Metaio Announces 3D Sensor support in SDK 6.0: The award winning Metaio technology will now support RGB+D sensors for added depth information, taking Augmented Reality experiences to the next level.

    This video demonstrates the advanced Augmented Reality capabilities of devices enhanced with depth-sensing camera: the new Structure Sensor from Occipital. You will see how added 3D sensors make Augmented Reality much more powerful by virtually eliminating the need for markers in many use cases, and even more importantly, solving the “occlusion” problem where virtual data is not correctly rendered into the real environment in a natural way.

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D999bYtzXM)
    (article http://www.exchangemagazine.com/morningpost/2014/week42/Thursday/14102306.htm)
    この数日間、世界中で話題になっているマジック・リープ。AR技術やディスプレイ等の開発を手がけてきたマジックリープ(Magic Leap)というベンチャー企業に、AR技術でも有名なクアルコム・ベンチャーズ、グーグルをはじめとする大手IT企業や投資ファンドなどが、5億4200万ドルの出資を行ったというから話題になるのも当たり前だろう。過去に5億ドルを超えるベンチャー投資は例がないとのことで資金調達にも大きな注目が集まっていると思われる。


    Augmented Reality Startup Magic Leap Announces New Round Of Funding, Google Leads The Pack Read more at http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/1113262163/google-invests-in-augmented-reality-company-magic-leap-102214/#9lJoSVm13DcHxMPG.99

    An elephant in the hand: Google buys some Magic

    Nausea is usually the unfortunate result of having a virtual reality headset that lags behind reality by a fraction of a second. Samung claims its new VR headset doesn’t cause nausea, either, because it managed to get the latency below 20 milliseconds, which it says is the magic number.
    Samsung’s Gear VR headset is based on technology from Oculus VR, the company that Facebook recently purchased for a cool $US2 billion. So you get the idea that all this is going to be a big deal sooner or later, giving us an alternative interface to the screens on our phones and PCs.
    With Google getting a seat on the board in exchange for its undisclosed investment, one can only think that the Magic Leap technology could one day find its way onto Google Glass, Google’s own VR headset.
    (via http://www.afr.com/f/free/technology/digitallife/)

    Google Invests Heavily in Magic Leap’s Effort to Blend Illusion and Reality By DAVID GELLES and MICHAEL J. DE LA MERCED

    If Google has its way, hammerhead sharks will swim through your office, elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds. These fanciful visions are being dreamed up by Magic Leap, a start-up making augmented-reality technology. On Tuesday, it landed Google as its biggest investor. Valuing Magic Leap at about $2 billion, the $542 million cash infusion from Google and other investors immediately vaulted the shadowy start-up into the upper echelons of young technology companies.

    (via http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/10/21/google-invests-in-magic-leap-an-augmented-reality-firm/?_php=true&_type=blogs&partner=yahoofinance&_r=0)
    国家水道会社メコロットのフィールドサービス用に、スマートグラスや拡張現実技術が利用されている。EPSONのBT-200、Google Glass等が採用されている。Filedbit社 が実現。

    Filedbit implements smartglasses and augmented reality for field services in national water company Mekorot

    Fieldbit develops and markets enterprise grade software system for automating technical field services. Based on smartglasses and augmented reality, Fieldbit provides context sensitive instructions and overt-the-shoulder coaching for quick resolution of technical problems. Fieldbit system improves productivity and increase safety of field personnel.


    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqasR8mhV_Hx-kmLMLlaUfA)
    ここで紹介するのは、TEXAとEPSON ITALYからのコンセプトビデオ。自動車の運転席から見えるさまざまな操作ボタン。初めてでは使い方をすぐに理解することは難しいかもしれない。そこで、HMDの活用が思い浮かぶ。HMDをかけて、操作パネルを見ると、画像認識の技術により操作ガイドをデジタルデータとしてオーバーレイ表示している。技術面では確かにユニークだが、果たして利便性はどうだろう。おそらく、1~2回、困ったときに使うぐらいではないだろうか。そして、そこにはいつもHMDが装備されているだろうか?

    TEXA offers the first Head Mounted Display (glasses that allow you to use the resources of augmented reality) starting from Epson BT-200 and in direct collaboration with Epson Italy dedicated to mechanical workshops.

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdirFqFE9mY8qEesIbaXHg)

    In this edition of Swipe, Katie Spencer heads to Gatwick Airport to find out about safety checks being transformed by drones, augmented reality glasses and apps that help engineers discover damage.

    Gemma Morris finds out how tablets are revolutionising the way pilots fly planes.

    Martin Stanford heads to Berlin to get his hands on Apple's new iPad Air 2.

    We also take a look at some of the week's biggest technology stories; including the umbrella that uses air to push away rain, and Facebook and Apple's offer to freeze their employees' eggs.

    And journalist Holly Nielsen gives us her take on a few interesting tablet games, including: The Journey Down: Chapter 2, 80 Days and Traps N' Gemstones.

    :: You can watch Swipe on Sky News on Fridays at 9.45pm and Sundays at 8.45pm - and any time on Catch Up TV or Sky News for iPad.

    SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMdktPbSTixAyNGwb-UYkQ)

    Using the “Los Cuadernos” app, available on iOS or Android devices. photo–courtesy Artisphere.

    One short subway ride under the Potomac River from the GW/Foggy Bottom station to the Rosslyn Metro station three blocks up from Key Bridge and Washingtonians will find themselves only a couple of blocks from an amazing art show at Artisphere, the award-winning venue for new explorations in the world of the visual arts.

    Titled “Think with your Hands” (“Pensor con las Manos”), is one of literally enchanting graphic art by two extraordinarily gifted Spaniards, Pep Carrió and Isidro Ferrer, and enhanced by wooden sculptures and “married” to the computer wizardry of engineers and programmers at Spain’s Polytechnic University of Valencia.

    (via http://intowner.com/2014/10/17/illustrated-journals-of-pep-carrio-isidro-ferrer-come-to-life-through-augmented-reality/)
    ドバイ保健局 (DHA)は、地域社会の健康教育のための拡張現実技術を実装したことを発表した。 重要な健康情報を発信するために、従来の印刷のパンフレットを使用するのではなく、DHAプライマリーヘルスケア部門は、より効果的かつ健康教育のための対話的で拡張現実感技術を導入。アプリがダウンロードされると、患者は面白いオーディオビジュアル·フォーマットで存在する健康情報という画面にライブ文字を表示することができるという。 (ドバイ、アラブ首長国連邦、2014年10月16日)

    The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) announced today that it has implemented augmented reality technology for community health education.

    Instead of using conventional print brochures to disseminate vital health information, the DHA primary health care sector has also introduced augmented reality technique that is more effective and interactive for health education.

    (via https://www.zawya.com/)

    FOX Spain TV created the world's first cinematic augmented reality experience, where fans were immersed in the universe of the best shows in first person.

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCglSd3rgDtUQuvvNIDoUYmQ)

    (via http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/1410/15/news140.html)

    We have created a revolutionary mobile furniture catalog to help you choose the furniture that are ideal for your home. Intiaro let’s you visualize your new furniture at your home, making sure that it is what you really want to buy, while ensuring a stress free and fun furniture shopping experience.

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJByExaBt6scXj2RQTpVugg)

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfjEWPD8XpjF1xv4DD-1WZQ)

    (via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm_qsIF2Ankm9SDyRDHGbQg)

    The Futuristic History project developed an augmented reality adventure set in 1850's for the Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum in Turku. See more at 

    (via http://youtu.be/sVmjF4N67E4)

    Playlab has sustainable ecosystem in terms of contents. monetization model and branded sponsorship programs and offer more than 20 contents episodes.

    (via http://youtu.be/zS4NCxUeJcc)

    RoomAlive is a proof-of-concept prototype that transforms any room into an immersive, augmented entertainment experience. Our system enables new interactive projection mapping experiences that dynamically adapts content to any room. Users can touch, shoot, stomp, dodge and steer projected content that seamlessly co-exists with their existing physical environment. The basic building blocks of RoomAlive are projector-depth camera units, which can be combined through a scalable, distributed framework. The projector-depth camera units are individually auto-calibrating, self-localizing, and create a unified model of the room with no user intervention. We investigate the design space of gaming experiences that are possible with RoomAlive and explore methods for dynamically mapping content based on room layout and user position. Finally we showcase four experience prototypes that demonstrate the novel interactive experiences that are possible with RoomAlive and discuss the design challenges of adapting any game to any room.


    (via http://youtu.be/ILb5ExBzHqw)
    (article http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/10/microsoft-research-demos-our-potential-holodeck-style-gaming-future/)
    Vuforia のAR技術を使用した教育教材を幾つか販売している、i-WOW。地球儀とiPadやARカードを連動させた体験しながら学ぶことができる教材も販売している。地球儀はARととても親和性が高いので、このような事例は興味深い。

    (via http://youtu.be/lcukB889OSY)
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