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      Jewish StudiesArchaeology of Ancient IsraelIsrael/PalestineJewish - Christian Relations
A museum for the history of the Roman Imperial Fora in the House of the Knights of Rhodes in Rome. A new museological and museographic project proposal: contents and routes of the museum. Please contact the authors to request a copy of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLate AntiquityTardoantigüedadMuseologia
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleAntropología culturalCimiteri Medievali
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
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    •   623  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
Traduzione di prefazione e introduzione del volume di Auguste Beugnot Histoire de la destruction du paganisme, pubblicato da Fermin Didot Freres nel 1835, con introduzione mia
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      Storia RomanaArcheologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
L’archeologo del XXI secolo non vive più di solo studio e scavo. Oggi la moderna ricerca impone di affiancare al lavoro in cantiere e ai libri in biblioteca modi sempre nuovi di indagare, comunicare e gestire l’antico. Bastano un po’ di... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical GeographyArchaeology
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      Creative WritingChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryDeath StudiesEarly Church
ABSTRACT L’obiettivo principale di questa tesi è lo studio della cristianizzazione delle campagne in Italia meridionale, tra il periodo Tardoantico e i primi decenni dell’Altomedioevo. Lo studio, che risente della mancanza, negli studi... more
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      Archeologia medievaleArcheologia Tardoantica E CristianaArcheologia dei Paesaggi - Archeologia Tardoantica e MedievaleCampania
The publication of the volume Caelius II provides an opportunity to re-examine issues tied to the installation of a martyrial cult in a house of the Late Roman era on the Clivus Scauri, over which was later built the Church of Saints John... more
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      Archeologia Tardoantica E PaleocristianaArcheologia CristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E CristianaArcheologia paleocristiana, tardoantica e altomedievale
Los 11 conjuntos eclesiales de la Antigüedad Tardía en el archipiélago balear. LAGARDA MATA, Ferran (2012). Las Basílicas Paleocristianas de las Baleares. Sobradiel: 2012. 232 Pàgines A4 amb 237 Il·lustracions en color i B/N. Idioma:... more
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    •   77  
      ChristianityArchaeologyMedieval HistoryHistory of Christianity
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    •   26  
      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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    •   532  
      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
This book derives from the doctoral thesis of the author. The Molise was a small region of central Italy that has been little studied by archaeologists. This study has attempted to fill the gaps in our knowledge with the collection and... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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    • Archeologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
The 6th International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry (LRCW 6) will be held in Agrigento (Sicily, Italy) from Tuesday 24th to Saturday 27th of May 2017.... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
Recenti scavi hanno consentito di documentare siti nell'area urbana e subuirbana di Nola, in Campania, databili tra l'età tardo-antica e l'alto medioevo. Si tratta per la massima parte di aree funebri. Fino ad oggi la continuità di vita... more
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      Archeologia medievaleCampanian ArchaeologyTardoantigüedadNola
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      ChristianityArchaeologyIconographyLate Antique Archaeology
Rivista del Dipartimento di Studi Classici e Cristiani dell’Università degli Studi di Bari, si propone come sede specialistica di ricerche, approfondimenti, confronti su temi e problemi relativi alla letteratura e alla storia del... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityArcheologia CristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
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    •   24  
      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity
""Il centro urbano di Canicattini Bagni si trova a circa 20 Km ad ovest di Siracusa, all’interno del bacino di alimentazione del torrente Cavadonna nel margine più orientale dell’altopiano ibleo. I complessi ipogeici e rupestri di epoca... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Medieval Sicily
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
Breve storia del "Titulus Eusebii": il contesto, la storia, i restauri e le interpretazioni date fino agli ultimi studi fatti.
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyArcheologiaPaleochristian and Late Antique ArchaeologyBarocco
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    •   69  
      ChristianityArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
This paper deals with some questions concerning the iconography, iconology and date of execution of the famous mosaic pavement from Sheikh Zoueide in Sinai, now exibited in the Ismailiya Museum. The author analyses both the mythological... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleEarly Christian Archaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyJewish Studies
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Early ChristianityLate AntiquityRoman roads
The paper presents a new hypothesis about the original location of St. Lawrence's tomb within the IV century martyrial area and, later, in the VI century basilica by Pelagius II.
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesRome, City ofLate Antique Archaeology
Si presentano due catacombe siciliane. L'attenta osservazione dei due complessi ipogei ha permesso di seguire i vari momenti di scavo, di comprendere la realizzazione delle tombe a baldacchino e notarne le differenze tanto che alcuni sono... more
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    • Archeologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
The scenes tell the story of the founding of Pella/Apamea and further development of this city on the Orontes river. Three main groups of scenes can be distinguished: (1) the foundation of Pella-on-the-Orontes by the legendary Archippos,... more
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    •   173  
      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
Forma parte del Libro "San Roque y las laderas del Benacantil como origen de la población urbana de Alicante", cuyos autores son: PABLO ROSSER, J.A. BARRIO y J.M. GALÁN.

Lo publica la Comisión de Fiestas de San Roque. Alicante. Año 2011.
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      ArcheologiaMediterranean archaeologyIron AgeProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
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      ChristianityAncient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Archaeological research conducted along the south-west coast of Sicily has identified a number of villages situated near river mouths, datable to the 4th/6th centuries AD. These rural settlements, it seems, were part of a network... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
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    •   6  
      Early Christian ArchitectureEarly Christian ArchaeologyArcheologia CristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
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    •   20  
      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageLiteraturePaleography
The mosaic from Sheikh Zuweid on the western coast of North Sinai, discovered in 1913, as well as the mosaic brought to light in 1919 at Vinon near Aix-en-Provence in southern France had to wait until the end of the 20th century for... more
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      SemioticsReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
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      Sardinia (Archaeology)Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Christian ArtEarly Christian Archaeology
Raccolta di saggi - alcuni del tutto inediti, altri già pubblicati ma ampiamente rielaborati, aggiornati e approfonditi per l'occasione - su temi di archeologia e museologia dell'altopiano ibleo. Prefazione Premessa e ringraziamenti I.... more
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      Public ArchaeologyUnescoAncient Topography (Archaeology)Archeologia medievale
This contribution is an approach to late antique decorated ceramic plates with christian motifs, one of the most distinctive artistic manifestations in Late Antiquity, especially in southern Spain. For the most of them we do not know the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
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      Archeologia Tardoantica E PaleocristianaArcheologia dei paesaggiArcheologia CristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
Questo elaborato intende ripercorrere i passaggi della lenta diffusione del Cristianesimo in Atene e del suo debole impatto sociale e urbanistico contrariamente a quanto accadeva per i centri coevi della Grecia (come Tessalonica, Gortina... more
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      ArchaeologyLate AntiquityGreek ArchaeologyArcheologia
It is a well-known phenomenon that the urban defence, since the fifth century, in the West and in the East, acquires Christian codes, with the value of a new identity and protective evocation. In Rome, the of “sacralization” of the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Christianity and Rome
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    •   215  
      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
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      Archeologia Tardoantica E PaleocristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E Cristiana
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      Archeologia CristianaArcheologia Tardoantica E CristianaVaticanStoria del cristianesimo
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    •   75  
      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine History