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China is een van de vele landen waarin nog een lange weg te gaan is als het gaat om gendergelijkheid. Historisch gezien doet zich in enkele regio’s al vroeg verzet voor tegen traditionele genderrollen. Zo leidden vrouwen in Shunde, een... more
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      FeminismChinaChina studiesOnline Feminism
Estamos luego del “año 0” de una nueva era, no del mundo único, sino de una de sus civilizaciones, la nuestra: la civilización euroamericana en proceso de transición. Dirigiendo una mirada de conjunto a nuestra civilización -como en un... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsFilosofía PolíticaFilosofía práctica
Lezing: ma. 20 nov. 2023, Open Universiteit, Heerlen, Nederland
(Deze tekst is gebaseerd op segmenten uit het boek ‘Witte orde. Over ras, klasse en witheid’, 2024, De Geus)
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      History of SlaveryWhiteness StudiesDutch
本文討論「喉舌」的喉舌及其保健問題。喉舌,又稱喉嚨、咽喉、嗓子,作為人體的重要器官,對以播音員为代表的黨和社會主義的宣傳員来说至關重要。在日常工作中,由於發聲不當、疲勞以及其它原因,播音員的嗓子会發炎、病變以致聲音沙啞甚至失聲。關注喉舌的肉身面向是重要的,因為有助於我們觀察到作為政治主體的人與作為生命體的人之間存在的張力。本文回顧了二十世紀四十至七十年代喉舌的醫療保健史,通過探索不同時期播音员對這一問題的處理,進一步挖掘社會主義聽覺文化實踐的生理限度及其內在焦慮 。
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      Sound studiesChina studiesscience and technology studies (STS)
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      Gender StudiesPoliticsPolitical Language and Political CorrectnessGrammar
The Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) has achieved spectacular electoral successes not only in Graz but also in Salzburg and Innsbruck. What methods were used to achieve these results? Have they been successfully applied in other countries?
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Constructies van gender, seksualiteit en ras spelen een belangrijke rol voor mensen in het verlaten van hun geloofsgemeenschap. In dit essay verken ik de manieren waarop vrouwen hierover praten. Vaak zitten in hun verhalen over... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityRace and EthnicityReligious Studies
In de memoires Hijab Butch Blues (2023) biedt Lamya H. een complexe zoektocht naar hoe te leven en je verbonden voelen in een heteronormatieve, geracialiseerde en islamofobe wereld. In dit essay volg ik die zoektocht. Ik traceer hoe de... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheologyGender and Sexuality
“Het is duidelijk dat sommigen van ons meer, vaker en eerder dan anderen, hete adem in de nek voelen, hijgen van inspanning, en hun laatste adem uitblazen.” De solovoorstelling ADEM van Nasrdin Dchar biedt stof voor reflectie op de... more
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      Race and EthnicityLiterature and CultureCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
Ist die sogenannte politisch korrekte Sprache einer moralisch besseren Welt dienlich? Um dies herauszufinden, sind Cordula Simon und Stefan Auer in ihrem Buch „Politische Korrektheit, Wunschdenken und Wissenschaft. Das Versagen der... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceSex and Gender
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      History and archaeologyScicomm
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Un pamflet referitor la politicienii români, ”plini de prințipuri” care lipsesc cu desăvârșire. Întreaga discuție e inclusă în evocarea celebrului soldat Svejk, care, de asemenea, se pricepea de minune la declamații dar făcea tot... more
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      Romanian StudiesPolitical LanguagePolitical Language and Political CorrectnessPolitical and Social Philosophy, Ethics
Language is usualy an instrument of communication, whatever it might mean. Sometimes, it might have quite a consistent role, especially from a political point of view. Words, images, gestures are sometimes expressing not only a point of... more
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      CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsUtopian StudiesMass Communication
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      DocumentationMusic and identityPopulationконсенсус
De entre los movimientos intelectuales de occidente la ilustración aparece como portadora de un destino singular y a la vez trágico. Singular porque no obstante su imagen de movimiento menor ha quedado vinculada indeleblemente a la época... more
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This paper aims to analyse the arguments in favour and against applying Political Correctness policies on campus, especially on the curricula. The arguments in favour that will be studied are the criticism of the canon and the fair... more
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      Cultural StudiesEconomicsPolitical PhilosophyMulticulturalism
Este artículo presenta una comparación del diferente tratamiento lexicográfico que reciben los derivados en -ismo e -ista en las ediciones del Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (DRAE) de la primera mitad del siglo XIX y en los... more
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      HumanitiesReal Academia EspañolaDRAE
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      PhilosophySecularizationHistory of IslamIslam
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      Human GeographyHumanitiesArtSpanish Civil War
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    • Sociólogos
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    • Art
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      Library ScienceExcellence
In deze bijdrage wordt een antwoord geformuleerd op de vraag hoe politiemensen omgaan met etnisch-culturele minderheden op basis van data verzameld in het kader van een 34 maand durend beleidsgericht onderzoek naar de toepassing van de... more
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      HumanitiesArtSocial Sciences
Interview met Peter Debrabandere over de Internationale Gespreksdag, een jaarlijks plaatsvindende bijeenkomst van taal- en cultuurorganisaties uit Nederland, Vlaanderen en Noord-Frankrijk.
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      DutchNederlandsDutch language and cultureNederlandse taal
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      SociologySocial Sciences
Ensayo que presenté para rendir la materia Teoría Política 3, en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María, enviado el 9 de septiembre de 2014. Mi profesor era Daín, Andrés. La organización del ensayo es el siguiente:... more
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      Teoría PolíticaTeoria Politica Y FilosofiaCiencia políticaantiesencialismo
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
"No sólo la rítmica de las actuales mutaciones en el orden de lo político parece no acoplarse a la imaginería esencialista de la modernidad. Los referentes en torno a los cuales han gravitado sus prácticas representacionales parecen,... more
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      Teoría PolíticaHistoria del Pensamiento PolíticoSociologíaSociología de la Cultura
Όλα τα μεγάλα ζητήματα που ήδη διαμορφώνουν ραγδαία τη πολιτισμική, πολιτική, ανθρωπολογική, εθνολογική, ταυτοτική, και «ψυχροπολεμική» φυσιογνωμία του 21ου αιώνα βρίσκονται στο επίκεντρο του δράματος του Βρετανού συγγραφέα Robert Icke... more
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      Political TheoryContemporary British TheatreCultural TheoryPolitical Language and Political Correctness
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Politics is not only controlled by male but also female. Commissive speech acts often happen in presidential campaign speeches. This research aims to analyze the comparison of commissive speech acts in English speeches by Trump and Warren... more
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      English EducationPresidential SystemPledge
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    • Theology
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      Mechanical EngineeringSociologyTerminologyQualitative Research
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    • Education
This chapter discusses how the memory of an influential figure of modern Romania's history like Nicolae Iorga (1871-1940), a foremost historian-politician and nationalist intellectual, became instrumental in the three decades following... more
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      Romanian HistoryNationalismPostcommunist studiesPostcommunist memory
Interview mit dem Historiker des Nationalismus und Liberalismus Dieter Langewiesche.
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      German HistoryLiberalismNationalismPolitical Language and Political Correctness
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      Discourse AnalysisSilenceCritical Discourse AnalysisCommunication and media Studies
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      Critical Discourse StudiesPolitical ScienceIdeologySilence
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      PragmaticsPolitical SciencePoliticsPolitical communication
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      SociologyArtCanonMulticulturele Samenleving
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      SociologyMythologyPoliticsEducation Systems
Een analyse van het politieke discours en de invloed ervan op de huidige samenleving waarin we leven, en een recensie van het boek van Teun Van Dijk.
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