Political Reform
Recent papers in Political Reform
يتناول عبد الفتاح ماضي في كتابه عثرات في الميدان: كيف أخفقت ثورة يناير في مصر؟ الصادر عن المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات، المسار المتعثّر لثورة 25 يناير 2011 في مصر؛ باعتبارها جزءًا من نضالٍ ممتد في التاريخ الحديث للشعب المصري من... more
The interplay between bureaucracy and political dynasties is an interesting topic in the study of public administration and governance. For one, the parallel development of bureaucratic expansion and political dynasty entrenchment share... more
Parallel to Arab Nahḍah, Ottoman modernization program is associated with the Tanzimat, a period of drastic social, political and institutional transformation. The word tanẓīmāt itself, however, merely means “regulations” or... more
Published as Postill, J. 2014. A critical history of internet activism and social protest in Malaysia, 1998-2011. Asiascape: Digital Asia Journal 1-2: 78-103. NB. THIS IS A DRAFT. SEE PUBLISHED PAPER HERE:... more
This paper is an initial assessment of the current efforts at institutionalizing political party reforms. Specifically, it will provide an overview of current debates, within and initiatives of, two political parties in the area of party... more
This dissertation aims to analyse the transformation of Ottoman reform debates from the late sixteenth century to 1876 when the first Ottoman constitution was promulgated, by tracing various concepts of reform used in different periods.... more
This monograph examines the convergence of the war on terror on Saudi soil, calls for and modest programs of political reform, and heightened post-9/11 tensions with the United States. Saudi Arabia has been condemned for its Wahhabist... more
Author: Fareed Khan Compliled from the writings and speeches of Howard Zinn, PhD. Civil Liberties, Corporate Taxes, Corporate Welfare, Democratic Decay, Electoral Reform, Fascism, Free Speech, Free Speech Under Assault, Freedom,... more
Se examina el proceso de reformas politicas en Colombia a partir de la Constitución de 1991 y como el mismo ha intentado resolver los problemas de la democracia en medio de una situación de conflicto armado interno. En tanto no se... more
The term ‘money politics’ is widely used throughout Southeast Asia, commonly as a vague but derisive label for political practices deemed unsavoury and in need of reform. But what is it, exactly, and how does it vary from one setting to... more
Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es describir los referéndums nacionales que se plantearon en Venezuela durante el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, los cuales correspondieron, por separado, a una serie de iniciativas de reforma... more
Abstract: The impact of British rule casts a long shadow over Irish history. While nationalist historians tended to blame Union with Britain for all the economic ills of the 19th century (O'Brien 1921), recent re-evaluations of both... more
晁说之《儒言》作于北宋徽宗政和二年( 1112) , 时值蔡京为首的新党当政。其书专为批评王安石“新学”所作: 在经学思想方面,晁说之批评了王安石舍弃汉唐注疏、统合六经的做法, 并对其废弃《春秋》, 推崇《周礼》以及宗尚孟子、杨雄,参合佛老进行了抨击; 在具体的学术方面, 晁说之认为王安石的学问有割裂琐碎、苟为异辞和牵强附会之病。此外,晁说之对王安石在变法过程中托古改制、党同伐异、滥用权势的做法也进行了含沙射影的批评。由于此书作于新旧党争激烈化的背景之下,... more
Security Sector Reform (SSR) holds different meanings and hence varying implications for recipients and donors. Therefore, as an initial point of departure it is necessary to offer a more precise understanding of what can the European... more
The impact of British rule casts a long shadow over Irish history. While nationalist historians tended to blame Union with Britain for all the economic ills of the 19th century (O’Brien, 1921), recent re-evaluations of both historical and... more
Some process: 40 years of re-organising Norwegian archaeology The main objective of this paper is to investigate the historical background of the so-called ‘regionreform’ recently proposed by the Norwegian Government with special emphasis... more
Now, Egypt has entered a new phase in its foreign policies and the protection of its national security, starting with the fact that internal construction and building the elements of strength is the cornerstone of protecting Egypt and... more
Wolfgang Eßbach: Was war welche Linke? Eine Bestandsaufnahme
auf Soziopolis am 16. August2017:
auf Soziopolis am 16. August2017:
امیریحیی آیتاللهی (دانشآموختهی حوزهی علمیهی قم) پس از به پایان بردن دورهی کارشناسی در دانشگاه مفید، کارشناسی ارشد فلسفهی غرب را با پژوهش دربارهی مفهوم سنت در دیدگاه ادموند برک (فیلسوف محافظهکار انگلیسی) از دانشگاه ملی دریافت کرد... more
Publisher: New Statesman Author: Russell Brand Date: Oct. 24, 2013 Political reform, Electoral reform, Tax Loopholes, Corporate Welfare, Corporate Taxes, The 99%, The 99 Percent, The 1%, The 1 Percent, Occupy Movement, Democratic... more
Este trabalho analisa como se estruturam os órgãos colegiados de representação local no Chile e Uruguai. Para isso, é feita uma análise documental e bibliográfica sobre os dois casos, em seguida, se traçam os principais paralelos e... more
Many electoral systems constrain voters to one or two votes at election time. Reformers often see this as a failing because voters’ preferences are both broader and more varied than the number of choices allowed. New electoral systems... more
Este proceso electoral en Hidalgo en 2016 se inscribe en una larga transición política inconclusa, de cuarenta años, de hegemonía política y de partido predominante que implica un bajo desarrollo en la competencia y competitividad... more
This paper analyzes data using quantitative methodology to uncover the formation of regional parties and their relationship with the national political party, and the emergence of an alternate political reform in India. It also discusses... more
Publisher: Toronto Star Author: John Cartwright Date: Dec. 11, 2010 http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorialopinion/article/905536--corporate-greed-is-eroding-foundations-of-a-just-society Democratic Decay, Political reform,... more
Os efeitos produzidos pelo método de converter votos em cadeiras têm estado no centro do debate brasileiro desde a Constituição de 1988 e a reforma política nunca deixou a agenda do debate político, dentro e fora da academia. Os... more
Resumo: O texto empreende uma reflexão sobre o conceito de formação cultural [Bildung], que perpassa e está perpassado pela própria criação do sistema educacional alemão. Para isso divide-se em três momentos: 1) verificação das possíveis... more
O artigo explora os projetos de reforma política no caso brasileiro sob um aspecto inexplorado: as estratégias de maximização de ganhos eleitorais inerentes às propostas de reforma eleitoral. Para tanto, analisamos as Propostas de Emenda... more
El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre las trayectorias de la reforma política del gobierno de Iván Duque con base en los estudios sobre reforma política para determinar sus límites y potencialidades dentro del contexto del sistema... more
Defesa pela Academia Brasileira de Direito Eleitoral e Político - ABRADEP, dos pontos sobre financiamento de campanhas eleitorais, durante o processo de reforma política no Brasil, em 2015.
In little over four decades, Brazil transformed itself from an authoritarian regime with low levels of associative life and few opportunities for public participation into a hotbed of “participatory democracy” in the global South.... more
Conference Report Editor: Louise Klann Associate Editor: Martha Lagace Conference chairs: Augustus R. Norton and Hani Faris Boston University Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilizations Boston University Center for... more