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Author accepted version can be seen at: https://www.gdblunt.com/publications This article is premised on the idea that global poverty is the foreseeable and avoidable by-product of the international system. This position is held by... more
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      International RelationsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
This article analyzes one of the most important tensions between the protection of political rights – of both popularly elected officials and their constituents - and the disciplinary functions of some administrative authorities. This... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsSubsidiarity
The European Court of Human Rights has occasionally made use of the language familiar from discussions of a “militant democracy” or a “democracy capable of defending itself” and scholars have used the term when discussing the Strasbourg... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsDemocracyPolitical Rights
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      Human RightsColombiaVenezuelaPolitical Rights
How should we conceive of the relationship between European citizenship and national citizenship from a normative perspective? While the Treaties assert the supplementary nature of European citizenship vis-à-vis national citizenship,... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawDemocratic TheoryEuropean Union Citizenship
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) speaks of the importance of an “effective political democracy” in its Preamble, though it is only in Article 3 of Protocol 1 (P1-3) that we find a right to free elections. This paper... more
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      LawConstitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Quale l'approccio della Repubblica italiana verso gli stranieri? Raccolta degli atti della giornata organizzata presso la Camera dei deputati con l'aggiunta di un mio saggio sul concetto di "cittadinanza costituzionale" intesa come... more
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      Constitutional LawSocial RightsMigrationEquality and Diversity
Revista Brasileiros: No conservadorismo, a corrente política se alinha com os partidos que sustentaram a ditadura. Por outro lado, tenta conviver com governos de esquerda e apoiar programas sociais, desde que a igualdade dos cidadãos não... more
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      Brazilian StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical RightsBrazilian Politics
The present work focuses on the underlying seminal causes of the Annihilation of Jewish Greeks in Bulgarian occupied Northern Greece, in particular the regions of Eastern Macedonia (the cities of Kavala, Serres and Drama) and Thrace (the... more
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      Greek HistoryOttoman HistoryRomanian HistoryBalkan History
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      Political ParticipationInternational MigrationPolitical RightsCitizenship
The present work focuses on the underlying seminal causes of the Annihilation of Jewish Greeks in Bulgarian occupied Northern Greece, in particular the regions of Eastern Macedonia (the cities of Kavala, Serres and Drama) and Thrace (the... more
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      Greek HistoryRomanian HistoryHistory and MemoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyLatin American StudiesSocial Sciences
The protests on Tahrir Square in Cairo have come to symbolize the Arab uprisings of 2011. They have proven that Arab political life is more complex than the false choice between authoritarian rule or Islamist oppositions. The popular... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryPolitical SociologySocial Change
One of important mechanisms considered effective to protect civil and political rights of the citizens in Indonesia is constitutional review. This mechanism was created after the constitutional reform by establishing the new... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
Human rights have made mass murder and genocide more, rather than less, likely. A previous version of this paper appears as chapter 3 of my Patriotic Elaborations: Essays in Practical Philosophy (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s... more
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      Human RightsPovertyGlobal JusticeUnited Nations
The luxury-versus-necessity controversy is primarily concerned with the importance of civil and political rights vis-à-vis economic and social rights. The viewpoint of political leaders of many developing and newly industrialized... more
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      Human RightsUnited NationsCivil RightsDeveloping Countries
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      BoliviaPolitical RightsInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigraciones Internacionales
Ante la fiebre reeleccionista en la región, analizar la situación actual de la prohibición o permisión de la reelección presidencial en los 5 países centroamericanos es fundamental para determinar hasta qué punto significa una... more
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    •   4  
      Human RightsDemocracyPolitical RightsSistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesConstitutional LawPolitical Philosophy
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      LanguagesReligionHistorySocial Geography
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      Rural SociologyCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipHuman Rights
The human right to democracy is often justified instrumentally: democratic rights are human rights because they contribute to the preservation of basic human rights. In this article, this approach is put to test with regard to the right... more
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      Human RightsDemocratic TheoryPolitical RightsVoting Rights
Between 1750 and 1830 the Dutch state developed from an oligarchic republic into an enlightened autocratic monarchy via a brief experiment with representative democracy. During this period, there was an ongoing debate about the right to... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPublic OpinionPolitical Theory
For a large segment of the urban poor in Kampala, Uganda, street vending has long served as a key livelihood strategy in the absence of formal employment opportunities and a public social safety net. This article explores the effects of... more
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      DemocratizationUgandaInformal EconomyPolitical Rights
This paper focuses on processes of political integration for immigrants in the Italian context, constituting as it does an understudied topic. It does so by looking at one specific community, Albanian immigrants, who have been typically... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical RightsVotingCitizenship
Demokrasi ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi üzerine ilk çalışma 1959 yılında Lipset tarafından yapılmıştır. Literatürde ilgili konu üzerine yapılan çalışmalar üçe ayrılmaktadır. Demokrasi ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki bağdaşma, çatışma... more
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      Economic GrowthPolitical RightsDemokrasiCivil liberties
DO NOT WAIT TILL NOBODY IS LEFT TO DEFEND YOU! We should fully endorse this statement of Professor Anand Teltumbde, I NEED YOUR SUPPORT by reproducing few lines of a great poem of resistance by Martin Niemoler (1892-1984), a steadfast... more
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      Academic FreedomHuman RightsSouth Asian StudiesFascism
The understanding and application of shai’ah, an increasing demand of Muslim masses, is an issue that requires a special attention by contemporary Muslim scholars. Concerns over the uncritical implementation of shari’ah is not limited to... more
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      Philosophy Of FreedomReligion and ModernityPolitical RightsCoercion
O capítulo tem por finalidade apresentar, de forma sintética, os aspectos mais importantes da relação entre o princípio da igualdade e os direitos políticos atribuídos ao cidadão na ordem jurídico-constitucional brasileira. Deste relato... more
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      DemocracyPolitical RightsElectoral LawCitizenship
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      ImmigrationImmigration LawImmigration And Integration In EuropePolitical Rights
Les résultats d’une recherche traitant de l’expérience de participation citoyenne de personnes en situation de handicap (PSH) ont mis en lumière l’importance de reconnaître d’abord leur statut de citoyen.ne.s à part entière,... more
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      EthicsEducation for CitizenshipPolitical RightsCitizenship
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      Human RightsUnited NationsCivil RightsDeveloping Countries
Since 1989 in Hungary there have been organised six national referenda related to twelve questions. Based on the content of the questions raised, one can draw a line of evolution in the history of the institution. In 1989 and in 1990 the... more
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      Constitutional LawDirect DemocracyReferendumNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
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      Democratic TheoryComputer NetworksPolitical RightsDatabases
A partir de la reforma electoral de 1996 se produce una alternancia política en la ciudad de México que permitió registrar cambios significativos en la administración y el gobierno. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar los... more
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      Latin American politicsPoliticsPolitical RightsParticipación ciudadana
Around 200 leading legal experts have signed a statement defending the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement (BDS) as a lawful exercise of freedom of expression. The legal experts from 15 countries agreed the BDS movement... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawSocial Justice
This paper retraces the origins and the development of international minority protection by the League of Nations and the United Nations. It describes local and regional mechanisms of protection, such as that established by the European... more
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      Political RightsThe League of NationsRight to EducationRight to Life
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      BoliviaPolitical RightsInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigraciones Internacionales
El pluralismo político constituye, de acuerdo con el artículo 1.1 de la Constitución, uno de los valores superiores del ordenamiento jurídico español y condición fundamental para todo sistema democrático. La realización del pluralismo... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyGlobalizationPolitical Science
This article theorizes the historical non-relation between cultural studies and economic rights discourse, tracing it to ideal typical distinctions between economy and culture in early cultural studies; Karl Marx’s influence on Left... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical ParticipationMarxism
The present text analyses the development and core ideological nations that guide nationality/citizenship laws in Mexico. It argues that some aspects of the 'Revolutionary Nationalism' doctrine still shapes laws and policies in this area,... more
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      NationalismPolitical RightsCitizenshipDual Citizenships
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      Citizenship and IdentityPolitical RightsCitizenshipNationality
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      Women's StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesWomen's RightsNegotiation
The question raised in this paper is whether legal rights to vote are also moral rights to vote. The challenge to the justification of a moral right to vote is that it is not clear that the vote is instrumental to the preservation of some... more
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      Democratic TheoryDemocracyPolitical Rights
in Diritto costituzionale. Dizionario sistematico, a cura di S. Mangiameli, Milano, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2008, pp. 741-747.
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsPolitical RightsDiritto Costituzionale
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      TransnationalismInternational MigrationTransnational migrationPolitical Rights
This paper comprises parts of the theoretical and empirical research that I have conducted for my PhD studies. The theoretical structure focuses on the evaluative framework of capabilities, as it has been developed by Martha Nussbaum and... more
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      Social SciencesSocial RightsIsrael StudiesMigration Studies
In 2008 the first Swiss canton introduced internet voting for expatriates, complementing the trials involving residents initiated back in 2003. More cantons soon followed, and as of this writing, expatriates from 12 out of the 26 cantons... more
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      Electronic VotingPolitical RightsExpatriatesInternet voting