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Research Methodoloy

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Research is the discovery of facts, development of facts and verification of

facts. It is an attempt to find practical solution to the problem with the help of
scientific methods. The research process involves defining and redefining of
hypothesis formulation, organizing and evaluating data, driving conclusions after a
careful study. The two main sources of data in social science research come from the
inner world of library and the outside world of living profile. We may call these two
main sources simply the paper and profile, a wealth of usable information. It is often
uneconomical to spend time and energy to collect information. Under the general
rubric of documentary or paper sources we mostly consider historical records, diaries,
biographies and statistical records.

A research design is type of blueprint prepared of various types of blueprints available

for the collection, measurement and analyses of data. A research design calls for
developing the most efficient plan of gathering the needed information. The design of
research study is based on purpose of the study. It is a specification of methods and
procedure for acquiring the information needed. It is overall pattern or a framework of
project that stipulates what i information is to be collected from which source and by
what procedure.

When we turn to consider ‘people’ as the sources of social data, we identify

various forms of observations, but more practically and primarily the interview and
the questionnaire as the techniques for the collection of data from this source.

By Oxford Dictionary,

“Research is the careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for

new facts in any branch of knowledge.”

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1. Exploratory research design :-

Exploratory research design means a research design in case of exploratory research
studies are also termed as formularize research studies. In an exploratory research the
major emphasis is on discovery of ideas and insights and hence while formulating
research design, we should permit it to be flexible enough, so that different aspect of
phenomenon can be studied.

2. Descriptive research design-

Descriptive research design means research design in case of descriptive studies
which is concern with describing the characteristics of particular individual or of a
group. Descriptive study is fact finding in investigation with accurate interpretation it
is the simplest type of research. It is more specific than an exploratory research as it
focuses particular aspects or dimensions of the problem being studied.

3. Qualitative research design-

Qualitative research includes “an array of interpretive techniques which seek to
described ,decode, translate and otherwise comes to terms with the meaning not the
frequency, of a certain more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social
work”. At the data collection stage, the array of techniques includes focus groups,
individual in-depth interviews, case studies, ethnography, grounded theory, action
research and observation.

4. Quantitative research design-

Quantitative research attempts precise measurements of an unknown. In business
research quantitative methodology usually measures consumer behaviour, knowledge,
opinions or attitudes. Such methodology answers the questions related to how much,
how often, how many, when and who.

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5. Experimental research design-

The purpose of experimental research is to test a hypothesis causal relationship
between variables. For an experimental research, two groups are required and
compared in terms of the assured effects of the experimental variable. The validity of
an experiment depends upon equivalence between the control group and experimental
group chosen. There are two ways of assuring equivalence.
They are a) randomization
b) matching.

Hence, researcher has selected exploratory research type for study.

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Sampling techniques are especially useful in business research as many times

large amount of data are generated and researcher thinks of using a more measurable
subsets of data that they believe accurately the trends in the larger collection.
Sampling may be defined as the process of selection units (people, organization
etc) from a population of interest so that by examining the sample units, results may
be generalized about population. It helps to identify the target population to be
considered for collection of data.
Sampling is an essential part of all scientific procedure. It is well developed in field
of biology, physics, chemistry and social science research.

An important step before the data collection is sampling. Sampling is a

process of selecting a representative part of a population, studying it and there by
drawing conclusions about the population itself. Sampling is a very important aspect
of research and due care has to be taken to arrive at a right sample to be studied. It is
an important concept that we practice even in our routine life. Sampling involves
selecting a relatively small number of elements from a larger defined group of
elements and expecting that the information gathered from the small group will allow
judgements to be made about the larger group.


“Sampling is the selection of a certain percentage of a group of items

according to a predetermined plan”.


“A sample as the name applies is a smaller representative of a large whole”.

Goode and Hatt

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1. Probability Sampling:
Probability sampling also known as random sampling or chance sampling is
one in which every unit in the population has a non-zero chance of being
selected in the sample, and this probability can be accurately determined.
A] Random Sampling:
Random sampling is the simplest and purest form of probability sampling. It is
a technique in which every unit in population has equal and known chance of
being included in sample.
B] Stratified Sampling:
In this method the heterogeneous population is divided into distinct, non-
overlapping, homogenous subgroups called “strata”, according to some
important characteristics or variable like income, education, age, etc., and then
a random sample is selected from within each subgroup.
C] Systematic Sampling:
Systematic sampling is used to select a specified number of records from a
computer file.
D] Cluster Sampling:
This method divides the population into clusters at each stage and draws
sample of required size at each stage. Sampling is done in multistage.

2. Non-Probability Sampling:
Due to practical considerations, one often uses non-probability sampling even
though it is technically

A] Convenience Sampling: Convenience sampling is a method in which

samples are drawn at the convenience of the researcher or interviewer.

B] Judgement Sampling: In judgment sampling or purposive sampling

participants are

Hence, Researcher has selected Non-Probability Purposive sampling method for the

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Methods of data collection

Data collection simply means gathering and selection of information which is most
critically used for the particular research or survey being carried out. It is the
important aspect of any type of research study.

In accurate data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately can result
into invalid results.

Two basic methods of data collection are:

1) Primary method
2) Secondary method

1) Primary method:
in this method you collect the data yourself using methods such as interviews
and questionnaires the key point here is that the data you collect is unique to
you and your research.

The methods of collection primary data include:

 Questionnaire
 Interviews
 Focus group interviews
 Observations
 Critical incidents
 Portfolios.

The primary data which is generated by the above methods may be qualitative in
nature (usually in the form of words) or quantitative (usually in the form of numbers
or where you can make counts of words used.)

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Questionnaire is a popular means of collection of data, but the difficult to design and
often require many rewrites before an acceptable questionnaire is produced


 Can be posted, email or faxed.

 Can cover a large numbers of people or organization.
 Wide geographic coverage.
 Relatively cheap.
 Avoids embarrassment on the part of the respondent.
 Respondent can consider responses
 No interviews bias.

There are different types of questionnaire

 Paper-pencil–-questionnaire: they can be sent large number of people

and saves the researcher time and money. People are more truthful while
responding to the questionnaire regarding controversial issues in particular
due to the fact that their responses are anonymous.
 Web based questionnaire: a new and inevitable growing methodology is
the use of internet based research. This would mean receiving an email on
which you would click on an address that would take you to a secure web
site to fill in a questionnaire. This type of research is often quicker and
less detailed.

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2) Secondary method

This method in which the data is collected from the past studies carried out.

The information contained in it is already used by some other researcher. This

is the method of taking references and collecting data from the data source that have
been already used. Some of the examples of secondary source are:

 Reports of the research carried out in past

 Journals
 Magazines
 Books
 Internet

Hence, researcher has selected Primary method (Questionnaire), Secondary

method (books, internet etc.)

Type of data analysis:

There are two types of methods of data analysis:

1) Quantitative method of data collection

2) Qualitative method of data collection

Quantitative method of data analysis:

The type of information contained is numerical data. Such type of data is analysed
with the help of statistical tools such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
frequency etc.

1) Mean: it is the average score of the sample.

2) Median: it is the score half way between high and low score.
3) Mode: the average response given most often.
4) Standard deviation: the distance from the mean, in which 66% of responses
can be found out

Qualitative method of data analysis

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If most of the data is collected with the help of individual interviews, focus groups
interviews, open ended questions, or case studies than data analysis become
qualitative. This type of data is in the form of words which is analysed, sorted, and
organized in the right manner.

Methods of primary data collection

Primary sources refer to original events, documents and articles.

Example: newspaper articles, photographs, and diaries. These are the works that are
analysed and interpreted to create secondary sources. These are three methods of the
collecting primary data.

These three methods are as follows:

1. Observation method
2. Questionnaire method
3. Interview method

Methods of secondary data collection

Data from a secondary source is any data which has been collected by another
researcher, whether it is a group of people or just one person. The data may have
originally been used for a different type of research, but you can manipulate it to fit
you research, instead of using it was intended to be used.

1. Library work
This technique requires going through written text that have already done
similar work and utilizing their researches for our operations.

2. Internet:

Using online resources through internet is common for all in now-a-days. Lots
of information can be collected through various website.

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3. Telephone:

This is a very common and simple method. The researcher only needs to have
contact numbers of sources from where he wants to take information. Telephone
method gives quick responses. From this chapter, i concluded that project report is
very important. I come to know the meaning of data, types of the data, there are many
methods of the primary data and secondary data.

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Analysis of data may be defined as “ a process under which the relationships or

differences supporting or conflicting with the original or new hypothesis, should be
subjected to statistical tests of significance, to determine with what validity the data
can be said to indicate any conclusion”.

Interpretation is establishing continuity in research through linking the results of a

given study with those of another and the establishment of same relationship with the
collected data . Interpretation is the device through which, the factors that have been
observed by the researcher in the course of the study can be better understood.

Data preparation includes, editing, coding, classification process

Editing, classification, coding and tabulation are the important stages in research. It
is at this stage that mass of data collected during the survey is processed, with a view
to reducing them to manageable proportions. In other words, data processing which
encompasses, editing, coding, classification and tabulation, is the intermediary stage
between collection of data and analysis and interpretation of data. Thus, these are the
three crucial stages in the processing of social survey data.

There are some general common sense recommendations to follow when presenting

The presentation should be as simple as possible. Avoid the trap of adding to much
information. It is not the aim to include all the information you have but only a
summary of the essential feature you are typing to illustrate. A good rule of thumb is
to only present one idea or to have only one purpose for each graph or chart you

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The presentation should be self-explanatory. A chart or graph is not serving its

purpose if the reader cannot comprehend the legends or has to refer to the text in order
to understand it. There is a careful balance between too much information which
makes the graph or chart too complicated and too little information that makes the
chart difficult to comprehend or worse misleading.

The title should be clear, and concise indicating what? When..? and where..? the data
,codes, legends and label should be clear and concise, following standard formats is

The use of footnotes is advised to explain essential features of the data that are critical
for the correct interpretation of the graph or chart.

Data analysis is the process of developing answers to questions through the

examination and interpretation of data. The basic steps in the analytic process consist
of identifying issues, determining the availability of suitable data, deciding on which
methods are appropriate for answering the questions of interest, applying the methods
and evacuating, summarizing and communicating the results.

Analysis is placing the collected data in some order or format so that the data acquires
a meaning. Raw data becomes information only when it is placed in a meaningful
form. Interpretation involves drawing conclusions from the gather data.

Analysis and interpretation of data are the most crucial aspects of research. It is
considered to be highly skilled and technical jobs, which should be carried out only
by the researcher, or under his close supervision. The analysis of data requires on the
part of the researcher a thorough knowledge about the data, judgment, skill, ability of
generation and familiarity with the background, objects and hypothesis of the study.

Analytical results underscore the usefulness of data sources by shedding light on

relevant issues. Some statistics Canada program depend on analytical output as a
major data product because, for confidentiality reasons, it is not possible to release the
micro data to the public. Data analysis also plays a key role in data quality assessment
by pointing to data quality problems in a given survey. Analysis can thus influence
future improvements to the survey process.

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Data analysis is essential for understanding results from surveys, administrative

sources and pilot studies; for providing information on data gaps; for designing and
redesigning survey for planning new statistical activities and for formulating quality


Type of research Exploratory

Area of Research Tathawade Industrial Area

Area of research Teplo Energy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd

Sample size 120

Data Collection Techniques Questionnaire, Interview, Observation

Analysis of data Percent average/ Mean

Sources of Primary Data Questionnaire

Sources of Secondary Data Books, websites & magazines

Type of questionnaire Open ended and close ended, structured


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