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      PsychologyAristotleMereotopologyEdmund Husserl
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund HusserlGestalt Psychology
ABSTRACT This essay reconstructs the history of Gestalt psychology taking as its starting points the early 20th century surge in psychology-of-music research. Leaving behind established tradition, authors such as Stumpf, Ehrenfels,... more
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      Psychology of MusicGestalt PsychologyAlexius MeinongCarl Stumpf
La percezione musicale ha avuto un ruolo significativo nella storia della psicologia della Gestalt. Muovendo dalle critiche di Mach ed Ehrenfels alla dottrina elaborata da Helmholtz e dall’elaborazione teorica di Stumpf, destinata a... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologySoundGestalt PsychologyErnst Mach
Si se descuenta el tiempo que nos fue robado a las generaciones que sufrimos los años oscuros y si se me disculpa que considere que poco más de cuarenta años parecen casi una eternidad, me permito decir que yo todavía era joven cuando... more
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      Edmund HusserlFenomenologíaCarl StumpfEtnomusicologia
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      MetaphysicsOntologyTheories of MeaningPhenomenology
ABSTRACT: Lungo tutto l’Ottocento il rapporto tra musica e filosofia permane assai stretto. Il problema dei fondamenti della musica rappresenta una questione aperta e una sfida per i filosofi: in primo piano emergono soprattutto problemi... more
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      HegelErnst Florens Friedrich ChladniSchopenhauerPhilosophy of Music
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      History of ScienceRobert MusilLiterature & PsychologyLiterature And Science
The purpose of this paper is to stress the constancy of the Husserlian conception of sensible contents. I argue that Husserl, despite some significant changes in his philosophical views between 1901 and 1913, always maintained that... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhenomenology
Il volume analizza il problema del suono nella filosofia tedesca, dalla Critica del Giudizio di Kant alla psicologia della Gestalt. Vengono prese in esame la filosofia della natura del romanticismo e dell’idealismo, la psicologia... more
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      Philosophical PsychologyPhenomenologyErnst Florens Friedrich ChladniFranz Brentano
In this interview, Vincenzo Costa reports about his personal way of interpreting and developing Husserl’s phenomenology, referring to his work as a translator of the Husserlian main writings in Italian as well as to his examination of... more
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlJacques Derrida
"This thesis introduces and defends the Axiological Theory of Pleasure (ATP), according to which all pleasures are mental episodes which exemplify an hedonic value. According to the version of the ATP defended, hedonic goodness is not a... more
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      Philosophy of MindMax SchelerPainAxiology
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      PsychologyHistory of IdeasPhenomenologyGestalt Psychology
Some Austro-German philosophers considered thoughts to be mind-dependent entities, that is, psychic products. Yet these authors also attributed “objectivity” to thoughts: distinct thinking subjects can have mental acts with... more
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      Edmund HusserlAustrian PhilosophyKazimierz TwardowskiConcepts
The young Edmund Husserl stressed that the success of his philosophy hinged upon his ability to determine the subject and the predicate of impersonal propositions and their expressions, such as 'It is raining'. This essay accordingly... more
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      LogicLanguages and LinguisticsPhenomenological PsychologyPhenomenology
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      IntentionalityBaruch SpinozaCarl Stumpf
In diesem Aufsatz besprechen wir die Ontologie der Sachverhalte, die Carl Stumpf vorgeschlagen hat. Wie viele Vertreter der Brentano-Schule stützt sich hier Stumpf auf die reiche Ontologie der intentionalen Beziehung, die Brentano in... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophical Psychology
This paper defends hedonic intentionalism, the view that all pleasures, including bodily pleasures, are directed towards objects distinct from themselves. Brentano is the leading proponent of this view. My goal here is to disentangle his... more
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      Philosophy of MindMax SchelerPainFranz Brentano
In his Spinozastudien (1919) Stumpf dismisses the commonplace interpretation of Spinoza’s parallelism in psychophysical terms. Rather, he suggests to read Ethics, II, Prop. 7, as the heritage of the scholastic doctrine of intentionality.... more
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund HusserlIntentionality
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      Psychology of MusicJ.F. HerbartCarl StumpfHelmholtz
The ancient Greeks already used to give ethnic names (Doric, Phrygian, Lydian, etc.) to their different scales, and observations on differences in music of the various nations always raised the interest of musicians and philosophers. Yet,... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistory of ScienceCarl StumpfHistory of Ethnomusicology
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund HusserlGestalt Psychology
Il volume ricostruisce la storia di un problema classico, quello del rapporto tra anima e corpo, in seno alla filosofia tedesca dell'Ottocento e del primo Novecento. Il tentativo di applicare alla sfera psichica i procedimenti di... more
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      PsychophysicsPhilosophical PsychologyHenri BergsonFranz Brentano
This essay addresses the attitude of some leading Neo-Kantian philosophers toward scientific psychology and psychophysics. Early influential figures like Friedrich A. Lange counted Gustav T. Fechner’s psychophysical law among their allies... more
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      PsychophysicsHistory Of PsychologyCarl StumpfHermann Cohen
« Mais de quoi parlions-nous ? » ne cesse de demander à sa fille Mme Armfeldt dans Sourires d'une nuit d'été, soulignant ainsi l'impossibilité de déterminer en toutes circonstances quel est l'objet visé aussi bien par notre discours que... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlSchool of BrentanoHermeneutic Phenomenology
Stumpf’s doctrine of the categories is of great importance for our understanding of his philosophy. This theme had been widely discussed among German thinkers after Kant; Brentano himself had repeatedly dealt with it since his early... more
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      Franz BrentanoAristotelianismCarl StumpfTrendelenburg
Abstract: This essay deals with the relationship between philosophy and ex- perimental sciences in Carl Stumpf’s epistemology. A student of both Brentano and Lotze, Stumpf also gained scientific training with the physicist Wilhelm Weber... more
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      EpistemologyHistory Of PsychologyCarl StumpfHistory of Philosophy
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      EpistemologyEmpiricismSchool of BrentanoKant & neo-Kantianism
La «Enciclopedia Virtual del Pensamiento Fenomenológico» es un proyecto orientado a generar investigación científica básica en torno a la fenomenología. Este proyecto tiene por sede la Universidad La Salle-México. El propósito de la... more
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      Max SchelerPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdith Stein
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      David HumeCausalityBegriffsgeschichteCarl Stumpf
An Introduction to the historical sources of the philosophy of Carl Stumpf
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      Franz BrentanoJ.F. HerbartCarl StumpfHermann Lotze
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      PsychologyKantFranz Brentano19th-century German philosophy
Resumo: Em todas as críticas feitas por Franz Brentano contra a filosofia do século XIX, seja na Psicologia a partir de um ponto de vista empírico, seja em seus últimos escritos, indubitavelmente Kant ocupa o lugar de honra. Na visão de... more
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      PsychologyPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoImmanuel Kant
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      EmotionNon Euclidean GeometryAestheticsPerception
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      Wilhelm DiltheyGestalt PsychologyHistory Of PsychologyCarl Stumpf
The article explores psychological motives in Leopold Blaustein’s philosophy. Blaustein was educated in Lvov, Freiburg im Breisgau and Berlin. In his original explorations, he attempted to connect a phenomenological perspective with... more
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      Phenomenological PsychologyPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoGestalt Psychology
Among historians of philosophy it is often taken for granted that the "Brentano school" was one of the influential philosophical movements at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century-but Brentano's own... more
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      PhenomenologyGerman IdealismFranz BrentanoEdmund Husserl
This book highlights Carl Stumpf’s contributions to philosophy and to assess some of the aspects of his work. The book is divided into four sections, and also includes a general introduction on Stumpf’s philosophy. The first section... more
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      EpistemologyPhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund Husserl
An Introduction to Carl Stumpf's influences over other philosophers
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlRobert MusilAnton Marty
This essay illustrates the main aspects of the discussion between Brentano and Stumpf about «tonal fusion» (Tonverschmelzung). In his Tonpsychologie, Stumpf essentially moved from a Brentanian standpoint. Yet, he did not adopt Brentano’s... more
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoHistory Of PsychologyCarl Stumpf
What we cannot notice, we cannot be perceptually aware of either: This view, still very popular in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind, has been recently defended by M. Tye and A. Noë. The present paper tries to undermine this idea... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindVisual attentionPhenomenology
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      Franz BrentanoSensation and PerceptionCarl Stumpf
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlGestalt PsychologyGestalt Theory
The purpose of this investigation was to vary the load on the patellar tendon bar and to study the subsequent effect this has on the pattern of the pressure distribution at the stump-socket interface. Ten male subjects from the Southern... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsUnited KingdomHuman
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoSchool of BrentanoAustrian Philosophy
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyGerman IdealismFranz Brentano
James and Stumpf first met in Prague in 1882. James soon started corresponding with a “colleague with whose person and whose ideas alike I feel so warm a sympathy.” With this, a lifelong epistolary friendship began. For 28 years until... more
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      PragmatismPhenomenological PsychologyPhenomenologyWilliam James
Moro, N. (2012a). Estetica trascendentale in musica: La psicologia del suono di J.F. Herbart e C. Stumpf [Setting Kant’s ‘Transcendental Aesthetic’ into music: J.F. Herbart’s and C. Stumpf’s Tone Psychology]. Milano/Udine: Mimesis. ISBN... more
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      Psychology of MusicMusic PsychologyGerman IdealismHistory of Music Theory
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      PhenomenologyFranz BrentanoEdmund HusserlCarl Stumpf