Employment Studies
Recent papers in Employment Studies
This report is dedicated to courage and knowledge, the two qualities most needed to succeed in any human challenge, especially a job search.
To know more : http://bit.ly/1Jp9Pwi
To know more : http://bit.ly/1Jp9Pwi
The St. Louis Regional Information Technology Labor Market Report delivers insights and analysis of Information Technology (IT) skills and competencies most in demand by St. Louis area employers to help answer the question: What does... more
The promotion of extended working life has created a period of uncertainty between the ending of work and the beginning of retirement. This period of the life course is now 'open-ended' in respect of whether older workers decide to remain... more
Even though several papers about the impacts of minimum wage increases on employment have been published in the last decades, the debate is still ongoing among economists, policymakers, and the general public. Many recent papers have... more
1. Our recommendations help – A. Entrepreneurs to downsize, right size or close their enterprise without government permission. B. But, all workers who have been laid off must get PF and Severance Pay (as in Europe and Brazil) 2.... more
Empowerment, the first ‘E’ of the paper is the buzz word in development world; most ambiguous and broad as it sounds. This is a paper on understanding gender empowerment in contemporary situation based on a case study of an individual... more
Thailand Employment System
Randeree, K., Chaudhry, A., Leadership: The Employee Perspective - A Study in Dubai’s Construction Industry, 5th International Business Research (IBR) Conference: “Strands of Development”, 26 - 27 April 2007, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.... more
This article is entitled “Temporary Agency Worker: Typical Triangular Employment Relationship”, discusses whether the temporary agency worker in the typical “triangular” relationship should be treated as an employee of the agency or the... more
Résumé L’objectif principal de cette recherche est de documenter les processus d’intégration professionnelle de personnes réfugiées qui se sont établies au Québec ainsi que les ressources communautaires en employabilité impliquées.... more
In this paper, exchange rate volatility and employment relationship is investigated for Turkey covering the period from January 2003 to February 2014 period. Exchange rate volatility is added to the model as an independent variable. In... more
This chapter discusses the impact of labor market policies for people with disabilities in Peru. After discussing some characteristics of the labor market for this group, the current set of policies for improving the labor market outcomes... more
Labour law gives specification of rights, obligations and it regulates and tells the subjects on how they can conduct themselves on contractual terms and how they can enforce their rights. In other words, labour law sets a forum or an... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
Abstract - The purpose of this paper is to identify the effect(s) of globalization on attrition rate and employment in the 21st century. The phenomenon of globalization was examined in relation to the increasing attrition rates in various... more
Recommendations for driving results in college graduate employment and career advancement. While mainly providing broad range ideas and structures, this publication also provides vivid detail and recommendations on how to drive results... more
Résumé (English follow) En 2015, il y aurait au Québec plus de 5 000 médecins diplômés à l’étranger, dont près de 2 500 travaillent comme médecins et possiblement autant qui ont emprunté d’autres voies professionnelles, momentanément ou... more
Recruitment, selection and retention process of employees are of critical importance to any organisation across the whole spectrum of business activities, as organisations’ failure to recruit and retain skilled workforce has negative... more
This research aimed to describe the employability of the tourism management graduates of Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU), a state university in the Philippine Eastern Visayas Region. To achieve the desired result, the study... more
This report presents the results of the research project titled: DEL Economic Inactivity Strategy: Literature Review Project. It was commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland and carried out by the... more
The steel industry is one of many major world industries extnsively restructured in this era of globalization. The Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry explains how and why the steel industry has shifted from advanced capitalist... more
" Women Entrepreneurship " means an act of business ownership and business creation that empowers women economically increases their economic strength as well as position in society. Women-entrepreneurs have been making a considerable... more
RÉSUMÉ. — Cet article traite de la sous-représentation des personnes trans spécialistes des enjeux trans, professeur.e.s dans les universités canadiennes, et s'attarde au cas des départements d'études féministes et de genre. La question... more
Cette étude propose une explication des effets du printemps arabe sur les politiques de l'emploi en Algérie. Elle démythifie aussi le miracle algérien quant à la baisse exceptionnelle du taux de chômage de 20 points en une décennie.
Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) kuruluşundan günümüze kadar olan süreçte kaydettiği aşamalar ile AB’nin kurumsal yapısı ve AB müktesebatı hakkında genel bilgiler çalışmanın birinci bölümde verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde; istihdam ile ilgili tanım ve... more
Research indicates that globally, individuals with an intellectual disability experience the lowest employment rate. They have difficulties finding employment, experience lower pays and greater periods of unemployment. In Malta, research... more
El documento presenta un estudio descriptivo sobre el empleo de las mujeres de la Región de los Altos Sur del estado de Jalisco. La intención es comenzar a fijar la atención en la ocupación de las mujeres alteñas en los últimos ocho años.... more
Freelancers work for companies, but also apart from them - at home, on site, or in shared workspaces. This chapter examines how clients and freelancers manage and organise the employment relationship at a distance. Utilising interview... more
The paper suggests that, since the country Zambia has a large section of the labor force (over 30 percent) which consists of the youth, who therefore, make up the largest portion of new entrants to the labor force, and that only about 14... more
This paper aims to give an overview on COVID-19 impact on cultural and creative sectors. The strongest repercussions mainly concerned enterprises and performing arts workers. New challenges await us, in particular those of employment and... more
This touches on the topic of Future Jobs and Future Skills with a focus on Generation Z to reflect youth expectations on their ideal career. Using Singapore as case study, the article maps out characteristics and aspirations of different... more
This text was published in Spreen/Flessner/Hurka/Rüster, Kritik des Transhumanismus, transcript Bielefeld, 2018. It is posted here by permission of transcript Verlag for personal use only, not for redistribution.
Abstract in English first/Resumen en español más abajo. ABSTRACT: This book aims to understand the group of economic units often identified under concepts such as urban informal sector, informal economy, micro-enterprises, and... more
Para este artículo nos dedicaremos a reflexionar sobre el “Mercadillo” gitano en Valladolid, los imaginarios que se movilizan en torno a “lo gitano”, y las estigmatizaciones y prejuicios que “otrificando sus apariencias” (entendida... more
C’est d’abord en invasion douce que les machines en « ique » (informatique, robotique…) se sont faufilées dans nos vies, dans nos entreprises et dans l’économie globale. Elles continueront à s’y imposer et, de toute évidence, l’invasion... more