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Bu çalışmada, sözlü tarih görüşmeleriyle, Kağıthane'ye bağlı mahallelerin kuruluşları, kültürel özellikleri, sınıfsal yapıları, politik veçheleri ve yaşadıkları dönüşüm konu ediliyor. Saha araştırmalarında ve kitabın çeşitli bölümlerinin... more
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      Oral historyUrban StudiesIndustrializationLocal Politics
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      SpainCoalition GovernmentLocal Politics
Student groups play an important role in Bangladesh. Not only have student groups often been at the vanguard of crucial struggles – like the Language Movement (1947-1952), the Independence movement (1969-71) and the pro-democracy movement... more
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      South AsiaPolitical Violence and TerrorismBangladeshUniversity
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentState And Local Public FinanceLocal PoliticsLocal Self-Government
จันทนา สุทธิจารี และภาณุวัฒน์ พันธุ์ประเสริฐ
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentThailandDecentralizationThai politics
Brief article for ConservativeHome, examining causes of Conservative electoral decline in Liverpool
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      British HistoryBritish PoliticsConservatismLiverpool and Merseyside
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      Feminist SociologyWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryFeminist Philosophy
U radu se analiziraju i evaluiraju učinci neposrednog izbora lokalnih izvršnih čelnika u Hrvatskoj nakon 2009. U prvom se dijelu rada identificiraju i analiziraju argumenti kojima se zagovaralo uvođenje neposrednog izbora u hrvatski... more
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      Local GovernmentLocal Politics
Beeinflusst das Ergebnis der Direktwahl des Regierungschefs die Wahl zum repräsentativen Organ? Wir überprüfen, ob Erkenntnisse der Forschung über divided government, Amtsinhaber- und contamination-Effekte, die auf nationaler Ebene... more
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      Comparative PoliticsGerman PoliticsElectionsModern Germany
Ted Howard is Co-Founder and President of the Democracy Collaborative, a Washington, D.C.-based ‘think-do tank’ that develops and promotes ideas for a more democratic economy. He has been one of the main architects of the ‘Cleveland... more
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      Public EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)
This brief paper provides an example of the use of Altman's Z-Score in evaluating the probability of municipal default. It includes a short discussion of hedge fund strategy with regard to municipal default and advances an argument that... more
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      AccountingFinancial managementFinancial Risk ManagementRisk Management
Integration policy has been shown to have implications beyond acculturation and adaptation of refugees to the host society, extending to social cohesion and peaceful coexistence. While most studies focus on state-centred structural or... more
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      Refugee StudiesImmigrationImmigration And Integration In EuropeTurkish and Middle East Studies
Die Leipziger AfD vor und nach der Kommunalwahl 2019. Ergebnisse und Strategien, in: chronik.Le (Hg.), Rechtsaußen in der Kommunalpolitik, S. 22–27. (gemeinsam mit E. Gerbsch)
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      Radical RightRight Wing PopulismLocal PoliticsAlternative für Deutschland (AfD)
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w połowie 2014 r., mających na celu identyfikację oczekiwań władz małych miast wobec polskiej państwowej polityki rozwoju lokalnego. Jako źródło informacji o tych oczekiwaniach wybrano... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementGovernment
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      Political ParticipationNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Local DemocracyLocal Politics
This paper aims to explain why reform-oriented local politics has gained ground in the Philippines. It has been argued that local politics in the Philippines is characterized by dynastic elites who employ a patron-client relationship,... more
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      Political EconomyPhilippine StudiesSoutheast Asian PoliticsPhilippine government and politics
Dependency and separatism, local politics and colonial governance in Aruba, 1816-1955. A dissertation on colonialism and decolonization in Aruba.
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      ColonialismPolitical HistoryDecolonizationLocal Politics
El taller es un evento de aprendizaje colectivo y una oportunidad de acceso al conocimiento, la información, el intercambio, la capacitación y el cambio personal y colectivo. Todos/as poseen saberes e ignorancias que es necesario... more
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      Gender EqualityMexico (Anthropology)MexicoLocal Politics
Local governments are ubiquitous politico-administrative units that affect the lives of local communities in various aspects, particularly service delivery, taxation, and political participation. When citizens are enveloped in these... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentSubnational PoliticsTerritorial politicsLocal Politics
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      Belgian politicsVoting BehaviourLocal electionsLocal Politics
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      Urban StudiesLocal Government and Local DevelopmentFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Spain
Good governance promotes the collective responsibility of the government, civil society and private sector for improving the lives of all citizens, particularly the poor. In this study, 95 registered voters of North Poblacion, Maramag,... more
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      Public AdministrationRegional and Local GovernanceGood GovernanceDemocracy and Good Governance
This book examines how social media have transformed politics in established democracies. Specifically, the authors examine the influence of the unique qualities of social media on the power balance between and within parties. They... more
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      SociologyEuropean StudiesAmerican PoliticsVoting Behavior
The article aims to elaborate political dynasty that developed in local politics arena. The emergence of political dynasty is indicated by several points. First of all, the failure of function from local political party to conducts... more
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      Political ScienceIndonesian StudiesPoliticsPatrimonio Cultural
This thesis is an examination of the causes of Conservative electoral decline in Liverpool, from the end of World War Two to the present day. This is an area of Liverpool’s political history, and of the history of the Conservative Party,... more
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      Labour Party (UK)British PoliticsLocal GovernmentLiverpool and Merseyside
The presented book is devoted to local development and its governance by forming, on the strategic level, the relationships connecting municipalities with supralocal, i.e. regional, national and global milieu. It is divided into five... more
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      ManagementPublic FinancePublic AdministrationPublic Management
Student groups play an important role in Bangladesh. Not only have student groups often been at the vanguard of crucial struggles – like the Language Movement (1947-1952), the Independence movement (1969-71) and the pro-democracy movement... more
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      South AsiaPolitical Violence and TerrorismBangladeshUniversity
“No household in the English-speaking world is properly furnished unless it contains copies of the Holy Bible and of The Works of William Shakespeare. It is not always thought that these books should be read in maturer years, but they... more
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      Political SociologyGender StudiesGender and SexualityGender Discourse
In recent years, a sizeable literature on subnational authoritarian regimes in democracies has emerged. In some countries local authoritarian enclaves have persisted despite the democratization of politics at the national level. Even more... more
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      Comparative PoliticsRussian PoliticsIndonesiaArgentina
Reforma agraria merupakan restrukturisasi (penataan ulang susunan) kepemilikan, penguasaan dan penggunaan sumber-sumber agrarian. Reforma agraria dapat tercapai maksimal apabila dilakukan dengan kesiapan unsur-unsur pembaruan agraria yang... more
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      Political EconomySocial Research Methods and MethodologyPolitical TheoryResearch Methodology
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Since 2004, the government of Turkey has introduced a series of reforms that are often subsumed under the term decentralisation”. A number of laws have been passed that aim to reorganise the division of tasks and the relations between... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyDecentralisation processes and development issues
Appeared in Tambara, Academic Journal of the Ateneo de Davao University, Vol 32, Issue 1 (2015)
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      Local and regional historyPhilippine Identity and HistoryLocal PoliticsKidapawan
Derrière l'échec annoncé d'Anne Hidalgo, les ratés et défis du socialisme municipal Lille, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Rennes et bien sûr Paris... Le PS est à la tête de certaines des plus grandes villes de France mais sa candidate à... more
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      French PoliticsParty PoliticsLocal Politics
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      Local GovernmentInstitutions (Political Science)Local Government and Regional AdministrationLocal Politics
Analisis dan refl eksi mengenai perkembangan demokratisasi di Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru (setelah lengsernya Suharto sejak Mei 1998) dapat ditinjau dari perkembangan demokratisasi di tingkat lokal. Kebijakan desentralisasi baru, khususnya... more
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      Women and PoliticsWomen LeadershipLocal PoliticsWomen and Local Politics
Pakistan is widely being portrayed a weak democratic state as elected governments were unnecessarily broken frequently. Violence in the recent years has given more strength to the negative perception of Pakistan as a polity not conducive... more
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      Political ScienceLocal Politics
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      HistoryLocal HistoryPoliticsHistory of Hungary
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      Sociology of SportSports ManagementNational IdentitySport
Muhtars, the lowest level elected political position in Turkey, hold an ambiguously defined place within the administrative hierarchy. They are public officials, but local citizens do not always associate them with the central government.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical AnthropologyLocal GovernmentUrban Studies
This article focuses on the local political dynamics of early republican Turkey. Taking under close scrutiny the local organizations of the Republican People’s Party, this article aims to shed light on the unexplored aspects of the early... more
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      Local GovernmentTurkish and Middle East StudiesHistory of Turkish RepublicKemalism
This is a study about Pentecostals in a lowland village of Tanauan City, Batangas province, Philippines. It examines how Pentecostalism—from narratives of conversion and the structure of the church’s organization to worship... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPhilippinesLocal PoliticsTanauan City
Esta Guía para la equidad de género en el municipio ha sido elaborada con el propósito de aportar una respuesta a la demanda expresada en diversos talleres regionales llevados a cabo durante el año 2003 por el Grupo Interdisciplinario... more
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      Gender EqualityMexico (Anthropology)MexicoMunicipios
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      Comparative PoliticsLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local Developmentlocal politics in Indonesia
El Manual hacia un Diagnóstico sobre la situación de las mujeres en el Municipio con enfoque de género es un producto más del trabajo realizado por el equipo del Grupo Interdisciplinario sobre Mujer, Trabajo y Pobreza GIMTRAP, A.C.,... more
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      Gender EqualityMexico (Anthropology)MexicoLocal Politics
Neoliberal dönemde devlet hizmetlerinin özelleştirilmesi ve finansal kentleşme süreçlerini koordine eden yerel yönetimler bazı siyasi sistemlerde sadece ekonomik değil siyasi karar alma süreçlerinde de güç kazandılar. Bu coğrafyalarda,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsUrban PoliticsRegional and Local GovernanceCrisis Management
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesPolitical PartiesColombia
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      SubculturesElectionsItalyLocal Politics
In order to explain responses to Syrian refugees, it is important to understand politics within the major host countries. This involves looking beyond the capital cities to examine variation in responses at the local level. Turkey,... more
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      Middle East StudiesMigrationLebanonTurkish and Middle East Studies
En este capítulo abordamos el devenir de la Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) post crisis del 2001 en la Argentina. Esta crisis significó para la UCR no solo volver a abandonar el gobierno de manera anticipada sino también el fracaso de la... more
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      Political CoalitionsPolitical ScienceArgentinaLocal Politics