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Based on interviews with bureaucrats and judges in several Swiss cantons, this article analyzes how bureaucrats decide to order immigration detention and how the judicial review shapes their decisions. The authors argue that discretionary... more
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      Public AdministrationDecision MakingRefugee StudiesLaw and Society
Analisa-se a percepção dos docentes do curso bacharelado em Secretariado Executivo do IFMT - Campus Cuiabá Octayde Jorge da Silva em relação à sua atuação na política pública educacional, a partir de conceitos de burocracia de nível de... more
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      EducaçãoFormação de professores e prática pedagógicaPolíticas EducativasStreet-Level Bureaucracy
In this article, we analyze three cases in which subordinates' oral claims are refuted by superiors who draw on written documents of which the subordinates are the (in)direct authors. In this ventriloquization process (Cooren, 2012), the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisOrganizational CommunicationSocial InteractionSociology of Organizations
The Troubled Families Programme (TFP), established by the Coalition Government in the aftermath of the 2011 riots, set out to 'turn around' the lives of the 120,000 most 'troubled families' in England. When the rhetoric surrounding... more
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      Pierre BourdieuLoic WacquantFamily Centred InterventionsStreet-Level Bureaucracy
Le présent article envisage d’explorer les processus de bureaucratisation des associations de chasseurs néo-traditionnels au Bénin. Son objectif est de décrire les pratiques bureaucratiques au sein de ces associations et de mettre en... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyVigilantismStreet-Level Bureaucracy
Abstract EN Drawing from Lipsky’s (1980) concept of street-level bureaucracy and the theories of justice (Rawls, 1971; Mashaw, 1983; Elster, 1992), this paper is focused on the dilemmas that social welfare services’ caseworkers face in... more
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      Social WorkSociology of WorkSocial JusticeStorytelling
This book traces the practices of migration control and its contestation in the European migration regime in times of intense politicization. The collaboratively written work brings together the perspectives of state agents, NGOs,... more
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      Sociology of LawIrregular MigrationFranz KafkaMigration Studies
Dubois, Vincent (2018). El burócrata y el pobre. Relación administrativa y tratamiento de la miseria. [The bureaucrat and the poor]Valencia: Institució Alfons el Magnànim. 324 pp. ISBN: 978-84-7822-748-8 RESEÑAS Han sido necesarios casi... more
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      Social PolicyPovertyFranceStreet-Level Bureaucracy
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      Public AdministrationDevelopment AdministrationJudicial DiscretionPoliticization
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      Street ChildrenStreet-Level Bureaucracy
La povertà e l’esclusione sociale si connota come un fenomeno definibile da concetti quali multifattorialità, multidimensionalità e cumulatività. Tale caratterizzazione è legate principalmente all’individualizzazione dei percorsi... more
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      Social WorkWelfare StatePovertyStreet-Level Bureaucracy
ABSTRACT The federal government provides for an array of benefits and services for the multitude of refugees who arrive in the United States each year. Generally, the government contracts implementation of these services to local... more
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      Social WorkRefugee StudiesNon-profit ManagementNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
U.S. immigration control is typically understood in terms of enforcement practices undertaken by federal officers guided by legislation and court decisions. While legislation and court opinions are important components of the immigration... more
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      Critical TheoryCriminal LawLegitimacy and AuthorityPractice theory
En el escenario actual, en que el diagnostico respecto de la complejidad de la realidad y los problemas sociales es un consenso, se han planteado diversas propuestas para responder en consistencia con este diagnóstico desde las políticas... more
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      Desarrollo Local / Local DevelopmentPolíticas PúblicasEstado y políticas públicasDesarrollo Social
Everyday Practices of the State: An Ethnography of Indigenism. Is an ethnographic study of how anthropologists and their ideas shaped the state’s policies toward indigenous people and its institutional practices. The book focuses on the... more
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      Critical Race TheoryRace and ethnicity (Anthropology)Racismo y discriminaciónIndigenismo
Across the globe, states have long aimed to control the movement of people, identify their citizens, and restrict noncitizens' rights through official identification documents. Although states are now less likely to grant permanent legal... more
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      Border StudiesImmigrationImmigration StudiesMigration
Literatura o polityce społecznej dotyczy w przeważającej mierze zagadnień z poziomu krajowego i ponadnarodowego. Badacze przyjmują, że wprowadzane rozwiązania instytucjonalne i kierunki polityki zależą w dużym stopniu od decyzji władz... more
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      Social PolicyGovernanceLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local Development
The changes in the welfare systems and the reduction of resources have put strong pressure on social professions. In this article the impacts that cuts and austerity measures introduced in the welfare system have had on social work... more
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      Social WorkAusterity MeasuresEconomic Crisis, Welfare State. NeolliberalismStreet-Level Bureaucracy
A pdf is available by request to jmheyman@utep.edu . The anthropology of bureaucracy should address the role of organized power in organizing complex and unequal societies. This article reviews the development of bureaucracy studies,... more
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      Border StudiesBureaucracies & Bureaucratic WorkersLatina/o StudiesPolitical Anthropology
Public Order, Private Rules: Representations of the Crowd and Behavioural Recommendations in Italian Police Handbooks This article aims at contributing to the debate on policing protest, focusing on police knowledge and its role in the... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPublic AdministrationCritical Discourse Studies
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
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      Social WorkPublic Policy - Social Welfare PolicyStreet Level BureaucratsStreet-Level Bureaucracy
In spite of federal legislation concerning sex work in Germany, the practice of regulation of sex work differs remarkably from region to region. This is because the logics of regulating sex work differ, and range from repression and... more
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      MicropoliticsSex WorkStreet-Level BureaucracyEthnography of the State
Muhtars, the lowest level elected political position in Turkey, hold an ambiguously defined place within the administrative hierarchy. They are public officials, but local citizens do not always associate them with the central government.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical AnthropologyLocal GovernmentUrban Studies
Le déploiement du nouveau management public et ses instruments de gestion, ne sont pas nécessairement synonymes du développement de l'évaluation de politiques. Ils tendent plutôt à s’y substituer. Cette recherche analyse... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringProgram EvaluationEvaluation ResearchMeasurement and Evaluation
Abstract This study has the purpose of outlining a project of research to investigate which is the role of volunteers inside of the Camera del Lavoro in Milan. It’s a territorial structure of CGIL that, providing a series of welfare... more
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      Sociology of WorkOrganizational CultureMotivation (Psychology)Sociology of Organizations
Esta tese analisa como a institucionalização da Política Nacional de Saúde Integral da População Negra (PNSIPN) chegou em burocracias da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), no município do Rio do Janeiro. A pesquisa se insere em um... more
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      Public HealthStreet-Level BureaucracyRacial and Ethnic RelationsSaúde Da População Negra
Chapter 6 in Research handbook on street-level bureaucracy (Peter Hupe, ed.)
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      Social InequalitiesStreet Level BureaucratsStreet-Level Bureaucracy
This article examines the role of microfinance staff and procedures in enabling microfinance's social mission. It does so primarily through studying institutional ruling relations and practices in rural Bangladesh. Attempting to move away... more
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      Development StudiesMicrofinanceOrganizational DevelopmentMicrocredit
Los autores investigan sobre el Estado, sus dinámicas y lógicas burocráticas, así como la relación de este con la sociedad. Ello permite ofrecer una visión complementaria de las políticas poblacionales desplegadas en los últimos años a... more
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      Actor Network TheoryAnthropology of the StatePublic Policy - Social Welfare PolicyBureaucracy
(ITA) Questo lavoro è il risultato del mio studio per il master professionale di II livello in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni presso la LUISS Guido Carli di Roma (2021). Il lavoro mira a comprendere quale sia il... more
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      Public AdministrationBureaucratic PoliticsPublic Policy AnalysisBureaucracy
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      EthicsPolitical TheoryBureaucracyStreet-Level Bureaucracy
How do administrative government agencies deal with the often complex and difficult histories of flight and asylum, how does a 'case' emerge from this, and how does a decision arise? In the context of European attempts at coordination,... more
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      SociologyPublic AdministrationAsylumForced Migration
Across Europe, new welfare programs exemplify attempts to govern through community. This article asks how such governing through community is done in practice. Drawing on comparative insights from fieldwork with parenting support... more
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      Welfare StateDemocratizationEmpowermentEquality and Diversity
For agenda setting and policy design, public policies that involve or affect local communities are often negotiated in the field rather than the office, yet development literature has surprisingly neglected the characteristics, social... more
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      ForestryAnthropology of the StateCommunity ForestryStreet-Level Bureaucracy
En el contexto económico postindustrial buena parte de las clases populares quedan fuera del mercado de trabajo formal y se producen importantes transformaciones en su relación con la actividad política, relacionadas con el modo en que... more
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      Political SociologySocial PolicyWelfare StatePolitical Anthropology
This article concerns the extent to which corrupt behavior is dependent on the organizational power structure and the resources available for illegal exchange. This qualitative study is based on 42 in-depth interviews with organizational... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
A tanulmány egy, a Helyzet Műhely1 tagjai által kidolgozott kiscsoportos tréning módszertanát és néhány tanulságát mutatja be. Pierre Bourdieu nyomán Szocioanalízisnek nevezett tréningünk elsősorban segítő szakmákban (szociális munkás,... more
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      Social WorkSocializationHabitusPierre Bourdieu
Scholars have examined representative bureaucracy as a viable means to make the bureaucracy more responsive to citizens in a democratic society. The theory argues that a diverse public service that mirrors the social demographics of its... more
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      Comparative Public AdministrationPubic AdministrationStreet-Level BureaucracyRepresentative Bureaucracy
Is it possible to be corrupt yet ethical? Or good but unethical? In one of Indonesia’s most corrupt towns, the answers to these questions are far from clear for young elite civil servants, who must navigate the moral-ethical landscape of... more
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      AnthropologyEthicsSocial AnthropologyPolitical Anthropology
Political theory is rediscovering the colossus of public administration—the vast public service and regulatory bureaucracies and their countless employees and extensions that conduct the daily business of government. This review explains... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceBruno Latour
Il progetto di ricerca si propone di utilizzare l’approccio street-level bureaucracy nell’ambito delle politiche di accoglienza rivolte alle persone homeless. Lo studio si situa nel contesto generale del sistema di welfare italiano... more
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      Welfare StatePovertyHomelessnessPoverty Reduction Strategies
This paper examines the local construction of law on the street regarding immigrants. Local agencies play a key role in immigration enforcement and in providing services to immigrants. As such, they are increasingly the ‘face of the... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic LibrariesLibrary and Information SciencePublic library system and services
What explains changes in public policies outcomes? This issue is the core business of the comparative politics and has been given several answers. Obviously, numerous theories have proposed to explain the very shape of policies’ results... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryPublic Policy AnalysisPublic policies
INTRODUCTION: Enacting accountabilities in education: exploring new policy contexts and theoretical elaborations // A. Verger • G. Skedsmo 391 Side effects and the enactment of accountability: results of a comparative study in two... more
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      Comparative & International EducationPerformance Based Assessment (Education)Education PolicyHigh Stakes Testing
This article reimagines poverty governance as a labor process. Extending theories of bureaucratic fields and street-level bureaucracies, the proposed model suggests that the state manages the poor through fragmented activities embedded in... more
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El artículo analiza las prácticas de asignación de beneficios de agentes estatales pertenecientes al Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación en la Argentina de la última década. Sobre la base del trabajo de campo etnográfico en dicho... more
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      PragmatismSocial JusticeSocial PoliciesJusticia Distributiva
Negli ultimi decenni, numerose amministrazioni comunali hanno attuato un vasto insieme di strategie, piuttosto diversificate sul piano degli strumenti giuridici e delle prassi amministrative, finalizzate a restringere i requisiti per... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial DemographyDemography
Implementing e-government in the contemporary American state is challenging. E-government places high technical demands on agencies and citizens in an environment of budget austerity and political polarization. Governments developing... more
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      ManagementPsychologyPublic AdministrationPublic Management
台灣遊民政策經歷了威權政府犯罪化對待無家者、民主化政府以 社會福利處遇無家者的階段。如今公民社會進一步督促政府重視無家 者人權與居住需求,但政府回應消極。這種落差也反映在國家社福體 制的一線工作者接觸無家者的實務現場。本文用兼做遊民社工與無家 者的民族誌,透過「基層官僚治理」的取徑,探討這種落差如何及為 何出現,並探詢現今遊民社會福利體制造就何種非預期效果。首先, 說明現行遊民社福政策及體制預設的三條「脫離遊民狀態」路徑:協... more
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      HomelessnessTaiwan StudiesStreet-Level BureaucracyGovernance and State Capacity