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Cette étude porte sur deux types d’emplois de visiblement , adverbe lié à la perception : un emploi comme adverbe de constituant (dit « endophrastique ») et son emploi comme adverbe de phrase (dit « exophrastique »). Nous caractérisons... more
Cette étude porte sur deux types d’emplois de visiblement , adverbe lié à la perception : un emploi comme adverbe de constituant (dit « endophrastique ») et son emploi comme adverbe de phrase (dit « exophrastique »). Nous caractérisons d’abord sémantiquement les deux emplois (respectivement comme un adverbe de manière liée à la perceptibilité et comme adverbe évidentiel d’inférence). Nous présentons et évaluons les divers tests et critères décrits dans la littérature spécialisée pour identifier ces deux emplois en contexte. Nous examinons pour finir comment la prosodie peut offrir un outil supplémentaire pour reconnaître les deux emplois. Notre analyse d’énoncés lus avec visiblement dans des audio-livres montre que le facteur distinctif est le ton : visiblement exophrastique se prononce avec un ton montant ; visiblement endophrastique avec un ton descendant ou neutre.
The French adverb certainement (‘certainly’) is labelled a “modal adverb”. It has two (sentence adverb) uses according to the literature, called “strong modal use” and “weak modal use”. The strong modal use is indeed strong... more
The French adverb certainement (‘certainly’) is labelled a “modal adverb”. It has two (sentence adverb) uses according to the literature, called “strong modal use” and “weak modal use”. The strong modal use is indeed strong (epistemico-)modal in that it indicates total certainty, whether subjective or intersubjective. What is called its “weak modal use” is shown to be an evidential use. It indicates primarily that the content qualified by the adverb results from a non-monotonic inference, performed by the speaker, whose conclusions are plausible, defeasible, and thus never totally certain. This is due to the presence of an evidential-inferential component in its meaning. As for the so-called weak modal element of “probability” in its meaning, we reanalyse it as “non- certainty” and argue it is an element of utterance meaning, a property of quasi-assertions to which non-monotonically inferred content gives rise. Finally, we claim that the adverb also has a meaning component that we c...
Historique de l'association belge de linguistes "Cercle Belge de Linguistique", écrit à l'occasion de ses 75 années d'existence en 2011.
A critical survey and comparison of 4 frameworks for the study of enunciative polyphony or dialogisme : O. Ducrot' theory of Polyphonie, H. Nolke's Scapoline, H. Kronning's version of the Scapoline and J.... more
A critical survey and comparison of 4 frameworks for the study of enunciative polyphony or dialogisme : O. Ducrot' theory of Polyphonie, H. Nolke's Scapoline, H. Kronning's version of the Scapoline and J. Bres' theory of dialogism.
Il est generalement accepte en semantique cognitive que le sens spatial des prepositions spatiales est aussi leur sens de base et que les autres valeurs de ces prepositions en sont derivees par des procedes metaphoriques ou metonymiques.... more
Il est generalement accepte en semantique cognitive que le sens spatial des prepositions spatiales est aussi leur sens de base et que les autres valeurs de ces prepositions en sont derivees par des procedes metaphoriques ou metonymiques. Dans notre contribution, nous avons applique cette idee a l'analyse des prepositions sur et contre, qui signalent toutes les deux le contact et entrent en concurrence dans certaines configurations spatiales. Il ressort de notre analyse que les sens spatiaux de ces prepositions peuvent en effet expliquer des nuances subtiles de sens qu'on trouve dans leurs emplois non spatiaux, mais que certaines extensions metaphoriques justifient aussi l'inclusion de certains traits semantiques dans leur sens spatial. Finalement, si le sens spatial est probablement le sens de base de sur, cette idee semble moins evidente pour contre
On the use of the French conditional in Proust's 'Sodome and Gomorrhe'
À vue d’oeil est une locution adverbiale qui a échappé à l’attention des linguistes, malgré une polysémie riche et variée et des problèmes intéressants qu’elle pose. Si nous avons choisi de l’étudier ici, c’est en premier lieu parce... more
À vue d’oeil est une locution adverbiale qui a échappé à l’attention des linguistes, malgré une polysémie riche et variée et des problèmes intéressants qu’elle pose. Si nous avons choisi de l’étudier ici, c’est en premier lieu parce qu’elle a des acceptions qui nous paraissent relever de l’évidentialité lexicale – dont l’étude est très populaire parmi les linguistes depuis une bonne décennie – plus précisément de l’évidentialité inférentielle. Nous présentons ici les deux grands types d’opérations inférentielles auxquelles la locution, selon le type de contenu propositionnel qu’elle qualifie, peut renvoyer comme marqueur évidentiel, et que nous appelons : l’« analyse » et l’« estimation », qui s’articulent elles-mêmes chacune en trois ou quatre opérations inférentielles plus spécifiques. Nous montrons comment ces opérations inférentielles se retrouvent, mutatis mutandis, dans l’une des trois acceptions de l’emploi « endophrastique » de la locution, où celle-ci est syntaxiquement inc...
The phenomenon of evidentiality has predominantly been considered, especially by authors working within a typological framework, as a primarily grammatical matter. In this research tradition a conscious decision is made in restricting the... more
The phenomenon of evidentiality has predominantly been considered, especially by authors working within a typological framework, as a primarily grammatical matter. In this research tradition a conscious decision is made in restricting the object of study to grammatical evidentials, ...
Cette étude a un double but : 1) examiner la possibilité de décrire plus précisément les propriétés linguistiques des adjectifs (appelés ici psychologiques ou Ψ) qui dénotent des états ou des propriétés internes d’un référent X ;... more
Cette étude a un double but : 1) examiner la possibilité de décrire plus précisément les propriétés linguistiques des adjectifs (appelés ici psychologiques ou Ψ) qui dénotent des états ou des propriétés internes d’un référent X ; 2) vérifier la validité des descriptions du marqueur évidentiel d’inférence devoir. Pour ce faire, nous observons la compatibilité des adjectifs Ψ avec devoir évidentiel. Les résultats de l’analyse confirment que ce marqueur signale l’inférence, qui peut être abductive ou déductive. Il y a lieu cependant de distinguer deux schémas déductifs selon le type des prémisses : donnée événementielle (schéma déductif I : le locuteur infère une conséquence par prédiction) ou savoir concernant l’appartenance de X à une classe donnée (schéma déductif II : le locuteur applique au référent X une propriété appropriée à son appartenance catégorielle).The purpose of this study is twofold: 1) examine whether it is possible to describe more accurately the linguistic properties of adjectives (called psychologic or Ψ) denoting states or properties internal to a referent X; 2) verify the validity of the descriptions of the evidential marker devoir. To do this, we observe the compatibility of the Ψ-adjectives with devoir. Ψ states and properties have in common that they are not directly accessible by perception by the speaker, but accessible only by intellectual activity of the speaker, amongst others by inference, by which the speaker assigns a Ψ state or property to a referent X (different from the speaker in this study). Devoir is able to mark linguistically this inference. The observations made here confirm the evidential analyzes of devoir, namely: 1) this marker signals inference, which can be deductive or abductive and 2) it is necessary to distinguish two patterns of deduction, with different types of premises: a given event (deductive schema I, the speaker infers a consequence) or knowledge about the class to which belongs X (deductive schema II, the speaker applies to referent X a property of its class)
Dans cet article, nous montrons que la suite de mots à ce que je vois peut être considérée comme un marqueur évidentiel, quand elle a le statut d’une collocation à fonction d’adverbial de phrase. Selon le contexte, elle marquera la... more
Dans cet article, nous montrons que la suite de mots à ce que je vois peut être considérée comme un marqueur évidentiel, quand elle a le statut d’une collocation à fonction d’adverbial de phrase. Selon le contexte, elle marquera la perception directe (cas le moins fréquent) ou l’inférence sur la base d’indices perçus (cas de loin le plus fréquent). La collocation autorise aussi une interprétation de « perception limitée », signifiant « pour autant que je puisse voir ». Celle-ci s’explique par la présence implicite à l’intérieur de la collocation, ou explicite, dans sa variante à ce que je peux voir, du verbe modal pouvoir, à signification de « capacité ». La possibilité d’interprétation comme perception limitée amène pour l’emploi évidentiel inférentiel de la collocation, le caractère « défectible » (defeasible) de la conclusion inférée, qui, lui, est de nature à avoir une influence négative sur la fiabilité de l’information.
This chapter gives an structured overview and brief description of a wide range of grammatical and lexical evidential markers or expressions with evidential function in French.
This article offers explanations of the use of the French preposition 'derrière' ("behind") instead of 'devant' ("before") in authentic sentences of the type : (1) Ce soir là [sic] , vous étiez, comme des millions de français [sic],... more
This article offers explanations of the use of the French preposition 'derrière' ("behind") instead of 'devant' ("before") in authentic sentences of the type : (1) Ce soir là [sic] , vous étiez, comme des millions de français [sic], scotché [sic] DERRIERE VOTRE TELE à suivre ce programme unique… (2) Je ne suis pas collé, comme certains d’entre vous, la plupart de mon temps, DERRIERE LA TELE OU ORDI. where the preposition means in fact (and can be replaced without altering too much the meaning) 'devant' ("before")
The French adverb certainement ('certainly') is labelled a "modal adverb". It has two (sentence adverb) uses according to the literature, called "strong modal use" and "weak modal use". The strong modal use is indeed strong... more
The French adverb certainement ('certainly') is labelled a "modal adverb". It has two (sentence adverb) uses according to the literature, called "strong modal use" and "weak modal use". The strong modal use is indeed strong (epistemico-)modal in that it indicates total certainty, whether subjective or intersubjective. What is called its "weak modal use" is shown to be an evidential use. It indicates primarily that the content qualified by the adverb results from a non-monotonic inference, performed by the speaker, whose conclusions are plausible, defeasible, and thus never totally certain. This is due to the presence of an evidential-inferential component in its meaning. As for the so-called weak modal element of "probability" in its meaning, we reanalyse it as "non-certainty" and argue it is an element of utterance meaning, a property of quasi-assertions to which non-monotonically inferred content gives rise. Finally, we claim that the adverb also has a meaning component that we call "epistemic posture of certainty", shown to be different from epistemic modality. On the basis of three parameters and their values, we show how certainement can be interpreted, in a series of contextual configurations, either as an instance of its epistemico-modal use or of its evidential use.
Are so-called "epistemico-modal" adverbs really modal when put in context ? Our answer is 'No'. In this functional analysis, we distinguish two uses of the French "modal" adverb 'certainement'. A (minority) epistemico-modal use,... more
Are so-called "epistemico-modal" adverbs really modal when put in context ? Our answer is 'No'. In this functional analysis, we distinguish two uses of the French "modal" adverb 'certainement'. A (minority) epistemico-modal use, expressing full certainty, and a (dominant) evidential use expressing inference. We agree that the evidential use has an "modal-like" component, which we call "posture de certitude" and that we claim to be different from "real" epistemic modality defined as the evaluation by the speaker of the propositional content in terms of certainty or probability, which in the case of 'certainement' is said to be "weak" ('only' probability). For each value, typical contexts of appearance are listed with authentic examples. See also my study "Are ‘modal adverbs’ automatically modal markers? The case of French 'certainement': evidential versus epistemico-modal use" published earlier (but written after this one).
We argue in what sense 'à vue d'oeil' ("visibly") can be considered an inferential evidential marker. vue d’oeil is an adverbial phrase that has escaped the attention of linguists, despite its rich and varied polysemy and interesting... more
We argue in what sense 'à vue d'oeil' ("visibly") can be considered  an inferential evidential marker.
vue d’oeil is an adverbial phrase that has escaped the attention of linguists, despite its rich and varied polysemy and interesting problems it poses. We have chosen to study it here because it has uses that are interesting cases of lexical evidentiality – whose study is very popular amongst linguist the last decade –, more specifically inferential evidentiality. We will present here the two main types of inferential operations to which the locution, depending on the type of propositional content it qualifies, can refer as an evidential marker: "analysis" and "estimation", as we call them, each of which is subdivided in three or four more specific inferential operations. We show how these inferential operations are found in one of the three meanings of the uses of the adverbial phrase in which it combines with verbs that explicitly describe these operations of "acquisition of information", inside the propositional content. (compter, mesurer, calculer ou identifier…). We will situate this meaning in the polysemy of the endophrastic uses of the phrase. In the last part, we examine and compare the value and the evidential status of the two exophrastic meanings of the phrase.
In this paper we describe the French adverb visiblement in synchrony as well as in diachrony on the basis of all its occurrences in the data base Frantext. We show how and when it developed into an evidential marker. We examine the... more
In this paper we describe the French adverb visiblement in synchrony as well as in diachrony on the basis of all its occurrences in the data base Frantext. We show how and when it developed into an evidential marker. We examine the various distributional, syntactic and semantic changes the adverb underwent, from Old French until now. Regarding its evidential meaning, we show that visiblement, despite the presence of the perception element visible in its morphology, belongs to the category of evidential markers of inference (on the basis of perceivable or cognitively clear evidence) and not to that of evidential markers of direct perception. Finally, on a more theoretical level, we show in this study that in the case of visiblement semantic change precedes syntactic change, which seems to be rather uncommon.
What do we see when we say “a ce que je vois”? Most certainly an evidential marker of inference (most frequent case) or direct perception (less frequent case) with, depending on the context, a supplementary interpretation of limited... more
What do we see when we say “a ce que je vois”? Most certainly an evidential marker of inference (most frequent case) or direct perception (less frequent case) with, depending on the context, a supplementary interpretation of limited perception. This interpretation is responsible, together with the inferential evidential use of the collocation, for the defeasible character of the communicated conclusion, which, we agree, is likely to have a negative influence on the reliability of the information in the sentence.
En vingt ans, la théorie esquissée par Ducrot a connu une série de modifications. Celles-ci commencent avec Ducrot lui-même et se multiplient quand d'autres linguistes appliquent ses conceptions à l'analyse de phénomènes de langue (par... more
En vingt ans, la théorie esquissée par Ducrot a connu une série de modifications. Celles-ci commencent avec Ducrot lui-même et se multiplient quand d'autres linguistes appliquent ses conceptions à l'analyse de phénomènes de langue (par exemple le conditionnel 2) ou quand ils entreprennent de rethéoriser certains éléments de la théorie, par exemple pour la rendre applicable aux textes littéraires-cas de la ScaPoLine (Nølke, Fløttum & Norén 2004). Ce qu'on nomme théorie de la polyphonie n'est donc pas un bloc monolithique ; c'est un ensemble pluriel de cadres théoriques ou de théorisations, dont celle de Ducrot est clairement fondatrice, comme celle de Bakhtine (qui a été inspiratrice surtout de la théorie du dialogisme de Bres (Bres 2001, 2005 ; Bres e.a. 2005)).
ABSTRACT In this article we present the first comprehensive bibliography on evidential markers in French. it lists some 180 studies on various French evidentials or candidates for the status of evidential marker.
La notion de 'prise en charge'; a rarement été théorisée pour elle-même. Ce volume réunit douze études sur la notion : études générales et théoriques et études empiriques, centrées sur un phénomène linguistique particulier (discours... more
La notion de 'prise en charge'; a rarement été théorisée pour elle-même. Ce volume réunit douze études sur la notion : études générales et théoriques et études empiriques, centrées sur un phénomène linguistique particulier (discours rapporté, concession, médiativité, disjonction) ou consacrées à tel marqueur de (non-) prise en charge (n’importe quoi, ça dépend, disons, pour ainsi dire, c’est du joli !). Les contributions réunies ici permettent d’esquisser un bilan sur la notion, focalisant plusieurs dimensions de l’énonciation : 1. Qui prend en charge ? 2. Qu’est-ce qui est pris en charge ? 3. La prise en charge est-elle constitutive de l’énonciation ou n’est-elle qu’occasionnelle ? 4. La prise en charge est-elle absolue ou y a-t-il des degrés de prise en charge ?
DESCRIPTION In this PhD of 1991 the notion of evidentiality was used for the first time for the analysis of French language items. It first gives a quick overview on the notions of modality and evidentiality and analyses three language... more
DESCRIPTION In this PhD of 1991 the notion of evidentiality was used for the first time for the analysis of French language items. It first gives a quick overview on the notions of modality and evidentiality and analyses three language items in terms of evidentiality : the French conditional (in one of its types of use), epistemic "devoir" a,d the verb "prétendre". This PhD was followed a few years later by two articles on the same subjects: Dendale 1993 (conditional) and 1994 (devoir).
Research Interests:
In this article we present the first comprehensive bibliography on evidential markers in French. it lists some 180 studies on  various French evidentials or candidates for the status of evidential marker.
... Dialogisme et polyphonie. 2005. 352 pages. Editeur. De Boeck Université. ISBN 9782801113646. Alertes e-mail. Recevez des alertes automatiques relatives à cet article. ... URL :... more
... Dialogisme et polyphonie. 2005. 352 pages. Editeur. De Boeck Université. ISBN 9782801113646. Alertes e-mail. Recevez des alertes automatiques relatives à cet article. ... URL : www.cairn.info/dialogisme-et-polyphonie-approches-linguistiques--9782801113646-page-125.htm. ...
This article gives a new analysis with new data and arguments of a use of the French conditionnel that is generally considered as evidential. It has however also an epistemic-modal a, "non-commitment" flavor. This article argues that its... more
This article gives a new analysis with new data and arguments of a use of the French conditionnel that is generally considered as evidential. It has however also an epistemic-modal a, "non-commitment" flavor. This article argues that its evidential semantic component are fundamental and that the non-commitment reading it often gets is only derives, secundair. We can thus conclude that in this use of the conditional, the morpheme is an evidential marker.
This is a bibliography of studies on the French conditionnel during the period 2000-2015. It is a complement to the first bibliography on the conditional the Dendale & Vetters published in 2001. It also gives an synthetic overview of the... more
This is a bibliography of studies on the French conditionnel during the period 2000-2015. It is a complement to the first bibliography on the conditional the Dendale & Vetters published in 2001.
It also gives an synthetic overview of the type of research that has been done on the conditional, the way different problems have been treated and a list of specialists of the conditional.

And 78 more

This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated... more
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated search motor, you can search for a specific language unit (e.g. devoir, sur, puisque, re-, -able, au-delà, que, quelque, le, etc.) not, however, on linguistic meta-terms (e.g. concession, negation, article, modalité, évidentialité...) and get instantly a homogeneous bibliography on your research topic from the database containing more than 6500 references, updated twice a year. You can then copy paste them to your document. You can also scroll the two-column table with the references in the first and the keywords in the second column, to get them in alphabetical order by author.
If you send me the references of your already published work not yet integrated in the base or older work still missing in the database. They will be added during the next update.
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated... more
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated search motor you can search for a specific unit (e.g. devoir, sur, puisque, re-, -able, au-delà, que, quelque, le, etc.) not, however, on linguistic meta-terms (e.g. concession, negation, article, indéfini...) and get instantly a homogeneous, focused bibliography on your research topic from the database of more than 6300 references, updated twice a year. You can then copy paste it to your document. You can also scroll the two-column table containing the references in the first and keywords in the second, in alphabetical order by author. You can send me the references of your already published work not integrated yet in the base. They will be added with the next update.
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated... more
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French.
With the integrated search motor you can search for a specific unit (e.g. devoir, sur, puisque, re-, -able, au-delà, que, quelque, le, etc.) not, however, on linguistic meta-terms (e.g. concession, negation, article, indéfini...) and get instantly a homogeneous, focused bibliography on your research topic from the database of more than 5500 references, updated twice a year. You can then copy paste it to your document.

You can also scroll the two-column table containing the references in the first and keywords in the second, in alphabetical order by author.
You can send me the references of your already published work not integrated yet in the base. They will be added with the next update.
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated... more
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on different kinds of properties (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French.
With the integrated search motor you can search for a specific unit (e.g. devoir, sur, puisque, re-, -able, au-delà, que, quelque, le, etc.) not, however, on linguistic meta-terms (e.g. concession, negation, article, indéfini...) and get instantly a homogeneous, focused bibliography on your research topic from the database of more than 5500 references, updated twice a year. You can then copy paste it to your document.

You can also scroll the two-column table containing the references in the first and keywords in the second, in alphabetical order by author.
You can send me the references of your already published work not integrated yet in the base. They will be added with the next update.

This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on all kinds of characteristics (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French. With the integrated... more
This updated on-line bibliography contains studies on all kinds of characteristics (mostly semantic, but also syntactic, sociolinguistic, prosodic, ...) of particular items of the lexicon and the grammar of French.
With the integrated search motor you can search for a specific unit (e.g. devoir, sur, puisque, re-, -able, au-delà, que, quelque, le, etc.) not on metaterms, however, (e.g. concession, negation, article,...) and get instantly a homogeneous, focused bibliography on your research topic from the database of more than 5300 references, yearly updated. You can then copy paste it to your document.


You can also scroll the table containing one column with the references and one column with the treated units as keywords, in the alphabetical part of the bibliography.
You can send me the references of your publications  not integrated yet. They will be added with the next update.
Research Interests:
Commitment is a notion widely invoked in speech-act theory, in studies on modality and in dialogue modelling, but it has never been the central topic of a monograph or a collective volume in linguistics. This volume is the very first to... more
Commitment is a notion widely invoked in speech-act theory, in studies on modality and in dialogue modelling, but it has never been the central topic of a monograph or a collective volume in linguistics. This volume is the very first to bring together researchers from different linguistic traditions and request them to focus on the notion. All the contributions presented here use commitment as a key concept in accounting for a broad range of linguistic phenomena in various languages, from illocutionary acts like assertions and questions to modal expressions, through sentence-types, finite subordinate clauses, concessive markers, tense markers, and even text-types and genres. Each contributor takes pains to explicate his/her understanding of the term commitment, thus making interesting comparisons possible across theoretical boundaries. Some authors also point out potential drawbacks of the notion and argue for replacing or supplementing it with a related concept of involvement.
Research Interests:
The first collective volume for French with studies on expressions with possible evidential function
Research Interests:
La notion de 'prise en charge' a rarement été théorisée pour elle-même. Ce volume réunit douze études sur la notion : études générales et théoriques et études empiriques, centrées sur un phénomène linguistique particulier (discours... more
La notion de 'prise en charge' a rarement été théorisée pour elle-même. Ce volume réunit douze études sur la notion : études générales et théoriques et études empiriques, centrées sur un phénomène linguistique particulier (discours rapporté, concession, médiativité, disjonction) ou consacrées à tel marqueur de (non-) prise en charge (n’importe quoi, ça dépend, disons, pour ainsi dire, c’est du joli !).
Les contributions réunies ici permettent d’esquisser un bilan sur la notion, focalisant plusieurs dimensions de l’énonciation : 1. Qui prend en charge ? 2. Qu’est-ce qui est pris en charge ? 3. La prise en charge est-elle constitutive de l’énonciation ou n’est-elle qu’occasionnelle ? 4. La prise en charge est-elle absolue ou y a-t-il des degrés de prise en charge ?
Research Interests:
Ce volume regroupe dix études sur les verbes modaux, en français, en anglais ou en latin, qui ont été présentées lors du colloque « Les verbes modaux dans les langues germaniques et romanes », organisé à l’Université d’Anvers en décembre... more
Ce volume regroupe dix études sur les verbes modaux, en français, en anglais ou en latin, qui ont été présentées lors du colloque « Les verbes modaux dans les langues germaniques et romanes », organisé à l’Université d’Anvers en décembre 1998.

Contient des études de / Contains studies of : Dendale & Van der Auwera, A. Ouattara, N. Le Querler, B. Defrancq, A. Bertocchi & A. Orlandini, H. Kronning, Chr. Marque-Pucheu, J.-P. Desclés & Z. Guentchéva, E. Gilbert, O. Blanvillain, A. Schrott et E.Moline.

This volume is a collection of ten studies on modal verbs in English, French and Latin, which were presented at the symposium "Modal verbs in Germanic and Romance languages", organized at the University of Antwerp in December 1998.
Sur les stratégies d'apport d'information dans de petits articles du "Monde".
Please find the description of this panel in the file. If you wish to contribute to our panel, please send your abstracts (min. 250, max 500 words) by October 15, 2018 via the conference website:... more
Please find the description of this panel in the file. If you wish to contribute to our panel, please send your abstracts (min. 250, max 500 words) by October 15, 2018 via the conference website: https://pragmatics.international/general/custom.asp?page=CfP.
Research Interests: