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      LawRulesPhrasesLegal Principles
In communication, there are a set of rules applied to make a successful conversation. The rules help both the speaker and the hearer in delivering their messages and conveying the meanings of their messages. Grice (1975) introduced the... more
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      PragmaticsH.P. GriceLingusticsApplied Lingustics
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      Islamic LawJurisprudenceIslamic FinanceShariah
Boris Krivokapic PRIMACY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW This paper is in fact second part of the paper published in the previous number of the same journal as Boris Krivokapic “Odnos medjunarodnog i unutrasnjeg prava”, Strani pravni život... more
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      Legal TheoryPublic International LawMonismRules
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      RulesPhrasesLegal PrinciplesTests
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      Second Language AcquisitionPragmaticsSemanticsApplied Linguistics
Second edition, 2016. Over 8800 Latin quotations, proverbs, mottos, etc., for learning and entertainment purposes (grammar, vocabulary, culture, wisdom). Wide range of sources (ancient, medieval, modern), but heavy on Virgil, Ovid,... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLiteratureLatin Language and Literature
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      RulesPhrasesPengajian Syariah Dan Undang-UndangLegal Principles
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      RulesPhrasesLegal PrinciplesTests
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      Legal TheoryLegal interpretationRulesPhrases
As with anything written or spoken the language that is used is always from somebody’s viewpoint (Wood-Wallace, 2011: 2) and due to the fact that there are a multitude of different lexical items and syntactical structures for the speaker... more
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The apothegms of Maxims I present a number of female archetypes. Among those gnomes, the laconic episode of the frysan wyf welcoming her husband (ll. 94b-99) still deserves further attention. Critics have generally read frysan as... more
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      Latin LiteratureOld English LiteratureOld English PoetryWisdom Literature
This chapter on the manuscript tradition of the moral maxims (sententiae) associated with the mimographer Publilius has already appeared in the volume "Aliento. La traversée européenne des Proverbia Senecae: de Publilius Syrus à Érasme et... more
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      Latin LiteratureMenanderManuscript StudiesMime
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      HistoryPublic OpinionMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
After the introductory part, the author refers to the Kievan Rus, to show that although it was undoubtedly an active participant in international relations (closing international agreements, receiving foreign representatives, etc.) there... more
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      Russian StudiesLegal TheoryPublic International LawEuropean Legal History
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      PragmaticsSemanticsRelevance TheoryConversation
In the court room, and in the law firm, where both sides have all facts and all legal citations, the case will be won, or lost, on rhetoric; on legal rhetoric; on the appreciation of legal principles, presumptions, doctrines, rules,... more
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      RulesPhrasesLegal PrinciplesTests
La presente investigación delinea de forma sistemática una teoría general para todo género de signos distintivos. Para este propósito se vale de las investigaciones parciales que la propiedad industrial y otras ramas del derecho han... more
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      Intellectual PropertyLegal TheoryTrademarksRules
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      Meta-EthicsLegal TheoryLegal interpretationRules
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      JurisprudenceLegal argumentationRulesPhrases
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      ProverbsSayingsMedieval Scottish LiteratureEarly Scots
In Hamlet 1.3.57-81, Polonius’s instructions to Laertes are imparted in the form of either advice or admonition. There is still debate amongst scholars as to the sources Shakespeare might have had in mind in writing these maxims. The... more
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      Medieval LiteratureShakespeareOld English LiteratureOld English Poetry
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      Legal TheoryCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawLegal PhilosophyRechtsphilosophie
Legal rules constitute not only reasons for action, but also reasons for judicial decision. What kind of reason do legal rules provide for adjudication? Do they figure as Razian exclusionary reasons in legal reasoning? In this paper I... more
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      LawJurisprudencePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Предисловие / Библиография СТАТЬИ ZÁSADNÍ OTÁZKY VÝVOJE A SOUČASNOSTI KODIFIKACE PRÁVNÍCH INSTITUTŮ [1975] 3–20: 1. Problém jednoty projevů myšlenky kodifikace v historii 3 / 2. Pojem vývoje a vývoj kodifikace 11 / 3. Obečný pojem... more
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      Legal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawMarxist Legal TheoryFiction
Este artículo reflexiona sobre la escritura aforística a partir de una tríada de autores de gran relevancia para la evolución del género en los siglos XX y XXI: Antonio Machado, Antonio Porchia y José Bergamín. La obra de estos creadores... more
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      Latin American Literature (Literature)Spanish LiteratureProverbsLiteratura Latinoamericana
En el presente trabajo se pretende establecer las diferencias básicas entre dos los tipos de expresiones sa- pienciales breves: la γνώμη y la παροιμία. Este es un paso previo necesario para poder realizar el estudio central del trabajo,... more
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      Gaston BachelardCartesianismDomestic ArchitectureCogito
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      Criminal LawIslamic LawIslamRules
This article surveys post-1945 scholarly attempts to interpret Jesus’ command to ‘render to Caesar the things of Caesar and to God the things of God’ (Mk 12.17; Mt. 22.21; Lk. 20.25). It suggests that part of the confusion surrounding the... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSynoptic GospelsRhetorical CriticismIntertextuality
Villani Stefano, “Raccolte di aforismi. Gli Avvertimenti di Alessandro Amidei come plagio e riscrittura di alcune massime di Francesco Guicciardini, Giovan Francesco Lottini e Francesco Sansovino,” in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore... more
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      Seventeenth CenturyJewish HistoryManuscript StudiesEarly Modern England
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      Sherlock HolmesDiagnostic ReasoningMaximsProfessional Behaviour
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      French LiteratureFrench RevolutionAphorismsChamfort
Foreword [1994] 1–4 LAW AS PRACTICE QUELQUES QUESTIONS MÉTHODOLOGIQUES DE LA FORMATION DES CONCEPTS EN SCIENCES JURIDIQUES [1970] 7–33: 1. Introduction 7 / 2. La particularité de l’objet des sciences juridiques 8 / 3. La particularité... more
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      Sociology of LawLegal AnthropologyLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesRulesEarly Hanafis
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      JurisprudenceLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawDeontic Logic
The aim of the article is to analyze the speech act compliment as an integral part of successful interpersonal communication based on the principles and maxims of speech communication of G. P. Grice, R. Lakoff, J. Leech, and in the... more
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      PolitenessSpeech actsSpeech etiquetteMaxims
An analogy of how God is viewed in the terms of the law that is our heritage. We are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights and this has always been looked upon as the greatest law and as natural law. Outlined in law, God is... more
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      JusticeRule of LawAcademic Freedom (Law)Freedom of Speech
Proverbs are very much a component of traditional culture; often used and patterned for “retention and ready recall” by balance, rhythm, alliteration, assonance, or rhyme, they have become a constituent part of common memory (Ong 2012,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesProverbsLegal History
Certainty is an epistemological category implied in at least two crucial issues of early-modern jurisprudence: the certainty of law (legal certainty) and the certainty of facts (factual certainty). Any historical study approaching... more
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      Expert testimonyLegal HistoryFrancis BaconProbability
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      ProverbsMental IllnessPharmaceutical industryBiological Psychiatry
Up to age 5, children are known to experience difficulties in the derivation of implicitly conveyed content, sticking to literally true, even if underinformative, interpretation of sentences. The computation of implicated meanings is... more
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      PragmaticsExperimental PragmaticsMaximsConversational Maxims
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      Philosophy of ScienceAutism Spectrum DisordersRulesPhrases
Introduction and significance of the study: Sharīʻah Maxims (Legal Maxims) are such leading principles and regulations in the light of which legal scholars and academic philosophers explore the permissible commands of the enduring issues.... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic Philosophy
El trabajo se propone alcanzar tres objetivos: 1) Aclarar la disputada cuestión de la “naturaleza” de las presunciones en el Derecho; para ello se muestra la distancia que media entre el sintagma “es presumible” y el sintagma “se... more
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      RulesPhrasesLegal PrinciplesTests
Author of this paper deals with the theoretical definition of the principles and fundamentals. Further he defines the relationship between the principle of legitimacy and the principle of legal protection with regard to their mutual... more
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      Legal TheoryLegitimacyPrincipleTaxation and Tax Administration
... useful?
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      EuphemismLecture notesNotesQuotes
The balancing or weighing of principles by reference to their dimension of weight or importance seems to represent the prevailing method for solving contradictions (antinomies) arising between legal principles when the latter are applied... more
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      Legal TheoryLegal interpretationLegal argumentationRules
O presente artigo pretende não só conceituar as regras jurídicas, mas também demonstrar o seu funcionamento. Para tanto, são descritas as buscas por coordenação, expertise, eficiência e segurança jurídica, descrevendo,... more
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      JurisprudenceLegal TheoryRulesPhrases
Writing for social engagement in an academic context indicates the authors' attitude towards the propositional content and the text's audience through metadiscursive maxims markers employment. This study tried to determine whether... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMetadiscourseMaximsMETADISCOURSE MARKERS