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      ExpatriationRetributionEmpresaNecesidades de formación
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      Filosofia del DirittoDroit PenalRetributionCulpabilité
Práce získala 2. místo v celostátní studentské vědecké konferenci Historie 2010 na univerzitě v Olomouci a vyšla tiskem jako součást sborníku Historica Olomoucensia v roce 2011. Jedná se o velmi stručný výtah později vydané knihy... more
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This study aims to determine How is the contribution, growth, effectivity level of parking retribution towards district own source revenue of Malang Regency in 2010-2014 and how realization of forecasting trends parking fees of Malang... more
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      JournalismEconomic and Business JournalismJournalsEkonomi
Life without parole (LWOP) has displaced the death penalty as the distinctive American punishment. Although the sentence scarcely exists in Europe, roughly 40,000 inmates are serving LWOP in America today. Despite its prevalence, the... more
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      PsychologyRetributionLife Without Parole
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      Discourse AnalysisCriminal LawCriminal JusticeEthics
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      Old Testament TheologyTeologia biblicaRetributionRetribution in biblical texts
Die Philosophie viel über Rache geschrieben und dabei wenig über den Begriff der Rache gesagt. In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich, einen Begriff der Rache zu entwickeln, der weniger täterzentriert und mehr rächerzentriert ist, um das Phänomen... more
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      PhilosophyRetributivismPractical PhilosophyRevenge
This paper seeks to critically evaluate the retributivist theory of punishment, making use of Jean Hampton’s writing "Forgiveness and Mercy" to make sense of the idea of retribution and to explain it in a way that distinguishes it from... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticePhilosophy
Jakým způsobem probíhalo po druhé světové válce v českých zemích potrestání tzv. každodenní kolaborace? Tato kniha se věnuje právě trestání provinění proti národní cti podle dekretu prezidenta republiky č. 138/1945 Sb., tedy tzv. „malému... more
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      Protektorát Čechy a MoravaRetributionPost-war transitional justiceColaboration
O artigo diferencia os elementos da teoria da pena, com especial destaque ao fundamento e às finalidades da pena criminal. Analisa as doutrinas absolutas e relativas e as suas respectivas capacidades de oferecer tratamento específico aos... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy of PunishmentRetributivismDireito Processual Penal
(from the Introduction) Intending only to research medieval conceptions of hell, author Alan Bernstein wanted to investigate postmortem retribution in the ancient world for historical context. This investigation turned into an entire book... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureTheologyHellenistic PhilosophyHistorical Theology
The paper examines in detail the many occurrences of the theme of revenge in Tolkien's published works. It argues that Tolkien's treatment of the theme is both complex and subtle.
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      J. R. R. TolkienRevengeRetribution
Unlike the Western cultural frame, within which the clear opposition good – evil is held as sound and rational, stories and plays of the Japanese culture rarely offer such a clean division of the characters and their deeds. Tōkaidō... more
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      KabukiGhostsJapanese CultureMorality
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      Political EconomyMediaRightsRetribution
This essay contributes to the relevance and use of the enemy, revenge and curse psalms today. According to biblical hermeneutic and current attitudes, the passages of the Psalms 12 and 137 are worked out as examples. Thereafter, the use... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheologyBiblical StudiesHistory Of The Bible/Biblical Canon
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      Punishment and PrisonsSentencingPunishmentRetribution
The paper will present and analyze the Amorite view of history as found in the eighteenth century BCE Mari text (ARM I 3), a letter sent by Yasmaḫ-Addu to the god Nergal, reflecting the power-struggle between two Amorite clans, the... more
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastAmoritesRetributionHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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Central cases of moral blame suggest that blame presupposes that its target deserves to feel guilty, and that if one is blameworthy to some degree, one deserves to feel guilt to a corresponding degree. This, some think, is what explains... more
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      Moral PsychologyFree Will and Moral ResponsibilityMoral BlameDesert
Ted Honderich, a British philosophy professor, is the leading proponent in our time of the doctrine known as determinism (more accurately called “predeterminism”). His most elaborate treatment of this issue was in his 1988 tome, "A Theory... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityQuantum MechanicsFree Will
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      G.W.F. HegelKarl MarxCrimePunishment
This article analyzes the Amorite view of history as found in the 18th century BCE Mari text (ARM I 3), a letter sent by Yasmaḫ-Addu to the god Nergal, reflecting the power-struggle between two Amorite clans, the Benjaminite Addu clan... more
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      AramaicOld TestamentAkkadian LanguageDeuteronomistic History
State punishment is an exercise of state power. Punishment is an act said to be morally wrong so how are we to jus;fy their given right to impose inten;onal suffering on law-breakers? It follows that the need to refine which type of state... more
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      Social JusticeContemporary Political TheoryPunishment and PrisonsRetribution
Saint Anselm has three theories of justice and two of the relationship between justice and mercy, each one better than the last. The first theory of justice (in Monologion chapters 70 - 74) is mostly about divine justice with... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyJusticePhilosophy of PunishmentThe Atonement
T. M. Scanlon’s contractualism is a meta-ethical theory that explains moral motivation and also provides a conception of how to carry out moral deliberation. It supports non-consequentialism – the theory that both consequences and... more
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      DeterrenceRestorative JusticePhilosophy of PunishmentJustifications and Excuses
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This article demonstrates that the punishment eventually imposed upon Absalom was not only due to Nathan’s oracle in 2 Samuel 12, but was also the outcome of Absalom’s own deeds. Absalom’s narrative thus contributes to the structuring of... more
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      Books of SamuelRetributionAbsalom
1. Metodika a ciele výskumu Retribúcia sa objavuje vo svetových dejinách v polovici 20. storočia ako nový právny fenomén. Dovtedy nebolo mysliteľné, aby boli občania štátu súdení za skutky, ktoré boli v predošlom režime právne podložené a... more
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      20th century (History)Retribution
Recent empirical work suggests that emotions are responsible for deontological anti-consequentialist intuitions. For instance, anger places value on actions of revenge and retribution, value not derived from the consequences of these... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyMoral PsychologyAngerConsequentialism
Accounting information systems are needed in supporting the effectiveness of internal control. The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of existing accounting information systems in the company on the implementation of... more
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      Accounting Information SystemsRetributionInternal control system
According to Nazi anti-Semites, Jehovah's Witnesses were "Jewish worms." Nonetheless, the Jehovah's Witnesses considered themselves to be Christians. ln their fervent desire to imitate Christ, they publicly preached biblical messages, did... more
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      ReligionAnti-SemitismJews in PolandHolocaust
This chapter focuses on the relationship between liability in (criminal) law, responsibility, and retribution. It addresses the question whether law – in particular criminal law – should base liability on responsibility and whether... more
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      ResponsibilityFree will and determinism debateRetribution
It is impossible to imagine what Studies in Religion at the University of Sydney would have been like without the contribution of Garry Trompf (b. 27 November 1940, in Melbourne). The department (then called Religious Studies) was only... more
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      Religious StudiesRetributionFestchrift
The argument between retributivists and consequentialists about what morally justifies the punishment of offenders is incoherent. If we were to discover that all of the contending justifications were mistaken, there is no realistic... more
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      Criminal JusticeJurisprudencePhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Dans cet article, nous nous appuyons sur les thèses d’Alvaro Pires pour problématiser trois des principaux obstacles à l’évolution du droit criminel moderne, soient ceux découlant respectivement de la dénonciation, de la rétribution et de... more
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      Criminal LawRetributionDeterrence Theory
This is an updated version of the previous paper. Aside from some small changes in the framing of certain parts of discussion (especially, in the 'objections' subsection), the conclusion, footnotes & blue-booking, everything is here. The... more
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      Philosophy of Criminal LawPhilosophy of PunishmentCapital PunishmentRetributivism
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      Applied EthicsWestern EuropeResearch DesignSocial Justice
This paper criticizes four major approaches to criminal law – consequentialism, retributivism, abolitionism, and “mixed” pluralism – each of which, in its own fashion, affirms the celebrated emblem of the “scales of justice.” The argument... more
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      LawCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
El presente articulo analiza la "doctrina Parot" establecida por la STS 197/2006 de 28 de febrero. Para ello se realiza un estudio desde el momento en que estaban vigentes los preceptos legales que la misma interpreta hasta el... more
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      Legal HistoryRetributionFirst Czechoslovak RepublicCriminal and Procedural Law
A partir de una sentencia de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago, el artículo examina la tensión en que se encuentran nuestros tribunales de justicia, al indemnizar el daño moral en el ámbito de la responsabilidad extracontractual. Si... more
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      JurisprudenceLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawPhilosophy of Private Law
In hell, the vale of human suffering, there is an exact place where he, the Moon exists. Haven and hell, God and devil are united in it as the flame and shadow.
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      Russian StudiesMetaphysicsHellenistic LiteratureMetaphysics of properties
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      Philosophical TheologyEvolution and Human BehaviorForgivenessRetribution
This essay concerns Simone de Beauvoir's analysis of blame and punishment in "OEil pour oeil" and the irreconcilable tensions that haunt it. I study these tensions-between the desire to blame and punish and the inability to provide moral... more
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      Feminist PhilosophySimone de BeauvoirPhilosophy of PunishmentFeminist political philosophy
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The Protestant theological doctrine of the uses of the moral law had a striking analogue in the classic Anglo-American doctrine of the purposes of criminal law and punishment. Protestant theologians have long argued that God’s moral law... more
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      ReligionChristianityCriminal LawRehabilitation
Os profissionais envolvidos com o sistema penal rotineiramente tomam decisões sobre a culpabilidade e a punibilidade de transgressores. O comportamento de punir um ofensor tem sido estudado por psicólogos e neurocientistas, que buscam... more
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Legitimacy of criminal sanction is originated on its own purposes pursued in a state governed by the Rule of Law. That legitimacy should include the penalty as well as security measures, bearing in mind that both are imposed to someone... more
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      Criminal LawCulpabilitySecurity MeasuresRetribution